J. Storm-Mathisen, J . Zimmer and O.P. Ottersen (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 83 0 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)



Neurons, numbers and the hippocampal network David G. Amaral’, Norio Ishizuka2 and Brenda Claiborne3 ’The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, CA 92138, U.S.A., ’Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, .Tokyo, 113, Japan and ’Division of Life Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78285, U.S.A.

Anatomists involved with studies of the hippocampal formation are being prodded by computational modelers and physiologists who demand detailed and quantitative information concerning hippocampal neurons and circuits. The beautiful camera lucida drawings of old, and the elegant descriptions of dendritic form that accompanied them are giving way to computer-reconstructed and threedimensionally analyzed cells with rigorous determination of dendritic lengths and volumes, branching pattern and spine distribution. We will review certain quantitative aspects of hippocampal organization in the rat based on a survey of available literature and on our own intracellular labeling studies of granule cells of the dentate gyrus and pyramidal cells of the hippocampus. Some of the potential implications of these data for hippocampal information processing will be discussed.

Introduction Most of us are guilty of it. Hippocampologists have preached for decades that the hippocampusa is a relatively simple structure and thus an ideal region for studying the relationships between structure and function. And it is! But one potentially misleading implication of the “hippocampus is simple” message, is that the anatomical organization of the structure is thoroughly understood. It is certainly true that the basic organizational scheme of hippocampal anatomy has been well established through the classical Golgi studies of Ram6n y Cajal (1893), and Lorente de NO (1934), and the more recent experimental studies, such as those conducted for the last 40 years by Blackstad We consider the hippocampal formation to comprise several distinct regions including: the dentate gyrus; the hippocampus proper (which can be divided into CA3, CA2 and CAI fields); the subicular complex (which itself can be divided into the subiculum, presubiculum and parasubiculum); and the entorhinal cortex (which in the rat is generally divided into medial and lateral divisions). a

and his colleagues, (e.g. Blackstad, 1956). However, as the computational modelers and physiologists ask the anatomists for detailed information concerning the network characteristics of the hippocampal formation, it becomes painfully apparent that there are still gaping holes in our understanding of hippocampal circuitry, even at a descriptive level. And when quantitative questions are raised concerning hippocampal neurons or circuitry, they are more often met with shrugs than with answers. Perhaps a few examples might emphasize the gap between where we are and where we would like to be. It is well established that the layer I1 cells of the entorhinal cortex provide the main input to the outer portion of the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. Yet, it is still not particularly clear which specific cells in the entorhinal cortex project to a specific septotemporal level of the dentate gyrus. Moreover, there is no direct anatomical evidence regarding the total number of synapses that each entorhinal neuron contributes to the dentate gyrus or whether an entorhinal cell makes 1, 100, or


1000 synapses on a single dentate granule cell. Similarly, there is little or no information concerning the total number of inputs to a single hippocampal neuron. The lack of this type of information, while regrettable, is nonetheless understandable given the high level of difficulty associated with obtaining it. One way of collecting information about the number of inputs to a single neuron necessitates accurate three-dimensional reconstruction of the dendritic tree and subsequent determination of the total number of dendritic spines. These are technically demanding enterprises. Yet when completed, they would provide a reasonably accurate estimate of the amount of excitatory input to the neuron. Even these efforts, however, do not produce the whole picture of neuronal innervation since the inhibitory inputs, most of which end on the neuronal cell body or dendritic shafts, would not be appreciated. The definitive establishment of the total amount of input to a single hippocampal cell, through the serial electron microscopic analysis of a single labeled neuron is, while technically possible, probably prohibitively time-consuming. The intracellular labeling studies that we have conducted over the last several years and that we shall briefly describe in this chapter are considered to be first steps down the path of realistically defining the number and types of inputs to identified hippocampal neurons. The point of these opening paragraphs is that the hippocampal neuroanatomist is faced with a challenge. The computational modelers and physiologists are attempting to construct realistic simulations of hippocampal structure and function. The short-term goals might be to model the establishment of long-term potentiation or the selective responsivity of a CA1 place field. The long-term goal might be to model the role of the hippocampal formation in human memory function. If the silicon hippocampus is to faithfully represent the mechanisms employed in the biological hippocampus, it is important that the modelers be provided with an accurate summary of hippocampal circuitry. There are many exciting

