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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 1991.42:191-212. Downloaded from by University of California - Santa Cruz on 11/11/14. For personal use only.

MARITAL INTERACTIONS K. Daniel O'Leary and David A. Smith Department of Psychology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-2500 KEY WORDS:

integration with psychopathology research, prevention, treatment, psycho­ dynamic models of marital adjustment, social learning models of marital adjustment

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . .. . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . .


THEORETICAL MODELS OF MARITAL ADJUSTMENT.................................


Psychodynamic Models of Marital Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . . ......... Social Learning Models of Marital Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

193 197

PREVENTION AND TREATMENT.............................................................. Prevention . . ...... . ........... ...... . ......... .......... . ......... ... ...................... .........

200 200 202

Marital Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

CHALLENGES AND NEW DIRECTIONS ..................................................... Special Populations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................................... Love and Intimacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . Physiological Predictors of Marital Satisfaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . Integration of Clinical and Social Research. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integration with Psychopathology Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Process of Therapeutic Change . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophisticated Models of Marital Discord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Acceptance of the Serious Nature of Marital Discord.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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INTRODUCTION Marriage has emerged as an important topic in psychology over the last decade for several reasons. One of the most important is a concern about the divorce rate in the United States and its effects on the quality of life. Divorce rates rose sharply from the 1960s to the 1980s, and the anticipated divorce rate is now approximately 50%. While the divorce rate leveled out in the 191


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1980s, the United States now has the highest divorce rate among major industrialized countries (e.g. Australia, Canada, West Germany, France, Italy, and Japan) of the world (US Bureau of the Census 1990). This trend is not without consequences. The United States has the world's highest per capita number of children living in single parent families (US Census Bureau 1990). Twenty percent of all children in the United States are in families headed by a single parent, and 50% of all Black children are in such families (Zigler 1985). Depression and suicide among adolescents and young adults are at an all-time high in the United States, and one reason postulated for these increases is the change in family structure with its attendant high rates of marital dissolution (Klerman & Weissman 1990). The association between marital discord and various forms of adult psychopathol­ ogy such as alcoholism and depression is now becoming increasingly clear (Beach et al 1990; Jacobson et al 1989a). Whether a discordant marriage harms children more than a divorce is now a hotly debated issue (Emery 1989; Wallerstein & Kelly 1980). Another reason for the emerging interest in marriage and marital therapy is that distressed couples demand help and thereby create a market for therapeu­ tic services. More individuals seek help in mental health clinics for marital problems than for any other single problem. Approximately 40% of all clients in mental health clinics indicate that marital problems are part of their difficulty (Yeroff et al 1981). This need for marital therapy prompted states such as California to train and certify marital and family therapists in­ dependent of the traditional training fields of psychiatry, psychology, and social work. As the divorce rate rose, the need for marital therapy (and mediation or dissolution services) increased. When the impact of relationship factors on psychopathology became more well known, the study of marriage and its impact received greater attention. In tum, a research field largely dominated by sociologists became of special interest to various mental health pro­ fessionals. The study of the individual gave way to the study of dyads, and the family therapy movement became evident across the world. The American Psychological Association started a Family Psychology Division in 1985 and officially recognized the Journal ofFamily Psychology in 1987. A number of behavior therapists working with children and adolescents gradually expanded their efforts to encompass the larger system, namely, the marriage, as a means of enhancing generalization and treatment gains (O'Leary & Wilson 1987). Between 1950 and 1966, chapters in the Annual Review of Psychology made not a single reference to marriage or marital therapy, and until the mid 1980s this series offered only scattered references to marriage, marital ther­ apy, or marital interaction. Marital issues, however, have been given closer attention in recent Annual Review of Psychology chapters on close rela-



tionships (Clark & Reis 1988; Huston & Levinger 1978) and family therapy (Bednar et al 1988). A search of the several APA psychology journals that cover issues related to marriage and marital discord (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and

Developmental Psychology) indicated that papers on the correlates, pre­ dictors, and consequences of marital discord, treatment of marital discord, and family violence appeared with regularity only in the last five years.

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Maternal employment and public policy issues such as day care that are associated with the changing demographics of marriage and the family have also received frequent attention in our journals recently. Nonetheless, despite increasing interest in marriage and marital interaction, this is the first chapter in the Annual Review devoted to this topic. Con­ sequently, we have been highly selective in our choice of material. We focus our review on theories of marital satisfaction and discord and on the treatment of marital discord because these topics have occupied the largest portion of the clinical psychology literature and are the areas with which we are most closely associated. Because both family systems and social psychology approaches to marriage have received attention in recent issues of the Annual Review of Psychology (Clark & Reis 1988; Bednar et al 1988; Huston & Levinger 1978), and because these areas have not been well integrated into the mainstream of clinical theory and research, we do not review them here. We evaluate the effectiveness of prevention efforts and treatment approaches from psychodynamic and social learning perspectives and discuss new direc­ tions that marriage research may take in the 1990s. We also explore areas of needed interdisciplinary research across clinical psychology and social psy­ chology at the end of our review.

