Localized modulated waves in microtubules Slobodan Zdravkovi, Aleksandr N. Bugay, Guzel F. Aru, and Aleksandra Maluckov Citation: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24, 023139 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4885777 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4885777 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/chaos/24/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, plasma viscosity, and whole blood viscosity by the application of pulsed corona discharges and filtration Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 034301 (2013); 10.1063/1.4797478 Nanomechanical properties of lipid bilayer: Asymmetric modulation of lateral pressure and surface tension due to protein insertion in one leaflet of a bilayer J. Chem. Phys. 138, 065101 (2013); 10.1063/1.4776764 Lectin-functionalized microchannels for characterizing pluripotent cells and early differentiation Biomicrofluidics 6, 024122 (2012); 10.1063/1.4719979 Combinatorial growth of oxide nanoscaffolds and its influence in osteoblast cell adhesion J. Appl. Phys. 111, 102810 (2012); 10.1063/1.4714727 Communication: Accurate determination of side-chain torsion angle 1 in proteins: Phenylalanine residues J. Chem. Phys. 134, 061101 (2011); 10.1063/1.3553204

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CHAOS 24, 023139 (2014)

Localized modulated waves in microtubules Slobodan Zdravkovic´,1,a) Aleksandr N. Bugay,2,b) Guzel F. Aru,2,c) and Aleksandra Maluckov1,d)

1 Laboratorija za Atomsku Fiziku (040), Institut za Nuklearne Nauke Vincˇa, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Po stanski fah 522, 11001 Beograd, Serbia 2 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie 6, 141980, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia

(Received 8 May 2014; accepted 18 June 2014; published online 30 June 2014) In the present paper, we study nonlinear dynamics of microtubules (MTs). As an analytical method, we use semi-discrete approximation and show that localized modulated solitonic waves move along MT. This is supported by numerical analysis. Both cases with and without viscosity C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4885777] effects are studied. V

Biological systems are nonlinear in their nature primarily due to existence of weak interactions. Among the most important of them are microtubules. Together with actin filaments, microtubules (MTs) represent a crucial part of cytoskeleton as well as a network for motor proteins. Also, they play an active role in cell division. Very interesting solutions of certain nonlinear differential equations are solitonic waves. They are especially important as they exercise stability, which is crucial for biological systems. Some classes of these solitonic waves are kinks, envelope type solitons, localized modulated waves called breathers, etc. In this paper, we show how nonlinear dynamics of MTs can be explained using breathers.


It is well-known that MTs are major cytoskeleton and, also, serve as a network for motor proteins. They are holly cylinders formed usually by 13 long structures called protofilaments (PFs). Elementary units of PFs are dimers. They are about l ¼ 8 nm long electric dipoles. There are a few models describing interesting but complicated nonlinear dynamics of MTs. All of them assume only one degree of freedom per dimer. If this is a radial one, we talk of a radial model. Such a model has been described recently, and this is what we rely on in this work.1 It was shown that kink-solitons move along PFs. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we very briefly outline the radial model of MTs, which we call as umodel.1 At least four mathematical procedures bring about kink-solitons as solutions of the crucial differential equation. In Sec. III, we use a different mathematical method. This is semi-discrete approximation, which yields completely different solution. This is a localized modulated wave, usually called as breathers, and we believe that they might have even more physical sense than the kink-solitons. In Sec. IV, viscosity effects are taken into consideration

while Sec. V deals with some estimations. Finally, Sec. VI is devoted to concluding remarks. II. u2MODEL OF MICROTUBULES