new anatomical techniques that can potentially provide the kinds of quantitative data needed for accurate simulation of the hippocampal formation. The challenge for the neuroanatomist is to use these techniques to uncover the fundamental organizational principles of the hippocampal network. Rather than completed, the effort to establish a quantitative, functional neuroanatomy of the hippocampal formation has just gotten underway. In the remaining sections of this chapter, we will review some of the quantitative aspects of hippocampal neuroanatomy. We will also briefly summarize our own studies of the dendritic and axonal organization of neurons intracellularly filled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the in vitro slice preparation. We will combine these two bodies of data to discuss the pattern of interconnectivity between the various fields of the hippocampal formation. Neuronal numbers in the hippocampal formation A reasonable starting point for discussing the quantitative aspects of the rat hippocampal formation is a summary of the numbers of neurons in each of its fields (Fig. 1). Substantial work has been conducted to determine the number of cells in the dentate gyrus and hippocampus but unfortunately there is little or no information on the number of cells in much of the subicular complex and entorhinal cortex. To our knowledge, there has been no attempt to count the number of layer I1 entorhinal cells that project to the rat dentate gyrus. We have arrived at a rough estimate of this number by first estimating the surface area of layer I1 in a flattened entorhinal cortex preparation. For a mature rat we have estimated that the surface area of layer I1 is something in the order of 26 mm2 though this number might be inflated somewhat due to the flattening procedure. The depth of layer 11, while variable, is around 75 pm yielding a volume of about 1.95 x lo9 pm3. The average volume of a layer I1 cell is approximately 3500 pm3. If the

3 1,000,000


330,000 CA3

128,000 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the major excitatory connections in the hippocampal formation. The number of principal neurons in each of the cytoarchitectonic subdivisions is also indicated. The number of layer I1 cells in the rat entorhinal cortex (EC) that project to the dentate gyms is estimated to be approximately 200,000. There are about 1,000,000 granule cells in the dentate gyrus (DG), 330,000 pyramidal cells in the CA3 and CA2 fields of the hippocampus, 420,000 pyramidal cells in the CAI field and about 128,000 pyramidal cells in the subiculum. No counts are available for the presubiculumor parasubiculum.

volume of the layer were totally accounted for by the cell bodies, then approximately 560,000 cells could be packed into layer 11. However, the cell bodies occupy only about 40% of the volume of the cell layer and thus the total number of layer I1 cells might be something closer to 225,000 cells. Since these values are only approximate, in the calculations presented in the following sections we will use a value of 200,000 for the number of entorhinal cells that project to the dentate gyrus. This should only be considered a rqugh approximation to the real value, however, which ultimately must be determined by rigorous morphometric methods. There has been substantially more work done to establish the number of granule cells in the rat dentate gyrus. As indicated in Table I, the number of granule cells counted in one hemisphere appears to depend somewhat on the strain and age of the animal studied. One reason for this is that there is a continual increase in the number of granule cells in the juvenile and adult rat brain (Bayer, 1982; Bayer et al., 1982), and the age at which the cells are counted, therefore, can be influential on the number obtained. The range of granule cell counts is from approximately 0.6 x 106 to 2.2 x lo6.

