M a n a g e m e n t o f C h i l d ren w i t h S e v e re , S e v e re p ro f o u n d , a n d Pro f o u n d Sensorineural Hearing Loss Claire Iseli,

a,b MBBS, MS ,

Craig A. Buchman,




KEYWORDS  Hearing loss  Pediatric  Severe  Profound  Cochlear implant KEY POINTS  Early diagnosis of hearing loss with a combination of electrophysiological and behavioral test measures is critical in initiating treatment during a period of maximal neural plasticity.  Medical assessment involves history, examination, imaging, and other testing to identify a possible cause, allow counseling regarding risk of progression of hearing loss and potentially modifiable factors, and search for anatomic factors that can adversely affect prognosis using a cochlear implant (CI).  Early fitting with hearing aids (HAs) before 3 months of age and commencement of an early intervention program by 6 months is recommended by the Joint Commission on Infant Hearing.  If auditory-verbal communication is the aim, HAs are rarely sufficient in this population. Therefore, CIs are the mainstay of care. Implanting should ideally occur at or before 12 months of age to maximize speech and language outcomes.  When expected outcomes are not achieved, possible causes of underperformance or regression may be related to pathologic or surgical electrode-neural interface problems, patient factors, audiologic-habilitative issues, or device issue.

Financial Disclosures: C. Iseli has no financial disclosures. C.A. Buchman serves as a consultant and receives research support from Advanced Bionics, Cochlear, and MedEL Corp. a Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; b 100/30 Wreckyn Street, North Melbourne, Victoria 3051, Australia * Corresponding author. G190 Physicians Office Building, 170 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7600. E-mail address: [email protected] Otolaryngol Clin N Am - (2015) -–http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.otc.2015.06.004 0030-6665/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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Auditory brainstem response Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder Auditory steady state response Cochlear implant Cochlear microphonic Cytomegalovirus Cochlear nerve deficiency United States Food and Drug Administration Hearing aid High-resolution computed tomography Otoacoustic emissions Sensorineural hearing loss


Severe hearing loss is defined as a pure tone threshold of 71 to 90 dB on hearing level audiogram, whereas profound hearing loss is defined as a pure tone threshold of greater than 90 dB.1 Approximately 4000 children are born each year in the United States with bilateral severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), which constitutes about one-third to one-fourth of those born with any form of unilateral or bilateral SNHL.1 In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of children born with any kind of permanent hearing loss is approximately 1 in 1000, with a prevalence of 0.3 in 1000 diagnosed with severe hearing loss and 0.3 in 1000 diagnosed with profound hearing loss.2 In the United States, these numbers are slightly higher with 3 to 4 per 1000 births with permanent hearing loss and 1 in 1000 with profound hearing loss.3 The management of children with severe to profound and profound SNHL is dominated by the need to provide sufficient audibility as well as temporal and spectral resolution capabilities to support expressive and receptive language development. Although hearing aids (HAs) can provide some of the needed information, they are often not sufficient for spoken language development so a cochlear implant (CI) is chosen. Equally important is that auditory information provided by the CI is introduced during a period of sufficient neural plasticity to allow the signal to be integrated into the central pathways and allow connection between the presence of sound and its meaning. PATIENT EVALUATION OVERVIEW

Assessment to confirm the degree of hearing loss and identify the cause should be carried out as early as is feasible to allow treatment to occur within an appropriate time frame. Ideally, this process begins immediately following the failure result on a newborn infant hearing screening examination or when family members begin to suspect a lack of sound awareness by the child. The management paradigm of such an infant combines formal diagnostic testing of auditory capabilities with a search for a cause and associated medical disorders, education of the family about options for achieving good communication skills, and medical or surgical intervention, all within the first year of life.4,5 This requires a multidisciplinary approach combining the skills of audiologists, speech pathologists, otolaryngologists, pediatricians, genetic counselors, and early intervention programs, while encouraging the family to be active participants in the health care team (ie, family-centered care). For those with progressive loss that becomes severe to profound in the prelingual period, a similar time frame for evaluation and treatment is ideal. Although postlingual children may not carry the

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same burden of expediency from a speech and language perspective, a prolonged period of auditory deprivation reduces the child’s access to learning opportunities and potentially reduces the efficacy of intervention later on. Medical Assessment