It is well-known that interaction between dimers belonging to the same PFs is much stronger than interaction between the dimers that belong to different PFs.2,3 This, practically, means that Hamiltonian for MT describes a single PF only. This does not mean that the influence of the neighbouring PFs is completely ignored. This influence is taken into consideration through the electric field. Namely, each dimer exists in the electric field coming from all other dimers. As was mentioned above, we assume only one radial degree of freedom per dimer. This is an angle un , representing an angular displacement of the dimer at the position n with respect to a direction of PF. In the nearest neighbour approximation, the Hamiltonian is1   X I k 2 2 u_ þ ðunþ1  un Þ  pE cos un ; (1) H¼ 2 n 2 n where the dot means a first derivative with respect to time, I is a moment of inertia of the dimer, k is an intra-dimer stiffness parameter, p is an electric dipole moment, and E is the intrinsic electric field strength. It is assumed that p > 0 and E > 0. Obviously, the first term in Eq. (1) represents a kinetic energy, the second one is a potential energy of the chemical interaction between the dimers belonging to the same PF and the last one is dipolar potential energy of the dimer in the electric field E. From Eq. (1), we can straightforwardly obtain an appropriate equation of motion. To simplify this equation, it is convenient to use a function wn , defined as pffiffiffi (2) un ¼ 6 wn : Also, for small displacements, we should perform the transformation


Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected] b) Email: [email protected] c) Email: [email protected] d) Email: [email protected] 1054-1500/2014/24(2)/023139/7/$30.00

w n ¼ e Un ;

e  1:


All this and the generalized coordinate qn ¼ Un and momentum pn ¼ I U_ n bring about the dynamical equation of motion

24, 023139-1

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Zdravkovic´ et al.

Chaos 24, 023139 (2014)

€ n ¼ k ðUnþ1 þ Un1  2Un Þ  pEUn þ pEe2 Un 3 þ Oðe3 Þ; IU (4)

ðe2 FTT  2iexFT  x2 FÞ eih þ e3 F0TT þ cc k 2F ½cosðqlÞ  1 þ 2ielFZ sinðqlÞ ¼ I  pE  ih F e þ eF0 þ e2 l2 FZZ cosðqlÞg eih  I  pE F3 ei3h þ 3eF2 F0 ei2h þ 3e2 FF0 2 eih þe2 I þ 3jFj2 F eih þ 6ejFj2 F0 þ ccÞ þ Oðe4 Þ:

where a series expansion of sine function was performed. This is a crucial equation whose solution explains nonlinear dynamics of MTs. III. SEMI-DISCRETE APPROXIMATION

One of possible solutions of Eq. (4) is the kink-soliton. In fact, for continuous approximation and keeping the cosine term instead of the series expansion, we come up with the well-known sine-Gordon equation. The main goal of this work is to study a completely different solution of this equation. For this to be done, we use semi-discrete approximation.4 A mathematical basis for the method is a multiplescale method or a derivative-expansion method.5,6 According to the semi-discrete approximation, we look for wave solutions of the form Un ðtÞ ¼ FðnÞe



þ e F0 ðnÞ þ cc þ Oðe Þ;

n ¼ ðenl; etÞ;

hn ¼ nql  xt;


Z ¼ ez;

T ¼ et

  1 F eðn61Þl;et ! FðZ;T Þ6FZ ðZ;T Þel þ FZZ ðZ;T Þe2 l2 ; (8) 2 where indexes Z and ZZ denote the first and the second derivative with respect to Z. This brings about a new expression for the function Un ðtÞ, that is Un ðtÞ ! FðZ; TÞ eih þ e F0 ðZ; TÞ þ cc (9)

where  stands for complex conjugate and F  FðZ; TÞ. All € n and Un 3 as this allow us to obtain the expressions for U well as Unþ1 þ Un1  2Un ¼f2F ½cosðqlÞ  1 þ 2ielFZ sinðqlÞ þ e2 l2 FZZ cosðqlÞgeih þ cc; and Eq. (4) becomes

x2 ¼ x20 þ

4k sin2 ðql=2Þ; I


x0 ¼

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pE=I


as well as the expression for the group velocity dx=dq as Vg ¼

lk sinðqlÞ; Ix


where x0 is the lowest frequency of the oscillations. In the same way, equating the coefficients for ei0 ¼ 1, we easily obtain F0 ¼ 0:


This is something we could expect. Namely, F0 is a longwave term. It is clear from Eq. (12) that any low-amplitude excitation has nonzero frequency as xðqlÞ  x0 . On the other hand, the spectrum of long-wave excitations has maximum near zero frequency. Using Eqs. (11)–(14) and new coordinates S and s, defined as


yield to the following continuum approximation:

