Is it correct to correct? Developmental milestones in 555 "normal" preterm infants c o m p a r e d with term infants Lya Den O u d e n , MD, M o n i q u e Rijken, MD, Ronald Brand, PhD, S. Pauline V e r l o o v e - V a n h o r i c k , MD, Phb, a n d Jan H. Ruys, MD, PhD From the Department of Pediatrics and Department of Medical Statistics, University Hospital, Leiden, The Netherlands To determine whether correction for preterm birth should be applied during developmental assessment, we conducted a prospective national survey of very premature infants (born at

Is it correct to correct? Developmental milestones in 555 "normal" preterm infants compared with term infants.

To determine whether correction for preterm birth should be applied during developmental assessment, we conducted a prospective national survey of ver...
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