J. Phy8iol. (1976), 260, pp. 387-407 With 1 plate and 8 text-figure8 Printed in Great Britain


BY S. C. GANDEVIA AND D. I. McCLOSKEY From the School of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, Sydney N.S.W. 2033 Awstralia

(Received 16 December 1975) SUMMARY

1. An anatomical peculiarity allows the hand to be positioned so that the terminal phalanx of the middle finger cannot be moved by voluntary effort. When positioned in this way only joint and cutaneous mechanisms subserve position sense. By altering the position of the hand the muscles are again engaged and able to move the finger. Moving the joint then also excites muscular afferents. 2. The position sense of twelve subjects was assessed with and without engagement ofthe muscles at the joint. Three tests were used in which either angular displacement, angular velocity or duration of displacement were held constant. 3. When muscular attachment was restored, performance in all tests was greatly enhanced. As engagement of the muscles caused little change in the 'stiffness' of the joint, it is unlikely that the improved performance resulted from increased discharges from the joint receptors. Cutaneous mechanisms are unlikely to mediate this improvement as they are likely to have been unaffected by engagement of muscles. It is concluded that intramuscular receptors are partly responsible for normal position sense. 4. In seven of the twelve subjects the test finger was anaesthetized to isolate the contribution of intramuscular receptors. This muscle sense was variable. In some subjects it provided accurate kinaesthetic information but in others the information was crude. If with the test finger anaesthetized subjects exerted voluntary tension with the muscles that move the joint, the muscle sense was improved.




Active and passive movements of joints excite sensory nerves in the joints themselves and in the muscles operating about the joints. It has been widely held that the discharges of the muscle afferents do not impinge on consciousness (e.g. Mountcastle & Powell, 1959; Mountcastle & DarianSmith, 1968; Gelfan & Carter, 1967; Merton, 1964, 1970). Classical psychophysical studies of position sense (Goldschieder, 1889; Laidlaw & Hamilton 1937; Brown, Lee & iRing, 1954; Provins, 1958) have, therefore, been thought to demonstrate the properties of perceived joint sense. The assumption that the discharges of muscle afferents do not influence the highest levels of the nervous system has recently been confounded. The demonstration of a previously elusive projection of muscle afferents to the cerebral cortex (Oscarsson & Rosen, 1963; Phillips, Powell & Wiesendanger, 197 1) was closely followed by experiments in normal human subjects which showed that sensory information arising in muscles can be perceived (Goodwin, McCloskey & Matthews, 19 72 a, 6, c; Skavenski, 19 72; Ekiund, 1972; McCloskey, 1973; Cross & McCloskey, 1973; Matthews & Simmonds, 1974; Lackner, 1975). Position sense need not, therefore, be simply joint sense; it may be compounded from both joint and muscle sensations. In the experiments we report here that we have attempted to study joint sense alone and muscle sense alone, and the position sense which results from the combined operation of both. We have studied the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger, because at this joint an anatomical peculiarity permits the hand to be positioned so as to disengage the muscles :from the joint, or be re-positioned so that the muscles are

again engaged. METHODS

A major part of the present study quantitates and compares the perception of passive movements of different velocities and duration at the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger when muscles are engaged, and when they are not engaged to the joint. The kinaesthetic sensitivity of the joint was tested again when the skin and joint of the middle finger had been anaesthetized. SubjectM. Experiments were performed on twelve healthy male and female subjects aged 19-33 years. Both authors, and one other physiologist, acted as subjects. The remaining nine subjects were technicians or students, and were not aware of the hypotheses being tested. All subjects attended on four occasions when 'joint' sense, and joint plus muscle sense were tested (see below); seven of the twelve attended on a fifth occasion when muscle sense was tested alone during digital anaesthesia. Positioning of the hand. If the index, ring and little fingers are extended and held extended, and then the middle finger alone is flexed maximally at the proximal interphalangeal joint, the terminal phalanx of that finger cannot be moved by voluntary