 History and physical examination should assess  The onset, degree, progression, and developmental impact of hearing loss, particularly as it relates to the duration of deafness  Risk factors for hearing loss, including perinatal illnesses, prematurity, hypoxia, jaundice, need for neonatal intensive care or intubation, meningitis, exposures to ototoxic drugs, head injury, and family history of hearing loss  Other health problems that may preclude or increase the risk of a general anesthetic or may assist in determining if a syndrome is present  Other developmental milestones, particularly evidence of cognitive deficits4  Physical signs of syndromic features, craniofacial anomalies, conductive hearing loss, or otitis media.4,5 Audiologic Assessment

To allow early determination of the presence and degree of hearing loss, electrophysiological measures are used when behavioral measures are inappropriate or inaccurate. This should take the form of newborn hearing screening soon after birth, followed by some combination of frequency-specific auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing, auditory steady-state response (ASSR) testing, otoacoustic emission (OAE), and tympanometry. Each test has unique characteristics and a combination of some or all of these are usually required to give the most comprehensive picture of the child’s auditory capabilities, including the severity and site of hearing loss. For the population of children with severe to profound SNHL, this early assessment aids in forming an estimate of amplification requirements, mobilization of the care team for close observation of the child’s progress, as well as early planning for possible future interventions, thus avoiding treatment delays.5 In almost all cases, electrophysiological testing is sufficient to estimate the hearing levels for the purpose of fitting conventional amplification. Importantly, however, such testing methods may have some unique challenges that are critical in managing children with SNHL. Although OAEs are generally absent in children with severe to profound hearing loss, they can be present in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD).6 ANSD affects 10% to 14% of newly diagnosed children with severe to profound bilateral SNHL. These test results, taken in isolation, can inappropriately suggest less severe hearing loss. Similarly, the unique ABR waveforms seen in ANSD often require an experienced clinician to detect.6–9 Typically, the cochlear microphonic (CM) waveform is present with absent or abnormal ABR waveforms. The CM waveform is distinguished from artifact by demonstration of inversion of the response with inversion of the signal polarity stimulus (Fig. 1).6,10–13 Thus, identification of the CM waveform requires a protocol that includes both rarefaction and condensation stimuli. The CM waveform is further distinguished from artifact by a loss of response when disconnecting the sound tubing. The ANSD phenotype is not diagnosable on ASSR4,10,14 so ABR is needed to make this diagnosis. Tympanometry can support bone conduction ABR testing and clinical examination in the identification of a conductive component to the hearing loss. Behavioral testing using visual reinforcement audiometry can accurately confirm the severity of hearing loss in children around 6 to 8 months of age. Behavioral thresholds



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Fig. 1. ABR waveform in a patient with bilateral auditory neuropathy-dyssynchrony. Note presence of CM waveform with absence of the ABR waveform at stimulus levels as high as 90 dB HL. Note also reversal of the CM waveform with change in the signal polarity (condensation vs rarefaction).

are particularly important in children with ANSD because the ABR is unable to determine hearing thresholds for fitting amplification.9,15 This kind of testing can be challenging in children with severe to profound SNHL due to their lack of familiarity with sound. Those with concurrent global developmental delay can also have less consistent conditioned behavioral responses.16–18 Imaging

Imaging is critical in children with significant hearing loss because it can aid in identifying a cause, possibly predict hearing loss progression, and potentially identify those with a poor prognosis for speech development using HAs or CIs.4 Imaging can take the form of MRI with or without high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the temporal bone structures and brain. Imaging allows anatomic assessment of the labyrinth, cochlea, cochleovestibular, and facial nerves. It also identifies concurrent brain disease. A diagnosis of cochlear nerve deficiency (CND) or significant cochlear or labyrinthine abnormalities may either preclude the use of a CI or predict a low chance of achieving open-set speech perception.6,8,19–22 CND is present in approximately 1% of children with bilateral SNHL, most often in the setting of severe to profound thresholds.13,23,24 Labyrinthine abnormalities have been detected in up to 40% of children with SNHL25 and can range in severity. Identification of both CND and inner ear malformations allows the treating team to provide realistic expectations to families about outcomes with the various interventions and to maximize communication by augmenting auditory-verbal communication with nonauditory forms. Detecting abnormalities of the facial nerve can help guide safe CI surgery, particularly in the setting of semicircular canal abnormalities (Fig. 2).26

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Fig. 2. Intraoperative photograph of a left transmastoid view of the facial nerve running inferior to the stapes superstructure in the setting of an absent lateral semicircular canal.

