Boneand Mineral, 18 (1992) 15-30

Elsevier BAM 00443

iginio Arzate, Steven

path Narayanan

Department of Pathology SM30 and Research Center in Oral Biology University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA

(Received 4 October 1991) (Accepted 9 January 1992)

We have cultured cells from explants of a human cementum tumor. The cells obtained were multipolar, they formed network-like structures and they were alkaline-phosphatase positive. Immunostaining and Western blots using specific antibodies revealed that these cells produced bone sialoprotein and collagen types I and V, and they also mineralized in vitro. Conditioned medium was mitogenic to fibroblasts and mitogens present were separated by heparin-affinity chromatography. Based on affinity to heparin and antibody-inhibition studies, the heparin fractions were shown to contain cementurn-derived growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor and fibroblast growth factors. The cementum tumor cells, but not gingival fibroblasts, were stained positively by an antibody to cementum-derived attachment protein. ‘The attachment protein was separated by immunoaffinity chromatography, and Western blots revealed that the preparation contained 56-kDa and 43-kDa proteins as major bands. Cells pulse-labeled with radioactive amino acids contained a 43-kDa protein as the major component; however, this protein was absent after a cold chase in the presenceof cycloheximide,but 56.kDa, 39-kDa and 26.kDa species became prominent. These data indicated that the 5dkDa cementum attachment protein is derived from a 43. kDa precursor. Our data show that the celis cultured from the cementum tumor represent cementum ceils capable of synthesizing and secreting cementum proteins in culture.

Key words: Cementurn; Cementurn tumor; Cementoblast; Growth factor; Attachment protein

Abbrevialions: Blotto, nonfat dry milk; BSP, bone sialoprotein; CAP, cementum-derived fibroblast at-

tachment protein; CGF, cementum-derived growth factor; DV, Dulbecco-Vogt; FBS, fetal bovine serum; HERS, Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline

Correspondence to: A.S. Narayanan, Department of Pathology SM 30, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 0169~6009/92/$05 .OO@ 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

16 Introduction

Cementum is the mineralized connective tissue which covers the tooth root dentin and serves as the attachment site for collagen fibers of the adjacent periodontal ligament and gingival connective tissues. It resembles bone in composition and structure, however, it lacks a direct blood supply, lymph drainage and innervation. The organic matrix of cementum consists of collagens, primarily the type I species, noncollagenous proteins, phosphoproteins and proteoglycans [l-7]. While these are predominantly structural macromolecules, recent studies have indicated that cementurn contains additional moIecuIeswhich regulate the migration, growth and attachment of connective tissue cells [g-12]. Some of these molecules appear to be localized in cementurn, and they have been partially identified and eharacterized 113-15, Yonemura et al., manuscript submitted]. Two types of cells, cementoblasts and cementocytes, are associated with the cementum. The cementoblasts, which are believed to originate from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells localized in endosteal spaces of alveolar bone and paravascular areas of periodontal ligament [l&-18], produce the cementum matrix. The cementocytes are cementoblasts whichbecome entrapped by the matrix they secrete; they are relatively inactive and eventually degenerate. So far cells from cementurn have not been obtained and studied in culture. Therefore, it has not been possible to investigate regulation of cementum formation or the processes that affect the recruitment and differentiation of cementum-forming cells. The identity of cells that synthesize and secrete the cemcnaum-derivedgrowth factor, attachment proteins and other biologically active cementum components and regulation of production of these proteins have also not been examined. This lack of knowledge has hampered efforts to understand the mechanisms involved in new cementum formation and restoration of soft tissue attachment to tooth toot surfaces from which attachment has been lost due to inflammatory periodontitis. In this manuscript we describe the isolation of a cell strain which appears to manifest the cementum phenotype in culture. These cells wete cultured from a human cementurn tumor and propagated in subculture, and they were shown to synthesize at least two cementum proteins, the cementum-derived growth factor (CGF)‘and a 56-kDa attachment protein (CAP).


