Journal of Neurobnmunology, 40 (1992) 197-210


,~ 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0165-5728/92/$05.00 JNI 90008

Inflammatory mediators in demyelinating disorders of the CNS and PNS H a n s - P e t e r Hartung ~, Stefan Jung a, Guido Stoll b, Jiirgen Zielasek ", Beate Schmidt ~, Juan J. Archelos a and Klaus V. Toyka a '~Department of Neurology, Julius-Maximilians-Unit,ersitiit, Wiirzburg, German),, and h Department of Neurology, Unicersity of Diisseldo~ Diisseldo~ German)'

Key words: Inflammatory demyelination; Central nervous system: Peripheral nervous system; Multiple sclerosis; Guil[ain-Barr6 syndrome; Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; Experimental autoimmune neuritis; Effector molecule

Summary Work in both experimental models and human disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system has delineated multiple effector mechanisms that operate to produce inflammatory demyelination. The role of various soluble inflammatory mediators generated and released by both blood-borne and resident cells in this process will be reviewed. Cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-I, interferon (IFN)-y, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a are pivotal in orchestrating immune and inflammatory cell-cell interactions and represent potentially noxious molecules to the myelin sheath, Schwann cells, and/or oligodendrocytes. Arachidonic acid metabolites, synthesized by and liberated from astrocytes, microglial cells and macrophages, are intimately involved in the inflammatory process by enhancing vascular permeability, providing chemotactic signals and modulating inflammatory cell activities. Reactive oxygen species can damage myelin by lipid peroxidation and may be cytotoxic to myelin-producing cells. They are released from macrophages and mieroglial cells in response to inflammatory cytokines. Activation of complement yields a number of inflammatory mediators and results in the assembly of the membrane attack complex that inserts into the meylin sheath-creating pores. Activated complement may contribute both to functional disturbance of neural impulse propagation, and to full-blown demyelination. Proteases, abundantly present at inflammatory loci, can degrade myelin. Vasoactive amines may play an important role in breaching of the blood-brain/blood-nerve barrier. The importance of nitric oxide metabolites in inflammatory demyelination merits investigation. A better understanding of the multiple effector mechanisms operating in inflammatory demyelination may help to devise more efficacious antigen non-specific therapy.

Introduction Correspondence to: H.-P. Hartung, Department of Neurology, Julius-Maximilians-Universit~it, Josef-Schneider-Strasse 11, 8700 Wiirzburg, Germany.

Experiments in cell cultures, immunocytochemical studies of diseased tissue obtained at biopsy or autopsy, and immunological observa-

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tions in experimental animals and in patients have recently delineated common effcctor mechanisms that operate in immunc-mediated demyelinating disorders of both the central and pcripheral nervous system (CNS, PNS). This short review attempts to summarize some of the evidence that implicates inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of expemnental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), experimcntal autoimmunc neuritis (EAN), multiple sclerosis (MS), and the Guillain-Barrd syndrome (GBS). Bloodbornc cells (T cells, m o n o c y t e s / m a c r o p h a g e s , neutrophils) invading the CNS or PNS. and activated resident cells (microglia, astrocytes, pericytes, mast cells, endothelial cells, endoneurial macrophages) can elaborate an array of potentially injurious molecules which usually act lit short range. These include reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide metabolites, eicosanoids, complement components, proteases, vasoactive amines, and cytokines (reviewed in Gallin et al., 1092: Henson and Murphy, 1989). As an example, the multiple actions of macrophages are illustrated in Fig. 1.

oxidative burst i

02 NADPH oxidase

/ OH

superoxide dismutase H202 catalase 02


Fig. 2. Oxidative bur~t. Neutrophib,. macrophage~, and nilcroglial cells are endowed with a metabolic path~ay that. upon membrane perturbation, generates reactive oxygen species from molecular oxygen. The ultimate toxin is sup posed to be OH. produced upon interaction of superoxide anion ( O , ) and h,,drogen peroxide I H ~O • ).

