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Methane as a resource: can the methanotrophs add value? PJ Strong, Sihuang Xie, and William P. Clarke Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/es504242n • Publication Date (Web): 27 Feb 2015 Downloaded from on March 4, 2015

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Environmental Science & Technology

Methane as a resource: can the methanotrophs add value?

Authors P.J. Strong* S. Xie W.P. Clarke

Affiliation Centre for Solid Waste Bioprocessing, School of Civil Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, 4072, Australia.

*Corresponding author. P.J. Strong [email protected] Tel: +61 459652099 Centre for Solid Waste Bioprocessing, School of Civil Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, 4072, Australia.

ACS Paragon Plus Environment

Environmental Science & Technology

Rationale This review considers all of the biological options for either converting methane into a product or using it directly for purposes other the production of electricity or heat. Methane is cheap and abundant, does not compete with food demand, and in the case of anaerobic digestion is renewable carbon source. It is therefore a suitable substrate by which to generate products or drive processes. To our knowledge there is currently no review that comprehensively covers the potential products or processes that could be generated using methane-consuming bacteria. Generally review papers regard methane in terms of energy capture or emissions prevention. The methanotrophs have rarely been regarded for more than their remediative abilities or for single-cell protein production. Biological reviews of the methanotrophs often cover a few individual biotechnological applications or just one in detail. In this review we explore all the avenues for biological applications, thereby providing a single source for the readers that will be readily citable. Some of the options discussed are nascent and even unproven, but represent exciting potential research avenues. It will appeal to both a popular audience that is interested in applied alternatives to mitigating anthropogenic methane emissions, as well as a scientific audience and applied researchers interested in current developments and an assessment of the available options.

The Table of Contents graphic below was created by the corresponding author.

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Abstract Methane is an abundant gas used in energy recovery systems, heating and transport. Methanotrophs are bacteria capable of using methane as their sole carbon source. Although intensively-researched, the myriad of potential biotechnological applications of methanotrophic bacteria has not been comprehensively discussed in a single review.

Methanotrophs can generate single-cell protein, biopolymers, components for nanotechnology applications (surface layers), soluble metabolites (methanol, formaldehyde, organic acids and ectoine), lipids (biodiesel and health supplements), growth media and vitamin B12 using methane as their carbon source. They may be genetically engineered to produce new compounds such as carotenoids or farnesene. Some enzymes (dehydrogenases, oxidase and catalase) are valuable products with high conversion efficiencies and can generate methanol or sequester CO2 as formic acid ex vivo. Live cultures can be used for bioremediation, chemical transformation (propene to propylene oxide), wastewater denitrification, as components of biosensors, or possibly for directly generating electricity.

This review demonstrates the potential for methanotrophs and their consortia to generate value while using methane as a carbon source. While there are notable challenges using a low solubility gas as a carbon source, the massive methane resource, and the potential cost savings while sequestering a greenhouse gas, keeps interest piqued in these unique bacteria.

Keywords biofuel; bioremediation; coal seam gas; natural gas; proteobacteria; methane monooxygenase

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1. Methane


Methane is a colourless, odourless gas that is emitted from both natural and anthropogenic sources.


It provides energy or heat via combustion. However, its emission into the atmosphere has negative


consequences as it is a greenhouse gas with approximately twenty times the impact of carbon


dioxide. Anthropogenic activity accounts for the majority of global methane emissions (63 %, or


566 Tg CH4/year), with natural biological emissions accounting for the remainder (208 Tg CH4/year)1.


Anthropogenic methane emissions are generated by the use of fossil fuels, livestock farming,


landfilling and biomass burning. Natural sources of methane are wetlands, oceans, estuaries, rivers,


lakes, permafrost, gas hydrates, geological sources (terrestrial and marine), wildfires, vegetation,


terrestrial arthropods and wild animals 1-2,2b. The ratio of anthropogenic:natural methane production


has increased steadily since the advent of the industrial revolution. With increased food


requirements, greater waste generation and greater use of fossil fuels by an increasing human


population, it will in all likelihood increase further.

14 15

The principal use of methane is as a fuel, as its combustion is highly exothermic:


CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) →CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l) where ∆H = -891 kJ.


Methane is primarily used for generating electricity in gas turbines or steam boilers, but is also piped


into homes for domestic heating and cooking, or used as a vehicle fuel as compressed natural gas3.


The reciprocating engine, gas turbine or steam turbine technologies are available over a wide range,


from modular units of several hundred kW up to 250 MW for commercial steam turbines4. Although


methane can be used as a transport fuel, there is currently a relative lack of infrastructure for


fuelling vehicles compatible with natural gas. However, new approaches whereby methane is


converted into liquid transportation fuels can take advantage of existing engines and delivery




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From a biological perspective, methane represents a carbon and energy source for a group of


bacteria known as methanotrophs. Methanotrophs use methane as their sole carbon source and


directly convert methane into cellular compounds, or transform it into a substrate that drives


processes via methanotrophs or their syntrophic interaction of other microbes. The biological


monetisation of methane has become a topic of intense interest: in 2013 the Advanced Research


Projects Agency (ARPA-E) within the U.S. Department of Energy granted US$34 million worth of


funding directed towards research converting methane into liquid fuels. There are notable barriers


to overcome, but the size of the methane resource is enormous, and in the case of anaerobic


digestion is sustainably produced; this justifies the continued interest in these bacteria that can


oxidise methane under ambient conditions.

36 37

2. Methanotrophs


Methanotrophs, a subset of the methylotrophs, can assimilate methane as their sole carbon source.


Methanotrophs fall under proteobacteria; a major phylum of gram-negative bacteria that includes


genera such as Escherichia, Salmonella, Vibrio, Helicobacter and Yersinia. The proteobacteria phylum


is divided into six classes according to ribosomal RNA sequences. Two classes contain


methanotrophs: the alpha-proteobacteria and the gamma-proteobacteria. Methanotrophs are


traditionally classified as Type I (γ-proteobacteria) or Type II (α-proteobacteria). The Type I and II


distinctions were primarily based on the metabolic pathway used to assimilate formaldehyde, and


related attributes such as cell membrane composition and arrangement and cell morphology6.


Typically, Type I methanotrophs are γ-proteobacteria that assimilate formaldehyde via the ribulose


monophosphate pathway6b, 6d, 7, while Type II are α-proteobacteria that use the serine pathway. The


generalised differences between Type I and Type II methanotrophs are summarised in Table 1, but


exceptions are common and metabolic pathway flexibility may be greater than previously thought8.


This is evident for Type I methanotrophs, which contain a sub-division denoted as Type X


(Methylocaldum and Methylococcus species) that express enzymes associated with the serine

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pathway typical of the α-proteobacteria6b. Methane can also be oxidised by a phylum of


thermoacidophilic bacteria known as Verrucomicrobia (which can grow at a pH below 1)9, as well as


certain Archaea in consortia with sulfate reducing bacteria10. The ability of certain Archea to


anaerobically oxidise methane (where NOx11 or SOx12 replace O2) corroborates research supporting


the concept of reverse methanogenesis13.

57 58

Methane consumption is made possible by an enzyme known as methane mono-oxygenase (MMO),


which occurs in a particulate form (pMMO) within an intracellular membrane or a soluble form


(sMMO) within the cytoplasm14. Copper availability plays a defining regulatory role with regard to


sMMO expression15, where sMMO synthesis is inhibited by higher Cu2+ concentrations16. The sMMO


has a di-iron catalytic site, while research suggests that pMMO requires both copper and iron to be


catalytically active7b. The sMMO can be produced by various α- or γ-proteobacteria and has a much


broader substrate range than the pMMO. It is capable of oxidising numerous compounds, including


propene, butane, cyclohexane, chlorotrifluoroethylene, toluene, naphthalene, chloroform, diethyl


ether and CO (substrates tabled in 14b). Although pMMO is expressed by most methanotrophs, some


Methylocella spp. express sMMO exclusively17.

68 69

The metabolic activity and growth of methanotrophs are influenced factors that typically affect


microbial cultures, including nutrient supply, temperature, pH, macronutrients and trace metals.


