Mouse Histocompatibility Antigens By Roland Henning"] In this article experimental findings and new theories concerning the chemical structure and biological function of histocompatibility antigens in the immune surveillance of virus-infected and malignant cells are discussed. Amongst these antigens, the H-2 antigens of the mouse have been studied most extensively. They are membrane bound glycoproteins causing the rejection of transplants from foreign tissue. One future aim of this field of research is to utilize the immune surveillance system in the therapy of diseases which as yet cannot be treated.

1. Introduction Histocompatibility antigens are membrane bound glycoproteins which are responsible for the rejection of tissue transplants from foreign organisms. Recent results suggest that these membrane proteins participate in immune reactions in order to protect the body against virus infections and tumor formation. These antigens are polymorphic proteins which, in the mouse, are coded for in the histocompatibility complex located on chromosome 17 (see Fig. 1). Many findings made on this system which has been investigated best in the mouse, can also be demonstrated in the largely analogous human HL-A system. Experimentally sound and properly interpreted observations on tissue rejection date from the turn of the centuryI '1 when inbred mice strains (i. e. genetically uniform animal material) were reared. Mice from such an inbred strain are almost like identical twins. In 1938 Gore& investigated the blood group system of the mouse and found that the antigen I1 which he had described correlated with tissue rejection and was genetically determined. This antigen I1 was later renamed the H-2 antigenf3]. In 1944 M e d u w d 4 ] described the phases of tissue rejection and applied these observations to human skin transplantations. The introduction of congenic inbred strains by George D. Snel! 51 was the next critical step. Congenic strains are, for example, two inbred strains of mice which differ at only one locus in the histocompatibility complex. Antibodies specifically directed against a single gene product of the histocompatibility complex (alloantibodies) can













1 HL-A


Fig. 1. H-2 and HL-A gene complexes (histocompatibility complexes). a) The H-2 gene complex on chromosome 17 of the mouse is limited by the K and D loci. The I and S regions are located within the gene complex. b) The HL-A gene complex on chromosome 6 of man is similar to the H-2 gene complex of the mouse apart from the fact that the HL-A-D region, which corresponds to the I region of the mouse, lies outside the loci HL-A-A and HL-A-B. The latter two loci are equivalent to the K and D loci of the mouse (according to [S]).


Prof. Dr. R. Henning Abteilung Biochemie I1 der Universitat Oberer Eselsberg, D-7900 Ulm (Germany)


be produced by cross immunization of such congenic strains. These alloantisera are the main tools of modern transplantation serology and with their aid histocompatibility antigens can be characterized, isolated and chemically investigated with a high degree of specificity. Using immunogenetic methods, it was established that histocompatibility antigens and the specificity of humoral immune responses are often closely coupled. From this it was concluded that the responsible genes involved (Ir genes) must be coded for on the same chromosome as the H antigend6]. In 1971 Klein and Shreffler put forward the hypothesis['] that the histocompatibility antigen responsible for tissue rejection is coded for by two loci, the K and the D loci, which are on chromosome 17of the mouse (two locus model). In addition to the K and D loci, the histocompatibility complex contains the above mentioned I region and also the S region. The latter codes for a certain component of the complement system. Figure 1 gives a schematic summary of the organization of the histocompatibility complexes on chromosome 17 of the mouse and chromosome 6 of man.

2. Chemical Structure of the H-2 Antigens The histocompatibility antigens of the mouse (H-2 antigens) are found on almost all cells and in highest concentration on lymphocytes[*I. These substances are characterized by an extremely high, genetically determined polymorphism which is expressed by a variability in the amino acid sequence. H-2 antigens are integral membrane glycoproteins which consist of at least two polypeptide chains-a heavy chain with a molecular weight of approximately 450069Jand a light chain with a molecular weight of 12000. The heavy chain (a glycopolypeptide) carries the antigenic properties. The light chain (a polypeptide) corresponds to P,-microglobulin isolated from human urine! 'I. In the mouse and man both chains are non-covalently associated" - I 3 ] .

2.1. Molecular Structure of H-2 Antigens in Solution The following properties of the H-2 antigens make their isolation difficult: 1 . their genetically determined polymorphism, 2. their low concentrations on the cell surface membrane and 3. their insolubility in aqueous media. Normal mouse lymphocytes or mouse leukemia cells which can be permanently maintained in culture are used as starting material. Angew. Chem. I n t . Ed. Engl. 17, 342-350 ( 1 978)

H-2 antigens can be extracted from these cells with detergents (e.g. Nonidet P 40, sodium deoxycholate"'I) with little or no loss in their antigenic properties. Water soluble, fully immunologically active fragments of H-2 antigens can also be obtained by controlled proteolytic digestion of the cell surface with the plant protease papaid l 5 l . Due to their low concentrations, H-2 antigens are preferably isolated after they have been radioactively labeled. Cells which have been labeled with '*'I or with 3H- or 14C-

SDS gel electrophoresis and of the biologically active molecule in detergent solution a working model (Table 1 and Fig. 2) for the molecular structure of the H-2 antigens can be postulated' l61. In detergent solution there are two heavy chains which are linked by at least one disulfide bridge and two non-covalently associated light chains. The papain-treated molecule contains only one fragment of a heavy chain ( F H ) and one light chain. Similar findings hold for the human HL-A antigens.