THEORETICAL MODELS OF MARITAL ADJUSTMENT Psychodynamic Models of Marital Adjustment As one of the most venerable and influential traditions in the history of psychology, psychodynamic perspectives on marriage are presented alongside behavioral and family-systems theories in many widely cited surveys of the marital literature (e.g. Jacobson & Gurman 1986; Paolino & McCrady 1978). The psychodynamic orientation toward resolving marital conflict is by far the oldest and most widespread approach to treatment (e.g. Baucom & Hoffman

1986; Beach & O'Leary 1985; Gurman & Kniskern 1978). We examine research from areas directly and indirectly associated with the psychodynamic orientation to see if data can be adduced to support its more central tenets. There are perhaps no tenets more central to psychodynamic formulations of marital adjustment than those associated with spouse selection. A psy­ chodynamic perspective holds that people consciously and unconsciously



seek spouses who gratify narcissistic needs (Dicks 1967; Schutz 1958; Stew­ art et al 1975; Winch 1958). Dynamic repression of these narcissistic needs

and their introjection and projection onto potential partners lead people to prefer spouses who complement their needs. For instance, one partner may be dominant and aggressive while the other is submissive and masochistic; alternatively, one partner may be emotionally detached while the other craves affection (Mittleman 1948). In other words, people select mates who best serve to substitute for some unattained ego ideal. "Couples are usually

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attracted by shared developmental failures" (Skynner 1976:43). Once es­ tablished, marital partners have an implicit "contract" to continue to gratify these needs throughout the marriage (Sager 1976). There are two points in a marriage upon which the need-complementarity hypothesis bears. As already stated, need complementarity is thought to exert an influence upon spouse selection. It is also thought to influence satisfaction in the resulting marriage. Curiously, few studies have been devoted solely to the issue of spouse selection. The most direct evidence for the existence of need complementarity in spouse selection is found in the behavior genetics literature devoted to assortative mating (e.g. Buss 1984a; Mascie-Taylor & Vandenberg 1988; Phillips et al 1988) and in the personality literature concerned with personal­ environment interactions (e.g. Buss 1984b; Caspi & Herbener 1990). In determining the heritability of psychological characteristics, it is impor­ tant to know the extent to which parents can be assumed to be randomly paired with respect to each characteristic. Therefore, behavior geneticists have studied the similarity between spouses on a number of personality dimensions. They find not complementarity but similarity of needs influenc­ ing spousal selection. For instance, Buss ( l984a) found low positive correla­ tions between spouses for most of the 16 personality traits he examined. Similarly, Mascie-Tay10r & Vandenberg (1988) and Phillips et al (1988) found fairly consistent evidence for similarity of personality between spouses. Numerous other examples are available (e.g. Phillips et a11988; see Vanden­ berg 1972 for a review). In the personality literature two sources of variance, the person and the situation, are now understood to interact in the determination of behavior. Recent research in this tradition takes marriage to be an important environ­ ment within which peoples' dispositions are manifest. Investigators therefore examine the degree to which personality variables influence both spouse selection and marital adjustment. The extent to which people create a marital environment consistent with their own behavioral predilections is of interest not only as it reveals important features of peoples' self-concepts but also as it influences adult personality development. For example, Buss (1984b) examined spousal correspondence on eight

