Mechanisms of Platelet Activation: Thromboxane 4 as an Amplifying Signal for Other Agonists Garret A. FitzGerald,

Thromboxane (TX) 42 is a product of cyclooxygenase catalyzed metabolism of arachiinic acid. lt is formed via prostaglandin (PG) endoperoxide intermediates (PGG, and PGHJ by a specific synthase. PGH, appears to exert the same biologic efFects as T%. The cDNA for a IkA, receptor has been cloned from a human placental library. Although pharmacologic and biochemial studies suggest the presence of multiple isoforms, thii remains to be confirmed at the molecular level. A hydropathy plot of the deduced amino acid sequence of the available clone suggests that it has 7 transmembrane spannlng domains, typical of a G protein linked receptor. Pharmacologic studies imply that 7x receptors in platelets are linked to phospholipase C actiiation via pertussis toxin Insensitive G protelns. Candidates include the 42 kD Gq and the 60 kD 6,. TXA, acts as an ampiiing signal for platelet agonists and the response to thii eicosanoid is tiily regulated. Mechanisms include rapid hydrolysis of the agonist to the inactive lx&, autolnactiiation of 7x synthase, rapid homologous TXA, receptor desen= sitlzation due to receptor-G protein uncoupling, coincidental sensitization to counterregulatory Gs linked receptor systems and stimulation of prostacyclin formation by T*. Due to its role as an amplifimion signal in platelet activation, inhibition of 7x synthesis and actlon is an effectiie mechanism for preventing platelet-dependent vascular occlusion. Aspirin ls of proven efficacy in thii regard. 7x synthase inhlbttors and antago= nists are under clinlcal investigation. (Am J Cardiil166~66zllLl6B)

From the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (HL 30400 and GM 15431) and from Daiichi Seiyaku. Dr. FitzGerald is the William Stokes Professor of Experimental Therapeutics. Address for reprints: Garret A. FitzGerald, MD, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37232.


hromboxane (TX) A2 is the predominant cyclooxygenaseproduct formed from arachidonic acid (AA) in human platelets1 AA is mobilized from platelet membranes by phospholipases; it is thought that direct phospholipase AZcatalyzedreleaserepresents the predominant mechanism by which this occurs during the process of platelet activation.’ TxA, is neither stored in platelets, nor formed in the absence of activation. However, it is synthesized in response to platelet activation by a wide variety of receptor-dependent and -independent platelet agonists.3 In this respect, it resembles serotonin, which like TxA,, itself activates platelets and causes vasoconstriction. Thus, both compounds act as amplifying signals for more potent platelet activators, such as thrombin, collagen, adenosine diphosphate and platelet activating factor in vitro (Figure 1). These agonists possessthe capability of activating platelets directly. The time course of TXA, formation at the site of vascular injury in humans corresponds to the phase of platelet-platelet interaction, which occurs subsequent to deposition of the platelet monolayer on the exposed subendothelium.4 The most convincing evidence for the functional importance of TxAz in precipitating plateletdependent coronary vascular occlusion in unstable vascular disease is provided by the efficacy of aspirin5-9in reducing the incidence of myocardial infarction and death in such patients. Aspirin inhibits platelet cyclooxygenase activity, first by binding reversibly to the active site of the enzyme prostaglandin (PG) G/H synthase” and then by rendering its interaction irreversible by acetylating Ser530.11 Deletion mutant analysis of the ram seminal vesicle PGG/H synthase suggeststhat enzyme inhibition results from stearic hinderance by the presence of the bulky acetyl group close to, rather than within, the active site.” We have recently cloned the enzyme from human platelets13and confirmed these latter results. Although other mechanisms of action have been proposed to explain the efficacy of aspirin in the treatment of cardiovascu-










RGURE L A wide variety of aggregating stimuli, InciudiryS thrombin, adenosine diphosphate and platelet activating factor stimulate the reiease of platelet arachidonic acid (AA) and Rs mataboiism to thromboxane (TX) 4 via the endoperoxide intermediate, prostagkndin (PG) II,. Both PGH, andact at piateiet receptors to ampiify further the aggregation response (I). Both PGH, and TXA, activate vasokstriction. During pharmacologic blockade of platelet TXsynthase, accumulated PGR, may increase prostacyciin (PGIJ synthesis by mobilizing vascular AA (2) and by providing substrate directly for vascular PGI, synthase (3). Both TXsynthase Inhibitors and receptor antagonists, alone and in combination, are undergoing clinical evaluation.