Traditionally, the growth of γ-proteobacteria was reported to favour higher O2 concentrations and


low CH4 concentrations, while α-proteobacteria methanotrophs preferred low O2 and higher CH4




Similarly, facultative methanotrophy was initially discounted, but has been demonstrated in certain


genera of α-proteobacteria7b, 21, 21b. Methanotrophs are able to assimilate CO2 and are thus affected


by CO2 concentrations. The α-proteobacteria can assimilate up to 50 % of their biomass from CO2,


while the γ-proteobacteria can assimilate up to 15 %22. The N source in media commonly used to

18, 19

, but γ-proteobacteria can grow efficiently under a low oxygen tension20.

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culture methanotrophs is usually nitrate (e.g. nitrate minimal salts) or ammonia. Ammonia affects


different methanotrophs to differing extents and can be a competitive inhibitor of methane


monooxygenase or toxic when in the intermediate forms of hydroxylamine and nitrite23. However,


ammonium acts more as a nutrient than an inhibitor in the presence of sufficient methane.


Nitrogenase occurs in a broad range of methanotrophs (α- and γ-proteobacteria) allowing for use of


N2 as a nitrogen source; nitrogen-fixing may be widespread and important to nitrogen cycling in


many environments23.

85 86

3. Methanotrophs: prior reviews


Many aspects of these ubiquitous bacteria have been reviewed. This includes the natural occurrence


of methanotrophs24, their use in methane mitigation and environmental remediation6d, 14b, 25, their


physiology, biochemical pathways for N metabolism26, C1 metabolism and assimilation22,


enzymes involved6c,


facultative methanotrophy7b, 21b, 30.


and the influence of copper on their metabolic capabilities27a,


, the

28c, 29


92 93

Although the biotechnological applications have been reviewed in part, no single review has


comprehensively covered all prospective products or processes. Specific topics such as biodiesel


generation5b, epoxide production31, Polyhydroxybutyrate accumulation32 and denitrification33 have


been covered individually, while some reviews cover many facets of methanotrophy and some


biotechnological applications6b,


development of various aspects of methanotrophic physiology and biochemistry, as well as views on


the development of single cell protein production, pollutant bioremediation, whole cell catalytic


production of propylene oxide (epoxypropane) and alludes to the possibility for electrochemically


driving reactions that require reducing agents such as NADH. Trotsenko, et al. 34 reviewed single cell


protein, biopolymer, ectoine, surface layers, vitamins, pollutant bioremediation and the role of


methanotroph as plant growth-promoting bacteria. These topics, as well as extracellular


. A review by Dalton


discusses much of the history and

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polysaccharides, lipids for biodiesel and human health supplements, growth media, methanol,


formaldehyde and organic acids, enzymes, enzymatic transformation of CH4 and CO2 (incorporating


electrochemical reductant recycling), and products resulting from genetic engineering are covered in


the current review.

108 109

3. Methanotrophs: products and processes


3.1. Products


3.1.1. Single-cell protein


Single-cell protein (SCP) production from microbes such as yeasts, fungi, algae, and bacteria surged


in the 1950s and 1960s due to a lack of protein source and predictions of impending global


shortages. The advent of low cost soya production in the 1970s negatively impacted microbial SCP


research, although the production of a fungal protein was commercialised in 1985. Currently, SCP is


the closest example of a commercially-successful biologically-generated product using methane as


the carbon source. The commercial production of methanotrophic SCP originated as research in


Denmark by E.B. Larsen in the 1980s and has culminated the company now known as UniBio A/S.


The fermentation uses natural gas, technically pure oxygen, ammonia as the N source, phosphoric


acid as the P source and supplemented with other minerals. The process is controlled at pH 6.5 and


run at a temperature of 45°C. The concentrated biomass is sterilised by rapid heating to 140°C and


then slowly cooled, allowing cells lysis and accessibility to the protein. The bacterial biomass consists


predominantly of a strain of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) and is a promising protein source,


based on criteria such as amino acid composition, digestibility, and animal performance and


health35. The methanotrophic protein has been used as a protein source for several mono-gastric


species, including pigs, broiler chickens, mink, fox, Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, and Atlantic




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Although bacteria possess a high protein content (ranging from 50 to 65 %) relative to other micro-


organisms (30 to 60 %), they also possess the highest nucleic acid content (8 to 12 %)36, which can


adversely affect consumers. A report regarding the safety of the UniBio protein (then known as


Dansk BioProtein®) noted significant immune effects in rats during a toxicity study (NCSF, 2006). The


protein was only approved for animal nutrition and was recommended for animals with a short life


span, as the nucleic acids could cause kidney and bladder stones in longer-lived species. However,


the risk associated with human consumption of products from animals fed on BioProtein® was


considered negligible. Heat treatment or hydrolysis can lower RNA content. At UniBio A/S nucleic


acids are neutralised by hydrolysis, generating a product fit for human consumption. Heat treatment


at 60 to 65°C for 10 to 20 minutes has been used to remove nearly 90 % of the RNA from a


Methylomonas sp. cultured for single-cell protein use37.

140 141

Although using a C1 gas as the substrate is highly selective, large-scale continuous industrial


fermentation is always subject to infiltration by other micro-organisms as cell lysis products or


metabolic byproducts serve as C sources, which is problematic in a continuous process. The SCP


strain was repeatedly contaminated by three different bacteria: a member of the Aneurinibacillus


group, a Brevibacillus agri strain and an acetate-oxidising Ralstonia species. Fortunately, the three


contaminant bacteria were non-toxic. Their presence was beneficial as they stabilised the culture by


consuming metabolic byproducts that would have inhibited growth38.

148 149

3.1.2a. Biopolymers: Internal storage polymers


Polyhydroxy-alkanoates (PHA) such as poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), or PHB, are widespread and


intensively-researched bacterial storage polymers seen as potential substitutes for plastics derived


from the petroleum industry. They have beneficial properties such as biodegradability,


biocompatibility and thermoplasticity. These biopolymers are synthesised and deposited intra-


cellularly as granules that serve as a source of carbon, energy or reducing-power and, in exceptional

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circumstances, may comprise up to 90 % of a microbe’s dry weight39. PHB accumulation is induced


by exposing an active culture to excess carbon while under a nutrient limitation of some sort. PHA


yield and quality, is affected by pH, temperature and the availability of other carbon sources,


methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium,


magnesium sodium) and trace metals (copper, iron, zinc, manganese cobalt)40. Although PHB


production by methanotrophs and methylotrophs has been of interest for decades41, it has been re-


evaluated in recent times5b, 40c. Cheap, or zero cost, substrates such as CH4 and CO2 are receiving


considerable attention because of their potential to lower production costs32, 42.

163 164

Microbe strain selection, or genetic engineering of existing strains, is critical because of the impact


on the maximum production rate and yield. In the 1990s, heterotrophically-grown Alcaligenes


eutrophus became the organism of choice for industrial PHB production as it produced high yields of


high molecular weight PHBs using various economically-acceptable substrates. It was benchmarked


against a methylotroph (Methylobacterium sp.), which only managed moderate polymers yields that


had a low molecular weight (Mw) and were difficult to extract43. To date, many methylotrophs and


methanotrophs have been assessed for PHA production and are tabled in a reviews by Khosravi-


Darani, et al. 32 and Karthikeyan, et al. 40c. Polymer yields and Mw have improved among the newly-


isolated bacteria as well as mixed cultures. Zhang, et al.


using methane with methanol and citric acid and obtained a high quality PHB (Mw: 1.5×106 Da) at a


yield 40 %. Wendlandt, et al. 45 also produced a high quality PHB with a high molecular mass of (up


to 2.5 × 106 Da), using a Methylocystis sp. in a rapid, non-sterile process. They obtained a PHB


content of up to 51 % using a two-stage process consisting of a continuous growth stage (dilution


rate: 0.17 h−1) and a PHB accumulation stage under P-deficient conditions14c. Shah et al.46 enriched


their methanotrophs for pMMO or sMMO and compared PHB accumulation under different batch


conditions. The pMMO-rich cells displayed greater and more rapid PHB accumulation (up to 50 %