Reactive oxygen species Upon perturbation of their surface membranes by soluble or phagocytic stimuli, neutrophils,





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Fig. 1. Central role of macrophages. Macrophage.', and mlcroglial cells arc chief effector celb, of inflammatoo demyclination. They can generate a host of pro-inflammatory molecules. The_,,' can also exert cytotoxic activity by direct physical contact or through release of toxic bioproduct3.

m o n o c y t e s / m a c r o p h a g e s , and microglial cclls undergo a rapid increase in extramitochondrial oxygen consumption and generate toxic oxygen radicals (e.g. superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals) (Fig. 2: Colton and Gilbert, 1987; Nathan, 1987: Sonderer et al., 1987). In EAN, elevated release of ox3,'gen radicals from monocytes lind macrophages has been shown (Hartung ct al., 1988a; Stevens et al., 1990) by superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide production, and chemiluminescence. A pathogenic role was proven by pharmacological experiments in which oxygen radical scavengers (superoxide dismutase and catalase) were administered to animals at various times after induction of EAN. Both scavengers suppressed RAN when given before signs of disease were evident and greatly ameliorated the disease whet] commenced after the onset of clinical signs (Hartung et al., 1988a). In EAE. the iron-chelating agent desferrioxamine that scavenges oxygen radicals was to be found


effective in down-regulating disease activity (Willenborg et al., 1988). In canine distemper encephalitis, circulating anti-myelin antibodies from serum or CSF caused a marked secretion of reactive oxygen species in brain macrophages (Griot et al., 1989). In GBS, blood monocytes isolated early in the course of the disease generated much larger amounts of oxygen radicals in response to phorbol diester than controls (Hartung and Toyka, 1990). Reactive oxygen species can damage myelin by lipid peroxidation and have indeed been found to degrade myelin in vitro (Chia et al., 1983: Konat and Offner, 1983; Konat and Wiggins, 1985). Moreover, they can injure endothelial cells and may thereby disturb the blood-brain or bloodnerve barrier. In dog glial cell cultures exposed to xanthine/xanthine oxidase, a system capable of generating superoxide anion, a selective degeneration of oligodendrocytes was noted (Griot et al., 1990).

J nitric oxide pathway] L-arginine FB~I FAD hydroxy-L-arginine N- monomethylarginine


(?) citmlline cytotoxicity against tumor cells and parasites: pro - inflammatory? carrier molecules?

nitrite nitrate nitrosamines

guanyl!l cyclase t

Jo. t -cardiovascular actions (vasodilation) -neurotransmitter activity anterograde and retrograde) smooth muscle relaxation)

Nitric o x i d e m e t a b o l i t e s

Nitric oxide and its metabolites are generated in a L-arginine-dependent biosynthetic pathway (Fig. 3). They have recently attracted attention because of their pleiotropic properties which encompass their actions as an endothelium-derived relaxing factor and as neurotransmitters. Furthermore, they represent major defense molecules of immune cells against microbes and malignant cells (Kolb and Kolb-Bachofen, 1992). This biosynthetic pathway utilizing the NO synthase is present in macrophages. We recently investigated whether neonatal rat microglial cells can also generate nitric oxide metabolites. Upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or interferon (IFN)-7, neonatal rat microglial cells secreted nitrite (Fig. 4) (Zielasek et al., 1992). Nitric oxide production could be inhibited with NgMMA, a structural analog of the precursor amino acid L-arginine and competitive inhibitor of macrophage NO synthase. It is conceivable that microglial cells upon activation by autoreactive T lymphocytes secrete NO in vivo, which might damage myelin or nearby CNS cells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and neutrophils from

NO synthase (constitutive or inducible form)




Fig. 3. Nitric oxide pathway. Macrophages and microglial cells can generate from L-arginine: nitric oxide, nitrite, nitrate, molecules with pleiotropic effects that may engage not only in microbicidal and cytostatic action but also in inflammation. BH 4, tetrahydro-biopterin: FMN, flavin mononucleotide: FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide. 5045 4O 35

.~ 30 N 25 ~

20 15




1 G-IFN (U/ml)



Fig. 4. Nitrite production by microglial cells. Neonatal rat microglial cells were incubated in the presence of indicated concentrations of recombinant rat IFN-~, (G-IFN). Nitrite production was quantitated by the GrJess reaction after incubatkm for 48 h (cf. Zielasek et al., 1992).


rats with hyperacute EAE have recently been found to generate increased amounts of both reactive nitrogen and oxTgcn intermediates. Secretion was furthcr enhanced when these cclls were exposed to antigen-stimulated myelin basic protein-reactive T cell lines (MacMicking et al., 1992). Future studies shoul{-I determine whether inhibition of nitrite/" nitric oxide production in rive may abrogate the development of autoimmune inflammatory and demyelinating nerxous system diseases.

