I-_, b ‘2


I, pp. 161-l,i, Pergamon Press, -







Kxns Johnsson Departmantof Elcd CoagulationResearch, Karolinska Sjukhuset, 104 01 Stockholm, &eden.




in revisecl form 19.5.1975. H.C. Godal)

by Editor

Platelet fibrinogenin dogs was estimated inrnunologically before and during Dafibrase-induceddefibrinogenationof plasma. The antigen was identifiedby imnunoelectrophoresisand by SDS gel electrophoresisof reduced and non reduced sanples. The concentrationof platelet associated fibrinogenremained unaffected by the Defibrase treatment.The results indicate that neither fibrinogennor fibrin(-ogen)degradationproducts (FDP) are interchangedbetween plasma and the platelet. Uremic patients showed a normal concentrationof platelet fibrinogen. During the course of hdalysis no decrease in platelet fibrinogen content was observed in uremic patients.

IXIRCDUClTCN Fibrinogen in marsralianblcod platelets has been isolated and quantified by several workers (1,2,3,4,5).This intraplatelet-associated fibrinogenprobably related to the intracellulargranulae (61, has in some respects been distinguisablefrom plasma fibrinogen.Ithas been reportedthatithas


slower clotting with throsbin, a differentrobility in SDS gel electrophcresis and in agar gel irrmunoelectrophoresis (2,5). me twopro&ins


the samx sedimentatim Coefficients,total amino

acid ccmpositionand Wterminal amino acids (2). SCE investigatorsclaim 161






cf fter plasr?;in vitro of platelet fibrinogen,hmever, &gradation products zere i&ztified. These fitdir.gs indicate,that platelet fibrinogenis not degrackd by plasrkn dluringCefibrase treatmaM,.that platelet fibrinogenis degraded by plasrih in vitro and that ED? not are interchangedbeti~eenplatelets and slsm. In spite of that Cefibrase in vitro was capable to coagulate platelet fibrincgen,'bysplitting of fibrinopeptide-A,platelet fibrinogenremaked quantitatively unaffected during Defibrase treatrrent of the dogs. This discrepancy rnightsuggestthatoertain properties of the platelet fibrinogen

is changed

when it is released from the,platelets.Suciza statemant is in accordancewith a reported enzymatic activity in the platelets ~~hichin a reversiblemnner reducescertain disulfide bonds in the fibrinogenmlecule

(32). In this reduced

form fibrinogenis very difficult to coagulatewith throrrbinenzynes. Previous results have shm

that the administrationof substances capable

of inhibiting the platelet function, including platelet release reaction to defibrinogenisedindividuals, significantlyincrease the bleeding temkncy (31,33).It would, therefore,appear probable that in a plasma defibrinogenatedindividual plateletfibrinogenis of intact hemostatic capacity. Also

importance in the maintenanceof an

in vitro, the platelet fibrinogenseems to

be of certain significance for the platelet behaviour. Solurnand Stomrken (34)have pointed out that fibrinogenserves as an important co-factor for the ADP-rmadiated platelet aggregation.It is hw.?everpossible to aggregate plateletswith ADP even in the abscence of fibrinogen

in plasma in dogs trea-

ted with Defibrase,if the platelets are pre-exposed to thror&in (24).This mightbe a consequenceof a thrmbin-mediated release ofplateletfibrinogen whicfiin tum stistitutes for plasma fibrinogenas a co-factor for ADP, Keenah and Solum (8) and Holma et al (9) have shun that platelet fibrinogen my be released in vitro by thrtiin. In order to investigatewhether there was any release of platelet fibrinogenin viva, this content w=

examinedin uremicpatients before and after

hemdialysis. Lindsay (35) has previously shmn that an adhesion of platelets to the thrtiogenic surface of the dialysis filter takes place during extracorporeal circulation,despite a general heparihisation.It also appeared to us prabable that sane platelets do not adhere pemanently to the dialysis rrerrbrane, but are activated in connectionwith the wntact blood-dialysis filter, and thus activated, release part of their contents. Ma were Iunableto &serve any &crease in fibrinogencmaentration in platelets during hemdia-

lysis. This need net necessarilyexcluck a release of platelet fibrinogendluring dialysis as it is still not established-&ere the platelet fibrinogenis formed. It has been speculatedtiether the platelet fibrinogenmay be formed in circulatingplatelets (36) and in that case a release might be overlocked by this procedure. Ms consider that further stties of this aspect are iqortar-k,and we believe that the plasma defibrinogenisedanimal may well be a valuable experiment subject, possibly :tiththe help of labelled precursors. Uremic patients, irrespecti= etiology, have a documentarypathological platelet function and an increasedbleeding tendency (37).Gur results


lish that the content of platelet fibrinoqenin uremic shjects dces not differ from that of healthy subjects. A leered platelet fibrinogencontent is, therefore,not the caluseof this abnormal platelet faction, and preliminary results have shcklnthat fibrinogenis released from "uraemicplatelets" as well from 'normal platelets"with a cannercial cephalin (lhrombofaxR)(38) whicfiis capable to aggregateplatelets in vitro (39,40).

This workwas supportedby grants fromthe Swedish ~MadicalFksearch Comcil

(No. 19X-520). I express mj sincere gratitude to Dr. Margareta

Bloti&% for valuable discussion and for placing facilities.

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On platelet fibrinogen in plasma defibrinogenated dogs and in uremic patients before and after hemodialysis.

I-_, b ‘2 ~P~TELL!l?FIBRlX%ENIiZPLASW I, pp. 161-l,i, Pergamon Press, - I ?? 19,j Inc. DEF'l33~~~ IXXS AND IX URENIC PATIENTS BEo?JZ AN2 AFTER...
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