PHB content within 120 hours) and attained a much greater biomass yield (18 g/l). The pMMO-rich


cultured a Methylosinus trichosporium

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cells also. Recently, researchers included silicone oil (10 % v/v) in the two-phase partitioning


bioreactor (using 1 % methane in an air stream) with a co-culture of Methylobacterium


organophilum and reported up to 57 % PHB under nitrogen limitation47 and improved methane


consumption by up to 45 % in the growth stage. Methylotrophs have improved PHB accumulation


when ammonium was the sole N source under potassium limitation48. A complex nitrogen source


can also improve biopolymer yields when using a defined medium49. Helm, et al.


polymer with an ultra-high average Mw of 3.1 MDa under potassium-limited conditions using


methane-utilizing mixed culture where a Methylocystis sp. was dominant. A maximum specific PHB


formation rate 0.08 g.g-1.h-1 and a yield coefficient of 0.45 g PHB.g-1 CH4 were obtained in further K-


deficiency experiments. The Mw was lower when sulfur (21 % lower) or iron (42 % lower) were




produced a

192 193

Even after decades of considerable effort to commercialise microbial PHB production, the high


production cost compared to traditional petrochemical-based plastics (such as polyethylene and


polypropylene) still limits commercial application. Choi and Lee 51 performed a sensitivity analysis of


several factors (productivity, content and yield, the cost of the carbon substrate, and the recovery


method) that affect PHA production with a view to scale-up and found biopolymer content had


multiple effects on the process economics. Productivity only affected equipment-related costs, but


the yield per cell had multiple effects on process economics. Other research has also placed a firm


emphasis on the importance of yield52. Although substrate costs can account for a major portion


(30 %) of the production cost39b, 51-53, the costs associated with downstream processing would still


render microbial polymer production uncompetitive with the petroleum-based polymers. An initial


bridge to commercial production is to target higher-value polymers used in biomedical applications




medical devices, tissue repair, artificial organ construction and nutritional/therapeutic uses55. This

, as the biocompatibility and biodegradation of PHA has shown potential for drug delivery54,

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field of research has received a promising boost: the FDA has recently approved the use of poly-4-


hydroxybutyrate for a clinical application56.

208 209

3.1.2b. Biopolymers: Extra-cellular polysaccharides


The colloid and adhesive properties of extra-cellular polysaccharides (EPS) and their effects on liquid


rheology are used in the food and non-food industries such as the pharmaceutical, textile and oil


industries. Traditionally, industrial polysaccharides have been derived from algal and plant sources57.


There has been an active search for producers that may be cultured using non-edible raw


materials58. Methanotrophs satisfy this requirement as they can synthesise EPS using methane as


their sole carbon source58-59. The genes responsible for elements of the EPS synthesis have been


isolated from a Methylomonas sp. with the intention of genetically engineering them into other C1-


utilising microorganisms to alter levels of EPS production for commercial production57. Malashenko


et al. 58 studied the dynamics of EPS production by methanotrophs in chemostats and observed EPS


synthesis rates ranging from 0.03 to 0.43 g.g-1 dry biomass. Highest production was achieved using


Type I isolates (Methylomonas and Methylobacter spp.). The viscosity of 0.1 % aqueous solutions of


EPS synthesised by the mesophilic methanotrophs varied from 2.2 to 4.0 mm2/s, which was


comparable to the viscosity of EPS solutions synthesised by known microbial producers as well as the


benchmark equivalent composed of 0.1 % xanthane (3.5 to 4.5 mm2/s).

224 225

However, EPS production may inhibit further synthesis as it negatively affects gas uptake.


Chiemchaisri and Visvanathan59a studied methanotrophic EPS production in a bench-scale soil


reactor. Methane oxidation rates (regulated by temperature and soil water content) were correlated


to EPS production and highest EPS production occurred at 30 °C. They observed that a high oxygen


content accelerated EPS production, but subsequently limited gas diffusion and inhibited




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3.1.3. Internal osmo-protectants: Ectoine


Halo-tolerant bacteria employ two primary survival strategies: they synthesise and accumulate


intracellular organic osmo-protectants (such as ectoine, glutamate and sucrose), or they make


structural and functional changes to their cell envelopes by altering the phospholipids composition


of membranes and forming glycoprotein surface layers14b, 60. Ectoine is a cyclic imino acid that is one


of the most widespread microbial protective measures against osmotic dehydration. It is also an


efficient stabiliser of enzymes, nucleic acids, and DNA-protein complexes, and can be used as


a moisturiser in the cosmetic industry. Cosmetic formulations comprising ectoine or its derivatives


offer excellent protection against UV-induced damage to the DNA of skin cells61. Ectoine is produced


annually on a scale of tons in an industrial process using the halophilic γ-proteobacterium


Halomonas elongata DSM 2581T as producer strain62.

243 244

Because synthesis and purification is expensive, new microbial producer strains and their enzymes


are constantly assessed to improve the economics of microbial ectoine production. Halo-tolerant


methanotrophs are known and isolated, with the best-known belonging to the genus


Methylomicrobium. Trotsenko and his colleagues demonstrated that moderately halophilic


methanotrophs and methylotrophs were able to accumulate up to 20 % of their dry mass as


ectoine34, 60. This is an area well worth further exploration, as purified ectoine has one of the highest


retail values of the methanotroph products (approximately $1300 kg-1). Additionally, the bacteria


may potentially be reused multiple times: Halomonas elongata has been reused 9 times, yielding


ectoine at an average of 15.5% g.g-1 biomass63. However, downstream processing is complex and


expensive and represents a challenge to process economics.

254 255

3.1.4. External osmo-protectants: Surface layers


Bacterial cell surface layers are one of the most commonly observed outermost structures of


prokaryotes. These regular para-crystalline structures cover the entire surface of a cell and consist of

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a single layer of identical proteins or glycoproteins. Isolated surface layer glycoproteins possess the


intrinsic property of self-assembly and recrystallise into isoporous lattices in suspension, onto


various surfaces (polymer, silicon and metal) and interfaces (air-liquid, lipid films and liposomes).


These characteristics and subsequent functionalising of surfaces has led to new types of


ultrafiltration membranes, affinity structures, enzyme membranes, micro-carriers, biosensors,


diagnostic devices, biocompatible surfaces and vaccines, as well as targeting, delivery, and


encapsulation systems34, 64.

265 266

As with the de novo synthesis of internal solutes such as ectoine, the osmo-adaptation of


methanotrophs also involves structural and functional changes to cell envelopes and changes in the


chemical composition of membranes60. These changes in the surface layers are potentially of


industrial interest. Regularly arranged glycoprotein surface layers of hexagonal and linear symmetry


have been observed on the outer cell walls of two halo-tolerant Methylobacter spp. Interestingly,


the surface layer in a Methylomicrobium sp. (consisting of tightly packed, cup-shaped sub-units) was


negligible when the bacteria were cultured at a neutral pH with no salt in the media 60, indicating the


stimulatory effect of osmotic stress. With methanotrophs, it is likely that proteins associated with


surface layers facilitate copper ion transport to pMMO and provide an additional mechanism to


maintain copper homeostasis in the cells65. Surface layers have prospective nanotechnology


applications in ultrafiltration because they form porous semi-permeable membranes; their


components undergo self-assembly and in vitro cross-linking at the surface of membranes. The


characteristics of isolated surface layers have allowed for various applications in biotechnology,


vaccine development, diagnostics, biomimetics and molecular nanotechnology34, 64b. Methanotrophs


may be in contention for commercial production if highly desired properties are discovered or


engineered for their specific proteins or glycoproteins.


