Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1992,17, 893

Editorial The Research Discussion Group eventually became a formal membership group withm the Royal College of Nursmg It is now known as the Royal College of Nursmg Marjone Simpson OBE FRO4, former pnnapal nursmg Research Advisory Group In the 1960s, Marjone Simpson was particularly active officer (research) at the Department of Health and Social Secunty (DH^), England, died on 24 January 1992 after an m faalitatmg government funding, through the DHSS, for the Royal College of Nursmg Studies of Nursing Care illness whidi she bore v^nth great courage and dignity Marjone Simpson played a major role m pioneenng Project As a result of the fundmg, a number of nurses were nursmg research activity m the United Kmgdom from awarded research fellowships which enabled them to the 1950s She was also totally dedicated to fostenng become engaged m full-time research studies 'research-mmdedness' among nurses, midwives and health Reports of their studies were subsequently pubbshed by visitors worldwide the Royal College of Nursmg, with an initial subsidy from She possessed extraordinary commumcahon sbUs and the DFBS Those early nursmg research publications, she used them very efifectively as wnter, keynote speaker, which mainly related to the practice of nursmg, midwifery seminar leader, workshop facilitator and consultant at and health visitmg, made a most important and very timely contnbution to the body of nursmg knowledge In fact, numerous national and mtemational meetmgs Together with a small group of colleagues she helped they are still regularly ated m papers submitted to the estabhsh the first forum for Bntish nursmg researchers Journal of Advanced Nursmg Later, many of the research fellows who had partiapated m the late 1950s That forum, known as the Research Ehscussion Group, was ongmally set up as a self-help m the nursmg care project went on to leadership positions group for the few nurses and others who were then and made impacts on professional educahon, management, practice and research mvolved m research activities m the United IGngdom For her exceptional contnbution to the advancanent of Gradually the membership of the group expanded as others developed research mterests But, even when the the saence and art of nursmg, by virtue of her pioneenng eighth anniversary annual conference was held m 1967, work m nursmg research, Marjone Simpson was created a total membership was not very large Nevertheless, some Fellow of the Royal College of Nursmg at the first award of the 34 partiapants at that conference would now be ceremony m 1976 considered eminent Majone Simpson OBE FRCN, nurse, researcher, soaologist and scholar, has left fond memones of a bghly At the 1967 conference, I recall Mar]one Simpson posing ihe queshon 'How can we teach for research?' at the respected, channmg and chansmatic person She has also end of her presentation Fmdmg answers to that question left an outstandmg professional legacy dommated the major part of her life's work James P Smith OBE FRCN



Marjorie Simpson: pioneering British nurse researcher.

Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1992,17, 893 Editorial The Research Discussion Group eventually became a formal membership group withm the Royal College...
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