The Sprague - Dawley rat, which we have used for the dendritic analyses described below, has approximately 1 x lo6 granule cells in the dentate gyrus (Boss et al., 1985), and we shall use this number in our subsequent calculations. Seress and Pokorny (1981) also noted that there were about 3500 pyramidal basket cells in the dentate gyrus for an average ratio of 1 basket cell for every 180 granule cells (as indicated in Table I, they counted approximately 0.63 x lo6 granule cells in the dentate gyrus). These basket cells, which are situated at the interface of the granule cell and polymorphic layers, are predominantly GABAergic and supply an inhibitory input to the granule cells. Seress and Pokorny (1981) made the important point that these inhibitory interneurons are not homogeneously distributed throughout the septotemporal extent of the hippocampal formation. They found that the ratio of basket cells to granule cells was highest septally (1 : 100 in the suprapyramidal blade of the dentate gyrus and 1: 180 in the infrapyramidal blade) and lowest at the temporal pole (1 : 150 in the suprapyramidal blade and 1 : 300 in the infrapyramidal blade). Seress (1988) also established that there are approximately 32,500 cells in the polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus. Of these, approximately 30070, or about 10,OOO cells, are immunoreactive for somatostatin and GAD (Kosaka et al., 1988; Amaral, unpublished observations). The remaining 20,000 hilar neurons are heterogeneous but many are presumably the mossy cells that originate in the associational and commissural projections of the dentate gyrus. Cell counts in the CA fields of the hippocampus also appear to be somewhat strain-dependent (Table I). Boss et al. (1987) found that in the Sprague - Dawley rat, there were approximately 3.3 x lo5 neurons in the CA3/CA2 field and 4.2 x lo5 cells in CAI. In the Wistar rat, they found 2.1 x lo5 cells in CA3/CA2 and 3.2 x lo5 in CAI. For the discussions of interconnectivity below, we will use the data obtained by Boss et al. (1987) for Sprague - Dawley rats since these can be used in conjunction with their similarly derived


TABLE 1 Neuronal numbers in rat hippocampal formation Field






Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar Wistar SD SD SD Holtzman Long - Evans CFY

adult adult adult 30 days 120 days 200 days 365 days 30 days 120 days 365 days 30 days 120 days 365 days 28 days 3 - 4 months 3 - 4 months

M M M, F M M M M F F F F F F

0.998 2.17 0.635 0.894 0.978 1.107 1.276 0.71 1.02 0.81 1.03 0.99 1.04 0.63 0.656 0.892

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

CA3/C A2





Wistar SD Long - Evans CFY

adult 1 month 3 - 4 months 3 - 4 months

0.19 (0.143 0.157 0.33 0.184

x x x x x


Wistar SD Wistar


? ? ?


lo6 lo6

Gaarskjaer (1978) West and Andersen (1 980) Seress and Pokorny (1981) Bayer (1982) Bayer (1982) Bayer (1982) Bayer (1982) Boss et al. (1985) Boss et al. (1985) Boss et al. (1985) Boss et al. (1985) Boss et al. (1985) Boss et al. (1985) Schlessinger et al. (1975) Seress (1988) Seress (1988)


Gaarskjaer (1978)

lo6 106

lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 106

106 lo6 lo6 106



106)a lo6 lo6 lo6 0.170 x lo6

Cassell (1980) Boss et al. (1987) Seress (1988) Seress (1988)

adult 1 month


0.213 x lo6 0.42 x lo6

Cassell (1980) Boss et al. (1987)



0.128 x lo6

Cassell (1980)

M F ?


This number resulted when a correction for partial neurons was employed.

data for the dentate gyrus of the same rat strain. Cassell (1980) found that the CA2 field contained approximately 7.9% of the cells in the CA3/CA2 region or about 12,390 in his studies. He also reported that there are about 1.28 x lo5 neurons in the subiculum.

Neurons and connections of the dentate gyrus In the last several years we have developed a means of labeling and quantitatively analyzing the dendritic and local axonal plexus of neurons in the hippocampal formation (Claiborne et al., 1986, 1990; Ishizuka et al., in preparation). The procedure we have adopted involves the intracellular

injection of HRP into neurons in the in vitro hippocampal slice preparation. After an appropriate survival period, the 400-pm-thick slice is fixed by immersion in aldehydes and ultimately processed without sectioning for the visualization of the HRP. The neurons are initially analyzed for the completeness of staining and the occurrence of cut dendrites at the surfaces of the slice. Neurons that meet a set of stringent selection criteria are then analyzed using a three-dimensional computer digitizing system and various parameters of dendritic and axonal organization are quantitatively evaluated. We have analyzed the organization of dendrites of the dentate granule cells located at a mid-


