PRL 110, 117002 (2013)

week ending 15 MARCH 2013


Majorana Bound States and Nonlocal Spin Correlations in a Quantum Wire on an Unconventional Superconductor Sho Nakosai,1 Jan Carl Budich,2 Yukio Tanaka,3 Bjo¨rn Trauzettel,4 and Naoto Nagaosa1,5,6 1

Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Se-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 3 Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University, Aichi 464-8603, Japan 4 Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Wu¨rzburg, 97074 Wu¨rzburg, Germany 5 Correlated Electron Research Group (CERG) and Cross-Correlated Materials Research Group (CMRG), RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (ASI), Wako 351-0198, Japan 6 RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Wako 351-0198, Japan (Received 11 November 2012; published 12 March 2013) 2

We study theoretically the proximity effect of a one-dimensional metallic quantum wire (in the absence of spin-orbit interaction) lying on top of an unconventional superconductor. Three different material classes are considered as a substrate: (i) a chiral superconductor in class D with broken time-reversal symmetry and a class DIII superconductor (ii) with and (iii) without a nontrivial Z2 number. Interestingly, we find degenerate zero energy Majorana bound states at both ends of the wire for all three cases. They are unstable against spin-orbit interaction in case (i), while they are topologically protected by time-reversal symmetry in cases (ii) and (iii). Remarkably, we show that nonlocal spin correlations between the two ends of the wire can be simply controlled by a gate potential in our setup. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.117002

PACS numbers: 74.45.+c, 74.20.Rp

Introduction.—Proximity effects of superconductors and normal metals as well as semiconductors have been a subject of continued interest due to the rich physical phenomena of these hybrid systems. Especially, the topological nature of the superconducting proximity effect is an issue of current research activities [1–4] stimulated by the possible occurrence of Majorana fermions in solid state systems [5–11]. For example, the interface between an s-wave superconductor and the surface state of a threedimensional topological insulator is predicted to offer a platform to realize Majorana fermions [1]. The underlying idea here is the holographic principle that entails the reduction of electronic degrees of freedom, i.e., electron fractionalization, at the surface of a topologically nontrivial bulk state. Furthermore, the proximity effect between a topological insulator and an unconventional superconductor has been studied theoretically [12]. Another proposal is to use semiconductors with Rashba spin-orbit interaction in combination with s-wave superconductors. In the presence of a sufficiently strong magnetic field, an inverted gap opens at the  point and topological superconductivity as well as Majorana fermions may appear when the Fermi energy lies inside the gap [13–16]. A recent experiment observed the zero-bias conductance peak at the edge of an InSb quantum wire (QW) coupled to an s-wave superconducting substrate, which might be the first experimental observation of a Majorana fermion [17]. It has also been shown theoretically that a one-dimensional Rashba quantum wire coupled to a d-wave superconductor hosts doubly degenerate Majorana bound states (MBSs) at the edge [18]. Besides these distinct works, there are various 0031-9007=13=110(11)=117002(5)

other research activities on the basis of QWs (for example, Refs. [16,19–28]). In all the cases listed above, spin-orbit interaction and/or the Zeeman energy in the QW is essential. Therefore, an open question is if zero energy MBSs are also realizable in a one-dimensional system in the absence of these interactions, which opens new opportunities, as we will show below. In this Letter, we investigate electronic states originating from the proximity effect between a metallic QW and a two-dimensional (2D) unconventional superconductor. We discover that the resulting MBSs are doubly degenerate, i.e., characterized by a spin degree of freedom. This leads to nonlocal spin correlations between the two ends of the QW which can be manipulated by all-electric means. For a substrate in symmetry class D [29], i.e., in the absence of time-reversal symmetry (TRS), the degeneracy is lifted by switching on TRS, preserving local imperfections that couple opposite spin. This is reflected in the fact that these systems are characterized by a trivial Z2 topological invariant. In contrast, for a TRS preserving substrate in symmetry class DIII, we find MBS pairs that are topologically protected by TRS. Model.—The Hamiltonians are given by