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3.1.5a. Lipids: biodiesel


Biodiesel is another possible methane-generated commodity with a potentially enormous market. It


may be used as a transport fuel or an energy fuel, and is advantageous compared to ethanol as it can


be used without any modifications to engines. Typically, animal or plant fats (triglycerides) are


extracted and converted via trans-esterification into biodiesel. The triglyceride consists of three long


chain fatty acids attached to a glycerine molecule. The triglyceride reacts with alcohol (typically


methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst (usually a strong base: NaOH or KOH) to yield


esters and glycerol (Figure 2).

291 292

Oleaginous microbes, including yeasts and various microalgae, have been researched intensively as a


biological means to produce diesel due to their ability to accumulate a lipid content greater than


20 % of their dry mass. Microbially-produced lipids are advantageous to animal or plant-based lipids


as they are produced in a short life cycle, may be less labour-intensive, may be less affected by


location, season and climate, and in certain cases may be easier to scale-up. However, there are


difficulties. The scale-up of dense cultures of autotrophic microalgae is difficult due to light


penetration66, difficulties obtaining a high lipid content with dense microbial67 and the high degree


of processing associated with lipid extraction and transformation5b.

300 301

Essentially, lipids from microorganisms may be divided into two types: those associated with storage


(non-polar lipids) and those that form structures (polar lipids). The non-polar storage lipids are


mainly in the form of triacylglycerides and can be trans-esterified to produce biodiesel. The


structural polar lipids (phospholipids) and sterols are important components of cell membranes that


typically have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and are essential nutrients for


humans 67. In microalgae, one of the most intensively researched oleaginous microbes, the types of


lipids produced range from neutral lipids to polar lipids, wax esters, sterols and hydrocarbons, as


well as prenyl derivatives such as tocopherols, carotenoids, terpenes, quinines and pyrrole

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derivatives. In methanotrophs, the two major classes of phospholipids are phosphatidyl-glycerol (PG)


and phosphatidyl-ethanolamine (PE), which has two derivatives: phosphatidyl methyl ethanolamine


(PME) and phosphatidyl dimethyl ethanolamine (PDME). Gamma-proteobacteria (Methylomonas


methanica, Methylomonas rubra and Methylomicrobium album BG8) contain PE and PG


phospholipids with predominantly C16:1 fatty acids, while alpha-proteobacteria methanotrophs


(Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and CSC1) contain PG, PME and PDME with predominantly C18:1


fatty acids


production, the sugars, P and S contents are problematic to subsequent catalysts used in the


processing. The high hetero-atom content (specifically P and N) in the lipid fraction makes


downstream extraction and conversion difficult5b. Undesirable components such as sugars,


phosphorous and sulphur exacerbate processing problems due to gumming or catalyst inactivation.


This will require additional research and development of a solvent-based extraction process to


minimise these negative impacts5b.


. Although the C14 to C18, saturated or mono-unsaturated fatty acids suit diesel

322 323

Fei, et al. 5b recently reviewed the use of methanotrophs to generate lipids for biodiesel production,


thoroughly covering aspects from microbial lipid production to the pitfalls associated with


downstream processing. Lipid accumulation exhibits similarities to PHB accumulation, as both may


be induced by limiting the oxygen supply, nitrogen or phosphate concentrations to the microbes.


Similarly, a two-stage culture process is promoted as the most plausible production method; where


the first stage produces healthy biomass and the second stage limits a nutrient source


advantage of using a gas for producing a fuel is significant as it avoids the food vs. fuel debate that


plagues first generation biofuels. Silverman, et al.


methanotrophic/methylotrophic biomass into oil that is refined into a fuel, where the oil is derived


from the cell membrane of microorganism. Their preferred production method involves supercritical


CO2 extraction of the oil, which may be refined by a cracking, trans-esterification, reforming,


distilling, hydro-processing, and/or isomerisation. While they are focusing on using the structural



. The

patented the conversion of lipid-containing

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lipids, ARPA-E funded research at the University of Washington is focussed on manipulating


methanotrophs to produce storage lipids. Here, methanotrophs will be genetically modified to


increase their lipid production and enhance the fraction of non-phosphorous-based lipids, thereby


aiding trans-esterification into biodiesel.

339 340

3.1.5b. Lipids: human health supplements


As the lipids produced by natural methanotrophic isolates are predominantly membrane-derived,


they are not ideal for catalytic conversion to biodiesel. However, they may have an alternative


higher-value application as a health supplement. There is a current patent for using methanotrophic


lipids in the manufacture of an oral administration for use in the treatment of animal subjects to


reduce plasma cholesterol levels or lower the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol in the plasma. The


composition is apparently also useful for increasing docosahexaenoic acid concentration in the


plasma, which acts as an immuno-protectant70. The patent is based on research the effects of three


different high-lipid diets on plasma lipoproteins and phospholipids in mink (Mustela vison).


Phospholipids from natural gas-utilising bacteria in the diet decreased plasma lipoprotein levels, the


LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio, and plasma phospholipid levels compared with the highly unsaturated


soybean oil. The decrease of plasma cholesterol was attributed to a specific mixture of phospholipids


containing a high level of phosphatidyl-ethanolamine, and not the dietary fatty acid composition71.


These phospholipids could comprise part of a formulation taken as a health supplement, or


potentially used as part of complimentary treatment programme.

355 356

3.1.6. Growth media and vitamin B12


Analogous to yeast, beef or potato dextrose extracts, soluble compounds within the methanotrophic


biomass may contribute to the bulk of an extract that can provide nutrients for a growth media.


There is a patent for a microbial growth medium derived from a microbial culture composed


primarily of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) and containing Ralstonia sp. DB3 and Brevibacillus agri

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DB5 and optionally Aneurinibacillus sp. DB472. The nutrient medium is proposed to consist of a


hydrolysate, homogenate or an autolysate of the biomass, with an autolysate being preferred. The


addition of further compounds and nutrients such as glucose and/or nitrate and minerals (e.g. K, Ca,


Mg, Na, Mb, Fe, Zn, B, Co, Mn and Ni salts) further enhances the scope of this growth medium.


Methanotrophs and methylotrophs utilising the serine or RUMP pathways are able to produce


vitamin B12 (up to 800 ng/g wet mass using a Methylobacterium species), an essential vitamin to


many organisms73.

368 369

3.1.7. Soluble metabolic products: methanol, formaldehyde and organic acids


Soluble metabolic intermediates such as methanol, formaldehyde and organic acids are all potential


products from methanotrophs with multiple industrial uses and are required in large quantities


annually. Viably converting methane to methanol at ambient temperature and pressure is of great


interest as methanol is a more easily transportable than methane. Methanol is the first intermediate


formed during the conversion of methane to carbon dioxide. In the metabolic pathway (Figure 1) of


native bacteria, methanol is rapidly converted to formaldehyde, implying that genetic manipulation


or fermentation process control would be vital to ensure accumulation. Tabata and Okura 74 initially


failed to produce extracellular methanol from methanotrophs because it was rapidly oxidised


internally by methanol dehydrogenase. Extracellular methanol was detected when they selectively


inhibited methanol dehydrogenase using cyclopropanol. Han et al. 75 also achieved partial oxidation


of methane into methanol through selective inhibition of methanol dehydrogenase by using


relatively common media components such as phosphate, NaCl, NH4Cl or EDTA. Alternatively,


researchers used a thermophilic methanotroph (Methylocaludum) in a process where methanol was


constantly removed from the fermentation. Methanol remained in the gas phase at 50 °C and was


successfully condensed from the reactor headspace76. Careful selection of the production strain is


also vital for methanol production as production rates and yields from different isolates vary by


orders of magnitude. Mehta et al. 77 reported specific production of 1 dry mass under

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continuous conditions, while Xin et al.


lower. The low productivity was attributed to the MMO specific activity of their Methylosinus


trichosporium strain, which was approximately 1 % of the strain used by used by Mehta et al. 77.

reported methanol production three orders of magnitude

390 391

Low methanol yields are still problematic. Although earlier research had claimed methanol


production up to 1 g/l79, very low yields (≤mg/l) are generally reported for methanol (and other


soluble metabolites). Recently, 1 g/l was reported using a high-density culture80, but the process


required a culture concentrated via centrifugation in 0.4 M phosphate buffer and 20 mM formic


acid. This process would be difficult to scale up and even then, the methanol concentration would


have to be improved by up to two orders of magnitude.