effort, irrespective of the angle of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Flexion and extension of the distal interphalangeal joint are impossible because the long muscles which move it are held at inappropriate lengths (Gray, 1973). In this position, the joint is freed from effective muscular attachment. If anaesthetized in this position, the joint loses all position sense, but regains it when the adjacent fingers are aligned with the test finger, restoring effective muscular attachment (Goodwin etal. 1972c; confirmed here). We immobilized the hand in two positions, as shown in PI. 1. In one position (PI. 1B) all fingers were extended except the middle finger, which was flexed at the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joint. The finger fitted through a hole in a board and was clamped at the proximal interphalangeal joint. With their hands thus positioned all subjects were unable to move the terminal phalanx of the middle finger. In the other position (P1. 1 C) both the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints were restrained in the fully flexed position in all fingers but the middle one. The middle finger was fully flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint and slightly flexed at the distal joint. All subjects could now flex and relax the distal interphalangeal joint, but could not actively extend the joint (Gray, 1973). In both positions the angle of the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger was set at 30-40 from full extension for testing: this approximates the resting angle of the joint in both postures. Testing was not carried out with the joint initially set further into flexion or extension because skin stretching could sometimes occur in such positions and provide accessory clues for detection of. joint displacements. The immobilizing devices (PI. 1) which held the hand in the postures were adjusted so that imposed displacements of the terminal phalanx caused movement only about the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger. Once an appropriate positioning of the hand was achieved, the immobilizing device was clamped to the table at which the subject sat. Attachment to finger difplacer and calibration. A 17 mm length of hypodermic needle (external diameter 2 mm) was glued to the nail of the middle finger (Ciba Geigy: Fast-set Araldite). The forked ends of a brass rod were fitted into the hollow tube to complete a stirrup arrangement (P1. 1 A). The distal end of the rod was coupled to an electromagnetic vibrator driven by a ramp generator (Advanced Dynamic Industries: Vibrator AV-50 and oscillator/amplifier N-300). There were thus two mechanical joints with axes in the same plane between the vibrator and the fingernail: between the hollow tube on the finger-nail and the rod, and between the rod and the vibrator (P1. 1 A, a and b). This arrangement minimized torsional forces on the finger-nail during movement. As the nail-bed is sensitive to pressure, merely coupling the finger displacer to the finger-nail in this way introduced some accessory clues about any movements imposed by the rod on the finger. These clues were minimized by placing a paper clip tightly across the finger and finger-nail so as to depress the nail in the region of the cuticle, proximal to the coupling of the displacer to the nail. If, during an experiment, a subject reported in response to our questions that cutaneous sensations or pressure on the nail-bed were providing the basis for his detection of movements, either a new paper clip was applied, or movable parts of the immobilizing board were adjusted, and the whole experiment was re-started. The position of the finger was recorded by displaying the output of a position transducer (Schaevitz: GPM-101) coupled to the displacing rod, on a rectilinear chart recorder (Hewlett-Packard: 7402A). Angular calibration was achieved by using a fine mark on the tip of the finger and a large protractor placed directly under the subject's hand, with its centre directly below the axis of movement of the distal interphalangeal joint. The joint was then displaced 50 and 100 in both flexion and extension. Over the range tested (± 10°), a linear relation existed between angular displacement and displacement of the rod. Depending on the calibration of flexion



and extension and on the variable output of the ramp generator for flexion and extension, the calculated angular velocities for flexion and extension were often slightly different at any particular setting of the ramp generator. Testing and scoring procedures. Three basic tests of position sense were used, first with the muscles disengaged then with muscles engaged. Test A involved moving the distal interphalangeal j oint through I10' a t velocities from 1 to I100/sec. In Test B, the joint was displaced for 1-2 sec at velocities from 1 to 100/sec. At any particular velocity (Tests A and B) the subject received in random order ten movements into flexion and ten into extension from the initial angle. In Test C the joint was displaced through 2.-50, 50, 7.-50 and 10O' from the initial angle at approximately 80/sec. Subj ects received twenty movements altogether (ten into flexion and ten into extension) at each angular displacement. The magnitude and direction of the displacements in Test Were randomly chosen and subjects received groups of twenty such movements. After each set of twenty movements, in all tests, subjects were allowed to rest for 2-5 min. For the twelve subjects, Tests A, B and C without the muscles engaged required three experimental sessions (about 2 hr each), while repetition of the tests with the muscles engaged required only one such session. In tests in which the angular velocities were varied, six of the subjects (randomly selected for each test) were moved in steps of decreasing angular velocity and six subjects in steps of increasing velocity. When the tests were repeated with the muscles engaged and able to flex the joint, subjects were instructed to relax the hand and to exert no tension. Subjects were asked to respond verbally 'In' (flexion) or 'out' (extension) when they were certain that they knew in which direction their finger had been moved. The term 'detection' is used to indicate correct nomination of direction. To score a point, the subject had to state correctly the direction of movement, either while the movement was taking place or within 3 sec of the finger reaching its new position. The finger was returned to its initial position (30 400 in flexion) immediately after a correct detection or after it had remained at the new position for 3 sec. After being reset to its initial position the finger was not moved for a variable period of 5-10 sec. Subjects received no score for stating incorrectly the direction of movement or for detecting the re-set to the starting position. Our instructions ensured that the overall frequency of false detections was less than 1-5 % (false detections per hundred finger displacements) for tests in which the muscles were not engaged and less than 0-3 % for tests in which the muscles were engaged. The highest rate of false detections by any subject in any test was 500. Presentation of data. Examples of the data acquired from individual subjects (J.R., I.M.) for tests involving 100 displacements are shown in Text-fig. 1. Scores for displacements into flexion and extension are distinguished. To compare the results of the twelve subjects with and without engagement of the muscles (in tests involving 100 displacements and displacements for 1 -2 sec) the data from each subject were plotted on the same graph, without distinction between flexion and extension scores, as in Text-figs. 2A and 3A. To quantitate the performance of the population (Text-figs, 2 B and 3B at bottom) the data were arbitrarily divided into groups of angular velocity, 1-0-1 .90/sec, 2-0-2-90/sec etc.; some subjects appear more than once in some categories, and do not appear in others. In the studies of 'joint' sensation, not all subjects were moved in the faster range of angular velocities: the best score achieved at the highest velocity used was assumed to be the score in higher velocity brackets for these subjects. Such assumed 'scores' were used to calculate averages. As scores generally improved as the angular velocity increased, this assumption slightly underestimated the accuracy of joint sensation of the population at velocities above 80/sec. In tests of position sense with the muscles engaged, once a, subject had achieved a perfect score (for movements both in flexion and in extension) he was not