Table 1. Molecular weight ( M , ) determinations of denatured H-2 antigens by SDS gel electrophoresis and of biologically active H-2 antigens in detergent or papain solution by Sephadex gel chromatography ("gel filtration") and ultracentrifugation [16]. Abbreviations: r = Stokes radius; D=diffusion constant; S= sedimentation constant; DOC = Na deoxycholate; SDS =polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in Na dodecylsulfate; red. = reduced with mercaptoethanol; H chain, L chain, Bz, FHsee Fig. 2. Antigen

Gel filtration


r Detergent-solubilized H-2-antigens (DOC) ( H - 2 4 H-chain (unreduced, SDS) H-chain (reduced, SDS) L-chain (02)(red. unred., SDS) 2 H + 2L (SDS)


Papain-solubilized H-2-antigens (H-2Dap) H-chain (FH)(red. unred., SDS) L-chain (B2) (red. unred., SDS) l F H + l L

+ +

116M)o [a] 92 000 46 000 12000 116000 49000 39 000 12 000 51 000



D [cm* s - ' 1



4.5. lo-'

5.9 s





[a] Calculated according to the Svedberg equation

labeled amino acids are best for this purpose. H-2 antigens can be isolated from detergent or papain extracts of these labeled cells by immunoprecipitation and can be examined by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of the polypeptide chains and the nature of the binding between them are determined in this electrophoresis system with or without reducing agents (Table 17 l 6 I . On polyacrylamide gels of detergent-solubilized H-2 antigen (H-2d,,) in the presence of reducing agents, a heavy chain (H chain) of molecular weight 46000 and a light chain (L chain) of molecular weight 12000 are observed. In the absence of reducing agents, the molecular weight of the heavy chain in the SDS gel is doubled (approximately 92000).After re-electrophoresis of this material in the presence of reducing agents (e.g . mercaptoethanol), only a heavy chain with a molecular weight of 46000 is found. Therefore, the heavy chains of H-2 antigens in detergent solution must be linked by at least one disulfide bridge to form a dimer. The light chains are not covalently bonded either to the heavy chains or to each other. Antigens solubilized with papain (H-2p,p) contain only a fragment (FH)of the heavy chain with a molecular weight of 39000 and an intact light chain. In papain-solubilized material no disulfide bridges are found between the fragments of the heavy chain. The molecular weights of H-2 antigens can also be determined under non-denaturing conditions (Table 1) by gel chromatography and ultracentrifugation[ l 6 I . Under these conditions the antigens can be monitored in their biologically active form by means of a biological test-the cytotoxicity inhibition test. The molecular weight of H-2 antigens in detergent solution was calculated to be 116000. From the determination of the molecular weights of the individual polypeptide chains by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 17,342-350 ( 1 9 7 8 )

2.2. Molecular Structure and Orientation of H-2Antigens at the Cell Surface The biological functions of H-2 antigens are expressed on the cell surface. It is therefore extremely important to know whether the structural model for the solubilized H-2 antigens



H - P p p (51 000)

(116 0 0 0 ) Detergent


Fig. 2. A model of the molecular structure of H-2 antigens on the cell surface and in solution. The H-2 antigens are solubilized with non-ionic detergents or papain. Abbreviations: L(bz- m)=light chain (corresponds to P2-microglobulin); H = heavy chain; H-2,., = water soluble fragment after papain treatment; FH=papain fragment of the H chain; H-24., = detergentsolubilized H-2 antigen; H-2,.,r = H-2 antigen at the cell surface; o = carbohydrate.The molecular weights are given in brackets (modified according to [I61).


is equally applicable to the antigens bound to the cell surface. In order to establish whether H-2 antigens at the cell surface are also dimers with disulfide bridges, intact cells were treated with iodoacetamide before detergent extraction; free SH groups are thus already blocked on the surface of the intact cells' 16]. If immunoprecipitates of these alkylated cells are examined by SDS gel electrophoresis, it is seen even in the absence of reducing agents that the heavy chains of the H-2 antigens exist mainly as monomers whereas, as has already been mentioned, the heavy chains of H-2 antigens from nonalkylated cells are disulfide linked dimers. This implies that the disulfide bridges are formed during or after detergent extraction of the antigen from the cell membrane (Fig. 2). Non-covalently associated dimers are perhaps already formed in the membrane. Mild oxidizing agents can initiate the formation of disulfide bridges between heavy chains and thus increase the concentration of membrane-bound, disulfide-bonded dimers' 161. Apparently however, dimer hybrids (e.g. between the products of the K and D loci or between the K and D antigens of different H-2 types hap lo type^)["^'^^) are not formed. The orientation of the peptide chains of the H-2 antigens on the cell membrane is also very important for understanding their biological functions. For this purpose the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the heavy chains of the detergent-solubilized H-2 antigens is compared with that of the FHfragment from the papain-cleaved material. Using this method it can be shown which end of the heavy chain is directed outwards and which end is associated with the cell membrane. Radiochemical sequence analyses of the heavy chains and their papain fragments demonstrate that the positions of tyrosine, histidine and arginine (positions 3,6 and 7 respectively) are identical' l61. From this it can be concluded that the C-terminal end of the H-2 antigen is associated with the membrane and is cleaved off during papain treatment so that a new C-terminal end is formed on the cleaved fragment. Consequently, the N-terminal end is directed outwards. This arrangement resembles the orientation of the few sequenced membrane proteins (e.g. glycophorin or immunoglobulin[1 9 - 'I]). Figure 2 shows the present concepts of the molecular anatomy of H-2 antigens.

