Shelia Gephart, PhD, RN ❍ Section Editor

Evidence-Based Practice Briefs

Moderate Hypothermia Is Selective Head Cooling or Whole Body Cooling Better? Kimberly A. Allen, PhD, RN

Key Words: cooling, infant, moderate hypothermia, neonatal intensive care, neuroprotection, selective head cooling, whole body cooling


ypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is one of the most serious birth complications affecting full-term infants1 occurring in 1.5 to 2.5 per 1000 live births.2,3 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy results in a brain injury from a hypoxicischemic event during the prenatal, intrapartum, or postnatal period preventing adequate blood flow to the infant’s brain.4 Infants with HIE experience associated morbidities and a significant mortality rate with 40% to 83% not surviving past 2 years of age or having severe disabilities.5-7 The long-term neurological consequences of HIE include mental retardation, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy.7 The incidence of HIE has not declined with advances in obstetric care (ie, fetal monitoring) aimed at preventing hypoxic-ischemic events8; thus, much of the current neonatal research focuses on preventing further brain injury after the hypoxicischemic event.9 In the past, treatment options were limited to standard medical treatment (eg, antiepileptic medications or respiratory support) and maintaining normothermia.10,11 Currently, moderate

Author Affiliation: University of Washington School of Health Sciences, Seattle. This work was supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Training grant T32NR007106. The author declares no conflict of interest. Correspondence: Kimberly A. Allen, PhD, RN, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific St, Box 357266, Seattle, WA 98102 ([email protected]). Copyright © 2014 by the National Association of Neonatal Nurses DOI: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000059

hypothermia5,12-14 is utilized as a main treatment for infants with HIE, but the long-term success of the treatment on infant outcomes remains inconclusive. The challenge with drawing conclusions about the effect of moderate hypothermia on infant outcomes relates, in part, to the multiple ways the treatment is administered. Large clinical trials have delivered the intervention using primarily 2 methods of delivery: selective head cooling (see Figure 1) or whole body cooling (see Figure 2). The complexity in this treatment modality includes the use of different target core temperatures and variable lengths of time for treatment. Tagin et al15 conducted a systematic review identifying randomized controlled trials (n = 7) comparing moderate hypothermia with normothermia (standard care) in neonates with HIE. Of the 7 studies, 4 of the studies employed whole body cooling5,7,14,16 as the intervention and 3 of the studies used head cooling17-19 as the intervention, comparing it with normothermia/control groups. The target core temperature for the intervention group ranged from 33°C to 36.5°C. Table 1 illustrates the variations in hypothermia administration and the primary outcomes from the clinical trials identified by Tagin et al15 with updated primary outcomes for the NICHD12 and CoolCap13 studies. Although the results of moderate hypothermia are inconclusive as to whether the intervention decreases death and/or severe neurological disability, moderate hypothermia is one of the few interventions for HIE that offers promise. Many NICUs are implementing moderate hypothermia but must decide whether whole body cooling or head cooling is better. Further exploration as to whether whole body cooling or head cooling produces better outcomes and fewer side effects is necessary. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to determine the level of

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 2 • pp. 113-118


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Selective head cooling.

evidence available comparing head cooling with whole body cooling for neonates with HIE. PubMed was searched to obtain English language publications from 1998 to December 2013 for trials comparing safety and efficacy of whole body cooling or selective head cooling infants with HIE. The inclusion criteria of studies were clinical studies comparing whole body cooling with selective head cooling and included human infants with HIE. Studies were excluded if selective head cooling was compared with standard care only or whole body


Whole body cooling: Whole body cooling with cooling blanket (A) and whole body cooling with body wrap (B).