0 k2 þk2

@ dkx dky yk B







^  k2 þk2  x2ms y þ s

k ¼ ða"k ; a#k ; ay"k ; ay#k Þ;

1 C Ak ;



Ó 2013 American Physical Society


PRL 110, 117002 (2013) Hwire ¼


Ht ¼ c

dkx c ykx


 k2x   c kx ; 2m

dxð c yx aðx;0Þ þ H:c:Þ;



where Hwire describes the QW aligned along the x direction on the surface of the superconductor described by HSC . They are connected by a tunneling Hamiltonian Ht with the spin-independent constant matrix element c. We consider the following three cases for the order parameter matrix ^ (i)  ^ ¼ iy z ðkx þ iky Þ for the chiral superconductor : ^ ¼ iy k   in class D with a Z invariant  ¼ 1 and (ii)  for the TRS class DIII superconductor with a Z2 invariant  ¼ 1. Here, the  denotes Pauli matrices in spin space. As the third case (iii), we consider a system where two layers of a 2D superconductor of case (ii) are coupled to each other by an interlayer transfer integral, which is a topologically trivial case with a Z2 invariant  ¼ 0. The model (i) is relevant to Sr2 RuO4 [30]. The model (ii) is the 2D analog of the 3 He B phase and is continuously connected to the helical noncentrosymmetric topological superconductor with Rashba spin-orbit interaction [31–33]. We present the calculational steps and results mainly for case (i) below, but it is straightforward to apply them to the other two cases (ii) and (iii). Effective Green’s function.—First, we derive the effective Green’s function of the QW by integrating over the superconductor

week ending 15 MARCH 2013

where  is a momentum cutoff and  ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðk2x þ 2m2s 2  2ms s  2ms m2s 4  2ms 2 s  !2n Þ1=2 , k ¼ k2 =2m  , and SC k likewise. In the following, we look at the x ¼ 1 sector, which is equivalent to a spinless p-wave superconductor. From Eq. (5), we can then calculate the spectral function Að!; kx Þ of the electron as Að!; kx Þ ¼ 

1 ImfTr½z GReff ð!; kx Þg; 2


where GReff ð!; kx Þ is the retarded Green’s function obtained from Geff ði!n ; kx Þ via the analytic continuation i!n ! ! þ i , where is an infinitesimally small positive number. In Fig. 1, we plot Eq. (11) with m ¼ ms ¼ 1:0, s ¼ 1:0,  ¼ 0:5, and several values of  and c. The insets show the schematic structure of the spectrum. The solid red lines represent states in the wire (a) without and (b) with an induced superconducting gap, respectively. The shaded blue area shows the continuum of the bulk states in the superconductor, which arises in the effective Green’s function of the QW as the self-energy [Eq. (5)]. We can see that in Fig. 1(b) a finite gap is induced by the proximity effect. An interesting situation arises when the magnitude of the transfer integral related to the tunneling c is strong enough that bonding and antibonding states are formed at

2 G1 eff ði!n ;kx Þ ¼ i!n Hwire ðkx Þz c Iði!n ;kx Þ; (5)

Iði!n ; kx Þ ¼



i!n þ HSC ðkx ; ky Þ ; 2 ðkx ; ky Þ ði!n Þ2  HSC


where  denotes Pauli matrices in the Nambu space and !n is the Matsubara frequency. As long as there is neither spin-orbit interaction in the wire nor spin-dependent tunneling between the wire and the superconductor, the induced superconducting order parameter is also a spin triplet and can be decoupled into two sectors x ¼ 1. The integration can be analytically performed, and we obtain 2 G1 eff ði!n ; kx Þ ¼ i!n ð1  2c I1 Þ  hðkx Þ  ;


2 hðkx Þ ¼ ð2c2 kx I1 x ; 0; k þ 2c2 SC k I1 þ 2c I2 Þ;