Antibody to human bone sialoprotein (BSP) LF-6 [19]was a generous gift from Dr. Larry Fisher, NIDR, NIH. Rat anti-human type 1 and V collagen antibodies [20] and anti-CGF monoclonal antibody, 2SN232,were raised in our laboratory. Monoclonal antibody HHF-35 was obtained from Dr. Allen Gown, Department of Pathology, Universityof Washington.This antibody, which recognizes42-kDa smooth muscle actin, immunostains smooth muscle cells in tissues [21]. FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies and histochemical staining kit for alkaline phosphatase were purchasedfrom SigmaChemicalCo., St. Louis, MO. Immobilon-PPVDF membrane


was obtained from illipore Corp., Bedford Amersham Life SC ce Products Inc., Arlin

nd radioactive amino acids from eights, IL.

Cells Surgical specimens were obtained from the mandible of a human patient who had a long history of diagnosed osteogenesis imperfecta as well as concomitant cementifying fibroma. The tumor was minced and placed in Dulbecco-Vogt medium (DV. medium) containing 10% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics, and cells were allowed conventional explant technique [22]. The cells obtained, referred hereentum cells or tumor cells for s~s~~licity, were maintained in DV-mediurn containing 15% S and 3% bovine pituitary extract and subcultured every three weeks (one to t split). Cells between 5 to IO transfer numbers were used for the experiments described here; at this stage the cells ma~ifeste osteoblast-like features (see later, Pig. lb-d). Human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells were obtained as described previously 1221. Immunostaining ately 500-1000 cells/well were plated in g-well Lab-Tek chamber slides. After 72 h they were fixed with 3.5% paraformaldehyde for 5 min at room temperature and permeabilized with ice-cold acetone at -20°C for 2 min [23]. They were incubated with 1:lOO diluted primary antibodies in phosphate-buffered s containing 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin for 1 h at 4”C, then with 1:lO jugated secondary antibodies (3 mg/ml t-anti-mouse IgG, goat-anti-rabbit IgG and rabbit-anti-rat-IgG for anti-CAP, and collagen antibodies, respectively) for 1 h at 4”C, and staini rg was visualized by indirect immunofluorescence [20]. Detectionof alkalinephosphatase Cells were plated at a density of 500-1000 cells/well in 4-well Lab-Tek chamber slides and incubated for 72 h in the growth medium. Then they were stained histochemically for the enzyme according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Briefly, the cells were fixed for 30 s and permeabilized as described above, stained at room temperature with a solution of alkaline-dye mixture for 15 min at room temperature and counterstained with Neutral Red for 2 min. Staining was evaluated by light microscopy. Isolationand separationof mitogenicfactors Conditioned medium was obtained from confluent cultures in 75-cm* flasks. The cells were washed 3x with PBS and then incubated with 10 ml PBS for 10 min at The PBS was discarded and then cells incubated in fresh serum-free medium. ditioned medium was collected membranes. It was dialyzed vs. 50

18 each of phenylmethane sulfonylfluoride and N-ethylmaleimide, 25 mM EDTA and 1pg!ml each of pepstatin and leupeptin, and loaded on a heparinSepharose column (0.9 x 10.0 cm) maintained at 4°C. The column was washed with 5-10 column volumes of buffer to remove unbound proteins and then eluted stepwise with 0.5 M, 1.0 M and 2.0 M NaCl as described elsewhere [13]. The eluates were concentrated and dialyzed vs. serum-free medium prior to mitogenic assays. Assay of mitogenic activity

Human gingival fibroblasts between the fourth and twelfth transfer numbers were used as target cells. Approximately 20 000 cells were plated in 24-wellplates, incubated overnight for the cells to attach and made quiescent by incubation with serum-free DV-medium for 48 h. The medium was replaced with fresh serum-free medium containing indicated mitogens. After 22 h fresh serum-free medium containing S.O@Yml [3H]thymidinewas added. Six h later the cells were washed with ice-cold PBS, taken in 1.ON NaOH and radioactivity counted [8]. Immunoaffinity purification of attachment protein

