Magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia: Predictive model for temperature distribution Robert V. Stiglianoa*, Fridon Shubitidzea, Alicia A. Petryka, Jennifer A. Tatea, P. Jack Hoopesa,b a

Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 03755 USA; b Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover NH 03755 USA *

Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Magnetic nanoparticle (mNP) hyperthermia is a promising adjuvant cancer therapy. mNP’s are delivered intravenously or directly into a tumor, and excited by applying an alternating magnetic field (AMF). The mNP’s are, in many cases, sequestered by cells and packed into endosomes. The proximity of the mNP’s has a strong influence on their ability to heat due to inter-particle magnetic interaction effects. This is an important point to take into account when modeling the mNP’s. Generally, more mNP heating can be achieved using higher magnetic field strengths. The factor which limits the maximum field strength applied to clinically relevant volumes of tissue is the heating caused by eddy currents, which are induced in the noncancerous tissue. A coupled electromagnetic and thermal model has been developed to predict dynamic thermal distributions during AMF treatment. The EM model is based on the method of auxiliary sources and the thermal modeling is based on the Pennes bioheat equation. The results of our phantom study are used to validate the model which takes into account nanoparticle heating, interaction effects, particle spatial distribution, particle size distribution, EM field distribution, and eddy current generation in a controlled environment. Preliminary in vivo data for model validation are also presented. Once fully developed and validated, the model will have applications in experimental design, AMF coil design, and treatment planning. Keywords: magnetic nanoparticle, hyperthermia, treatment planning, predictive model, method of auxiliary sources, phantom, eddy currents, cancer therapy, thermal imaging

1. INTRODUCTION Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the current standards of care for the treatment of cancer. Clinical hyperthermia has not yet achieved this status but has proven effective, especially in an adjuvant setting 1-6. One of the limitations inherent to hyperthermia is that cancerous and noncancerous tissues tend to have similar sensitivities to heat 7. The lack of an innate differential sensitivity precludes the use of hyperthermia as a global therapy, effectively necessitating high specificity in the application of the heat source. Nanoparticle hyperthermia addresses this need by allowing for an amorphous spatial distribution of small heat sources which can in many cases be targeted to cancer cells8-10. There are some fundamental similarities between the characteristics of an effective nanoparticle hyperthermia and radiation therapy treatment, driven by the common need for a highly localized treatment. Both must be targeted to the cancerous tissue, are limited by potential normal tissue cytotoxicity in the treatment region, and in most cases require effective and informative imaging of the patient and patient specific treatment planning. There are many treatment planning software packages available for radiation treatment planning11. They commonly include clinician guided or partially automated image segmentation of regions with varying dose limitations, suggested number of beams, beam angles, and beam specific multi-leaf collimator settings. This is all done in an effort to maximize dose to the target while minimizing the dose to the surrounding normal tissue, and has been shown to increase treatment efficacy 12-14. To this date there does not exist a clinical treatment planning model for magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia which is robust, validated, and commercially available. The work presented here documents our group’s efforts to develop such a model, focusing on experimental validation.

Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment VII, edited by Thomas P. Ryan, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8584, 858410 · © 2013 SPIE · CCC code: 1605-7422/13/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2007673

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2. METHODS 2.1 Computational modeling The electromagnetic model is based on the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS), a robust, accurate numerical technique for solving electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering problems15, 16. The AMF source was modeled based on coil schematics and magnetic core material properties (Fluxtrol Inc., Aubrun Hills, MI, USA). Boundaries are defined within the model which designate interfaces between materials of differing electrical permittivity, magnetic permeability, and electrical conductivity. The surfaces are assigned colocation points on the interface, for which an inner and outer point are assigned constituting a pair. These points define an inner and outer fictitious surface for each object. Each of these points pairs is designated as a magnetic dipole with unknown magnitude and direction, defined as being tangential to the surface, constituting four unknowns. These auxiliary sources are solved for directly using four boundary condition equations for each per pair (Eq. 1,2), resulting in a finite linear combination of analytical solutions to Maxwell’s Equations. ×