2.3. Comparison of the Protein Chemistry of the H-2K and H-2D Gene Products According to the results of immunogenetic analyses, it can be assumed that the H-2K and H-2D genes arose by gene duplication[']. Can a molecule be recognized as being a K or D antigen solely on the basis of its physical or chemical properties? It is conceivable that the differences between the two types of gene products could be established by the following methods: 1. molecular weight determination of the heavy chains, 2. comparative peptide analyses after enzymatic cleavage, 3. amino acid sequence analyses. Comparison of the behavior of the heavy chains of the K or D antigens on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows slight but exactly reproducible differences. On a molecular weight scale these small differences never amount to more than approximately 5 %' 221. These variations cannot be interpreted with certainty as being due to differences in molecular weight, they could also be explained by differing binding ca344

pacities for SDS due to different carbohydrate structures. The behavior of the heavy chains on fragmentation with clostridiopeptidase, papin or chemical methods exhibits characteristic features for each gene product; neither in this case, however, is it possible to derive generally valid rules which could serve as criteria for the recognition of K or D gene productdzZ1. Comparative peptide analyses of tryptic fragments of different H-2 antigens on ion exchange columns"41 or by twodimensional thin layer chromatograph9 221 give the same results. These peptide analyses show a high degree of similarity which is to be expected in the case of gene duplication; the differences are not however characteristic of the K or D gene products. The results of amino acid sequencing will be fully discussed below. In summary it can be said that, as yet, there are no unequivocal physical or chemical criteria for distinguishing between the K and D gene products. Fundamental questions concerning the molecular principles of polymorphism, the evolutionary relationships between histocompatibility antigens and immunoglobulins, and finally the molecular biology of their function can be answered solely by unravelling the primary structure of the antigenic units of the H-2 antigens. The complete amino acid sequence of human pz-microglobulin has been r e p ~ r t e d [ ~ This ~ * ~molecule ~J. shows very striking similarities with the constant regions of the heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins.This finding has restarted speculation about a common evolutionary origin for histocompatibility antigens and immunoglobulins (cf. Section l ~ 2 5 * 2 6 1 . P2-Microglobulin is only species specific (i. e. no differences have been found between individuals of the same animal species). The variation between species is not very marked. If the amino acid sequences of the microglobulins from the guinea pig, rabbit, dog and mouse are compared with that of man, only a few differences are observed[27].These amino acid sequences are compiled in Table 2. The polymorphism, and thus the antigenic properties of the H-2 antigens, are limited to the heavy chains. Their low concentrations together with the hydrophobic nature of the K and D antigens, demanded a new approach for their isolation and sequence analysis. Conventional Edman degradation techniques cannot be directly applied to establish their primary structures; radiochemical sequencing methods must be used[ 281. The technique of indirect immunoprecipitation with monospecific H-2 antisera was utilized to isolate the K and D antigens. H-2 antigens from mouse lymphoma cells are individually labeled in tissue culture with either 3H- or 14Clabeled amino acids. The cells are then extracted with the detergent Nonidet P 40.The antigenic properties of the H-2 antigens are not affected by non-ionic detergents, the H-2 antigens can be precipitated out of the mixture of labeled proteins by a monospecific mouse anti-H-2 antiserum and subsequent addition of goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin. Subsequently, the antigens are isolated by preparative SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After addition of a carrier protein, this material can be subjected to sequential Edman degradation in an automatic protein sequencer. The resulting phenylthiohydantoin amino acids can be identified by thin layer chromatography or high pressure liquid chromatography (for a discussion of this methodology se&221). The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the H-2 and HL-A antigens are compiled in Table 2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 17, 342-350 (1978)

Table 2. Comparison of the partial N-terminal amino acid sequences of H-2 antigens (mouse) [16, 22, 29-32, 741, HL-A antigens (human) [33-351 and b,-microglobulins (human, rabbit, dog, mouse and guinea pig) [23, 24, 70-731. X : Amino acids which have been identified at this position in other H-2 haplotypes were not found in this location. : These positions are common to H-2 and/or HL-A antigens and/or j3,-microglobulins. 5