Conditioned medium obtained as described above was dialyzed against PBS and. loaded on a column containing 3.0 ml of CNBr-activated Sepharose-4B coupled to a monoclonal antibody raised against 56kDa cementum attachment protein (CAP) [15, Arzate et al., manuscript in preparation]. The column was washed with 20-30 column volumes of PBS to remove unbound proteins (the wash contained no material absorbingat 228 nm) and then eluted with 0.1 M glycine,pH 2.5 to recover bound proteins. The eluate was immediately neutralized to pH 7.0-7.4 with 1 N NaOH, concentrated and stored at -20°C. Fibroblast attachment assay

Confluent cultures of human gingival fibroblasts were labeled with 10 ~Cilml L[ssS]-methioninein methionine-free RPM1 medium overnight; the cells were trypsimzed aud ce!l attachment measured as described by McAllister et al. [ 121.Briefly, 48-wellCostar plastic plates not treated for tissue culture were added with different dilutions of attachment protein in PBS, incubated overnight at 4”C, washed and treated with 2 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin to block non-specific binding. The plates were incubatedfor 1 h with 1.5 x lo4 labeled cells and unbound cells removed by washing with PBS. Attached cells were solubilized in 1% NaDodSO, and radioactivity counted in a Packard 1500liquid scintillation counter. Plates coated with 5 pg/ml type I collagen served as positive controls, while those coated with serumfree medium were negative controls [151. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

NaDodSO,-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed in 12.5% slab gels using a HoeRer SE 250 minigel apparatus, as described by Nakae et al. [ 131. tern


After electrophoresis proteins were electroblotted on to a PVDF membrane using a


Bio-Rad transblot cell and proteins vistuaiized by staining with Ponceau branes were washed, blocked with 5% nonfat dry milk (blotto) for 1 h and then incubated for 1 h at room temperature with 1:lOOOdiluted primary antibodies (antiCAP monoclonal antibody or anti-BSP polyclonal antibody) in blotto. The membranes were washed for 30 min in blotto, and then incubated with 1:lOOOdiluted horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (goat-anti-mouse or goatanti-rabbit IgG, respectively) for 1 h at room temperature. The membranes were washed with blotto and developed with diamino-benzidine. Labeling of cells Cultures in 75-cm2 flasks were preincubated in serum-free IN-medium leucine, glycine and proline for 1 h and then p yCi/ml of each of G[4,5-3 ter the labeling, cells were subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography. placed with fresh medium containin nonradioactive leucine, glycine and proline.


Protein Protein concentrations were determined with a Bio-Rad protein assay kit by the Bradford assay using bovine serum albumin as standard [24].


Cultures were established from cells obtained from explants of the cementum tumor in medium containing 10% FM. These cells initially manifested fibroblastic morphology (Fig. la). owever, after 4 to 5 passages (1:2 split) they assumed a distinctly different morphology. They were broad, flattened, compact and multipolar, especially when they reached confluency (Pig. lb). After 6 to 8 weeks in culture, *..* . _. -~--a;~= 1:l-n r4r~anhrre.2 rsrpfp p&-&an) (Fig. they became stratrtrea (rig. ic), and ~.WLUIPI~~~ Jclu’ccu.~v ..__.. _,______ Id). At this time their growth rate slackened, therefore the cells were subsequently maintained in the presence of 15% FBS and 3% bovine pituitary extract. The cells are being grown and maintained currently in this medium and they have also been stored frozen. Because these cells were obtained from a cementifying tumor, we first examined whether they manifest any osteoblast-like characteristics. Three experiments were done and gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts were compared as controls. In the first experiment, cultures were examined histochemically for the production of alkaline phosphatase. The results showed that all the cementum tumor cells exhibited intense alkaline phosphatase activity, and staining was present around the cell membrane and nuclei (Pig. 2a). In contrast, gingival fibroblasts did not stain for this enzyme (Fig. 2b). Periodontal ligament cells were also positive, but staining was not as intense as the cementum tumor cells (not shown). In the second experiment, the cells were immunostained with an antibody to BSP. The cementum cells

. 1. Morphology of cultured human cementum tumor cells. At early transfers the cells had a fibroblastic morphology (a). They became multipolar at transfer 4-5 (b) and stratlfied when confluencywas reached (c). Network-likestructures were also present (d). Bar, 20lm.

