Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 28 (2015) 145–152 DOI 10.3233/BMR-140502 IOS Press

Measurement precision for Oswestry Back Pain Disability Questionnaire versus a web-based computer adaptive testing for measuring back pain Bongsam Choi∗ Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Welfare, Woosong University, Daejeon, Korea

Abstract. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Relative precision is to denote the ratio of the error variance of two sample designs. The aim of the present study was to compare measurement precisions of the Oswestry Back Pain Disability Questionnaire and a computer adaptive testing (CAT) method for measuring disability resulting from back pain. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A cross-sectional study was carried out with two independent convenient samples from two out-patient rehabilitation clinics for back pain (N = 42) and non-back pain groups (N = 42). Participants were asked to fill out the ODQ and CAT of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – Activity Measure (ICF-AM). A series of Rasch analyses were performed to calculate person ability measures. RESULTS: The CAT measures had greater precision in discriminating the groups than did the ODQ measure in comparisons of the relative precision. CONCLUSIONS: The CAT measure appears to be more effective than the ODQ measure in terms of measurement precision. By administering test items calibrated in a way, CAT measures using item response theory may promise a means with measurement precision as well as efficiency. Keywords: Back pain, item response theory, Rasch model, computer adaptive testing, relative precision

1. Introduction In general, self-report measures for back pain are developed due to their several advantages such as decreasing administration costs and reducing respondent burden. In addition, many self-report measures for disability resulting from back pain are as reliable as performance measures. These measures appear to be sensitive indicators of long-term outcome [1]. These self∗ Corresponding author: Bongsam Choi, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Welfare, Woosong University, Daejeon, Korea. Tel.: +82 42 630 4622; Fax: +82 42 630 4621; E-mail: [email protected].

report disability measures are commonly classified into generic and condition specific measures [2,3]. For the condition specific measures for back pain, nearly 82 measures have been developed and appeared to have adequate psychometrics. Of these widely accepted disability instruments, the Oswestry Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (ODQ) is regarded as one of the most reliable back pain instruments. The ODQ may lack sensitivity to discriminate between individuals at the high extreme of ability range [4,5]. It is occasionally being responsive to individuals with severe back pain [6,7]. Several studies indicate that the ODQ is more sensitive for patients who have improved than less sensitive for patients whose

c 2015 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved ISSN 1053-8127/15/$35.00 


B. Choi / Measurement precision for ODQ versus CAT for measuring back pain

condition remained unchanged [8,9]. Despite its few advantages, the ODQ may not precisely measure the disability resulting from back pain across the full range of ability. Measurement precision may be achieved when a measure is closely matched to the ability of the sample of interest [3]. That is, difficult items should be administered to individuals with high ability (i.e., low disability) and/or easy items should be administered to individuals with low ability. This method would allow an adequate measurement precision discriminating individuals’ level of disability [4,5]. Deficits in measurement precision occur many times in classical test theory (CTT)-based conventional instruments because it is unrealistic for an instrument to include many items measuring individuals across a wide range of ability levels. Instruments with excellent breadth may still have an inadequate depth of measurement [10]. Additionally, long assessments covering a wider range of ability level may contain items that appear unnecessary. This would lead to a concern over respondent burden and administration costs [11]. Thus, creating the “ideal” measure covering the full range of the ability level with adequate precision is challenging. Despite the popularity and widespread use of the CTTbased existing instruments, the limitations of these instruments still remain in criticism [12]. The Item response theory (IRT) model focuses on the individual items within the instrument as a whole in contrast to CTT models [13,14]. The IRT model estimates the probability that a test respondent will select a particular rating for a specific item, both item difficulty and person ability can be placed on the same linear continuum. The IRT model allows “connecting” individuals’ responses to items with their ability level [13, 15]. Estimates of person ability on a latent trait obtained from IRT methods are invariant regardless of the items used [14]. Furthermore, item difficulty estimates derived from the IRT model remain the same regardless of the ability of the sample, while estimates of the CTT-based test are dependent on the sample measured. In addition, the IRT models linearly transform raw scores into equal interval measures [34]. These advantages of IRT allow for the creation of invariantly calibrated large item banks that can more precisely discriminate individuals’ ability levels and thus, capture smaller increments of change. While Rasch model (1-parameter IRT model) provides a means for linking person ability and item difficulty calibrations, Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) methods promise a means for administrating items in

