Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Role of Intermittent Hypoxia and Inflammation Anna M. May, MD1

Reena Mehra, MD, MS, FCCP, FAASM2

1 Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, University

Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio 2 Neurologic Institute, Respiratory Institute, Heart and Vascular Institute and Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Research University, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Address for correspondence Reena Mehra, MD, MS, Department of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave. FA-20, Cleveland, OH 44195 (e-mail: [email protected]).

Abstract Keywords

► obstructive sleep apnea ► inflammation ► intermittent hypoxia ► sympathetic nervous system activation

Obstructive sleep apnea results in intermittent hypoxia via repetitive upper airway obstruction leading to partial or complete upper airway closure, apneas and hypopneas, respectively. Intermittent hypoxia leads to sympathetic nervous system activation and oxidative stress with a resultant systemic inflammatory cascade. The putative mechanism by which obstructive sleep apnea has been linked to numerous pathologic conditions including stoke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and metabolic derangements is through these systemic effects. Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea appears to reduce systemic markers of inflammation and ameliorates the adverse sequelae of this disease.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is defined by recurrent upper airway collapse leading to cessation or decrement in airflow in the presence of continued thoraco-abdominal effort reflecting attempts to breathe against a closed airway. These recurrent episodes lead to intermittent hypoxemia and are terminated by increased respiratory efforts leading to resumption of respiration accompanied by arousals. The standard metric to gauge the severity of OSA is the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) which is an average of the combined number of apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep.1 An AHI of less than 5 is considered normal, whereas mild, moderate, and severe sleep apnea is defined by the following categories, respectively: 5 to 15, 15 to 30, and more than 30.1 Affecting in excess of 10% of the general population, OSA is a common sleep disorder.2,3 Epidemiologic studies have found that males have a prevalence of 9% and females 4% if defined by AHI greater than or equal to 15.3 Risk factors for OSA include increasing age,3–5 male gender,5–7 obesity,2,5,7,8 upper airway and craniofacial abnormalities,7,9 postmenopausal status,10,11 and family history.12 The first-line treatment for OSA is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), although several other viable alternatives are available which include

Issue Theme Clinical Consequences and Management of Sleep Disordered Breathing; Guest Editors, Ravi Aysola, MD, Teofilo L. Lee-Chiong, Jr., MD

other modes of noninvasive ventilation, oral appliances, implantable devices, and surgery. Multiple pathologic conditions have recently been linked with OSA including cardiovascular, neurologic, and metabolic diseases. Important underlying mechanisms for the development of these conditions include intermittent hypoxia and increased systemic inflammation associated with OSA.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Intermittent Hypoxia OSA is characterized by cyclical upper airway instability causing apneas—complete cessation of airflow—and hypopneas—partial reduction in airflow either leading to an arousal or desaturation. These apneic and hypopneic events that define OSA lead to intermittent hypercapnia and hypoxia by decreasing oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange which usually proceeds via passive diffusion across the thin alveolar membrane into adjoining capillaries. After resumption of respiration, compensatory hyperventilation ensues. OSA is through these mechanisms exemplified by chronic intermittent hypoxia often subsequently followed by ventilatory

Copyright © 2014 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1055/s-0034-1390023. ISSN 1069-3424.

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Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2014;35:531–544.