Eicosanoids Arachidonic acid metabolites, the prostaglandins and thromboxanes derived from the cyclooxygenase pathway and the leukotrienes and H E T E s (hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids) generated in the lipoxygenase pathway are potent inflammatol3,' mediators (Salmon and Higgs, 1987: Lewis et al., 1990). The main source of eicosanoids are macrophages. In the CNS, astrocytes and microglia are also capable of producing products of both pathways (Fontana et al., 1987; Hartung and Toyka, 1987a,b; Hartung et al., 1988b, 1989; Murphy et al., 1988). Stimuli that precipitate cicosanoid release include LPS, interleukin-1/3 and tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). Arachidonic acid derivatives are instrumental in turning on and maintaining inflammaton.,' responscs: they function as chemoattractants for neutrophils and monocytes/" macrophages, cause adherence of platelets and leukocytes to the cndothelium, enhancc vasopermeability, promote edema, thereby allowing influx of proteinaccous fluid and ingress of leukocytes which they, in turn, also stimulate to release additional compounds of pro-inflammatory potential, such as oxygen radicals and hydrolytic enzymes (Salmon and Higgs, 1987: Lewis et al., 1990). Furthermore, eicosanoids modulate functional activities of T and B lymphocytes as well as of macrophages, contributing to immunoregulation. In EAE, increased CNS levels of PGE were found (Bolton et al., 1984a,b). LTC4 and LTD4, in particular, have been demonstrated to breach the b l o o d - b r a i n barrier (cf. Hartung and Toyka, 1987b). Dual cyclooxygenase and lipoox3,'genase blockade by pharmacological corn-

pounds such a,,, BW755(" attcnuatc EAE (Simmons ct al., 1c)92L In MS, increased P(iE plt)duction by peripheral blood monocytcs cx rive ha, been noted. In one report, this was correlated with disease exacerbation, PGE release pcaking shortly betZ~re exaccrbation and dropping precipitously during full discase activity (Dorc-Duffy cl a[., 1985. 1986: Merrill et al.. 1t~89). CSF Icxcls of PGE were recorded as elevatcd in one and lox~ercd in another study, but [cukotricnc ('4 levels were not increased Ireviewcd in Hartung and Heiningcr, 1989: Merrill ct al.. 1983). Enhanced immunoreactivity for both IL-I and P(}E localizcd to astrocytes has been observed in multiple sclerosis plaques (Hofmann ct al., 198(~). Ill EAN, macrophages were noted to rclcasc increased amounts of PGE and LT(/4 (Hartung ct al., 1988c). Pharmacological inhibition of eicosanoid production suppressed or markedly attenuated disease severit$ as shown by both by clectrophysit)[og} 1t111_t histological exanlination. In these intcrventional studio,,,, administration of the pharmacological Jnhibitors of arachidonatc ccm\'cr~ion at an early stagc of L,-XN resulted in a grcatl.'y re{-luccd nunlbcr of ED1 + illacrl)phages inlilti-ating nerve. However. when drug adnlinistration \vas instituted after ttlC appearance of o\crt llCUrologlcal sign,s and electrophysiolc)gical c~idcncc of nerve dysfunction, cellular infiltrates at day 21 p.i. were pi-c,~cnt in the nerve although to a much lesser degree than fotind in .sham-treated con-

trois. The benefical cffccts of thc agents tit this stage could therefore not be solely attributed to blockade of macrophage influx into the lesion. It is likely that those macrophages prcscnt in thc nerve could no longer generatc arachidonic acid derived chemotactic signals, and hence further accumulation of cells with cnstiing amplification of inllamrnatory damage was prevented (Hartung ct al.. 1988c).

