Interactions E. Ghigo,

of Galanin

M. Maccario,

and Arginine on Growth Hormone, Insulin Secretion in Man

E. At-vat, M.R. Valetto,

F. Valente,

M. Nicolosi,

E. Mazza,

Prolactin, V. Martina,


D. Cocchi,

and F. Camanni Galanin (GAL), a 29 amino acid neuropeptide, is known to increase both basal and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-induced growth hormone (GH) secretion while not significantly increasing prolactin (PRL) secretion in man. GAL is also endowed with an inhibiting effect on glucose-stimulated insulin release in animals, but not in man. We studied the effect of GAL (80 pmol/kg/min infused over 60 minutes) on the arginine- (ARG, 30 g infused over 30 minutes) stimulated GH, PRL, insulin, and C-peptide secretion in eight healthy volunteers (age, 20 to 30 years). GAL induced an increase of GH (GAL v saline, area under curve [AUC], mean 2 SEM: 316.5 -+ 73.9 v 93.2 + 20.9 pg/L/ h, P < .05), but failed to modify both PRL and insulin secretion. GAL enhanced the ARG-induced stimulation of both GH (1.634.1 ? 293.1 v 566.9 ? 144.0 pg/L/h, P < .02) and PRL secretion (1.541.9 ? 248.8 v 1.023.8 a 158.7 kg/L/h, P < .02). On the contrary, GAL blunted the ARG-stimulated insulin (816.3 f 87.7 v 1,322.7 f 240.9 mu/L/h, P < .05), as well as C-peptide secretion (105.1 ? 9.8 v 132.8 2 17.3 pg/L/h, P < .02). ARG administration induced a transient increase of glucose levels (P < .Ol v baseline) followed by a significant decrease (P < .05 v baseline). This latter effect was prevented by the coadministration of GAL. In conclusion, these results show that in man GAL potentiates the GH response to ARG, suggesting that these drugs act at the hypothalamic level, at least in part, via different mechanisms. The coadministration of GAL and ARG induces a marked increase of PRL secretion, although the mechanisms underlying this effect are unclear. The blunting effect of GAL on the ARG-induced insulin and C-peptide secretion suggests that this neiripeptide may also modulate p-cell secretion in man. Copyright 0 1992 by W. B. Saunders Company


T IS WELL KNOWN that arginine

(ARG) is able to induce an increase of growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and insulin levels in man.‘” On the other hand, it has been shown in man that galanin (GAL), a recently discovered 29 amino acid neuropeptideJ” stimulates GH secretion, but does not significantly increase PRL secretion.’ GAL is also endowed with an inhibiting effect on stimulated insulin release in animals,s-‘3 but not in rnan.‘14 Although many studies have recently been performed, the mechanisms underlying the effects of both ARG and GAL on GH, PRL, and insulin secretion are still unclear. To throw further light onto these mechanisms, we studied the interactions of GAL and ARG on GH, PRL, insulin and C-peptide secretion in normal adult volunteers.

(Sorin) for determination of PRL. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.5 kg/L. The interassay and intraassay coefficients of variation were 6.5% and 2.5%, respectively. (3) INSIK-5 (Sorin) for determination of insulin. The sensitivity of the assay was 2.5 2 0.27 mu/L. The interassay and intraassay coefficients of variation were between 6.2% and 10.8% and between 5.5% and 10.6%, respectively. (4) C-Peptide kit (Ares-Serono) for determination of C-peptide. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.1 p,g/L. The interassay and intraassay coefficients of variation were between 8.7% and 11.6% and between 3.9% and 7.6%, respectively. Plasma glucose was measured by a glucose-oxidase method (Beckman II glucose analyzer, Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto, CA). All responses were expressed either as absolute values or as areas under curve (AUC), calculated by trapezoidal integration. Results were expressed as mean f SEM. Statistical analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS Eight healthy female volunteers

(age, 25 to 32 years), were studied in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. All gave their informed consent to the study. All subjects underwent four tests in random order and at least 2 to 3 days apart: (1) ARG (arginine chlorydrate, Damor, Naples, Italy; 30 g in 100 mL infused over 30 minutes from 0 to +30 minutes); (2) GAL (Bachem, Bubendorf, Switzerland, 80 pmol/kg/ min infused over 60 minutes from 0 to +60 minutes); (3) ARG + GAL; (4) 0.9% saline infusion from 0 to +60 minutes. All tests were begun between 8:30 and 9:00 AM after an overnight fast and 30 minutes after cannulation of two cubital veins, kept patent by slow infusion of 0.9% saline. Blood samples were taken basally at - 15 and 0 minutes and then at 5,15,30,45,60,75,90,105, and 120 minutes. At each time, serum GH, PRL, insulin, C-peptide, and plasma glucose were assayed in duplicate. All samples from an individual subject were analyzed together. Serum GH, PRL, insulin, and plasma C-peptide were measured by immunoradiometric assay using reagents provided by Sorin, Saluggia, Italy or Ares-Serono, Milan, Italy. The following kits were used: (1) HGH-CTK-IRMA (Sorin) for determination of GH. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.03 kg/L. The interassay and intraassay coefficients of variation were between 2.3% and 5.5% and between 1.9% and 3.9%, respectively. (2) PROL-CTK-IRMA Metabolism, Vol41,