Role of Intermittent Hypoxia and Inflammation

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overshoot hyperoxia. Characterizing the severity of sleep apnea based on the standard AHI metric does have inherent limitations in capturing the true pathophysiology of OSA particularly in terms of hypoxia, as it often does not effectively convey the extent of hypoxia exposure or duration of sleep time spent in hypoxia. For example, the same AHI can be seen in patients who have a markedly different degree of oxygen desaturation accompanying their respective apneas and hypopneas. There are ample data to support that chronic intermittent hypoxia leads to sustained sympathoexcitation during the day and alterations in the vasculature resulting in hypertension in OSA. These underlying mechanisms involve not only augmentation of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity but also direct effects on central sites of sympathetic regulation.13 Intermittent hypoxia models in rodents have revealed an increase in noradrenergic terminals in neurons as well as increased pathways in the medulla.14–16 These alterations modify the neurologic substrate and thereby increase sympathetic activation and adrenal catecholamine release in response to hypoxia.14,15,17,18 Furthermore, oxidative stress has been implicated as a mechanism by which chronic intermittent hypoxia increases catecholamine release.17 Intermittent hypoxia in OSA creates the ideal milieu for oxidative stress and generation of free radicals particularly with vulnerability in the phase of ventilatory overshoot hyperoxia likely leading to an ischemia–reperfusion state. Evaluation of sympathetic activity of humans has shown increased plasma norepinephrine and muscle sympathetic activity in patients with OSA compared with matched controls which can be ameliorated with CPAP therapy.19,20 The increased sympathomimetic activity seen in OSA leads to many of the unfortunate comorbid sequelae of this disease.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Systemic Inflammation In vitro studies of intermittent hypoxia have shown increased systemic inflammation secondary to an increase in reactive oxygen species via mitochondrial dysfunction, activation of hypoxia-inducible transcription factors, and reduction in antioxidants.16,21 This effect appears to exhibit attenuation with the administration of antioxidants.16 Multiple studies have demonstrated increased proinflammatory cytokines in participants with OSA compared with controls. C-reactive protein elevation in patients with OSA has been shown in several studies22–25; however, further studies that adjusted for body mass index (BMI) did not show this association.26–28 In addition, the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort did not find an association between OSA and increased levels of C-reactive protein.29 Although several studies have shown decreases in C-reactive protein levels with CPAP treatment,25,30 others have failed to confirm this finding.26,28,31 In contrast, tumor necrosis factor-α levels are increased in OSA and fall with CPAP treatment; the putative etiology of this derangement is intermittent hypoxia.32–35 IL-8 levels in the same fashion are increased in OSA and decreased with therapy.35–38 Results have been mixed in terms of the relationship of IL-6 levels in Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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OSA with some studies indicating increased levels while others failing to demonstrate a significant association. Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), however, has been implicated in increased soluble IL-6 receptor levels even after consideration of obesity and exhibiting diurnal variation predisposing to increased levels in the morning compared with evening perhaps reflecting overnight OSA-related physiologic stress.25,32,35,39,40 Cell adhesion molecules such as intracellular cell adhesion molecule 1, vascular adhesion molecule 1, and L-selectin effectuate adherence of leukocytes to endothelium. Multiple studies have shown that these molecules are elevated in patients with OSA.41–44 In addition, CPAP treatment for 1 month has been demonstrated to decrease soluble cell adhesion molecules in OSA patients.45 Patients with OSA also appear to have a hypercoagulable state. For example, in the Cleveland Family Study we have shown increased levels of fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 particularly with exposure to a more mild degree of apnea.13 Elevations of activated coagulation factors have been demonstrated in OSA; however, 1 month of CPAP treatment did not affect these levels.46 Several studies have documented increased platelet activation and aggregation in OSA patients, which is reversed with CPAP therapy.47–49 In addition, several studies have documented increased fibrinogen levels in patients with OSA; however, only one trial demonstrated improvement in fibrinogen after CPAP therapy.33,50–54 These inflammatory effects on the coagulation system may increase propensity for cardiac and neurologic vascular morbidity.

Metabolic Risk Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance Obesity and OSA have bidirectional relationships which complicate the discussion of disorders which are linked to both of these diseases. In addition to increased oxidative stress and inflammation associated with OSA, intermittent hypoxia leads to sympathetic system activation which spurs gluconeogenesis in the liver.55 Increased levels of inflammation have been linked to increased adiposity and insulin resistance.56 Adipose tissue has multiple hormonal roles in the body including secretion of leptin and adiponectin.57 Obesity is correlated with downregulation of adiponectin secretion, a hormone that increases insulin sensitivity. Leptin has been implicated in satiety, decreased glucose, and reductions in adiposity and body weight.57 Although leptin levels are increased with increased adiposity, there is evidence of resistance to its effects in obese individuals which would predispose them to derangements in control of glucose. Experiments in animal models of mice have shown that animals with either diet-induced or genetic obesity exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia develop insulin resistance via changes in leptin secretion.58,59 A study of humans has shown that treatment of OSA with CPAP leads to significant decrease in leptin levels lending credence to the theory that OSA leads to leptin resistance and not vice versa.60–62 Lean animals exposed to intermittent hypoxia also developed insulin resistance, an effect that appeared to be independent of autonomic system activation.63

