Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal

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Health and Medicine Carl E. Ortmeyer PhD To cite this article: Carl E. Ortmeyer PhD (1975) Health and Medicine, Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 30:1, 56-56, DOI: 10.1080/00039896.1975.10666637 To link to this article:

Published online: 02 May 2013.

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Date: 18 June 2016, At: 08:46

Letters to the Editor

Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal 1975.30:56-56.


To the Editor.-I note with great consternation and embarrassment that I have misquoted Hilscher et al in my paper HIs Short-Fibered Asbestos Dust a Biological Hazard" (ARCHIVES 29:115-117, 1974). The asbestos fibers that caused no or negligible changes when injected intra-abdominally by the above authors were ground, but not ~'with a microtome"; and they were less than III in length rather than less than 31l. On page 117 the third word from the end should be '~pressure" not "presence." I apologize to Hilscher et al for this gaffe. PAUL GROSS, MD Charleston, SC Health and Medicine

To the Editor.-I was interested in your recent ARCHIvES editorial, HHealth and Medicine" (28:356-357, 1974). About 15 years ago, I worked for Dr. Halbert Dunn, director of the (then) National Office of Vital Statistics. He was fond of lecturing about "high level wellness," or vibrant, energetic, optimistic well-being, and the need to know more about how to achieve it. Perhaps you give the medical professional people less credit than they should have. While most physicians may have very little time left, after treating diseases and other pathologies, for teaching and conditioning to high level wellness, it seems to me that any movement to apply science to achieving more of this will have to draw on many research methods and treatment methods that elicit patient cooperation that are now in use in medical research and therapy. Why should not various combinations of test findings and specific behavior symptoms yield increasingly more valid estimates of degrees to 56

Arch Environ Health/Vol 30, Jan 1975

which individuals approach high level wellness? One may find that some of these factors act independently, hence that there is more than one road to high-level wellness. If there are such options, then persons in different styles of living (eg, sedentary vs active) may achieve it by different routes. I think that the demand forperiods sional (ie, reliable) advice on achieving high-level wellness may be quite widespread, that is, not restricted to "food faddists, the health nuts, the exercise enthusiasts, and the bodybuilders." Perhaps this is an important reason for "getting into condition" for sports? When an executive is commended for showing ~\grace under pressure," is there not a connotation of high-level wellness? Might it be that patients who complain primarily about just feeling lo.usy, tired all the time, and so on, are often translating into pathology language desires for high-level wellness? Thank you for writing the editorial. May we expect some follow-through on how various sciences are basic to research on high-level wellness and hew research might lead to clinical procedures? ' The views are those of the author and do not necessarily express policies or attitudes of his organization.

E. ORTMEYER, PhD Public Health Service Morgantown, WVa

",",,,",,1",,,.,, of where to. begin an examination of the problem of I\wellness." For the lack of any better point of departure, I should suppose the study of a group who. had reached 75 years of with minimal physical and menperiods incapacity would be as good a periods place as any. Such a group has demonstrated at least one aspect of wellness-durability of tissues. Of course, usual approaches with an automated multiple analysis system (SMA-12), electrocardiography, and all the other studies of I'executivetype check-ups" are pretty sure to be meaningless, since a group of this type would be "normal" to all such tests. One would have to. develop far more subtle forms of study. Perhaps such an approach might consist of measuremen t of homeostasis under varying stresses and challenges. Attention might concentrate on response to stimulus, rebound, and rate of return to static condition. One can only guess, but possibly methods that involve time-rated challenge, response, and recovery-with respect to immunology and cellular response as well as biochemistry and physiologymay disclose some of the characteristics of wellness and perhaps something of the nature of aging. JOHN S. CHAPMAN, MD Dallas, Tex



I agree that "high level wellness" is the desirable state but how does one define it, except ethologically? Some individuals seem to have it while others do not. One observes similar varieties of I'wellness" or Ilresistance" or Iltoughness" in colonies of animals. Is it genetic or a matter of psychological adjustment or do these two questions really differ? Dr. Ortmeyer correctly raises the

Preceptorships in Occupational Health

To the Editor.-Early in 1974, the author became acquainted with details of the Medical Student Preceptorship Program of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Their program has been in operation for eight years and currently sponsors approximately 345 students per year in an eight-week program in which they are matched with ASA members in different parts of the country. They receive approximately Letters to the Editor

Letter: Health and medicine.

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