Mutation Research, 232 (1990) 243-248 Elsevier


MUT 04902

Metabolic activation of quercetin mutagenicity Raf Vrijsen 1, Yvette Michotte 2 and Albert Boey6 1 I Department of Microbiology and Hygiene and 2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vro'e Universiteit Brussel, B-1090 Brussels (Belgium) (Received 5 January 1990) (Revision received 28 March 1990) (Accepted 7 May 1990)

Keywords: Quercetin; Salmonella/microsome test; Metabolic activation

Summary The mutagenicity of quercetin was reinvestigated using the Salmonella/microsome test. The mutagenicity of quercetin was enhanced by the cytosolic fraction of liver extract (S100), or by ascorbate, and even more by the complete liver supernatant ($9) in the presence of cofactors (NADP and glucose-6-phosphate). The formation of metabolites by the $9 enzymes was demonstrated by reverse-phase HPLC.

Flavonoids are widely distributed in edible plants (Kiihnau, 1976). After it was reported that quercetin was mutagenic (Bjeldanes and Chang, 1977), more than 100 other flavonoids were examined using the Salmonella/microsome test. The flavonoids with mutagenic activity can be divided into 2 classes (MacGregor, 1984, 1986). The first class includes the flavonols (3-hydroxy flavones, e.g., quercetin and kaempferol) which are more mutagenic in tester strain TA98 than in TA100 (Brown and Dietrich, 1979; Hardigree and Epler, 1978), and the second the flavones (e.g., norwogonin) which are more mutagenic in strain TA100 than in strain TA98 (Nagao et al., 1981; Elliger et al., 1984). The first class can be further subdivided according to the requirements for metabolic activation. Quercetin, for instance, is weakly mutagenic even without metabolic activa-

Correspondence: Dr. R. Vrijsen, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, B-1090 Brussels (Belgium).

tion, whereas kaempferol absolutely requires metabolic activation (MacGregor and Jurd, 1978; Brown and Dietrich, 1979). Concerning the mutagenicity of quercetin, Brown and Dietrich (loc. cit.) found that the enhancement of the quercetin mutagenicity by liver extracts was due to the cytosolic fraction (S100), and required neither cofactors nor induction of liver enzymes by Aroclor 1254. The cytosolic factors responsible for S100 enhancement were separated into 4 fractions by HPLC. One of these fractions was identified as superoxide dismutase. Since this enzyme protects quercetin from oxidative degradation, the enhancement of mutagenicity by S100 was ascribed to prevention of its degradation (Ochiai et al., 1984; Ueno et al., 1986). The results to be presented in this paper are in agreement with this interpretation. However, as will also be shown, the mutagenicity of quercetin is further increased by NADP- and glucose-6phosphate-dependent microsomal enzymes, indicating a contribution of metabolites. This conclusion was strengthened by the demonstration that

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244 quercetin metabolites were actually formed in the presence of the $9 supernatant. Materials and methods

Salmonella mutagenicity test The plate incorporation test was carried out essentially as described by Maron and Ames (1983) using tester strain TA98. To 2 ml molten top agar containing NaC1, histidine and biotin, 0.1 ml of an overnight culture ( + 108 bacteria per ml), 0.1 ml quercetin (Janssen Chimica; dissolved in ethanol and diluted in PBS, pH 7.2; the final amount of ethanol per plate was 50 /~1), and 0.5 ml $9 or S100 mix (see below) were added. The mixture was immediately poured onto Vogel-Bonner plates. The revertants were counted after 2 days' incubation at 37 o C. The following controls were included in every test: presence of the R-factor plasmid pKM101 (ampicillin resistance test using TA1538 as a control), rfa mutation (sensitivity for sodium deoxycholate), and number of spontaneous revertants.

cubated for 24 h at 37 o C and 765/~l 0.1 M H3PO 4 in methanol was added immediately after incubation. The samples were centrifuged at 12000 x g for 5 min to remove most of the protein. In preliminary experiments it was shown that quercetin was stable in this solution for at least 72 h. 20 /~I of each sample was used for HPLC analysis. The H P L C apparatus consisted of a Varian 2010 pump equipped with a Varian 2550 variable wavelength detector used at 370 nm and a D-2000 Chromato-Integrator (Merck-Hitachi). Separation was achieved on a Lichrocart RP-18 column (1 = 12.5 cm; i.d. 0.4 cm; particle size 5 /~m; Merck), using 45% 0.1 M phosphoric acid and 55% methanol as the mobile phase. Flow rate was 1 ml/min. In a preliminary experiment, quercetin was compared with luteolin and kaempferol, which differ from quercetin only by the absence of an OH group. The retention times for quercetin, luteolin and kaempferol were 11, 14 and 21 min, respectively (results not shown). Results

Preparation of liver extracts

Enhancement by liver homogenate fractions

The livers of 4 Sprague-Dawley rats were removed aseptically, washed twice in ice-cold 150 mM KC1, and minced in 3 volumes of 150 mM KC1. The livers were homogenized with a mixer (Ultra-Turrax, 45 s at 20000 rpm). The homogenate was centrifuged for 10 min at 9000 x g to obtain the $9 supernatant, and further for 1 h at 100000 x g for the $100 fraction. Both supernatants were kept in small portions at - 8 0 ° C. S9-I was similarly prepared from rats that were injected with 500 m g / k g Aroclor 1254 5 days before death.

