Original Article


Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty Joseph T. Moskal, MD1

Susan G. Capps, PhD2

John W. Mann, MD3

1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Virginia Tech Carilion School of

Medicine, Roanoke, Virginia 2 BENSOL, Warsaw, Indiana 3 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Carilion Clinic Orthopaedics, Roanoke, Virginia 4 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

John A. Scanelli, MD4

Address for correspondence Susan G. Capps, PhD, BENSOL, 488 East Bell Drive, Warsaw, IN 46582 (e-mail: [email protected]).



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arthroplasty reconstruction navigation survivorship clinical outcomes

Computer-aided navigation in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) promises improved alignment, performance, and survivorship. Previous meta-analyses demonstrated that navigation yields better component alignment; however, they did not discuss other indicators of performance. This meta-analysis compares navigated (NAV) and conventional (CONV) TKAs and includes clinical outcomes and adverse events. Forty-seven studies (22 randomized trials) of varying methodological quality involving 7,151 TKAs created the sample population. Statistical analyses included analysis of variance of weighted means and random effects modeling. As seen in previous meta-analyses, NAV is favored over CONV TKA. Analysis of surgical characteristics found that length of surgery and tourniquet times were lower for CONV, but not significant. Meta-analysis found that tourniquet times favored CONV but not a strong relationship for length of surgery. Analysis of individual adverse events did not reveal any significant differences. However, when examining adverse events in their totality, the NAV experienced significantly fewer complications. TKA performed with imageless navigation improves component alignment, provides for lower blood loss, improves clinical outcomes as measured by Knee Society and WOMAC scores, and has fewer total adverse events. Published data are insufficient to determine any correlations between component alignment and outcomes.

It is generally accepted that poor positioning and component orientation contribute to poor survivorship and performance in total knee arthroplasty (TKA).1–26 The number of patients receiving primary and revision TKA is expected to increase due to the aging population and the demands for functional, pain-free knees.27 If there are ways to improve TKA by improving component implantation, then there may be ways to improve quality of life, reduce failure rates, and reduce economic and societal burdens.

Proponents of computer-aided navigation for TKA promise more exact component alignment and thus improved functional and clinical outcomes. Previous reports have demonstrated better component positioning with relationship to the mechanical axis with navigated (NAV) TKA.2,7,21,22,28–49 Previous meta-analyses have shown that NAV versus conventional (CONV) TKA have shown that NAV TKA produced tighter control of component positioning and fewer alignment outliers than CONV TKA, particularly in the coronal and sagittal planes.50–53 This meta-analysis hopes to further

received February 23, 2013 accepted after revision September 23, 2013 published online November 14, 2013

Copyright © 2014 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1055/s-0033-1360659. ISSN 1538-8506.

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J Knee Surg 2014;27:235–248.

Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty illuminate the influence of imageless navigation on the clinical outcomes, alignment outcomes, adverse events, and thus clinical relevance of NAV TKA through the published data from comparative studies. All of these studies evaluated neutral alignment with relationship to the mechanical axis as the optimal surgical goal and they did not consider “patient-specific functional alignment” as an endpoint.

Materials and Methods The literature searches using PubMed and leading orthopedic scientific journals looked for published studies that directly compared NAV and CONV TKA. The search terms were “computer-aided total knee arthroplasty,” “computer-aided total knee arthroplasty,” “computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty,” and “navigated total knee arthroplasty.” Publication dates were confined from 1990 to 2011. One patient population was covered in two studies; when data were repeated, it was considered once in the outcomes analysis and considered twice in the analysis of study characteristics and demographics.35,54 Multiple inclusion criteria were applied, and any study that failed to meet all inclusion criteria was excluded. Studies must have a prospective or retrospective comparative design (Level of evidence I, II, or III),55 compare NAV with CONV TKA, consist of adult-only populations, clearly report outcomes, and contain a minimum of 15 patients per treatment. All investigators (J.T.M., S.G.C., J.W.M., and J.A.S.) performed data extraction, and consensus was required for all extracted items. Outcome measures were included in analysis if at least four studies and eight treatment groups contained a particular measure. The frequency with which specific outcome measures were reported varied greatly; knee scores, component alignments, and adverse events were analyzed. Statistical analysis was conducted with the use of JMP version 9.02 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) and Comprehensive MetaAnalysis version 2 (Biostat, Englewood, NJ). Significance was defined by p < 0.05. Random effects meta-analysis using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software was employed to reflect variation among studies. According to Borenstein et al, random effects meta-analysis should be employed when data are accumulated from a series of studies performed by a series of researchers functioning independently, and that this form of meta-analysis allows for the inclusion of studies regardless of population sizes without assigning too little or too much weight to data.56 All meta-analyses with significant findings were tested for publication bias; none were found to have severe bias. Total knee component alignments were compared by mathematically determining the “deviation from neutral.”57,58 Mechanical axis alignment and anatomic axis alignment measurements were treated as deviations from 180 degrees. Other measurements, such as component alignments in the coronal plane and in the sagittal plane (aka slope), were treated as deviations from 90 degrees.

