Nov., 1888.]



accustomed to have to deal with, and which in the hands of our ablest lithotomists, so often resulted in death. I say, therefore, of we cannot too highly estimate the value as applied in Indian Bigelow'a practice. operation NOTES ON LITHOLAPAXY, WITH SPECIAL In December 1886, Surgeon-Major Keegan REFERENCE TO THE OPERATION AS PERto the notice of the profession in the brought FORMED ON MALE CHILDREN. columns of the Lancet the extremely satisfactory By Surgeon G. DENNYS, results of litholapaxy as performed on male Civil Surgeon, Jalandhar. children, and gave a list of 58 such cases with a in his able Since the publication of Surgeon Frcycr'stotal of only one death. He states to on the that Surgeonpamphlet Deputy subject work on Litholapaxy in 1886, In which he General T. Beaumont is due the credit of first deals with a series of 128 cases of this operaoriginating the idea of the feasibility of praction with a total of only five deaths, I have tising litholapaxy in boys, but to Surgeonlittle doubt that Bigelow's operation has been or himself is due all the credit of Miij Keegan largely practised by surgeons in India. All that the operation can be safely perwho have had to deal with natives of this proving formed. When the theories one remembers country know how averse they are to any that had been held the extreme sensiregarding the involves that use of the surgeon's operation tiveness and liability to laceration of the mucous knife. Rather than submit to this, they "often membrane of the bladder and urethra in boys, in prefer to continue agony fol. years, till at the smallness of the the narrowness of last, worn out with constant suffering, and when the urethra and thebladder, undeveloped condition of life has become another burden, the urinary organs, all of which had been for relief. Many cases raised apply at some hospital by high authorities as arguments against of stone in the bladder thus come under the in boys, one cannot too highly litholapaxy surgeon's notice for the first time, when the the labors of Surgeon-Major Keegan, appreciate are extensively diseased and the patient who has most kidneys successfully refuted all these so weak and exhausted from years of suffering a brilliant series of 58 litholaarguments by for his that any operation relief must be attendin the death that occurred, boys, single ed with the gravest danger to life. Others paxies a and exceptional one, and therebeing peculiar apply for relief only when their stones have fore in no way detracting from the success of developed such enormous proportions that the the operation on boys in general. operation of litholapaxy is at once out of the Dr. Keegan, notwithstanding his brilliant question and the patient has to submit to the series of cases,, says that the operation as far more formidable operation of lithotomy. applied to boys " must undoubtedly be submitHad such patients only known a few years ted to accumulated experience of practical previously that their disease could be cured surgeons in all parts of the world before a the to without resorting surgeon's knife, there positive conclusion can be arrived at as to its can be little doubt that they would have applied and value." Since Dr. Keegan practicability for relief when their stones were yet small and wrote thus, Mr. Dalsham of St. Bartholomew's their kidneys and bladders healthy. The Hospital published in the British Medical operation of litholapaxy could then have been Journal of October 15th, 1887, an article ou the performed with a minimum risk to life and notes on three successful cases perwith subject with the almost certainty of the sufferer being formed by himself on boys aged, respectively, 11, able to return to his home within a week or so. 6, and 4 years, and on one case performed by X think 110 one who has had the opportunity of Mr. Willett of the same Hospital (an infant 15 practising litholapaxy can doubt for one moment months' old). He reported also on two successthat its introduction in India has been the ful cases performed by Mr. Cadge at the Normeans of alleviating much suffering and of sav- wich Hospital (boys aged 4 and 7 years), ing many lives, even when the operation has another on a bey at. 10 by Mr. Uhthaff, of been performed by less experienced hands than Brighton, and lastly, a case by Mr. John Morgan those of Surgeon Freyer and a total of eight Surgeon-Major on a child cat. 3 years; in all Keegan. There can be no doubt either that cases without a death. as time goes on and the natives of this country I venture to add now particulars of 13 coubegin to learn that stone in the bladder can be secutive successful cases of litholapaxy in boys, removed without the use of the knife and with and my Assistant Surgeon, myself by performed but little danger to life, sufferers will flock to Lala Mehr Chand, at the Jalandhar Civil our hospitals when the symptoms first declare during the period from 8th February themselves, and I imagine a few years hence, Hospital 1888 to 24th July 1888. The accompanying it will be quite the exception to meet with those statement will show at a glauce the age of enormous stones in the bladder which a dozen size of stone, &c. patieut, years ago every operating surgeon in Iudia 41 was















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Notes on Litholapaxy with Special Reference to the Operation as Performed on Male Children.

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