septotemporal level and within the supra- and infrapyramidal blades of the granule cell layer. The mean total dendritic length for the population of 48 granule cells that we have systematically studied was approximately 3200 pm with individual values ranging from 2324 pm to 4582 pm (Claiborne et al., 1990). The mean value in our study compares favorably with the value of about 3600 pm obtained by Desmond and Levy (1982) who used the Golgi technique and probabilistic mathematical corrections for cut dendrites based on serial section reconstruction of a small number of labeled cells. Caceres and Steward (1983) using similar methods arrived at an average granule cell dendritic length of 2986 pm. We found that the size and shape of the dendritic trees of the granule cells varied in a consistent fashion dependent on the position of the cell in the granule cell layer and in the transverse axis of the dentate gyrus (Fig. 2). The dendritic trees of granule cells in the suprapyramidal blade, for example, were significantly larger than those in the infrapyramidal blade (3478 ~t-88 pm versus 2793 +- 74 pm; mean +- S.E.M.). We also found that about 23% of the total dendritic length was located in the granule cell layer and the inner fourth of the molecular layer. The next fourth of the molecular layer contained about 21 Yo, the third fourth contained about 25% and the superficial fourth contained 3 1 To. Thus, the outer threefourths of the layer, where the fibers of the entorhinal cortex terminate, contain approximately 77% of the total dendritic length of the granule cells. It is notoriously difficult to obtain total spine counts for individual neurons. With the Golgi method, which is commonly used for studies of spine density, spines on the deep surface of visualized dendrites are obscured by the dense precipitate of the dendritic shaft. A number of correction procedures have been developed, however, in order to achieve realistic estimates of the total number of spines (e.g. Stirling and Bliss, 1978; Feldman and Peters, 1979). Desmond and Levy (1985) used the correction procedure of Stirling and Bliss (1979), and arrived at spine densities of




Fig. 2. Diagram of the rat hippocampus with computergenerated drawings of dentate granule cells and hippocampal pyramidal cells. In the dentate gyrus (DG) 3 cells are drawn. The average total dendritic length for cells in the suprapyramidalblade (3500 pm) is significantly larger than for cells in the infrapyramidal blade (2800 pm). For the CA3 and CAI cells, the dendritic lengths indicated are the averages for the population of neurons described in the text. In the population of CA3 neurons, about 8300 pm of dendrite were located in stratum oriens, 3900 pm in stratum radiatum and approximately 3800 pm in stratum lacunosum-moleculare. For the population of CA1 cells, approximately 4600 pm of dendrite were located in stratum oriens, 6100 pm in stratum radiatum and 2500 pm in stratum lacunosum-moleculare.

1.6 spines/pm for cells in the suprapyramidal blade and 1.3 spines/pm for cells in the infrapyramidal blade. Given the average total dendritic lengths we found for granule cells, cells in the suprapyramidal blade would have about 5600 spines while cells in the infrapyramidal blade would have about 3600 spines. If we divide the total number of granule cells between these two categories, there would be approximately ((500,000 x 5600) + (500,000 x 3600)) or 4.6 x lo9 total spines on the population of dentate granule cells. Matthews et al. (1976) found that unilateral removal of the entorhinal cortex resulted in a loss of at least 86% of the synapses in the outer threefourths of the molecular layer. Something between 1 % (Matthews et al., 1976) and 10% (Crain et al., 1973), of the synapses in the molecular layer


demonstrate symmetric contacts and are presumably formed on the dendritic shaft rather than on spines. Thus, it is not unreasonable to make the simplifying assumption that entorhinal terminals occupy most, if not all, of the spines in the outer three-fourths of the molecular layer. Since the entorhinal termination zone of the molecular layer contains about 77% of the total granule cell dendritic length, we would expect that approximately 3.542 x lo9 spines would be available for perforant path termination. If this number is divided by the total number of layer I1 entorhinal cells, then each entorhinal cell could be expected to terminate on approximately 17,710 spines in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrusb. If each entorhinal cell makes only one contact per granule cell, then a layer I1 cell would terminate on 17,710 granule cells or approximately 2% of the total population. Of course, if each entorhinal cell makes 10 contacts per granule cell dendritic tree, then these numbers would be reduced to 1771 and 0.2%. Conversely, each granule cell in the suprapyramidal blade has about (0.77 x 5600) or 4312 spines in the entorhinal termination zone and thus can receive input from a maximum of (4312/ 200,000) or 2.2% of the layer I1 entorhinal cells; granule cells in the infrapyramidal blade would be innervated by approximately (0.77 x 3600)/ 200,000 or 1.4% of the entorhinal cells. While the absolute parameters of the entorhinal to dentate projection are not yet certain, it appears that this projection provides for relatively widespread distribution of entorhinal influence on the dentate gyrus. The dentate granule cells give rise to distinctive axons, the mossy fibers, that collateralize in the