usually moved at higher velocities; it was assumed that at higher velocities his score would still have been maximal. This assumption was validated by moving some subjects at higher velocities. Statements in the Results refer to the raw data, and not to data obtained by extrapolation in the above manner. Anaedthe8ia. In some experiments fingers were anaesthetized by digital nerve block, using 3-4 ml. lignocaine 2 %, without adrenaline, injected about 1 cm distal to the base of the finger. This produced complete digital anaesthesia as judged by loss of pain, pressure and touch sensation. We maintained the anaesthesia for periods up to 1 hr by placing a wide rubber band around the base of the finger sufficiently tightly to impair venous, but not arterial flow. After removal of the rubber band there was slow recovery of sensation. In subjects anaesthetized in this way the usual ethical requirements of informed consent were fulfilled.


Position sense of the joint isolated from muscle attachment When the hand was positioned so that the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger could not be moved voluntarily by the subject, detection of imposed movements relied upon sensory information from receptors in and around the joint, and perhaps to some extent from receptors in the overlying skin. Text-figs. 2, 3 and 4 show the results obtained in twelve subjects in the principal tests (Tests A, B and C described above) when only these sensory mechanisms were available to the subjects. The contribution to position sense from joint receptors could provide no greater acuity than is shown in these results. Results for Test A (10° displacements) from two individual subjects are shown in Text-fig. 1. In these subjects, scores for detections of flexion and extension movements are shown separately. When the joint alone was responsible for the detections, it can be seen that one of the subjects (Textfig. 1A) was better at detecting flexion than extension, while the other detected both with about equal accuracy. Several subjects showed unequal accuracy of detection of flexion and extension movements, although the discrepancy in other subjects was never as marked as that illustrated in Text-fig. 1. Some of these subjects were better at detecting flexion, some extension: in the group of twelve subjects we investigated there was no significant bias towards detection of movement in one or other direction. In other figures we have not, therefore, distinguished the direction of movement. For 0I displacements (Test A: Text-fig. 2) one subject (A.B.) achieved the maximum score at 41°/sec. By the highest velocity range (9-O-9-90/sec) four of the twelve subjects had still not achieved a faultless score. A score of eight or more out of ten was obtained by eleven of the twelve subjects at angular velocities in the range 6-0-7-90/sec. In this test the absolute displacement of the joint was always the same: the improved performance at

S. C. GANDEVIA AND D. I. McCLOSKEY 392 higher angular velocities indicates that the receptors responsible for detection were sensitive to movement (as well as displacement, see below). When the duration of displacement was limited to 1-2 sec (Test B; Text-fig. 3), one subject (N.D.) recorded a maximum score at 4.50/sec. Even at angular velocities exceeding 9-0f/sec, two subjects failed to achieve faultless scores. A score of eight or more out of ten was obtained by A


10 F



J.R. 2 4 6 8 Angular velocity (0/sec)


:;;°- 5m°e -°


I. M. 2




Angular velocity (0/sec)

Text-fig. 1. This shows the results of the test using 100 displacements (Test A) in two subjects, with muscles disengaged from the joint (open symbols) and with muscles engaged at the joint (filled symbols). Scores out of ten trials for movements into flexion and into extension are represented by square and circular symbols respectively. When joint mechanisms alone were involved, in one subject (A), scores for movements into flexion were higher than those for movements into extension. This discrepancy in the detection of movements of different directions was not present in the results of the other subject shown (B), nor was it a common feature in the detection of movements by other subjects. In both subjects scoring was higher when the muscles were engaged.

ten of the twelve subjects within the velocity range 7-0-8-90/sec. In this test, by maintaining the duration of displacement constant, both velocity and displacement signals from receptors would have been expected to increase with increasing velocities of angular displacement. In the third test of position sense, the angular velocity of displacement was held constant (Test C; Text-fig. 4) and the joint was displaced at approximately 80/sec (mean 8-4; range 7-1-10-40/sec) in random order through 2.50, 5.00, 7.5° and 10°. Both flexion and extension movements were tested. No subject scored more than five out of ten when the displacements were 2.50, but ten of the twelve subjects scored eight or more out of ten for displacements of 7.5°. In this test the angular velocity of displacement was constant: the improved performances at greater displacements indicate that the receptors responsible for detection are sensitive to displacement (as well as velocity, see above). A population of slowly