H-2 Kb





HLA A2 Gly A1,2 B7 Gly


Pro Pro





Ser Ser Ser Ser


Gln Gln




Ala Pro

Pro Pro



j3,-Microglobulin Man Rabbit Dog

Val Val

Asn Lys

Val Ile






T Y ~










Leu Leu

(PhelAla -







Gly Gly Gly Gly


Asn Asn


_ _ JPhe/ Ile



(Phel Ile


% 2;: Glx Asx Glu Glu

Tyr Tyr

11 Gly

E p

Asx Asn

L s



1 Ile

Leu Leu Leu Leu




Arg Arg Arg Arg


His His His His His

Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro

Ala Ala Ala Ala









Asn Asn Asx Asn

Cys Cys Cys Cys

Tyr Tyr Tyr Tyr



Val Val Val Val





Ser Ser Ser Thr

Gly Gly Gly Glu

Phe Phe Phe Phe

His His His His


All five H-2-gene products given in Table 2 have N-terminal amino acid sequences which are largely homologous within the first 30 positions. This observation supports the theory proposed by Klein and Shrefler in 1971r71which states that the K and D loci arose by gene duplication. The homology of the N-terminal sequences is so extensive that the expected polymorphism can be recognized only at a small number of positions. In addition to the positive differences, it was also shown that certain amino acids were absent in individual gene products (positions indicated by X in Table 2). The absence of methionine from position 1in Kb, of proline, valine and valine from positions 2, 9 and 12 respectively in Kd are examples of such negative variations. The amino acids in these positions have still not been identified due to the limitations of the methodology. H-2 and HL-A antigens apparently are structurally homologous. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of several HL-A gene products were reported almost simultaneously by two laboratories! 33 - 351. Sequence analyses of the HL-A antigens were performed by conventional Edman degradation methods. If the N-terminal sequences of H-2 and HL-A antigens are aligned, it can be seen that the same amino acids can be found in at least 13 of the first 27 positions. The amino acids in positions 6, 7, 15, 20 and 27 are the same in all cases. In positions 8, 10, 12 and 14 the variation is small. The products Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 17,342-350 (1978)

of the two gene loci of one system (e.g. the H-2 system) resemble one another much more than the products of the corresponding loci from other species. From this, it can be concluded that gene duplication in the two species mouse and man took place independently and after the evolution of the species had occurred. From Table 2 it can also be seen that the H-2 and HL-A antigens have several positions in common with those of P2-microglobulinsfrom various species. Although it can be presumed that /32-microglobulinsare evolutionarily related to the heavy chains of the histocompatibility antigens, the sequence homologies shown in Table 2 only allow very vague conjectures to be made about the extent of this relationship. The long suspected structural homologies between immunoglobulins and histocompatibility antigens have recently been shown to be probably correct. Partial amino acid sequences of internal peptides from the heavy chains of HL-A antigens have been examined[351.Strominger et al. found extensive sequence homologies with the immunoglobulins in the vicinity of the third cysteine residue of the heavy chain of HL-A antigens (see Fig. 3) and thus, could provide evidence for the long discussed theories of evolutionary and structural relationships between the two system$ 2 5 , 261. The tentative positions of the intrachain disulfide bridges also suggest that there is a structural and therefore an evolutionary


relationship between histocompatibility antigens and immunoglobulins (Fig. 3). NH,

the recognition and destruction of abnormal cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Examples of abnormal cells which must be recognized and eliminated are virus-infected cells, chemically modified cells and tumor cells.

3.1. HistocompatibilityAntigens are Necessary for the Elimination of “Foreign” Cells Outside

COOH H (44 000)


Fig. 3. Model of an HL-A antigen on the cell surface (modified according to [35]). This model indicates the position of the disulfide bridges in the heavy chains which, like the immunoglobulins, are arranged in a “domain structure’’. The binding site for P,-microglobulin in the N-terminal region is a theoretical assumption and is not based on experimental findings.

The supposition that there is an evolutionary relationship between H antigens and immunoglobulins is also supported by the additional sequence homologies which have recently been established between immunoglobulins, C-reactive protein and components of the complement system[ 3 6 , 3 7 1 all of which belong to the immune system. Phylogenetic studies of the individual components suggest that the histocompatibility antigens appeared earliest in evolution. Biological evidence for transplantation immunity has recently been obtained from coral reefs[381. Transplanted sections of coral reefs are rejected and, what is more important, on repeated transplantation this occurs in a considerably shorter time (immunity including memory). The application of the radiosequencing technique to H-2 antigens obtained by highly specific immunoprecipitation methods soon yielded a series of fundamental results. A completely new methodology was developed for the investigation of the primary structure of membrane proteins which had, until then, remained inaccessible to structural analysis. Thanks to the method of isolation by immunoprecipitation, all cell membrane antigens against which specific antibodies can be raised are now open to detailed structural studies. In the human HL-A system structural homologies between immunoglobulins and histocompatibility antigens could be demonstrated by conventional sequencing procedures as a result ofhigher concentrations of HL-A antigens on lymphoma cells.

