
JHLXXX10.1177/0890334415585078Journal of Human LactationJiménez et al

Original Research

Metagenomic Analysis of Milk of Healthy and Mastitis-Suffering Women

Journal of Human Lactation 1­–10 © The Author(s) 2015 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0890334415585078 jhl.sagepub.com

Esther Jiménez, PhD1,2, Javier de Andrés, MSc1,2, Marina Manrique, MSc3, Pablo Pareja-Tobes, MSc3, Raquel Tobes, PhD3, Juan F. Martínez-Blanch, PhD4, Francisco M. Codoñer, PhD4, Daniel Ramón, PhD4, Leónides Fernández, PhD1,2, and Juan M. Rodríguez, PhD1,2

Abstract Background: Some studies have been conducted to assess the composition of the bacterial communities inhabiting human milk, but they did not evaluate the presence of other microorganisms, such as fungi, archaea, protozoa, or viruses. Objective: This study aimed to compare the metagenome of human milk samples provided by healthy and mastitis-suffering women. Methods: DNA was isolated from human milk samples collected from 10 healthy women and 10 women with symptoms of lactational mastitis. Shotgun libraries from total extracted DNA were constructed and the libraries were sequenced by 454 pyrosequencing. Results: The amount of human DNA sequences was ≥ 90% in all the samples. Among the bacterial sequences, the predominant phyla were Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. The healthy core microbiome included the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacteroides, Faecalibacterium, Ruminococcus, Lactobacillus, and Propionibacterium. At the species level, a high degree of inter-individual variability was observed among healthy women. In contrast, Staphylococcus aureus clearly dominated the microbiome in the samples from the women with acute mastitis whereas high increases in Staphylococcus epidermidis-related reads were observed in the milk of those suffering from subacute mastitis. Fungal and protozoa-related reads were identified in most of the samples, whereas Archaea reads were absent in samples from women with mastitis. Some viral-related sequence reads were also detected. Conclusion: Human milk contains a complex microbial metagenome constituted by the genomes of bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. In mastitis cases, the milk microbiome reflects a loss of bacterial diversity and a high increase of the sequences related to the presumptive etiological agents. Keywords breastfeeding, human milk, mastitis, metagenome, microbiome

Well Established


Human milk is a source of bacteria that play a role in the initiation and evolution of the neonatal gut microbiota; however, microbiome approaches conducted up to the present have been focused on bacteria, and the only previous metagenomic study was performed by pooling samples from different women.

Our knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the human microbial community is essential for gaining a complete understanding of human development and physiology.1 The human microbiota is a complex community that contains 1

Newly Expressed Human milk contains a complex microbial metagenome constituted by the genome of bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The metagenome of milk from healthy women differs from that of women with mastitis. Some technical aspects should be taken into account while determining the microbiome of samples with a relatively low bacterial concentration, such as milk obtained from healthy women.

Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Technology, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain 2 Probisearch, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain 3 Era7 Bioinformatics, Granada, Spain 4 Lifesequencing S.L., Parc Científic Universitat de València, Paterna, Spain Date submitted: December 23, 2014; Date accepted: April 3, 2015. Corresponding Author: Juan M. Rodríguez, PhD, Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Technology, Complutense University of Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain. Email: [email protected]

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Journal of Human Lactation 

archaea, bacteria, protozoa, and viruses, and the genes they contain are known as our microbiome. There is a rapidly growing awareness of the importance of the human microbiome in health and disease,2 since its perturbation has been associated with several conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory intestinal diseases, colorectal cancer, necrotizing enterocolitis, obesity, and diabetes.3 Human milk is a relevant factor in the initiation, development, and composition of the neonatal gut microbiota.4 This biological fluid represents a continuous source of bacteria to the infant gut5,6 and also provides prebiotic human milk oligosaccharides.7 It has been suggested that exposure of the breastfed infant to such a wealth of bacterial phylotypes may exert beneficial effects against diarrheal and respiratory diseases and may reduce the risk of developing other conditions, such as diabetes or obesity.8 A relatively narrow spectrum of bacteria, including staphylococci, streptococci, lactic acid bacteria, and bifidobacteria, has been isolated from human milk of healthy women,9-14 whereas bacterial DNA from a wider spectrum of bacterial species, including strict anaerobes, has been detected using culture-independent approaches.8,15-19 Numerous microbiome studies have been carried out to assess the composition of the bacterial communities inhabiting a variety of human body locations, including gut,20 oral cavity,21,22 vagina,1,23,24 skin,25,26 and milk.8,17-19 All of these studies were focused on the bacterial component of the microbiome, but in general they did not evaluate the presence of sequences related to other microorganisms, such as fungi, archaea, protozoa, or viruses, even though they may also exert a strong influence on human health.3 In this context, the objective of this work was to obtain a more comprehensive metagenomic profile of the human milk microbial community in 2 different health conditions (healthy and mastitis) by using a whole community DNA shotgun sequencing-based approach.

