General Cardiology

Cardiology 1992:81:213-220

Munich-Schwabing Hospital, Academic Teaching Hospital, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich. FRG; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland

Mechanisms Involved in Cardiac Enlargement and Congestive Heart Failure Development after Acute Myocardial Infarction



Myocardial infarction Left ventricular enlargement Renin Angiotensin Norepinephrine Atrial natriuretic peptide Ncurohormones ACE inhibition

For 3 months, we followed up 40 patients with acute myocar­ dial infarction. 20 were randomly assigned to treatment with captopril and 20 to placebo, to elucidate mechanisms inducing left ventricular volume enlargement and development of con­ gestive heart failure. Echocardiographic follow-up could be obtained in 28 patients, 11 of whom showed more than a 10% increase in left ventricular systolic and/or diastolic volumes (captopril n = 3/15, placebo n = 8/13, p = 0.05). Volume increase was significantly associated with an impairment in exercise capacity (VCUmax in patients with vs. without vol­ ume enlargement 24.7 ± 1.7 vs. 29.5 ± 1.9 ml CU/kg/min; p < 0.05). Plasma renin activity, angiotensin II and catechol­ amines were normal in the acute and chronic postinfarction phase in patients on placebo as well as in patients 12-24 h after captopril intake. Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide con­ centration (ANP) was increased immediately after myocardial infarction, but ANP levels almost normalized in patients with captopril treatment, while they continued to be elevated in patients on placebo. The only technical parameter able to pre­ dict left ventricular volume increases was the sphericity index (28.7 vs. 35.7; p = 0.07). We concluded that morphologic deformation and filling pressures as estimated from elevated ANP levels arc major factors promoting remodelling following myocardial infarction. ACE inhibitors might exert their favor­ able effect predominantly by reducing filling pressure.

Received: July 17.1992 Accepted after revision: August 24. 1992

Dr. Franz X. Kleber 1. Med. Klinik. Kardiologie Med. Fakultät / Charité Humboldt-Universität Schumanns.r. 20/21. D-O-1040 Berlin (FRG)

© 1992 S. Karger AG, Basel 0008-6312/92/ 0815-0213S2.75/0

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Franz X. Klebera Jiirg Nussbergerb Lisa Niemôllera Wittich Doeringa

Coronary artery disease with prior myo­ cardial infarction is the most important cause of chronic congestive heart failure [13]. Increases in left ventricular enddiastolic and endsystolic volumes after myocardial in­ farction are major determinants of survival after recovery from myocardial infarction [4, 5]. The renin-angiotensin system has been shown to be activated in patients with acute myocardial infarction [6] as well as conges­ tive heart failure [7]. A left ventricular vol­ ume increase after myocardial infarction in­ volves volume hypertrophy [8], and angio­ tensin II (Ang II) has been shown to be a growth hormone promoting left ventricular hypertrophy [9]. Accordingly, ACE inhibitors have been shown to be effective in preventing left ventricular volume increases after acute myocardial infarction [10, 11], Thus, this study was undertaken to evaluate the patho­ physiologic role of the renin-angiotensin sys­ tem in left ventricular volume increases and heart failure development after myocardial infarction.

Patients and Methods This prospective study evaluated clinical, échocar­ diographie. angiocardiographic and hormonal param­ eters as well as oxygen uptake on exercise in order to investigate mechanisms promoting left ventricular di­ latation and congestive heart failure development. In addition, the impact of ACE inhibition on some of these mechanisms was studied by assigning patients in a randomized double-blind manner to captopril or pla­ cebo treatment for 3 months. The study was approved by the institutional and governmental ethical commit­ tees. Patients 40 consecutive patients with clinical and electro­ cardiographic evidence of acute myocardial infarction, irrespective of infarct location, and creatine kinase ele­