a way that is both efficient and precise [2,11,16–21]. Studies have shown that CAT improves test efficiency maintaining adequate precision with fewer items than the full test [14,21–28]. CAT measures are highly correlated with other measures intending to assess the same construct. CAT uses testing algorithms which define iterative processes with a set of rules specifying the test questions to be administered to respondents. This includes procedures for item selection, ability estimation, and termination criteria. By selectively administering items that are matched to the ability level of the individuals, measurement efficiency can be accomplished without the loss of precision provided by the full item bank. With this technology, a small number of items can be selected from the item bank which are most relevant for a person of a particular ability level [18]. Combining IRT and CAT method has recently become an alternative to the conventional CTTbased disability measurement due to the measurement efficiency and precision [1,11]. In effort to create an efficient and precise measurement system, the ICF Activity Measure (ICF-AM) has recently been developed based on the activity dimension of World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The ICF provides the conceptual framework and classification system for generating the items on the ICF-AM measurement system. Activities involving movement, moving around and daily life activities were the subcategories of the ICF activity dimension consulted in the development of items. Items were developed with the intention of representing the entire range of ability on pertaining construct, thus, creating a precise measurement system across the entire range of the underlying construct. Using IRT and CAT methods, Velozo and colleagues created ICF-AM, a web based computer adaptive survey system [14]. The administrative core of the instrument allows adjustments to be made to various settings making it possible to change, the initial theta value (i.e., difficulty of question first given to respondent) and stopping rule (i.e., guidelines for terminating the test). Because questions are targeted to individuals at their ability level requiring 5–10 questions per construct are required to reach a final measure of person ability with acceptable error. In addition, immediate feedback is provided to the respondents/clinicians in the form of a graph and summary statistics. We hypothesized that the CAT measures of the ICFAM will discriminate more precisely than the ODQ measures. The purpose of this study is to compare relative precision of the person measures generated from the CAT of the ICF-AM and the ODQ.

B. Choi / Measurement precision for ODQ versus CAT for measuring back pain

2. Methods 2.1. Participants An appropriate sample size for the present study was determined by the formula, where the margin of error is 1.96 for 95% confidence interval times the standard error and the standard error is a square root of p(1-p)/n. We specified the significance level with α = 0.05 for the p value and obtained 42 participants for the determination of appropriate size of the n for both groups, which are back pain and non-back pain groups. Criteria for participants with back pain included: 1) currently experiencing back pain, 2) having previously received treatment for back pain, 3) ability to read and understand English, and 4) 18 years of age or older. Forty-two participants with various types of back pain were recruited from the University of Florida and Shands Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Institute and Shands Rehab Hospital, Gainesville, Florida, USA. For known group validity, participants without back pain were recruited from multiple public sites in Gainesville, Florida. The criteria for non-back pain participants included: 1) currently experiencing no back pain, 2) able to read and understand English, and 3) 18 years of age or older, from November 3, 2009 and June 30, 2010. This study was carried out in agreement approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Florida (Approved by IRB #17-2009). 2.2. Instrumentation The paper and pencil format of the ODQ was used in this study. The ODQ is among the most popular selfreport condition specific instruments assessing how back pain affects patients’ ability to manage daily life tasks [29]. The ODQ and its revised versions provide an index of the perceived disability experienced by individuals with back pain. It includes ten items of pain intensity, personal care, lifting, walking, sitting, standing, sleeping, employment/home making, and traveling. This version of it replaced the ‘sex life’ with ‘employment/home making’ [29]. Participants respond on a 6-point ordinal scale (5; pain does not interfere with activities, 0; pain so severe that activities cannot be performed). The summed total score is converted to a percentage score ranging from no disability (zero) to most severe disability (one hundred). Thus, a higher score is indicative of a higher level of disability. In an effort to achieve both psychometric efficiency and precision, the ICF-AM was developed using the