397 398

Formaldehyde and formic acid represent alternative products formed as intermediates during the


mineralisation process, while acetate, lactate, and succinate are produced under oxygen-limited


conditions20. Current yields according to literature are very low (mM). While a product such as


formaldehyde has a large global demand, it is toxic to cells as it crosslinks proteins (it is often used as


a fixing agent because of this quality). This quality may render a cellular and even a purely enzymatic


system inactive. One potential alternative is to use small molecule catalysts that mimic the methanol


dehydrogenase active site to convert methanol to formaldehyde. It is worth noting that there are a


number of companies actively pursuing these compounds. Various companies and research


institutions (e.g. Kiverdi, Coskata, CALYSTA Energy, NatureWorks, National Renewable Energy


Laboratory, Intrexon) are trying to commercialise biological production of lactate, succinate,


muconic acid, butanol and propanol. It will be of interest to see what yields and production


efficiencies can be obtained by these researchers, and how significantly production can be improved


by bioreactor engineering, genetic engineering and the inclusion of synthetic biology approaches.


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3.1.8. Methanotroph enzymes, cell-free catalysis and electrochemistry


Enzymes produced by methylotrophs are themselves a valuable product. Some dehydrogenases and


other enzymes (including glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, malate


dehydrogenase, alcohol oxidase and catalase) exhibit high activities34. Enzymes such as diamino-


butyrate acetyl-transferase from a halo-tolerant methanotroph have been cloned and expressed in


heterologous expression systems; this enzyme catalyses one of the key reactions of biosynthesis of


the bacterial osmo-protectant ectoine81.

419 420

Methane may be enzymatically converted to methanol, while the complete enzymatic oxidation of


methanol to CO2 has been demonstrated using the various dehydrogenases82. The conversion of


methane to methanol is of great industrial interest. Unfortunately, both the particulate and soluble


MMO require reducing equivalents, which has limited the potential for a commercial methanol


production from these enzymes. The sMMO requires NAD(P)H and O2 catalyses to convert methane


to methanol: CH4 + NAD(P)H + H+ + O2 = CH3OH + NAD(P)+ + H2O, while the pMMO requires


cytochromes b559/569 or c553 artificial reductants such as duroquinol and NADH83 to complete the


reaction. The cost of providing external reducing equivalents for the MMOs renders the economics


of the reaction unfeasible for producing a low-value commodity such as methanol. Normally, within


the cell the NAD(P)H would be regenerated in a subsequent enzymatic oxidation step. However,


developments in NAD(P)H regeneration may be overcome using electrochemical techniques,


mediators or combinations with NAD(P) reducing and NAD(P)H-oxidising enzymes.

432 433

Besides the cost associated with the enzyme co-factor /reducing equivalent, it is also difficult to


heterologously produce MMOs84. MMO genes have been cloned into bacterial expression systems


(which could enable faster and greater enzyme production), because of the relatively slow growth


rate of methanotrophs. However, MMOs are complex proteins (consisting of a reductase,


hydroxylase and regulatory protein) and a heterologous expression system has proved elusive.

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Complete, active MMOs have not been produced thus far, only a partially-active sMMO with a


functional hydroxylase22. Active pMMO85 or sMMO86 can be obtained directly from methanotrophic


cultures. Although the pMMO is commonly inactive when stringently purified from native bacteria


(as it is removed from its lipid matrix and the closely associated proteins and co-factors), active


MMO can be purified from methanotrophic biomass87.

443 444

The other three key enzymes in the mineralisation of methanol to CO2 (methanol dehydrogenase,


formaldehyde dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase) may be used to generate methanol,


formaldehyde and formic acid. There is strong interest in enzyme-catalysed redox reactions to


produce electricity, fuels as well as chemical commodities from immobilised enzymes on


electrodes82, 88. Recently, research has not only focused on forward reaction of CH4 conversion to


methanol, but on the reverse process where CO2 is converted to formic acid, formaldehyde and then


methanol. Formate dehydrogenase alone catalyses a very useful reaction: converting CO2 into


formate. This was achieved by Srikanth et al.


demonstrated the ability to electrochemically regenerate the co-factor (NAD+). The three other key


enzymes that are involved in the mineralisation of methanol to CO2 have recently been


demonstrated capable of the complete reverse enzymatic mineralisation of CH4 displayed in


Figure 290. Carbon dioxide was electro-catalytically converted to formate, formaldehyde and then


methanol at the cathode. Reactive red was used as an electron mediator and the co-factor (NAD+)


was regenerated via cathodic reduction. They further enhanced the process by including carbonic


anhydrase, an enzyme that facilitates the hydration of CO2(g). Enzyme-electrochemical techniques


are of interest as the ability to transform methane into useful chemicals without the requiring a live


culture are highly beneficial, but there are technical, cost and process hurdles to overcome.


, in an electrochemical system where they also


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3.1.9 Propylene oxide production (whole cell catalysis)


The broad substrate range of MMOs allow these enzymes to degrade soil contaminants as well as


generate products, such as 1- and 2-alcohols from C1-C8 n-alkanes, 1,2-epoxides from terminal


alkenes and ethanol/ethanal from diethyl ether91. Alkanes are hydroxylated mostly at the terminal


and sub-terminal positions, while ring hydroxylation of aromatics occurs primarily at the meta


position. The sMMO oxygenates alkenes to epoxides with retention of stereochemistry around the


C=C double bond92. The range for sMMO (n-alkanes, n-alkenes, aromatic and alicyclic compounds) is


significantly greater than that of pMMO (n-alkanes and n-alkenes). The broad substrate range of


MMOs nearly enabled the commercialisation of propylene oxide production in the 1990s.

471 472

Dalton and colleagues studied the transformation of propylene (propene/methyl-ethylene) to


propylene oxide (epoxy-propylene/epoxy-propane) using a methanotroph31,


studies to establish the epoxidation rates of propylene to propylene oxide by Methylococcus


capsulatus (Bath) were optimised in shake-flask cultures, where adding electron donors such as


methanol, formaldehyde, formate or hydrogen stimulated the endogenous rate of propylene oxide


formation up to 50 times. Specific production rates as high as 500 mol.min-1.g-1 of cells (dry mass)


were obtained with methanol as the electron donor, but were only sustained for short periods of up


to 4 minutes94. The loss of the MMO activity and subsequent declining epoxidation rates were


studied further95 and subsequently demonstrated as a result of reversible product inhibition96.


Reactivation of the bacterial propylene oxidation mechanism could occur without growth, but the


process required the presence of an energy source (methane or methanol), sulfur, nitrogen and


oxygen. In the presence of growth substrates, cells could be reactivated after the removal of


propylene oxide. De novo protein synthesis was also required for reactivation of activity and cultures


possessing sMMO took twice as long to recover compared to cells containing pMMO. In the pilot


process, methanol was used as the carbon source and MMO inhibition was circumvented by


operating a two-stage process system that allowed the epoxide-inhibited culture to recover in a

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separate bioreactor in the presence of methane and other nutrients. Conducting the


biotransformation at the optimal growth temperature for the methanotroph (45 °C) was doubly


advantageous, because the boiling point of propylene oxide is 34 °C: allowing simpler product


recovery from the gas phase. The process was run at a high cell density (30 g.l−1) and propylene


oxide was produced at 250 g.l−−1. The authors not only demonstrated continuous pilot-scale


production of propylene oxide from propylene using a methanotroph, but also evaluated the


process for producing 1,2-epoxybutane from but-1-ene and acetaldehyde from ethane. The process


could unfortunately not be commercialised, as the production cost was already at parity to


established commercial chemical technology at the time before inclusions for transport, storage and


profit97. More information about propylene oxide production is available in other review articles31, 34.