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dispositional categories from the Wiggins (1979) interpersonal circumplex and on 800 specific behavioral acts (e.g. "went to a disco", "unplugged my phone for the evening"). Buss (1984b) found moderate positive correlations between spouses for four of the eight dispositional categories. At the level of specific acts, he found substantial correlations within each of the eight categories. In a study of the impact of spouse selection for adult personality development, Caspi & Herbener (1990) also found substantial similarity between spouses using the California Q sort (Block 1971). A number of studies have examined the association between com­ plementarity and marital satisfaction (e.g. Cattell & Nesselroade 1967; Heiss & Gordon 1964; Murstein 1961, Murstein & Beck 1972; Winch 1958). One study conducted by Meyer & Pepper (1977) exemplifies the results of this research. Using modified versions of 12 scales from Jackson's Personality Research Form (Jackson 1967), they found no evidence of an association between need complementarity and marital adjustment as measured by a modified version of the Lock-Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale (Locke & Wallace 1959). Rather, they found similarity of spouses' needs for affiliation, aggression, autonomy, and nurturance to be associated with marital adjust­ ment. This finding held both for differences in intensity on the same needs (Winch's Type I complementarity) and differences in kind of needs (Winch's Type II complementarity-e.g. high dominance paired with high suc­ corance). Other explicit tests of Winch's Type I and Type II complementarity hypotheses have also proved negative (DeYoung & Fleischer 1976). The association between spouse similarity and marital success is, in fact, highly replicable (e.g. Cattell & Nesselroade 1967; Heiss & Gordon 1964; Murstein 1961; Murstein & Beck 1972). In contrast, only a few studies support need complementarity (Winch 1958; Winch et al 1954), and these have been questioned on both theoretical (e.g. Levinger 1964) and methodological (e.g. Tharp 1963) grounds. It could be argued that measures of personality are poor instantiations of "needs" as conceptualized in psychodynamic theory. Howev­ er, the Meyer & Pepper (1977) study, for one, used the Personality Research Form (Jackson 1967), a device expressly designed to measure the same Murray (1938) needs upon which the Winch (1958) theory is based. A longitudinal perspective on the need-complementarity hypothesis was provided in a study by Bentler & Newcomb (1978). The personality similarity of a sample of newly married couples who four years later were divorced was compared to that of a group of couples that remained married. Among the couples who remained married, no traits exhibited significant complementar­ ity. Rather, significant degrees of similarity were found in this group, while the divorced couples were for the most part neither similar nor com­ plementary. The bulk of the evidence now favors positive assortative mating for per-



sonality. Rather than differing in their personalities, spouses tend to be similar; and the degree of similarity is positively correlated with their marital satisfaction. Personality can now take its place alongside physical characteris­ tics, cognitive abilities, age, education, religion, ethnic background, attitudes and opinions, and socioeconomic status (Jensen 1978; Vandenberg 1972) as contributors to marital choice. As stated by Buss, "negative assortative mating in human populations has never been reliably demonstrated ( 1985:47). A second major tenet of the psychodynamic formulation of marriage

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concerns the role each spouse's individual psychosexual development plays in marital functioning. In particular, importance is ascribed to the attachment relationships in spouses' respective families of origin and how "lost aspects of their primary object relations" (Dicks 1967) are manifest in current marital relationships. Comfortable differentiation from the family of origin and nonneurotic resolution of the various psychosexual conflicts are thought to result in levels of individual functioning that form the foundation of satis­ factory marital relations (e.g. Framo 1976). Research regarding the impact of childhood attachment on adult romantic relationships has emerged fairly recently (Feeney & Noller 1990; Hazan & Shaver 1987; Hendrick & Hendrick 1989; Levy & Davis 1988; Main et al

1985; Shaver & Hazan 1988; Shaver et al 1988). Hazan & Shaver ( 1987) launched this area with an informative survey-based examination of adult romantic relationships. Using fairly literal translations to adult relationships of Bowlby's (1969, 1973; 1980) three styles of infant-parent attachment, they found (a) the relative prevalences of these adult styles were similar to those found in childhood, (b) the experience of love for people in the three types of attachment relationships were consistent with expectations based on theory,

(c) subjects' working models of self and relationships were positively corre­ lated to attachment styles, and (d) reports of relationships with parents were meaningfully associated with adult romantic relationships. Levy & Davis (1988), Hendrick & Hendrick (1989), and Feeney & Noller ( 1990) have also found attachment styles and romantic orientations to be associated. In general, securely attached persons endorse positive relationship characteristics, avoidant attachments are characteristically mistrusting and fearful, and anxious attachments are typically dependent and otherwise needy. Variables associated with childhood relationships with parents (e.g. "affectionate parental relationship", "separation from mother") were also found to be meaningfully associated with adult romantic relationship attach­ ment styles. A final tenet worth exploring emerges not as an explicit component of any particular psychodynamic theory about marriage, but rather as an implicit mechanism through which intrapersonal factors bear on the interpersonal marital situation. Specifically, individual levels of neuroticism (broadly de-

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fined) are thought to influence directly the adjustment of the couple. These therefore constitute a target of, and justification for, individual rather than couples psychotherapy (e.g. Giovacchini 1965). The examination of neuroticism has an admirable history in marital re­ search, spawning an impressive set of longitudinal studies (Adams 1946; Bentler & Newcomb 1978; Burgess & Wallin 1953; Kelly & Conley 1987; Terman & Oden 1947; Uhr 1957; Vaillant 1978). Taken together, the results of these studies support the psychodynamic contention that neuroticism, impulsivity, emotional instability, irritability, psychopathology, fearfulness, poor social adjustment, and similar constructs are associated with poor marital adjustment. The mechanisms through which these factors influence marital adjustment require further empirical and theoretical attention. In 1963 Tharp accurately claimed of the need-complementarity theory of spouse selection that "In marriage research, no other hypothesis produced in the last decade has been as influential (p. 107)", but it would now seem prudent to abandon this account and tum attention to models of mate selection consistent with the robust similarity findings cited above. Notions about the effects of childhood attachment on adult romantic relationships, on the other hand, hold great promise for future clarification of the psychology of mar­ riage. Social-Learning Models of Marital Adjustment