Fig. 2. Histological staining for alkaline phosphatase of (a) cementum cells and (b) human gingival fibroblasts.Bar, 20pm.

Fig. 3. Immunostaining of cementum cells (a) and gingival fibroblasts (b) with an antibody to bone sialoprotein. Bar, 20ym.

manifested intense staining by this antibody and staining was detected over the cell owev2r, the gingival fibroblasts were negative (Fig. 3b). ern blots revealed that conditioned mediu of cementum cells, but not gingival and periodontal fibroblasts, contained sever cross-reacting bands with -110-120, 70-75, 45 and 31 kDa protein bands cross-reacting with anti-B!?@antibody (data not shown). The cells were also incubated with /3-glycero dexamethasone and ascorbic acid for 30 days [25]; on staining with A , mineralization was detected in cultures of cementum cells, but not gingival or periodontal hgament fibroblasts (Fig. 4). The cementum cell cultures were also immunostained with a battery of antibodwever, no significant ies to determine whether they contain other cell types. munostaining was detectable for antibody to factor V which is specific for dothelial cells [26], or for epithelial-cell-specific anti-cytokeratin antibodies [27]. They stained positively with smooth-muscle-cell-specific antibody F-35 [21].

Fig. 4. Mineralization of cultured cementum cells and gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Cells in 35mm plates were incubated for 30 days with 10 mM p-glycerophosphate, lo-’ M dexamethasone and 35 mM ascorbic acid and then stained with Alizarin Red as described in [25]. (a) cementum cells; (b) periodontal ligament fibroblasts;(c) gingival tibroblasts. Bar, 0.5 cm.


Table 1 Mitogenic activity of heparin fractions of conditioned medium obtained from cementum tumor cells Fraction

Unbound 0.5 M NaCl 1.OM NaCl 2,OMN&l


Mitogenic activity (corn x 10-3)a


13.4 + 4.6 13.7 Lb3.6 11.7 f 4.1 15.7 14.9

25.3 26.0 20.9 31.0

24 (19 f 8) 26 (29 !I 3) 20 (21 I 6) 30 (34 + 14)

n [3Hj-thymidincuptake x 1W3;cpm for serum-freemedium (negative control) was 3.3 a: 1,l x 10m3. b Data in parenthesis are mean $ SD for four different separations.

They were also strongly positive when stained with anti-type I and type V collagen antibodies (not shown). Production of cementurn-derived growth factor (CGF)

Cementurn has been shown to contain a 23”kDa growth factor; this growth factor, CGF, appears to be different from other factors and it is not present in dentin or soft periodontal tissues [8,13]. We examined whether cementum tumor cells produce and secrete CGF. Conditioned medium from cells was mitogenic to human gingival fibroblasts and activity was partially inhibited by 2SN232, a monoclonal antibody raised against the CGF. This indicated the presence of CGF in the medium (data not shown); therefore, the medium was subjected to heparin-affinity chromatography to separate CGF and other mitogens [ 13,281.The results showed that 29 + 3% of loaded activity was present in the 0.5 M fraction and 21 + 6 and 34 f 14% in 1.0 and 2.0 M eluates, respectively(n = 4 preparations).The remainingactivity(19 f ) was presentin the unboundfraction(Table 1). The 1.0 M and 2.0 M NaCl fractions were shown to represent acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors (a- and bFGF), respectively [13,28], therefore they were not processed further. Because