1 ms ½1 þ arctanð=þ Þ   arctanð= Þ ; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 m2s 4  2ms 2 s  !2n


I1 ¼

I2 ¼

 arctanð= Þ  þ arctanð=þ Þ ; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 m2s 4  2ms 2 s  !2n


FIG. 1 (color online). Spectral function of the electronic excitations. The insets show the schematic structure of the spectrum. Shaded (blue) regions, continuum of the substrate superconductor; solid (red) lines, 1D states of the QW; and dashed (green) lines, edge states in the 2D SC induced by the coupling to the QW. The states in the QW are located (a) outside and (b) within the superconducting gap. (c) is the case where the coupling is strong enough that the bonding and antibonding states act as a potential barrier and edge states in the 2D superconductor emerge. (d) shows that no zero energy states are formed in an s-wave superconductor under the same conditions as (c).


week ending 15 MARCH 2013



60 40

DOS [a.u.]

the interface of the wire and the superconductor. The energy of those states is moved away from the low energy regime, and they act as a potential barrier to other states. Therefore, a boundary is effectively induced in the substrate superconductor. It is known that edge modes appear at the boundary of 2D topological superconductors. The energy of the midgap states around kx ¼ 0 approaches zero as the magnitude of c becomes larger [see Fig. 1(c), dashed (green) lines]. This behavior shows the formation of edge channels that have a finite gap because the edge modes located at both sides of the wire weakly interact with each other. In Fig. 1(d), we show the spectral function for an s-wave superconductor substrate for comparison. There are no states corresponding to the edge channel in case (c). Topological nature.—Now, we focus on the topological nature of the QW system. We use the method for the calculation of the topological number in terms of the Green’s function at zero frequency [34,35]. We derive an effective Hamiltonian from Eq. (5) on the basis of Heff ðkx Þ ¼ G1 eff ði!n ¼ 0; kx Þ ¼ hðkx Þ   for a given x ¼ 1. This 2  2 Hamiltonian is similar to that of Kitaev’s original proposal of a 1D topological superconductor [36]. It is known that the system is in the topological ^ x Þ ¼ h=jhj connects antipodal points of the phase when hðk unit sphere as kx is varied from the center to the boundary of the Brillouin zone [4]. Therefore, it is easy to verify that, when  > 2c2 ½s I1 ðkx ¼ 0Þ þ I2 ðkx ¼ 0Þ ¼  , the QW becomes two copies of Kitaev’s 1D topological superconductor with a Z2 invariant  ¼ 1. The topological nature of the 1D superconductor manifests itself in bound states at the ends of the QW, which will be numerically studied in the following. However, in case (i), the two identical copies of the nontrivial Z2 Kitaev model form a trivial composite system. Physically, this implies that the degeneracy is lifted by switching on terms that couple the opposite spin sectors. Numerical study of a tight-binding model and MBSs.— We study a tight-binding model by numerical calculations. We change our continuum model to a lattice model, i.e., k ! sink and k2 ! 2ð1  coskÞ in Eq. (8), and construct the corresponding tight-binding Hamiltonian. Then, we calculate the energy spectrum in the system with open boundary conditions. Figure 2(a) shows the topological phase transition as a function of the chemical potential in the QW. In the strong coupling regime, where  <  , there are no states in the gap, while, in the weak coupling regime, where  >  , there are zero energy states. It can be checked that fourfold degenerate zero energy states are formed, two at each end. Figure 2(b) shows the probability distributions of one of them. Solid red circles represent the weight in the QW, and we can see the state is localized at the ends of the wire. In sharp contrast to the Kitaev model, we have two spin sectors in the QW which are degenerate. This fact attaches a spin degree of freedom to the MBSs.