= 1,2






= 1,2


These boundary conditions simply state that the tangential components of the electric and magnetic fields must be continuous between regions. β denotes regions of different electrical properties, is the unit normal vector of the surface between regions. The region of interest is then discretized and the field at every point is calculated directly from the contribution of all auxiliary sources of the fictitious surfaces outside the region of interest. This is accomplished using the Green’s Function. Once the field has been solved within the region of interest, the induced current density can be calculated simply as the E field multiplied by the conductivity. The specific absorption rate (SAR, W/g) due to eddy currents is then calculated using Eq. 3, =



where σ is the electrical conductivity (S/m) and is the current density (A/m2). The model of magnetic nanoparticle heating will be discussed in an future publication, but for the purposes of the treatment planning model, it amounts to a second contribution to total SAR (Eq. 4). =



The total SAR distribution and thermal boundary conditions are then fed into a finite difference time domain (FDTD) heat transfer model, based on the Pennes Bioheat Equation (Eq. 5). =∇∙





Where ρ is the tissue density, kg/m3; c is the specific heat of tissue, J/(kg °C); k is the thermal conductivity of tissue, W/(m °C); wb is the blood perfusion, ml/(m3·s); ρb is the density of blood, kg/m3; cb is the specific heat of blood, J/(kg °C); Tb temperature of blood, °C; and Qm is the metabolic heat generation rate, W/m3. 17, 18 2.2 AMF system characterization One of the AMF coils used in these experiments is a single turn, pancake type coil with a magnetic core. It is powered by a 25kW generator (Fluxtrol Inc., Aubrun Hills, MI, USA), which drives 156 kHz AC current through the coil, thus generating a 156 kHz AMF. The magnetic field distribution produced by the pancake coil (Fig. 1a) at 70% nominal power, was measured in 100 locations (Fig. 1b) and interpolated to produce the field map illustrated in Figure 1c.

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% (a)




c with magnettic core; (b) Appparatus used to m make field measuurement with higgh Figure 1. (a) Single turn AMF pancake coil spatial acccuracy; (c) Field d distribution creeated by interpollating the 100 m measurement poinnts, each measurrement point is aan average of o 192 field meassurements.

The field disstribution was modeled using g geometrical information i froom the coils sschematic and material propeerties for the proprietary magnetic co ore material, which w was provided by the maanufacturer (Flluxtrol Inc., Auubrun Hills, M MI, USA). The field disttribution modeel was shown to o agree well with w the measurred field data (F Fig. 2). 8000

Simulation Measured Data

H z [A rb ]

6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 -10











Figure 2. Comparison of simulated and measured m field strength data for tthe pancake coil, used in subsequuent experimentts

m study 2.3 Phantom The phantom ms are constru ucted from agaarose, NaCl, an nd deionized w water. A phanntom was creaated with the eelectrical conductivity of human mu uscle19 and a control c phantom m was createdd with deionizzed water withh no NaCl addded. This insulating ph hantom acts as a a control fo or heat transfeer from the innhomogeneouss, time varyinng surface tem mperature distribution of o the contact surface betweeen the AMF coil c and the phhantom. The teemperature disstribution of thhe upper surface of th he phantoms was w measured using u a thermaal camera (Moodel SC325, F FLIR Systems Inc., Wilsonviille, OR, USA), and in nternal temperrature were meeasured using custom made,, three-point fi fiber optic tem mperature probees which utilize Fabry–Pérot interferrometry (Fiso Technologies, T Quebec, Canadda). Each indivvidual probe m measures tempeerature at 1mm, 3mm, and 5mm from m the tip of thee fiber. For eacch 20 minute A AMF heating cyycle, four probbes collected ddata from 12 points at a sampling raate of 1Hz. Eaach phantom was w put throuugh two heatinng/cooling cyccles in order too collect measurementts from a total of 24 pointss per phantom.. The phantom ms were not m moved in between cycles in order to minimize unccertainty in pro obe location reelative to the co oil-table configguration. m study 2.4 In vivo mouse In this prelim minary study 5m mg of iron per gram of tumor was injected directly into M MTG-B flank ttumors of femaale C3HHEJ mice. One O mouse was treated inside a 10cm five turn solenoiddal coil, drivenn by a 10kW ggenerator (TIG G 10/300, Hüttinger Eleektronik GmbH H, Freiburg, Geermany). The other o mouse w was treated on a custom built pancake coil ddriven by a 25kW gen nerator (Fluxtro ol Inc., Aubrun n Hills, MI, USA). U The mN NP’s used werre hydroxyethyyl starch coateed multicrystal core magnetite paarticles (BNF-S Starch®, MicrroMod, Partikkeltechnologie Gmbh, Rostoock, Germany)). These particles have a mean hydro odynamic diam meter of 100nm m and a mean ccore diameter oof 50nm.