As expected (Bjeldanes and Chang, 1977) quercetin by itself was mutagenic for Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98, and the number of revertants in excess of background increased linearly with the dose up to at least 120 /~g of quercetin per plate (Fig. 1). The mutagenicity was enhanced by addition of activation systems derived from rat liver, and the greatest enhancement was achieved with the $9 supernatant, supplemented with N A D P and glucose-6-phosphate. Proportionally, the greatest enhancement was observed at the lowest quercetin doses, and further studies were therefore conducted in the low range; however, the 15-#g dose represented the lower limit if the number of revertants was to stay well above the spontaneous background. A detailed study was conducted with 15/~g of quercetin per plate (Table 1, top half), supplemented with various liver homogenate fractions, with our without glucose-6-phosphate and NADP. By themselves, these cofactors did not significantly enhance quercetin mutagenicity. Three kinds of liver homogenate fractions were tested: the $9 supernatant containing the microsomes, the

Preparation of $9 and SIO0 mix To 3.5 or 7 ml liver extracts the following were added: 1 ml 0.4 M MgC12, 1.65 M KC1, 0.25 ml glucose-6-phosphate (0.8 M or 0.4 M), 2 ml N A D P (40 mM or 80 mM), 25 ml 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and HzO q.s.p. 50 ml.

Reverse-phase HPLC To 600/~1 NaC1 (0.85%) and 150/zl $9 or $100 mix, 15/zl of an alcoholic quercetin stock solution (0.75 m g / m l ) was added. The samples were in-




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Pg O.UERCETIN PER PLATE Fig. 1. Enhancement of quercetin mutagenicity by liver homogenate fractions, zx without liver homogenate; • 35/~1 S100 per plate; © S100 and cofactors (1 btmole glucose-6-phosphate and 0.8 /~mole N A D P ) per plate; • 35 /xl $9 per plate; [] $9 and cofactors per plate.

cytosolic S100 fraction of untreated animals, and the $9 fraction of Aroclor 1254-treated animals ($9-I). When the cofactors were omitted, all 3 kinds of homogenate fractions exerted the same,

roughly 3-fold (average 289% of basal level) enhancement of quercetin mutagenicity. The enhancement was slightly higher (average 407%) when S100 was used in combination with the cofactors. An even stronger enhancement (average 619% of basal level) was achieved by $9 (or $9-I) in combination with the cofactors. In summary, 3 levels of mutagenicity could be distinguished (the corresponding domains are separated by dashed lines in Table 1): (1) the basal level, which prevailed in the absence of liver extract, regardless of the addition of cofactors; (2) a medium level (grand average 336% of basal level), which was achieved with S100, or with $9 without cofactors; and (3) the top level (average 619%), which was achieved only with $9 (or $9-I) in combination with the cofactors. Though the differences were less pronounced with 30/~g of quercetin, the same 3 domains could still be distinguished (lower part of Table 1); in this case, the middle and top levels averaged 191% and 375% of the basal level, respectively. The experiment was repeated with liver extracts from a different set of animals, and yielded essentially the same results (not shown).

TABLE1 E N H A N C E M E N T O F M U T A G E N I C I T Y O F Q U E R C E T I N BY LIVER H O M O G E N A T E F R A C T I O N S A N D C O F A C T O R S Quercetin a

Cofactors a

Liver homogenate a




S100 35 ~1

$100 70 ~1




172 100

443 305

438 302



177 104

609 431

638 453



182 108

529 371

529 371

814 586

914 662

765 549

851 614





420 100 497 120

740 184 821 206

767 191 834 209

675 167 1364 348

730 182 1 659 426

721 179 1298 331

677 168 1334 341



481 116

805 201

894 225

1 478 379

1 687 434

1397 367

1473 377


NADP (t~ mole)




$9 35 ~1

$9 70 ~1

S9-1 35 ~1

$9-I 70 ~1

420 288

406 278

360 243

461 319




889 643








916 664








860 621







851 614

The actual number of revertants (average of 2 plates) is given in italics. From these figures, the n u m b e r of spontaneous revertants was subtracted (i.e., 40 per plate in this experiment, average of 18 plates without quercetin). The figures in the top and bottom half of the table were then normalized separately (roman characters), the basal level obtained with 15 or 30 #g quercetin, without liver homogenate or cofactors, being taken as 100 (boldfaced). A m o u n t per plate in a final volume of 2.7 ml; GIc6P: glucose-6-phosphate.


Equivalence of ascorbate and SlO0

ascorbate, the D and L isomers were equally active, and dehydroascorbate was inactive (results not shown). The top-level mutagenicity, achieved with $9 and cofactors, was not further enhanced by ascorbate (results not shown). Since the S100 fraction was equivalent to the antioxidant ascorbate with regard to quercetin mutagenicity, it is likely that the S100 effect was entirely due to protection of quercetin against oxidative degradation. Since all S100 components were also present in $9, the middle-level enhancement exerted by $9 without cofactors was probably due to the same effect. On the other hand, the top level of enhancement achieved by $9 with cofactors was presumably due to metabolic activation of quercetin.