The social learning approach to marriage is less a unified theoretical position than a collection of empirically established concepts brought to bear on the marital dyad. Its roots lie with Thibault & Kelley's (1959) social exchange theory, but it has evolved over the last 25 years to encompass not only the behavioral economics of the original interdependence models but also cogni­ tive, mediational, and affective components (Baucom & Epstein 1990; O'Le­ ary 1987). In the behavioral domain, Stuart's (1969) reinforcement model of marital satisfaction spawned research into the day-to-day behaviors of distressed and nondistressed married couples. Distressed couples were shown to engage in fewer recreational activities together (Birchler & Webb 1977), to spend less time together (Williams 1979), and to rate the time spent together more negatively (Williams 1979). During their time together, distressed couples exhibit a lower ratio of pleasing to displeasing behaviors, with displeasing behaviors better able to distinguish the two groups (Margolin 1981). Dis­ tressed couples have sex one half to one third as often as nondistressed couples (Barnett & Nietzel 1979; Birchler & Webb 1977). Particular attention has been paid to verbal behavior in the context of marital problem-solving discussions (Baucom & Adams 1987). In such re­ search, couples are asked to discuss an issue about which they disagree, and

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the resulting interaction is either audio- or video-taped. As rated by trained observers, in these discussions distressed couples make more negative state­ ments (disagreements, criticisms) and fewer positive ones (e.g. Gottman 1979). Distressed couples are also more confrontive, complaining, and defen­ sive with their spouses than they are with other people (Ting-Toomey 1983). Distressed couples reciprocate negative behaviors (i.e. each spouse emits negative behaviors contingent on the partner's emission of others) to a greater degree than the nondistressed, especially during problem-solving communica­ tion (Gottman 1979; Margolin & Wampold 1981). In part because spouses seem to disagree over the occurrence of daily behaviors in their relationship (e.g. Jacobson & Moore 1981), cognitive features began to be incorporated into the previously behavioral model of marriage (Arias & Beach 1987). The cognitive correlates of marital satisfac­ tion have, for the most part, been established through the use of paper-and­ pencil self-reports of people's predilections to make certain attributions and appraisals about their spouses and marriages. Distressed couples are less likely to interpret objectively positive behaviors from their spouses as posi­ tive, underestimating the positiveness by as much as 50% (Gottman et al

1976). They interpret the intent of their spouse's statements more negatively

than they were meant to be (Markman 1981; Schacter & O'Leary 1985). More than their nondistressed counterparts distressed spouses interpret the causes of positive partner behaviors as specific and uncontrollable, the causes of nega­ tive partner behaviors as global and pervasive (Fincham & O'Leary 1983). Programs of research by Fincham & Bradbury (e.g. Fincham & Bradbury 1990), Holtzworth-Munroe & Jacobson (Camper et al 1988; Holtzworth­ Munroe 1988; Holtzworth-Munroe & Jacobson 1985; Jacobson et al 1985), and Baucom (Baucom 1987; Baucom, et al 1989a,b) have greatly developed the study of attributions in marriage. Care has been taken to establish the theoretical boundary conditions, measuring devices, samples, and de­ velopmental stages of the couples studied. Dissatisfied spouses make attribu­ tions that cast their partners' behavior in a negative light. Further, initial findings suggest that attributions predict changes in marital satisfaction and that attributions influence marital satisfaction rather than vice versa (Bradbury & Fincham 1990). A concern for the affective features of marital satisfaction arose among social learning theorists from two primary sources. First, Gottman's (1979; Gottman et al 1977) extension of his Couples Interaction Scoring System to encompass affect as well as content elements of spousal communication led to the discovery that affective features of communication were more indicative of the current quality of the marriage than were content components (Gottman 1979; Gottman et al 1977; Hahlweg et al 1984a; Schaap 1984). Second, the

