
Optimizing the world’s nursing and midwifery roles to meet the Millennium Development Goals for maternal and child health more effectively Nurses and midwives are essential to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to provide universal and more effective maternity care and safe childbirth, and to enable more children to grow up healthy and secure. The ambitious MDGs were set in 2000 and have a key monitoring milestone in 2015. Melinda Gates recently reminded the world that although the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that deaths in children aged 1–5 have decreased by 54% from 1990–2012, deaths of newborns under 28 days have not decreased as much (down 37%) (Gates 2014, Gates & Binagwaho 2014, World Health Organisation 2014). There is still a long way to go to achieving the MDGs. By raising political awareness of these trends and challenges, Melinda Gates is also speaking to the nursing and midwifery professions and reiterating the importance of their collective global contribution to and their responsibility for reducing maternal, neonatal and child deaths. Innovative solutions are required to improve availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of the nursing and midwifery care and services if more progress is to be made in reaching the maternal and child health MDG targets. However, a critical shortage of nurses and midwives, especially in lower and middle income countries, is hampering progress (Carr-Hill & Currie 2013). A new report on the state of the world’s midwifery showed that the 73 countries included in the report accounted for more than 92% of global maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths, but had only 42% of the world’s medical, midwifery and nursing personnel. Within these countries, workforce deficits were often most acute in areas where maternal and newborn mortality rates were highest. Only four of the 73 countries had a midwifery workforce that was able to meet the universal need for the 46 essential interventions for sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health (United Nations Population Fund 2014 page v.). The World Health Organization (WHO) has consistently promoted the use of evidence-based interventions to achieve universal access to health care. The delivery of © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

these interventions depends on access to a range of different cadres of health workers who can provide appropriate and high-quality care and referral. However, in many settings, the health workforce has been slow to self-organize, adapt and innovate to improve care delivery. In addition, there has been no global evidence-based guideline addressing the optimal organization of health worker roles and responsibilities for maternal and child health care. To accelerate progress towards reaching the maternal and child health MDGs, the WHO has now produced a global guideline that is of critical importance to nursing and midwifery. The guideline: ‘Optimizing health worker roles for maternal and newborn health’ (WHO 2012), provides options for national and subnational decision-makers regarding the rational distribution of tasks and responsibilities among cadres of health workers to improve access to maternal and newborn care. The guidance is underpinned by specially commissioned systematic reviews, and the recommendations can be explored through an interactive overview (Figure 1) on the OptimizeMNH website. In addition, a video has been produced to support dissemination of the guidance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 8UD_h1djjow; retrieved 20 June 2014). Users can browse the guideline by:

• •

Type of Recommendation – (e.g. whether the WHO recommends the intervention, or recommends against the intervention), and Type of Intervention – (e.g. whether the intervention is delivered during pregnancy or delivered after birth).

For each recommendation, users can also obtain more information on the justification provided by the WHO and can obtain the full text of the recommendation, including the evidence base and implementation considerations. Synthesis of the relevant evidence and production of the WHO guideline were a substantial endeavour that required innovative methodological developments in systematic review methodology and the use of new tools:

For the first time, the WHO systematically incorporated synthesized qualitative findings into a guideline. This included syntheses of the evidence on barriers and



Lay Health Workers

Auxiliary Nurses

Auxiliary Nurses Midwives



Associate Clinicians

Advanced Level Associate Clinicians

NonSpecialist Doctors

Contraceptive delivery 1·1-1.13 Promotion of maternal, newborn and reproductive health interventions

12·1 Initiation and maintenance of injectable contraceptives - CPAD

Because the product is still in development and studies are ongoing, no recommendation was by the panel.

12·2 Initiation and maintenance of injectable contraceptives standard syringe 12·3 Insertion and removal of intrauterine devices

12·4 Insertion and removal of contraceptive implants

12·5 Tubal ligation

12·6 Vasectomy

Figure 1 Interactive tool showing examples of task optimization recommendations for contraceptive delivery (http://www.optimizemnh.org/).

facilitators to the implementation of lay health worker programmes (Glenton et al. 2013), task shifting in midwifery (Colvin et al. 2013) and doctor–nurse substitution (Rashidian et al. 2012). These syntheses were, where possible, integrated with Cochrane effectiveness reviews on the same topics. A new framework (DECIDE) for assisting guideline panels in moving from evidence to a recommendation was adapted to incorporate qualitative evidence (Treweek et al. 2013, Decide Framework 2014). A new tool (CERQual) was developed to assess how much confidence to place in synthesized findings of qualitative evidence (Glenton et al. 2013).