One assumption in these discussions of connectivity is that each spine receives only 1 asymmetric contact. Westrum and Blackstad, 1962, have demonstrated by three-dimensional reconstruction of electron micrographs of spines in stratum radiatum of CAI, that a spine was almost never in contact with more than one presynaptic varicosity. A similar situation appears to be the case for the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (Laatsch and Cowan, 1966).

polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus before entering the CA3 field of the hippocampus. Within the polymorphic layer, the mossy fiber collaterals bear two types of varicosities. Numerous small (= 2 pm) varicosities are distributed unevenly along the collaterals. The collateral plexus of a single granule cell contains, on average, 160 of these varicosities which electron microscopic analysis confirmed to be presynaptic boutons. Each collateral (there are 7 collaterals, on average, arising from each mossy fiber as it traverses the polymorphic layer) also generally bears one larger, irregularly shaped varicosity that resembles a smaller version of the mossy fiber expansions that contact the CA3 pyramidal cells. The mossy fiber collaterals terminate on many cells in the polymorphic layer including basket cells and the mossy cells (Ribak et al., 1985). The proximal dendrites of the mossy cells are heavily encrusted with thorny excrescences (the postsynaptic spine-like specialization that is characteristic of mossy fiber contact). Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict how many granule cells innervate an individual mossy cell. Similarly, while the mossy cell axon is known to provide the major input to the deep quarter of the molecular layer, this projection overlaps partially with the projection from the supramammillary area of the hypothalamus. However, the hypothalamic projection terminates preferentially on dendritic shafts rather than on spines (Dent et al., 1983). The inner fourth of the molecular layer contains approximately ((0.23 x 5600 x 500,000) + (0.23 x 3600 x 500,000)) or 1.058 x lo9 spines. If we assume that the mossy cell axons terminate on most of the spines in the inner fourth of the molecular layer and that the inputs are about equally divided from ipsilateral and contralateral mossy cells (Fricke and Cowan, 1978; Kishi et al., 1980), then each mossy cell would be expected to terminate on approximately ((1.058 x 109/20,000)/2) = 26,450 spines in the molecular layer. (Note that this calculation assumes that the mossy cells make up the major portion of the non GABAergic cells located in the polymorphic layer.) As with the entorhinal projection to the dentate

gyrus, it is not known how many contacts each mossy cell makes with each granule cell and thus the total number of granule cells influenced by one mossy cell is presently unknown. The principal output of the dentate gyrus is to the CA3 field of the hippocampus. Mossy fibers make several en passant synapses on the proximal dendrites of the CA3 cells. The presynaptic expansion is unusually large (= 3 - 6 pm) and irregular in shape with several fine filipodial extensions (Amaral, 1979). We found that the mossy fiber expansions were spaced approximately 140 pm apart along the trajectory of individual mossy fibers. Thus, each mossy fiber contains approximately 14 expansions along its trajectory. Assuming that each presynaptic expansion terminates on only one pyramidal cell (there is no evidence that this is, or is not, the case) each granule cell would then contact approximately 14 pyramidal cells. Mossy fibers do not contact the pyramidal cells of the CA2 region. Thus, if we correct the figure of CA3/CA2 pyramidal cells provided by Boss et al. (1987) by subtracting 7.9% of the cells (this is the figure that Cassell (1980) found for the number of CA2 cells), then the CA3 field alone would contain (330,000 x 0.921) = 303,930 pyramidal cells. Each CA3 cell, then, could be expected to be innervated by approximately ((1 x lo6 x 14)/303,930) = 46 granule cells. In contrast to the apparently widespread entorhino-dentate projection, the mossy fiber projection to the CA3 field appears to be both spatially and numerically limited. If the calculations given above prove to be accurate, then each granule cell would contact only (14/303,930) or 0.0046% of the pyramidal cells and each CA3 pyramidal cell would be influenced by only (46/1,000,000) or 0.0046% of the granule cells. Neurons and connections in the hippocampus