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finding that spouses judged love to be a highly valued characteristic of marriage (Broderick 1981), as well as the troublesome clinical failures in which significant behavioral changes were not associated with changes in levels of caring, led O'Leary et al (1983) to develop the Positive Feelings Questionnaire, a measure that correlates highly with marital satisfaction. In an extension of the observational coding paradigm, attention has recently been directed at specific affects such as anger, sadness, happiness, and contentment (Gottman & Krokoff 1989; Gottman & Levenson 1986; Smith & O'Leary 1987; Smith et al 1990). Interest in specific affects has led to attempts, using longitudinal designs, to forge links with more basic research in emotion and the structure of affect. Out of this approach has emerged the challenging finding that while current marital satisfaction is negatively associ­ ated with expressions of negative emotion, later satisfaction is enhanced by previous arousal and "conflict engagement." In other words, the longitudinal predictors of marital satisfaction differ from its cross-sectional correlates. The psychophysiological work of Levenson & Gottman (1983, 1985) warrants attention in any discussion of emotion in marriage. They found an association between arousal level of husband and wife measured physiologi­ cally and cross-sectionally measured marital satisfaction (Levenson & Gott­ man 1983). Decreases in marital satisfaction of these same couples over the ensuing three years were subsequently found to be highly predictable from simple levels of autonomic arousal established during the original study (see the section below on physiological predictors of marital satisfaction) (Leven­ son & Gottman 1985). Here 'again, then, it appears that the predictors of marital satisfaction differ from its cross-sectional correlates. However, it is unclear how the physiological and affect findings can be integrated. That is, conflict engagement measured through observed affects was associated with increased marital satisfaction in both the Gottman & Krokoff (1989) and Smith et al (1990) studies. But Levenson & Gottman (1985) found that physiological arousal was associated with declines in marital satisfaction over time. There is clearly a degree of discontinuity between measures of emotion that may have important implications for the understanding of the etiology of marital dissatisfaction. Marital therapy is a domain within which this diverse collection of findings is most readily integrated. Consistent with the available research of their time, marital therapies based on behavioral principles could variously be referred to as "Operant-Interpersonal" (Stuart 1969), "Behavioral" (O'Leary & Turke­ witz 1978), "Social Learning-Cognitive" (Jacobson & Holtzworth-Munroe 1986), and "Cognitive-Behavioral-Affective" (Margolin 1987). Behavioral methods of treating discordant spouses have proved exceedingly responsive to basic marital research findings.




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Prevention PREMARITAL RELATIONSHIP ENHANCEMENT When two people are in love, do they want to know about any problems in their marriage? Generally not. The expression, "blinded by love" conveys a sense of this issue. Nonetheless, certain religious groups require discussion of marriage and potential marital problems before marriage. For example, the Catholic church requires some attendance at Pre-Canna classes before a priest will marry a couple. However, the differential effects of these classes on Catholics are unknown because almost all such couples are required to take them. One of the most well-developed programs to prevent marital problems was generated by Bernard Guerney and his colleagues (cf Guerney et al 1985). The program is designed for a 2.5-hr/week group format spanning approx­ imately 10 weeks. Comparisons between subjects randomly assigned to the premarital program and a wait-list group indicated that the experimental subjects fared better on measures of empathic skill, expressive skill (appropri­ ate self-disclosure, and nonthreatening openness), understanding, and general satisfaction with their relationships.

Not all premarital programs produce change. The program developed by Guerney and colleagues has been compared with a premarital program similar to Marriage Encounter (ME) in which married couples model how they cope with the joys and sorrows of marriage. The ME-type program also involved discussions of weaknesses in a couple's relationship and potential conflicts in the marriage. The ME group showed no gains in communication skills or in constructive problem solving, whereas the relationship enhancement program evidenced changes on both of these measures (Most & Guerney 1983). Some evidence indicates that premarital education emphasizing com­ munication and problem-solving skills reduces the divorce rate. Based on several longitudinal studies of early marriage, a model was developed within a social learning framework. It covers many of the issues discussed in the Guerney program and is described as being specifically oriented toward reducing critical comments and encouraging constructive engagement. For example, Markman et al (1988) found that a course of five 3-hr group sessions of premarital education in communication and problem-solving was associ­ ated with greater marital satisfaction at both 1.5 and 3 years postmarriage compared to the satisfaction of control subjects who did not receive this intervention. Moreover, couples in the prevention program were significantly less likely to dissolve their relationship three years post marriage (5% vs 24%). These results are certainly impressive and deserving of attempts at replication. As just indicated, not all premarital programs work equally well and it is possible that some existing programs used widely in the United States may not ,