Methods Subjects, Sampling, and Milk Cultures A total of 20 human milk samples were analyzed in this study. Samples were obtained from 10 healthy women without present or past underlying conditions (H1-H10), and from 10 women with symptoms of lactational mastitis—5 suffering from acute mastitis (breast redness and pain, fever, flu-like symptoms) (M1-M5) and the other 5 suffering from subacute mastitis (needle-like and burning pain, engorgement) (M6-M10).27 Neither antibiotics nor probiotics were administered to the women for at least 3 months prior to sample collection. All volunteers gave written informed consent to the protocol, which was approved by the ethical committee of Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain (reference 10/017-E). Milk samples were collected aseptically in a sterile tube by manual expression using sterile gloves. Previously, nipples

and mammary areola had been cleaned with soap and sterile water and soaked in chlorhexidine (Cristalmina, Salvat, Spain). The first drops (~500 µL) were discarded. Immediately after collection, the milk samples were plated onto Baird Parker (BioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France), Columbia Nadilixic Acid (BioMérieux), MacConkey (BioMérieux), Pseudomonas Agar Base (CFC formulation; Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK), Brain Heart Infusion (Oxoid), and Sabouraud Dextrose Chloramphenicol (BioMérieux) agar plates to identify and quantify the bacteria or the yeasts (in the case of the last medium) initially present in the samples. The isolates were identified by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry using a Vitek-MS instrument (BioMérieux) in the facilities of Probisearch (Tres Cantos, Spain). Briefly, a portion of a bacterial colony (~1 µL) was directly spotted onto a MALDI sample plate. Then, it was overlaid with 1 µL of a saturated solution of α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid in acetonitrile (28%) and allowed to dry at room temperature. For each isolate, a mean spectrum was constructed with at least 50 m/z spectra profiles and used for the identification by comparison with the spectra contained in the Myla database (BioMérieux). Identification was defined as a 99% to 100% match to the species-specific m/z values in the database.

DNA Isolation from Human Milk Different quantities of milk were used to obtain ≥ 500 ng of DNA. The protocol was as follows: milk (≈10 mL) was centrifuged at 11 000×g for 5 minutes at 4°C; the pellet was washed with TE buffer (10 mM Tris; 1 mM EDTA; pH 8) and resuspended in 0.5 mL of extraction buffer (200 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5, 0.5% w/v SDS, 25 mM EDTA, 250 mM NaCl, 20 mg/mL lysozyme, 5 µg/mL lysostaphin) and 0.3 mL of 3 M sodium acetate. Then, mechanical lysis was performed by bead-beating with 0.1 mm diameter zirconia/silica beads (Sigma, St Louis, Missouri, USA) using a FastPrep instrument (QBioGene, Irvine, California, USA) at a speed of 5.5 m/s for 30 seconds, twice. The lysate solution was treated with 50 µL of proteinase K (2 mg/mL) (Sigma) for 60 minutes at 37°C. Following incubation, 0.1 mL of 1.5 M NaCl was added to the lysate and mixed. After incubation for 5 minutes at room temperature, the mixture was centrifuged at 16 000×g for 5 minutes at room temperature to pellet any insoluble cell debris. The supernatant was transferred into a new tube and extracted twice with an equal volume of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) (Sigma). The DNA was precipitated by adding 0.6 volumes of isopropanol (Sigma) and incubation at –20°C for 1 hour. The DNA was pelleted at 16 000g for 10 minutes at 4°C, washed with 70% ethanol (v/v), allowed to air dry, and finally, resuspended in TE buffer. Total DNA was quantified using a NanoDrop ND-1000 UV spectrophotometer (Nano-Drop Technologies, Wilmington, Delaware, USA).