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0 8




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8 8

_~~~~~~~~~~ Angular velocity (0/sec)



6 _

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2 I


I I 4 6 Angular velocity (0/sec)

I 8

I 10

Text-fig. 2. This presents in two forms the results from the twelve subjects for Test A, involving displacements of 100 at various angular velocities, when the muscles were not engaged (open circles) and when the muscles were engaged (filled circles). No distinction is made between scores obtained for movements into flexion and movements into extension. A, data from the twelve individual subjects are plotted together. B, scores from individual subjects in the range of angular velocity 10-1 9, 20-2-90/sec, etc., and some extrapolated scores in the higher velocity categories have been averaged and the mean score ( + s.E. of mean) is plotted for each category. Procedures used to estimate the mean performance of the population are described in the Methods. Both presentations of data show that the acuity of position sense was enhanced by engagement of muscles at the joint. For the full proprioceptive machinery (filled circles) and for joint mechanisms alone (open circles) detection improved as the angular velocity increased, although the angular displacement remained constant.




10 8 -

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GoDoo 000

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0°° 0


~~~~6 8


0 00


000 0 0 000









0 0






OD 0

° oo



0 0


Angular velocity (0/sec) 10

















Angular velocity (0/sec)

Text-fig. 3. This presents in two forms the results of twelve subjects for Test B, involving displacements for 1-2 see at various angular velocities, when the muscles were not engaged (open circles) and when the muscles were engaged (filled circles). No distinction is made between scores obtained for movements into flexion and into extension. A, data from the twelve individual subjects are plotted together. B, scores from individual subjects in ranges of angular velocity 1-0-1-9, 2.0-2.90/scc etc, and some extrapolated scores in the higher velocity categories have been averaged and the mean score ( ± s.E. of mean) is plotted for each category. Procedures used to estimate the mean performance of the population are described in the Methods. Both presentations of the data show that the acuity of position sense was enhanced by engagement of muscles at the joint. For the full proprioceptive machinery (filled circles) and for joint mechanisms alone (open circles) detection improved as the angular velocity and displacement increased, the duration of displacements remaining constant.

JOINT, MUSCLE AND POSITION SENSE 39 "a adapting joint receptors, sensitive to both positions and velocity, has been described in animals (Boyd & Roberts, 1953; Skoglund, 1956).

Position sense of the joint uith muscular attachment restored When the hand was immobilized in a position which allowed flexors to move the terminal phalanx of the middle finger (PI.1 C), imposed movements of the joint could have excited both joint and muscle receptors. The 10 _ 8-









5 Displacement



Text-fig. 4. This presents the results from twelve subjects for Test C, involving displacements of 2.50, 50, 7.50 and 100 into both flexion and extension at an angular velocity of about 80/sec, when the muscles were not engaged (open circles) and when the muscles were engaged (filled circles). Results are shown as the mean score ( ± S.E. of mean) for each angular displacement. The acuity of position sense was enhanced by engagement of muscles at the joint. With the muscles engaged it was not necessary to move subjects through 7. 5 and 100 as eleven of the twelve subjects scored ten for movements of 5° (into flexion and into extension: see text). For the full proprioceptive machinery (filled circles) and for joint mechanisms alone (open circles) detection improved as the angular displacement increased although the angular velocity of movements remained constant.

three proprioceptive tests were repeated with angular displacement, duration of displacement and angular velocity held constant (Tests A, B and C), and the results are shown in Text-figs. 2, 3 and 4 respectively. For 10° displacements (Text-fig. 2), three subjects achieved perfect scores at the slowest velocities tested (ca. 1/sec). All subjects detected all displacements at angular velocities exceeding 2-90/sec. With movements of 1 2 sec duration (Text-fig. 3), three subjects had

S. C. GANDEVIA AND D. 1. McCLOSKEY achieved perfect scores in the range 1.O-1.90/sec. In the 3.O3-90/sec range all subjects had scored eight out of ten or better. All displacements for 1t2 sec were detected at angular velocities exceeding 4-90/sec. Angular displacements of 2 5° and 50 at the constant velocity of about 80/sec (mean 7-5; range 63-9-60/sec) were faultlessly detected by five of 396





h 1 min

Text-fig. 5. This shows an angular position recording, from a subject: A, first positioned so that the muscles were not engaged; and B, then so that the muscles were engaged. The points at which the subject stated correctly the direction of movement are indicated by arrows. After any detection there was a pause of several seconds before another movement was started. Movements were at a velocity of about 1V/sec and started from the same initial angle in the two positions. When the muscles were not engaged the subject did not detect any movements, although the distal interphalangeal joint was moved through sweeps of 25°. When muscular attachment was restored to the joint the subject made eleven detections of movement within an angular range of 200.

