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Copyright © 2015 by the American Thoracic Society


Intraindividual Response to Treatment with Pirfenidone in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis To the Editor: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, fibrosing interstitial pneumonia with an extremely poor prognosis (1–4). Pirfenidone, an orally available, antifibrotic drug, has recently been shown to slow down the loss of FVC and to improve survival in patients with IPF (5–7). However, there is currently no knowledge with regard to intraindividual changes in response to this treatment. We conducted a retrospective analysis of treatment-elicited changes in lung function and gas exchange in two independent IPF cohorts in Giessen, Germany (n = 84), and Turin, Italy (n = 113). In addition, FVC data from 100 consecutive patients with IPF from the prepirfenidone era were used to validate the methodological approach (control group). This letter summarizes our key observations. Diagnosis of IPF was made in accordance with the guidelines (2); baseline characteristics of the patients are summarized in Table 1. All patients in whom treatment with pirfenidone had been initiated between July 2010 and August 2013 and who received at least a single dose of pirfenidone were included. Next to FVC, total lung capacity (TLC), diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide (DLCO), and oxygenation after Horowitz, adverse effects, complaints, and concomitant therapies, including bronchodilator use, were recorded. Some of the results of these studies have been previously reported in the form of an abstract (8). In the control cohort, the FVC slope did not change in response to a random setting of baseline (generalized linear method [GLM], SAS 9.3; see online supplement). In contrast, the annual decline in FVC, being 27.0 6 1.8% or 248.1 6 199.3 ml per year before treatment in the combined IPF cohorts (n = 197), was significantly (P , 0.0001) decreased under pirfenidone (12.7 6 3.6% or 151.4 6 351.4 ml per year; see online supplement), as was TLC (P = 0.0015), DLCO (P , 0.0001) and oxygenation after Horowitz (P , 0.0001; see online supplement). In a more restricted approach (per protocol analysis, n = 147), we included only patients with more than three pulmonary function tests before/after treatment, an observation period of more than 6 months before pirfenidone, and an intraindividual FVC slope calculation (GLM, SAS 9.3). In this cohort, the overall response was comparable to the global population analysis. A striking therapeutic effect of pirfenidone was encountered especially in progressive IPF: Whereas stable patients (n = 71; decline of FVC < 10% per annum) remained stable under therapy, the progressive patients (n = 76; decline of FVC . 10% per annum) did profit substantially from pirfenidone, resulting even in an improvement of FVC (292 6 185 ml per annum; Figure 1, left). Supported by the German Center for Lung Research (Deutsches Zentrum fur ¨ Lungenforschung). In addition, a first draft of this manuscript was provided by nspm ltd, Meggen, Switzerland, with financial support from InterMune Deutschland GmbH. This letter has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issue’s table of contents at

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 191 Number 1 | January 1 2015

CORRESPONDENCE Table 1. Demographics, Diagnosis, and Treatment Information

Parameter Age, yr Body mass index, kg/m2 Weight, kg Sex, n (%) Male Smoking status at baseline, n (%) Never-smoker Ex-smoker Current smoker Pack-years, yr Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis comedication, n (%) Corticosteroids NAC Corticosteroids/NAC None Bronchodilators Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis surgical lung biopsy, n (%) Lung function at baseline FVC, % predicted FVC, L DLCO, % predicted Time until diagnosis, mo Time between diagnosis and pirfenidone initiation, mo Duration of pirfenidone treatment, mo

Cohort Turin (N = 113)

Cohort Giessen (N = 84)

Total (N = 197)

71.5 6 0.6 28.2 6 0.5 n/a

67.6 6 1.0 27.3 6 0.5 81.7 6 1.7

69.8 6 0.6 27.7 6 0.4

74 (65.5)

66 (78.6)

140 (71.0)

Turin vs. Giessen (P Value) 0.001 0.217

Control Group, No Pirfenidone (N = 100) 63.3 6 1.6 n/a n/a

0.057 72 (72.0) 0.031

38 (33.6) 75 (66.4) 0 (0.0) 30.6 6 2.7 8 6 16 83 22 31

(7.0) (5.3) (14.2) (73.5) (26.2) (27.4)

