Management of A n t i c o a g u l a t i o n an d H emos ta s i s f o r Ped i at ri c E x t r a c o r p o re a l Me m b r a n e Ox y gena t i o n Arun Saini,


Philip C. Spinella,


KEYWORDS  Anticoagulation  Congenital heart defect  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation  Heparin  Platelet function  Thromboelastography KEY POINTS  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuit causes activation of multiple systems, including thrombin generation, inflammation, platelet activation and endothelial dysfunction. Prolonged hemostatic activation can lead to consumption of coagulation factors and reduced platelet aggregation. Commonly used medications may also inhibit platelets.  A delicate balance between the use of antihemostatic agents to reduce thrombotic events in the circuit and patient and the preservation of hemostatic potential to prevent severe bleeding in the patient is required.  Unfractionated heparin is the most common anticoagulation agent used.  Activated clot time is the most common monitoring test, but may not be an accurate measure of anticoagulation for children on ECMO.  A comprehensive evaluation of relational hemostasis is required to optimize antihemostatic therapy and blood product administration to improve outcomes for children requiring ECMO.


The use of anticoagulation/antihemostatic agents in children, for either prevention or treatment of thrombotic complications, is increasing, although their use is still relatively rare when compared with adults.1 There are many challenges to the use of anticoagulants in children, as listed in Box 1.2 These challenges become apparent in the

Disclosures: Partially supported by National Institutes of Health (U54 HL112303). Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Washington School of Medicine in St Louis, 8th floor, Northwest Towers, One Children’s Place, St Louis, MO 63110, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Clin Lab Med - (2014) -– 0272-2712/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Box 1 Challenges to use of anticoagulation agents in children  Developmental hemostasis  Limited pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics data for anticoagulation agents  Different epidemiology of thromboembolism and risks of anticoagulation therapy  Fewer pediatric formulations of common anticoagulation agents  Restricted diagnostic evaluation due to need of sedation for diagnostic studies  Irregular anticoagulation therapy monitoring due to difficult vascular access  Inadequate validation of current diagnostic and treatment algorithms  Lack of widespread experience and limited expertise  Required collaborative approach with a multidisciplinary team  Compliance concerns with high reliance on caregivers Adapted from Monagle P, Newall F, Campbell J. Anticoagulation in neonates and children: pitfalls and dilemmas. Blood Rev 2010;24:151–62.

management of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), one of the most complex clinical scenarios in children. In this article, anticoagulation management, hemostatic adjuncts, and blood products transfusion in children requiring ECMO are the focal point. Antihemostatic agents to include all therapeutics that reduce thrombin formation or inhibit platelet aggregation are defined. Anticoagulants are medications that specifically reduce thrombin formation. Medications that inhibit platelets are antiplatelet agents. Approximately 1500 to 2000 children (neonatal and pediatric) are placed on ECMO every year according to data collected at the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) centers.3 Despite wider use and growing expertise, the survival rate has remained static since 2006 to 2012 at 66% to 70% (neonatal respiratory ECMO), 53% to 61% (pediatric respiratory ECMO), 41% to 46% (1:20)

25 h


30 IU/kg IV bolus followed by infusion of 1.2–2.0 IU/kg/h; anti-Xa concentration

Not available in the US, possibility of cross-reactivity with anti-PF4/heparin antibodies

ATIII (Thrombate)

Serine protease inhibitor, primarily inhibits thrombin and factor Xa

11.6–17.7 h

A single dose of AT of 50 units/kg or based on the formula below: AT dose in units (IU) ½Desired  current  weight ðkgÞ 5 1:4 Some suggest accounting for the circuit volume (400–600 mL) when calculating the dose. Every 75 mL circuit volume y 1 kg of body weight.

Increase risk of hemorrhagic events

Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Factor Xa inhibitors



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Therefore most neonates and infants would require ATIII supplementation to achieve ELSO and AHA target goal values. There are conflicting data regarding effectiveness of ATIII administration in neonatal and pediatric ECMO. Byrnes and colleagues64 have shown frequent circuit failure and no change in heparin dosing in an ATIII supplemented group. On the contrary, Perry and colleagues65 in a cohort of neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, who received ATIII, have shown decreased blood product administration during the first 3 days on ECMO. Although it may seem reasonable to normalize ATIII activity in the pediatric population, this practice may put patients at risk of bleeding if procoagulant factors are also decreased. The authors suggest caution in the routine replacement of ATIII based on activity values alone before more data emerge regarding efficacy, cost, risk, and limitations of such practice. Research is needed to determine if functional measures of thrombin formation with assays that can incorporate heparinase, such as TEG or ROTEM, in conjunction with ATIII activity can provide more accurate information regarding the need for ATIII supplementation. ANTIPLATELET AGENTS

