

Management of Perioperative Hypertension Using Intravenous Isradipine Peter C. Rüegg, Urs Karmann, and Hanspeter Keller

The antihypertensive action of acute intravenous isradipine w a s investigated during f e n t a n y l / p a n c u r o n i u m / n i t r o u s oxide anesthesia for noncardiac surgery. A n intravenous (iv) infusion of 0.5 m g isradipine (n = 10) or placebo (n = 11) w a s a d m i n i s ­ tered double-blind over 5 m i n if m e a n arterial pressure (MAP) w a s > 110 m m Hg. The number of patients w i t h a favorable blood pressure reduction (ΔΜΑΡ > 10% w i t h M A P < 110 m m Hg) w a s 80% w i t h isradipine and 20% w i t h placebo (P < .05), and the m e a n M A P reduction from baseline w a s 26 ± 12 and 2 ± 16 m m Hg, respectively (P < .001). D u e to

reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous system, the heart rate increased b y 14 ± 12 b e a t s / m i n w i t h acute i v isradipine. The antihypertensive effect w a s sustained for 45 m i n . Isradipine w a s also w e l l tol­ erated. It is concluded that intravenous isradipine is an effective antihypertensive agent for the treat­ ment of perioperative hypertension during noncar­ diac surgery. A m J Hypertens 1991;4:203S-206S


m e n t m a y b e required. A variety of antihypertensive drugs h a v e b e e n used in this setting, including nitro­ prusside, nitroglycerin, labetalol, a n d h y d r a l a z i n e ' ; re­ cently, data w i t h nicardipine h a s also b e e n r e p o r t e d . Isradipine is a calcium antagonist of the dihydropyri­ dine g r o u p with significant arterial vasodilatory proper­ ties that preferentially dilate coronary, cerebral, a n d skeletal muscular v a s c u l a t u r e . Studies in vitro h a v e s h o w n isradipine to increase coronary blood flow selec­ tively a n d to inhibit sinus n o d e function, w i t h o u t affect­ ing atrioventricular conduction or myocardial contract­ ile function. In w h o l e animals in w h i c h compensatory sympathetic a n d parasympathetic actions on the heart h a d b e e n eliminated, isradipine, unlike diltiazem or ni­ fedipine, did not depress myocardial contractile force. In view of its pharmacologic profile of a negligible nega­ tive inotropic effect a n d a consistent negative chrono­ tropic action, isradipine w a s expected to produce favor­ able results as seen with other antihypertensive drugs in the treatment of hypertension during surgery, b u t w i t h ­ out e n d a n g e r i n g patients w h o h a v e impaired cardiac p u m p function, impaired myocardial perfusion, a n d / o r abnormalities of impulse formation or conduction. The objective of the study w a s to assess the efficacy

espite good preoperative preparation, h y p e r ­ tension during anesthesia m a y occur, espe­ cially in patients with preexisting arterial h y ­ pertension a n d in those undergoing aortic or abdominal surgery. These episodes are attributed to a n increase in systemic vascular resistance following a n o ­ ciceptive stimulation, such as laryngoscopy, in- or extubation, or skin i n c i s i o n , a n d m a y represent a risk for complications such as myocardial ischemia, cardiac fail­ ure, or cerebral h e m o r r h a g e . Elevated blood pressure often results from inadequate analgesia a n d m a y re­ spond to analgesic treatment; although a n increase in analgesic d e p t h with volatile cardiodepressive agents may be of benefit in situations with a simultaneous in­ crease of systemic blood pressure a n d p u l m o n a r y capil­ lary w e d g e pressure, additional antihypertensive treat1




From the Department of Clinical Cardiovascular Research, Sandoz Pharma, Basle; Department of Anesthesiology, Limmattalspital, Schlieren-Zürich; Department of Anesthesiology, Kantonsspital, Winterthur; Switzerland. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Peter C. Rüegg, MD, Department of Clinical Cardiovascular Research, Sandoz Pharma, Building 3 8 6 / 8 4 4 , C H - 4 0 0 2 Basle, Switzerland.