Ochiai et al. (1984) identified the enzyme superoxide dismutase as a factor responsible for the enhancement of quercetin mutagenicity by the cytosolic S100 fraction, and ascribed the effect to stabilization of the structure of quercetin (we confirmed these findings; results not shown). Moreover, quercetin in aqueous solution is notoriously susceptible to oxidative degradation (Marklund and Marklund, 1974). Taken together, these facts suggested prevention of quercetin degradation as a possible explanation for the enhancement by the S100 fraction. If that explanation holds true, an antioxidant should have the same effect as the S100 fractions. To test this, the mutagenicity of quercetin was measured in the presence of increasing concentrations of L-ascorbate, as shown in Table 2. The effect of ascorbate was dose-dependent, levelling off at 120 /~g per plate. In confirmation of the hypothesis, there was a remarkable correlation between the enhancement by 120 /~g L-ascorbate and by S100 at each of the 3 quercetin doses. The distinction between a middle and top enhancement level, as defined in the previous section, was again evident. The middle level (average 451% of basal level) was reached either with 120 ~g Lascorbate or with S100, and the top level (average 967%) was achieved only with $9 and cofactors. In agreement with the antioxidant role ascribed to

Metabolization of quercetin To find out whether quercetin was actually metabolized by $9 with cofactors, reaction mixtures were prepared as for mutagenicity testing, omitting only the agar and test bacteria. The mixtures were incubated for 24 h at 37°C, deproteinated and analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC (see Materials and methods). In the absence of liver extracts with or without cofactors, quercetin after 24 h at 37 ° C was almost completely degraded (compare panels a and b in Fig. 2) and the remaining material absorbing at 370 nm was eluted near the solvent front. In the



L-Ascorbate a

Liver homogenate


































1 572

1 768










30 60

15 ~g

30 /~g

60 #g

120 ~g

S100 35 ~tl



35 ~1 $ 9 + cofactors b

The actual number of revertants is given in italics. From these figures, the n u m b e r of spontaneous revertants was subtracted (i.e., 21 in this experiment, average count of 6 plates without quercetin). The figures for 15, 30 and 60 /Lg quercetin were normalized separately (roman characters), the basal level obtained with quercetin alone being taken as 100 (boldfaced). A m o u n t per plate in a final volume of 2.7 ml. b 1.0 ~mole ghicose-6-phosphate and 0.8/~mole N A D P per plate.











I 5






I 10



10 ( MIN )

Fig. 2. HPLC analysis of quercetin and metabolization products. Quercetin (7.35/~g in 1 ml sample solution; see Materials and methods) was chromatographed without prior incubation (a), or first incubated for 24 h at 37°C with the following admixtures: (b) cofactors (1 /~mole glucose-6-phosphate and 0.8/~mole NADH) only; (c) S100 (35 /d) only; (d) S100 and cofactors; (e) $9 (35 ~1) only; (f) $9 and cofactors.

presence of S100 with or without cofactors, the quercetin was not degraded, and there was little evidence of metabolization (panels c and d). When quercetin was incubated in the presence of $9 with or without cofactors, various metabolites were observed (panels e and f; it was verified that the 370-nm peaks were not due to absorption by the extract itself). The same 4 main peaks appeared with and without the cofactors, albeit in different proportions.

Discussion The present findings confirm that the S100 fraction of liver homogenate enhances quercetin mutagenicity, as originally shown by Brown and

Dietrich (1979); on the other hand, we disagree with these authors concerning the effect of the $9 enzymes. These authors observed only an insignificant enhancement by $9 and the cofactors. The failure to recognize the effect of $9 with cofactors may have been due to the accidental low score of the relevant petri dish in the only reported experiment, or to the use of a 30-/tg dose of quercetin. The extra enhancement given by $9 with cofactors is probably due to the formation of some potent mutagen(s) from quercetin. Our H P L C analyses confirm that $9, but not S100, caused the formation of a series of quercetin-derived products. However, with the exception of a minor peak, the same products were formed with and without the cofactors. Thus, the cofactors did not make much difference for the metabolization products of quercetin, whereas they were required to achieve the highest level of mutagenicity. The findings do not point directly to a given metabolite as the cause of the supplemental mutagenicity; but it remains possible that a minor metabolite is a much more potent mutagen than quercetin itself, like some metabolites of benzo[ a ]pyrene are much more mutagenic than the original compound (Wislocki et al., 1976a,b; Wood et al., 1976, 1977; Malaveille et al., 1977).

Acknowledgements The authors thank Annemiek Broos and Fabienne Smets for their excellent technical assistance, Bart Rombaut, Marc Detaevernier and J. Arany for their valuable advice, and Solange Peeters for help with the preparation of the manuscript.

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Metabolic activation of quercetin mutagenicity.

The mutagenicity of quercetin was reinvestigated using the Salmonella/microsome test. The mutagenicity of quercetin was enhanced by the cytosolic frac...
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