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Experiments in animal models have demonstrated that intermittent hypoxia results in insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Some of these effects are likely mediated by OSArelated autonomic nervous system dysregulation; however, evidence also points to effects independent of this as well. Specifically, β-cell dysfunction in intermittent hypoxia models occurs due to catecholamine-mediated inhibition of insulin secretion by activating α-2 adrenoreceptors in β cells64 and also impairment of insulin sensitivity with a lack of compensatory hyperinsulinemia.65 In human studies, interventional data demonstrate that exposure to intermittent hypoxia predisposes to metabolic derangements via pathways of insulin sensitivity, glucose handling, and insulin secretion; thus, identifying hypoxic stress as an important pathophysiologic mechanism.66 It is well known that obesity predisposes individuals to insulin resistance and diabetes. OSA-associated intermittent hypoxia appears to concomitantly induce insulin resistance primarily through mechanisms of elevated oxidative stress, increased lipid peroxidation, and upregulation of nuclear factor-κB and hypoxia-inducible factor-1.66 In healthy volunteers, 6 hours of intermittent hypoxia caused reduced insulin secretion as well as increased insulin resistance.67 Several cross-sectional epidemiologic studies have demonstrated a link between OSA and insulin resistance and diabetes.68–74 The Sleep Heart Health Study analyzed quartiles of AHI and oxygen desaturation and found an increased risk of glucose intolerance with increasing AHI which was exacerbated by hypoxia.75 In addition, several studies have shown that treatment with CPAP improves insulin resistance in nondiabetic patients and those with metabolic syndrome.33,76 Two studies which compared CPAP to a sham control did not show improvements in glycemic control or insulin resistance but suffered from poor CPAP adherence or short follow-up time.77,78 A study comparing 3 months of CPAP in people with OSA with obese controls did not find a significant change in insulin sensitivity or fasting glucose levels; however, once treatment adherence was taken into account, the sample size may have been too low to see a significant effect (n ¼ 10 for good compliance and n ¼ 6 for poor compliance).79 Combined, these studies indicate that OSA likely increases the risk of insulin resistance, which can predispose individuals to overt development of diabetes.

Cardiopulmonary Risk Hypertension Intermittent hypoxia, a cardinal feature of OSA, has been shown to stimulate the cardiac parasympathetic system resulting in bradycardia as well as peripheral sympathetic activation via the carotid body chemoreceptors.80–82 Therefore, repeated OSA-related intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia trigger alterations in both sympathetic and parasympathetic activation.83 Resumption of normoxia culminates in transient tachycardia and hypertension via unopposed sympathetic activation. The increased sympathetic tone secondary to intermittent hypoxia may be further augmented by arousals leading to abrupt increases in blood

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pressure.81,84–88 Data suggest, however, that apneas are required in addition to arousals to induce hypertension.89 OSA precipitates not only nocturnal hypertension but also increased blood pressure during the day, which may be secondary to sustained increased daytime sympathetic tone.19,85 Other mechanisms linking OSA to hypertension include increased renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system activity, impairment of endothelium-dependent vasodilation, and genetic predisposition.90 In particular, the contribution of endothelial dysfunction via reduction in nitric oxide bioavailability may be mediated by increased NF-kappa B activity induced by OSA-related intermittent hypoxia by increasing inducible nitric oxide synthase levels.91 Molecular mechanisms have been implicated including activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) of which NFATc3 induction by endothlelin-1 results in hypertension subsequent to chronic intermittent hypoxia.92 Normal sleep is characterized by parasympathetic tone increases which causes a reduction in blood pressure from the awake state by approximately 10% of the awake value, the socalled dipping pattern.93 Even in the background of increased cardiovascular risk, moderate-to-severe OSA, in particular intermittent hypoxia characterized by the oxygen desaturation index, has been associated with nondipping systolic and mean arterial blood pressure profiles based on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.94 These findings are of importance as nondipping blood pressure represents a clinically relevant marker of adverse cardiovascular outcomes and mortality.95 Recent data highlight the loss of normal blood pressure diurnal rhythm such that the increase in nighttime and morning blood pressure values were more pronounced than the daytime and evening values in patients with OSA.96 Furthermore, OSA also represents the most common secondary cause of resistant hypertension supporting the utility of treating OSA to improve blood pressure in this population97 with the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and rostral fluid shifts as potential culprits of resistant hypertension in OSA.98 Several large-scale population-based studies have documented increased hypertension incidence in individuals with OSA. The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort reported a dose–response relationship between increasing OSA severity category and increased incidence of hypertension even after consideration of obesity and other potential confounding factors.99 The Sleep Heart Health Study, the largest observational study of the cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea in a geographically diverse cohort, observed stronger relationships of OSA and incident hypertension in the nonobese participants suggesting that the relationship may be unrelated to obesity or findings are stronger in a group with less competing risk factors.100 Multiple meta-analyses have also confirmed the ability of CPAP to decrease both daytime and nocturnal blood pressure.101–105 Overall, PAP treatment for OSA has been associated with modest but significant reductions in diurnal and nocturnal systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. A randomized controlled trial of CPAP in patient with OSA showed that therapy decreases both daytime and nocturnal blood pressure with particular effect in persons with higher Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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Role of Intermittent Hypoxia and Inflammation

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AHI or those on antihypertensives.106 Two recent randomized controlled studies of CPAP therapy in OSA patients with drugresistant hypertension decreased daytime blood pressure.107,108 Importantly, the results of these studies have informed guidelines on the detection and treatment of difficult-to-treat hypertension.109