item response theory (IRT) and the computer adaptive testing (CAT) method. The original ICF-AM consists of 6 activity constructs: positioning/transfers, lifting/carrying, fine hand, walking/climbing, wheelchair/ scooters, and self care activities. Three constructs used in this study were selected based on the following two criteria: 1) tasks represented by items within the construct frequently cited as problematic for individuals with back pain and 2) tasks within the construct represent a potential activity limitation for individuals with back pain. Based on these criteria, three constructs related to back pain were chosen for this study: 1) positioning/transfers, 2) lifting/carrying, and 3) walking/moving construct. For each of the questions on those constructs, respondents are asked to select one of four response categories with a lower score representing a lower level of ability; “3” (no difficulty), “2” (some difficulty), “1” (a lot of difficulty), and “0” (have not done). After administering the ICF-AM, we labeled the measures from three constructs of the ICFAM as CAT measures to differentiate that of the ODQ. CAT technology was used to administer items of the ICF-AM instrument for each construct. Figure 1 presents the CAT algorithm used for the ICF-AM instrument. First, the CAT begins with an initial person ability estimate (Bn ) for a particular construct. The initial person ability measure is set at the mean person ability of the sample used in the preliminary paper and pencil field test during ICF-AM development phase. The CAT presents an item with a difficulty measure (Di ) that is identical or close to this initial person ability measure. After the initial item is presented and responded to, a new person ability estimate and standard error (SE) is generated. The stopping rule for the CAT is preset based on either the standard error associated with a person ability estimate (SE < 0.40) or the maximum number of items administered (< 10 items). That is, testing finishes when an individual’s ability is estimated with a standard error less than 0.40 or 10 items have been administered to the individual. Since the stopping rule is unlikely to be reached with the presentation of a single item, a second item is presented to the respondent. Based on the response, the person ability estimate is recalculated. This procedure continues until the SE associated with the person ability estimate is less than the preset SE, which defines the stopping rule. Once the stopping rule is satisfied, the respondent’s final ability measure for that construct is formulated. After completing the positioning/transfer construct, the next construct (i.e., lifting/carrying and walking/moving construct) is presented until the CAT reaches the final ability measure.


B. Choi / Measurement precision for ODQ versus CAT for measuring back pain

1. Begin with initial ability estimate (Bn)

3. Re-calculate Person Measure (Bn)

2. Select & present optimal scale item (Di) No 5. Is stopping rule satisfied? (SE < 0.40)

4. Estimate Confidence Interval (SE)

Yes 6. End assessment Produce final person measure for construct (Bn)


7. End of battery?


8. Administer next construct

Yes 9. Stop

Fig. 1. Computer adaptive testing algorithm. Adapted from Wainer, Dorans, Eignor, Flaugher, Green, Mislevy, Steinberg, and Thissen (2000).

2.3. Procedure Advertising flyers containing the criteria for both groups were used to recruit potential participants for both groups. For the back pain group, flyers were posted on the bulletin boards of the health care institutes 2 weeks prior to the actual data collection period. The potential participants were initially identified by physical therapists on the basis of the inclusion criteria for the group, encouraged to respond to a researcher by phone for more detailed information and later assigned to a designated time for data collection. The actual data collection was performed at the health care institutes. Each participant was asked to complete the ODQ with the paper and pencil format followed by the ICF-AM online version. The ICF-AM online version was administered using a notebook computer and mouse. For the recruitment of the non-back pain group, flyers were provided at multiple public sites in Gainesville, Florida. Individuals without back pain were interviewed by a physical therapist for the exclusion criteria for the group. Then the ODQ with the paper and pencil version and the ICF-AM online version were administered. 2.4. Data analysis A series of Rasch analyses were performed using Winsteps software program version 3.57.2 (Winsteps.com, P.O. Box 811322, Chicago, IL 60681, USA)

to calculate person measures for back pain and nonback pain groups [30]. The Rasch model transforms total raw scores into an estimate of person ability in logits. To maximize the comparability of summative scores the ODQ instrument, the CAT measures were linearly transformed from the original logit estimates to a 0–100 metric scale. All descriptive statistical and correlation analyses were calculated using SPSS software program version 21(SPSS, Inc. 233 S. Wacker Drive, 11th floor, Chicago, IL 60606, USA). Pearson product moment correlations were obtained to compare the measurement properties of CAT (i.e., 10-item stopping rule or standard error less than 0.40) and ODQ. Scatter plots of ability estimates for the CAT versus the ODQ measure were used to further examine these relationships. To examine potential differences in precision across the three measures, the method of known groups validity to test relative precision (RP) in discriminating back pain and non-back pain groups was used. The methods included under the general linear model were used to test for hypothesized differences in group mean estimates. The magnitude of the F value from the analysis of variance represents a measure of precision. F statistics associated with chance probabilities p < 0.05 were considered significant. If the RP ratio is equal to 1, both methods of estimating function are equally discriminatory. If the RP > 1 the measurement method in the numerator is superior in differentiating function compared to method in denominator. The greater the F