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Jiménez et al

Pyrosequencing and Taxonomic Assignment Shotgun libraries from total extracted DNA were constructed for the 20 samples and, subsequently, were sequenced at Lifesequencing S.L. (Life Sequencing, Paterna, Spain) or at the facilities of the Parque Científico de Madrid (Spain) using a pyrosequencing approach implemented in the 454 Life Science/Roche platform. Taxonomic assignment was done using the MG7 program developed by Era7 Bioinformatics,28 which uses cloud computing for the parallel massive Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) similarity analysis to infer both function and taxonomic assignment. A special peculiarity of the MG7 program is the use of a graph nonrelational database model. MG7 makes use of the Neo4j database to store the results of the analysis and facilitate the querying and the access to data. MG7 taxonomic assignment was done based on 2 different paradigms: Best Blast Hit (BBH) and Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA). In the first case, the assignment of each read was made to the organism that corresponds to the BBH obtained after searching the nt database (NCBI), whereas LCA did it to the lowest node in the taxonomic tree that is an ancestor of the top 10 BBHs. Once the similarity data were obtained, the results were organized in the graph database. Considering the presence of large metagenomic datasets with nonspecific taxonomic assignment in the nt database, assignment based on BBH was considered to be more specific and informative than that based on LCA. The dataset obtained in this work is available in the European Nucleotide Archive repository, under the study accession number: PRJEB5976.

Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index In this study, the richness and diversity of the human milk bacteriome from healthy and mastitis-suffering women were determined by calculating the Shannon-Weaver diversity index (SDI). A diversity index is a mathematical measure of species diversity in a community. Diversity indices provide more information about community composition than simply species richness (ie, the number of species present) since they also take into account the relative abundance (rarity and commonness) of different species.

Results Milk Cultures The bacterial concentration in the samples provided by the 10 healthy women oscillated between 2.24 and 2.62 log10 colony forming units [CFU]/mL. In contrast, high concentrations of Staphylococcus aureus (5.3-6.0 log10 CFU/mL) were found in the samples from acute mastitis (M1-M5) whereas high concentrations of Staphylococcus epidermidis (5.0-6.0 log10 CFU/mL) were obtained in those from subacute mastitis

(M6-M10). Neither Gram-negative bacteria nor yeasts could be isolated from any of the tested samples.

Pyrosequencing and General Taxonomic Assignment Mean sequence length of the reads oscillated between 295 and 354 nt. Human DNA content of all the samples was ≥ 90% of the total. In the first phase of the analysis, all reads were compared against the nt database by performing a BLAST search. The reads with some hit with an E-value less than 10–10 were assigned to a taxon. Then, these assignments were filtered and only those based on hits with more than 90% of identity involving more than 80% of the read length remained in the final set. In a second phase of the analysis, reads assigned to the taxa with IDs 10239 (viruses), 12884 (viroids), 2 (Bacteria), 2157 (Archaea), 5204 (Basidiomycota), 4890 (Ascomycota), 33630 (Alveolata), 554915 (Amoebozoa), 207245 (Fornicata), 36549 (plasmids), and 2387 (transposons) were selected. The relative abundance of nonhuman sequences associated with each domain is summarized in Table 1. Those sequences that did not map for bacteria, fungi, protozoa, or viruses were removed from further analysis (data not shown). The diversity of the microbial communities was assessed using the SDI and ranged from 1.56 in sample M4 to 3.07 in sample H8 (Table 1). There was a significant loss of microbial diversity in the samples of women with acute or subacute mastitis when compared to those collected from healthy women.