Ischemic Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Mortality Augmented systemic inflammation not only fosters the early development and growth of atherosclerotic lesions but also promotes plaque rupture leading to clinically manifest coronary artery disease.110 Two studies that investigated intermittent hypoxia in mice with dyslipidemia observed evolution of atheromatous plaque formation.110,111 Vascular relaxation is governed by endothelium-derived vasodilators such as nitric oxide; impaired vascular relaxation is an important precursor of atherosclerosis and may precede structural changes.110 Rat models of chronic intermittent hypoxia have demonstrated endothelin-induced vascular contraction.112,113 In addition, healthy nonsmoking people with OSA have reduced vascular relaxation, an effect that can be attenuated with CPAP therapy.114 Carotid intima-media thickness, a noninvasive, readily recognized marker of early atherosclerosis even in asymptomatic individuals, predicts coronary artery disease and stroke; this marker of early atherosclerosis has been associated with inflammation and oxidative stress.115–121 OSA has been linked to increased carotid intima-media thickness in a meta-analysis of 16 studies with a combined total of 1,415 patients.116 Although a 90-day study of CPAP did not show improvement in intimamedia thickness, a randomized sham-controlled trial of 4 months of CPAP therapy on carotid intima-media thickness showed a decrease with therapy in severe OSA.20,37 In an observational study of day–night variation of myocardial infarction, individuals with OSA had a 4.5-fold increased risk of chest pain starting at night compared with non-OSA controls with similar levels of cardiac comorbidities including obesity.122 In addition, people whose myocardial infarctions were initiated at night were six times more likely to have OSA: 91% of the patients with nocturnal myocardial infarction had OSA.122 A retrospective study of sudden cardiac death revealed increased rate of nocturnal events in individuals with OSA (46% in OSA vs. 21% in non-OSA controls).123 Increasing severity of OSA as defined by AHI was associated with increased risk of nocturnal sudden cardiac death with individuals with AHI > 40 at 2.6-fold increased risk compared with people with AHI < 5.123 Several large cohort studies have shown that lack of nocturnal blood pressure decrease is predictive of cardiovascular disease even in the absence of daytime hypertension.124–126 In a large cohort study of men with untreated OSA, simple snorers without OSA, and controls without sleep apnea showed a severity–dependent association of untreated OSA with cardiovascular events even after adjustment for confounders; treatment with CPAP decreased the risk to that of snorers without OSA.127 Specifically, in this cohort, an increased fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular event rate in OSA was observed which was ameliorated with CPAP therapy.127 Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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Several other studies have corroborated these findings by demonstrating increased cardiovascular risk with OSA, which is attenuated in response to CPAP treatment.127–130

Heart Failure Epidemiologic work has identified OSA as an independent predictor of incident heart failure with findings most pronounced in younger middle-aged men even after accounting for confounding factors.131 Both OSA and central sleep apnea, the latter with or without Cheyne Stokes respirations, are common often unrecognized comorbidities with heart failure occurring in 50 to 75% of those with either reduced ejection fraction systolic heart failure or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.132–137 Hypoxia impairs myocardial oxygen delivery causing direct effects on cardiac performance. Studies have shown increased afterload after hypoxia secondary to increased left ventricular stiffness and impaired relaxation.138 In addition, increased sympathetic activity from hypoxia leads to tachycardia and hypertension which further increases cardiac strain and afterload, potentially contributing to heart failure progression. Chronic exposure to hypoxia and hypercapnia may lead to pulmonary vascular remodeling. This may lead to ventricular hypertension, atrial dilatation, and increased transmural pressures impinging on endocardial vessels, thereby altering the distribution of blood flow and further perpetuating heart failure progression. Hypoxia and oxygen-derived free radicals can also damage cardiac myocytes and, thereby, increase the likelihood of deterioration of cardiac function. Upregulation of pathways of systemic inflammation may represent a final common pathway of autonomic dysfunction, hypoxia/hypercapnia, and mechanical cardiac influences from increasingly negative intrathoracic pressures. Recent data have identified the association of central sleep apnea and upregulation of pathways of inflammation with arrhythmia in patients with heart failure. Specifically, central apnea was related to nighttime arrhythmia and increased C-reactive protein in heart failure.139 Oxidative stress also contributes to myocardial cell injury as exhibited by increased troponin levels in rodent models as well as myocyte hypertrophy and fibrosis eventually culminating in left ventricular dysfunction.140–142 Chronic intermittent hypoxia leads to increased lipid peroxides which are associated in animal models with cardiac dysfunction as exhibited by increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.141 In addition, canine models demonstrate decreased ejection fraction and left ventricular hypertrophy in the face of chronic intermittent hypoxia.143 The benefit of the use of supplemental oxygen therapy in terms of sleep apnea in heart failure supports the biologic plausibility of the impact of hypoxia and alterations in ventilator responsiveness as pathophysiologic culprits. Specifically, supplemental oxygen results in reduced chemoreceptor sensitivity to PaCO2, reduced central apnea, and decreased sympathetic nervous system activity in heart failure. Heart failure patients with untreated OSA have a higher cardiovascular mortality compared with controls.144 Heart failure patients with OSA who are noncompliant with CPAP therapy had higher all-cause mortality.145 CPAP