B. Choi / Measurement precision for ODQ versus CAT for measuring back pain


Table 1 Demographic characteristic of study participants Characteristics Age < 20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–65 > 65 Mean ± SD Gender Female Male Education Middle/Junior High High School College Graduate Race/Ethnic African American Hispanic American American Indian White, not Hispanic origin Asian/Pacific Islander Years that has had related problems Less than a year 1 through < 4 years More than 4 years Missing

Back pain group n = 42 (%)

Non-back pain group n = 42 (%)

1 (2.4) 3 (7.1) 10 (23.8) 8 (19.0) 8 (19.0) 12 (28.6) 53.74 ± 20.13

3 (7.0) 6 (14.4) 9 (21.4) 6 (14.4) 8 (19.0) 10 (23.8) 48.76 ± 19.7

29 (69.0) 13 (31.0)

27 (64.3) 15 (35.7)

2 (4.7) 19 (45.3) 12 (28.5) 9 (21.5)

0 (0.0) 14 (33.3) 23 (54.8) 5 (11.9)

7 (16.6) 1 (2.3) 1 (2.3) 32 (76.2) 2 (4.6)

5 (11.9) 2 (4.8) 0 (0.0) 25 (59.5) 10 (23.8)

14 (33.3) 5 (12.0) 20 (47.6) 3 (7.1)

0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (4.7) 40 (95.3)

value, the greater the amount of systematic variance a measurement method accounts for and, therefore, the greater its ability to discriminate groups of subjects.

3. Results 3.1. Participant characteristics Sample demographic characteristics and clinical information are presented in Table 1. The average age was 53 years for the back pain group and 48 years for the non-back pain group. Nearly 60% of participants reported having back pain more than a year indicating it was a chronic condition. Five percent of the non-back pain participants reported having another pain related condition. Participants in the back pain group answered slightly more questions than those in the non-back pain group. For the back pain group, the average respondent answered 5.62 questions in the positioning/transfer construct, 6.37 questions in the lifting/carrying construct, and 6.25 questions in the walking/moving construct. For the non-back pain group, the average respondent answered 4.64 questions in the positioning/transfer construct, 5.12 questions in the lifting/carrying con-

Table 2 Correlations coefficients for CAT and ODQ measure for back pain group CAT P/T CAT L/C CAT W/M ODQ

CAT P/T 1.000 0.837∗ 0.614∗ 0.605∗




1.000 0.647∗ 0.530∗

1.000 0.594∗


Note: ∗ correlation

is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). CAT P/T: CAT Positioning/Transfer measure, CAT L/C: CAT Lifting/Carrying measure, CAT W/M: CAT Walking/Moving measure, ODQ: Oswestry Back Pain Disability Questionnaire measure.

struct, and 5.45 questions in the walking/moving construct. The CAT administered more questions for the back pain group than the non-back pain group. 3.2. Correlations among the measures In order to inspect the linear association between the measures, Pearson product moment correlations were calculated. Table 2 provides Pearson correlation coefficients between the CAT measures and the ODQ measures. Overall, the CAT measures had moderate correlations with the ODQ measures. All correlations were statistically significant at the p < 0.01 level. In an auxiliary investigation of the linear relationships between the CAT and the ODQ measures,


B. Choi / Measurement precision for ODQ versus CAT for measuring back pain Table 3 Difference between means for back pain and non-back pain groups Measure CAT P/T ODQ CAT L/C ODQ CAT W/M ODQ

Back pain 49.83 ± 0.61 53.69 ± 2.69 50.24 ± 0.77 53.69 ± 2.69 53.14 ± 0.89 53.69 ± 2.69

Means ± S.E. Non-back pain 55.55 ± 0.61 85.38 ± 2.69 77.00 ± 0.77 85.38 ± 2.69 58.33 ± 0.89 85.38 ± 2.69

F statistic

Relative precision

41.76∗ 19.26∗ 27.36∗ 19.26∗ 16.34∗ 19.26∗

2.16 1.00 1.42 1.00 0.84 1.00

Note: ∗ F statistics is significant at the 0.001 level. CAT: Computer Adaptive Testing, P/T: positioning/transfer measure, L/C: lifting/carrying measure, W/M: walking/moving measure, and ODQ: Oswestry Back Pain Disability Questionnaire measure.