Taxonomic Assignment of the Bacterial Sequences A total of 47 481 bacterial reads, representing 12 taxonomic phyla and 275 species, were obtained. As a mean, 24% of the reads (ranging from 4% in sample H1 to 48% in sample H2) were classified as uncultured bacteria. The number of different bacterial DNA species detected in the samples varied from 22 in M1 to 153 in H1. Globally, the 3 most predominant phyla (> 10%) were Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. Reads belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria, Tenericutes, Chloroflexi, Verrucomicrobia, DeinococcusThermus, Fibrobacteres, Cyanobacteria, Chlorobi, and Acidobacteria were scarce. Samples from healthy women could be divided into 3 different groups (H1-H5; H6-H8; H9-H10) on the basis of their bacterial profiles. In samples H1 to H5, Class Gammaproteobacteria was dominant on the basis of the number of reads (20.05%-50.32%), followed by Alphaproteobacteria (17.66%-34.87%) (Table 2). The most abundant genus in these 5 samples was Pseudomonas (17.67%-49.16%; Gammaproteobacteria), followed by Sphingomonas, Sphingobium, Novosphingobium, or Sphingopyxis (Alphaproteobacteria) (Figure 1); in addition, the predominant species were very similar among

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Journal of Human Lactation 

Table 1.  Microbial Domainsa Detected in the Human Milk Samples and Their Shannon-Weaver Diversity Indexes. Sampleb






Unclassified Sequence

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10

2.75 2.92 2.77 2.83 2.97 3.04 2.86 3.07 2.62 2.81 1.60 1.64 1.71 1.56 1.60 2.64 1.86 1.72 2.33 2.29

98.33 94.27 97.64 98.01 96.29 97.66 96.07 95.24 94.75 95.15 91.53 91.20 92.50 91.47 92.01 95.00 93.83 94.28 93.92 94.12

0.23 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.19 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.75 1.67 0.81 1.38 0.92 1.03 0.97 1.10 2.06 2.17 7.75 7.49 6.88 7.34 6.71 2.39 2.97 3.92 3.28 3.73

0.69 4.05 1.55 0.47 2.72 1.25 1.81 3.52 3.00 2.45 0.72 1.31 0.62 1.19 1.28 2.61 3.20 1.80 2.70 2.15

— — — — — 0.03 — 0.05 — — — — — — — — — — — —

Abbreviations: SDI, Shannon-Weaver diversity index; —, not detected. a The results are expressed as the percentage of the total reads different from human reads. b H1-H10, healthy women; M1-M5 and M6-M10, women suffering from acute and subacute mastitis, respectively.

these 5 samples, although there was an interindividual variability in relation to the less abundant species. The species profile of samples H6, H7, and H8 differed notably from that of the previous 5 samples since Class Bacteroidia (21.03%-22.95%), represented by the genera Bacteroides and Parabacteroides, was dominant, followed by Class Gammaproteobacteria (18.79%-22.43%) and Class Clostridia (16.00%-20.91%), which included the genera Eubacterium, Roseburia, Faecalibacterium, and Ruminococcus (Figure 1). Globally, the profiles of samples H9 and H10 were similar to those of H1 to H5 at the genera level, although the percentages of the reads corresponding to the phyla Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Tenericutes and the abundance of some genera belonging to class Bacilli, such as Streptococcus, were higher in H9 and H10 (Figure 1). Class Bacilli (69.08%-74.07%) and Genus Staphylococcus (62.53%-70.97%) clearly predominated in the samples from acute mastitis cases (M1-M5) (Table 2; Figure 1). Moreover, they were the samples displaying the lowest diversity and, in fact, between 60.9% and 67.2% of the reads belonged to the species responsible for the mastitis (S aureus). Among the samples (M6-M10) obtained from women with subacute mastitis, 3 classes were dominant: Bacilli (10.00%-35.07%), Gammaproteobacteria (17.15%32.39%), and Alphaproteobacteria (12.03%-25.43%) (Table 2). The Genus Staphylococcus and the species S epidermidis, which probably was the species responsible for the mastitis as assessed by the milk cultures, accounted for 8.26% to

23.55% and 7.6% to 21.5%, respectively, of the reads obtained from these samples (Figure 1). The genera Bacteroides, Faecalibacterium, Ruminococcus, Lactobacillus, Propionibacterium, Sphingomonas, Novosphingobium, Sphingopyxis, Sphingobium, and Burkholderia were present in at least 8 of the 10 samples from healthy women (Figure 1). In contrast, there was a notable decrease in the percentage of samples containing DNA from the genera Bacteroides, Parabacteroides, Faecalibacterium, Ruminococcus, Roseburia, Eubacterium, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Propionibacterium among the samples provided by women suffering from mastitis (Figure 1).