vation of at least 250 U/l were studied. Exclusion crite­ ria were contraindications to ACE inhibitor therapy, severe pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, systolic blood pressure < 9 5 mm Hg, cardiogenic shock and creatinine > 158 mmol/1. Baseline examination including past history and physical examination, routine laboratory tests and blood sampling for hormone measurements were fol­ lowed by réévaluation after 1.4 and 12 weeks. Patients with clinical, electrocardiographic or échocardiographie evidence of rcinfarction within the first 3 months were excluded from the follow-up exam­ inations, as were patients who had bypass surgery within this time interval. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients after detailed explana­ tion of the study protocol. Echocardiography Echocardiographie evaluations on day 1 and week 1,4 and 12 included the determination of systolic/diastolic volumes and ejection fraction. Volume increases in enddiastolic and/or endsystolic volumes >10% were judged as significant in accordance with Gordon ctal. [12]. Chest X -R ay

Chest X-ray examinations were done at 1,4 and 12 weeks in the upright position to determine the cardiothoracic ratio and signs of pulmonary congestion. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing After 4 and 12 weeks, a maximal treadmill exercise test was performed using a modified Naughton proto­ col. Gas exchange was measured using a Medical Graphics breath-by-breath system. The anaerobic threshold was defined according to Wassermann [13] as a sudden slope increase in CO? delivery or ventila­ tion in the face of a steady increase in O; uptake. Maxi­ mal O; uptake was defined as the maximal oxygen uptake reached, usually in the plateau phase of oxygen uptake [14, 15]. Cardiac Catheterization Right and left heart catheterization was performed approximately 2 weeks after myocardial infarction. Left ventricular volumes were determined using the biplane area length method [16], The sphericity index was defined as the percentage of the measured left ven­ tricular volume compared to the volume of a sphere with a diameter equal to the long axis of the ventricle in the 30° right anterior oblique projection (corrected for the magnification factor). Endsystolic and enddias-


Mechanisms of Cardiac Enlargement

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/ /ormone Measurements Plasma renin activity (PRA), Ang II. norepineph­ rine. epinephrine and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were measured on day 2 (baseline before captopril/placebo treatment), day 5 and day 90 after myocardial infarction. Blood was collected at 7 a.m. before getting up from supine patients after an overnight fast. On day 90. specimens on exercise were sampled from upright patients in the second stage of the Naughton protocol, i.e. at an oxygen uptake of around two metabolic equivalents (=7 ml OVkg/min) above the resting oxy­ gen uptake. Velocity was 2.4 km/h. and the slope was 0° at the determination of exercise hormones [ 18. 19]. PRA was measured by antibody trapping and dilution of generated angiotensin I prior to radioimmunoassay [18] as previously described in a modification for our laboratory [19], Ang II [20. 21] and ANP [22] were measured using a radioimmunoassay after solid-phase extraction on phenylsilvlsilica. the catecholamines with a radioenzymatic assay [22]. All blood samples were rapidly drawn into iced syringes mixed with the appropriate anticoagulant and enzyme inhibitors, and centrifuged at 2 °C. For Ang II measurements, phenanthroline and the renin inhibitor CGP 29287 were added in concentrations sufficient to prevent metabolization or generation of Ang II in vitro [21], Plasma aliquots were shockfrozen in dry ice/ethanol and stored at -80 °C until analyzed. Medication and Test Medication Medication other than ACE inhibitors was free to the discretion of the physicians taking care of the patients. Test medication consisted of randomly as­ signed placebo or captopril (starting dose: 6.25 mg within 72 h after onset of chest pain and with rapid titration to a target dose of 50 mg b.i.d). Statistics Statistical analysis was performed to search for dif­ ferences between the treatment groups (placebo- vs. captopril-treated patients) and between patients with versus those without left ventricular volume increases by x2 or Fisher’s exact test or the two-sided t test. Only patients being on randomized therapy at the scheduled follow-up examination were investigated and entered into the analysis. Results are means ± SEM.