Activation of platelets on the ECMO circuit has been described. However, the use of antiplatelet agents (aspirin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, pentoxifylline, and abciximab) is extremely rare on ECMO as compared with pediatric VAD patients.38 A recent survey reported an increase from 21.4% in 2000 to 2002 to 67.2% of patients receiving an antiplatelet agent in pediatric VAD patients.56 Although experience from pediatric VAD patients may suggest utility of antiplatelet agents in ECMO (despite very different pathophysiology), further studies are required to assess the use of antiplatelet agents in children on ECMO and whether the current point-of-care (POC) platelet function assays can be used efficiently to monitor platelet function and to guide antiplatelet agent therapy. HEMOSTATIC ADJUNCTS

Hemostatic adjuncts in bleeding patients, such as antifibrinolytic agents ε-aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid, recombinant factor VIIa (FVIIa), and prothrombin complex concentrates, are sparingly used during ECMO because of the concern for severe thrombotic events (Table 3).67–75 Antifibrinolytic Agents

There are limited data regarding antifibrinolytic agents use in neonatal and pediatric ECMO (class IIb, level of evidence C).66 There is some evidence that fibrinolysis occurs more frequently in pediatric patients (14%) compared with adults (1%).8 The use of ε-aminocaproic acid or tranexamic acid is variable. Downard and colleagues69 reported in 298 pediatric ECMO patients that aminocaproic acid administration of 100 mg/kg bolus before or immediately after beginning ECMO followed by 30 mg/kg/h for 72 hours resulted in decreased surgical site bleeding, which was most evident in cardiac surgery patients with no decrease in intracranial hemorrhages (ICH) or increase in thrombotic complications. In a multicenter trial, there was no difference in the incidence of ICH or thrombotic complications between the placebo and ε-aminocaproic acid groups.70 Lack of dosing strategies and an increased risk of life-threatening thrombosis on antifibrinolytic agents preclude their routine use on pediatric ECMO patients. Research is needed to determine if the ROTEM-based APTEM test or the TEG-based

Table 3 List of hemostatic adjuncts and antiplatelet agent sparingly used in children on ECMO Drug

Mechanism of Action

Recombinant Factor VII (NovaSeven)

It forms complexes with tissue factor 2–3 h and binds to platelet surface, which leads to X-Xa mediated activation of hemostasis

Half Life

Prothrombin complex concentrate

It is a combination of blood clotting Varying half factors II, VII, IX, and X, one type life 6–72 h includes protein C and S

Excretion Dosing/Monitoring —

Special Considerations

Increased risk of thromboembolic 50–175 mg/kg (most often 90 mg/kg) IV, 1–4 doses per bleeding events episode, can be repeated at every 1–4 h 20–50 IU/kg or 1–2 mL/kg

Replacement of vitamin K–dependent coagulation factors, can cause allergic reactions and HIT, increase risk of thromboembolic events Increased risk of thromboembolic events, renal injury, seizures, and other neurologic events

Antifibrinolytics agents Renal

10–50 mg/kg bolus IV followed by 1–2 mg/kg continuous infusion TEG-Clot lysis

ε-aminocaproic Competitively inhibits the activation 2–4 h acid (Amicar) of plasminogen to plasmin


50–100 mg/kg bolus IV over 1 h and Increased risk of thromboembolic events then followed by continuous infusion of 25 mg/kg/h for 6–12 h, 48–72 h, or during the entire ECLS run. TEG-Clot lysis

Antiplatelet agents Aspirin

Inhibits cyclo-oxygenase-1 to block thromboxane A2 production

20–40 min


4–10 mg/kg/d orally; TEG-platelet mapping or impedance aggregometry

Gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding


Inhibits phosphodiesterase to increase intracellular cAMP and decreased adenosine uptake

2–3 h


2–5 mg/kg/d orally; TEG-platelet mapping or impedance aggregometry

Headache, vasodilation, bleeding


Irreversible blockade of the ADP receptor



0.1–0.7 mg/kg/d orally, TEG-platelet mapping or impedance aggregometry

Bleeding, decrease in white cell count

Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Tranexamic acid Competitively inhibits the activation 2–4 h of plasminogen to plasmin, 8–10 times more active than ε-aminocaproic acid



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LY30% test can determine which children on ECMO would benefit from the initiation of an antifibrinolytic. Recombinant Activated Factor VII