3. Histocompatibility Antigens as Recognition Sites in Immune Defense The transfer of tissues between individuals fails due to histocompatibility antigens which constitute the biological barrier for tissue transplants. Special cells of the immune system, T lymphocytes which are transformed into killer cells, destroy foreign cells; this is one basic principle of the cellular immune response. Tissue transplantation did not contribute to the evolutionary process and, therefore, one can assume that these very potent defense mechanisms must perform an important function within the individual organism‘ ”]. Transplantation antigens seem to be marker proteins for distinguishing abnormal cells from the individual’s own, normal cells. According to the most recent findings, H-2 antigens are involved in 346

The effectiveness of cytotoxic cells produced to act against abnormal cells seems to depend on whether an H-2 antigen originally present on the cells used for immunization also exists on the target cell1391.The following model experiment should serve to explain this complicated process: an inbred mouse (which has for example type H-2b histocompatibility antigens) is infected with virus X and cytotoxic lymphocytes directed against the virus-X-infected cells are produced in the animal. The lytic activity of these lymphocytes can be detected by a cytotoxicity test in which the release of ”Cr from 51Cr-labeledtarget cells is followed. In the present experiment only those SICr-labeled target cells are recognized and killed which (i) are infected with the same virus X and (ii) have the same type H-2b histocompatibility antigens as the virus-X-infected cells[391. The model experiment described has been tested on a large number of different type H-2 mouse strains and cell lines with several viruses (ectr~melia[~”], lymphocytic choriomeningiti$ 411, Sendair421, SV4@431, rabies[391, mouse sarcoma[441, Friend’s mouse leukemia[451 and vaccinia1461).In most cases a clear dependence on the type of H-2 antigen was observed (H-2 restriction). Similar results were found by chemical modification of the cell surface with trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBY4’’. The universal importance of these observations was further underlined by similar findings made on virus transformed tumor cell&4 8 - ’O]. These observations can be summarized as follows: 1. If the cytotoxic cell and the target cell are syngeneic (i.e. their surfaces carry the same H-2 antigens), an additional antigen (neoantigen) is required for the recognition and destruction of the target cell (e.g. a virus antigen, a chemically modified protein or a tumor antigen, one of the weak H antigen$ 5 1 * 5 2 1 or the product of the Y gene[ 531). 2. If the histocompatibility antigens of the cytotoxic lymphocyte and the target cell are different (allogeneic situation), an additional antigen is not necessary for recognition and destruction of the target cell. This situation corresponds to that in tissue transplantation. 3. Cytotoxic lymphocytes must have been confronted with at least one H-2 gene product (K or D) of the target cell during the immunization process. 4. Anti-H-2 sera which are directed against the H-2 antigens of the target cell and are added to the target cells before contact with the cytotoxic lymphocytes, block the activity of the cytotoxic lymphocytes; the target cell is not destroyed. 5. Mutations in an H-2 antigen known to the cytotoxic lymphocytes, block all cytotoxic activity; the target cell is not destroyed[”]. A greatly simplified hypothesis explaining these findings would be that all the processes in cell destruction which are directly dependent on cytotoxic lymphocytes proceed only with the aid of the H-2 antigens. The reaction mechanisms in both the syngeneic and allogeneic situations seem to be the same. In the allogeneic case only the foreign H-2 antigen Angew. Chem. Inr. E d . Engl. 17,342-350 (1978)

and not the additional neoantigen is necessary for recognition. From this it could be concluded that an H-2 antigen which has been modified by the neoantigen (“altered self‘)’391is employed for recognition of the foreign material in the syngeneic case.

3.2. “Killer” Cells Require One or Two Receptors for the Destruction of Target Cells In 1959 Lawrence had already put forward an hypothesis according to which abnormal cells in an individual can only be destroyed in a cytotoxic reaction if, in addition to a known antigen, an antigen X is recognized[54? This “self’ plus X antigen was supposed to form a molecular complex and corresponds in principle to what, much later, was described as the basis of T-B cell collaboration[ 5 5 * 561. According to present experimental findings, virus-coded antigens and tumor transplantation antigens (see Figs. 6 and 7) can act as X antigens and together with H antigens as “antigen hybrids”, serve as recognition sites. Two hypotheses explaining these processes are currently under discussion. How can cytotoxic lymphocytes recognize only one antigen (the alloantigen) in an allogeneic situation and the syngeneic antigen neoantigen in a syngeneic situation? In the syngeneic situation it has to be assumed that the cytotoxic lymphocyte possesses two separate receptors (two-receptor model)-one receptor for the recognition of the syngeneic H-2 antigen and another for the neoantigen. It could also be possible, however, that the cytotoxic lymphocyte has only one receptor which recognizes a molecular complex formed from the H-2 antigen and the neoantigen (antigen hybrid) or a modified H-2 antigen (“altered self’) (one-receptor models). In the allogeneic situation only one receptor is required, and therefore a theory must be postulated in which one receptor in the syngeneic situation is sufficient.