High-resolution MRI with a 3-dimensional Fourier transformation constructive interference steady-state protocol is the most sensitive for diagnosing CND19,24 and has the unique ability to assess for concurrent brain disease,19,27 which may be present in up to 40% of pediatric CI recipients.28 HRCT is complementary for assessing labyrinthine anomalies (Fig. 3),6,28,29 other temporal bone disease,26 and the presence and pathway of the fallopian canal.24 One shortcoming of HRCT as a single imaging modality is that it cannot identify CND in the setting of a normal caliber internal auditory canal.6,7,11–13,29–31 Both MRI and HRCT are important in assessing cochlear patency in children suffering from hearing loss secondary to meningitis (Fig. 4).32 Other Common Testing

These tests may be useful in identifying the cause of the hearing loss and risk of transmission to future off spring, associated medical conditions that may require early treatment, and potential prognosis for progression of hearing loss and performance with CIs:      

Electrocardiogram (Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) testing of urine and Guthrie card Connexin 26 and 30 gene sequencing and other genetic testing Urinalysis (Alport syndrome in older children) Retinal examination and visual acuity testing5 (Usher’s syndrome) Renal ultrasound in children with branchial anomalies (branchio-oto-renal syndrome)  Investigations for concurrent medical conditions as the history and examination indicate  Comprehensive, molecular genetic testing. MANAGEMENT GOALS

Overall, the aim of management in children with severe to profound SNHL is to either introduce adequate sound for the purposes of auditory-verbal speech and language development or teach the child and caregivers alternative communication strategies. Irrespective of approach, intervention should ideally be undertaken as soon as is medically feasible to optimize outcomes.



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Fig. 3. Labyrinthine malformations (A–C) are varieties of cochlear incomplete partitions. (A, B) are variations on the spectrum of incomplete partition with enlarged vestibular aqueduct. (C) X-linked stapes gusher (deafness) morphology. (D–F) Varying degrees of cochlear hypoplasia with or without semicircular dysplasia. (D) Marked and (E) moderate hypoplasia. (F) Cochlear hypoplasia with a small vestibular remnant and absent semicircular canals characteristic of CHARGE association. (G, H) Common (cystic) cavity deformities of the cochlea and vestibular vestige.

Communication Options and Intervention

Communication options for children with severe, severe to profound, and profound hearing loss include verbal and nonverbal strategies (ie, sign language). Although nonauditory approaches to verbal communication through lipreading were commonplace in the past, auditory approaches have become more common in recent times, owing to better outcomes. Auditory supplementation through amplification when possible or cochlear implantation allows for improved sound awareness, enhanced lipreading, speech understanding, and vocal control. These are the underpinnings for optimal auditory-oral communication development. As a matter of ethical and moral obligation to these children, appropriate resources should be made available for learning about verbal and nonverbal communication strategies. Auditory-oral communication supplemented through amplification and/or

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Fig. 4. Hyperdensity on HRCT (A) and loss of hyperintensity on constructive interference in steady state (CISS) MRI sequence (B) in the left basal turn of the cochlea consistent with postmeningitic obstruction and ossification.