© 1991 by the American Journal of Hypertension,


KEY WORDS: Isradipine, hypertension, surgery, an­ esthesia.











a n d safety of isradipine administered intravenously for the treatment of hypertension during general anesthesia for noncardiac surgery. PATIENTS A N D



4, NO. 2, PART 2

the s t a n d a r d formula: M A P = (2 X diastolic + systolic blood p r e s s u r e ) / 3 . The electrocardiogram w a s continu­ ously monitored a n d tracings of lead V5 recorded. The Fisher Exact probability test (one-tailed) w a s used to test the differences in responder rates b e t w e e n treat­ m e n t groups. The χ test w a s used for the differences in overall assessments b e t w e e n the treatment groups, a n d the t test to describe differences of M A P values b e t w e e n the treatment groups. The Bonferroni-Holm procedure w a s used to adjust the α-level in the case of multiple testing. 2

A blinded trial w a s carried out using isradipine a n d pla­ cebo. The objective of the treatment w a s to reduce ele­ vated m e a n arterial pressure (MAP) by at least 1 0 % from baseline to a target of less t h a n 110 m m H g within 12 min. Patients failing to achieve this goal subse­ quently received o p e n treatment with a single dose of the active c o m p o u n d . Blood pressure a n d heart rate were recorded for 45 to 60 min after the infusion. Patients aged b e t w e e n 18 a n d 85 years u n d e r g o i n g noncardiac surgery w e r e selected for the study. Ex­ cluded w e r e patients w h o h a d surgery of the a b d o m i n a l aorta or carotid artery; severe or unstable angina; a re­ cent myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular incident; congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association functional class III or IV); second- or third-degree atrio­ ventricular block; or renal or hepatic failure. Written informed consent w a s obtained from each patient. Premedication w a s given 45 min before anes­ thesia a n d consisted of 0.5 m g atropine a n d 1 m g / k g meperidine. Anesthesia w a s induced with thiopental (4 m g / k g ) a n d succinylcholine (1 m g / k g ) , followed b y p a n c u r o n i u m (0.08 m g / k g ) , a n d maintained with ni­ trous oxide ( N 0 70%, 0 30%) a n d intermittent intra­ v e n o u s doses of fentanyl a n d p a n c u r o n i u m . Arterial blood pressure w a s registered (see below) at 10-min intervals. Whenever, during anesthesia, the M A P exceeded 110 m m Hg, a s u p p l e m e n t a r y dose of fentanyl (1 to 2 / / g / k g ) w a s administered intravenously. If, after 5 min, the M A P r e m a i n e d b e t w e e n 110 a n d 140 m m Hg, patients received a double-blind intrave­ n o u s infusion of either 0.5 m g isradipine or the same volume (10 mL) of a placebo solution over a 5-min p e ­ riod. Immediately before (T ) a n d u p to 12 min (T ) after the start of the infusion, blood pressure w a s m e a s u r e d every 2 min. O n the basis of the M A P value at T , o n e of the following t w o options w a s t h e n followed: 1. If M A P at T w a s ^ 1 1 0 m m H g a n d reduced by ^ 1 0 % com­ p a r e d with baseline, further m e a s u r e m e n t s at T a n d t h e n at 5-min intervals w e r e taken until T ; 2. If M A P at T w a s > 110 m m H g a n d / o r reduced b y < 1 0 % com­ pared with baseline, patients received o p e n additional treatment with 0.5 m g isradipine over 5 min. Immedi­ ately before (T ) a n d u p to 12 min after (T ) the start of the second infusion, blood pressure w a s m e a s u r e d every 2 min, t h e n at 5-min intervals for the remaining 30 min ( T to T ) .

P a t i e n t s A total of 30 patients gave their informed consent, n i n e of w h o m w e r e excluded because of a low blood pressure following fentanyl, or changes in the surgical or anesthetic procedure. Thus, 21 patients, of w h o m 17 h a d chronic hypertension, w e r e included in the study; 10 were r a n d o m i z e d into the isradipine group, a n d 11 into the placebo group. The nine m e n a n d 12 w o m e n h a d a m e a n age of 61 years (range 39 to 85 years), a m e a n height of 166 cm (range 153 to 182 cm), a m e a n weight of 75 kg (range 53 to 98 kg), a n d all w e r e white. The m e a n preoperative blood pressure w a s 1 5 3 / 8 9 m m Hg. T h e t w o treatment groups w e r e h o m o ­ geneous a n d comparable with respect to patient charac­ teristics a n d M A P at baseline. Patients h a d b e e n re­ ferred to the hospital for surgical interventions o n t h e following organ systems: urogenital (n = 6), gastrointes­ tinal tract (n = 4), blood vessels (n = 4), h e a d a n d neck (n = 3), b o n e (n = 2), or other (n = 2). Eight patients in the isradipine g r o u p a n d seven in the placebo g r o u p h a d received chronic antihypertensive treatment before the study, w h i c h w a s continued as concomitant medication in all b u t t w o patients in each group. In the isradipine group, of the six patients w h o continued to receive a n antihypertensive therapy, five received a diuretic alone (n = 2), or in combination w i t h reserpine (n = 2) or a ^-blocker (n = 1); the last patient received a /?-blocker only. In the placebo group, of the five patients w h o continued to receive a n antihypertensive treatment, four received a diuretic alone (n = 1), or in combination with reserpine (n = 2) or a calcium antagonist (n = 1); the last patient received a n ACE inhibitor. All b u t o n e of the patients completed the trial as p l a n n e d ; t h e excep­ tion w a s a 39-year-old w o m a n w h o , while u n d e r g o i n g an a b d o m i n a l hysterectomy, s h o w e d a s u d d e n d r o p in M A P from 115 to 51 m m H g b e t w e e n 10 a n d 12 m i n after the infusion of placebo. This w a s found to be d u e to compression of the caval vein; the patient w a s there­ fore excluded from the rest of the trial.