Molecular associations on the cell surface can be studied with the simple experimental technique of “cocapping” (see Ref.[ 591 and Figs. 4 and 5). Antibodies coupled to a fluorescent dye are used to specifically label certain cell surface antigens. After a few minutes, patching occurs on the cell surface by passive diffusion. If the cells are incubated for a further 1530 min at 37 “C, the small, fluorescently labeled aggregates slowly cap at one pole of the cell. If one wants to see whether another molecule is also moved during this process, a second fluorescently labeled antibody directed against this molecule must be added. After capping of the first antigen, the second antigen is either diffusely distributed over the cell surface or is at the same pole of the cell as the first antigen. Simultaneous observations of this type are made possible by the fact that the two antibodies are coupled to different fluorescent dyes which can be distinguished by suitable choice of filters and the wavelength of the ultraviolet light (Fig. 4).



3.3. “Killer” Cells with One Receptor for the Destruction of Target Cells Some experiments which support the one-receptor model will now be briefly described. Due to spatial considerations (i.e. the maximum possible length of a protein receptor), it is necessary that a molecular complex consisting of the H-2 antigen and the neoantigen is formed. The antigenic determinant is either a cell product, namely the H-2 antigen, which has been modified by physical or chemical interaction with the neoantigen or is one determinant formed from both the H-2 antigen and the neoantigen (H-2-antigen-virus-antigen hybrid complex). Since, in this case, the H-2 antigens still react with the relevant monospecific H-2 antisera and the cytotoxic reaction can thus be blocked, it must be presumed that the serological properties of the H-2 antigens have not been altered. The modification therefore cannot be due to drastic chemical changes but to slight alterations which do not affect the antigenic determinants. Chemical modifications are unlikely because even simple mutations in the H-2 antigen completely block the cytotoxic reactionr 571. Recent experiments in which the neoantigen was added externally in the form of an inactivated Sendai virusr5*’also largely ruled out a direct chemical modification of the H-2 antigen by the neoantigen. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 17, 342-350 (1978)

+ant1-H-2~-antiserum + horescein- Labeled rabbit - anti - mouse immunoglobulin


green fluorescencelH-2-antigens1





5 min formaldehyde I0”CI +rabbit -anti- Rauscher leukemia virus antiserum + rhodamine-goat- anti -Rauscher leukemia viws antiserum red fluorescence I virus antigens1


Fig. 4. Experimental scheme for inducing “cocapping” of H-2 antigens and leukemia virus antigens in mouse leukemia cells. a) Mouse lymphoma cells (H-Zb) infected with leukemia virlis; b) H-2 antigens at one pole of the cell after capping; c) virus antigens in the same position as the H-2 antigens after cocapping.

Fig. 5. Cocapping of H-2 antigens and leukemia virus antigens (see also Fig. 4). I . Phase contrast photograph of a mouse leukemia cell (EL 4). 2. ‘Tapping” of H-2 antigens (visualized by immunofluorescence (fluorescein). 3. “Cocapping” of leukemia virus antigens (visualized with rhodamine coupled antibodies). Results taken from Ref. [48].

The followingproblem has been investigated with this experimental procedure-do virus antigens (e.g . mouse leukemia virus glycoprotein gp 69/71) cocap after capping of H-2 antigens in type H-2b mouse lymphoma cells (e.g . EL-4 cells), 341

or are they diffusely distributed over the cell surface? In almost every case virus antigens were cocapped with H-2 antigend4’]. An example is shown in Figure 5. Similar findings were obtained‘ 621 with another serological method-the “lysostrip” techniqud60,611. Although both types of results are no direct evidence for the formation of an antigen-virus antigen hybrid complex, they can however be used for a working hypothesis (Fig. 6).




T -cell receptor


altered H-Pantigen laltered self1


Virus antigen

T cell receptor H-?-Antigen- virus antigen hybrid complex

No currently known experiments allow a definite decision to be made in favor of a single receptor model of the recognition and elimination of abnormal cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. 3.4. “Killer” Cells with Two Receptors for the Destruction of Target Cells

In this model (Fig. 7a), the cytotoxic lymphocyte possesses two receptors : one which specifically recognizes H-2 antigens (H-2 receptor) and another for neoantigen. The H-2 receptor can be geneticallydetermined on a similar basis as the products of the H-2K and H-2D loci. Furthermore, a mouse must always have a stock of cells which have receptors for all H-2 antigen types. Those H-2 receptors which recognize syngeneic H-2 antigens must be selected by special tolerance mechanisms so that they can recognize very slight differences from the individual’s cells. The neoantigen receptor needs a high degree of polymorphism in order to recognize a large number of different antigens.


T cell receptor for H-Zantigen

-v -

Fig. 6. One-receptor models for the immune surveillance of virus-infected cells or tumor cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Presentation of the participation of histocompatibility antigens. a) Cytotoxic lymphocytes (killer cells) possess one receptor which recognizes an H-2 antigen modified by the neoantigen (“altered self‘). b) A T cell receptor recognizes a hybrid formed from H-2 and virus antigens by protein interactions. c) As b) but additional contractile proteins lying above or below the cell surface are necessary.

