Vol. 182, No. 2, 1992 January 31, 1992












S. de Jongh*, M. Holtrop2, H. de Vries2, E.G.E. de Vries’ and N.H. Mulderl+ Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine’, and Department of Physiological Chemistry2, University of Groningen, the Netherlands Received November 19, 1991

The energy metabolism of an atypical multidrug resistant human small cell lung carcinoma cell line (GLCdADR) was studied. The glycolytic rate was 30% reduced and the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity 2-fold increased in GLC4/ADR compared to the parental sensitive line (GLQ. Although mitochondrial respiration activities were similar in both cell lines, GLC,/ADR was more sensitive to the antimitochondrial drugs doxycycline and oligomycin, while cross-resistance was observed for the glycolytic inhibitor 2deoxyglucose and for the antimitochondrial drug rhodamine-123. Continuous incubation with doxycycline induced a dramatic reduction of mitochondrial mRNAs in both cell lines, whereas a strong reduction of the nuclear-coded mRNA for subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase was induced in GLC,/ADR only. Incubation with doxycycline had an additive effect on the cytotoxicity of adriamycin in both cell lines. Thus, a form of collateral sensitivity to antimitochondrial drugs may exist in atypical multidrug resistant cell lines. m 1992 Academic Press,


In adriamycin-resistant tumor cells changes in energy metabolism can occur due to the presence of energy-depending resistance mechanisms such as an increased detoxification capacity (l-3) and the overexpression of a 170 kD P-glycoprotein with functions as an energy-dependent drug efflux pump (4,5). Both mechanisms can be involved in the so-called multidrug resistance (MDR) . *This work was supported by the Dutch Cancer Foundation, Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds, grant GUKC 86-01. OPresent address: Dept. of Genetics, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. +To whom corresDondence should be addressed at Denartment of Internal Medic&e, ‘University Hospital, Oostersinbel 59, 9713 EZ Groningen, The Netherlands. Abbreviations. MDR, multidrug resistance; G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; FCS, fetal calf serum; G6P, glucose-6phosphate; DNP, 2,4-dinitrophenol; and RCR, respiratory control ratio.


ooo6-291x/92 $1.50 Copyright 0 1992 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


182, No. 2, 1992




Therefore, we have performed studies on the energy metabolism of an adriamycinresistant cell line GLC4/ADR,

that does not overexpress the P-glycoprotein, and of its

sensitive parental cell line GLC4. In cells of this atypical MDR cell line GLCJADR


accumulation and topoisomerase II is reduced, while there are no indications of an increased free radical detoxification capacity (6-8). In order to circumvent this atypical MDR, the sensitivity to inhibitors of the energy metabolism was determined in both cell lines, since changes in the glycolytic rate or the mitochondrial activity could make GLC,/ADR


more sensitive to inhibitors of glycolysis or to inhibitors of the mitochondrial activity, respectively, compared to GLC, as was observed previously in a MDR cell line (3) as well as in other drug-resistant cell lines (9,lO). MATERIALS


Materials. Doxycycline and chloramphenicol were purchased from Sigma, oligomycin from Boehringer Mannheim, adriamycin from Farmitalia Carlo Erba, rhodaminefrom Kodak, and 2-deoxyglucose from Aldrich Chemicals. Cell Lines. GLCJADR was made resistant by stepwise increasing concentrations of adriamycin, until the cells were growing at a continuous drug level of 1.18 PM (6). Prior to experimental use, GLC,/ADR was cultured without adriamycin for 20 days, at which time the resistance factor was maximal (8). GLC4/ADR and GLC, grew in suspension culture and were cultured in RPM1 1640 medium (Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS, Flow Lab) at 37“C in a humid atmosphere with 5% COZ. Doubling times for GLC, and GLC,/ADR are 15 and 18 h, respectively (7). Cell lines were free of mycoplasma contamination as tested with Hoechst stain 33258. Lactate and ATP measurements. Exponentially growing cells were harvested and washed twice in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% dialyzed FCS and resuspended in the same medium at a cell density of 1.5~10~ cells/ml. In RPMI 1640 medium 2 mM Lglutamine and 11.1 mM D-glucose were included. Culture media and cells that were harvested at 4OC and washed once in ice-cold phosphate buffered saline were extracted with perchloric acid and supematants neutralized with KOH and stored at -2OOC until assayed. Lactate concentrations in culture media and the intracellular ATP concentrations were determined enzymatically as described (11,12). Oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption rates were determined polarographically at 30°C using a Clark-type electrode (Yellow Springs Instruments, OH) by the method of Nakashima (13) connected to a chart recorder which was calibrated between 0 and 100% saturation with nitrogen gas and atmospheric oxygen, respectively, at 3O“C. The chart results were converted to ng atoms of oxygen/min using a conversion factor of 435 ng-atoms of oxygen/ml (13). Enzyme measurements Exponentially growing cells were seeded at lxld cells/ml and cultured in RPM1 1640 medium supplemented with 10% FCS at 37oC. At fixed points tlasks were taken for enzyme measurements and for cell counting by hemocytometer using trypan blue exclusion. Cells were washed three times in phosphate-buffered saline and stored at 20°C before G6PD and cytochrome c oxidase activities were determined by spectrophotometric measurements at 20°C as described (14,15). Protein concentrations were measured with the method of Bradford (16). Drug sensitivity assay. Cells were seeded at lxld cells/ml in flasks and after the drug was added for continuous incubation, placed at 37OC in a humid atmosphere containing 5 % CO,. Based on doubling times, cells were counted by hemocytometer after three days for GLC, or four days for GLC,/ADR. Trypan blue exclusion was used as an indicator of viable cells. 878


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Intracellular adriamycin concentration. Cells were incubated for 2 and 4 h with adriamycin and doxycycline. After incubation, cells were washed 3x times with ice-cold PBS. The pellet was extracted overnight and the adriamycin fluorescence measured as described previously (6).