Results Forty-seven prospective and retrospective controlled trials published from 2004 to 2011 were identified and found to be The Journal of Knee Surgery

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Moskal et al. eligible for inclusion.2,7,29,30,35,37,38,40,45,48,54,59–94 Therefore, a cumulative sample comprising 7,151 TKA – 3,555 CONV and 3,596 NAV – were included in the current analysis (►Table 1). Most of the studies occurred in Europe (45%, 21 of 47 studies), at single centers (96%, 45 of 47 studies), and at teaching institutions (87%, 41 of 47 studies). Nonrandomized studies slightly outnumbered randomized studies (25 vs. 22) and industry sponsorship was not commonly reported. Patient and surgical characteristics were not frequently reported (►Table 2). There were only slight differences when comparing NAV and CONV patient characteristics weighted means, thus providing groups suited for comparison. Comparison of the weighted mean age revealed that NAV was significantly younger than the CONV (68.17 vs. 70.34 years, p ¼ 0.0022); meta-analysis did not find this difference to be statistically significant. Three surgical characteristics, length of surgery, tourniquet time, and blood loss, were reported with enough frequency to be analyzed. Comparison of weighted means did not reveal any significant difference between NAV and CONV for any of these characteristics. Meta-analysis demonstrated that there may not have been a difference in length of surgery or blood loss, but that CONV had significantly lower tourniquet times (►Fig. 1). Clinical outcomes were reported with limited frequency and none were significantly different when comparing NAV and CONV weighted means (►Table 3). Knee society scores (Function score, Knee score, and Total score) were slightly larger for NAV, demonstrating some improvement compared with CONV. WOMAC scores (pain score, Stiffness score, and Physical Function score) were slightly lower for NAV, again showing some improvement compared with CONV. Range of motion was slightly higher in NAV than in CONV, also indicative of better functional outcomes. Meta-analyses of the clinical outcome scores were performed. Knee Society scores favor NAV (Function, p < 0.0005; Knee, p ¼ 0.003; and Total, p < 0.0005) (►Figs. 2–4). WOMAC scores also favor NAV (Pain, p ¼ 0.009; Stiffness, p ¼ 0.042; and Physical Function, p ¼ 0.001) (►Figs. 5–7). Meta-analysis of range of motion, while favoring NAV, was not significant (p ¼ 0.105). Alignment outcomes were recorded in two formats: “deviation from neutral” and “outliers” (►Tables 4 and 5). “Patientspecific functional alignment” was not included in the extracted data because it was not reported. Half of these measures were statistically significant (7 of 13 measures) when examining weighted means. For alignment outcomes, mechanical axis deviation from neutral was significantly lower for NAV (p ¼ 0.0293) and tibial component alignment deviation from neutral was significantly lower for the NAV (p ¼ 0.0263). For alignment outliers, the rates were significantly lower for the NAV (p < 0.0001): including anatomic axis outliers, coronal plane outliers for tibial and femoral components, and slope outliers for tibial and femoral components. Our meta-analyses of alignment outcomes are in agreement with previous meta-analyses.50–53 Four of the deviations from neutral meta-analyses demonstrated that NAV was significantly favored: tibial component coronal plane alignment deviation from neutral (p < 0.0005) (►Fig. 8),

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

Moskal et al.


Table 1 Study characteristics ka





3,555 (49.71%)

3,596 (50.29%)




1,150 (16.08%)

1,242 (17.37%)

2,392 (33.45%)



86 (1.20%)

84 (1.17%)

170 (2.38%)



1,957 (27.37%)

1,845 (25.80%)

3,802 (53.17%)

N America


362 (5.06%)

425 (5.94%)

787 (11.01%)



265 (3.71%)

265 (3.71%)

530 (7.41%)

Single center


3,290 (46.01%)

3,331 (46.58%)

6,621 (92.59%)



150 (2.10%)

150 (2.10%)

300 (4.20%)



2,893 (40.46%)

2,843 (39.76%)

5,736 (80.21%)



56 (0.78%)

52 (0.73%)

108 (1.51%)



456 (6.38%)

551 (7.71%)

1,007 (14.08%)

RCT (Level I or II)


1,719 (24.04%)

1,808 (25.28%)

3,527 (49.32%)

nRCT (Level III)


1,836 (25.67%)

1,788 (25.00%)

3,624 (50.68%)

Level I


325 (4.54%)

322 (4.50%)

647 (9.05%)

Level II


1,394 (19.49%)

1,486 (20.78%)

2,880 (40.27%)

Level III


1,836 (25.67%)

1,788 (25.00%)

3,624 (50.68%)



1,316 (18.40%)

1,405 (19.65%)

2,721 (38.05%)



339 (4.74%)

406 (5.68%)

745 (10.42%)



1,900 (26.57%)

1,785 (24.96%)

3,685 (51.53%)

Total Geographic location


Study design

Level of evidence

Industry sponsorship

Abbreviations: CONV, conventional; NAV, navigated; N/R, not reported; nRCT, nonrandomized controlled trial; RCT, randomized controlled trial. a The number of studies reporting each characteristic. b The values are given as the incidence and percentage of total number of total knee arthroplasty.