cooling was compared to standard care only because the purpose was to determine which method of cooling is better. Four studies20-23 were identified that met inclusion criteria. The 4 studies all compared whole body cooling with selective head cooling in human neonates (see Table 2). One study23 compared magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (MRI) results between whole body cooling with selective head cooling in neonates within the first week of life. The remaining 3 studies20-22 compared the physiological effects (temperature and organ dysfunction) of receiving whole body cooling with effects of selective head cooling on neonates over the first 72 hours of life. These 3 studies were composed of 2 separate samples of neonates with HIE. Sarkar and colleagues21,22 published study results comparing the physiological effects, including multisystem organ dysfunction22 and pulmonary dysfunction,21 on a single sample of infants in 2 separate publications. Because the results are from the same sample of infants, the 2 publications will be referred to as a single study throughout the rest of this discussion. Each study is described and recommendations are offered as to the future directions of clinical and research needs in whole body cooling and selective head cooling for neonates with HIE. A single clinical study23 was identified that compared radiographic outcomes in whole body cooling with head cooling. Generally, the distribution of lesions on MR image after treatment with hypothermia tends to predict long-term outcomes in neonates.24 The 2 main patterns of injury seen in hypoxic-ischemic events are the watershed predominant pattern and basal ganglia/thalamus (BGT) distribution pattern.25 The watershed pattern involves the intervascular boundary-zone white matter with cortical gray matter when a severe insult was sustained. The BGT pattern involves the deep gray nuclei, hippocampi, and perirolandic cortex with additional cortical involvement if severe injury occurs.24 Sakar et al23 sought to determine the difference in severity and distribution of brain lesions identified on MR image after treatment with hypothermia. This study was a retrospective medical chart review of MR images obtained at 7 to 10 days of life in 83 infants cooled by either head cooling (n = 34) or whole body cooling (n = 49). Hypoxicischemic encephalopathy lesions were seen in 47 of the 83 cooled infants: BGT in 7 infants, cortical not extending beyond the watershed regions in 16 infants, cortical not extending beyond the watershed regions and basal nuclei in 5 infants, and cortical extending beyond the watershed regions and basal nuclei in 19 infants. These findings indicate that neither method of cooling “cures” or “heals” all of the lesions from the hypoxic-ischemic event. Significantly more abnormal brain MR images were found in infants receiving selective head cooling

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≥ 35 wk

≥ 36 wk

≥ 36 wk

≥ 37 wk

≥ 36 wk

≥ 37 wk

Jacobs5 ICE (2011)

Shankaran12,16 NICHD (2005/2012)

Simbruner7 neo.nEURO. network (2010)

Gunn17 (1998)

Gluckman18/ Guillet13 CoolCap (2005/2012)

Zhou19 (2010) Mild (n = 39) Moderate (n = 82) Severe (n = 73)b

Mild (n = 15) Moderate (n = 132) Severe (n = 71)a

Intervention Target Core Temperature, °C

34°C-35°C (rectal)

34°C (nasopharyngeal)



36°C-36.5°C 35.5°C-35.9°C (rectal)

WBC manually 33.5°C (rectal) controlled

72 h

72 h

48-72 h

72 h

72 h

WBC servo controlled 33.5°C (esophageal)

72 h

72 h

Length of Intervention

WBC manually 33°C-34°C (rectal) controlled

WBC manually 33°C-34°C (rectal) controlled

Moderate/severe (n = 22)b SHC

Moderate (n = 41) Severe (n = 84)a

Moderate (n = 135) Severe (n = 72)b

Mild (n = 42) Moderate (n = 117) Severe (n = 59)b

Moderate (n = 132) Severe (n = 193)a

Severity of HIE

Type of Hypothermia

At 18 mo of age, statistically significant improvement in death or severe disability in the head cooling group compared with the control group

At 7-8 y of age, no significant difference in functional independence between the cooled group and the control group

Not powered to detected statistical significance

At 18-21 mo of age, statistically significant improvement in death or severe disability in the hypothermia group compared with the normothermia group

At 7 y of age, no significant difference in death or IQ score < 70 between the cooled group and the control group

At 2 y of age, statistically significant improvement in death or major disability in the cooled group compared with the control group

At 18 mo of age, no significant difference between cooled and noncooled group in combined death and severe neurodevelopmental disability

Primary Outcomes

Abbreviations: aEEG, amplitude integrated electroencephalography; ICE, infant cooling evaluation; IQ, intelligence quotient; NICHD, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; SHC, selective head cooling; TOBY, total body hypothermia; WBC, whole body cooling. aSeverity determined by aEEG (amplitude-integrated electroencephalography). bSeverity determined by Sarnat score.

≥ 36 wk

Gestational Age for Inclusion

Azzopardi14 TOBY (2009)

Study/ Author (Date)

TABLE 1. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) Summarized Study Results for Clinical Trials of Moderate Hypothermia

Moderate Hypothermia 115

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 2

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Compare frequency and severity of hypoxicischemic lesions on MR image between SHC and WBC

Compare multiorgan dysfunction in infants receiving either SHC or WBC

Determine differences between groups receiving moderate hypothermia to determine changes in core body temperature and hemodynamic stability across groups

Sarkar (2012)

Sarkar21,22 (2009)

Hoque20 (2010)

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Observational study

Observational study

Retrospective medical chart review


SHC (n = 20) WBC (manual) (n = 23) WBC (servo) (n = 28) WBC (gloves) (n = 2)

SHC (n = 31) WBC (n = 28)

SHC (n = 34) WBC (n = 49)


SHC WBC (mattress manually controlled) WBC (body wrap servocontrolled) WBC (water-filled gloves)