Proteases There are indications that in MS brains a number of proteases are increased in concentration with some being localized to astrocytes. Myelin injury results in proteolytic degradation of

201 MBP which can be detected in CSF (reviewed by Beyer and Whitaker, 1985). Neutral proteases can degrade myelin in vitro (Beyer and Whitaker, 1985). In one study, using freshly isolated myelin, a cooperative action of complement, plasminogen and macrophagesecreted plasminogen activator was required to initiate demyelination (Cammer et al., 1989). Since local effector cells in the CNS can synthesize all of these compounds, such a mechanism of myelin injury may be relevant to some diseases. It should be noted that myelin contains endogenous proteases that under appropriate conditions could induce MBP degradation (Beyer and Whitaker, 1985). A pathogenic role of proteases is also suggested by the efficacy of protease inhibitors to suppress EAE. Likewise, in EAN increased protease contents were found in diseased nerves (Sobue et al., 1982). Macrophage-derived neutral proteases and phospholipases have been implicated in myelin damage in vitro (Cammer et al., 1978; Trotter and Smith, 1986). Microinjection of protease K into rat sciatic nerves in situ produced inflammatory demyelination (Westland and Pollard, 1987). Treatment of EAN with protease inhibitors delayed development of the disease to some extent (Schabet et al., 1991).

Complement Upon activation, the complement system produces a number of ligands that bind to surface receptors on inflammatory cells. The terminal complement complex (TCC, also called membrane attack complex) might insert into the myelin sheath and damage cells by pore-formation. The major source of complement at inflammatory loci are macrophages, but astrocytes and microglia have also been shown to synthesize at least some components of complement (Levi-Strauss and Mallat, 1987). C9 neoantigen has been detected in the lesions of EAE, EAN, MS, and GBS (reviewed by Compston, this issue; Compston et al., 1991). Evidence for activation of the complement system has been adduced by detecting C9 consumption in CSF of MS patients, increased concentrations in plasma and CSF of the soluble membrane attack complex in MS and GBS (Fig.


HC (n-20)

GBS (n-38)

ON (n-28)

Fig. 5. Complement activationin Guillain-Barr~syndrome.To search for evidenceof complement activationin Guillain-Barrg syndrome, plasma samples were taken within 4 days of disease onset and assayed for the presence of soluble terminal complement complex (sC5b-9) by ELISA. HC. healthy controls; ON, patients with other non-inflammatory,non-demyelinating neurological disorders, n, number of patients.

5; Compston et al., 1986, 1991; Sanders et al., 1986; Koski et al., 1987, Koski, 1990) and of the low molecular mass anaphylatoxic peptides C3a and C5a in the CSF of MS and GBS patients (Hartung et al., 1987). We have found TCC deposited on the surface of Schwann cells and their myelin sheath and to some extent in the extracellular space at sites of impending demyelination before the onset of clinical signs of EAN and for a short period thereafter (Fig. 6; Stoll et al., 1990). Interestingly, no TCC immunoreactivity was seen in the distal stump of transected sciatic nerves after axotomy. This argues against nonspecific activation by macrophages which are abundantly present in Wallerian degeneration. The early transient deposition of TCC on Schwann cells and myelin sheaths before overt demyelination suggested that complement activation played a pathogenic role in the initiation of immune-mediated myelin damage. This notion was supported by the finding that complement depletion by administration of cobra venom factor delayed the onset of EAN and EAE (Feasby et al., 1987; Linington et al., 1989). The terminal complement complex is also required for de-


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Fig. 6. lmmunocytoehemical localization of the terminal complement complex (TCC) in experimental autoimmune neuritis before overt clinical disease and demyelination. Ventral roots from day 11 after immunization were stained with a polyclonal rabbit anti-C5b-9 antibody. The reaction product (arrows) is localized on the surface of myelin sheaths and myelinating Schumann cells (*) (A-E). (A) On a cross-section, the TCC-labelling predominantly appears on nerve fibers near venules (arrows) and other areas of the nerve root are spared. (B-E) Longitudinal sections. Note that single nerve fibers are labelled (arrows in B, C, E), whereas neighboring ones are not (arrowheads). Between these fibers, additionally, TCC-positive cells (open arrows) can be seen. The distribution of these cells is similar to that of W3/13-positive leukocytes as shown in (F) (arrows). Scale bar = 10 # m (from Stoll et al. (1992), with permission of the Editor).

