Zbl. Bakt. Abt. II, Bd. 130, S. 732-7:37 (1975)

[From Division of Microbiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India]

On the Relationship among Weight of Nodules~ their Leghaemoglobin and Bacteroid Content, Dry Weight, and Nitrogen Content of Soybean M. K. Jain and R. B. Rewari Summary The mutual relationships among weight of nodules, leghaemoglobin, bacteroids, dry weight, and nitrogen content of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill.) at two different age levels were studied. Six varieties, viz. Bragg, Improved Pelican, Clark-63, Punjab-I, Master piece, and Lee were used. The correlations among all these factors were found to be positive and significant in all the varieties with few exceptions. Fresh weight of nodules did not bear a significant correlation with the dry weight of plants at six weeks of growth in all the varieties.

Zusammenfassung Es wurden die wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen Kniillchengewicht, Leghamoglobin, Bac. teroiden, Trockengewicht und Stickstoffgehalt der Sojabohnen (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) bei zwei verschiedenen Altersstufen untersucht. Dafiir wurden sechs Sorten, und zwar Bragg, Improved Pelican, Clark-63, Punjab.l, Master piece und Lee, verwendet. Mit einigen Ausnahmen zeigten die Ergebnisse positive und signifikante Korrelationen zwischen allen diesen Faktoren in allen Sorten. Zwischen dem Frischgewicht der Kniillchen und dem Trockengewicht der Pflanzen bestand bei sechswochigem Wachstum bei keiner der Sorten eine signifikante Korrelation.

The appearance of leghaemoglobin and bacteroids is simultaneous, and both are indispensable for nitrogen fixation in root nodules. While the relationship between the amount of leghaemoglobin and the amount of nitrogen fixed has been observed from time to time (CHOPRA and SUBBA RAO 1967, SIDHU et aI, 1967, SCHIFFMANN and LOBEL 1973), much attention has not been paid to the relationship between the number of bacteroids in the nodules and the amount of nitrogen fixed, except for observations by SPICHER (1954) and CHOPRA and SUBBA RAO (1967). Though HEUMANN (1954) and CHOPRA and SUBBA RAO (1967) obtained a positive correlation, a quantitative relationship between the number of bacteroids and the concentration of leghaemoglobin has also not received much attention. Besides this, a relation was not observed between leghaemoglobin and nitrogen fixation in Glycine max, Lupinus pigitatus, and Kennerlya prostrata (GRAHAM and PARKER 1961). In the light of the above observations, the present report deals with the results of an investigation on the correlation studies among the weight of nodules, the number of bacteroids and the leghaemoglobin content of nodules, dry weight, and nitrogen content of six varieties of soybean at two different stages of growth.

On the Relationship among Weight of Nodules, th eir Leghaemoglobin etc.


Materials and Methods The culture of Rhizobium japonicum was obtained from the Culture Collection, Division of Micro· biology, and the six varieties of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill.), viz., Bragg, Improved Pelican, Punjab-I, Clark-63, Master piece, and Lee were obtained from the Division of Plant Introduction, 1. A. R. 1., New Delhi. Earthen pots, having each 12.5 kg of sieved soil (2 mm mesh) whi ch received a basal dressing of super phosphate per 100 kg/ha were u sed. Four plants were raised in each pot_ After six and eight weeks of growth the roots were wash ed ge ntly in a tray of water t o ge t ri

On the relationship among weight of nodules, their leghaemoglobin and bacteroid content, dry weight, and nitrogen content of soybean.

Zbl. Bakt. Abt. II, Bd. 130, S. 732-7:37 (1975) [From Division of Microbiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India] On the Rel...
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