Table 2 Action of anti-PDGF and anti-CGF antibodies on mitogenic activity of 0.5 M NaCl heparin fraction Mitogen None 0.5 M fraction 0.5 M fraction 0.5 M fraction 10% FBS a Mean f SD of triplicates. b 2SN232.


anti-PDGF anti-CGFb

cpm X 1O-3a


3.4 * 0.2 33.0 k 4.4 22.5 f 2.7 21.5 AI4.7 49.8 zk26.5

100 65 61


Fig. 5. Dot-blot assay of heparin fractionsof conditioned medium obtained from cementum tumor cells for CGF. Proteins on nitrocellulose were first incubated with monoclonal antibody 2SN232 and then with 12SI-rabbit antimouse IgM+IgG and visualized by fluorography. (a): I, unbound; 20.2 M NaCl eluate; 3,0.6 M eluatc; 4,2.0 M eluate. (b) Increasingconcentrations of authentic CGF. (c): 1, P 5O~llO%~FBS; 3,200 ng PDGF; 4,200 ng EGF.

are eluted by Cl.5 NaCl under the conditions used [13,28], this fraction was examined for the presence of these growth factors by antibody inhibition of mitogenic activity. Results showed that both 2SN232and anti-P tibodies removed 39 and 35% of mitogenic activity, indicating both CGF a were present (Table 2). To confirm the presence of CGF, the fraction was blotted on a nitrocellulose membra treated with 2SN232 antibody and then with 1251-labeled rabbit-anti-mouse (I ), Autoradiography revealed that the 0.5 NaCl fraction, but none of the otiier fractions, contained CGF (Fig. 5). Production of attachment protein

Conditioned medium was also examined for production of a fibroblast attachment protein which has been identified in cementum. This protein (CAP) is a 56-k molecule [15] and a monoclonal antibody raised agai turn, but not other tissues [Arzate et al., manuscript su were done. In the first experiment immunostaining by examined. The cementum cells stained positively and staining was present principally on the cell surface (Pig. 6a). In contrast, gin ival fibroblasts (and periodontal

Flg. 6. Immunostaining of cementum cells (a) and human gingival fibroblasts (b) with antibody raised against CAP. Bar, 20/cm.


Pig, 7, Fibroblast attachment by immunoaffinity-purified conditioned medium from cementum tumor cells using a column of a monoclonal antibody raised against CAP. 100 ml medium was used for purification and concentrated to 50@. Activity at different dilutions of the concentrate is shown.

ligament fibroblasts) used as controls were negative (Fig. 6b). In the second experiment, conditioned medium obtained from cementum tumor cells was subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography using the antibody coupled to Sepharose 4B, as described in the Methods. The bound proteins promoted the attachment of fibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 7). NaDodSQ-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that the bound fraction contained very little material other

. 8. NaDodSO,-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunoaffinity-purified CAP fraction. (a): CAP fraction, Coomassie Blue stained. (b): Western blots; lane 1: CAP fraction, anti-CAP antibody; lane 2: CAP fraction, anti-BSP antibody; lane 3: human serum; anti-CAP antibody. The arrows from top to bottom indicate the migration of 68-kDa, 44-kDa, 22-kDa and 145kDa protein standards.

Fig. 9. Fluorography of metabolically labeled proteins obtained from cementum cells. (a) After 2-h pulse.Confluentculturesin X-cm* CPasks were pulse-labeled with [3 ]-leucine, glycine and -proline as described in the Methods. (b) After cold chase in the presence of cycloheximide and unlabeled amino acids for 1 h. Both cells and medium were subjected to immunoaffinitychromatography and NaDodSQ,polyacrylamide gel electraphsresis as described in the Methods.