It is not easy to describe the chemical and physical basis of molecular associations of this type. Do stoichiometric ratios have to be presumed (i.e. complexes made up of one H-2 antigen and one virus antigen) or can larger, non-stoichiometric molecular associations between the two antigens be expected? If only 1: 1 complexes exist, each of the two molecules should possess one specific, monovalent binding site which does not permit any further linkages. If the H-2 antigens have a strong tendency to associate with other proteins, then they will form molecular complexes with many different cell surface proteins (e.g. with weak histocompatibility antigens[s1,s21and the product of the Y genets3’). In the case of a multispecific binding site the degree of association between the H-2 and virus antigens as observed in the “cocapping” and “lysostrip” experiments would be extremely high. The results of the “cocapping” and “lysostrip” experiments can, however, also be accounted for by special binding properties of the virus proteins. For functional reasons virus proteins have a high capacity for adsorbing onto cell.surface proteins and could therefore also form molecular complexes with H-2 antigens in the cell membrane. In this case, the extent of H-2 antigen-virus antigen hybrid complex formation as observed in the cocapping experiments would not be necessary for the cytotoxic reaction. However, the interpretation of these findings with regard to the mechanism for the cytotoxic reaction would be correct. It is known that H-2 antigens do not build such strong molecular complexes with other cell surface antigens which have been studied. H-2 antigens do not form complexes amongst themselves, neither are they associated with immunoglobulins or Ia antigens as has been shown in “cocapping”and “lysostrip”experiments‘ 7,48*61-631.




cell receptorfor virusantigen


H-?antigen A

Virus antigen


constant portion of the I cell receptor


variable portion of the T cell receptor for H-2 antigens and virus antigens


submembranous contractile elements Imicrofilaments, microtubuli I H-Zantigen-virus antigen hybrid complex

Fig. 7. Two-receptor models for the immune surveillance of virus-infected cells or tumor cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Representation of the participation of histocompatibility antigens. a) Cytotoxic lymphocytes (“killer” cells) possess two genetically separately coded receptors for H-2 antigens and neoantigens. b) Cytotoxic lymphocytes have a bivalent disulfide linked immunoglobulin-like receptor with two different variable regions and two possibly identical constant regions. c) Two receptors as in a); the two receptors can be drawn together by a hybrid complex and thus trigger signals for cell division and differentiation of T lymphocytes (see also Ref. [68]).

With the introduction of a second receptor system, a problem arises which initially seems to contradict a two receptor model. According to the known serological and cell immunological findings, the two receptors must both be present on the same cytotoxic cell. This was shown by using simultaneously cytotoxic T cells directed against either the H-2 antigens or the neoantigen. Cytotoxicity against the desired target cell (having a defined H-2 antigen and a defined neoantigen) could not be produced by mixing these two types of T cells. The frequency expected for a clonal distribution of two polymorphic receprors on the same cell should be sufficiently high to initiate a cellular immune response. Since the statistical probability of two heterogeneous receptors on one cell is low, a two-receptor model in this form still involves many problems. It can easily be imagined from this large number of arguments how confused the situation still is at the present time. Although serological and cell immunological experiments have recently been greatly improved, and several combinations have Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 17,342-350 (1978)

been tested, little progress is being made in present discussions (for summaries see Ref. [641). Significant progress can only be expected either when direct evidence is obtained for the formation of an H-2-antigen-virus-antigen hybrid complex, or when two types of T cell receptors can be demonstrated on the same cell. Very elegant and promising experiments have been reported by two laboratories which seem to characterize at least one T cell receptor in molecular term^'^^,^^]. It appears to be an immunoglobulin-like molecule consisting of two disulfide linked polypeptide chains (M,=72000) with a variable region (V,) as in normal immunoglobulins (see Figs. 7 b and 7 c).