Table 2 Patient and surgical characteristics

Age (y)






ANOVA, p valued



70.34  14.52


68.17  17.12


Weight (kg)



69.35  41.09


70.64  55.12


Height (cm)



157.36  30.14


157.52  38.65


BMI (kg/m2)



28.85  13.52


27.90  8.42


Length of surgery (min)



83.09  174.01


95.13  217.70


Tourniquet time (min)



86.55  111.91


102.14  96.39


Blood loss (mL)



542.26  2,237.44


502.19  2,329.27




N/n (%)

N/n (%)



848/2,987 (28.39%)

903/3,044 (29.66%)




1,493/1,527 (97.77%)

1,526/1,571 (97.14%)


Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CONV, conventional; NAV, navigated; TKA, total knee arthroplasty. a The number of studies reporting each characteristic. b The number of TKAs. c The values are given as the weighted mean and the standard deviation. d The level of significance was p < 0.05. e The number of incidents divided by the number of TKAs. The Journal of Knee Surgery

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Institution category

Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

Moskal et al.

Fig. 1 Meta-analysis of tourniquet times.

slope deviation from neutral tibial (p < 0.0005) (►Fig. 9) and femoral (p < 0.0005) (►Fig. 10), and femoral component flexion angle deviation from neutral (p < 0.0005) (►Fig. 11). The remaining two deviations from neutral meta-analyses, femoral component coronal plane alignment deviation from neutral and femoral component rotation, while also favoring NAV, were not statistically significant. All alignment outlier meta-analyses demonstrated that NAV was significantly favored: anatomic

axis, mechanical axis, tibial alignment, tibial slope, femoral alignment, and femoral slope (p  0.002) (►Figs. 12–17). Four adverse event measures were analyzed: total adverse events, deep vein thrombosis, infection/deep infection, and wound difficulty/superficial infection ( ►Table 6). Only total adverse events were significant when examining weighted means; NAV experienced fewer adverse events than CONV (p < 0.0001). Further meta-analyses did not

Table 3 Clinical outcomes

Knee Society Function and Knee scores








ANOVA, p valued

Meta-analysis, p valuee


Follow-up (mo)

12.04  44.90

13.25  53.95


Knee Society Function score, 0–100

72.18  77.71

74.61  68.59


< 0.0001

Knee Society Knee score, 0–100

81.13  56.71

85.57  55.03



Knee Society Total score




Follow-up (mo)

12.34  35.59

14.09  50.32


Knee Society Total score, 0–200

148.30  197.75

170.72  40.87


WOMAC scores



< 0.0001


Follow-up (mo)

10.95  24.42

10.24  24.24


WOMAC Pain score, 20–0

4.06  15.66

2.69  15.43



WOMAC Stiffness score, 8–0

2.27  3.39

1.99  4.91



9.81  60.86



13.95  63.99

WOMAC Physical Function score, 68–0 Range of motion




Follow-up (mo)

16.82  124.96

18.18  123.85


Range of motion (degree)

115.86  61.17

117.52  63.35


Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CONV, conventional; NAV, navigated; TKA, total knee arthroplasty. a The number of studies reporting each characteristic. b The number of TKAs. c The values are given as the weighted mean and the standard deviation. d The level of significance was p < 0.05. e The level of significance was p < 0.05. The Journal of Knee Surgery

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

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Fig. 2 Meta-analysis of Knee Society Function scores.

Fig. 3 Meta-analysis of Knee Society Knee scores.

Fig. 4 Meta-analysis of Knee Society Total scores.

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

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Fig. 5 Meta-analysis of WOMAC Pain scores.

Fig. 6 Meta-analysis of WOMAC Stiffness scores.

Fig. 7 Meta-analysis of WOMAC Physical Function scores.