21)3 myelination of organotypic cultures of dorsal root ganglion cells to occur when serum from GBS patients is added (Sawan-Mane et al., 1991). Oligodendrocytes underwent reversible injury upon exposure to complement in vitro. The relevance of these findings is discussed elsewhere (Compston, this issue; Compston et al., 1991). What are the mechanisms involved in complement activation and complement-mediated destruction of myelin? Apart from antibodies, a 56-kDa protein of central myelin and the PO protein of peripheral myelin can directly activate the complement system (Koski, 1990). TCC insertion into the myelin membrane opens transmembrahe pores (Shin and Carney, 1988). This might permit an influx of proteases such as those secreted by macrophages/microglia, which could then break down MBP. Transmembrane flow of calcium could activate calcium-dependent proteases, including integral myelin proteases, again with ensuing cleavage of MBP, and myelin splitting and vesiculation at the interperiod line. Transient opening of the myelin membrane may locally perturb the ionic milieu and thereby impede nerve impulse propagation. This may be one possible mechanism for transient functional disturbances encountered in MS patients. C3a, C5a and TCC stimulate phospholipase A 2 and transmethylation whereas they inhibit acyltransferase (Shin and Carney, 1987). As a consequence, eicosanoids are generated which can further amplify inflammatory responses (see above). Activation of pericellular (macrophage-, microglia-, and astrocyte-derived) complement by accessible myelin components might start a positive feedback loop resulting in potentiated mye,lin injury. These complex interactions could account for the pattern of myelin destruction, i.e. vesicular dissociation of myelin in immediate proximity to macrophages and phagocytic attack of the myelin sheath through coated pits. It should be noted in passing that macrophages could, in an antibodydependent, cell-mediated cytotoxic (ADCC) fashion, be armed via the Fc receptor with antibodies against MBP or degradation products and be guided to their target. In addition, they could interact via their C R 1 / C R 3 receptors with C3b deposited along the myelin sheath.

Vasoactive amines Vasoactive amines, histamine, serotonin, and catecholamines augment vascular permeability and promote edema. Histamine is capable of degrading myelin in vitro. On the other hand, MBP and P2 can elicit mast cell degranulation with attendant release of vasoactive amines and proteases (Johnson et al., 1988). Based on these findings and morphological studies, a role for mast cells in demyelination has been proposed (Bo et al., 1991; Dietsch and Hinrichs, 1989, 1991). The relevance of vasoactive amine-induced disruption of the blood-brain barrier is indicated by the suppression of EAE achieved with inhibitors of their release (Goldmuntz et al., 1986; Stanley et al., 1990).

Cytokines Potent inflammatory agents are interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interferon-y (IFN-y), and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-c~) (for review see Arai et al., 1990; Cerami, 1992; Nathan and Sporn, 1991). Interleukin-1 is synthesized by macrophages, microglia and astrocytes (cf. Frei, this issue). Its pleiotropic effects include chemotaxis, induction of increased adherence, enhanced vascular permeability, stimulation of the release of platelet-activating factor, and prostacyclin by endothelial cells, and of PGE and TXB2 by neutrophils, macrophages, astrocytes, and microg[ia (Hartung et al., 1989). It also increases expression of adhesion molecules on immunocompetent cells and astrocytes (Frohman et al., 1989; Loughlin et al., 1992). Injection of IL-1/3 into the rabbit eye produces full-blown inflammation in the retina (Martiney et al., 1990) IL-1 immunoreactivity was demonstrated in active MS plaques and elevated IL-1 concentrations were measured in brains of EAE rats (Hofmann et al., 1986; Fontana et al., 1987). Apparently, it is not detectable in the CSF of MS patients (Maimone et al., 1991; Tsukuda, 1991). IL-1/3 also induces TNF-c~ gene expression and production in astroglial cells (Chung and Benveniste, 1990; Bethea et al., 1992). Interferony, predominantly produced by CD4 + T lympho-


cytes of the Thl inflammatots, phenotype, also exerts a multitude of inflammatory effects. It upregulates MHC class II and ICAM expression

on macrophages, astrocytes (e.g. Fierz et al., 1985: Sun, 1991), and microglia, enhances vascular permeability and stimulates the release of oxygen