Taxonomic Assignment of Eukaryotic Microorganisms, Archaeal, and Viral Related Sequences Sequences from fungal, protozoan, archaeal, and viral organisms were also detected and identified in the samples (Table 1). Fungal reads belonging to the phyla Basidiomycota and Ascomycota were found in all the samples (0.23%-1.15% of the total reads), with the exceptions of M1, M5, and M8. The number of fungal species detected in each positive sample ranged between 1 and 5. Samples H3 (Calocera cornea, Guepiniopsis buccina, Malassezia globosa, Podospora anserina, Sordaria macrospora) and H4 (Candida dubliniensis, Malassezia globosa, Malassezia restricta, Talaromyces stipitatus, Yarrowia lipolytica) had

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Jiménez et al Table 2.  Number of Reads and Percentage of the Main Bacterial Classes Detected in Milk Samples. Samplea H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10









3896 606 2715 2823 2929 4725 3415 3707 764 2992 615 1723 1903 2224 2001 761 2364 2496 2012 2810

50.32 20.05 36.15 38.23 44.21 20.06 18.79 22.43 42.40 39.15 1.69 1.07 1.32 0.73 0.81 32.39 27.93 18.21 25.28 17.15

34.87 17.66 27.73 19.92 30.01 5.52 7.24 6.40 15.38 17.16 0.48 0.41 0.53 0.21 0.32 25.43 19.07 12.03 16.74 20.01

0.17 1.19 2.16 3.14 1.02 2.10 2.75 3.03 4.32 2.71 71.19 70.07 69.08 74.07 73.69 10.00 24.13 35.07 23.06 31.12

0.17 0.48 0.52 0.29 0.66 22.95 24.68 21.03 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.29 0.14 0.31 0.17

0.17 0.48 0.39 0.63 0.22 20.91 17.31 16.00 0.94 1.16 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.29 0.00 0.98 0.12

5.53 2.39 3.44 0.63 0.22 0.56 0.72 0.41 1.88 1.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.51 0.00 0.37 0.00

1.44 0.72 1.67 4.14 3.78 2.30 3.29 2.11 2.06 2.81 0.24 0.34 0.46 0.00 0.21 1.30 0.92 0.12 1.11 0.45

Abbreviations: Actinobact., Actinobacteria; Alphap., Alphaproteobacteria; Betaprot., Betaproteobacteria; Gammap., Gammaproteobacteria. a H1-H10, healthy women; M1-M5 and M6-M10, women suffering from acute and subacute mastitis, respectively.

Figure 1.  Genera Detected in the Human Milk Samples Analyzed in this Study. 100

Others Propionibacterium Corynebacterium Neisseria Burkholderia Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus Enterococcus Parabacteroides Eubacterium Faecalibacterium Roseburia Methylobacterium Ruminococcus Streptococcus p Candidatus Phytoplasma Sphingopyxis Sphingobium Novosphingobium B id Bacteroides Sphingomonas Staphylococcus Pseudomonas Uncultured bacterium



Per centage of R eeads








0 H1









H10 M1








M9 M10

Samples H1-H10, healthy women; M1-M5, women suffering from acute mastitis; M6-M10, women suffering from subacute mastitis.

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Journal of Human Lactation 

Table 3.  Main Eukaryotic Microorganismsa Detected in the Human Milk Samples.b Microorganism

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5


H7 H8 H9 H10 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10

Dictyostelium discoideum Dictyostelium purpureum Giardia intestinalis Toxoplasma gondii Paramecium tetraurelia Uncultured eukaryote

— — — 0.3 — —

— 0.03 0.03 0.4 — —

— — — — — —

— 0.2 — 2.6 — —

— — — — — —

— — — — — —

— — — — — —

— — — — — —

— — — 1.3 — —

— — — 1.0 — —

0.5 — — — — —

— — — — — —

— — — — — —

— — — 0.3 — —

— — — — — —

— 0.2 — 1.1 0.2 0.4

— — — — — —

0.3 — — — 0.4 —

— — — — — 0.2

— — — — — —

Abbreviation: —, not detected. a The results are expressed as the percentage of the total reads. b H1-H10, healthy women; M1-M5 and M6-M10, women suffering from acute and subacute mastitis, respectively.