¼ F eih þ e F0 þ F e ih ;

This crucial expression represents a starting point for a couple of important expressions. These formulae can be obtained equating the coefficients for the various harmonics, starting with lower ones. This, practically, means that only harmonics eih and ei0 ¼ 1 should be taken into consideration. Hence, equating the coefficients for eih and neglecting all the terms with e one obtains a dispersion relation


where x is the optical frequency of the linear approximation, q ¼ 2p=k is the wave number whose role will be discussed later, cc represents complex conjugate terms, and the function F0 is real. A more general version of Eq. (5) would include a term eF2 ðnÞ ei2hn . However, the procedure that will be explained in what follows yields to F2 ðnÞ ¼ 0. The function F1 represents an envelope. It will be treated in a continuum limit. The function eihn , including discreteness, is the carrier component. As the frequency of the carrier wave is much higher than the frequency of the envelope, we need two time scales, t and et, for those two functions. Of course, the same holds for the coordinate scales. The continuum limit nl ! z and new transformations


S ¼ Z  Vg T;

s ¼ e T;


we come up with the well-known nonlinear Schr€odinger equation (NLSE) for the function F iFs þ P FSS þ Q jFj2 F ¼ 0;


where the dispersion coefficient P and the coefficient of nonlinearity Q are given by   1 l2 k 2 cosðqlÞ  Vg ; P¼ (17) 2x I and Q¼

3pE : 2Ix


Before we proceed, we want to explain why the parameter e exists in the time scaling in Eq. (15) but is absent in the space scaling. It was pointed out that the carrier component of Eq. (5) changes faster than the envelope function F. This

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Zdravkovic´ et al.

Chaos 24, 023139 (2014)

means that the small parameter e is present only in the envelope components F and this is why the scaling given by Eq. (7) was introduced. On the other hand, the coordinates introduced by Eq. (15) ensure that the time variation of the envelope of the function F, in units 1=x, is smaller than the space variation in units l.7,8 A well known solution of Eq. (16), for PQ > 0, is9–14  S  ue s iue ðS  uc sÞ ; (19) FðS; sÞ ¼ A0 sech exp Le 2P


Ve ¼ (20)

In this paper, we assume P > 0 and Q > 0.12 The envelope amplitude A0 and its width Le have the forms sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ue 2  2ue uc 2P ; Le ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : A0 ¼ (21) 2 2PQ ue  2 ue uc A next step is a determination of the function wn ðtÞ, defined by Eqs. (3) and (5). However, the mathematical parameters ue , uc , and e deserve a short explanation. A careful investigation of all the formulae shows that only two of them are relevant and they are eue and euc . Also, e is a “working” parameter, helping us to distinguish big and small terms in Eq. (5) and does not have any physical meaning. Hence, we expect that e does not exist in the final solution wn ðtÞ. Also, the intervals for ue and uc are not known. However, these problems can be solved introducing new parameters Ue and g defined as15 Ue ¼ eue ;

uc g¼ ; ue

0  g < 0:5:


Finally, we can easily obtain the expression for wn ðtÞ. According to Eqs. (3), (5)–(7), (14), (15), (19), (21), and (22), the angular displacement of the dimer at the position n is  nl  Ve t cosðHnl  XtÞ; (23) wn ðtÞ ¼ 2A sech L where sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1  2g A  eA0 ¼ Ue ; 2PQ



Le 2P ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : e Ue 1  2g


The envelope velocity Ve , the wave number H, and the frequency X are given by Ve ¼ Vg þ Ue ; and