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treatment has been shown to decrease the diastolic dysfunction which is more prevalent in patients with OSA.146 In those with OSA and heart failure, there are several trials which have shown improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction, left ventricular dilatation, systolic blood pressure, sympathetic activity, and quality of life with CPAP treatment.147 In the Canadian Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Central Sleep Apnea and HF (CANPAP) trial, the largest randomized controlled trial to date testing the efficacy of nocturnal CPAP in reducing mortality and transplant-free survival in patients with advanced heart failure, no difference in mortality was noted. However, improvements in the secondary outcomes of ejection fraction, norepinephrine levels, and distance walked in 6 minutes were observed.148 Several reasons have been postulated for the unexpected findings including increasing use of β blockers during the course of the study which may have precluded ascertaining PAP benefit, suboptimal PAP adherence, persistent apnea due to Cheyne Stoke respirations, and hemodynamic disadvantage of PAP in those with low volume state. A post hoc analysis of this study was performed to evaluate potential differences on outcome between those who were effectively treated for SDB and those who were not, and findings demonstrated that a substantial improvement in sleep apnea was associated with an improved survival until transplantation.149

Cardiac Arrhythmias Unlike in normal sleep which is characterized by reductions in heart rate, derangements in parasympathetic and sympathetic tone during and after episodes of intermittent hypoxia provide a substrate that increases potential for cardiac arrhythmogenesis. During episodes of hypoxia, vagal tone increases causing bradycardia which can lead to bradyarrhythmias and heart block during apneic episodes.80 The increased sympathetic tone following resumption of breathing characterized by hyperpnea can lead to tachyarrhythmias. In addition, cardiac structural changes can predispose to arrhythmias by promoting cardiac repolarization abnormalities.21 The hypoxia–reoxygenation which accompanies OSA increases free radical formation by activating lines of cellular inflammation including neutrophils and monocytes, and these inflammatory mediators may adversely affect cardiac myocyte function. Intermittent hypoxia results in activation of stress genes such as hypoxia-inducible factor-1 which influences transcription of genes which regulate oxygen delivery.150 Concordantly, atrial fibrillation is associated with hypoxia-inducible factor-1 which is upregulated in OSA.151 Tissue hypoxia in the fibrillated atria ascertained by HIF-1a and vascular endothelial growth factor-(1 mRNA are upregulated and may play a role in perpetuating atrial structural remodeling in OSA.150 Atrial fibrillation (AF) can be instigated by intermittent hypoxia. Increased vagal activation is followed by unopposed sympathetic activation when hypoxia ceases and increases likelihood of AF by shortening the atrial refractory period which predisposes to focal atrial discharges.152,153 In addition, increased systemic inflammation and oxidative stress lead to changes in cardiac structure which creates heteroge-

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neous regions of myocyte excitability and increases the risk for reentrant arrhythmias.21 The reoxygenation period after intermittent hypoxia is characterized by increased pulmonary vein burst firing.154 Several epidemiologic observational studies have highlighted a relatively strong magnitude of association of SDB and AF (odds ratio point estimates of 2–4) even after taking into account a host of potential confounding factors including age, BMI, and self-reported cardiovascular comorbidities including heart failure.155,156 Among elderly individuals, stronger associations have been reported between AF and central sleep apnea compared with OSA even after consideration of confounding factors.156 In this article, a threshold effect was noted such that a moderate-tosevere degree of SDB conferred the greatest increased odds of AF independent of self-reported heart failure and cardiovascular disease.156 In clinic-based studies, hypoxia has been identified as a likely pathophysiologic factor in OSA which results in increased incidence of atrial fibrillation157 and also increased recurrence of atrial fibrillation. 83 In elderly individuals, it appears that hypoxia defined by the percentage of sleep time spent less than 90% oxygen saturation may serve as a more pronounced contributor to ventricular arrhythmia rather than atrial arrhythmia.156 In terms of atrioventricular conduction delay, initial investigations reported high prevalence of second-and thirddegree heart block and sinus arrest in patients with OSA; however, subsequent studies have shown the prevalence to be around 1 to 5%.158 Participants with SDB had higher rates of first- and second-degree heart block (1.8 vs. 0.3% and 2.2 vs. 0.9%, respectively) in the Sleep Heart Health Study; however, these results did not reach statistical significance.155 OSA severity has been positively linked with nocturnal ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation, and asystole.159–161 Treatment with either CPAP or tracheostomy appears to abolish or severely reduce the rate of arrhythmias.159–161 In retrospective studies, treatment of OSA also appears to consistently mitigate the recurrence of AF after ablation or cardioversion.83,89,90