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have any significant effects on couples. Thus, process research on the effec­ tive ingredients of premarital programs as well as comparative outcome research in this area is sorely needed. Use of the treatment outcome and dismantling strategies that have been used effectively in evaluating marital therapy would appear to be promising in this area. Premarital programs can help couples and reduce divorce rates. A major task in this area, however, is to educate the public about the utility of these programs and to reach the groups that need them most. Premarital programs might well be targeted at high-risk groups such as couples in second marriages and teen marriages. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Marriage Encounter is a variation of a religion-based program to help married couples. Started in Spain by a priest in the late 1950s, Marriage Encounter is one of the oldest existing marriage enrichment programs. The program is not well researched, and the few evaluations of it cast doubt on its effectiveness. Of course, almost anyone involved with marital treatment can provide examples of couples who associ­ ated great gains in their marriage with the Marriage Encounter weekend retreat. However, couples must be willing to devote a weekend together to ME, and this requirement may effectively screen out the most severely discordant couples. ME couples also are not easily randomly assigned to treatment, though one study indicated that ME couples showed enhanced communication and general marital satisfaction compared to a wait-list con­ trol group (Costa 1981). A more carefully researched marital enrichment program is the Minnesota Couples Group Program. Developed in 1968 by Miller et al ( 1976), the program is based on a theory of marriage as a growth system. At the heart of the procedure are communication interventions. Skills that receive emphasis are flexibility of interactional style, self-awareness, and elicitation of in­ formation from the spouse. Five to seven couples meet with a leader for three hours a week for four weeks. The format is educational, and the book Alive and Aware: Improving Communication in Relationships serves as the guide for the groups. Like several behavioral marital therapy programs, this pro­ gram emphasizes minicontracts in which couples specify certain problem areas and agree to spend time working on resolutions to these problems. Wampler ( 1982) provided a summary of the outcome research on this mar­ riage enrichment program, and indicated mixed results on self-report mea­ sures of communication quality. Only in 7 of the 13 studies reviewed was there an increase in marital satisfaction. A related program is the Marital Relationship Enhancement Program of Guemey ( 1977), sometimes called "conjugal therapy." Like the previous program, it uses a group format; but it lasts 16-20 instead of 10--12 hr. A leader helps clients work on areas of their marriage that they find problematic.

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Sharing of positive feelings toward one another is encouraged, and com­ munication exercises are emphasized under the guidance of the leader. A number of studies have indicated that this program is effective in increasing trust, intimacy, communication, and general marital satisfaction (Guemey et al 1985). Moreover, comparisons with equally credible programs of a be­ havioral nature (cf Stuart 1969) indicate that this program is perceived as more worthwhile, exciting, fair, important, and comfortable than the be­ havioral programs that emphasized reciprocal reinforcement. On the other hand, both programs showed equal improvements on communication, marital adjustment, and cooperation; both showed greater changes on these measures than did wait-list controls. Of special interest is a study in which experienced marital/family therapists received a three-day training workshop in the marital relationship enhance­ ment program and then provided services to clients using this method. They also provided services to couples using their own preferred method of treat­ ment (psychodynamic, client centered, and behavioral). At the end of ten weeks, couples who received the structured relationship enhancement pro­ gram fared better than did those who received the therapists' own preferred methods on all three variables studied: marital adjustment, the quality of their relationship, an the quality of their communication (Ross 1981). Some might argue that the specific dependent measures chosen in this study were of greatest relevance to the relationship enhancement group, but these results are still impressive. Most therapists who treat discordant couples would agree that the measures chosen are generally very significant to most couples.

Marital Therapy Behavioral marital therapy is the most frequently evaluated therapy for the treatment of discordant couples. At least two dozen studies and several reviews provide the empirical base for an evaluation of this therapy. Briefly, behavioral therapy has repeatedly resulted in significant increases in marital satisfaction in diverse laboratories across the United States and Europe (cf Jacobson et al 1984; Hahlweg et al 1984b; Beach & O'Leary 1985). These changes are reasonably well maintained at one year follow-up for those couples who complete therapy (Hahlweg & Markman 1988; O'Leary & Beach 1990). The marital therapy outcome literature is clearly a success story. At first glance these changes appear impressive. Indeed, depending upon the review, approximately 70-80% of the couples treated in this way improve (cf Baucom & Hoffman 1986). However, when the changes are more closely scrutinized, one's enthusiasm can wane: Only 40-55 percent of couples improve enough to be classified as nondistressed (Baucom & Epstein 1990). For example, on the average, couples move from an extremely dissatisfied

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evaluation of their marriage at pretreatment to a just satisfactory range at posttreatment (O'Leary & Arias 1983). Unfortunately, no marital therapy investigations have documented whether individuals felt helped when their decision was to terminate their marriage. In the 1990s, research will attempt to determine whether behavioral mari­ tal therapy enables a significant percentage of clients to consider their mar­ riages satisfactory over several years. Passion decreases somewhat over the course of marriage, especially in the first few years, but couples who have found their marriage truly satisfying over many years report that love and sexual attraction remain (Swensen 1985). If so, then sexual excitement and love in a relationship must be addressed more straightforwardly by all therapists. Classic insight-oriented therapies emphasize unconscious factors thought to influence both choice of mate and the conflicts that develop later in marriage. These therapies no doubt represent a potent influence on the field of marital therapy, yet we were able to find only a few published treatment outcome studies upon which to base an evaluation (Beach & O'Leary 1985). Using these studies, we found no evidence that insight-oriented therapies produced change in communication or marital satisfaction. One problem with the studies we reviewed was that the insight-oriented approaches did not include the directive techniques advocated by prominent psychodynamic therapists (e.g. Sager & Skynner). Nonetheless, one study that included insight and directive techniques (Boelens et al 1980), showed that the insight-oriented approach fared better than a wait-list control on a measure of marital satisfac­ tion. As a part of the cognitive revolution in psychology, behavioral marital therapy expanded to include cognitive strategies. In fact, therapy texts by leading behavioral marital therapists at the beginning of the 1990s already include or even emphasize cognitive factors (cf Baucom & Epstein 1990). Weiss (1984) aptly noted that in order to be as useful as behavioral marital therapists want them to be, the restructuring techniques of behavioral marital therapy will require conceptual refinement. Such conceptual refinement of cognitive behavioral therapy may have to be tailored to particular types of marital problems [e.g. marital discord and depression of one or both spouses (Beach et aI1990), marital discord and alcoholism of a spouse (McCrady et al 1986»). Insight approaches used by behavior therapists within a social learning perspective present an interesting conceptual challenge to models of be­ havioral marital therapy. Snyder & Wills (1989) compared insight-oriented therapy and behavioral therapy to a wait-list control. Both approaches pro­ duced significant improvements in general marital satisfaction and, to a lesser extent, a reduction in individual psychological distress. There were no signifi-