No 1

(January), 1992: pp 85-89


Growth Hormone

Basal GH levels did not significantly vary in different tests. When administered alone, ARG (AUC, 566.9 2 144.0 hg/L/h) and GAL (316.5 2 73.9 kg/L/h) induced a similar GH increase, which was higher than that which occurred during saline infusion (93.3 2 20.9 kg/L/h). The GH response to coadministration of ARG and GAL (1,634.l + 293.0 kg/L/h) was significantly higher (P < .02) than that after ARG or GAL alone, and even higher (P < .02) than that obtained by the sum of the GH responses to ARG and GAL, thus representing a true potentiating effect (Fig 1).

From the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Pathophysiology, University of Turin; and the Biophannacology Depatiment, University of Bari, Italy. Address reprint requests to Professor F. Camanni, Division of Emiocrinology, Ospedale Molinette, Corso Polonia 14, 10126 Torino, Italy Copyright 0 1992 by W. B. Saunders Company 0026-0495/92/4101-0015$03.00/O




Prolactin Basal PRL levels did not significantly vary in different tests. ARG administration induced a significant increase of PRL secretion with respect to saline (LO23.8 ? 158.7 v 566.0 2 98.5 kg/L/h, P < .02), while GAL administration failed to do so (713.9 -t 98.0 kg/L/h). Coadministration of ARG and GAL induced a marked increase of PRL secretion (1541.9 2 248.8 pg/L/h), which was significantly higher (P < .02) than that observed during infusion of ARG or GAL alone (Fig 2). Insulin Basal insulin levels did not significantly vary in different tests. ARG administration induced a marked increase of insulin secretion with respect to saline (1,322.7 + 240.9 v 472.5 + 60.9 mu/L/h, P < .02), while GAL administration failed to do so (476.6 of-85.9 mu/L/h). Insulin response to ARG was significantly blunted (P < .05) by GAL coadministration (816.3 t 87.7 mu/L/h) (Fig 3A). C-Peptide Basal C-peptide levels did not significantly vary in different tests. ARG administration induced a marked increase of C-peptide secretion with respect to saline (132.8 * 17.3 v 57.7 ? 7.4 kg/L/h, P < .02), while GAL administration failed to do so (64.8 * 6.3 pg/L/h). C-peptide response to ARG was significantly blunted by GAL coadministration (105.1 ? 9.8 kg/L/h, P < .02) (Fig 3B). Glucose Plasma glucose levels were not modified during saline or GAL infusion. Arginine induced a transient increase of plasma glucose levels at 15 and 30 minutes (P < .Ol v baseline), which was not affected by GAL coadministration. The increase in plasma glucose after ARG administration was followed by a significant decrease (P < .05 at 75

minutes v baseline), tration (Fig 4).

which was blunted

by GAL coadminis-

Side Effects GAL induced a bitter taste in all subjects. were observed after arginine administration.

No side effects


The present results show that in man, GAL, a 29 amino acid neuropeptide, clearly enhances both GH and PRL responses to ARG. Moreover, our data demonstrate that GAL is able to blunt the ARG-induced insulin and C-peptide release. The mechanisms underlying the effects of GAL and ARG on hormonal secretion are still unclear. Concerning GH secretion, there is evidence favoring the hypothesis that GAL positively influences somatotrope secretion by acting at the hypothalamic level both increasing growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and reducing somatostatin (SS) release. In fact, GAL: (1) does not stimulate GH secretion by acting directly at the pituitary level,“~” although this has not been uniformly found”‘; (2) induces a clear-cut GH increase, which in rat is prevented by both anti-GHRH serum and inhibitors of hypothalamic norepinephrine and epinephrine biosynthesis,‘h-‘x thus suggesting that its GH-releasing effect is being mediated by adrenergic receptors causing GHRH stimulation”; (3) enhances the GH response to maximal doses of GHRH in man22.23and counteracts the inhibitory effect of both chohnergic antagonistsz4.” and glucose on GH secretion,‘4 thus suggesting that the GH-releasing effect of GAL is, at least partially, mediated by inhibition of endogenous SS release. In agreement with the latter hypothesis, an inhibitory effect of GAL on SS release has been shown in animals6 On the other hand, there is evidence suggesting that the GH-releasing effect of ARG is likely mediated by inhibition of SS release.‘6~z” In fact, ARG fails to influence both basal

Saline Galanin Arginine m A Arginine + Galanin M

t -15

11 0



15 30 45



1 75

( min )


90 105120

Fig 1. Mean + SEM serum GH response ewvas and AUCr after saline, GAL, ARG, and ARG plus GAL infusion in eight normal subjects.