lar disease,14biochemical and pharmacologic studies of aspirin in humans have been entirely explicable in terms of TxA, inhibition.‘5,‘6 The most recent overview of secondary prevention trials performed by the Antiplatelet Trialist’s Group (Oxford, 1990) suggests that aspirin reduces the combined incidence of stroke, myocardial infarction and vascular death by about 25% in such patients. The doses of aspirin that have been used in clinical trials are not biochemically selective for TXA,. Thus, long-term administration of even the lowest dose, 75 mg daily in the RISK study,g is associated with significant impairment of prostacyclin biosynthesis.1s17 Although it is surprising that such a theoretically imperfect intervention against just one of the recognized pathways of platelet activation should yield results detectable by so crude a measure as a clinical trial, this may reflect the amplifying role that TxA plays in the process of platelet activation. The place of aspirin in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is much more ambiguous, given the surprisingly low incidence of end points in the placebo-treated group of the only controlled study” and doubts about the magnitude of the benefit, relative to risk, in such a healthy population.‘g

PGG/H synthase and its gene is localized on chromosome 9.13s20 Recently, a second PGG/H synthase-like gene has been cloned. Mitogenic stimulation of cells by transfection with the oncogene src is associated with the splicing of an intron that separates the signal peptide from the rest of the protein and a marked increase in mRNA levels for the splice variant21 mRNAs for both forms of PGG/H synthase have recently been demonstrated in vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells (Hia T: unpublished 1991). The function of this second enzyme and its potential role in atherogenesis remains to be clarified. Cellular specificity for TXA, formation is lent by the more restricted distribution of TxA, synthase.22 The predominant cellular sources are platelets, macrophages and glomerular mesangial cells. Pharmacologic studies raise the possibility of tissuespecific isozymes,23 although none of these enzymes has been cloned. Platelets are a particular case, because, lacking a nucleus, their ability to form TXA, is irreversibly inhibited after aspirin exposure. I2 Advantage was taken of this particular property to demonstrate that roughly 80% of the excretion of the major urinary TXA, metabolites, 2,3-dinor-TxB, and 11-dehydro-TxB,, derive from platelets under physiologic conditions in humans.” If TXA, formation is increased at another site, its relative contribution would be expected to increase.25 Nevertheless, striking, transient elevations in excretion of these metabolites have been observed during ischemic episodes in patients with unstable coronary artery disease26 and following therapeutic thrombolysis in animal models27,28 and in humans.2g,30

MECHANISM OF ACTION OF THROMBOXANE 4 TXA, causes platelet activation via specific binding sites that have been identified using multiple agonist and antagonist ligands.31”4 Receptor activation of phospholipase C, resulting in inositol phosphate turnover, an increase in intracellular calcium and activation of protein kinase C accompanies agonist-induced platelet aggregation.35Short of information at the molecular level, studies of hierarchies of receptor ligands suggest the similarity of the TXA, receptor in human, canine and rat platelets, but remain ambiguous.36,37For example, the agonist ligand, U46619, which induces platelet shape change and aggregation in human platelets, often requires priming with subthreshold concentrations of other agonists to cause these responses BIOSYNTHESIS OF THROMBOXANE A, AA is a ubiquitous constituent of the phospho- in canine platelets and evokes only the shape lipid domain of cell membranes. Most cells possess change in rat platelets. The PG endoperoxide 126