Demographic Data 40 patients (33 males, 7 females: median age 57 years) were included. Treatment groups were similar with respect to age. height and weight. All but 3 patients had first myo­ cardial infarctions. Mean and median values of maximal creatine kinase were similar in the two treatment groups (captopril 1,021 and 895: placebo 1,073 and 937 U/l). as were me­ dian areas under the creatine kinase concen­ tration-time curve over 72 h (captopril 30.488; placebo 31.107 U/l X hour). There were 21 anterior and 19 inferior myocardial infarctions. Mean ejection fraction at pre­ treatment baseline (day 2 after myocardial infarction) in 28 patients with technically suf­ ficient echocardiograms was 45% (captopril 46 ± 2.5; placebo 43 ± 3.9). Test Drug Mean administered captopril doses were 39 and 37 mg b.i.d at 4 and 12 weeks, respec­ tively. Left Ventricular Volume Changes and Signs o f Congestive Heart Failure In 28 patients, technically adequate echo­ cardiograms could be obtained to investigate left ventricular volume changes over 3 months. Of these 28 patients. 11 (39%) had left ventricular systolic and/or diastolic vol­ ume increases of at least 10%. The majority of these patients had systolic and diastolic vol­ ume increases (n = 8), 1 patient had only dia­ stolic and 2 patients had only systolic volume increases. 17 patients had no left ventricular volume increase. Patients with left ventricular volume in­ crease had lower maximal oxygen consump­ tion at 3 months than patients without left ventricular volume increase (24.7 ± 1.7: n = 10 vs. 29.5 ± 1.9 ml Oy/kg/min: n = 14: p
5-130) Captopril Placebo

36 ±8 31 ±6

32 ±6 30 ±5

37 ±8 36 ± 8

57± 17 66 ± 13

66 ± 14 64 ±8

36 ±5 50± 10

32 ±5** 53 ± 6

ANP. fmol/ml (2-34) Captopril 65 ±26 Placebo 65 ±9

on captopril than on placebo (table 3). Clini­ cal signs of congestive heart failure, the need for diuretics and X-ray signs of pulmonary congestion were found less often in patients treated with captopril (table 2). The heart size on X-rays was significantly smaller in patients treated with captopril (table 3). Renin-Angiotensin System, Catecholamines and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide On day 2. before treatment was started. PRA, plasma Ang II and catecholamines were well within normal limits, while plasma ANP was twofold above mormal range (table 4). There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups. On days 5 and 90,

hormone concentrations of the placebo group were basically unchanged as compared to baseline on day 2. Treatment with captropril did not induce significant changes in plasma hormone concentrations at rest. In contrast, significant hormonal differ­ ences were found between captopril and pla­ cebo groups on exercise, i.e. NE (510 ± 85 vs. 682 ± 61 pg/ml. p < 0.07) ANP levels (32 ± 5 vs. 53 ± 6 fmol/ml, p < 0.01) were lower with captopril. Exercise induced changes in PRA and in plasma Ang II went in opposite directions with captopril and placebo treat­ ment, respectively. Exercise tended to stimulate both PRA (0.69 ± 0.20 vs. 0.98 ± 0.22 ng/ml/h) and Ang II (2.0 ± 0.28 vs. 4.8 ± 0.97 fmol/ml)


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** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.07. in comparison to placebo. NE = Norepinephrine; E - epinephrine. 1 Before captopril/placebo treatment.


Myocardial infarction is by far the most common cause of congestive heart failure in the industrialized world [ 1,2], A considerable proportion of patients develops left ventricu­ lar endsystolic and enddiastolic volume in­ creases after myocardial infarction [11, 23. 24], which has been correlated with a poor long-term prognosis in animals [25] and hu­ mans [4. 5]. Left ventricular remodelling after myocardial infarction comprises early infarct expansion [26] and early and later hypertro­ phy of the remaining viable myocardium, which is a mixed form of concentric and excentric hypertrophy [8], Left ventricular hy­ pertrophy has been shown to be an indepen­ dent prognostic risk factor [27], Left ventricular remodelling after myocar­ dial infarction can be both adversely in­ fluenced, e.g. by nonsteroidal anti-inflamma­ tory agents [28] or by corticosteroids [29], or favorably influenced, e.g. by ACE inhibitors [10, 11] or by nitroglycerin [30]. The aim of this study was to elucidate some of the mecha­ nisms inducing left ventricular volume in­ creases after myocardial infarction, which have been incompletely understood so far. We tested particularly the hypothesis that a stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system has a pathophysiologic role in the develop­ ment of both left ventricular volume increase and congestive heart failure after myocardial infarction.