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3. RESULTS 3.1 Validatiion of treatmeent model in phantoms p The metthod of auxiliarry sources mod del has been previously p validdated for otherr applications200 and was moddified for use in mNP m hypertherm mia treatment modeling. In order o to validaate the model ffor this new appplication as w well as to validate the coupling of o the bioheat equation, a tissue mimickingg phantom studdy was perform med. The diffeerence in temperatture between th he muscle con nductivity and non-conductin n ng phantom, for any collocateed point, is useed as the assessmeent of the effect of heat depo osition due to eddy currents.. Since the connduction of heaat through the tabletop boundary y and the conv vection bound dary conditionss of the rest off the phantom m are common to both phantooms, the only diffference in heaat sources is the t induced cu urrent or lack thereof. Figurre 4a illustratees the modeled power depositio on due to eddy y currents in the t muscle con nductivity phaantom at a heiight of 1mm ffrom the table surface. Featuress to note are th he higher SAR nearest the cu urrent carrying loop of the paancake coil. Thhis is to be exppected as the electric field is in nversely propo ortional to the distance from m an ideal currrent carrying loop. The connducting phantom m surface tempeerature distribu ution after 20 minutes m of heaating is shown in Figure 3c. T The spatial distribution of tempeerature as seen in Fig. 3c is in n general accorrdance with thee modeled SAR R distribution in Fig. 4a. Thoough this does nott take into acco ount conductiv ve heat transferr through the taable, when com mpensating forr this via subtraaction of the contrrol phantom temperature disttribution, the trrend remains.




Figure 3. (a) Visual overllay of coil with phantom p showin ng that the centerr points are colloocated. The phanntom is in contacct with the upper u surface off the treatment taable, which is above the AMF cooil. Surface tempperature distributtion of (b) nonconductin ng and (c) condu ucting phantom after a 20 minutes of AMF exposuure.

Modeled SAR R Distribution

Modeled and Experimenttal ofile Internal Teemperature Pro

40 0.00


Model Data




20 0.00



Temperature Difference (C)

Temperature D Difference Profile (Internaal Probes)

0.00 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Distance From m Center (cm) z=1mm





0 -150






Figure 4. (a) Modeled SA AR distribution for f pancake coil; (b) temperaturee difference proffiles for internal probes during measurem ments at three diffferent heights from fr the table su urface; (c) compaarison between m modeled temperaature profile assuming g zero flux therm mal boundary con nditions and experimental internnal temperature ddifference.

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The internal temperature profile p differen nce at 20 minu utes as measurred by the fibeer optic point pprobes is illustrated in Figure 4b an nd is compared to the modeled temperature distribution, att z=1mm, in F Fig. 4c. Note thhat this simulattion used simplified, zeero flux therm mal boundary co onditions, how wever, even witth this simplification the moddel was shownn to be in good agreem ment with the ex xperimental daata. The model has thus been validated for eeddy current geeneration in thee case of zero blood peerfusion. mall animals 3.2 Validatiion of treatmeent model in sm Validating th he model in th he case of bloo od perfusion an nd inhomogeneeous tissue prooperties requirres data to be ccollected from in vivo o treatments. The T murine aniimal model prresents an opp ortunity to vallidate these asspects of the trreatment planning model. In the firsst preliminary study, a mousse with 5mg irron per gram tuumor was placced inside a soolenoidal coil (Fig. 5a)). It was expossed to a peak magnetic m field strength of 4550 Oe (35.8kA A/m peak) at appproximately 1160 kHz. The field sttrength was th hen modulated d to keep the tumor tempeerature, as moonitored by inntratumoral fibber optic thermometry y, in the range of 41-45 °C. The treatmentt planning moddel was then rrun for a simpllified mouse ggeometry with homogeeneous tissue properties witth the field strrength varyingg in time to m match the expeeriment. The rresulting modeled tem mperature evolu ution is plotted d against the measured m data inn Figure 5b. T This data shows that the moddel, using simplified asssumptions of tissue t propertiees and geometrry, fits reasonabbly well with m measured in vivvo data. 46

- Model - Data

44 42

/n V

40 w

m 3R

a 4,

w 36


34 32 300






Time [sec]



Figure 5. (a) Typical mou use treatment in a solenoidal coil; (b) Comparisoon between moddeled and experim mental intratumooral temperatu ure over time. Note N that the field d strength was modulated m to keepp the tumor tempperature within a desired range.