The off-label use of recombinant FVIIa on ECMO should be limited to control refractory bleeding. FVIIa forms a complex with tissue factor locally at the site of vascular injury that leads to the factor Xa-mediated activation of hemostasis, enhances thrombin generation, and binds to the surface of activated platelet to further generate thrombin.72 Limited data from case reports and few case series suggest that FVIIa administration may decrease bleeding and blood transfusion requirement, but can increase the risk of patient-related or circuit-related thrombotic events.71–75 Because of limited data regarding its efficacy and potential risk of thrombotic complications, its use on ECMO remains off-label. There are no recommendations of its use in children on ECMO.33,66 BLOOD PRODUCTS TRANSFUSION

Blood products are frequently administered on neonatal and pediatric ECMO to maintain normal hemostasis.76–78 Stiller and colleagues77 reported that pediatric ECMO patients on an average received 25 mL of platelet concentrate (PC), 60 mL of packed red blood cells (pRBCs), and 50 mL of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusions for each kilogram body weight every day on ECMO. PC, cryoprecipitate, and FFP transfusion threshold are based on patient age, coagulation deficiencies, ongoing bleeding, or thrombotic complications. Thrombocytopenia and significant platelet dysfunction occur early in the course of ECMO. Low platelet counts are associated with bleeding complications and mortality. The incorporation of POC assays of platelet function, such as TEG-platelet mapping and whole blood impedance aggregometry in adults undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass, has been shown to decrease PC transfusions and mortality. In the authors’ center, based on anecdotal experience, they have recently incorporated heparinase TEG (hTEG) parameters in addition to conventional measures (international normalized ratio [INR], platelet count, and fibrinogen level) to guide PC, cryoprecipitate, and FFP transfusion. In patients with significant bleeding, the authors target a platelet count of greater than 100,000/mm3, fibrinogen concentration greater than 200 mg/dL, and an INR less than 1.7 (class 1, level of evidence C).66 Also, the authors correct hTEG of G 3, and R >12 by transfusing PC, cryoprecipitate, and FFP, respectively, in the patient with significant bleeding. There is need for larger pediatric studies to determine the appropriate thresholds for blood product indication as well as goal targets. The appropriate thresholds for blood product indication and goal targets will decrease blood product transfusion while minimizing hemorrhagic and thromboembolic complications and other transfusion-related adverse events (transfusion-related acute lung injury, transfusion-related immunosuppression, and transfusion-associated cardiac overload) in children on ECMO. Red blood cells (RBCs) are commonly transfused to keep hemoglobin higher than 10 g/dL or hematocrit higher than 30% across all patients in the most centers. There is evidence that pRBC transfusion may augment inflammatory response and impede oxygen delivery to microcirculation.78–81 In a single-center retrospective cohort, each RBC transfusion volume of 10 mL/kg/d on ECMO was associated with a 24% increase in the odds of in-hospital mortality (OR 1.024, 95% CI 1.004–1.046, P 5 .018).78 It seems rational to define the critical hemoglobin level for each individual patient by considering various factors including ECMO flow, cyanotic or acyanotic heart defect, neurologic status, hemodynamics, and markers of oxygen delivery (such as lactic

Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

acid, near infrared spectroscopy, and mixed venous saturations).78 Studies comparing the restrictive transfusion practice to the current practice are needed. SUMMARY

Anticoagulation and hemostatic management of pediatric ECMO patients have many unique challenges. To overcome these challenges and improve outcomes on ECMO, several measures are required. First, a multidisciplinary team, including surgeons, intensivists, hematologists, anesthesiologists, perfusionists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and specialized ECMO nurses, is needed to provide optimal care and cohesive implementation of antihemostatic guidelines. The second measure a comprehensive evaluation of the hemostasis using a combination of tests to include functional measures, is required to provide a global assessment of each aspect of hemostasis that may contribute to the risk of adverse thrombotic or hemorrhagic events. The third measure is to conduct pediatric studies to determine which combination of tests is optimal to determine the indication and therapeutic target for anti-hemostatic agents, blood transfusions, and hemostatic agents. The fourth measure is to develop advanced point-of-care methods to measure inflammation, thrombin generation, fibrinogen, platelet and endothelial function, and fibrinolysis. These point-of-care methods would provide insight into pathophysiology of EIC and potential therapeutic targets. Finally, advances in biologically inert circuits may obviate anticoagulation. REFERENCES

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Management of anticoagulation and hemostasis for pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Compared to in situ vascular physiology where pro and anti-hemostatic processes are in balance to maintain hemostasis, the use of ECMO in a critically...
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