20 0

-20 -40





Energy [


0.4 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0




PRL 110, 117002 (2013)

0.01 0 0





160 0






FIG. 2 (color online). (a) Density of states with different values of . This plot shows the topological phase transition at  ¼  . There are no states inside the gap when  <  , while there are fourfold degenerate zero energy states when  >  . (b) Probability distribution of the zero energy states. The size of the system is 160  24 for the substrate and 140  1 for the wire. Solid red circles show the probability distribution in the wire, which has peaks at both ends.

In the following, we briefly discuss the other two possibilities (ii) and (iii) for the SC substrate. We have confirmed that a similar analysis to case (i) outlined above applies to these cases, and we have found that the doubly degenerate zero energy MBSs appear when the chemical potential  of the QW is positive and large enough for the topological phase transition to occur. In cases (ii) and (iii), the spin degenerate pair of MBSs stems from a nontrivial Z2 invariant for the composite system in symmetry class DIII. Therefore, these end states are topologically protected by TRS and a gap cannot be induced by spin-orbit interaction as long as the bulk gap is maintained. This is an essential difference from case (i), where the conservation of x ¼ 1 was needed in addition to the generic symmetries of the model to obtain zero energy MBSs, while TRS protects the doubly degenerate MBSs in cases (ii) and (iii). This is particularly remarkable for case (iii), where the substrate 2D superconductor is originally in a topologically trivial phase. Local and nonlocal fermions.—There have been many theoretical proposals to use chiral MBSs for topological quantum computing [37–39]. However, chiral MBSs are difficult to detect and to manipulate because they only couple in a limited way to their environment. This is different in our proposal. On the one hand, the doubly degenerate MBSs discussed above are more susceptible, regarding their coupling to the environment. On the other



PRL 110, 117002 (2013)

FIG. 3 (color online). Schematic figure of Majorana states at the ends of the wire (red circles). As discussed in the main text, the QW can be regarded as two copies of the Kitaev model (solid lines). There are two ways to combine two of them into ordinary fermions: nonlocal and local ones.

hand, they can show novel responses through a strong coupling between the fermion parity and the spin degree of freedom. The idea behind is schematically shown in Fig. 3. The solid lines represent Kitaev chains, with MBSs indicated by red circles. Let us elaborate a bit more on the two kinds of fermions that can be formed by our MBSs. We can construct two kinds of normal (complex) fermions, nonlocal spin polarized ones c " ¼ 12 ð "1 þ i "2 Þ and c # ¼ 12 ð #1  i #2 Þ and local ones c 1 ¼ 12 ð "1 þ i #1 Þ and c 2 ¼ 12 ð "2  i #2 Þ. The local pseudospin operators are defined as s1ð2Þ ¼ 12 1ð2Þ  1ð2Þ . It is known that Majorana fermions have only Ising-type spin due to their anticommutation relation f i ; j g ¼ 2 ij ; then, sx ¼ sz ¼ 0 and sy ¼ 12  c y c from the above definition. We would like to emphasize that these local variables are specific to the paired Majorana states. There will be various interesting physics as a consequence of the synthesis of the local and the nonlocal natures. Here, as an example, we focus on the spin-spin correlation of two Ising spins formed at the ends. In preparation for that, we first review some aspects of the fermion parity. When we have two Majorana operators and 0 , there exist two orthogonal states j0i and j1i, which satisfy i

0 j0i ¼ j0i and i

0 j1i ¼ j1i, respectively. The former has an even and the latter an odd fermion parity. They can be rewritten by normal fermion operators defined as c ¼ 12 ð þ i 0 Þ where c y c j0i ¼ 0 and c y c j1i ¼ j1i. Note that, if the wire and superconductor are connected to ground by a capacitor, one can modify the fermion number via a charging energy UðnÞ ¼ Q2 =ð2CÞ  VðtÞQ ¼ ðQ  Q0 Þ2 =ð2CÞ þ const, where Q ¼ ne is the charge, VðtÞ is the gate voltage, and Q0 ¼ CVðtÞ. The importance of charging energy in the context of topological superconductors was first discussed in Ref. [40], where electron teleportation (mediated by the nonlocality of the MBSs) has been proposed. We now apply this idea to our model. Our Hilbert space is fourdimensional, and there are two kinds of basis one can construct, i.e., from c 1 and c 2 or from c " and c # . The relation between these two kinds of basis state is given by 0

