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Molecular weight forms of corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase Tjahjono D. Gondhowiardjo, Nicolaas J. van Haeringen & Aize Kijlstra To cite this article: Tjahjono D. Gondhowiardjo, Nicolaas J. van Haeringen & Aize Kijlstra (1992) Molecular weight forms of corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase, Current Eye Research, 11:4, 377-381, DOI: 10.3109/02713689209001791 To link to this article:

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Date: 02 April 2016, At: 15:38

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SHORT COMMUNICATION Volume I I number 4 1992. 377-381

Molecular weight forms of corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase

Tjahjono D.Gondhowiardjo, Nicolaas J.van Haeringen' and Aize Kijlstra2

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Department of Ophthalmology, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 'The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute and 2Department of Ophthalmology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT Aldehyde dehydrogenase has recently been shown t o be one of the major soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. The enzyme has a subunit molecular weight of 54 kd and gel filtration experiments indicate that a dimer molecule is the enzymatically active species. The purpose of the studies described here was to investigate whether oligomeric forms of this enzyme could also be detected using the much faster SDS-PAGE mini-gel electrophoresis technique combined with immunoblotting and "in gel" enzyme detection. Low temperature treatment of samples prior to electrophoresis revealed that both human and bovine corneal ALDH are mainly present as a 5 4 kd and as a dimer molecule with an apparent molecular weight of 88 kd. Bovine corneal ALDH also contained larger oligomers with a molecular weight of 1 10, 154 and 21 0 kd respectively. The classical 3 minutes boiling procedure prior to SDSPAGE dissociated the oligomers into the 54 kd subunit. Zymography experiments showed that enzyme activity was only present in the 88 kd form of corneal ALDH. Pretreatment of corneal ALDH at various temperatures showed that the temperature induced shift of the 8 8 kd species to the 5 4 kd subunit parallelled the decrease in enzymatic activity. The fact that reduction of samples with DTT did not dissociate the 8 8 kd form suggests that disulfide bridge formation is not involved in the oligomerisation of corneal ALDH.

Recently, we have found that human corneal extracts contained the same enzyme. Moreover, we found that the enzyme activity in the human corneal epithelium was almost three times greater than in the corneal stroma, whereas the endothelium showed very little enzyme activity (18). The variable substrate preference found for corneal ALDH in various mammalian species indicates that it's enzymatic activity is not strictly conserved during evolution, indicating a structural role for this protein in the cornea (1-3,19,20). ALDH is not only present in the eye, but has also been detected in various other organs (2.2 1-23). In the human and horse liver the protein is present as a tetramer, whereby the subunit size was shown t o be 54 kd (22.23). Gel filtration experiments indicate that the enzymatically active corneal ALDH was a dimer (1,2,19). We reinvestigated the oligomeric corneal ALDH forms using an SDS-PAGE mini-gel electrophoresis system and visualized the protein bands by a combination of either Coomassie or Silver staining, immunoblotting and zymography techniques. Preparation of corneal ALDH, BCP-54 antibody,

Aldehyde dehydrogenase has recently been identified as the major soluble protein of the bovine cornea ( 1 ). High levels of

electrophoretic techniques, immunoblotting, the aldehyde dehydrogenase assay and zymography of ALDH have been

ocular aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDHI activity have now been

described extensively elsewhere (18). Elution of SDS from the gel

reported in several mammalian species. Within the eye, ALDH is

after SDS-PAGE electrophoresis was done using modification

not only detected in the cornea but has also been described in

from the technique described by Birkedal-Hansen (241, the gel

the lens and retina (2,3). The corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase is identical to a

being washed with 20 ml 2.5% Triton X-1 00 (BDH Chemicals LTD, Poole, England) in distilled water for 40 min., 2 0 ml 2.5 %

8corneal protein which was earlier described extensively by a

Triton X-100 in 0.1 M TRlS pH 8.0 (40 min) and 2 0 ml 0.1 M

number of groups (4-12) and which is known as bovine corneal

TRlS pH 8.0, 1 m M EDTA (E. Merck, Darmstadt, FRG) 1 m M

protein 5 4 (BCP 54). A possible role of this protein as an auto-

DTT (Bio-Rad, Richmond, USA) for 1 hour. Wash-out procedures

antigen in the pathogenesis of corneal diseases but also in uveitis

were done under agitation at room temperature.

has been reported ( 13-16).lmmunohistochemical studies have

The effect of temperature treatment of the sample on the

shown that it is present in the corneal epithelium, the stromal

migration o f the bovine corneal ALDH after SDS-PAGE is shown

keratocytes, the endothelium and the epithelial cells of the

in fig.1. With the normal procedure, treatment of the sample at

anterior capsule of the lens (17).

100" C for three minutes resulted in a heavy 5 4 kd band. On the

Received on Deccniher 2. 1991; accepted on March 13, 1992

0 Oxford University Press


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Current Eye Research

Fig. 1. Effect of sample treatment temperature on the molecular weight forms of bovine corneal ALDH after SDS-PAGE in the presence of reducing agents. Samples ( 1 .spa protein) were placed in a waterbath and treated

at various temperatures ranging from room temperature to 100" C for three minutes before application onto the gels. (staining: Coomassie blue).