cochlear implantation results in the highest levels of educational achievement and employment opportunities for hard-of-hearing and deaf children. Importantly, informed parental choice remains the single most important determinant in such decisions because self-determination is not possible at such an early age. To advocate for a delayed choice at this early age is, by default, a decision for nonverbal communication because delayed intervention, beyond the critical period for speech and language development in the brain, rarely results in age-appropriate auditory-verbal skills. Because 95% of hard-of-hearing and deaf children are born to 2 hearing parents, auditory-oral communication is the dominant choice because this represents a more familiar strategy for these families. For families that choose to pursue auditory-oral communication for their child, a referral to an appropriate early intervention specialist, and fitting of HAs by a pediatric audiologist should be carried out as early as possible to maximize each child’s access to sound. The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing recommends that HA fitting occur before 3 months of age and that an early intervention program is in place by 6 months of age.5 It is critical that each child be closely observed for speech and language progress by a variety of well-trained professionals (audiologists, speech-language pathologists, pediatricians, and otolaryngologists). By necessity, this patient population requires high-gain amplification with resulting issues of feedback, distortion, cerumen impaction, and occasionally otitis externa. Additionally, otitis media can be problematic in this age group and can add conductive hearing loss to the underling SNHL. Close collaboration between the treating audiologist and otolaryngologist is needed to minimize the impact of these medical issues. If a given child is making adequate progress with HAs alone, then continued close observation is appropriate.4 In most instances, children with severe to profound SNHL do not make age-appropriate gains33 despite correctly fitted amplification. In such cases, cochlear implantation should be considered to achieve auditory-verbal language. COORDINATION OF CARE

Following a failure result on the newborn infant screening examination, there are several medical or surgical and audiologic issues that need careful attention in the early months to mitigate later delays in therapy. These include the need for: (1) diagnostic ABR to identify thresholds for amplification fitting or the ANSD phenotype,



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(2) temporal bone and brain imaging to identify anatomic factors that impact on decision-making, and (3) clearance of middle ear fluid (otitis media with effusion) to optimize HA fitting and prepare the ear for later cochlear implantation, if needed. The authors prefer to offer a single coordinated anesthetic for the necessary combination of these procedures. Importantly, this coordination reduces the need for multiple anesthetics and provides much needed information that can mitigate treatment delays resulting from transitions of care. This does require a portable sedation or anesthetic team, cooperative surgeons, audiologists and radiologists, and an environment that is conducive to the minor surgical procedure, imaging, and ABR. It is important to remedy any conductive component to the hearing loss resulting from otitis media early in the management continuum. Prolonged watchful waiting is inappropriate in children with underlying SNHL. This is accomplished through tympanostomy tube placement. The tubes are placed before ABR testing to remove the middle ear fluid. Great care is taken to avoid bleeding because this can have a negative effect on testing and tube patency in the future. Concurrently with diagnostic ABR testing, ear mold impressions are made for amplification fitting before transporting the patient to the radiology suite. COCHLEAR IMPLANTATION Treatment Goals

For most children with severe to profound SNHL pursuing auditory-verbal communication, a CI is the mainstay of treatment. The aim is to restore adequate hearing to allow speech and language development. There is now extensive evidence to show that implantation around 12 months of age offers the greatest chance of significant open-set speech understanding with resulting language acquisition rates that match those of normal hearing peers. Timing of the intervention remains critical, with worse outcomes achieved for those receiving an implant beyond 2 years.34–36 There is also emerging evidence for the benefit of simultaneous or close bilateral sequential implantation. Bilateral implantation offers the potential for improved sound localization and hearing in noise abilities as well as demonstrating a trend for improved speech and language acquisition.21,37–42 Presumably, incidental learning is enhanced among those with bilateral CIs. For those with bilateral severe to profound SNHL, it also offers a built-in backup system to avoid complete loss of sound if one device fails or is lost or broken.4 Though a thorough discussion about all surgical considerations needed for cochlear implantation is beyond the scope of this article, it is the mainstay of treatment of severe to profound SNHL in children; therefore, the key points are discussed. Preoperative Planning and Preparation

Preoperative planning requires both the medical work up discussed previously and extensive education of the family to help them understand the process and to have realistic expectations of the time and energy investment required to maximize outcome. Parental involvement is most critical to good outcomes33,34,41 and this can be maximized through early and ongoing education and empowerment of parents. Preoperative testing, family counseling, and patient preference guide the selection of the device most appropriate for each child. Preoperative vaccination should be encouraged, when medically safe, due to the increased risk of meningitis in those with hearing loss43 and particularly those undergoing cochlear implantation.44,45 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control recommend universal vaccination for

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common pathogens that cause bacterial meningitis, particularly streptococcus pneumoniae and hemophilus influenza type B. The FDA’s current advice on vaccination schedule can be found at: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/Alertsand Notices/PublicHealthNotifications/ucm062057.htm. Patient Positioning