Pulmonary Hypertension Chronic intermittent hypoxemia causes oscillatory vasoconstriction and relaxation which cause cyclical alterations in the pulmonary arterial pressure.162,163 Several studies have shown that degree of hypoxia is correlated with a rise in pulmonary artery pressure.164,165 Over time, chronic intermittent hypoxia can cause irreversible changes in the pulmonary vasculature leading to pulmonary hypertension. Chronic hypoxia has been shown to lead to smooth muscle hypertrophy of pulmonary arteries as well as muscularization of previously nonmuscularized blood vessels.166 Mouse studies have shown that chronic intermittent hypoxia can engender changes of pulmonary hypertension including increased pulmonary arterial pressure, right heart failure, and muscularization of distal pulmonary arteries.167,168 These changes have been associated with activation of NADPH oxidase leading to increases in reactive oxygen species.169 Moreover, release of endothelial nitric oxide may be impaired in the pulmonary circulation of those with OSA which may Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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Role of Intermittent Hypoxia and Inflammation

Role of Intermittent Hypoxia and Inflammation

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adversely affect vascular smooth muscle tone of the pulmonary vasculature and promote vascular remodeling.170 Modest increases in pulmonary arterial pressure have been documented in patients with OSA.170 Interestingly, pulmonary artery pressures are increased from the initial phase of the apneic period (28  12 mm Hg) to the termination of the apnea (39  16 mm Hg) when measuring the transmural pulmonary artery pressure measures, that is, adjusting for apnea-related intrathoracic pressure swings, and these changes appear to be more pronounced in rapid eye movement (REM) versus non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.170 The primary mechanisms involved include not only hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction but also mechanical factors due to increased inspiratory effort, reflex mechanisms affecting vasculature, and increased left-sided filling pressures.170 However, it has not been clearly elucidated as to whether the pulmonary hypertension observed in OSA is attributable to a precapillary or postcapillary process. Abnormalities of right ventricular function and structure have been highlighted by data from the Sleep Heart Health study involving a subset of participants with echocardiogram data demonstrating increased right ventricular wall thickness in those with severe OSA compared with mild OSA and other data supporting reduced right ventricular contractility.170 Pulmonary hypertension is most pronounced in individuals with OSA who have hypoxic pulmonary or heart disease.171–175 When clinically significant pulmonary disease was excluded, studies have found that OSA patients have a 20 to 43% prevalence of pulmonary hypertension with a fairly large percentage of latent pulmonary hypertension.174,176–182 Noteworthy to these studies is the observation of association of pulmonary hypertension with mild daytime hypoxia or small airway function abnormalities.170 After 3 to 6 months of CPAP treatment versus sham CPAP in several randomized controlled trials, pulmonary artery pressure was reduced without any substantial change in daytime awake hypoxemia or lung function indices; moreover, improvement in reactivity of the pulmonary circulation to hypoxia was observed.176,178,183 Overall, these studies in animals and humans have uncovered the role of OSA in the development of mild pulmonary hypertension which appears to be ameliorated by OSA therapy.

Overlap Syndrome: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea The combined comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and OSA is termed overlap syndrome. Of note, OSA and COPD are among the most prevalent pulmonary diseases and share common pathophysiological mechanisms; therefore, the term overlap syndrome was coined, as this entity is a distinct process from either disease in isolation.184 Individuals with overlap syndrome are more likely to suffer from hypoxia than patients with either COPD or OSA alone and appear to have increased vulnerability to incident atrial fibrillation than either OSA or COPD patients.185 There are likely bidirectional mechanisms at play with COPD-associated skeletal myopathy and smoking, increasing upper airway collapsibility, and adversely affecting pharyngeal dilator acSeminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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tivity in conjunction with increased end-expiratory volumes in emphysema resulting in loss of lung recoil predisposing to increased airway collapsibility.186 Alternatively, OSA-related repetitive airway collapse leads to increases in lower airway resistance, and those with OSA may increase use of tobacco to counteract symptoms of sleepiness or to facilitate weight loss.187 Sleep even in the absence of OSA is accompanied by reduction in functional residual capacity during NREM sleep which becomes further pronounced during REM sleep due to blunting of the hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilator drive and skeletal muscle hypotonia. The degree of hypoxia during sleep occurring in COPD is even further accentuated due to starting on a steeper portion of the oxyhemoglobin curve and a reduction in minute ventilation of up to 32% during REM sleep.91 Increase sleep fragmentation, reduction in total sleep time and slow wave sleep as well as REM sleep are observed in COPD as are cough, nocturnal dyspnea, and medication side effects which can further disrupt sleep.91 Nocturnal oxygen desaturation in COPD occurs during sleep primarily due to alveolar hypoventilation, ventilation–perfusion mismatch, and reduction in end-expiratory volumes. Circadian influences are important to recognize as more severe nocturnal oxygen desaturation occurs during the early morning hours due to an increased amount of REM sleep during this portion of the sleep period and REM-related increase in parasympathetic nervous system activity may increase bronchoconstriction.91 Individuals with overlap syndrome have lower PaO2 levels compared with those with pure OSA and also higher PaCO2 compared with those with pure COPD.188 Overall, those with overlap syndrome are at higher risk of pulmonary hypertension, right-sided heart failure, and hypercapnia than either disorder alone with hypoxia likely serving as an important mediator. The role of OSA in the increase in mortality associated with COPD189 is highlighted by studies demonstrating a reduction in fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular event mortality conferred by CPAP in overlap syndrome patients compared with COPD.190 Hypoxia appears to be an important mechanism conferring increased morbidity and mortality in overlap syndrome as evidenced by data which showed improved survival in those treated with long-term oxygen treatment (LTOT) compared with those without treatment; however, CPAP combined with LTOT appeared to provide further augmentation of this survival benefit compared with LTOT alone.191