19 (22.6) 62 (73.8) 3 (3.6) 25.7 6 2.7 5 39 18 22 24 27

(6.0) (46.4) (21.4) (26.2) (21.2) (32.1)

66.6 6 19.1 2.2 6 0.8 41.6 6 14.0 21.9 6 3.0 54.5 6 4.2

63.3 6 18.5 2.5 6 0.8 38.4 6 18.9 24.9 6 6.8 41.15 6 4.9

10.2 6 5.5

10.5 6 9.0

57 (28.9) 137 (69.6) 3 (1.5) 28.2 6 1.9 13 46 35 103 46 58

(6.6) (23.3) (17.8) (52.3) (23.3) (29.4)

65.0 6 18.8 2.3 6 0.8 39.8 6 17.0 23.0 6 3.1 48.5 6 4.23 10.32 6 7.2

0.170 ,0.001

43 (43.0) 57 (57.0) 0 (0.0) 24.1 6 4 n/a

0.496 0.528

34 (34.0)

0.741 0.345 0.029 0.016 0.04

n/a n/a


Definition of abbreviations: DLCO = diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide; NAC = N-acetylcysteine. Data are mean 6 SEM unless otherwise indicated.

Finally, in an individualized analysis, we also applied the GLM analysis to the single per protocol patients for the posttreatment period (n = 97) and analyzed the intraindividual FVC data set (slope prior/post treatment) in a four-field matrix representing principle treatment scenarios: progressive prior and after therapy, progressive prior and stable after therapy, stable prior and stable after therapy, and finally, stable prior and progressive after therapy (cut-off value: FVC decline of more than 10% and also of more than 5% per annum). As evident from Figure 1 (right), the vast majority of cases were placed within the upper fields, indicating stable disease after treatment. When applying the 10% criterion, 79.3% of the patients in a progressive state before therapy were stabilized under pirfenidone treatment and were localized in the upper fields. In reverse, a minor, but not negligible, fraction of patients (20.6%) experienced disease progression when receiving pirfenidone therapy. This was similar when applying the 5% annual decline criterion. To our understanding, our data expand the current knowledge. First, in contrast to previous randomized controlled trials (9, 10), our global analysis even showed a slight increase in FVC after initiation of pirfenidone. This may be primarily based on differences in baseline characteristics, data analysis, extraction, and replacement policies; in our study, we did not impute missing values for those 30.5% of all patients stopping treatment with pirfenidone at some time during the Correspondence

observation period, nor did we set FVC as 0 in case a subject died (as had been done previously). Our patients were also older and more advanced compared with patients in previous randomized controlled trials. Of the patients in our trial, 23.4% were treated with bronchodilators before the onset of pirfenidone treatment, and no patient received pirfenidone along with bronchodilators. In line with such reasoning, the addition of age, use of bronchodilators, and sex did not improve the fit of the GLM model in the study and the control cohort. Second, an intraindividual, annual FVC decline greater than 10%, alternatively also greater than 5%, was used for stratification, as a decline of 5–10% or more is accepted as clinically meaningful (11, 12). Employing this approach, patients with a clear progression showed an even more favorable course under pirfenidone and actually improved. Such behavior reminds us of the treatment effect of imatinib in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, in whom the highest treatment effect was encountered in the subgroup of patients with the highest pulmonary vascular resistance values and, hence, the most active vascular remodeling processes (13). One may speculate that matrix deposition and dissolution take place at a much higher pace in progressive IPF. Under such conditions, blockade or a reduction of matrix production and deposition may actually result in matrix removal, provided abundant 111

CORRESPONDENCE trend FVC (yearly change) >0.3



1.8 p=0.0715



1.6 1.4

−0.05 −0.1

1.2 1.0 −0.3

0.8 0.6 0.4

Intraindividual response to treatment with pirfenidone in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

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