j0i" j0i#




C B B B j0i" j1i# C 1 1 B C B C B B ¼ pffiffiffi B C B B 2@1 @ j1i" j0i# A 0 j1i" j1i#

i 0 0 i




j0i1 j0i2


CB C B i C j0i1 j1i2 C C C B C C: B C B 0 i A@ j1i1 j0i2 C A 1 0 j1i1 j1i2 0


week ending 15 MARCH 2013

In our system, the total number of fermions can be controlled by the gate voltage VðtÞ. We consider the s1 s2 correlation in the odd and even fermion number spaces, respectively. The density matrices are

odd ¼ 12 ðj0i1 j1i21 h0j2 h1j þ j1i1 j0i21 h1j2 h0jÞ and even ¼ 1 2 ðj0i1 j0i21 h0j2 h0j þ j1i1 j1i21 h1j2 h1jÞ in the thermal equilibrium. Then, we obtain 1  hs1y s2y iodd ¼ hs1y s2y ieven ¼ ; 4


where h  iodd;even represents the statistical average with the density matrices odd and even , respectively. These results show that by modulating charging energy we can control the spin-spin correlation, which is independent of the distance between the two spins because they are connected through the superconducting wire in between. This effect is a consequence of both the local and the nonlocal degrees of freedom of the system. One can also manipulate the two Ising spins by modulating the gate voltage as a function of time as VðtÞ ¼ V0 þ VðtÞ. The equations of motion of s1y and s2y by the driving force VðtÞði 1" 2" þ i 1# 2# Þ yield d ðs þ s2y Þ ¼ 0; dt 1y   d2 2e V0 2 ðs  s Þ ¼ 4 ðs1y  s2y Þ; 1y 2y @ d2 t



for a constant V0 during some time period T. By tuning T to satisfy 4e V0 T=@ ¼ , one can reverse the pseudospin sy components when they are antiparallel, while they remain unchanged when they are parallel. Conclusion.—In this Letter, we have studied theoretically the proximity effect of a one-dimensional metallic quantum wire without spin-orbit interaction on the substrate of an unconventional superconductor. We have considered three different cases for the substrate: (i) a chiral superconductor, (ii) a class DIII superconductor with a nontrivial Z2 number, and (iii) a class DIII superconductor with a trivial Z2 number. Interestingly, we have found degenerate zero energy MBSs at both ends of the quantum wire for all three cases. We have shown that these degenerate Majorana bound states for cases (ii) and (iii) can be nicely used for a combined spin or parity qubit. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the resulting nonlocal spin correlations between the two ends of the wire can be controlled by the gate voltage potential acting on the wire. One of the candidate systems for the case (ii) substrate are thin films of Sr2 RuO4 [41] or the bilayer Rashba system [33], where the class DIII superconducting state might be realized, and, for case (iii), one candidate system might be the superlattice structure of CeCoIn5 [42].


PRL 110, 117002 (2013)


S. N. was supported by Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, and J. C. B. was supported by the Swedish Research Council. This work was further supported by a Grant-inAid for Scientific Research (S) (Grant No. 24224009) and Innovative Areas ‘‘Topological Quantum Phenomena’’ (Grant No. 22103005) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan; the Strategic International Cooperative Program (Joint Research Type) from the Japan Science and Technology Agency; the Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative RD on Science and Technology (FIRST Program); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; the European Science Foundation; and the Helmholtz Foundation.

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Majorana bound states and nonlocal spin correlations in a quantum wire on an unconventional superconductor.

We study theoretically the proximity effect of a one-dimensional metallic quantum wire (in the absence of spin-orbit interaction) lying on top of an u...
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