Ue ; H¼qþ 2P

X : H



This means that the wave wn ðtÞ, being one phase function, preserves its shape in time. In other words, wn ðtÞ is the same at any position n. From Eqs. (26)–(28), one can easily obtain the function Ue ðgÞ, which is 2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi3 P 4 2ð1  gÞ Ue ¼ q þ q 1 þ ðx  qVg Þ5: (29) 1g Pq2 Notice that the expression x  qVg is a function of ql and one can show that it is positive for any ql. The expression (29) means that g or Ue remains the single mathematical parameter that significantly simplifies the estimations. To calculate the moment of inertia of the dimer, we assume that it is an ellipsoid. Its width and length are 8nm and 4nm.17,18 Hence, we calculate I¼

m 2 5 ða þ b2 Þ þ ma2 ¼ ml2 ; 5 16


as a ¼ l=2 and b ¼ l=4. It is convenient to express the wave number q as q¼

2p ; Nl

N integer:


Finally, we can plot the function wn ðtÞ, given by Eq. (23). This is shown in Fig. 1 for t ¼ 10 ns. To plot this figure, the following values of the relevant parameters are used: N ¼ 40, g ¼ 0:48, m ¼ 1:8 1022 kg,19,20 p ¼ 337Db ¼ 1:12 1027 cm,17,18,21 E ¼ 1:7 107 N=C,22 and k ¼ 0:1 eV. A short analysis regarding some of these values is given in Sec. V. It is obvious that the function w is a modulated localized wave, usually called breather. Its width K can be defined as 1 2p ¼ ; L K



As parameter g remains constrained, we only need to estimate the values of Ue that can be done by considering selected types of solutions. Here, we rely on the idea of a coherent mode (CM), assuming that the envelope and the carrier wave velocities are equal.16 Hence, according to Eq. (23), this equality is

where the velocities ue and uc satisfy ue > 2uc :

ðVg þ gUe Þ Ue : 2P


which is suggested by Eq. (23). For the combination of the parameters chosen for Fig. 1, this value is around 23 in units of l. Also, the solitonic velocity is Ve ¼ 23 m=s and its frequency is X=2p ¼ 0:7 GHz. IV. MT DYNAMICS TAKING VISCOSITY EFFECTS INTO CONSIDERATION

The impact of the medium can be taken into consideration by adding a viscous momentum

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Zdravkovic´ et al.

Chaos 24, 023139 (2014)

Qc ¼

3pE pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : 2I x2  b2


Therefore, NLSE is obtained again, but with different values of the nonlinear and the viscosity parameters. Notice that F in Eq. (38) should be understood as Fc but the index c has been omitted. Hence  Sc  ue s iue ðSc  uc sÞ exp ; (42) F  Fc ðSc ; sÞ ¼ A0c sech Lec 2Pc where expressions for A0c and Lec can be obtained from Eq. (21) by replacing P and Q with Pc and Qc . Finally, we can obtain the function corresponding to Eq. (23). Notice that hnc comprises a complex term, i.e., FIG. 1. The function w as a function of the position for t ¼ 10 ns.

Mv ¼ C U_ n

hnc ¼ nql  xc t; (33)

to Eq. (4), where C represents a damping coefficient.19,23,24 We replace hn and x by hnc  hc and xc . Also, qc ¼ q is assumed, which will be verified later. It is convenient to introduce the damping coefficient b defined as b ¼ C=2I:

NT ¼ ½eFT eihc þ ixc Feihc  e2 F0T 

C þ cc; I


xVg l k sinðqlÞ ¼ : (36) I xc þ ib xc þ ib

Notice that x in Eq. (36) is the same as x in Eq. (12) as qc ¼ q is assumed. For x > b, Eq. (36) yields qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi xVg (37) xc þ ib ¼ x2  b2 ; Vc ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2 : x2  b Notice that xc is complex but xc þ ib is real, which means that the group velocity Vc is also real. All this bring about the final expression for NLSE, which is iFs þ Pc FSS þ Qc jFj2 F ¼ 0;


S  Sc ¼ Z  Vc T; s ¼ e T;   1 kl2 2 cosðqlÞ  Vc ; Pc ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2 I 2 x2  b




where Vec ¼ Vc þ Ue ;


the expressions for Ac , Lc , and Hc can be obtained from Eqs. (24)–(26) by replacing P and Q with Pc and Qc and qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðVc þ gUe Þ Ue Xc ¼ x2  b 2 þ : (46) 2Pc Finally, Eq. (29) becomes

as well as the following expressions for xc and Vc : xc 2 ¼ x2  i2bxc ; Vc  Vgc ¼

where xc is given by Eq. (37). Hence, following the procedure explained above we straightforwardly obtain  nl  Vec t cosðHc nl  Xc tÞ; (44) wnc ðtÞ ¼ 2Ac eb t sech Lc