4. Implications and Applications Attempts to combine the results of chemical structural analyses and the biological observations of H-2 antigens do not yet yield a comprehensive picture. The most important recent results can be easily summarized by considering structure and function in isolation from each another. As far as structure is concerned, the current state of knowledge allows one to postulate a molecular model as a working hypothesis. This model describes the number of subunits, their interactions and their orientation on the cell surface. Furthermore, sequence analyses demonstrate genetic relationships between the K and D products with the histocompatibility antigens of other species (man) and even with immunoglobulins. In order to derive structural rules one needs the total amino acid sequence of the heavy chains of the histocompatibility antigens. Only by this approach can the localization of the antigenic determinants and the molecular principles of polymorphism be elucidated. Knowledge of the primary structure of Pz-microglobulin revealed evolutionary relationships to immunoglobulins. This has not led to any progress with regard to the function of the histocompatibility antigens. It is open to discussion whether Pz-microglobulin could be a general acceptor for a T cell receptor. It is conceivable that the T cell receptor has a constant binding site (C region) for the P2-microglobulin and a variable region (V region) for the antigenic site on the heavy chain of the H antigen or the antigenic determinant of a hybrid complex. On the other hand, Pz-microglobulin could also bind a complement component to trigger the disintegration of the target ce11“’I. In 1959 T h ~ r n a & wrote ~ ~ I that nature had not invented H antigens in order to make the life of the transplant surgeon difficult. Recent results show that the rejection of foreign cells and the elimination of the body’s own abnormal cells are subject to similar rules. The examples of abnormal cells cited (virus-infected cells, tumor cells) appear so frequently during the long lifetime of a vertebrate organism and their effectsareso strong,that a pressure for an evolutionary selection to create and maintain such a defense system seems to be justified. This system seems to have developed from rejection systems of simple multicellular organisms. In sponges, for example, a high degree of specificity in cell-cell contact has been shown. In organisms of this type which live closely packed together in a confined environment, this principle is extremely important for the preservation of biological individuality. In addition, transplantation immunity including Angew. Chem. I n t . Ed. Engl. 1 7 , 342-350 (1978)

memory effects has been demonstrated in simple multicellular organisms such as corals[381.In vertebrates the danger lies not so much in the mixing of cells from different individuals, but rather in the alteration of the cells within one organism by virus infections, tumor formation and somatic mutations. A teleological basis for the presence and functioning of such a system can be easily imagined. The discussion as to whether a one- or two-receptor model operates in T lymphocytes may end in a compromise. Firstly, there could be two types of variable gene products which are clonally distributed on the T cells. The first variable gene product, the H-2 antigen receptor, is very strongly selected for the recognition of syngeneic H-2 products. The number of clones needed for H-2 recognition is thus greatly reduced. The statistical problems involved in the existence of two variable receptors on one cell would then be easier to resolve. However, the second variable gene product, the neoantigen receptor, still requires a broad diversity. Secondly, it can be argued that two variable receptor proteins are linked together in the form of two subunits in a bivalent receptor (Fig. 7b). A bivalent T cell receptor of this type would also explain the unresolved problem of the molecular association between H antigens and neoantigens, since the T cell receptor itself produces this association. In this model it would be very easy to imagine the function of the Pz-microglobulin as being that of a contact protein for a T cell receptor. Thirdly, two variable but physically separate T cell receptors can be pulled together by submembranous contractile elements as a result of binding to an H-2 antigen-neoantigen hybrid complex on the surface of the target cell (Fig. 7 c). This process could trigger a signal which initiates the proliferation of the competent T cell. The triggering of signals for cell division and differentiation of lymphocytes by the binding of extracellular substances to cell surface proteins is already known in several systems[691. Most of the current serological and cell immunological findings as well as the “cocapping” and “lysostrip” experiments outlined above point rather to a one-receptor model. The immune defense system has reached a high degree of complexity. In such complex systems the susceptibility to errors increases rapidly. The control of errors and quality is only satisfactorily effective if all elements of the system are intact. In this respect the immune system resembles the central nervous system which compensates for the loss of active elements in the aging process with memory cells. This principle operates very effectively in common bacterial and viral infections. In old age, tumor cell transformations are perhaps no longer recognized with certainty because of the absence of competent memory cells and the much less frequent formation of tumor cells. No further evolutionary progress can be expected because reproduction stops in old age and the present increase in life-span no longer affects selection. The experiments described above and their discussion make it clear that neither chemistry nor biology can answer the most important questions concerning this area of research. The medical importance of histocompatibility antigens has so far been limited mainly to the problems of organ transfer. Long term successes have only been achieved in special cases (e.g. in kidney transplantations). The understanding of the functions of the histocompatibility antigens in the immune 349

surveillance of abnormal cells is not sufficient to develop a therapy which makes active use of the immune surveillance system. With precise molecular data it will be possible to use biological methods to successfully deal with diseases due to defective regulatory cell mechanisms. Chronic viral diseases and associated defective defense reactions (e.g. possibly multiple sclerosis and cancer) belong to this category. A new type of immunotherapy will perhaps soon be possible by using killer cells cultured in vitro which are specificallydirected against individual cancer cells. After the great success of chemically and bacteriologically synthesized drugs this could be the beginning of an era of scientifically based cell therapy. A large number of the experiments described were carried out in Dr. G . M . Edelman’s laboratory at the Rockefeller University, New York. The author thanks Dr. G . M . Edelman as well as the members of his department-Drs. B. A. Cunningham, R. J . Milner, J . W Schrader, K . Reske and J . A. Ziffer-for their generous support and stimulating discussions without which this report could not have been written. Received: June 20, 1977 [A 210 IE] German version: Angew. Chem. 90, 337 (1978)

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Angew. Chem. lnt. Ed. Engl. 17,342-350 (1978)

Mouse histocompatibility antigens.

Mouse Histocompatibility Antigens By Roland Henning"] In this article experimental findings and new theories concerning the chemical structure and bio...
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