Saline Galanin = Arginine : A Arginine + Galanin E


Fig 2. Mean k SEM serum PRL response curves and AUCs after saline, GAL, ARG, and ARG plus GAL infusion in eight normal sub-

1 -15






30 45 60 75 90105120 Time (min)


60. 0









A Arginine + Galanin m

2 5 _ E 4o




-100 -80

r 3 c)



= %



- A0

OL i -












lrme (mm)



105 120

z -

Fig 3. Mean + SEM serum insulin (A) and C-peptide (8) response curves and AUCs after saline, GAL, ARG, and ARG plus GAL infusion in eight normal subjects.





l 9ahin 0 Arginino ~Afdnim+Wn

I -15







1 60 75 rim0 ( min )

, 90



Fig 4. Mean k SEM plasma glucose response curves after saline, GAL, ARG, and ARG plus GAL infusion in eight normal subjects.

and GHRH-stimulated GH release from rat anterior pituitaries in vitro,26 while in man this amino acid potentiates the GH response to maximal doses of GHRHz6.” even reinstating it when inhibited by a previous GHRH administration.29 Our demonstration that combined administration of GAL and ARG has a potentiating effect on GH secretion suggests that these compounds, in man, positively influence GH secretion at least partially by acting via different mechanisms, ie, stimulation of GHRH and inhibition of SS, respectively. This hypothesis seems to disagree with our previous data3’ showing that pyridostigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor acting via suppression of hypothalamic SS,” failed to modify both GAL- and ARG-induced GH secretion. Based on those findings, we suggested that all these drugs may act via a common mechanism, ie, by an inhibition of hypothalamic somatostatinergic tone, and thus one would expect no additive effect of pyridostigmine with GAL or ARG coadministration. This discrepancy might be due to different kinds of subjects studied, normal adults (present data) or children3’ considering an age-dependent different mode of neuroendocrine controL3* On the other hand, it has to be considered that there are data showing an

inhibitory effect of GAL on acetylcholine release in the central nervous system.“” Based on this latter evidence, one would assume that in our previous experiments pyridostigmine failed to modify GH secretion induced by GAL because acetylcholine release had been blocked by this neuropeptide. Considering PRL secretion, the mechanisms by which both GAL and ARG influence the release of this hormone are even less clear. A significant PRL-releasing effect of GAL was previously shown in animals.‘s~2” but not in man.’ In the present study, a significant increase of PRL secretion was not found after administration of GAL, despite the high dose used, while the neuropeptide greatly increased the ARG-induced PRL response. The positive influence of GAL on PRL secretion may be presumed to be exerted directly on lactotropes.“.3’.3h At this level, the presence of specific receptors has been shown in animals.3s~“” Moreover, anterior pituitary cells synthesize and secrete GAL, which may act by an autocrine mechanism amplified by estrogens.~‘,“h,‘X.‘” The effect of GAL on PRL secretion may also be related to changes in the hypothalamic balance of releasing and inhibiting factors. In fact. GAL has an inhibitory effect on dopamine release at the median eminence.” Moreover, passive immunization with specific anti-vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) rabbit serum suppresses the plasma PRL response to GAL in rats.j’ To our knowledge, there are no data in the literature to explain the PRL-releasing effect of ARG and, therefore. the real meaning of its interaction with GAL. Further studies are needed to evaluate this problem. Concerning insulin secretion, a striking inhibitory effect of GAL on both basal and stimulated p-cell secretion has been widely shown in animals both in vitro and in viva.‘.‘” On the other hand, GAL failed to modify serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to intravenous glucose tolerance tests in man.” thus ruling out the possibility of a major role of GAL in regulating insulin secretion in humans. Our present data showing the blunting effect of GAL on the ARG-induced insulin and C-peptide release suggest that even in man GAL may negatively modulate p-cell secretion, in agreement with the finding of specificGAL receptors in the islets.h.4’-44A direct effect on f3 cells has also been shown for ARG.“.” Interestingly, the negative modulatory effect of GAL on insulin secretion seems to be confirmed by the finding that this neuropeptide blunted the ARG-induced plasma glucose decrease.

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Interactions of galanin and arginine on growth hormone, prolactin, and insulin secretion in man.

Galanin (GAL), a 29 amino acid neuropeptide, is known to increase both basal and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-induced growth hormone (GH) s...
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