the twelve subjects (Text-fig. 4). Of the twelve subjects, eleven scored eight or more out of ten when displaced 2.50 and these subjects detected all displacements of 5°. The subject (F.S.) who failed to detect one 50 displacement correctly detected all displacements (ten in flexion, ten in extension) when displaced 7.5°. As was found in the tests of joint sense alone, complete position sense was improved by increasing either the extent or velocity of a movement. However, when the full proprioceptive machinery was available, in all

JOINT, MUSCLE AND POSITION SENSE 397 tests, at all ranges of angular velocity and displacement, the subjects' abilities to detect movements were greatly improved. The enhancement of performance by the addition of muscular mechanism was highlighted in one uninformed subject who was tested with the muscles disengaged immediately before being tested with the muscular attachment restored. He was instructed to state the direction of movement which he was sure had occurred, and he was told that after detecting a movement there would be a short pause of several seconds before another movement was started. From the same starting point (300 into flexion) his finger was moved at about 1/sec through sweeps of 250. He failed to detect the direction of these movements (Text-fig. 5) and afterwards stated that he did not even realize that his finger had been moved. This procedure was repeated less than 5 min later when his hand was re-positioned so that voluntary movement of the terminal phalanx was possible. He was tested, however, with the hand quite relaxed. Some displacements of less than 2-5° were detected. Eleven detections of movement were made in that part of the record shown in Text-fig. 5, while the finger was moved through a slightly smaller angular range (200). Tension developed during movements when muscles were engaged and not engaged to the joint Preliminary testing using the hand positions but not the immobilizing devices often suggested that engagement of muscles to the distal interphalangeal joint greatly increased the resistance to movement. We measured the resistance met during joint movement by attaching a force transducer (Grass FT03) midway along the finger-nail and using it to move the terminal phalanx of the finger. The tension developed during movements was recorded in six of the twelve subjects, positioned in the immobilizing devices, for 10° displacements into flexion and into extension when muscles were engaged and not engaged to the joint. These measurements indicated the resistance to movement of the joint in the two conditions. Table 1 shows that in four of the six subjects engagement of muscles was surprisingly associated with a decrease in the tension developed during 10° displacements into both flexion and extension. Possibly, slight changes in the tension of the skin around the joint accounted for this. In the remaining two subjects, tension was increased with muscular engagement. There was no apparent correlation between tension and the improvement in performance. When the hand was immobilized so that flexor muscles were able to move the terminal phalanx, the heaviest weights that the six subjects could lift (using a flexion movement) were also recorded (Table 1). This weight indicated the maximal tension that could be exerted by the flexor

398 S. C. GANDEVIA AND D. I. McCLOSKEY muscles on the distal interphalangeal joint. Subjects all lifted weights which were in excess (by at least forty times) of the tensions recorded during passive movements. TABLE 1. Tensions required to impose 10° displacements on the distal interphalangeal joint Tension in flexion (g) Tension in extension (g) A Maximum A , r flexion Muscle not Muscle Muscle not Muscle tension (g) Subject engaged engaged engaged engaged 3000 12 40 27 G.O. 17 12 23 13 2000 R.D. 20 70 I.N. 42 48 2800 70 60 3200 45 52 47 S.S. 43 32 4500 I.M. 23 10 30 25 12 46 3500 S.G. 41 39 3167 Mean 29 28 17-45 13-70 2000-4500 10-70 23-47 Range _



Proprioceptive performance of the joint when muscle mechanisms alone contributed In seven of the twelve subjects the middle finger was anaesthetized and the hand was positioned so that flexor muscles could move the terminal joint of the middle finger. Thus the ability of the muscles themselves to provide kinaesthetic information was isolated. Subjects were again instructed to refrain from exerting any voluntary tension with their test fingers in order, as the subjects often stated, 'to find out where the fingers were' ! In all other respects subjects were prepared as for the earlier tests. They underwent the tests involving 10° displacements at a series of angular velocities. Modification of the ramp generator now allowed displacement of the joint at velocities exceeding 100/sec. The performance of the seven subjects in this test are plotted with the grouped data for the same subjects without effective muscular attachment, and when their middle fingers were anaesthetized (Text-fig. 6). With the muscles providing the only source of proprioceptive information, detection was extremely variable. Of the seven subjects, two (R.D. and I.M.) reached a high level of scoring at low velocities, while two others (G.O. and I.N.) did not detect any movements until the angular velocity exceeded 100/sec. The best score for I.N. was three out of ten at 240/sec, and for G.O. it was seven out of ten at 270/sec. The performance of two of the three remaining subjects was between these extremes. One managed perfect scores only at a velocity of 12'Isec, and the other consistently achieved high scores ( > 6) at velocities above 11 /sec, but scored only nine at 20'/sec. The seventh subject (F.S.) failed to detect any movements at

JOINT, MUSCLE AND POSITION SENSE 399 angular velocities less than 20/sec or more than 100/sec. In one subject (R.D.), who initially scored eight and nine at angular velocities of 2-30/sec, the performance decreased to four out of ten (in both flexion and extension) at velocities of 4-50/sec, but the subject scored faultlessly at velocities of 8-100/sec. Such variability amongst individual subjects was not seen in the earlier part of the investigation. _





X xc




0 xx








T {





x xx ~~~x