There was also a ‘first’ for The Cochrane Collaboration when the Cochrane Library published a qualitative evidence synthesis integrated with a Cochrane effectiveness review (Lewin et al. 2010, Glenton et al. 2013). The importance of these methodological developments, as well as the evidencebased guidance and its potential impact on maternal and child health, was described in more detail in an editorial published in the Cochrane Library (G€ ulmezoglu et al. 2013), and in an article in the Guardian newspaper (Morton 2013). 2700

Publication of the OptimizeMNH recommendations should help nurses and midwives and their professional organizations meet the global challenge to further reduce maternal, neonatal and child deaths by better organizing their respective workforces and collaborating more actively and effectively with other cadres of health workers. The Guidance Panel made 119 recommendations: 36 for lay health workers, 23 for auxiliary nurses, 17 for auxiliary nurse midwives, 13 for nurses, 13 for midwives, eight for associate clinicians, eight for advanced level associate clinicians, and one for non-specialist doctors. For example, inserting and removing intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants by nurses and midwives was recommended for implementation. However, insertion and removal of contraceptive implants by lay health workers was only recommended in the context of further rigorous research. This rating category indicates that there were important uncertainties about the intervention being implemented by this cadre. In such instances, the implementation can still be undertaken at a large scale, provided that it takes the form of research which is able to address unanswered questions and uncertainties related both to the effectiveness of an intervention and its acceptability and feasibility (WHO 2012). © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd



Current roles and responsibilities of different cadres of health workers vary greatly from country to country and in many cases specific cadres may be delivering care and interventions informally, without the support of formal policies and clinical supervision to protect them and their patients. The guidance serves to clarify what different cadres of health workers can reasonably be expected to do and the support they need to do it. Nurses and midwives globally are encouraged to access the OptimizeMNH guidance (WHO 2012) and interactive tools (www.optimizemnh.org) and consider how best to more rationally distribute tasks, roles and responsibilities among cadres of health workers to ensure that every woman and child has access to an effective health worker and service. This involves better coordination of the task between doctors, nurses and midwives, and nurses and midwives and lay health workers. The guidance recommends different sets of task shifting between healthcare cadres dependent on the context and needs of countries. Nurses and midwives in high-income countries are also recommended to consider the option of reverse innovation by implementing recommendations for cadres of staff, interventions and services pioneered in lower income countries where significant health gains have already been made through task optimization and shifting in less complex and less costly health systems (Harris & Noyes 2012, Johnson et al. 2013). Jane Noyes 1, Benedicte Carlsen 2, Jackie Chandler 3, Christopher J. Colvin 4, Claire Glenton 5, A. Metin G€ ulmezoglu 6, Simon Lewin 7 and Arash Rashidian 8 1

Jane Noyes RN, PhD Professor of Health and Social Services Research & Child Health School of Social Sciences, Bangor University Bangor, UK e-mail: [email protected] 2

Benedicte Carlsen PhD Researcher Uni Research Rokkan Centre, Bergen, Norway 3

Jackie Chandler RN Methods Coordinator The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK 4

Christopher J. Colvin PhD Senior Research Officer Division of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (CIDER), School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd


Claire Glenton PhD Senior Researcher Global Health Unit, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Oslo, Norway 6

A. Metin G€ ulmezoglu MD, PhD Coordinator Department of Reproductive Health and Research, Maternal and Perinatal Health and Preventing Unsafe Abortion, UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme for Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland 5,7

Simon Lewin PhD Senior Researcher Global Health Unit, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Oslo, Norway and Health Systems Research Unit, Medical Research Council of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa 8

Arash Rashidian MD, PhD Associate Professor Knowledge Utilization Research Center and School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

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Editorial synthesis. Cochrane Database Systematic Review 10, CD010414. G€ ulmezoglu A.M., Chandler J., Shepperd S. & Pantoja T. (2013) Reviews of Qualitative Evidence: A New Milestone for Cochrane. Retrieved from http://www.thecochranelibrary.com/ details/editorial/5442531/Reviews-of-qualitativeevidence-a-newmilestone-for-Cochrane.html on 04 June 2013. Harris M. & Noyes J. (2012) It works in Brazil, but will it work in Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, North Wales? Revista Brasileira Sa ude da Famılia 33, 49–52. Johnson C.D., Noyes J., Haines A., Thomas K., Stockport C., Ribas A.N. & Harris M. (2013) Learning from the Brazilian community health worker model in North Wales. Global Health 9, 25. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-9-25. Lewin S., Munabi-Babigumira S., Glenton C., Daniels K., BoschCapblanch X., vanWyk B.E., Odgaard-Jensen J., Johansen M., Aja G.N., Zwarenstein M. & Scheel I.B. (2010) Lay health workers in primary and community health care for maternal and child health and the management of infectious diseases. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 3, CD004015. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004015.pub3. Morton H. (2013) Just how do you get health services to every woman and every child? Retrieved from http:// www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionalsnetwork/ 2013/nov/08/community-health-workers-every-woman-everychild on 04 June 2014. OptimizeMNH website. OptimizeMNH website and interactive tools. Retrieved from http://www.optimizemnh.org on 20 June 2014.


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Optimizing the world's nursing and midwifery roles to meet the Millennium Development Goals for maternal and child health more effectively.

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