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Fig. 7. Localization of IFN-y in EAN before onset of clinical disease. 1 # m thick cryosections of rat [umbosacrat ventral roots on day 12 after immunization. Paired serial sections were stained for IFN-y with the monoclonal antibody DB-I (A, C) and for rat T cells/granulocytes with mAb W3/13 (B), respectively. Note that most cells exhibiting cytoplasmic IFN-), immunoreactivity in (A) are W 3 / 1 3 positive on their surface in (B) identifying them as T cells/granulocytes (arrowheads denote identical cells in (A) and (B). Schwann cells (arrow) were IFN-y-negative. Many IFN-y-positive cells (C) were identified as granulocytes on morphological grounds by their typical segmented nuclei in a subsequent section (D) which was solely stained with hematoxylin and eosin. All section were counterstained with hematoxylin and eosin. Scale bar = 10 # m (from Schmidt et al. (1992). with permission of the Editor).

205 radicals from macrophages. Its pathogenic role has been investigated in detail in EAN. We localized IFN-y in nerves from rats with EAN and T cell line-mediated EAN. Immunoreactivity was mainly associated with T cells and was detectable transiently prior to onset of clinical disease but not thereafter (Fig. 7; Schmidt et al., 1992). In parallel, serum levels of INF-7 transiently increased. A pathogenic role was suggested by two experiments. In one group of animals with EAN, disease severity was greatly enhanced when recombinant rat INF-7 was injected systemically with a massive increase in inflammatory infiltrates and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expression on macrophages and T ceils. Conversely, neutralization of endogenously produced IFN-7 by monoclonal antibody ameliorated disease (Strigard et al., 1989; Hartung et al., 1990). The timing of these interventions was critical corroborating the observation in situ (Fig. 7; Schmidt et al., 1992). Similarly, pharmacological blockade of IFN-7 synthesis down-regulates EAN (Tsai et al., 1991). Apart from promoting cellular influx into the nerve, IFN-y apparently also acts by inducing oxygen radical production in macrophages. Peritoneal macrophages collected from EAN animals were primed to greatly enhanced superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide release, whereas macrophages isolated from EAN rats treated with the monoclonal antibody to IFN-y had a greatly diminished capacity to generate toxic oxygen species (Hartung et al., 1990). These results stand in apparent contrast to observations made in EAE in which treatment with anti-IFN-7 monoclonal antibodies actually enhanced the disease in mice (Billiau et al., 1988; Voorthuis et al., 1990; Duong et al., 1992). This is surprising in view of the documented effects of IFN-y both in vitro and in vivo. For example, it was shown that following an intracerebral injection of IFN-7 into rat brain, lymphocytes and m o n o c y t e s / m a c r o p h a g e s were massively recruited into brain parenchyma, and MHC class I antigen expression was enhanced on endothelial and ependymal cells whereas MHC class II antigens were found to be increased on microglial, ependymal and perivascular cells throughout the hemispheres (Steiniger and van der Meide, 1988; Vass and Lassmann, 1990; Sethna and Lampson,