498 98


Xin et al.


with methane as the electron-donating co-substrate. They circulated an optimised gas mixture


(methane: 35 %; propene: 20 %; oxygen: 45 %) continuously, which removed the product. In this


manner they were able to operate a bioreactor continuously for 25 days without any obvious loss of


propylene oxide productivity. More recently, Su et al.


production using high cell density cultures of Methylosinus trichosporim OB3b and claimed a


propylene oxide productivity nearly four-fold greater than the highest reported productivity by


optimising temperature, initial propene concentration, sodium formate and MgCl2 concentrations .

recently used a Methylomonas sp. to catalyse the epoxidation in a continuous fashion


optimised conditions for propylene oxide

507 508

The combination of greater productivities and the consolidated bioprocessing approach (where the


product is generated and removed from a single reactor maintained at a temperature above the


products boiling point) is worth investigating again. However, there are new challenges as the


traditional methods for propylene oxide production have advanced since the 1990s. The older


chlorohydrin process was gradually replaced by the oxidation of isobutane and its catalytic


conversion to propylene oxide, which in turn has been superseded by ethylbenzene oxidation, which

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also yields styrene as a co-product100. Until recently, commercial propene peroxidation was


unfeasible due to the cost of H2O2. BASF and DOW chemicals have commercialised a process that


converts O2 into H2O2 (continuously via the oxidation and reduction of 2-ethylanthrahydroquinone),


which in conjunction with propene and a catalyst (titanium silicalite-1) produces propylene oxide


with no byproducts other than water100-101. This is an elegant process that would be challenging to


improve upon. Enzymatic MMO catalysis (as opposed to live cell catalysis) could be worth pursuing,


but would require sufficient MMO, a stable enzyme process and cheap regeneration of the reducing



522 523

3.1.10. New products and improved efficiency of genetically engineered methanotrophs


There has been considerable research over the past three decades regarding the genetics of


methanotrophs102. Various methanotrophs have been sequenced6a,


genetic engineering of these methanotrophs to over-produce metabolites, or even compounds not


naturally synthesised by these bacteria. The proof-of-concept for metabolic engineering of


methanotrophs to heterologously synthesise compounds has been validated. Sharpe


colleagues genetically modified (GM) methanotrophs to produce high-value carotenoids, while using


methane or methanol as a carbon source. Carotenoids are a family of yellow to orange-red


terpenoid pigments that protect against oxidative damage and are desired by food, medical, and


cosmetic industries


associated enzymes to convert it to astaxanthin in a Methylomonas species106. Various C40


carotenoids were accumulated in the intracytoplasmic membrane system in high concentrations104.


Although astaxanthin is widely used as a feed supplement in poultry and aquaculture industries, it is


a challenge to produce in bacteria as astaxanthin generally forms a small percentage of the total


carotenoids. A yield of 1 to 2.4 mg.g-1 dry mass was obtained, where 90 % of the total carotenoid


was astaxanthin (primarily the E-isomer) by engineering a methanotroph to contain two complete


sets of carotenoid biosynthetic genes, proving that astaxanthin with desirable properties could be



and this has allowed the



. The research group initially expressed a canthaxanthin gene cluster and

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produced in methanotrophs through genetic engineering106. As astaxanthin production was strongly


affected by oxygen availability, bacterial haemoglobins were incorporated into the bacteria by


further genetic engineering. Co-expression of the haemoglobin and astaxanthin-encoding genes


significantly increased astaxanthin expression - as the haemoglobins likely improved the activity of


the oxygen-requiring enzymes. A plasmid-free production Methylomonas strain produced more


astaxanthin than the parent strain107. This research demonstrated the ability to engineer non-


traditional microbial hosts that could use methane or methanol as alternative feedstocks for


microbial processes, as well as improve production by metabolic engineering104, 106-108.

548 549

Recently, Intrexon Corporation announced that they had genetically modified a methanotroph to


produce farnesene using methane as the carbon source109. Farnesene represents an enormous


global commodity as it is a basic precursor for diesel, lubricants and specialty products (cosmetics,


rubber and plastics). While this serves as another example of successful genetic engineering, there


was no data substantiating any appreciable yield. Moving from initial laboratory proof-of-concept


(where specific production may be as below µM.g-1) to pilot and commercial scale may require


production to be increased by several orders of magnitude, in addition to overcoming numerous


biological and engineering hurdles.

557 558

Methane-oxidising bacteria have served as hosts for producing recombinant and heterologous


proteins, including β-glucuronidase and genetically engineered MMOs27c. There are now a number of


genetic tools allowing mutagenesis and expression studies with methanotrophs and these


techniques allow introduction of broad-host-range plasmids carrying homologous and heterologous


genes into methanotrophs, promoter probe fusions, transposon mutagenesis and mutagenesis by


marker-exchange27b. There has been a substantial advances in genetic engineering and modification


of the capabilities of methanotrophs since the 1980s110, and this will continue to be a challenging,

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but rewarding field. Synthetic biology may also contribute greatly to improving the production


efficiencies and yields5a.

567 568

3.2 Processes


3.2.1. Methane mitigation


The remediative abilities of methanotrophs are documented and their potential for mitigating


methane emissions from landfills and coal mines and their ability to degrade other hazardous


organic compounds have been reviewed6b,


technologies have been demonstrated beyond the laboratory scale as adaptable field-scale systems


that may be engineered to meet site-specific climatic variations and ensure minimal atmospheric


methane emission111, where methane oxidation efficiencies as high as 100 % have been reported18,




passive drainage and biofiltration of landfill gas as a means of managing landfill gas emissions from


low to moderate gas generation landfill sites. Passively aerated biofilters operating in a temperate


climate achieved maximum methane oxidation efficiencies greater than 90 % and average oxidation


efficiencies greater than 50 % over four years of operation. Although temperature and moisture


within the biofilter were affected by local climatic conditions, their effect on biofilter performance


was overshadowed by landfill gas loading. Interestingly, microbial methane oxidation was limited by


outflowing biogas as it prevented diffusion of atmospheric oxygen into the biofilter. Methanotrophic


systems have also been combined with algae, thereby sequestering both methane and CO2 and has


the potential to generate additional biological products114.

. Dever et al.


14b, 14c, 27a, 31

. Methanotrophic methane mitigation

conducted a field scale trial at a landfill site (Sydney, Australia) investigating

586 587

3.2.2 Contaminant bioremediation


Methanotrophs are useful bioremediation agents because of the broad substrate range of their


MMO enzymes (in particular sMMO), which allows them to remove heavy metals115 and transform


organic pollutants116. The sMMO enzymes can transform a variety of hydrocarbons, including

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alkanes, alkenes, alicyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds and halogenated aliphatics31,

91, 117


Chlorinated compounds degradable by sMMOs include chloroform118, dichloro-ethene 119, trichloro-


ethylene118, 120, tetrachloro-ethene121, hydrochloro-fluorocarbons122 and even vinyl-chloride 123.


594 595

Methane or nutrients may be added to stimulate methanotrophs and enhance biodegradation and


biotransformation of contaminants. Biostimulation of methanotrophs according to the site-specific


needs has even been demonstrated at a field scale in situ within contaminated aquifers and soils,


and ex situ in bioreactors14b, 25c, 124. Their remediative capacities have also been improved by genetic



600 601

Plant-microbe associations are important relationships benefiting both partners. Enhanced


methanotroph-plant associations may be worth pursuing to create a more stable spread of


methanotrophs in a soil environment in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. Even if the


methanotrophs do not greatly benefit the host (as is normally the case with endophytes that provide


nutrients or secrete plant growth promoting factors), as long as they are actively present it is


environmentally beneficial. Alternatively, transgenic plants can also mobilise or degrade chlorinated


solvent, xenobiotic compounds, explosives and phenolic substances. A symbiotic relationship


between GM methanotrophs and transgenic plants could significantly enhance the bioremediation


of contaminated sites125d.