We have conducted intracellular HRP investigations of the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus similar to those described above for the dentate gyrus (Ishizuka et al., in preparation). In general,

we have found that the dendritic trees of hippocampal pyramidal cells are substantially longer than previously published reports have indicated. Moreover, we found that the size and shape of dendritic trees of the CA3 cells vary in a consistent manner depending on the transverse location of the cell in the pyramidal cell layer. In contrast, the pyramidal cells of the CA1 field demonstrate a striking homogeneity in total dendritic length despite differences in the number and distribution of dendritic branches. While it is beyond the scope of this chapter to fully describe these findings, we will briefly summarize some of them to provide the basis for comments on the connectivity of the hippocampal fields. The CA3 neurons with the largest dendritic trees are located distally in the field, i.e. close to CA2. In our population of labeled cells there were 4 neurons in this region that had complete or nearly complete dendritic trees: 3 of the cells had no cut dendrites and 1 cell had 1 cut distal apical branch (Fig. 2). The total dendritic length of these neurons averaged 16,146 pm with a range of 15,243 pm to 17,492 pm. In these distally located cells, the largest component of the dendritic tree was located in stratum oriens. The average total dendritic length in stratum oriens was approximately 8281 pm or 51% of the total dendritic length. The next highest amount was found in stratum radiatum with approximately 3896 pm (or 24% of the total dendritic length) followed by stratum lacunosummoleculare with 3742 pm (or 23% of the total dendritic length). The pyramidal cell layer and stratum lucidum contained about 352 pm (or 2%). The dendritic trees of the CA1 pyramidal cells show a fair amount of variability in overall organization. Some, for example, have one principal apical dendritic shaft while others have two. The total dendritic lengths, however, were quite similar across the population of sampled pyramidal cells. A description of 8 CAI pyramidal cells with no cut dendrites located in the midtransverse position of the CA1 field will serve to summarize their dendritic patterns (Fig. 2). The average total dendritic length for this group of


CA1 neurons was 13,265 pm with a range of 11,127 pm to 14,472 pm. In contrast to the CA3 cells, the largest single component of the dendritic tree was located in stratum radiatum which contained, on average, 6125 pm (or 46070 of the total dendritic length). Stratum oriens contained an average of 4644 pm (or 35% of the total dendritic length) and stratum lacunosum-moleculare contained an average of 2475 pm (or 19% of the total). As noted above, the total dendritic lengths of CAI and CA3 cells observed using the in vitro, intracellular staining procedures were substantially higher than those typically published from Golgi studies. Englisch et al. (1974), for example, found that the total dendritic length of CA1 cells from mature rats was approximately 4359 pm and Pokorny and Yamamoto (1981) found a total dendritic length of about 4886 pm. Minkwitz (1976) found a slightly,higher total dendritic length (5613 pm) in the 20-day-old rat. Even the latter figure, however, is roughly 40% of the length we observed in our cells. Seress and Pokorny (1981) found that cells located in the proximal part of CA3 had a total dendritic length of 4450 pm which was well below the smallest dendritic tree we observed in this area (7569 pm). More recently, Fitch et al. (1989) quantitatively examined CA3 pyramidal cells located about midway along the transverse axis of the CA3 field. The largest of the cells investigated in their study had an average total dendritic length of approximately 5115 pm. The average length of the intracellularly labeled cells in this region in our in vitro studies, however, was approximately 12,213 Km. It would appear, therefore, that while the Golgi method is ideal for qualitative examinations of neuronal form and connectivity, substantial caution must be exercised in using it for quantitative investigations of neuronal size and connectivity. The numerous technical limitations of the Golgi method can certainly be overcome using strategies such as those developed by Desmond and Levy (1982), yet, if uncorrected, estimates of dendritic lengths using the Golgi method probably greatly underestimate the true lengths of neurons.