The patient undergoes general anesthetic and is then positioned in a supine position with the head turned to the contralateral side. Flexion or extension of the neck may be needed to bring the mastoid cortex and descending facial nerve axis parallel to the floor. Facial nerve monitoring is placed and the integrity of the system checked before proceeding. Prophylactic antibiotics are given at the start of the case, often accompanied by a dose of intravenous steroids. Procedural Approach

A short curvilinear incision is made through the postauricular skin and subcutaneous tissues down to the level of the temporalis fascia and mastoid periosteum. A C-shaped incision is then made through the periosteum. The resulting anteriorly based, subperiosteal flap is then raised and held forward with a self-retaining retractor. A cortical mastoidectomy is performed and posterior tympanotomy is then made through the facial recess. Wide access is critical to unimpeded round window (RW) dissection and electrode insertion. This is especially critical in cases of inner ear malformation or facial nerve anomaly. The round window niche overhang is routinely drilled off to visualize the round window membrane. A posterosuperior subperiosteal pocket is then created. A seat is fashioned only if the implant body requires recession. Following receiver-stimulator placement, a single suture cinches the periosteum and immobilizes the device. An inferior cochleostomy, round window–related cochleostomy, or round window incision is made, as appropriate to the device being used, and the electrode is slowly advanced into the cochlea.46 The cochleostomy is packed with small pieces of temporalis fascia and the ground electrode is directed under the periosteum in the region of the zygomatic root. For children with severe to profound hearing loss, with minimal residual hearing, the excess electrode cable is looped under the incus bridge away from the mastoid cortex. The wound is then closed in layers with absorbable sutures, butterfly closures, and a mastoid dressing. Remote intraoperative telemetry confirms an active device, minimizes the risks of multiple electrode shorts or open circuits, and identifies neural response thresholds for use in later programming. A transorbital skull radiograph also confirms expected coiling of the array and the absence of an unexpected tip rollover. Potential Complications and Management

Complications in cochlear implantation are generally rare. Parents are warned about bleeding, infection, loss of residual hearing, facial nerve injury, dysgeusia, tinnitus, vertigo, meningitis, and device failure.4 Intraoperative perilymph gushers are more common in those with labyrinthine abnormalities and are managed by forming a large cochleostomy, followed by tight packing with temporalis fascia. An effective seal is confirmed intraoperatively with Valsalva maneuver. Lumbar drainage is unnecessary in these cases. When managed appropriately, studies show the presence of a gusher does not affect outcome with the device.47 Postprocedural Care

Children are generally observed in the hospital for a short time after the procedure, then discharged home on the same day in most instances. Children who receive



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bilateral, simultaneous implants, who are very young, or have other comorbidities, generally stay overnight for observation. The authors advise parents to take the mastoid dressing down around 4 days postoperatively and keep the postauricular wound completely dry until the first postoperative visit at 1 week. Rehabilitation and Recovery

It is essential that a strong audiologic and speech rehabilitation program using an auditory-verbal focus accompany cochlear implantation. Parental involvement and engagement with this program is critical and can be encouraged with early education and regular empowerment about to the impact of their involvement. The rehabilitation process is an intense period of work with CI audiologists and speech therapists to maximize the output of the implant for each child and help connect the central neural pathways with both the presence and meaning of sound. It requires a deep commitment from families, with regular visits to achieve a stable and appropriate implant map as well as education sessions for the child and family, both with teachers and at home. Outcomes