than a 56-kDa protein component (Pig. 8a). stern blots revealed that the fraction contained 56-kDa and 43-kDa bands as major components lane 1). Additional bands with 39 k a were also visible, altho nor species. Human serum did not ss-react wtth the antibody (lane 3)) and conditioned medium fr fibroblasts processe through the antibody colu had no cross-reacting bands (data not sh . To rule out whether t resent BSP, the fraction was subjected to estern blots using anti however, it was negative (lane 2). E riments were performed to determine whether the protein bands detected by the estern blots are related. Cells were beled with radioactive amino acids as described in the

Table 3

Comparison of properties of cementum tumor cells with gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts Property -Morphology BSP Collagensb Cytokeratins Factor VIII SM-actinc CGF CAP

Cementum cell

Gingival fibroblast

Periodontal fibroblast

bones + +

fibroblast +

fibroblast + +



+ + +

a Fibroblasticduring early passages. b Types I and V. EBy immunostainingwith antibody HHF-35. ND: not done.

26 separated by immunoaffinity chromatography and NaDodSQ,-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fluorography of gels revealed that in pulse-labeled cells a band migrating near the origin and another 43-kDa protein were major components, and in addition 56-kDa, 31-kDa and 26-kDa bands were present as minor components (Fig. 9, lane a). However, after cold chase in the presence of cycloheximide, the 43kDa protein was absent and the 56kDa species became prominent. The 26-kDa band became more intense and a new 39-kDa protein appeared. The protein near the origin and the 31-kDa species remained unaffected (Fig. 9, lane b). The former appeared to have been retained nonspecifically by the antibody column because immunoaffinity-purified cementum extracts contained a protein band near the origin which cross-reacted with non-immune mouse serum (not shown). The properties of cementum tumor cells and gingival and periodontal ligament fibrobladts are summarized in Table 3.

iscussion Cementurn is associated with two cell types, the cementoblasts and cementocytes. Of these, only the cementoblasts are metabolically active; they are responsible for synthesizing cementoid matrix, while the cementocytes are relatively inactive. The cementobiasts are believed to originate from precursor cells present in the endosteal spaces of alveolar bone; these cells appear to migrate toward the dentin matrix and differentiate into cementoblasts once they contact the latter [16-18,291. Even though cells from other bones have been shown to form cementum-like structure [ 16,181,so far it has not been possible to culture and study cementoblasts in culture. We have cultured and propagated cells obtained from a human cementum tumor. These cells are not epithelial or endothelial cells based on immunostaining by celltype-specific antibodies. Although they stained positively with HHF-35, an antibody specificfor smooth muscle cells, these may not be smooth muscle cells because non-smooth muscle cells including fibroblasts are induced to express muscle actin when grown in culture [21, AM Gown, personal communication]. However, we did not immunostain cementum tissues to examine whether HHF-35 positive cells are present. The cells manifested flattened and stratified morphology with networklike structures typical of human bone cells [30]. They produced type I and V collagens similar to fibroblasts, however their other properties indicate that they are not fibroblasts. For example, unlike the latter they are alkaline-phosphatase positive, they synthesize BSP and mineralize in vitro, and these properties together are strongly suggestive of the osteoblast-like nature of the cementum cells. Even though cultures of periodontal ligament fibroblasts also contain alkaline-phosphatase-positive cells [31,32], these cells, unlike the tumor cells, are typically fibroblastic in morphology and other properties. While data strongly indicate that the cementum cells manifest osteoblast-like features, we did not characterize them further as osteoblasts because our primary objective was to determine whether they express cementum phenotype. Interestingly, during early passages cultures of these cells manifested fibroblastic morphology; whether the change in morphology