Table 4.  Viral Sequencesa Detected in the Human Milk Samples.b Microorganism


H2 H3 H4 H5 H6

H7 H8 H9 H10 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10

Betapapillomavirus Cytomegalovirus Human endogenous retroviruses Lentivirus Simplexvirus Staphylococcus phage (Siphoviridae) Unclassified viruses

— 0.2 0.5 — 0.06 0.7

— — 0.3

— — 0.9

— — — — 0.2 0.7 — — — — 0.4 0.03 0.09 0.2 1.7

— — 1.2

— 2.4 3.6

— — 3.2

— — 2.4

— — 3.1

— — 1.9

— 0.2 2.2

— — 2.0

— — 2.6

— — 1.8

— — 1.5

0.2 — —

0.5 0.2 —

— — —

— — —

— — —

— — —

— — —

— 0.3 —

— — —

— — —

— — 1.7

— — 1.9

— — 2.1

— — 1.4

— — 1.5

— — —

— — —

— — 0.5

— 0.2 —

— — 0.4



Abbreviation: —, not detected. a The results are expressed as the percentage of the total reads. b H1-H10, healthy women; M1-M5 and M6-M10, women suffering from acute and subacute mastitis, respectively.

the highest fungal diversity with 5 different species each. The species M globosa was detected in all the positive samples with the exception of those provided by women with mastitis. The yeast Candida albicans could not be detected in any sample. Despite the absence of any clinical symptoms of infestation, reads belonging to some protozoal parasites were detected. Toxoplasma gondii was detected in 7 milk samples (35% of the total samples), whereas G intestinalis could be detected in only 1 (H6). Other eukaryotic microorganisms were also detected but their abundance was lower (Table 3). Archaeal DNA was detected in 8 samples, all of them provided by healthy women (Table 1). The species Haloarcula marismortui was identified in samples H5, H6, and H10; Halorhabdus utahensis in samples H4 and H7; and both of them, together with Halomicrobium mukohataei, were identified in samples H1, H8, and H9. Viral reads were also detected in all human milk samples studied and were associated with families Papillomaviridae, Retroviridae, Siphoviridae, and Herpesviridae (Table 4). Four samples (20%) contained reads associated with Cytomegalovirus. It is interesting that some of the viral sequences detected in M1 to M5 samples were associated with phages that are related to the pathogenicity of S aureus. Human endogenous retroviruses were identified in all the samples and their presence oscillated from 0.06% in H1 to 3.63% in M1 (Table 4).

Discussion The results of this work indicate that human milk contains a complex microbial metagenome constituted not only from the genome of bacteria but also from that of archaea, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. In addition, they show that the composition of the milk microbiome differs depending on the mammary health status of the recruited women. Total DNA was extracted and sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing with a shotgun strategy. This type of technology avoids the biases introduced by the use of primers when amplifying different 16S rRNA gene hypervariable regions.29-32 A metagenomic analysis of human milk has been published previously, but it was performed from a pooled milk sample (10 donors) and used to determine the genera of bacteria, the types of bacterial open reading frames that may influence bacterial establishment and stability in human milk, and potential immune-modulatory bacterialDNA motifs.18 Therefore, this is the first metagenomic analysis, to our knowledge, taking into account not only bacteria but the whole microbiome of human milk, providing a broader view of the ecology of milk microorganisms by including not only bacteria but also fungi, protozoa, archaea, and viruses. The ratio of human DNA:microbial DNA was approximately 9:1 in all the samples. Although the bacterial counts in the samples from women suffering from mastitis were ~2.5 log10 cycles higher than in the rest of the samples,

