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BBR 8890 1–7

Behavioural Brain Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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Short Communication


Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice



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Virginia Torres-Lista a,b,1 , Cristina Parrado-Fernández c,d,1 , Ismael Alvarez-Montón a,b , c ˜ Javier Frontinán-Rubio , Mario Durán-Prado c,d , Juan Ramón Peinado c,d , e Björn Johansson , Francisco Javier Alcaín c,d,∗ , Lydia Giménez-Llort a,b,∗∗ a

Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain Institut of Neurocience, Faculty of Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain c Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real, University of Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain d Centro Regional de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Spain e Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, KS CMM L8:01, SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden b


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h i g h l i g h t s • • • • •

Latency of rearing was the first behavioral indicator of premorbid AD (Pm-AD). Prodromal AD was clearly defined by cognitive deficits at 6 months of age. High levels of cortical and hippocampal NQO1 were a redox indicator of Pm-AD. SOD1 was changed only in hippocampus at 4 months of age, before prodromal AD. SIRT1 levels had opposite regional and temporal premorbid/prodromal patterns.


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Article history: Received 28 March 2014 Received in revised form 25 April 2014 Accepted 30 April 2014 Available online xxx

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Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease AD-P AD-C Behavior Antioxidant enzymes 3xTg-AD mouse

Increased oxidative stress seems to be a key factor underlying natural processes of aging, but also to occur prior to neuropathological hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases. The present work studied the temporal variation of three key antioxidant enzymes in cortex and hippocampus during the development of behavioral and cognitive symptoms in 3xTg-AD mice, and as compared to age-matched controls. At 2 months of age, when no intraneuronal A␤ immunoreactivity has been reported, increased neophobia shown as a delayed and reduced rearing, evidenced the onset of BPSD-like symptoms at premorbid stages of disease. In these animals, NQO1 was found increased in both the hippocampus (800%) and cortex (400%) and progressively diminished at older ages. SOD1 was increased in the hippocampus at 4 months of age, when neuronal A␤ accumulation has been established. These hippocampal increases of antioxidants before the prodromal emergence of cognitive symptoms support their role as defense mechanisms. SIRT1 levels showed opposite age-dependent changes in cortex (increase) and hippocampus (decrease) relative to controls. Prodromal cognitive deficits emerged at 6 months of age, concomitantly to cortical overexpression of SIRT1 but down-regulation of NQO1 and SIRT1 in the hippocampus, suggesting inadequate antioxidative protection to prevent or delay the subjacent neuronal damage. The present data further support the link between oxidative status and the anxious profile. Their crosstalk may underline AD-pathological mechanisms that may lead to deranged physiology and selective neuronal degeneration. It also points out increased neophobia and high expression of NQO1 among the first indicators of disease in the 3xTg-AD mice. © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

∗ Corresponding author at: Departamento de Ciencias Médicas, Facultad de Medicina de Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain. Tel.: +34 92 6295300x6638. ∗∗ Corresponding author at: Unitat de Psicologia Mèdica, M5-133, Departament de Psiquiatria i Medicina Legal, Facultat de Medicina, Edifici M, Campus Bellaterra, s/n, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain. Tel.: +34 93 5812378; fax: +34 93 5811435. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F.J. Alcaín), [email protected], [email protected] (L. Giménez-Llort). 1 Both authors equally contributed. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055 0166-4328/© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055