cant differences between the two treatments; both treatments resulted in clinically significant changes in over 60% of couples. The emphasis in the insight-oriented therapy was on interpretation of underlying dynamics that contributed to the current marital difficulties. The emphasis in behavioral marital therapy was on increasing positive interchanges and improving com­ munication. Each therapist provided both insight and behavioral therapy, and it is unclear why this research produced significant and equivalent changes in marital satisfaction while the insight-oriented approaches reviewed earlier did

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not. Another interesting development is the use of emotion-focused therapy that incorporates techniques from Gestalt and client-centered therapy. Such ther­ apy emphasizes the identification of underlying vulnerabilities, fears, and unexpressed resentments that contribute to the negative interaction cycles of a discordant marriage. Johnson

& Greenberg ( 1985) found that this approach

produced changes in marital satisfaction equivalent to the changes observed in a behavioral marital therapy. Moreover, couples in emotion-focused therapy reported greater intimacy than couples in marital therapy. These differing therapeutic emphases could be judiciously tailored to the needs of individual clients. Some couples need insight into their problems, some need emotion-focused change, and some need behavioral change. Var­ ious combinations of these approaches could be imagined for different clients. One comparison (Jacobson et al 1989b) of a flexible treatment approach with a standard treatment regimen found that the former produced no significantly greater improvement at posttreatment; but because at follow-up the flexible treatment was indeed associated with less deterioration, it is still unclear whether flexible interventions enhance treatment effects. Ingredients common to the different treatment strategies may produce the changes in marital satisfaction across the different therapies.

CHALLENGES AND NEW DIRECTIONS Special Populations Marital discord occurs within different contexts, and the etiology and treat­ ment of marital discord may vary greatly depending upon this context. For example, marital treatment is a valuable treatment for depressed women (O'Leary

& Beach 1990). Marital treatment alone and marital treatment

combined with an alcohol-focused intervention alone were associated with reduced drinking and increased general life satisfaction; neither treatment was associated with increases in marital satisfaction (McCrady et alI986). Marital treatment for physically abused women and their husbands is controversial, but in many instances it may be critical in the prevention of argument and



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physical abuse (Adams 1988; Neidig & Friedman 1984; O'Leary & Vivian 1990). Marital treatment for couples in which one spouse tests positive for HIV virus is a high-priority research area, as is marital therapy for AIDS victims. Another area for marital therapy evaluation is treatment of elderly couples. As the population of the United States ages and as it becomes more widely known that partners can be sexually active in old age, treatments with the elderly need evaluation. In sum, there are many populations of maritally discordant individuals who may require variations of standard marital therapy or adjuncts to such therapy. Love and Intimacy While affect and intimacy are clearly issues addressed by researchers and clinicians, they have not received much attention in the marital outcome research literature. No method of increasing positive affect or love toward a spouse has been replicated in various clinics. Johnson & Greenberg's (1985) research is intriguing because emotion-focused treatment was associated with greater intimacy than behavioral marital therapy. One of the issues most often addressed by marital therapy clients is their waning love for their partner. Without changes in love or caring for a spouse, marital stability may be of little value; demonstration of such change is certainly a challenge to marital therapists (Margolin 1983). Physiological Predictors of Marital Satisfaction Physiological predictors of marital satisfaction may seem far fetched to some, but there is evidence that arousal patterns within a marital-assessment session predict later marital satisfaction (Gottman & Levenson 1986). Greater auto­ nomic activity, such as increased heart rate and more sweating, was associ­ ated with greater declines in marital satisfaction across a three-year period. The correlations of the measures of autonomic arousal with declines in marital satisfaction were impressive, but the interpretation of results was not simple. For men, increased heart rate predicted declines in marital satisfaction; for women, skin conductance (sweating) did the same (Levenson & Gottman 1985). While the follow-up data at three years was based on only 19 couples from an original sample of 30, these data provide a basis for an interesting analysis and replication. Replication by an independent laboratory, however, seems crucial since this research produced many intriguing but unexpected findings. The cross-sectional and longitudinal data showed different results; the times originally intended for baseline were later used as actual measures since they correlated with marital discord, and measures of arousal that



predicted declines in marital satisfaction for men were different from those of women.