Neurologic Risk Stroke A hypercoagulable state, metabolic syndrome, and increased atherosclerosis predispose individuals with OSA to increased incidence of stroke. In addition, early morning blood viscosity likely mediated in part by hypoxia has been observed to be increased in OSA patients but not healthy controls, which may predispose these individuals to cerebrovascular accidents.192 Compounding these derangements, increased atrial fibrillation risk in OSA also makes these individuals more susceptible

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to embolic strokes. Early indications of elevated stroke risk in OSA led to evaluation of patients with cerebrovascular accidents for evidence of increased prevalence of sleep apnea. A study of acute stroke patients showed an independent correlation between amount of white matter disease and severity of OSA defined by the AHI.193 A meta-analysis of stroke and transient ischemic attack patients found that OSA was very prevalent in this cohort (72% with AHI > 5 and 38% with AHI > 20); sleep apnea was found to be more prevalent after recurrent strokes than initial strokes (74 vs. 57%).194 Multiple cross-sectional studies have shown an association between OSA and stroke. A cohort study of sleep clinic patients older than 50 years found an association between the combined outcome of incident stroke and death from any cause with OSA even after adjustment for confounders.195 In addition, the unadjusted rate of stroke was more than five times higher in the OSA group.195 In patients with coronary artery disease, OSA predicted not only cerebrovascular events but also a composite of stroke, myocardial infarction, and death.196 One of the first studies to examine the longitudinal relationship of OSA and stroke showed that OSA was associated with increased stroke and mortality compared with patients with nonrespiratory sleep disorders.195 One of the largest studies to examine the relationship of OSA and stroke involved more than 5,000 participants of the Sleep Heart Health Study which identified a significant association between the AHI (incorporating hypopnea associated with a 3% oxygen desaturation) in the severe category and increased incident ischemic stroke in men and women at levels of OSA above the moderate range.197 A recent meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies identified a twofold increase in risk of stroke in OSA patients.198 A study examining OSA patients found not only that their risk was increased compared with the general population at baseline but also that treatment with tracheostomy seemed to mitigate stroke risk when compared with weight loss recommendations.199 Two randomized controlled studies of CPAP treatment of OSA in stroke patients showed improvements in stroke-related impairment.200,201 Furthermore, a prospective observational 5-year trial of CPAP therapy for moderate-to-severe OSA in acute stroke patients showed decreased risk of mortality after adjustment for confounders including cardiovascular risk and metabolic variables.202

Neurocognitive Function Cognitive impairment—including sleepiness, fatigue, poor concentration or memory, and depression—are well known to be associated with OSA.203,204 Animal models have been paramount in characterizing the cause of these abnormalities. Rat models of intermittent hypoxia have shown oxidative stress-induced neuronal loss via activation of apoptosis in the hippocampus and cortex and decrements in spatial memory.205–209 Administration of antioxidants led to less apoptosis in rodents exposed to intermittent hypoxia.210 Mechanistic underpinnings of neurocognitive deficits observed in OSA include high levels of glutamate as well as molecular path-