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

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Table 4 Alignment outcomes as deviations from neutral Alignment variable






ANOVA, p valued

Mechanical axis (degree)



1.16  5.97


0.66  5.99



Tibial component, coronal plane (degree)



0.83  4.37


0.45  3.50


< 0.0001

Tibial slope (degree)



3.06  18.63


2.14  16.04



Femoral component, coronal plane (degree)



1.42  12.44


1.19  15.39



Femoral slope (degree)



5.30  45.39


2.93  27.04


< 0.0001

Femoral component rotation (degree)



0.76  2.39


0.99  3.51



Femoral component flexion angle (degree)f



3.37  6.38


1.61  9.40


< 0.0001

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CONV, conventional; NAV, navigated; TKA, total knee arthroplasty. a The number of studies reporting each characteristic. b The number of TKAs. c The values are given as the weighted mean and the standard deviation. d The level of significance was p < 0.05. e The level of significance was p < 0.05. f Early femoral component flexion angle deviation, postoperative to 6 months.

Table 5 Alignment outliers ka



Contingency p valuec

Meta-analysis p valued

Anatomic axis


258/1,000 (25.80%)

69/996 (6.93%)

< 0.0001


Mechanical axis


643/2,405 (26.74%)

440/1,558 (28.24%)


< 0.0001

Tibial component, coronal plane


331/2,036 (16.26%)

125/2,100 (5.95%)

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

Tibial slope


286/940 (30.43%)

175/959 (18.25%)

< 0.0001


Femoral component, coronal plane


424/2,061 (20.57%)

159/2,149 (7.40%)

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

Femoral slope


289/901 (32.08%)

203/983 (20.65%)

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

Abbreviations: CONV, conventional; NAV, navigated; TKA, total knee arthroplasty. a The number of studies reporting each characteristic. b The values are given as in incidence divided by the number of TKA and the resulting percentage. c The level of significance was p < 0.05. d The level of significance was p < 0.05.

discover any significant differences favoring one group over the other.

Discussion As demonstrated in previous meta-analyses,50–53 neutral component alignment is improved with navigation in TKA. We examined various component alignment measures (mechanical axis deviation from neutral, coronal plane alignment, component slope, and femoral component rotation; and outliers of anatomic axis, mechanical axis, coronal plane alignment, and component slope) and verified that navigation is superior to CONV methods. Analysis of surgical characteristics showed that weighted mean length of surgery and tourniquet time were lower for CONV, but not significantly so. Meta-analysis found that tourniquet times favored CONV, but there was not a strong relationship for length of surgery. Logically, significantly shorter tourniquet times should correlate to significantly shorter surgery times, however, because these two data

components were not consistently reported in single article sources that relationship cannot be proven. At the outset of this study, we had anticipated that sufficient data would exist to determine any correlations between clinical outcomes and component alignment; the existing published data are insufficient to perform those analyses. Meta-analysis of clinical outcomes, as measured by Knee Society scores and WOMAC scores, favored NAV TKA. The most severe limitations of this meta-analysis are weaknesses in the source data; by this we mean that the articles do not report the same variables all the time. For example, some report Knee Society Scores, some report WOMAC scores, and some report no clinical scores at all. This limitation is common to most orthopedic meta-analyses; it is the nature of orthopedic data. In conclusion, NAV TKA offers advantages, although they are not always statistically significant. We recommend continued study with a focus on the interactions between component alignment, surgical characteristics, and clinical The Journal of Knee Surgery

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Meta-analysis, p valuee

Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

Moskal et al.

Fig. 8 Meta-analysis of tibial component alignment deviation from neutral.

Fig. 9 Meta-analysis of tibial slope deviation from neutral.

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

Moskal et al.

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Fig. 10 Meta-analysis of femoral slope deviation from neutral.


Fig. 11 Meta-analysis of femoral flexion angle deviation from neutral.

Fig. 12 Meta-analysis of anatomic axis outliers.

The Journal of Knee Surgery

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

Fig. 13 Meta-analysis of mechanical axis outliers.

Fig. 14 Meta-analysis of tibial component alignment outliers.

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Moskal et al.


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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

Fig. 15 Meta-analysis of tibial slope outliers.

Fig. 16 Meta-analysis of femoral component alignment outliers.

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Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

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Fig. 17 Meta-analysis of femoral slope outliers.

Table 6 Adverse events ka



Contingency p valuec

Meta-analysis p valued

Total adverse events


112/1,208 (9.27%)

50/1,308 (3.82%)

< 0.0001


Deep vein thrombosis


10/392 (2.55%)

4/334 (1.20%)



Infection/deep infection


5/841 (0.59%)

3/878 (0.34%)



Wound difficulties/superficial infection


13/668 (1.95%)

5/589 (0.85%)



Abbreviations: CONV, conventional; NAV, navigated; TKA, total knee arthroplasty. The number of studies reporting each characteristic. b The values are given as in incidence divided by the number of TKA and the resulting percentage. c The level of significance was p < 0.05. d The level of significance was p < 0.05. a

outcomes. It will be possible to determine statistically if there is a correlation between these factors, given more complete future studies.

8 9

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Navigated versus conventional total knee arthroplasty.

Computer-aided navigation in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) promises improved alignment, performance, and survivorship. Previous meta-analyses demonstr...
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