A number of studies have investigated the distribution and density of spines on the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus. Most of these studies were conducted, however, in the context of developmental analyses or investigations of environmental modifications of dendritic form. Wenzel et al. (1972) estimated the number of spines on the main apical shafts of CA1 pyramidal cells. They found that the density of spines was not uniform along the dendrite and peaked at approximately 1 spinelpm in the superficial portion of stratum radiatum and the deep portion of stratum lacunosum-moleculare. The overall spine density was approximately 0.5 spines/pm. These figures were uncorrected for unseen spines as are all available spine counts conducted in the hippocampal fields. When counts of spines were made on the lateral side-branches of the apical and basal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells, the average density of visible spines was approximately 0.78 spines/pm (Englisch et al., 1974). Lacey (1985) reported a spine density of approximately 1 spinelpm on secondary dendrites of CA1 cells and slightly lower numbers on CA3 cells. Meyer et al. (1978) found a slightly higher density of spines (lS/pm) along the higher order apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells of the albino mouse. Meyer and Ferres-Torres (1 978) analyzed several portions of the dendritic trees of pyramidal cells in the developing mouse hippocampus and, in mature animals, found that the distal apical dendrites on CAI cells contained approximately 1.5 spinedpm; basal dendrites contained slightly lower densities. Distal CA3 apical dendrites also contained approximately the same density. Muma and Rowel1 (1988) found a spine density of 0.825/pm for mice aged 20 - 24 months. Because of the 400 pm thickness of the in vitro hippocampal slices with the resulting limited resolution, we have not attempted to count spines on the intracellularly labeled neurons. It is clear, however, that a refined analysis of the inputs to hippocampal pyramidal cells will necessitate a realistic estimate of spine density. From the data reviewed above, it would seem reasonable to use a value of 1 spine/pm of den-


dritic length as a conservative estimate of spine density in the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells. Thus, within stratum radiatum and stratum oriens, the larger CA3 cells would have something in the order of 12,000 spines. The dendrites in the same regions of CA1 cells would have about 11,000 spines. We can make the simplifying assumption that most of these spines receive inputs from CA3 cells (either through the longitudinal associational connections in CA3 or through the Schaffer collateral system in CA1) and that the inputs arise equally from the ipsilateral and contralateral sides. Thus, a single CA3 pyramidal cell would be innervated by approximately 6000 other CA3 pyramidal cells or about (6000/303,930) or 1.9% of the CA3 cell population. Similarly, a CA1 pyramidal cell might receive input from 5500 CA3 cells or about 1.8% of the CA3 pyramidal cell population. Thus, like the entorhinal cortex to dentate gyrus projection, the CA3 projections to CA3 and CA1 appear to be divergent and organized for fairly extensive intercommunication. It is also interesting to point out that the distal dendrites of the larger CA3 cells may have as many as 3742 spines in stratum lacunosum-moleculare (a CA1 cell would have about 2475 spines in this layer) which is innervated heavily, though not exclusively, by fibers of the perforant path. Since the average dentate granule cell has something in the order of 3600 spines in the entorhinal zone of the molecular layer, it is conceivable that the larger hippocampal pyramidal cells may receive direct synaptic innervation from the entorhinal cortex that is quantitatively similar to that directed to the average dentate granule cell.

Conclusions The numerical conclusions described in this chapter are preliminary attempts at demonstrating the potential power of a quantitative functional neuroanatomy of the hippocampus. Many of the calculations were derived from imperfect data or fairly crude approximations of neuronal numbers or spine densities. Moreover, many of the projec-

tions discussed in this chapter are organized in a highly topographic fashion and the probability of cell interactions, therefore, would be dependent not only on cell and synapse number but on the three-dimensional position of the cells in the hippocampal formation (Amaral and Witter, 1989). We have also highlighted the interconnectivity of the major excitatory projections of the hippocampal formation and ignored, for the most part, characteristics of inhibitory local circuits. However, the intention of this chapter has been to show that quantitative assessment of the hippocampal neuronal machinery is tractable. We have also pointed out that much of the fundamental data needed as a basis for a functional neuroanatomy of the hippocampus has yet to be accumulated. We are optimistic, however, that as these data are acquired, they will be increasingly useful to those who are endeavoring to build models of hippocampal function. The emergence of a quantitative neuroanatomy of the hippocampal formation will forge a symbiotic relationship between the anatomist, the physiologist and the computational modeler that should quicken the pace of efforts to understand the structural basis of hippocampal function.

Acknowledgements Original work described in this chapter was supported by NIH Grant NS-16980.

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Neurons, numbers and the hippocampal network.

Anatomists involved with studies of the hippocampal formation are being prodded by computational modelers and physiologists who demand detailed and qu...
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