Fig.2. Detection of corneal ALDH molecular weioht forms with immunoblotting using a rabbit anti bovine corneal ALDH antibody.

contrary, non heated samples revealed several bands, with

C resulted in a decrease of the 88 kd band and a concomitant

molecular weights of 54, 88, 110, 154 and 210 kd respectively.

increase of the 54 kd band. The 154 kD and 210 kD bands

Increasing the pretreatment temperature of the sample above 40"

decreased a t temperatures above 70" C. In the absence of


Current Eye Research

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ALDH activity Iu/rng




Fig.3. SDS-PAGE of human corneal ALDH (0.05 p g protein) in the presence of reducing agents. Unheated sample (lane 11 and heat (100" C) pretreated sample (lane 2). The left lane contains molecular weight markers. (Silver staining).

reducing agents the effect of temperature on the SDS-PAGE protein patterns was identical to that shown in fig.1, which was performed under reducing conditions. lmmunoblotting of a similar gel as shown above, using a rabbit anti bovine corneal protein 54 kd antibody showed that all



the bands previously shown in fig. 1 stained with this antibody. After heating the sample for 3 min. at 100" C all irnmunoreactivity was present in one 5 4 kD band (fig.2). With the temperature increase the immunostaining of the 54 kd band became heavier. SDS-PAGE of purified human corneal ALDH also showed

Fig.4a. Aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme activity profile of bovine corneal ALDH after pre-incubation for 3 min. at various temperatures. Results show the mean f 1 SD of five samples. Fig.4b. Effect of sample treatment temperature on the percentage of the 88 kD band compared to the total protein, as measured by scanning densitometry. Staining of the gels was performed with Coomassie blue.

that pretreatment of samples at room temperature resulted in t w o major bands of 88 and 54 kd. Pretreatment of the sample at

100" C resulted in the disappearance of the 88 kd band and in an increased intensity of the 5 4 kd protein (fig.31. The effect of temperature on bovine ALDH activity

(fig.4a) shows that the activity increases when the protein is preincubated a t 30" C for three minutes as compared to room temperature. Higher pretreatment temperatures resulted in a


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Current Eye Research

Fig.5. SDS-PAGE of bovine corneal extract (2.5 pg protein) under reduced (lane 2) and non-reduced condition (lane 3) visualized with Coomassie staining. Lane 1 contains molecular weight

declining enzymatic activity. No more enzyme activity could be

markers. Lane 4 and 5 are identical t o lane 2 and 3 but were stained for ALDH activity (zymogram) after elution of SDS with Triton X-1 00.

In this study we thus show that SDS-PAGE analysis of

measured when ALDH had been pretreated at 60" C. Using a

purified bovine and human corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase

human corneal epithelial extract the same temperature

preparations revealed various molecular forms with a subunit size

dependency on ALDH activity was observed (data not shown).

of 5 4 kd. We confirmed the thermolability of corneal ALDH (19)

The effect of temperature on the intensity of the 88 kd

and found that enzyme activity is harboured in the 88 kd ALDH

band after SDS-PAGE of purified bovine ALDH as measured with

species. Preincubation of ALDH at high temperatures results in

scanning densitometry showed that it parallelled the decrease in

one protein with a molecular weight of 54 kd.

enzymatic activity (fig.4b). Visualization of aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in a

Sephadex gel filtration of corneal ALDH performed by Evces (19) and Abedinia (1) indicated the presence of a dimer

bovine corneal epithelial extract on the SDS-PAGE gel after the

molecule. This so-called dimer may be identical to the 88 kd

elution of SDS with Triton X-100 revealed that the activity of

protein reported in the present study. The apparent molecular

corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase was associated only with the 88

weight is lower than would be expected. On the other hand

kd band (fig.5). Enzyme activity in the zymograms was not

dimerisation could lead t o conformational changes resulting in an

affected by prior reduction of the samples with DTT. SDS-PAGE

apparent smaller complex than expected in SDS-PAGE analysis.

zymograms of 7 individual human corneal epithelial extracts also

This is the first report showing that the activity of corneal

revealed that the enzyme activity was always present in the 88

ALDH on an SDS-PAGE gel using zymography technique is

kd band (data not shown).

associated with the 88 kd species. This report also confirms the

Current Eye Research observation that the heat lability of corneal ALDH is correlated with a shift of the 88 kd species to the 54 kd form. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T.D.G gratefully acknowledge the Hoornvlies Stichting Nederlands and the Nelly Reef Fund for their scholarship.

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Prof.Dr. A. Kijlstra, Dept. Ophthalmo-Immunology, The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute. P.0.Box 12141

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1100 A.C. Amsterdam Z.O.The Netherlands.

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Molecular weight forms of corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase.

Aldehyde dehydrogenase has recently been shown to be one of the major soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. The enzyme has a subunit molecular wei...
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