~~~x ,~ xxr

- _4







x X




Fx X+f







X- X,








Angular velocity ('/sec)

Text-fig. 6. This presents the results from seven subjects for Test A, involving 10° displacements at various angular velocities when the test finger was anaesthetized by digital nerve block thus removing the joint and cutaneous contributions to position sense. For the same subjects, when the test fingers were unanaesthetized, the figure shows the mean score ( S.E. of mean) when the muscles were not engaged (filled circles) and when the muscles were engaged at the joint (open circles): see Methods. Individual scores obtained when muscles alone contributed to position sense are represented by crosses. In the angular velocity range 1 1-270/sec the scores are grouped together (at right). The performance of muscle sense was very variable. In some subjects it was better than the performance of joint sense, and almost as acute as normal position sense. In other subjects it was much less accurate than joint sense.

If the subjects were allowed to tense their finger flexors the appreciation of the displacements was greatly enhanced. This is shown in Textfig. 7 for a subject (G.O.) whose muscle alone provided crude perceived proprioceptive signals, but when he exerted tension his performance was indistinguishable from that achieved when joint, muscular and cutaneous mechanisms were intact. XWhen tension was exerted, performance was improved, even in those subjects whose performance in the absence of voluntarily exerted tension had been either poor or variable. Proprioceptive performance using only the relaxed muscles seemed inconsistent with the marked improvement caused by engagement of muscles when the joint itself was unanaesthetized. This problem is well












8 _

so 6 Ln





x x





*xXc~X 1X 5


G.O. | 20


10 15 Angular velocity (0/sec)


Text-fig. 7. This shows the results from one subject for Test A, involving 100 displacements at various angular velocities, when his test finger was anaesthetized by digital nerve block, thus removing joint and cutaneous contributions to position sense. In one series he was instructed to exert no tension with his anaesthetized finger (crosses), but in the other he was allowed to exert some tension by contracting his flexor muscles (triangles). When the muscles were relaxed and providing the only source of proprioceptive information, performance was variable; the subject's highest score was eight at 20'/sec. When the flexors voluntarily exerted tension, performance was greatly improved; the subject scored nine or ten at all velocities, even at about 1V/sec. 10 -=N"W









6 _o0 ,,, o


"'4 2


0 0


0 0 000 Bloc-




10 15 20 Angular velocity (0/sec)




Text-fig. 8. This shows the results from one subject for all tests involving 100 displacements, with the muscles not engaged (open circles), with the muscles engaged (filled circles), with his finger anaesthetized but not exerting tension (crosses) and then exerting tension (triangles). The muscle sense of this subject was improved by the exertion of tension, but without tension it was the least acute of the seven subjects studied with their test fingers anaesthetized, When muscular mechanisms were brought into play and the finger was unanaesthetized, the full proprioceptive apparatus was very accurate.

401 JOINT, MUSCLE AND POSITION SENSE illustrated by the data from one subject (I.N.) shown in Text-fig. 8. This

subject performed in the usual way when joint sensation was tested, but had a particularly blunt muscular sense (which was, none the less, greatly improved when he developed voluntary tension). When his not unusual joint sense and his crude muscular sense were available together, the resulting position sense was superior to either component, and showed normal acuity.

The effects on position sense of anaesthesia of parts adjacent to those being moved Enhancement of joint afferent signals by increasing joint capsular tension, or kinaesthetic information arising in the muscles themselves, could have mediated the improvement we found in position sense when muscular attachment was restored to the joint. However, we recognized a third possibility. Anaesthesia of the digit being moved may have removed a facilitatory input which helps signals from muscle afferents reach consciousness (see Discussion). To investigate this possibility we set out to study position sense at the distal interphalangeal joint when joint and muscular sense were intact but when the skin of the finger was anaesthetized. Using a method for cocaine iontophoresis similar to that described by Rein (1924), we found that it was not possible to achieve anything but slight and patchy cutaneous anaesthesia of the finger-tip. Talbot, Darian-Smith, Kornhuber & Mountcastle (1968) had similar difficulties with the finger-tip. Immersion of the finger-tip in cocaine solution containing dimethylsulfoxide, a solvent capable of carrying substances into human skin (Stoughton & Fritsch, 1964), either with or without an applied current, gave no better result. To circumvent this problem, cutaneous and joint sensation was removed instead from fingers adjacent to the finger being moved. In three subjects the index and ring fingers were anaesthetized; in another four subjects only the index fingers were anaesthetized. In a specific test, performance with adjacent finger(s) anaesthetized was recorded. Performance was then monitored as the subject slowly recoverd from the anaesthesia (see Methods). The test involved three angular displacements at the same angular velocity (ten movements at each displacement, five in flexion and five in extension). After each repetition of the tests the middle finger was carefully examined for spread of anaesthesia: in no subject did any sign of anaesthesia appear in the test finger. Of the three subjects in whom both index and ring fingers were anaesthetized, two improved their performance during and after the recovery of sensation. In the third subject the results were equivocal. Of the four subjects in whom only the index finger was anaesthetized, two showed