27 is due to a transformation of cellular phenotype during passage or due to selective growth of osteoblast-like cells is not clear. More importantly, the cultured cementum cells produce two cementum proteins, CGF and CAP. The CGF is a 23-kDa protein which is present in cementurn and it is not detectable in gingiva or periodontal ligament [8,13]. The CGF produced by the tumor cells was characterized by chromatographic properties and by cross-reactivity with a monoclonal antibody to bovine CGF [13, Yonemura et al., manuscript submitted]. In addition to the CGF, the cementum cells also produce PDGF, FGF and other growth factors, and their proportion resembles alveolar bone rather than cementum [13,28]. For example, PDGF is not detectable and Ps are minor comnents in alveolar F and FGFs are major co ponents in cementurn, while PD and other bones [13,28, Yonemura et al., manuscript submitted], duction of significant quantities of CGF indicates that the cultured display both bone and cementum phenotypes. Several possibilities can give rise to these results. For example, these cells were derived from a tumor and tumor cells are known to produce several growth factors. The culture may contain a mixture of cells representing cementum as well as other phenotypes. Alternatively, these cells may manifest features of cementoblast progenitor cells which are reside in the alveolar bone. Nevertheless, synthesis and secretion of CG protein which appears to be localized in cementum but not in other tissues [ 15, Arzate et al., manuscript in preparation], indicates that we have cultured putative cementum cells capable of synthesizing cementum proteins. Western blots revealed several protein bands cross-reacting with the anti-CAP antibody. The 56-kDa and 43-kDa components were the major species, while additional bands with 39-kDa and 26-kDa were also present, although barely visible. Based on cross-reactivity with antibodies, we have previously observed that these proteins do not cross-react with antibadies to rat osteopontin or human [ 12,151. Immunoaffinity-purified protein obtained from human cementum extracts were also negative in Westerns using polyclonal anti-porcine osteopontin which crossreacts with human species (J Sodek, personal communication). Pulse-chase studies indicate that these proteins are possibly derived from a common precursor of 43kDa, presumably by one or more posttranslational processing mechanisms such as glycosylation, sulfation, phosphorylation or proteolysis. Although osteo also synthesized in 44 kDa, 55 kDa and possibly other sizes [33,34], the 43tein produced by cementum tumor cells does not appear to be osteopontin because thrombin does not generate 26-kDa peptides from 43- and 56.kDa proteins (data not shown), and while osteopontin is present in most calcified structures, CAP is restricted to cementum [Arzate et al., manu ipt submitted]. Interestingly, 43- and 56-kDa bands are major species in estern blots, additional band by fluorography were either minor species or not detectable; the reasons for this are and osteopontin are different pronot known. While these data indicate that C AP may be a variant of osteopontin teins, they do not rule out the possibili formed by differential splicing of its m A and/or differences in posttranslational processing such as glycosylation, phosphorylation and sulphation. Irrespective of their origin and phenotype, we believe that the cultured cemen-

28 turn tumor cells will be useful for at least three purposes. First, they could be used to obtain sufficient quantities of biologically active cementum components as this has been difficult so far due to the paucity of cementum in human teeth and laborious dissection procedures necessary. Second, the cells could be used to study the biosynthesis and processing of CAP and other cementum proteins. Third, early cementogenesis is believed to involve deposition of extracelhtlar matrix produced by Hertwig’sepithelial root sheath (HERS) cells on dentin, disruption of the HERS, migration and attachment of ectomesenchymal cells from dental follicle on to the matrix, their differentiation into cemeutoblasts and laying down of cementum [35]. Recent S cells may induce cementowork has demonstrated that gene products of genesis, and that these cells synthesize 72-kDa and 26-kDa intermediate cementum proteins and possibly osteopontin [35,36]. In adult cementurn, maturation of cementoblasts involves the directed migration of cementum progenitor cells, their adhesion to matrix and subsequent differentiation [18,29]. The cementum cells described here can serve as an in vitro model to examine these processes and to study how cementum formation and differentiation are regulated.


This work was supported by NIH grant DE-08229. We thank Drs. Larry Fisher and Allen Gown for their generous gift of antibodies. The assistance of Xidong Li in harvesting cemeutum is highly appreciated.

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Isolation of human tumor cells that produce cementum proteins in culture.

We have cultured cells from explants of a human cementum tumor. The cells obtained were multipolar, they formed network-like structures and they were ...
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