Optimization of the Acceptance of Prebiotic Beverage Made from Cashew Nut Kernels and Passion Fruit Juice Marina Cabral Rebouc¸as, Maria do Carmo Passos Rodrigues, and Marcos Rodrigues Amorim Afonso

The aim of this research was to develop a prebiotic beverage from a hydrosoluble extract of broken cashew nut kernels and passion fruit juice using response surface methodology in order to optimize acceptance of its sensory attributes. A 22 central composite rotatable design was used, which produced 9 formulations, which were then evaluated using different concentrations of hydrosoluble cashew nut kernel, passion fruit juice, oligofructose, and 3% sugar. The use of response surface methodology to interpret the sensory data made it possible to obtain a formulation with satisfactory acceptance which met the criteria of bifidogenic action and use of hydrosoluble cashew nut kernels by using 14% oligofructose and 33% passion fruit juice.


Keywords: functional foods, nuts, oligofructose, response surface methodology, sensory analysis

As a result of this study, it was possible to obtain a new functional prebiotic product, which combined the nutritional and functional properties of cashew nut kernels and oligofructose with the sensory properties of passion fruit juice in a beverage with satisfactory sensory acceptance. This new product emerges as a new alternative for the industrial processing of broken cashew nut kernels, which have very low market value, enabling this sector to increase its profits.

Introduction The benefits of nut consumption are related, in part, to their lipidic profile, rich in both mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocols, and phytosterols (Griel and Kris-Etherton 2006). Several epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that the regular consumption of nuts is associated with a favorable blood lipid profile (Griel and Kris-Etherton 2006; Ternus and others 2009), a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease (Kelly and Sabat´e 2006; Kris-Etherton and others 2008), of type 2 diabetes (Jiang and others 2002; Jenkins and others 2008), and of some kinds of cancer (Gonz´alez and Salas-Salvad´o 2006; Davis and others 2008). In Brazil, the northeast region is by far the largest producer of cashew nut kernels (CNKs) and, in 2013, it was responsible for more than 98% of the country’s production (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat´ıstica [IBGE] 2013). Although it is native to Brazil, the cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) has adapted well to tropical conditions, resulting in the fact that Vietnam, India, and Tanzania are, alongside Brazil, the biggest CNK-producing countries (Andrade and others 2011). CNKs have a lipid composition made up principally of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Venkatachalam and Sathe 2006) as well as bioactive substances such as phenolic compounds, sterols, and tocopherols, which are the source of antioxidant activity (Miraliakbari and Shahidi 2008; Yang and others 2009). All of the amino acids that are essential for humans, both as adults and as children in the stage of development, can be found in CNKs, with the largest concentrations MS 20131290 Submitted 9/11/2013, Accepted 4/15/2014. Authors are with Centro de Ciˆencias Agr´arias, Depto. de Tecnologia de Alimentos – Univ. Federal do Cear´a, Campus do Pici, Av. Mister Hull, 2977 bloco 858, CEP 60356000 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Direct inquiries to author Rebouc¸as (E-mail: [email protected]).

R  C 2014 Institute of Food Technologists

doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12507 Further reproduction without permission is prohibited

of leucine (8%) and arginine (9.84%), the latter only essential for young people still in their developing stage (Venkatachalam and Sathe 2006). In the context of the development of healthy food products, functional foods are currently one of the areas into which most research is being carried out (Borgue and Soreson 2007). Among these food products are prebiotics, which act in the intestine promoting the proliferation of bifidobacteria in people of all ages (Meyer and Stasse-Wolthuis 2009). The predominance of these bacteria in the large intestine is essential to decrease the risk of various diseases and to improve health maintenance (Roberfroid and others 2010). Prebiotics can be added to food, based on their technological characteristics or on their nutritional properties, promoting an improvement in sensory quality and a better balance of nutritional composition (Chow 2002; Franck 2002; Huebner and others 2008; Granato and others 2012). The use of fruit juices for the propagation of functional ingredients has been proposed due to the fact that the juices themselves contain ingredients that are beneficial to human health, as well as having flavors, which are liked by people of all ages, being perceived as healthy and refreshing (Tuorila and Cardello 2002; Lucknow and Delahaunty 2004). In this context, passion fruit juice is well liked in several different markets due to its pleasant aroma and unique taste, which makes it an excellent ingredient in the formulation of beverages and other food products (Domingues and others 2012). During the formulation of new functional products, it is crucial to assess, right from the first stage of development, if this new product would meet the demands of consumers, besides providing acceptable and expected sensory properties (van Kleef and others 2005; Drake and others 2009). Optimization techniques together with response surface methodology (RSM), when used in the

Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014 r Journal of Food Science S1

S: Sensory & Food Quality

Practical Application:

Prebiotic beverage made from cashew nut . . . Table 1–Experimental design for preparation of prebiotics beverages (uncoded and coded values) and sensory analysis results. Sensory attributesa

Uncoded and coded values Formulation

O (%)

F1 5 (−1) F2 14 (+1) F3 5 (−1) F4 14 (+1) F5 9.5 (0) F6 9.5 (0) F7 3 (-1,41) F8 16 (+1,41) F9 9.5 (0) F10 9.5 (0) F11 9.5 (0) Psample (Hartley)c Psample (ANOVA)b Ppanelists (Hartley)c Ppanelists (ANOVA)b

J (%) 15(−1) 15 (−1) 50 (+1) 50 (+1) 8 (-1,41) 57 (+1,41) 32.5 (0) 32.5 (0) 32.5 (0) 32.5 (0) 32.5 (0)





4.54cd 6.98a 6.82a 4.14d 7.34a 5.5bc 7.22a 6.96a 6.68ab 6.24ab < 0.05

Optimization of the acceptance of prebiotic beverage made from cashew nut kernels and passion fruit juice.

The aim of this research was to develop a prebiotic beverage from a hydrosoluble extract of broken cashew nut kernels and passion fruit juice using re...
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