610 611

3.2.4 Denitrification


Biological wastewater denitrification systems require organic carbon to facilitate the reduction of


nitrate to nitrogen. This carbon requirement may be partially met by the acidogenic fermentation of


a portion of the organic waste entering wastewater treatment systems, which provides volatile fatty


acids such as acetate. However, modern wastewater treatment plants frequently need to


supplement their systems with a costly external carbon source such as ethanol to achieve more

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stringent discharge limits126. Using methane as a low-cost carbon source to facilitate denitrification


would be highly beneficial. Incorporating methane into the denitrification process was suggested by


various researchers in the 1970s127, but denitrification by pure methanotrophic isolates had still not


been validated four decades later128.

621 622

Although methanotrophs can catalyse nitrogen cycle processes such as nitrification and nitrogen


fixation, they cannot perform complete denitrification


hypothesised that the responsible agent in the mixed methanotrophic culture was a denitrifying


methanol-consuming bacteria that was using a methanotrophic byproduct to perform the initial


reduction of nitrate to nitrite. The premise was one of syntrophy, where one organism lives off the


products of another organism, and this was later verified128. Methane is used by the methanotrophs


and they in turn provide an electron donor (such as acetate) for the denitrifying bacteria. As cheaper


wastewater denitrification alternatives are being investigated, there has been a recent increase in


research published regarding methane oxidation coupled to denitrification129. Various consortia of


microorganisms are capable using methane as the sole carbon source for denitrification both


aerobically33, 128, 130 and anaerobically33, 129, 131.


. Even as early as the 1970s, it was

633 634

3.2.5. Electricity generation in microbial fuel cells


In a microbial fuel cell (MFC) micro-organisms are attached to electrodes that harvest the electrical


current produced from the spontaneous oxidation of organic substrates132. Theoretically,


methanotrophs could be employed in a MFC using methane as the carbon source, thereby coupling


biological methane oxidation to electricity generation. The concept of using methane as a carbon


source in a microbial fuel cell was patented by Girguis and Reimers133, but, to date, no electrogenic


activity has been demonstrated by a methanotroph. However, it is not essential that they are


electrogenic as they may serve as an intermediary at the surface of a biofilm and provide organic


metabolites to sustain electrogenic bacteria in contact with the anode. The potential

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methanotrophic metabolites that have been used as sole carbon sources in MFCs include


methanol134 formic acid135, or fermentation products produced under oxygen-limited conditions20


such as acetate136 or lactate137. However, there are significant problems associated with using


oxygen in the anodic chamber and the materials required to construct MFCs are expensive


(considering the poor power densities achieved) making industrial application unlikely.

648 649

3.2.6 Biosensors


Biosensors are analytical devices that use a transducer coupled to biological material that elicits a


signal in response to an analyte. They can be extremely sensitive as well as highly specific, but may


suffer from instability138 or be affected by the external environment. The ability of MMO to react


with methane allows the bacteria containing the enzyme, or the isolated enzyme, to be used as the


biological component of a biosensor. A Methylomonas culture was exploited early in the


development of environmental biosensors by Okada, et al. 139, where methane concentrations were


determined in 3 min at 30 °C at pH of 7.2. It allowed for a minimum methane measurement of


13 μM and was reproducible to within 5 % for more than 20 days over which more than 500 assays


were performed. The bacteria were also incorporated into sensors developed by Daamgard and


colleagues140 where oxygen consumption was measured using an internal oxygen amperometric


microsensor, acting as a proxy for methane presence. Wen, et al.


using a mixed culture of methane-oxidizing bacteria. With both biosensors the sensitivity and the


response time were improved by increasing the number of bacteria. Unfortunately, both biosensors


were restricted by environmental factors (e.g., pH and temperature) that affected the physiological


state of bacteria142. The use of MMO enzymes coupled to an electrode was also investigated, but this


was unstable and produced unusual results – presumably due to methane and oxygen retention143.



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4. Overview of potential products


The potential products, their reported yields and production efficiencies are summarised in Table 2,


along with their potential global demand, potential nearness to market and relevant references.

670 671

The increasing demand for protein-rich feed by the expanding global aquaculture industry bodes


well for single-cell protein production. Further improvements to strains via genetic modification (to


generate carotenoids or improved vitamin B12 production) could enhance the nutritional value of


the product. Although SCP production appears feasible (as evidenced by the recent construction of a


new facility in Trinidad and Tobago), government initiatives/incentives may be necessary to facilitate


private investment and further increase this application.

677 678

Propylene oxide and ectoine production are particularly interesting as they represent extracellular


products. Unlike most cellular products, this enables cell reuse, which is useful for relatively slow


growing biomass. Once the optimal biomass concentration is attained the key constraints are the


rates of production and tolerance towards the product inhibition. The commercial value of ectoine


makes it a compound worth pursuing via improved downstream processing, new production strains,


and genetic engineering to improve yields and yield efficiencies. Propylene oxide has an enormous


market and production could be improved via improved enzyme efficiencies and product tolerance,


or enhanced simultaneous product removal using either new thermo-tolerant species, or improved


production strains engineered to exhibit thermophilic traits. With the near-commercialisation of


propylene oxide production by methanotrophs in the 1990s, it is worth revisiting this process,


although new production processes will be difficult to compete against.

689 690

Biopolymer production (polyhydroxy-alkanoates and extracellular polysaccharides) and external


surface layers may be limited by the production rate of the relatively slow-growing methanotrophs.


It can take days to weeks as opposed to hours to days when using conventional bacteria. Although

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the price of petroleum precursors will have to increase before biopolymer production becomes


viable, a potential bridge towards economic feasibility may be focussing on producing a consistent,


high-quality PHB for medical applications. However, for PHAs and EPS, the low solubility of methane


is a great challenge, especially with high-density cultures.

697 698

Biodiesel also represents an enormous market, but polar membrane lipids with a high heteroatom


content from methanotrophs may not be the best microbial alternative. If attempts to genetically


enhance the methanotrophs to improve lipid yields and produce desired storage lipids


(triacyglycerols) are successful, it will be an important step towards commercialising biofuels from


these bacteria, as the quality of the lipid intermediates have been regarded as playing a major role in


the overall fuel production cost and will have a strong impact on the catalytic upgrading steps5b.


However, considering the lipid composition in native bacteria, use as a health supplement for


lowering cholesterol currently seems most appropriate.

706 707

Products that currently appear unfeasible to produce include farnesene and soluble metabolites


such as methanol, formaldehyde and organic acids. There is no data available that indicates that


farnesene is produced in any appreciable quantities in methanotrophs. Soluble metabolites such as


methanol, formaldehyde and organic acids are produced in low concentrations according to


literature. Even methanol titres of 1 g/l will not be commercially viable considering rates and


processing conditions; it also negatively impacts culture maintenance as reducing equivalents are


not regenerated. However, methanol is an important global commodity and the potential to


generate it under ambient conditions using cells modified via traditional genetic manipulation or


synthetic biology, or via enzymatic catalysis, is still a prominent topic.

716 717

Although some methanotroph enzymes possess high catalytic activities, it is unlikely that the native


methanotroph will be used for production. Cloning the enzymes’ genes into common expression

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systems that use conventional carbon sources is more feasible, but this would use a traditional


carbon source rather than methane. It is not inconceivable that enzymes could be harvested from


spent methanotrophic biomass though, thereby adding value and potentially improving the


economic viability of another process.

723 724

Incorporating methanotrophs into biosensors and electricity generation via microbial fuel cells seem


unlikely options. The biosensor have a limited functional pH range and require oxygen and reducing


equivalents, in addition to general biosensor problems such as background noise, interference and


inhibition. Although patented, electricity generation in microbial fuel cells with methane as the sole


carbon source has not actually been demonstrated. Electricity generation seems improbable as the


presence of oxygen in the anodic chamber will negate electron transfer.