402 S. C. GANDEVIA AND D. I. McCLOSKEY some impairment of appreciation of movements of the test finger during the period of anaesthesia. All subjects gave the subjective report that movement seemed more difficult to detect during the period of anaesthesia. DISCUSSION

In the present study we have quantitated 'joint' sense and muscle sense separately and in combination. As 'joint' sense was always enhanced when muscles were pulled upon, the term joint sense can no longer be used to describe adequately the full proprioceptive sense. 'Joint' sense, as we have described it here, may be subserved by both articular and cutaneous afferents, although a specific contribution by the latter group is by no means certain (see below). Joint mechanisms alone could not do better than the 'joint' sense quantitated here. In some subjects, muscle sense was more accurate than when 'joint' sense was intact, while in others it was much less accurate. Tensing of the muscles which moved the joint always improved the muscle sense, to such an extent in some subjects, that performance using muscle sense enhanced by tension was as acute as when all the proprioceptive machinery was intact. The most likely explanation of the enhancement of performance which occurred when effective attachment of the flexor muscles was restored is that perception was aided by discharges of intramuscular receptors (known to discharge in such circumstances, Vallbo, 1974a). An alternative view is that the joint sense component of position sense was increased by engaging the muscles (e.g. muscular engagement may increase joint capsular tension and hence joint afferent discharge: Andrew & Dodt, 1953; Skoglund, 1956; Millar, 1973). This is less attractive as it implies an increase in the resistance to movement. We found little change in the resistance to movement when muscular attachment was effectively restored to the joint. Moreover, movements into extension always met with more resistance than movements into flexion (Table 1), but this was not reflected by easier detection of movements into extension. As another possibility, it is conceivable that the two postures of the hand create different backgrounds of neural activity which alter the access of proprioceptive signals to consciousness. Thus, the same input from joint receptors might be differently received by the nervous system when presented in a different neural context. This explanation would require neither enhancement of joint afferent firing, nor participation of muscle afferents, to account for the improved performance seen in the posture which also happens to engage muscles. As the initial angle of the joint employed in all our experiments was

JOINT, MUSCLE AND POSITION SENSE 403 30-40 into flexion, and as the displacements were small (± 10°), the extremes of angular range were not used (see Methods). At extremes of joint displacement the total activity of joint receptors has been shown, in animal experiments, to be maximal (Cohen, 1956; Skoglund, 1956; Burgess & Clark, 1969). Burgess & Clark, however, found that the majority (140 of 209) of slowly adapting units fired maximally at extremes of.both flexion and of extension so that their discharges may have been ambiguous to a sensorium requiring information on direction of movement. Rapidly adapting receptors in and around the joint (Skoglund, 1956), and most of the slowly adapting receptors described by Burgess & Clark (1969), could serve as 'event markers' to signal that the finger had started to move. Indeed, our subjects often detected a feeling of movement before they recognized its direction, as reported by Goldschieder (1889) and Laidlaw & Hamilton (1937). If the discharges set up in muscle receptors were predominantly responsible for the enhanced performance, then our results may have underestimated the usual contribution made by muscle to position sense at most joints. Because movement at the proximal interphalangeal joint was prevented in our test procedures, there was engagement only of flexor and not of extensor muscles at the distal interphalangeal joint. Thus imposed movements could, at best, have altered only the pull upon the flexor muscles. At other joints, muscle afferent discharges in both agonist and antagonist muscle groups would be altered by passive movements, and at these joints, the muscular contribution might be greater. Our experiments give no information on the nature of the intramuscular receptors involved in perception. It has been suggested that the muscle spindle afferents may participate in such perceived sensations (Goodwin et al. 1972a, b, c; McCloskey, 1973). If the spindle afferents are involved, the variability of muscular sense from subject to subject might be due to a variability of fusimotor tone. While Vallbo (1974a) has found little evidence of fluctuations in fusimotor tone in the muscles of normal relaxed subjects, he has (1974b) reported that parallel increases in fusimotor and skeletomotor outflow occur when the muscles are contracted. Thus, the variability of performance with muscular sensation alone, both between subjects and for some individual subjects, may reflect subconscious changes in tension exerted by the flexor muscles, despite the instruction to relax the hand. Chambers & Gilliatt (1954) noted in a study of patients with spastic paralysis in whom the hand had been anaesthetized using an anoxic block, that position sense of the fingers was 'strikingly preserved'. When our subjects with anaesthetized fingers were asked to exert tension, there was a marked improvement in the detection of movements. This increased afferent inflow from contracting muscles could well be responsible for the