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ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Torres-Lista et al. / Behavioural Brain Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Recently, by consensus, clinical researchers stressed the relevance of studying the long preclinical phase of Alzheimer’s disease (AD-P) where pathophysiological process seems to occur almost a decade prior to clinically obvious symptoms (AD-C) [1]. In this context, biological markers (i.e., specifics for AD neuropathology, non-specific markers of neuronal degeneration, markers of oxidative stress and markers of neural inflammation) [2] as well as behavioral ones [3] able to identify those asymptomatic individuals with AD pathological change are foreseen eventually guiding therapy prior to the onset of symptoms at prodromal stages [1]. An early intervention which is crucial to delay and, hopefully, prevent emergence of the clinical syndrome, and therefore, to reduce the global burden that, promoted by the aging population, is projected to happen in the coming decades [4]. In this growing concern, the present study in the 3xTg-AD mice model harboring the familial AD mutations PS1/M146V, APPSwe and tauP301L [5] was aimed at identifying early behavioral and oxidative stress indicators at ages mimicking these premorbid (Pm-AD) and prodromal (Pr-AD) stages of disease, i.e., 2-, 4- and 6-months-old mice, as compared to agematched non-transgenic (NTg) counterparts [6]. Fifty-three male mice from the Spanish colonies of homozygous 3xTg-AD and NTg mice [7] were used. Genotypes were confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Animals were maintained under standard laboratory conditions (food and water ad libitum, 22 ± 2◦ C, a 12 h light:dark cycle, 50–60% humidity). The study was performed in accordance with Spanish legislation on ‘Protection of Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes’, 86/609/EEC Council on this subject. The temporal profiles of ‘Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia’ (BPSD)-like behaviors, learning and memory were evaluated. Neophobia to a new home-cage was evaluated by visited corners and rearings in the 30 s corner test. Anxiety-like behaviors and exploratory activity were assessed for 5 min in the open-field test as previously described [8]. Repeated test, 24 h later, was used to evaluate memory of these experiences. Thereafter, spatial learning and memory was studied using a ‘reversed’ version of the ‘2-days water maze’ [9] with two levels of difficulty: first, a cue learning of a visible platform followed, 24 h later, by a place learning using a hidden platform in a reversed position (both, four 90 s trials, every 20 min). Escape latencies and the distance covered were measured and the swimming speed calculated as previously described [8]. The distance covered searching the platform in the previous location was used to evaluate the accuracy of memory and cognition. After completion of all behavioral tests, animals were sacrificed under anesthesia. Cerebral cortex and hippocampus were dissected and immediately stored at −80 ◦ C for further evaluation of the levels of antioxidant enzymes, NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) by western blot and equal amounts of protein were separated using 10% acrylamide gel, and the proteins were transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane. Immunoreactivity against NQO1, SIRT1, SOD1 or ␤-actin (Abcam, 1:1000 dilution) was followed by secondary antibodies (Dako 1:5000 dilution) and detected by Immobilon Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate (Millipore). The relative density of the immunoreactive bands was calculated from the optical density (OD) of the selected area using ImageJ version 1.46 software (NIH). Pm-AD and Pr-AD behavioral markers for AD in 3xTg-AD mice at 2, 4 and 6 months of age were temporally defined by the presence of cognitive deficits at 6 months of age and are summarized in Table 1. Different sensitivity and temporal course of behavioral alterations were found. The repeated corner test pointed out the delayed onset of vertical exploratory behavior as the first behavioral indicator of increased neophobia in 3xTg-AD mice, emerging at 2 months of age. Besides, the number of rearings was reduced from 2 months of age albeit statistical significance was reached at 4