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Integration of Clinical and Social Research Clinical research on marriage has been largely independent of social psychol­ ogy research. Unfortunately, little cross fertilization has occurred, but we can identify areas that would now profit from a mix of res!!arch. For example, interpersonal attraction has long been a major interest of social psychologists studying relationships (cf Murstein 1976), yet this research is not even mentioned in clinical books on marital assessment (cf O'Leary 1987) and treatment (Baucom & Epstein 1990). Commitment has been investigated by social psychologists (Kelley 1983), but again this body of research is seldom mentioned by clinical psychologists--even those who assess commitment to remain in a marriage. Impairing the desired integration has been the use of undergraduate subjects by many social psychologists in their experiments on interpersonal attraction and commitment. Use of diverse subject populations would enhance the generalizability of results and make integration more likely. More theoretically driven research by clinical psychologists would be of greater relevance to social psychologists. Attribution research is one area of social psychology that has had great impact on the psychology of marriage. Interestingly, this research was greatly fostered by a social/developmental psychologist, Fincham, who later received training in clinical psychology and marital therapy (cf Fincham & Bradbury 1990). Perhaps cross-fertilization by postdoctoral training across disciplines would encourage this integration in the attribution area.

Integration with Psychopathology Research The study of treatment failures would profit from an integration with tradi­ tional psychopathology research, for marriage and marital therapy involve individuals who bring their own assets and liabilities to the marriage. Indeed, some bring psychopathologies to the marriage. If they suffer from severe depression, for example, marital therapy may or may not be the treatment of choice (Coyne 1986; O'Leary & Beach 1990). Further, if physical aggression or spouse abuse exists, the appropriateness of marital therapy may be de­ pendent upon the level of physical aggression in the relationship. In some instances, marital therapy may exacerbate the problems in the marriage; in others it may be critical to change. The effects of marital therapy on the high relapse rates of schizophrenics who return to families with high levels of expressed emotion should also be explored (Hooley, 1986).



Process of Therapeutic Change As comparative outcome studies produce results that indicate no overall differences between treatments such as insight and behavioral marital therapy (Snyder & Wills 1989), the need to study therapeutic processes becomes clear. Fortunately, the research base is large enough to allow an unequivocal claim that marital therapy is effective. We now need to know what produces such changes, and we need to study the treatment failures intensively.

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Sophisticated Prediction Models of Marital Discord Interventions need not be based on a firm etiological base to be clinically effective, but having sophisticated models of the etiology of marital discord could enhance treatment effectiveness. A marital treatment that helps 50% of its client couples to rate their marriages "satisfactory" might be made more effective by means of more sophisticated models of what causes marital discord. It has long been known that discord and divorce can be predicted from assessments of communication and family background (Adams 1946). However, we need models of marital discord that differentiate causal factors and isolate paths of influence. As early as the 1940s, marital discord could be predicted using questionnaire approaches that addressed issues like marital status of parents, educational compatibility, and religious compatibility (Adams 1946). Despite these early studies showing that divorce could be predicted from premarital or early marital assessments, the divorce rate in the United States has climbed dramatically. If individuals enter marriage with the belief that it is more likely to fail than to succeed, the institution may assume a meaning very different from its meaning in the past. Sophisticated models of marital discord may enhance our ability to help troubled partners who want to keep their marriages intact.

Acceptance of the Serious Nature of Marital Discord When women or men take their own lives, suicide notes reveal that relation­ ship factors are the most common reasons (Bancroft et aI1979). One fourth of all homicide victims in 1984 were related to their assailants, and approximate­ ly half of intrafamilial homicides were between partners (Browne 1988). Despite these data, insurance companies do not consider the cost of treatment for marital problems reimbursable. Insurance companies are guided by actuar­ ial data and the profit motive, but as business managers learn of the dramatic impact of marital discord they may push insurance companies or their own companies to provide psychological services for their employees. In January 1990, a survey of small business operators in Ohio suggested that marital problems, not alcohol or drug abuse, was the number one inhibitor of pro-



ductivity in the workplace (APA Practitioner 1 990). This survey attracted national media attention, and such recognition of the cost impact of marital discord, divorce, and work/family conflict may help make marital problems a priority issue for businesses and in tum insurance companies (Barling 1990) .

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