1991). Microinjection of IFN-7 into the lumbosacral spinal cord of rats produced severe inflammatory changes (Simmons and Willenborg, 1990). In EAE, a CD4 + suppressor cell population could be isolated from spleens of rats in the recovery phase of the disease that inhibited IFN-7 but not IL-2 production (Karpus and Swanborg, 1989). Apparently, the disturbance of a cytokine network by selective inhibition of one of multiple cytokines can yield unpredictable net results. In a longitudinal study of MS patients, a significant relation was observed between clinical attacks and changes in mitogen-driven synthesis of IFN-7 and TNF-a by peripheral blood leukocytes (Beck et al., 1988). A most telling piece of evidence implicating IFN-y in inflammatory demyelination comes from a clinical trial in which the systemic administration of IFN-y to MS patients resulted in clinical exacerbations, increased numbers of HLA-DR expressing circulating monocytes, enhanced proliferative responses of peripheral blood T cells and NK cell activity (Panitch et al., 1987). TNF-a, synthesized predominantly by macrophages but also by T cells, astrocytes and microglial cells (cf. Frei, this issue; Lieberman et al., 1989; Sawaa et al., 1989), has been linked to the inflammatory demyelinating process of EAN, EAE and MS. In EAN, we could show that TNF-a was transiently present in inflamed nerves but appeared later than IFN-y (Stoll et al., in preparation). Apart from its stimu[atory activity on mediator release from macrophages it has been shown to be myelinotoxic in organotypic cultures (Brosnan et al., 1988; Selmaj and Raine, 1988). Encephalitogenicity of autoreactive T cells has been attributed to their capacity to secrete TNF-a (Powell et al., 1990; Hershvitz et al., 1992), and direct injection of TNF-a into the spinal cord of healthy rats produced meningitis and perivascular cuffing (Simmons and Willenborg, 1990). Intraperitoneal injection of recombinant human TNF-a prolonged and worsened EAE in Lewis rats (Kuroda and Shimamoto, 1991). Antibodies to TNF-a abrogated demyelination in MBP T cell line-mediated EAE of mice. In one study, the different susceptibility of rat strains to develop EAE has been ascribed to differential TNF-a gene expression in astrocytes (Chung et al., 1991). TNF-a was identified immunocytochemically in


the lesions of MS brains (Hofmann et al., 1989: Selmaj et al., 1991a) and aberrant cytokine production by monocytes from MS patients has been reported (Merrill eta[., 1989; Rudick and Ransohoff, 19921. Increased serum and CSF concentrations of this cytokine have been noted in patients with actively progressive MS (Sharief and Hentges, 199l; Trotter et al., 1991). However, other studies had previously failed to detect significantl.v increased TNF-a' levels in serum or CSF (Gallo et al., 1989; Maimone et al., 19911. This may reflect different disease activities of patients under investigation or be due to different technologies used to measure TNF-a'. Lymphotoxin (TNF-/3) has also been implicated in the effector phase of inflammatotT demyelination. First, lymphotoxin was immunocytochemically identified in active MS plaques (Selmaj et aI., 1991b). Secondly, co-incubation of MBPreactive T cell lines with an antibody to lymphotoxin prevented disease upon transfer (Ruddle et al., 1990). The precise mechanisms underlying lymphotoxin effects are yet unknown but may involve nuclear disintegration with DNA fragmentation, i.e. apoptosis (Selmaj et al., 1991c).

Conclusions Work cited in this short review reveals that multiple effector mechanisms operate to produce functional disturbances and tissue damage in inflammato~' demyelinating processes of the CNS and PNS. Early in the course of these disorders, a number of mediators breach the blood-brain or blood-nerve barrier to permit the influx of pathogenic molecules and the migration of inflammatoo: cells from the peripheral immune compartments to the brain and the PNS. Once focussed into the lesion, these blood-borne as well as resident effector cells, upon appropriate stimulation, release additional mediators that further orchestrate cellular interactions and eventually attack oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells a n d / o r the myelin sheath to produce dysfunction and tissue injury. Unfortunately, the pathogenic role of these mediators and factors cannot always be correctly predicted. Time and sequence of action may be more important than previously

appreciated. Antigen non-specific interventions aimed at preventing an amplification of this process by interfering with the synthesis or activities of these mediators should prove useful in the treatment of the human diseases once their mode of action has been defined.

Acknowledgements Work from the authors" laboratories has been supported by grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 200, B5; Ha 1563/4-1, Bundesministerium fiir Forschung und Technologic (0l KD 9001). and the Hermann and Lilly Schilling Stiftung TSE 013/65). We are indebted to Dr. J.D. Pollard for helpful discussions and appreciate excellent secretarial assistance by Mrs. B. Goebel.

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Inflammatory mediators in demyelinating disorders of the CNS and PNS.

Work in both experimental models and human disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system has delineated multiple effector mechanisms that ope...
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