and 6 months. In contrast, horizontal activity was found unaltered until the 4 months, the age when immunoreactivity to intraneuronal A␤ starts to be detected [10]. The re-exposure to the short test enhanced the genotype differences in neophobia as shown by the prominent reduction of activity at 4 and 6 months, similarly to the enhancement we described at 6 months in the 2-days fear-conditioned test [11]. Therefore, the present results suggest neophobia as a good behavioral marker already at AD-P, and therefore, amyloidogenic processes in the basolateral amygdala likely to be among the disease mechanisms involved in these BPSD-like symptoms at this premorbid-like stage. Consistently with this, in the open-field test (Table 1) the BPSDlike profile of 3xTg-AD mice emerged at 2 months of age with altered thigmotaxis (tendency to remain close the walls of openfield), concomitant reduction of horizontal and vertical activities and increased emotionality. This BPSD-like profile worsened with age and was hardly ameliorated with the repetition of the test. The factor age per se increased the initial freezing behavior, delayed the appearance of self-grooming behavior and reduced the levels of horizontal and vertical activity. Interestingly, the time course and the low levels of activity in 2- and 4-month-old 3xTg-AD mice closely resembled the normal low patterns occurring at older ages in the NTg mice (6 months) which are in agreement with the advanced neuroimmunobiological age we have described in 3xTg-AD mice [6]. Here, in the repeated test, the recognition of the previous experimental conditions resulted in a reduction of anxiety and the corresponding burst of initial locomotor performance, followed by low levels of exploratory activity. 3xTg-AD mice failed to show such a behavioral pattern but exhibited sustained anxiety in this second test (insets in Fig. 1). In agreement, the cognitive performances of young 3xTg-AD in the water maze were parallel to those of age-matched NTg-mice (Fig. 2) and the cognitive impairment emerged at 6 months of age. Thus, their first performance in the maze suggested some difficulties to understand the meaning/purpose of the visible platform since, and on average, they covered twice the distance of NTg mice to jump on it. Navigation speed was also significantly increased at this age. In the reversal test, the deficits were apparent as 3xTg-AD mice did not search the platform in the previous location as done by NTg mice or younger animals of the same genotype. Instead, a shorter but random navigation allowed 3xTg-AD mice to find, by chance, the reversed location. At the neuronal level, the concurrence of BPSD-like symptoms and cognitive deficits agrees with cortical and hippocampal affectation we found in the human AD brain [11]. In this regard, we described that 3xTg-AD mice at 7 months of age but not at 4 months presented increased brain cortex oxidative stress with glutathione cycle impairment (increased cortical LPO and GSSG, reduction of GPx levels) and decreased enzymatic antioxidant cytosolic CuZnSOD and mitochondrial Mn-SOD activities with males being more prone to oxidative stress [10]. Other authors also have reported evidence of oxidative and nitrosative stress in the cerebral cortex of 3xTg-AD mice at 6–7 months of age [12,13]. In the present work we studied the regional and temporal variation of three main antioxidant enzymes: NQO1, SOD1 and SIRT1 (Fig. 3). The results provide evidence that, as compared to cerebral cortex, the hippocampus of 3xTg-AD mice was more sensitive (relative levels) and selectively prone (age) to show changes in the levels of enzymes involved in the protection against oxidative stress. Thus, NQO1, which is proposed as a redox indicator in AD [15], was found selectively increased at 2 months of age with a terrorific 800%. The results also show that hippocampal SOD1, whose deficiency accelerates A␤ oligomerization and memory loss in Tg2576 mice [16], was selectively increased in a 300% in 4 months-old 3xTg-AD mice, when we have reported the first accumulation of intraneuronal A␤ oligomers [10]. Therefore, the specific hippocampal increase of SOD1 found at this age may

Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055

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Fig. 1. Premorbid and prodromal behavioral markers for AD in 3xTg-AD mice in the time course of the open-field test. n = 8–10 per group. Mean ± SEM, (A) 2-month-old mice, (B) 4-month-old mice and (C) 6-month-old mice. Insets:  crossings (D2M1–D1M5): difference between the crossings performed in the first minute of the test in day 2 (D2M1) and those in the last minute of day 1 (D1M5).  rearings (D2M1–D1M5): as in the case of crossings. Two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc test comparisons analyzed the effects of genotype (G), age (A) and time course (T) factors. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05. Student’s t-test, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05 vs. NTg mice.

Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055

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Table 1 Premorbid and prodromal behavioral markers for AD in 3xTg-AD mice. n = 8–10 per group. Mean ± SEM. NTg mice

Body weight (g) Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 1 – Corner test Latency of rearing (s) Total number of rearing Total number of corners Day 1 – Open field test Latency of an event (s) Initial movement Exit of the center Entrance to periphery Vertical activity Self-grooming Time course Crossings Rearings Total number of an event Crossings Rearings Self-grooming Defecation boli Urination Day 2 – Corner test Latency of rearing (s) Total number of rearing Total number of corners Day 2 – Open field test Latency of an event (s) Initial movement Exit of the center Entrance to periphery Vertical activity Self-grooming Time course Crossings Rearings Total number of an event Crossings Rearings Self-grooming Defecation boli Urination