This hypothesis was based on the findings of a stimulated renin-angiotensin system after myocardial infarction [6] and of the sympa­ thetic nervous system [31], and the known interaction between Ang II and the sympa­ thetic nervous system. The activation of growth hormone systems in severe congestive heart failure [7. 32] might, however, be a con­ sequence rather than a cause of congestive heart failure development. Our results show that the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system are not stimu­ lated in the acute phase of myocardial infarc­ tion. Earlier studies which showed these sys­ tems to be stimulated have determined these plasma hormones usually within the first 24 h of myocardial infarction or in the acute phase of hospital admission. Our samples, however, were drawn under well-standardized and ex­ tremely quiet conditions on the 2nd day after hospital admission, in the early morning hours, before daily activity had begun. Care was taken to get optimal sample handling even under difficult clinical conditions in or­ der to avoid sampling or in vitro artifacts. Under these conditions, even in the very early phase of myocardial infarction on days 2 and 5, the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system appeared not stimu­ lated and thus could not be the main stimulus responsible for left ventricular volume in­ creases. Since blood samples were drawn 1224 h after the last captopril intake, it is un­ likely that the entire difference can only be accounted to ACE inhibition. The failure of the renin-angiotensin system on day 90 to be stimulated by upright posture and by exercise might either be caused by increased ANP lev­ els, which have been shown to suppress reninangiotensin activity [33], or directly by an increase in sodium and water retention, sup­ pressing renin [34], which can be an early sign of ventricular dysfunction. Both hypotheses are underscored by the known effects of ACE


Mechanisms of Cardiac Enlargement

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during captopril treatment, but mean PRA fell in the placebo group with exercise from 0.52 ± 0.25 to 0.33 ± 0 .14ng/ml/h and so did mean Ang II (4.5 ± 1.9 to 3.5 ± 1.4 fmol/ ml). Exercise stimulated both epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion as expected (ta­ ble 4).

inhibitors on filling pressures and by the close correlation between the concentration of ANP and filling pressures [35], This leads us to the hypothesis that the effects of ACE inhibitors on left ventricular remodelling are mainly caused by its effect on filling pressures and not predominantly by its effects on plasma Ang 11 concentrations. The finding that nitroglycerin is also able to hold progres­ sive volume increase [30] underscores the im­ portance of preload as a stimulus for further volume increases. Very low concentrations of Ang II, however, may be sufficient as promo­ tors of left ventricular hypertrophy by stimu­ lating cell growth. We concluded that left ventricular remod­ elling with endsystolic and enddiastolic vol­ ume increase is a frequent complication of acute myocardial infarction and can be favor­

ably influenced by ACE inhibition. The sys­ temic renin-angiotensin system, however, is not necessarily stimulated in this clinical set­ ting. An increase in filling pressures leads to the stimulation of ANP. which can cause sup­ pression of the renin-angiotensin system. We postulate that ACE inhibition exerts its posi­ tive effects mainly by a decrease in filling pressures, which probably are the most im­ portant promotors of left ventricular remod­ elling besides infarct artery perfusion and spherical deformation of the left ventricle by the infarction. Acknowledgements The authors thank Catherine Amstutz and Yolande Parisod as well as Evelyn Hitzke for excellent technical assistance.

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Mechanisms involved in cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure development after acute myocardial infarction.

For 3 months, we followed up 40 patients with acute myocardial infarction, 20 were randomly assigned to treatment with captopril and 20 to placebo, to...
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