SHC WBC (unspecified)

SHC WBC (unspecified)

Type of Hypothermia

Greater overshoot in manually controlled group compared with the servo-controlled group, during the initiation of hypothermia Greater variability in the core temperature in the manually controlled group compared with the servo-controlled group, during the maintenance period of hypothermia Greater variation in core temperature in the head cooling group compared with the servo-controlled group, during the rewarming period of hypothermia treatment MABP variability was greater in WBC manually controlled compared with SBC servocontrolled

No differences between groups in need for mechanical ventilation during cooling No difference in incidence of PPHN No difference in PIP, maximum PEEP, maximum FiO2, and highest PaCO2 No difference in coagulopathy treated with FFP, thrombocytopenia treated with platelet transfusion, hypotension treated with vasopressors for > 24 h, and electrolyte abnormalities

HIE lesions seen in 47 of 83 cooled infants More abnormal brain MR images in SHC compared with WBC SHC had median BG/W score of 2 compared with WBC with median score of 0


Abbreviations: BG/W, basal ganglia/watershed; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; FFP, fresh-frozen plasma; HIE, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; MABP, mean arterial blood pressure; MR, magnetic resonance; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PPHN, persistent pulmonary hypertension; SHC, selective head cooling; WBC, whole body cooling.


Author (Year)

TABLE 2. Comparison Studies

116 Allen

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Moderate Hypothermia

compared with whole body cooling. The patterns visualized on MR image were also categorized on the basis of the pattern and severity of injury using standardized scoring system (BG/W) with scores ranging from 0 being normal or no injury to 4 being abnormal signal in the cortex extending beyond the watershed areas and basal nuclei, indicating the most severe injury.26 Magnetic resonance images of infants in the selective head cooling group had a median BG/W score of 2 and the whole body cooling group had a median BG/W score of 0, which is a significant difference, indicating that the head cooling group had a greater severity of lesions on MR image. These findings suggest that whole body cooling is the preferred method to selective head cooling for infants with HIE, at least within the first week of life. However, these are only the results of one small study and the findings were retrospective and, thus, the level of evidence is not as high as with other types of research. Sarkar et al21,22 conducted an observational study examining organ function in whole body cooling and selective head cooling. A total of 59 infants were enrolled with 28 infants receiving whole body cooling and 31 infants receiving selective head cooling. No differences were found between groups in regard to needing mechanical ventilation during cooling or being able to be extubated during cooling or the incidence of persistent pulmonary hypertension.21 Ventilatory parameters during cooling including maximum peak inspiratory pressure, maximum positive end-expiratory pressure, maximum FiO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen), and highest PaCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide) were also not different between whole body cooling and selective head cooling.21 Indicators of organ dysfunction were also similar between group including coagulopathy treated with fresh-frozen plasma, thrombocytopenia treated with platelet transfusion, hypotension treated with vasopressors for greater than 24 hours, urine output less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 24 hours after birth, and electrolyte abnormalities (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia).22 This study suggests that neither cooling method offers less risk of organ dysfunction. Hoque et al20 performed an observational study with 4 groups receiving moderate hypothermia to determine the differences in temperature and hemodynamic stability across groups. The 4 groups had a total of 73 infants with HIE: selective head cooling (n = 20), whole body cooling with mattress manually controlled (n = 23), whole body cooling with body wrap servo-controlled (n = 28), and whole body with water-filled gloves (n = 2). During the initiation of hypothermia, the target core temperature was “overshoot” when cooling with the manually controlled mattress. There was significantly greater overshoot in range of hypothermia in the


manually controlled group (head cooling and mattress) compared with the servo-controlled group. In addition, during the maintenance period of the hypothermia, greater variability in the core temperature was observed in the manually controlled group compared with the servo-controlled group. In rewarming, a similar pattern was observed with greater variation in core temperature in the head cooling group compared with the servo-controlled group. Hemodynamic variation in mean arterial blood pressure was also greater in the whole body manually controlled group compared with the whole body servo-controlled group. These results suggest that manually controlled hypothermia may be more difficult to achieve and maintain temperature control with, which could affect long-term outcomes. Based on the evidence from the literature reviewed, whole body appears to offer the most promise. However, this must be interpreted with significant caution. Three clinical studies are not enough evidence to determine which method of moderate hypothermia is safer and more effective. Future research with larger samples is needed to identify which method is best for which infants with HIE to ensure that these infants have reduced morbidity rate. In addition, long-term follow-up studies with previous large randomized clinical trials are also necessary to evaluate whether moderate hypothermia is a worthwhile treatment for infants with HIE.

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Moderate hypothermia: is selective head cooling or whole body cooling better?

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