S. C. GANDEVIA AND D. I. McCLOSKEY greater accuracy of position sense which is seen when a joint is actively, rather than passively, positioned (Goldschieder, 1889; Paillard & Brouchon, 1968, 1974; Eklund,1972). The role of cutaneous sensation in position sense is uncertain. On some occasions we found that cutaneous cues aided our subjects in their detection, but on such occasions we halted the whole test series and started again after making adjustments to remove the cues. Throughout the study we took great care to minimize any specific cues arising in skin. If specific discriminative information from cutaneous receptors did aid our subjects in their detections, it is difficult to see why there were differences in acuity when the musculature was engaged and disengaged. If skin receptors could give the information, they should have done so equally well in both test situations. While we believe that specific information arising from cutaneous receptors was minimal (cf. Cohen, 1958), we regard the possibility of some non-specific facilitatory input from skin as rather more likely. Loss of such a non-specific input may explain the apparent crudity of muscle sense found here when measured in anaesthetized fingers. It is known that afferents from the skin and joint of the thumb co-operate in the expression of the stretch reflex of the long flexor of the thumb, because, if these afferents are blocked the stretch reflex is almost completely abolished (Marsden, Merton & Morton, 1971). Co-operation between discharges of muscular receptors and the cutaneous input is further suggested by the findings of Goodwin et al. (1972c) and Cross & McCloskey (1973). They reported that position sense was normal in subjects in whom a joint had been completely removed and replaced with an artificial device, thus effectively removing the joint afferents but leaving intact the cutaneous afferents. We were unable selectively to anaesthetize the skin to test this possibility further (see Results). However, in some subjects, proprioceptive performance was impaired by anaesthetizing the skin and joints of the fingers adjacent to the one being tested. In these subjects the removal of a tonic input from adjacent fingers may have had sufficiently widespread effects within the central nervous system to have made normal proprioceptive discharges referred to the middle finger less readily accessible to consciousness. The hypothesis that muscle afferent signals require tonic facilitation from the skin, and possibly joint afferents, was first suggested by Provins ( 1958), and it receives some support from these experiments. It deserves further study. 404

Note added in proof. Recent electrophysiological evidence published after preparation of this paper (Clark & Burgess, 1975, J. Neurophysiol. 36, 1448-1463) casts further doubt on the ability of joint afferents to signal joint angle accurately. The 'joint' sense that we describe may thus

JOINT, MUSCLE AND POSITION SENSE 405 include a significant specific contribution from cutaneous afferents. It may well be that cutaneous afferents have both a specific role in position sense as well as a more general facilitatory function of the type we have suggested in our Discussion. This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, which also provided a scholarship for S.G. Miss Jaclyn Symonds and the Medical Illustration Unit of the University of New South Wales prepared the Figures. REFERENCES

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The Journal of Physiology, Vol. 260, No. 2

Muscles not


engaged 0



Plate 1

Muscles engaged IL IL

(Facing p. 407)




These photographs show the apparatus used to connect the terminal phalanx of the middle finger to the finger displacer, and to position the hand so that muscle could be engaged or not engaged at the distal interphalangeal joint. A, this shows the brass rod which has a forked end (a), over which a section of hypodermic needle, glued to the subject's finger-nail, was fitted, completing a stirrup arrangement. Torsional forces on the finger-nail were minimized by having two mechanical joints (a and b) with axes in the same plane as the axis of movement of the joint. B, the position of the hand when the muscles were unable to move the joint and were effectively disengaged from it. The middle finger passed through a hole in a board and was clamped fully flexed, while the remaining fingers were fully extended. In this position only joint and cutaneous mechanisms contribute to position sense. C, the position of the hand when the muscles were engaged and able to flex the terminal phalanx of the middle finger. This finger was fully flexed at the proximal interphalangeal joint and slightly flexed at the distal interphalangeal joint, while the remaining fingers were fully flexed at both distal and proximal interphalangeal joints. In this position, joint, cutaneous and muscular mechanisms could contribute to position sense. In both positions of the hand a paper clip was placed across the nail, thus depressing it and reducing pressure sensations. The positions of the hand were posed for photography and do not indicate that the initial angle of the distal interphalangeal joint was always 30-40° into flexion, nor that the angle at the wrist joint was the same in both positions.

Joint sense, muscle sense, and their combination as position sense, measured at the distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger.

387 J. Phy8iol. (1976), 260, pp. 387-407 With 1 plate and 8 text-figure8 Printed in Great Britain JOINT SENSE, MUSCLE SENSE, AND AS POSITION SENSE,...
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