3xTg-AD mice








n = 10

n = 10


n = 10

n = 10


24.3 ± 0.8a 23.8 ± 0.6a 22.8 ± 1.1

22.3 ± 0.2 22.2 ± 0.3 21.6 ± 0.6

27.0 ± 0.4b,c 26.9 ± 0.4b,c 26.7 ± 0.5b,c

22.4 ± 0.9a 22.6 ± 0.9a 21.4 ± 3.5a

27.6 ± 0.9* 27.8 ± 0.8* 26.9 ± 0.7*

35.3 ± 0.9*,b,c 35.5 ± 0.9*,b,c 35.2 ± 1.0*,b,c

G***A*** G***A*** G***A***T*

6.5 ± 1.5 6 ± 1.1 9.1 ± 1.2

7.9 ± 2.1 5.5 ± 1.0 11.3 ± 1.2

11.3 ± 2.7 3.4 ± 0.6 9.6 ± 0.8

14.1 ± 2.8* 4.1 ± 0.9 8.8 ± 1.5

12.1 ± 3.0 4.7 ± 1.1 8.6 ± 1.4

14.7 ± 2.9 3.5 ± 1.0 7.3 ± 0.8

G* n.s n.s

2.1 8.5 21.8 49.7 191.6

± ± ± ± ±

0.4 2.7 3.2 27.8 24.9

1.5 7.9 27.6 32.2 164.7

± ± ± ± ±

0.2 1.2 5.9 3.0 19.6

4.1 8.7 15.1 37.5 224.5

± ± ± ± ±

1.2b,c 1.8 2.0 7.5 21.2b,c

1.8 18.3 41.5 88.5 194.7

± ± ± ± ±

0.2 7.7 16.3 28.2 25.2

1.9 8.0 28.5 33.1 189.7

± ± ± ± ±

0.2 1.7 7.6 14.8 23.5

3.5 15.6 52.3 71.0 253.1

± ± ± ± ±

0.5b,c 2.8b 20.1* 27.3 15.5b

See Fig. 1 See Fig. 1 97.3 20.0 1.9 1.4 0.3

± ± ± ± ±

13.6 3.2 0.4 0.5 0.1

15.3 ± 4.0 2.7 ± 0.9 4.7 ± 1.2

8.9 29.7 32.4 105.1 157.2

± ± ± ± ±

7.6 27.8 29.7 30.3 26.7

T** T* 78.9 16.9 1.1 1.7 0.3

± ± ± ± ±

19.0 4.1 0.1 0.3 0.1

12.3 ± 3.2 4.1 ± 1.0 8 ± 1.6

4.0 7.3 43.5 88.8 206.0

± ± ± ± ±

1.6 2.4 23.2 30.2 31.7

46.2 7.0 1.2 1.0 0.1

± ± ± ± ±

13.7 1.4b,c 0.4 0.3 0.1

8.3 ± 2.9 3.1 ± 0.9 8.1 ± 0.9c

4.1 7.2 35.0 116.7 187.7

± ± ± ± ±

2.1 3.4 23.8 35.2 32.7

46.6 7.7 1.1 3.1 0.5

± ± ± ± ±

15.8* 2.2* 0.2 0.4* 0.2

11 ± 2.9a 2.1 ± 0.8 5.2 ± 1.4

3.1 7.0 39.3 192.3 235.1

± ± ± ± ±

0.8 1.9 22.8 31.7 24.2*,a

48.8 10.5 1.1 2.0 0.2

± ± ± ± ±

15.4 2.5 1.1 0.5 0.1

23.6 ± 2.9 0.8 ± 0.4** 3.1 ± 0.7**

2.9 6.4 57.2 131.0 144.1

± ± ± ± ±

0.9 2.1 35.0 36.1 30.0

20.8 7.3 0.6 2.0 0.0

± ± ± ± ±

9.0 1.7 0.2 0.5 0.0

16 ± 3.3* 1.2 ± 0.3** 4.3 ± 0.8**

6.0 8.0 28.5 114.6 218.8

± ± ± ± ±

1.9 2.5 13.1 42.2 20.8

See Fig. 1 See Fig. 1 78.4 7.3 1.7 1.5 0.3

± ± ± ± ±

10.9 2.1 0.3 0.4 0.1

Days 3 and 4 – 2-days water maze Latency (s) 41.6 ± 5.8a CUE (day 1) 40.1 ± 7.5a PT (day 2) Distance covered (cm) See Fig. 2 Mean speed (cm/s) See Fig. 2