Following the procedure explained in Sec. III, one can straightforwardly obtain a new term in the right side of the basic Eq. (11), which is



Ue  Uec


3 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi Pc 4 2ð1  gÞ x2  b2  qVc 5: q þ q 1 þ ¼ 1g Pc q2 (47)


A purpose of this section is to study the values of a couple of the parameters important for the function wn ðtÞ. Let us start with the wave number q. It was explained above that both Pc and Qc are positive. From Eq. (41), we see that Qc > 0 for any ql. On the other hand, the requirement Pc > 0 allows us to obtain appropriate intervals for q. Figure 2 shows how the parameter Pc depends on ql. The figure allows us to conclude that there should be either ql < q1 l or ql > q2 l. Notice that q1 l ¼ 1:2 rad and q2 l ¼ 5:1 rad do not depend on the value of the moment of inertia. According to Eq. (31), we see that there should be N > 2p=q1 l or N < 2p=q2 l, which yield to N  6:


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Zdravkovic´ et al.

Chaos 24, 023139 (2014) TABLE I. Parameter R for different values of the viscosity parameter b. bðxÞ KðlÞ R

0:3 23.7 0.17

0:1 22.7 0.55

0:01 22.5 5.5

0:001 22.5 55

Finally, we should estimate the value for b. The question is what distance s the wave can pass in a reasonable time, for example, 1=b. Normally, we expect that this distance should be at least a few times higher than the solitonic width, defined by Eq. (32). Hence, the ratio R

FIG. 2. Dispersion parameter Pc as a function of ql for b ¼ 0:1x0 .

Therefore, our previous choice N ¼ 40, used for Fig. 1, is in agreement with the requirement (48). Notice that Fig. 2 practically does not depend on b up to about b ¼ 0:7x0 , which is extremely big value as will be shown in what follows. Let us discuss the value of the parameter k. Our previous choice k ¼ 0:1 eV is comparable with pE ¼ 0:12 eV. It is interesting to calculate the value of the whole term comprising k. In continuum approximation, this energy can be calculated as k1 Ek ¼ 2l

þ1 ð

 2 @u l dx: @x 2



For b ¼ 0, we can easily calculate Ek ¼ 0:44 eV, which is somewhat higher than the energy released by hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate (0.31 eV) and about the energy released by hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (0.41–0.62 eV). Of course, this energy is smaller when viscosity is taken into consideration. Therefore, the assumed values for N and k make sense but a serious parameter selection, which is extremely tedious work, should be performed and published in a separate publication. Notice that the energy (49) is not proportional to k as this parameter is involved in the expression for u.

s V ¼ K 2pbL


is relevant and is shown in Table I for a couple of values for b, where K and s are expressed in units of l. One can see that only very small values of b may have physical sense. Of course, for b < 0:01x0 we can neglect b2 in comparison to x2 . This means that the only impact of viscosity is the term eb t existing in Eq. (44), which is, of course, not present in Eq. (23). We want to mention one different attempt for estimation of b. This is coming from hydrodynamic calculations of MTs where b is related to relaxation time sV ¼ log 2=b ¼ 0:26 ns.25 Taking x0 =2p ¼ 0:37 GHz, which can be calculated from Eq. (12), we obtain overdamping b ¼ 1:1x0 . However, quasi-macroscopic estimations are probably not well applicable to nanosystems. Since there is lack of direct measurements for MT, we mention dielectric measurements for relaxation of DNA in sub-GHz range.26 This gives relaxation times from 10 to 1000 ns. In that case, respective ratio b=x0 for DNA system is 0:0002 < b=x0 < 0:02 suggesting slightly damped oscillations. VI. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS

In order to extend the analytical results, we have performed numerical integration of equations of motion that correspond to Hamiltonian (1). This general case differs from Eq. (4) by sine term instead of power expansion and the viscosity term (33) is included. A set of 1000 nonlinear equations was solved by conventional fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical scheme.