Fig. 2. Scatter plot of ability measures from the CAT measure versus the short forms/the ODQ measure and the short forms versus the ODQ. Figures represent the plot of ability measures for the CAT, the short forms and the ODQ measure. The asterisks (*) represent that Pearson’s correlation is significant at 0.01 level.

each pair of measures was plotted against each other (Fig. 2). Scatter plots of the CAT and the ODQ measures clustered around the center of graph. In addition, the ODQ measures were more dispersed in the y-coordinate direction than other measures, while the CAT measures clustered into the center of the graph. The CAT measures had 22–36% less variance than the ODQ measure. Scatter plots of all relationships showed linear relationships.

3.3. Relative precision Comparisons of the relative precision (RP) of the two measures to discriminate groups differing in back pain are presented in Table 3. As was hypothesized, the CAT measure for positioning/transfer construct achieved almost 2 times greater RP than did the ODQ measure. In addition, the CAT for the lifting/carrying construct had 42% greater RP in discriminating the

B. Choi / Measurement precision for ODQ versus CAT for measuring back pain

groups, while the CAT measure for walking/moving construct had 16% less RP in discriminating the groups than did the ODQ. That is, The RP ratio for discriminating the groups did not favor the CAT measure for the walking/moving construct showing 16% less precision than the ODQ measure.

4. Discussion The ODQ and its versions are widely used as outcome measures for disability resulting from back pain. They have been extensively cited more than 200 times in the Science Citation Index [31]. Despite the popularity of the ODQ, numerous studies reveal substantial concerns regarding its measurement precision as well as measurement breadth [5,32,33]. That is, the ODQ is often recommended to use for the assessment of a high severity group [9]. This commonly leads to deficits in measurement precision. Relative precision is based on the ratio of pair wise F statistics (an index of between subject variability to within subject variability) of two different measures. The magnitude of the F statistics from the analysis of variance represents a measure of precision. Thus, the relative precision estimates indicate how much more or less precise a measure is relative to another measure [34]. In this study, relative precision comparisons were conducted using known group validity in discriminating back pain and non-back pain groups. This known group validity addresses the extent to which a measure differs as predicted between groups who should score low and high on an ability trait. Supportive evidence of known-group validity typically is provided by significant differences in mean scores across independent samples [35]. As was hypothesized, the results showed that the CAT measures achieved greater relative precision in discriminating back pain and nonback pain groups than did the ODQ measure except for with the walking/moving construct. This may indicate that CAT measures for positioning/transfer and lifting/carrying construct outperform the ODQ measure in terms of measurement precision. On the other hand, for the walking/moving construct, the CAT measure achieved less relative precision than did the ODQ measure in discriminating the groups. This indicates that the CAT’s ability for the positioning/transfer construct to discriminate between individuals in the back pain and non-back pain groups was twice as effective as the ODQ’s ability. Likewise, the CAT measure for the walking/moving also achieved less relative preci-


sion than did the ODQ for this construct. This may indicate that individuals appear to report a higher rating rather than a lower rating on the construct. The present study has several limitations. Computer adaptive testing methods shorten test length by 62.5%, or require only an estimated nine items [25]. In the present study, our CAT used much fewer items than the preset ten items and average respondents answered 6.08 items for each construct. Since the standard error of CAT measures was not included in analysis, which criteria were met to reach the person measure was unknown. Future research is needed to investigate the effects of adjusting the stopping rules to make them more rigorous, thus allowing more information to be obtained about respondents.

5. Conclusion We attempted comparisons between the CAT measure as a modern measurement tool and the ODQ measure as a conventional instrument. Excluding the walking/moving construct, the CAT measure appeared to be more effective than the ODQ measure in terms of measurement precision.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Gachon University research fund of 2013 (GCU-2013-R155), Republic of Korea. In addition, we are most grateful to Dr Craig Velozo, Medical University of South Carolina, SC, USA for the contribution in multiple comments and guides to this study.

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Measurement precision for Oswestry Back Pain Disability Questionnaire versus a web-based computer adaptive testing for measuring back pain.

Relative precision is to denote the ratio of the error variance of two sample designs. The aim of the present study was to compare measurement precisi...
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