In another preliminary p in vivo experimeent a mouse with w 5mg of irron per gram of tumor, in aan approximattely 1cm diameter tum mor, is position ned on the air table t which theermally and ellectrically insuulates it from thhe pancake coiil below. The generato or power is step pped up to 70% % of the maxim mum power (P Pmax = 25kW). An estimationn of the maxim mum field strength to which w the tumorr is exposed, baased on prior measurement m aand interpolatioon, is illustratedd in Figure 6 :cr' d'arrl:er tumor centerE

0 5ci-

1 cm di_me'er '_u7ux cen.:;red



.;. JC;fÌ


Figure 6. (a) Interpolated d measured field strength over 1ccm diameter sph ere located at thhe position of thee mouse flank tumor. (b b) Visual overlay y of the relationship between the mouse’s positioon and the field sstrength experiennced by the tum mor. Note thatt the origin is cen ntered horizontally on the coil an nd the height is rreferenced from m the surface of thhe table.

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The tumor temperature was monitored and recorded using both infrared imaging of the surface (Fig. 7) and a three-point fiber optic probe inside the tumor (Fig. 9). The mouse’s core temperature and the temperature of the interface between the mouse’s tumor bearing limb and the table were monitored using single point probes (Fig. 9). 41.6 40.9






















22.8 21.7



Figure 7. Surface temperature distribution of the mouse (a) before treatment and (b) 1200 seconds into the treatment. Reference locations within the peritumor and tumor region are marked α and β respectively. Temp Profile Across Tumor -Peritumor Region

Temp Profile Across Tumor -Peritumor Region 42




u 38 to 36 E.








9 11 13 15 17 19 2123 25 27 29 3133 35 37 39 4143 45 47 49 5153

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2123 25 27 29 3133 35 37 39 4143 45 47 49 5153





Figure 8. Surface temperature profile along the straight line intersecting points α and β, (a) before treatment and (b) 1200 seconds into the treatment.

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Tumor, Peritumor Temp vs. Time

Internal Temp (Fiber Optic Probe) vs. Time 43

43 Tumor 41

37 35 33 31

Tumor Tip Tumor Mid Tumor Back Core

29 27

1 84 167 250 333 416 499 582 665 748 831 914 997 1080 1163 1246 1329 1412 1495 1578 1661 1744



39 37 35 33 31 1 66 131 196 261 326 391 456 521 586 651 716 781 846 911 976 1041 1106 1171 1236 1301 1366 1431


Temperature (C)

Temperature (C)


Relative Time (seconds)

Relative Time (seconds)



Figure 9. (a) Internal fiber optic temperature probe measurements over time. There is 2mm spacing between measurement points. (b) Maximum surface temperature within tumor region (red) and peritumor region (blue) over time.

This preliminary experiment proves the feasibility of collecting partial surface temperature distributions of tumors in vivo during AMF treatment. In this future, this data will be used to validate the treatment model’s ability to predict dynamic 3D temperature distributions.

4. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we developed and partially validated a coupled electromagnetic and thermal model of magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia treatments. We were able to show good agreement between simulated and experimental eddy current distributions in homogeneous tissue mimicking phantom. Because the phantom experiments lack tissue perfusion, complex geometry, and inhomogeneous tissue electrical and thermal properties, the next logical step was to validate the model in an in vivo setting. Comparisons with previously attained murine flank tumor treatments in a solenoidal coil were made and shown to be in good agreement with the model, even when using simplified geometries, thermal boundary condition, and material property assumptions. Finally, a mouse with a flank tumor was treated on an open coil design to allow for thermal imaging and the ability to treat large volumes of tissue in the future. The preliminary data show that we are able to acquire meaningful surface temperature distributions during treatment which correlate well with internal temperature measurements and the computational results. Future work will include the addition of more mice to the thermal camera imaging treatment study, collection of histological biodistribution information, and evaluation of the ability of the model to predict temperature distribution given a priori particle distribution information of limited accuracy and spatial resolution.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Supported by the Dartmouth Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence: NCI-CCNE U54CA151662-03, and Dartmouth GK-12 Fellowship Program: NSF-GK-12 - DGE0947790

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Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8584 858410-8 Downloaded From: on 10/07/2013 Terms of Use:

Magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia: Predictive model for temperature distribution.

Magnetic nanoparticle (mNP) hyperthermia is a promising adjuvant cancer therapy. mNP's are delivered intravenously or directly into a tumor, and excit...
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