FIG. 3. Low-amplitude breather (dots) compared with a general-type analytical solution (thin red line) with parameters: N ¼ 40, g ¼ 0:49, and Ue ¼ 3 m=s. The propagation time was t ¼ 500 ns both in the viscosity free case b ¼ 0 (a) and in the case of low viscosity b ¼ 0:001x0 (b).

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Zdravkovic´ et al.

Chaos 24, 023139 (2014)

FIG. 4. Moderate-amplitude breather solution (joined dots). There are no analytical solutions that match the numerical ones in this case. The propagation times and viscosity coefficients were taken the same as in Fig. 3.

The initial wave packet was taken as close as possible to (23) and then evolved for a time up to 1000 ns. Both cases b ¼ 0 and b 6¼ 0 were studied. It follows that analytical approach works well for rather small amplitude breathers with jwn j 0:1 rad or less, which could be expected according to Eq. (3). This is shown in Fig. 3. The viscosity effects behaved exactly as expected from respective formulae given in Sec. IV. As seen from Fig. 3, even low viscosity significantly affects breather amplitude. However, if the breather amplitude is about 0.1 rad or larger, the difference between the analytical and the numerical solutions grows rapidly. This mostly affects breather velocity, which becomes much lower than those expected from respective formulae. In example given in Fig. 4 the initial wave packet experienced radiation of low-amplitude waves and significant slow down until reaching steady state propagation regime. The impact of viscosity was nearly the same as in previous case. Therefore, we have verified the existence of breathers by direct numerical integration of initial equations. Lowamplitude breathers are perfectly described by using semidiscrete approximation, while those with high amplitude may require more complicated analytical description. Nevertheless, growing amplitude of angular oscillations may result in MT destabilization and, hence, respective study should be performed in a separate work. VII. CONCLUSION

In this paper, we studied nonlinear dynamics of MTs relying on the so-called u-model. Applying a continuum approximation, we recently showed that this complicated dynamics could be explained by the existence of the kink solitons in MTs.1 Also, we argued that MT can be considered as the continuum system.27 It turned out that the amplitude of the kink soliton is rather big. However, as MT is unstable system we stated that kinks, in fact, describe depolymerisation of MTs.1 A completely different mathematical procedure has been applied in this paper. This is semi-discrete approximation which brings about a completely different solution. This is the modulated solitonic wave called breather.

A question is which one, kink or breather, if any, exists in MT. We believe that both do, having different roles. Namely, we stated that kinks explained a crumbling of MTs. As for the breathers, it is important to keep in mind that MTs serve as a road network for motor proteins moving along the MT tube. Hence, breathers should be understood as triggering signals for the motor proteins to start moving. The latter conclusion is also supported by comparing breather velocity and the velocity of neural pulse propagation in axons, which is about 20 m/s.28 As the longest MTs (several mm) are located inside the axons of nerve cells, the mentioned correlation may indicate an important role of breathers and other nonlinear excitations in regulation of neural activity. It may be interesting to note that Eq. (4) is similar to a model equation arising for 1D monoatomic chain. In monoatomic chain NLSE usually arises in case of oscillating localized solutions. This is something that we could expect. In diatomic chains,29 there can exist both low-amplitude breathers and non-topological kink (pulse) solitons. The equation for breather is NLSE, while pulse-solitons are solutions of both KdV and modified KdV equations. This may be an important clue for further development of nonlinear models for MTs, which should have more than one degree of freedom. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We acknowledge support from Project within the Cooperation Agreement between the JINR, Dubna, Russian Federation and Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Serbia: Theory of Condensed Matter Physics. The work of S.Z. and A.M. was supported by funds from Serbian Ministry of Education and Sciences (Grant No. III45010). The work of A.N.B. was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 13-02-00199a).


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Localized modulated waves in microtubules.

In the present paper, we study nonlinear dynamics of microtubules (MTs). As an analytical method, we use semi-discrete approximation and show that loc...
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