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ways of downregulation of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor.211 Human studies have also shown decrements in cognitive function associated with OSA. Initial cross-sectional data from the Apnea Positive Pressure Long-term Efficacy Study (APPLES) involving more than 1,000 participants in a multicenter randomized controlled trial demonstrated that the compromise in neurocognitive performance in OSA was associated with the severity of hypoxemia in terms of intelligence, attention, and processing speed.212 The interventional trial results demonstrated that CPAP treatment improved subjective and objective measures of sleepiness particularly in participants with severe OSA and resulted in transient improvement in measures of executive and frontal lobe function in those with severe apnea.213 A meta-analysis of the effect of OSA on neurocognitive function noted adverse effects on attention and executive functioning as well as possible decrements in visual and motor ability.214 A dose– response relationship between the severity of OSA and vigilance has also been noted, and treatment of OSA seemed to reverse this effect.215 A fairly consistent findings across studies includes impairment in executive functioning related to OSA as well as improvement in this domain in response to OSA treatment.204 A study of 100 patients with OSA showed that nocturnal hypoxemia was associated with impaired processing speed, mental flexibility, and visual constructional ability.216 Alternatively, studies of visuospatial and construction ability impairments in OSA have been overall inconsistent and none reported improvement with OSA treatment.204,215 Brain imaging techniques provide indirect evidence of the role of OSA in inducing brain damage and leading to cognitive impairment. Studies have documented loss of cortical density in the hippocampal region, an area of the brain located in the medial temporal lobe which plays an important role in memory consolidation. In addition, there is weaker evidence of frontal cortex and generalized gray matter loss as well.217–222 MRI studies have revealed decrements in verbal memory, executive functioning, and information processing in patients with OSA.223 Three months of OSA treatment with CPAP showed not only improvements in neurocognitive indices of memory, vigilance, and executive function but also increased hippocampal and frontal gray matter.224 It seems clear that OSA has a negative effect on cognitive function in multiple domains, a result which is buttressed by evidence of loss of brain matter. Current science also seems to indicate that at least some of the functional loss can be recovered with OSA treatment.

Malignancy Risk A recent surge of literature has uncovered relationships of OSA and risk of malignancy. Increased inflammation and oxidative stress have been linked to cellular damage. Cellular models of cancer growth have consistently shown the negative effects of intermittent hypoxia.225–227 Two lung cancer cell lines exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia showed lower levels of apoptosis and higher invasion which may lead Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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Role of Intermittent Hypoxia and Inflammation

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to resistance to anticancer treatment.226 In addition, this stimulus leads to increased secretion of angiogenic hormones which may potentiate cancer growth.227 Animal studies have also shown the negative consequences of intermittent hypoxia. Intermittently hypoxic mice had a higher level of lung micrometastases compared with normoxia or chronic hypoxia.228 Similar experiments have shown increased melanoma lung metastases compared with normoxic controls.229 Furthermore, the relationship of OSA-related hypoxia ascertained by the oxygen desaturation index has been shown to be associated with increased 2,3-deoxyguanosine levels, a marker of oxidized DNA.230 The adverse cancer outcomes associated with OSA are likely mediated by intermittent hypoxia-induced changes in host immune responses as evidenced by experimental animal data demonstrating alterations in tumor-associated macrophages in response to intermittent hypoxia.231 Compelling data also demonstrate downregulation of expression patterns of peripheral blood leukocyte-enriched gene sets involved in neoplastic processes in response to CPAP in the setting of severe OSA.232 A large prospective cohort study using surveys to assess for snoring, breathing cessation, and somnolence found evidence of increased malignancy risk in sleepy participants younger than 50 years; however, this study suffers from not collecting objective data on SDB prevalence in the cohort.233 In a recent large Spanish cohort (n ¼ 4,910) of OSA patients followed over 4.5 years, increasing tertiles of hypoxia but not AHI were related to an increasing incidence of malignancy in fully adjusted analyses.234 In particular, an association of increasing AHI tertiles and cancer incidence was observed in those younger 65 years and in men.234 The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, a community-based epidemiologic study, found increased cancer mortality associated with SDB after adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and smoking.235 There was a dose–response relationship observed in both increasing severity of SDB as well as increasing time with hypoxia.235 These studies point to a potential link between OSA and cancer development and mortality.

References 1 Sleep-related breathing disorders in adults: recommendations






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Summary Overall, data support a link between OSA and adverse health consequences which are likely mediated by bouts of intermittent hypoxia, ventilatory overshoot hyperoxia, and upregulation of pathways of oxidative stress and systemic inflammation. Although the preponderance of data describes these relationships in terms of cardiovascular disease, cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, COPD, stroke, and neurocognition; emerging compelling data also highlight the importance of the influence of OSA on development of malignancy and risk of increased cancer-specific mortality. Reversal of OSA pathophysiology appears to improve many of these adverse cardiopulmonary and neurologic sequelae; albeit further rigorously performed studies are needed to identify specific thresholds of disease which would most benefit from OSA treatment as well as better delineating subgroup susceptibilities and responsiveness to therapy. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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Obstructive sleep apnea: role of intermittent hypoxia and inflammation.

Obstructive sleep apnea results in intermittent hypoxia via repetitive upper airway obstruction leading to partial or complete upper airway closure, a...
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