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Jiménez et al the concentration of epithelial cells and leukocytes also increased in a directly proportional manner. Among bacteria, the phylum Proteobacteria was predominant in most samples; this is in contrast to previous human milk bacteriome studies where Firmicutes were more abundant8,17 but in agreement with the metagenome study cited above.18 The use of different high-throughput sequencing techniques (shotgun versus 16S rRNA amplification) may explain such divergences.2 In fact, it has been shown that phylum profiles may vary in the same sample depending on the 16S rRNA hypervariable target region.30 Shannon-Weaver diversity indices revealed a high interindividual variability in the composition of the microbiome at the species level; however, a bacterial core microbiome (Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacteroides, Faecalibacterium, Ruminococcus, Lactobacillus, Propionibacterium, Sphingomonas, Novosphingobium, Sphingopyxis, Sphingobium, and Burkholderia) could be detected in the samples obtained from healthy women. In addition to the predominance of facultative anaerobes, such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, and Propionibacterium,8 significant populations of obligate anaerobes, including Bifidobacterium, were detected. This study also revealed the presence of DNA of several major gut-associated obligate anaerobes, such as Bacteroides and butyrate-producing species (Roseburia sp., E rectale, F prausnitzii), which are important for colonic health. Such results confirm those reported previously by Jost et al19 and support the existence of a bacterial entero-mammary pathway during late pregnancy and lactation.33,34 Staphylococci, streptococci, lactobacilli, and propionibacteria have been isolated in numerous culture-dependent studies on the bacterial diversity of human milk.5 In contrast, Gram-negative bacteria have been seldom isolated from human milk even though many of them, including Pseudomonas and closely related bacteria, grow well in standard laboratory conditions. In fact, no bacteria belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Methylobacterium, Sphingomonas, Novolsphingobium, Sphingopyxis, or Sphingobium could be isolated from any of the tested samples. The abundant presence of DNA sequences related to such genera in milk samples might arise from the conventional DNA-extraction kits and other lab reagents, since it is well established that they may contain DNA from such microorganisms.35,36 Therefore, when sampling low microbial biomass samples, such as those of human milk, it should be absolutely imperative to sequence a blank control. Otherwise, there can be a significant error in the microorganisms considered among the core microbiome. As a consequence, it is highly probable that the core bacteriome of the analyzed samples is actually constituted by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Propionibacterium, and gut-associated obligate anaerobes (Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, Roseburia, Eubacterium, Faecalibacterium, Ruminococcus). This is an important aspect that must be addressed in future studies dealing with

the assessment of the human milk microbiome or metagenome. Meanwhile, results provided without a blank control, such as those obtained in this and previous milk microbiome studies, should be analyzed with caution. The genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus were rarely encountered in previous 16S rRNA amplification studies focused on human milk.8,17,18 In this study, Lactobacillusrelated reads were detected in most of the samples and, in fact, this genus could be included in the bacterial core microbiome. Two different Bifidobacterium species (B longum and B breve) could also be detected in some different samples although at a lower frequency. Culture-dependent and -independent methods have previously described the detection and/or isolation of bifidobacteria from human milk.12,13,37,38 The fact that bifidobacteria sequences were so scarce may be attributable to genetic, environmental, or dietary differences among subjects. In addition, differences in the high-throughput sequencing techniques used may be responsible for these conflicting findings.2 In this context, a metagenomic analysis of the development of the infant gut microbiota found a relatively low frequency and low abundance of bifidobacteria in the fecal microbiota at any age from birth to adulthood.39 In contrast, an assessment of the complexity of the infant intestinal bifidobacterial population by analysis of pyrosequencing data of PCR amplicons suggested a predominance of bifidobacteria in the infant gut as well as a profile of co-occurrence of bifidobacterial species in the infant intestine.40 Mastitis is a common disease during lactation since it has an incidence of up to 33% of lactating mothers and represents 1 of the main medical causes of precocious weaning.41,42 This inflammation of 1 or more lobules of the mammary gland usually has an infectious origin, involving staphylococci, streptococci, or corynebacteria.27,41,43 S aureus is the main etiological agent of acute mastitis, an acute inflammation of the breast accompanied by systemic signs.27,44-46 On the other hand, coagulase-negative staphylococci and some streptococcal species are usually involved in subacute and chronic cases,27,47-49 which are characterized by breast pain often in the absence of external breast signs (such as redness) and systemic symptoms. The results of this study clearly show the strong effect of the pathogen responsible for acute mastitis (S aureus); in fact, its presence was associated with a drastic reduction of the microbial diversity of samples M1 to M5, which displayed the lowest Shannon-Weaver diversity index among the samples included in this work. This effect was lower but still noticeable in the samples provided by the women who suffered from subacute mastitis (M6-M10). The complete genome analysis of some methicillin-resistant S aureus and S epidermidis strains of human origin has revealed the propensity of S aureus to cause fulminant and sometimes life-threatening infections, as opposed to the predisposition of S epidermidis for chronic and recurrent infections.50 S aureus is characterized by its adaptability to diverse