A** n.s G* n.s A*

G**A* G**A* n.s G* n.s n.s G** G**

n.s n.s n.s n.s n.s T*** n.s

80.9 5.9 1.0 2.2 0.3

± ± ± ± ±

14.1 1.3 0.3 0.4 0.1

19.2 ± 2.8 17.0 ± 2.3

37.7 3.2 1.0 1.2 0.1

± ± ± ± ±

5.8b,c 7.4 0.4 0.1 0.1

34.6 ± 4.4b,c 44.0 ± 6.4b

35.0 2.5 1.1 3.4 0.4

± ± ± ± ±

6.6* 0.6* 0.3 0.4*,a 0.1a

34.0 ± 5.9 34.0 ± 5.9

44.3 3.2 1.9 1.5 0.0

± ± ± ± ±

11.6 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.0

29.8 ± 3.2* 19.4 ± 3.8a

33.8 2.5 1.0 2.3 0.6

± ± ± ± ±

8.3 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.2b

29.5 ± 5.9 18.5 ± 3.2*,c

G**A* G* n.s G* n.s

A* n.s n.s A*

Two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc test comparisons analyzed the effects of genotype (G), age (A) factors and when appropriate also the time course (T) as a within subjects factor, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05. Student’s t-test was used to compare two independent groups, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05 vs. NTg mice, a P < 0.05, 2-month-old vs. 4-month-old; b P < 0.05, 6-month-old vs. 4-month-old; c P < 0.05, 6-month-old vs. 2-month-old.

169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178

play a protective role to counteract the emerging amyloid pathology. Regarding SIRT1, a consistent progressive reduction with age was observed, which indicates that the hippocampal downregulation we recently found at 7 months of age [17] is already established at 4 months. In the cortex, the temporal patterns of the enzymatic activities were convergent or divergent with those found in the hippocampus. An increase of the expression levels of NQO1 was found at 2 months of age mirroring that in the hippocampus, but only of a 400%. In contrast, the temporal pattern of SIRT1 expression was

opposed to the progressive loss shown in the hippocampus, suggesting a compensatory role. Thus, at 2 months of age, there was a significantly decrease to half relative to the NTg mice levels but progressively increased to reach statistical significance at 6 months of age. Interestingly, neuronal SIRT1 activation has been reported to protect against neurodegeneration in Tg2576 mice [18,19] and to suppress A␤ production [20]. Therefore, the increase could represent a protective strategy in a stage of the disease when A␤ production is started. In fact, SIRT1 expression levels are found also increased when 3xTg-AD from our colony are beneficed by

Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055

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Fig. 2. Premorbid and prodromal behavioral markers of AD in 3xTg-AD in the reversed 2-days water maze. n = 8–10 per group. Mean ± SEM. Distances covered by (A) 2month-old mice, (B) 4-month-old mice, (C) 6-month-old mice, and (D) Mean navigation speed of 2, 4 and 6 month-old animals in the first and second day of the maze. Insets:  distance (PT1–CUE4): difference between the distance covered in the first trial of the place task (PT1) and that in the last trial of the cue task (CUE4). Two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc test comparisons analyzed the effects of genotype (G), age (A) factors. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05. Student’s t-test was used to compare two independent groups **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05 vs. NTg mice, a P < 0.05, 2-month-old vs. 4-month-old; b P < 0.05, 6-month-old vs. 4-month-old; c P < 0.05, 6-month-old vs. 2-month-old.

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physical exercise, as a means of counteracting AD-related dysfunctions [17]. In other colonies of 3xTg-AD mice, SIRT1 did not differ at 12, 16 and 20 months of age [18]. Regional differences of free radical defense enzymes have been also reported in Tg2576 at 3 months of age [19], as well as in human brain during aging [21] suggesting regional metabolic differences. As we previously reported [8], no changes were found for SOD1 levels at any age studied, suggesting that cortical SOD1 may not be involved in the early development of the neuropathological and the behavioral profile in 3xTg-AD mice. The results point out the relevant temporal and regional expression levels of antioxidant enzymes in parallel to the behavioral patterns exhibited, revealing insights into mechanisms at preclinical and prodromal stages of disease. The most surprising result was the increase of NQO1 in both the cortex and hippocampus, already at 2 months of age. NQO1 is one of the most consistently and robustly inducible genes among the members of the family of cytoprotective proteins against oxidative stress [22]. NQO1 catalyzes the reduction of quinoid compounds utilizing NADH or NADPH as co-factor, and we have shown that is involved in ␣-tocopherol regeneration [23] whose low levels exacerbate the phenotype of AD in Tg2576 mice [24]. Furthermore, NQO1 directly scavenges superoxide [25] facilitating the protection against the disease progression. In the brain of AD patients, NQO1 immunostaining closely correlated with the extent of local AD pathology across the various