Blood pressure a n d heart rate w e r e m e a s u r e d with a n automatic device based on oscillometry (Nippon Colin, Japan; O h m e d a NIBP, US; or Marquette Electronics, US) w h i c h provided systolic, diastolic, a n d m e a n arterial blood pressure values. The latter w a s calculated using

Efficacy Immediately prior to the administration of the s u p p l e m e n t a r y dose of fentanyl, m e a n M A P w a s 125 ± 10 m m H g and, 5 m i n later, 124 ± 11 m m H g . The m e a n time from the start of anesthesia to the start of






1 2

1 5

4 5

1 2








4, NO. 2, PART 2









ot 2 4 6 8 10 12

122 113 96 90 89 93 97

±9 ±22 ± 19 ±20 ±20 ± 15 ± 12

15 20 30 45

93 99 101 99

± ± ± ±




*** *** *** *** ***

126 ± 12 123 ± 10 126 ± 10 124 ± 10 125 ± 1 1 122 ± 14 124 ± 16#

12 13 12 15

Heart Rate (beats/min) Isradipine

83 84 93 95 93 92 96

±20 ± 18 ± 19ft ±21 ±20 ± 19 ±20

95 91 95 83

±23 ± 18 ±21 ± 15

Respondert Rate (n, %)


73 ± 1 4 74 ± 14 * 75 ± 14 ** 73 ± 13 73 ± 13 * 73 ± 14 ** 73 ± 13ft


0 3 7 8 9 9 8

(30%) (70%) (80%) (90%) (90%) (80%)

7 5 4 5

(88%) (63%) (50%) (63%)


** *** *** ** *

0 0 0 0 0 2 (18%) 2 (20%)tt

t Patients whose MAP was reduced by ^ 10% from baseline to 140 m m Hg), heart failure, a n d / o r acute coronary is­ chemia were excluded, a n d the duration of the placebo period w a s restricted to 15 min. Thus, the data were obtained in low-risk patients, most of w h o m were 13




k n o w n hypertensives u n d e r chronic antihypertensive treatment. In order to exclude pain as a contributing factor to the raised blood pressure, patients were eligible for participation only if their blood pressure remained elevated after administration of a s u p p l e m e n t a r y dose of fentanyl. The data indicate that a n intravenous infu­ sion of isradipine produces a n immediate a n d adequate reduction in blood pressure in most patients that w a s sustained during the 45-min observation period; h o w ­ ever, as the s p o n t a n e o u s time course of the blood pres­ sure in these patients is not k n o w n , conclusions regard­ ing the duration of action cannot be m a d e . Treatment w a s associated with a minor, b u t significant, increase in heart rate, suggesting that the intrinsic negative chrono­ tropic action of i s r a d i p i n e ' w a s overridden by a reflex sympathetic activation elicited by the blood pressure reduction. As inhalation anesthetics a n d calcium antagonists h a v e similar pharmacologic effects, cardiovascular in­ teractions with isradipine and, for example, h a l o t h a n e are likely to occur. However, isradipine, in contrast to other calcium antagonists, h a s b e e n s h o w n to be devoid of significant cardiodepressant effects in a n i m a l s a n d in p a t i e n t s ; thus, a combined treatment with isradipine a n d a n anesthetic is unlikely to produce unfavorable effects on myocardial function. O n the other h a n d , the additive blood pressure-lowering effect of the d i h y d r o ­ pyridines a n d higher concentrations of volatile anesthet­ ics m a y lead to arterial h y p o t e n s i o n . Interaction stud­ ies of isradipine with anesthetics are n e e d e d before their w i d e s p r e a d use in this indication can be r e c o m m e n d e d . It is concluded that isradipine effectively a n d safely reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients during noncardiac surgery; however, further investigations are n e e d e d to define the potential therapeutic role of isradi­ pine in this setting. 11

3. 4. 5.




8. 9.












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Management of perioperative hypertension using intravenous isradipine.

The antihypertensive action of acute intravenous isradipine was investigated during fentanyl/pancuronium/nitrous oxide anesthesia for noncardiac surge...
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