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Journal of Human Lactation 

and hostile environments, a process in which phages usually play an essential role.51 Phages encode many S aureus virulence factors and provide the pathogen with a large variety of toxins and mechanisms to evade the response of the host’s immune system.51 Therefore, it is not strange that samples M1 to M5 were associated with the highest abundance of phagerelated sequences. It should be highlighted that this study has shown that human milk microbiome varies depending on the health status of the mother (healthy women vs women with mastitis). Recently, it has been reported that antibiotherapy is associated with decreased lactobacilli and bifidobacteria populations in human milk,52 whereas chemotherapy caused a significant deviation from a healthy microbial and metabolomic profile, with depletion of genera Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Staphylococcus, and Cloacibacterium.53 At present, most of our knowledge on the human microbiome is related to bacteria. However, other microorganisms, such as protozoa, fungi, or viruses, also play important roles in human health and disease and interact actively with bacteria.3 Presence of fungal, nematodal, and viral DNA in the gut microbiome of preterm and term infants has already been evidenced by high-throughput sequencing, and human milk has been suggested as 1 of the potential vehicles for motherto-infant transmission.54,55 In relation to fungal sequences, our results showed a narrow spectrum of species in the samples where they were detected. It is interesting that Malassezia-associated DNA was found in all the samples with the exception of those from women suffering from mastitis. Presence of the genus Malassezia has been reported in cow’s, goat’s, and ewe’s milk,56 but it had never been reported in human milk previously. In this study, Candida spp. could not be isolated from any sample, and similarly, no DNA sequence related to the genus Candida could be detected among the analyzed samples, despite the fact that some subacute mastitis cases were initially misdiagnosed by midwives as “fungal mastitis” or “mammary candidiasis” on the basis of a mere visual assessment of the breast. Absence of Candida spp. in samples from women diagnosed as suffering from ductal candidiasis has already been reported57; this highlights the need from microbial cultures for a correct diagnosis of the etiological agents involved in mastitis. In this study, reads associated with T gondii could be detected in 7 (35%) samples; this result is not rare since toxoplasmosis is the most prevalent infection in humans, infecting 30% to 50% of the world human population,58 with a prevalence of 32% among women of reproductive age in Spain.59 None of the women who provided the T gondii-positive samples showed any sign of infestation, probably due to their good immunological condition and nutritional status of the women who participated in this study. It is well known that human milk can be a vehicle for vertical transmission of certain viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus, human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV), and other viruses.60-62 In some instances, they can infect infants and cause disease, although,

in most of the cases, other milk components seem to protect them from getting infected despite repeated viral exposure through breastfeeding.63-65 All the volunteers who participated in our study were negative for HIV-1, HIV-2, and HTLV. However, viruses may greatly contribute to shape the human milk microbiota and microbiome as shown in the sample provided by the woman who suffered acute mastitis caused by S aureus. Finally, endogenous retroviruses have invaded the germ cell lines of every species of vertebrate, a fact that has important evolutionary, physiological, and pathological implications.66 Therefore, their presence in human milk and their potential physiological or pathological roles deserve future research.

Conclusion In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that human milk contains a complex metagenome constituted by the genome of human epithelial and immune cells together with those provided by bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Although it is obvious that the number of women in each cohort is too small to draw scientifically relevant conclusions and that further work on larger groups of women should be done, some relevant differences have been observed in the human milk microbiome depending on the women’s health status. In addition, the results of this study highlight the need to include blank controls in microbiome and metagenome studies of human milk samples to avoid important errors in the recognition of a “core human milk microbiome.” Finally, this study should stimulate future research on the presence and roles of endogenous retroviruses in the lactating breast and in human milk. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Funding The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was supported by AGL2013-41980-P project from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain.

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Metagenomic Analysis of Milk of Healthy and Mastitis-Suffering Women.

Some studies have been conducted to assess the composition of the bacterial communities inhabiting human milk, but they did not evaluate the presence ...
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