Fig. 5 and Table 1 demonstrate the speech outcomes of 478 pediatric patients, with a wide range of causes necessitating implantation. One outcome measure uses a graduated assessment tool called the modified Speech Reception Index in Quiet (see Table 1), which ranks speech perception test measures based on how challenging the test is to perform. It demonstrates that almost all children with implants get some sound awareness and almost all get some form of openset speech with 12 to 24 months of the implant experience (see Fig. 5). Previous studies have shown that the rate of acquisition and the maximum achieved level of both receptive and expressive language is affected by the age at implantation34–36; the presence and type of cochlear malformations21,22,25; the degree of parental involvement41; a diagnosis of perinatal CMV48–50; postmeningitis as the cause of hearing loss,51 particularly when ossification is present32; and the presence of other medical comorbidities or developmental delays.51–53 About onethird of those with significant development delays can develop oral language but this is often at a slower acquisition rate than children without these issues.17,18,53 Motor delays have less impact than other forms of developmental delay.16 Autism poses specific issues with both developmental delays and behavioral issues that can form barriers to engaging with education and testing.53 Those with ANSD are a heterogeneous group with a wide range of outcomes, likely reflecting the wide range of causes that present with this phenotype.6–9,54,55 ANSD is not a contraindication to CI. In comparison with those with congenital hearing loss who are implanted in a timely fashion, those with progressive hearing loss generally demonstrate good speech and language outcomes, particularly if hearing loss occurs in the setting of a strong language foundation (provided the duration of profound hearing loss is not prolonged). Evolving understanding of the genetic basis of hearing loss raises the possibility of using genetic testing to add to the predictive arsenal.56–64 Intraoperative electrocochleography as a measure of cochlear health is also emerging as a way to both predict speech perception scores and explain previously unexplained outcome variability in pediatric CI recipients.65 In light of so many variables that can affect outcome, it is helpful for the clinical team to give each family realistic individualized expectations of their child’s potential.

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Fig. 5. Best speech recognition score for all patients able to participate in behavioral testing, plotted against duration of CI use in months (A) and age in years (B) on the day of testing. CNC, consonant-nucleus-consonant; ESP-M, early speech perception test–monosyllable; ESPP, early speech perception test–pattern; MAIS, meaningful auditory integration scale; PB-k, phonetically balanced kindergarten word list.



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Table 1 Speech reception index in quiet Test

Score Range Type

Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (MAIS)


Parental questionnaire

Early Speech Perception Test–Pattern Perception (ESP-P) 100–200 Early Speech Perception Test–Monosyllabic Words 200–300 (ESP-M)

Closed set

Phonetically Balanced Kindergarten Word List (PB-k words) Consonant Nucleus Consonant (CNC) Word List

Open set

300–400 400–500

This analysis consists of using the best percentage score achieved for the most difficult test each patient participated in and then hierarchically ranking and stacking these scores in 100-point increments in the following order of difficulty: MAIS, ESP-P, ESP-M, PB-k words, and the CNC word list scores; with a maximum score of 500. These scores can then be plotted against age at testing or duration of use after implantation.

Evaluation of Outcome, Adjustment of Treatment, and Long-Term Recommendations

Once a stable map is achieved and a child is well on his or her way to language acquisition, regular audiometric and speech and language evaluations are required to ensure optimal outcomes. Possible causes of underperformance or regression may be related to missed diagnoses, such as electrode-neural interface problems (CND, inner ear malformation, electrode malposition or extrusion); patient factors, such as poor compliance with wearing the device or educational activities; audiologic issues, such as incorrectly assigned mapping; or device issues, such as individual electrode or complete device failure. Troubleshooting of such issues requires a complete work up. Based on the clinical scenario, this may include review of preoperative imaging to look for possible missed diagnoses and repeat imaging (HRCT) to ascertain the current device position within the cochlea, audiology assessment for the integrity of the device, adequacy of the map, and the number of hours registered wearing the device per day. If all other reversible factors have been excluded, so-called soft-failures or suspected device malfunction is considered. AUDITORY BRAINSTEM IMPLANTS

When labyrinthine or cochlear nerve anatomy precludes successful cochlear implantation or results in very poor performance, an emerging alternative is auditory brainstem implantation. Though this is considered an option for only a small proportion of the overall group of children with severe to profound SNHL, it offers sound detection for individuals who did not previously have that possibility. The language acquisition of this group seems to follow a more gradual trajectory but most demonstrate some benefit with the device.66 SUMMARY

Children with severe to profound SNHL benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to management and most will gain the best chance for achieving auditory-verbal communication through cochlear implantation and strong audiology and speech rehabilitation. It is critical to the child’s success that parents are engaged in the entire process through strong and continuing education.

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Management of Children with Severe, Severe-profound, and Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss.

Management of children with severe, severe-profound, and profound sensorineural hearing loss is best achieved using a family-centered approach by a te...
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