730 731

Regarding processes, partial denitrification aided by methanotrophs could be worth incorporating


into wastewater treatment plants where possible, as this could lessen the cost associated with


providing an external carbon source for denitrification. Other processes, such as mitigating methane


releases into the atmosphere and bioremediation have been demonstrated at a field scale11, 93 and


are technically possible, but will only be applied when there is a sufficient financial incentive to limit


carbon emissions or remove contaminants. GMOs with improved traits (e.g. tolerance and


degradation efficiency) could further enhance these applications, but the perceived of risks related


to genetic transfer requires extensive assessment before a GMO may be used in the environment116,


125a, 144


740 741

5. Methanotroph applications: synthetic biology, scale-up and commercialisation


The future of all of the bioprocesses mentioned in this review must yield a profit, or be of greater


value when benchmarked against conventional methane applications such as energy recovery or


heating, and must be achievable at scale. To ensure a consistent and optimal product or robust

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process, fermentation and downstream processing must be optimised, integrated and functional at



747 748

The greatest technical challenge for gas fermentation at scale remains the efficient mass transfer of


poorly-soluble gaseous substrates into the aqueous phase145. Other major concerns are the need to


regenerate reducing equivalents and the cost of downstream processing. Many reactor types


(continuous stirred tank reactors, bubble columns, airlift reactors, trickle beds and numerous


variations) have been applied to gas fermentation145, and microbubble generation


immobilized hollow fibre membranes146 have been investigated to improve gas transfer efficiency.


Increasing the headspace pressure is another means of improving mass transfer. Paraffin and


nanoparticle addition can improve gas transfer, but at an increased cost. Cathodic reduction (directly


to the cells or an immobilised MMO complex) may provide the electrons required or regenerate the


reducing equivalents, but feasibility depends on the cost of the reduction and whether it can be


scaled up in an economically-viable manner.



759 760

Another significant problem at scale with gas fermentation is foaming (especially with high density


cultures) and may be compounded by operating secondary reactors to the extreme of the microbe’s


capacity to maintain structural integrity or survive exposure to high product or metabolite


concentrations. This may be further aggravated by microaeration, where the small gas bubbles that


are required to improve gas-liquid transfer may be more easily stabilised by bacterial lysis products


or proteins and glycoproteins.

766 767

However, downstream processing costs may single-handedly prevent the commercialisation of these


products. Generally, if the product is intracellular, cells must be concentrated, lysed, and then the


product must be extracted, purified, concentrated and processed. There are considerable costs


associated with cell pretreatment147, solvent recovery, impurity removal, increases in viscosity,

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subsequent requirements for product upgrading or modification, waste treatment and


environmental consequences42,


increases in liquid viscosity.


as well as technical issues dealing with particular solvents and

774 775

The capabilities and yield efficiencies of production strains may be enhanced with cloned genes, or


potentially even with completely synthetic additions in the future. There is hope of potentially


doubling the energy efficiency of MMOs by engineering a dioxygenase-like enzyme to activate


methane, that would allow two methane molecules to be activated for the same energy input5a.


Genetic engineering and synthetic biology have a large role in the future application of


methanotrophs and their enzymes, as indicated by the strong emphasis on these techniques in many


of the ARPA-E funded projects. Some projects involve completely synthetic enzymes for methane


activation (Arzeda Corp.), while others will re-engineer enzymes for methylation (Northwestern


University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), pathways (University of California Davis) or


methanotrophs (University of California Los Angeles), or even use phototrophic organisms (MOgene


Green Chemicals LLC) to produce a liquid fuels such as butanol, methanol, ethanol or dimerise


methane. Enzyme use is also being combined with chemical approaches for cell-free catalysis


(GreenLight Biosciences) and new metabolic pathways are also being engineered into methylotrophs


to convert methanol into butanol (University of Delaware). Synthetic biology may offer alternative


routes for regenerating reducing equivalents, using advanced enzymes or new metabolic pathways,


or improving yields and conversion efficiencies, but these are complex, time-consuming endeavours


and great patience and perseverance will be required.

792 793

There are still serious challenges to commercialising methanotroph applications, but the recent


funding allocation and intensive research committed to biologically generating transport fuels from


methanotrophs demonstrates the potential envisaged for these unique bacteria. Although they have


been known and researched for just over a century, their ability to use methane under ambient

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conditions, coupled to the abilities of specialist thermophilic, halophilic and acidophilic


methanotrophs, as well as the potential to further improve their capabilities via genetic


enhancement and synthetic biology, translates to decades of intriguing research ahead.

800 801

6. Acknowledgements


The Centre for Solid Waste Bioprocessing gratefully acknowledges funding from Remondis. W.P.C.


and S.H. acknowledge funding from the Australian Research Commission (DP 140104572). The


authors acknowledge input from S. Freguia, T. Stewart, M. Patel, J. Bors and I. Pikaar.

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8. Figures and Tables

1394 1395

Figure 1: Methanotrophic methane mineralisation or assimilation (via the Serine or RUMP pathways).

1396 1397

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1398 1399

Figure 2: Typical reaction scheme for the trans-esterification of a triglyceride into esters and glycerine.


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Table 1: Generalised differences between Type I and Type II methanotrophs 6, 27a, 40c, 110.

Genera Formaldehyde assimilation pathway Phospholipid fatty acids of intracytoplasmic membranes Membrane arrangement Preferred gas ratio Cyst formation Nitrogen fixation CO2 assimilation

Type I: -Proteobacteria Methylobacter, Methylocaldum, Methylococcus, Methylomicrobium, Methylomonas, Methylosphaera and Methylothermus genera

Type II: -Proteobacteria

Methylocella, Methylocapsa, Methylocystis and Methylosinus genera

Ribulose monophosphate pathway

Serine pathway

Bundles of 16-carbon fatty acids: 14:0, 16:0, 16:1ω7c and 16:1ω5t

Bundles of 18-carbon fatty acids: 18:1ω8c, 18:1ώ8t and 18:1ώ6c

Stacked membranes throughout cytoplasm

Peripheral membrane rings

Lower CH4:Higher O2 Yes Methylococcus, Methylomonas and Methylosphaera 5-15% of biomass

Higher CH4: Lower O2 No Common under low oxygen tension Up to 50 % of biomass


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Table 2: Potential products and processes using methane as the primary carbon source for methanotrophs. Product Relative Global annual demand Near to market value Single cell protein. Low >25 000 tonnes Yes, under defined natural gas costs and product retail price. Commercial plant in Trinidad and Tobago. Internal storage polymers Low Equivalent to 0.6 billion Processing cost constraints. May be viable when (PHB) litres of oil used for petroleum products increase sufficiently in price. making plastics Potential for specialised polymers or via lactic acid production. Lipids: biodiesel Low 1.4 billion litres Not currently feasible due to heteroatoms. R&D needed. Potential via genetic manipulation. Lipids: dietary supplements High Kg - tonnes Possibly. Promising option. Ectoine Soluble metabolic products: Methanol

Very high

1-10 tonnes


90 billion litres

Formaldehyde Organic acids

Low Low

Surface layers Extra-cellular polysaccharides (EPS)

Medium- Unknown High Low >10 tonnes medium

Growth media and Vit B12


35 billion litres 9600 tonnes (as acetic acid only)

1 tonne

Unknown. Boosts nutrition value.

>1.4 billion litres


9-10 million tonnes

Unknown. Proof of concept achieved according to press release, but no yield data. Promising, but requires improved efficiencies. Cost was parity with older technology.


High High


None low Low

Biosensors Electricity generation

Medium Low

Medium High.


155 22, 34, 81-90

T: 2.4 mg astaxanthin.g-1

Low medium. Low.

GMO products: Farnesene Biotransformation of propene to propylene oxide. Process Methane mitigation

biomass No data


Naturally occurring. Seeded in certain instances and has worked at a field scale. Naturally occurring. Seeded in certain instances and has worked at a field scale. Achieved in laboratories. Technical requirements possibly limits this to niche WWTPs or academia. No. Technical constraints. No. Unproven. Improbable.


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6a, 27b, 27c, 104 110, 156 109

No data −1


SP: 8.3 g.g .day


31, 34, 91-93, 98

6b, 14b, 14c, 18, 111-112 14b, 25c, 31, 91, 117, 124-125 33, 127-131

139-143, 157 133-135

Methane as a resource: can the methanotrophs add value?

Methane is an abundant gas used in energy recovery systems, heating, and transport. Methanotrophs are bacteria capable of using methane as their sole ...
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