precursor of TxA,, PGH,, shares its biologic prop- platelet activation, in much the sameway as hemoerties and is thought to act at a shared receptor.38 globin A,, is used to reflect control of blood Recent evidence, obtained with the ligands glucose.49 A second mechanism by which the response to I-BOP and GR 32191, suggeststhat there is more than one form of the PGHJTxA, receptor in receptor-dependent stimuli is regulated is by homolIndeed, GR 32191 binds irre- ogous desensitization.SoThe kinetics of such desenhuman platelets.39’40 versibly to the site (GR,) that mediates phospholi- sitization are rapid (t 1,2approximately 2 minutes) pase C activation and aggregation, but reversibly and involve initial uncoupling of PGH,/TxA, recep(GR,) to the site that mediates agonist-evoked tors from G proteins that couple them to phosphoplatelet shape change and the majority of the lipase C.35Prolonged exposure to agonist results in increase in intracellular calcium. It is unknown progressive loss of binding sites from the cell whether these sites represent distinct receptor surface. A similar process is observed in vascular isoforms rather than varied degrees of posttransla- smooth muscle cells.46Both PGH,/TxA,-induced tional modification and whether they differ in their platelet shape change and aggregation are heterolaffinity for TxA, and PGH,. The recent cloning of a ogously desensitized by thrombin, whereas only the PGH/TxA, receptor from a human placental li- aggregation response is desensitized by plateletbrary should initiate the clarification of eicosanoid activating factor.47Protein kinase C appears to play only a marginal role in the process of homologous receptor classification.41 There is reason to presume that tissue-specific desensitization. A third mechanism by which the response to isoforms of the PGHJTxA, receptor exist. Although to some extent disputedy3 most studies of PGHJTxA, receptor stimulation is regulated is by ligand hierarchies comparing vascular smooth mus- sensitization of platelet adenylate cyclase stimulacle cells and platelets suggestsuch a distinction.44,45 tion. Thus, in platelets desensitized with U46619, Although some of these studies were across spe- stimulation of adenylate cyclase, either directly by cies, more recent studies37,46 confirm such a distinc- forskolin or indirectly through receptors coupled tion within species. Thus, GR32191 dissociates to the stimulatory G protein, G,, is enhanced.47 rapidly from vascular smooth muscle cells and This might have particular biologic relevance given competes reversibly with agonist-induced contrac- the stimulation by PGH,/TxA, analogues of endotion of both rat and human vascular smooth muscle thelial release of prostacyclir? and the coincidencells, in contrast to its irreversible inhibition of tal increase in biosynthesis of both eicosanoids in agonist-induced human platelet aggregation. Simi- syndromesof platelet activation and vascular occlularly, platelet-activating factor, which heterolo- sion.23,52 Interestingly, these observations were not gously regulates the GRi,,, but not the GR platelet made when platelets were desensitized with either receptor? does not desensitizePHG,/TxA,-evoked platelet-activating factor or thrombin. These agoincreasesin intracellular calcium in vascular smooth nists differ from PGH,/TxA, in the nature of the G muscle cells.46Clearly, any definitive nomenclature proteins that couple them to phospholipase C and for these receptor subtypes, or indeed prostaglan- in exerting negative regulatory control on adenydin receptors in general,@ awaits provision of late cyclase via Gi.53,54 Platelet PGHJTxA, recepfurther information on their primary sequence or tors have been shown recently to couple to the sequences. pertussis toxin insensitive 42 kD protein GT as well as to a novel 60 kD G protein Ge.56Such cross talk between the phospholipase C and adenylate REGULATION OF THE RESPONSE OF HUMAN cyclase signaling systems may reflect coordinate PlATEW TO PROSTAGLANDIN regulation of their respective G protein message HJTHROMBOXANE 4 levels57or G protein subunit rearrangement.58’59 If TXA, plays such an amplifying role in the process of platelet activation, one would anticipate that the response to this agonist would be tightly THERAPEUTIC DEVELOPMENTS regulated. One such mechanism, recently deThe successof aspirin in preventing cardiovascuscribed, is suicide inactivation of the TxA, syn- lar fatalities has both solved a problem and created thase. Thus, as substrate is consumed to generate a new one: the disincentive that a cheap and product, the enzyme is progressively inhibited. It effective remedy presents for the clinical develophas been proposed that such covalently modified ment of theoretically more promising intervenenzyme might serve as a marker of prior TxA, tions.60 Biochemically, more selective modes of generation and provide an integrated index of inhibiting either TxA, synthesis or action have A SYMPOSIUM: MANAGEMENT OF UNSTABLE ANGINA


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Mechanisms of platelet activation: thromboxane A2 as an amplifying signal for other agonists.

Thromboxane (Tx) A2 is a product of cyclooxygenase catalyzed metabolism of arachidonic acid. It is formed via prostaglandin (PG) endoperoxide intermed...
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