brain regions examined, suggesting that increased NQO1 activity may be neuroprotective [15]. On the other hand, 50% of the AD patients showed the NQO1 C609T polymorphism which made the brain to be functionally deficient in this enzyme [26]. Furthermore, NQO1 is regulated by the nuclear transcription factor Nrf2 [22] with Nrf2-ARE pathway being considered a valuable therapeutic target for AD and other neurodegenerative diseases [24]. In APP/PS1 mice, NQO1 in cortex was slightly higher than controls at 3 months of age, but declined at 6 months, similarly to the present results. The over-expression of Nrf2 was neuroprotective against A␤ peptide, and this effect was only associated to high level expression of NQO1 among all Nrf2-ARE dependent genes [27]. Therefore, the age-decline of the NQO1 expression we have found at the time of A␤ immunoreactivity could provide inadequate antioxidative protection for the prevention or delay of the neuronal death. In conclusion, we defined the ages for Pm-AD and Pr-AD in the 3xTg-AD mice and the immediate copying with stress strategies as premorbid BPSD-like symptoms at 2 months of age, when no apparent amyloid neuropathological correlates have been yet established. The latency of rearing was the earliest behavioral indicator of premorbid AD, followed by an anxious profile characterized by time delay and reduced number of exploratory behaviors. Consistent cortical and hippocampal premorbid induction of NQO1

Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055

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Fig. 3. NQO1, SIRT1 and SOD1 expression levels in 3xTg-AD and NTg mice. Levels of 3xTg-AD are expressed as a percentage compared to age-matched NTg mice. Representative western blotting and densitometric analysis of the proteins were quantified in arbitrary units in the cortex and hippocampus at premorbid and prodromal stages of AD. n = 4 per group. Mean ± SEM. Actin was used as the internal control. Student t-test, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05 vs. NTg mice.


levels could confer a defense mechanism aimed to delay the AD-like pathology. The prodromal cognitive deficits emerging at 6 months of age, concomitantly to cortical increased level of SIRT1 but down-regulation of NQO1 and SIRT1 in the hippocampus, suggest inadequate antioxidative protection to prevent or delay the subjacent neuronal damage. The data support a causal relationship between oxidative and emotional stress in AD. These indicators may be among those useful tools for evaluating premorbid and prodromal stages of AD in relation to preventive and/or therapeutic strategies. They may also have a role in the evaluation of the potential risk factors for the disease.

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Acknowledgments We thank Prof. Frank M. LaFerla, Institute for Memory Impair- Q3 ments and Neurological Disorders, University of California Irvine, CA, USA for kindly providing the progenitors of the Spanish colonies. Financial support: ISCII PI10-00283 to L.G.-L., Universi- Q4 dad de Castilla-La Mancha grant GE20112221 to F.J.A. The authors declare no competing or financial interest.

References [1] Sperling RA, Karlawish J, Johnson KA. Preclinical Alzheimer disease − the challenges ahead. Nat Rev Neurol 2013;9(January):54–8, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrneurol.2012.241. [2] Bailey P. Biological markers of Alzheimer’s disease. Can J Neurol Sci 2007;34(Suppl. 1):S72–6.

Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055


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Please cite this article in press as: Torres-Lista V, et al. Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice. Behav Brain Res (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.055

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Neophobia, NQO1 and SIRT1 as premorbid and prodromal indicators of AD in 3xTg-AD mice.

Increased oxidative stress seems to be a key factor underlying natural processes of aging, but also to occur prior to neuropathological hallmarks of n...
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