Northern blotting. Total cellular RNA was isolated from cells that were washed three times in phosphate-buffered saline and stored at -20°C according to the method of Bimboim (17). RNA samples were glyoxalated and run in 1.25% agarose gel in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.5. RNA was blotted on Gene Screen Plus. Hybridization at 37oC was performed as described previously (18). The probes were labelled with -[32P]-dCTP using the random primer technique (19). Hybridization probes used were: a cloned XbaI fragment of human placental mitochondrial DNA containing the entire gene for subunit II of cytochrome c oxidase (Cox II); a cDNA clone for the nuclear-coded subunit IV of human cytochrome c oxidase (Cox IV), a kind gift from Dr.M.Lomax; a cloned Xba I fragment of human placental mitochondrial DNA containing a significant part of the mitochondrial 16 S and 12 S genes; a plasmid containing the Xenopus laevis 28 S and 18 S rRNA genes, a kind gift from Dr.K.Kok. Statistics. All results were expressed as means + SD. Statistical significance was determined by use of the Student’s t-test.

RESULTS The rate of lactate production was 30% decreased in GLC4/ADR (table l), while the omission of L-glutamine from the medium had no effect on the lactate production in both cell lines (results not shown). Probably, glutamine oxidation was inhibited by the high glucose concentration in this culture medium (10 mM) (20). Cellular ATP levels and the cellular respiration activities were similar for both cell lines (table 1). The cellular respiration in both cell lines was coupled to phosphorylation of ADP. The respiratory control ratio (RCR), the ratio of respiration after the addition of DNP to the respiration after the addition of oligomycin, was significantly higher in GLC,/ADR

than in GLC,, indicating the relative

priority of the mitochondrial respiration. Electron microscopic studies showed that the number of mitochondria per cell were similar in GLC, and GLCJADR

(17.8 + 6.9 versus

16.4 + 6.8, n= 10). Both cell lines have normal mitochondria as well as mitochondria with few cristae and lightly stained matrices (results not shown) (21). The calculated net ATP production at 30°C in GLC4 was 19.7 nmol/min/106 cells and 17.1 nmol/min/106 cells in GLCJADR,

assuming 1 mol of ATP/mol lactate and 2.8 mol ATP/mol oxygen consumption

at complete coupling of oxidative phosphorylation (22). The activity of cytochrome c oxidase, the last enzyme of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria, in relation to the cell density was similar in GLC4 and GLC,/ADR


(fig.1). At cell densities higher than 1x106 cells per ml the cytochrome c oxidase activity decreased only in GLC4. In contrast, the activity of G6PD, a key enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway, remained unchanged at high cell densities in both cell lines. The V,, 879





2, 1992

Table 1.





Lactate production and ATP levels and oxygen consumption in GLC, and GLC,IADR GLCd at 37’C at 30°C

Lactate production’ ATP level

GLCJADR nmol/ lob cells

11.13 f 1.02(10)2 10.32 + 1.40 (6) 6.05 f 0.56(10)

7.99 f 0.81(1Op 7.68 + 0.68 (6)3 6.03 5 0.44(12)

ng-atoms of oxygen/min/lC+ cells Controls + oligomycin (12.5 pglml) +DNP (75 PM) RCR

3.43 + 0.62 (5) 1.04 &- 0.30 (5) 4.66 + 0.62 (5) 4.7 + 0.9 (5)

3.28 0.83 5.64 7.2

k f f f

0.48 (6) 0.24 (6) 1.08 (6) 2.2 (6)3

1) Expressedper min. 2) Values are means + SD, the number of experiments are listed in parentheses. 3) GLC, versus GLC,/ADR: p < 0.025 by unpaired Student’s t-test.

activity of G6PD was two fold elevated in GLC,/ADR,

while the K,s for NADP and G6P

were equal for G6PD of both cell lines (table 2). GLCdADR (fig.2A).

cells were more sensitive to high doxycycline concentrations than GLC4

Similar results were obtained with high chloramphenicol concentrations but with

a 50% survival level at 20 pg per ml for both cell lines (results not shown). GLC,/ADR


also more sensitive to oligomycin than GLC, (4.3 fold at the 50% survival level) (fig.2B). In contrast, GLC4/ADR

was cross-resistant to rhodamine-

(3.2 fold) (fig.2C), while






,O 1.5


Figure 1. Cell density dependent G6PD (0, H) and cytochrome c oxidaseactivity (0 , l ) in GLC, (0 , q ) and GLC,/ADR (0, n ). Values are meansof three to four different experiments + SD. 880


182, No. 2, 1992

Table 2.




Glucosed-phosphate dehydrogenaseactivity and the Km for G6P and NADP in GLC, and GLC,/ADR GLC4


35.2 f 4.3 (6)’ 3.4 f 0.2 (3) 23 f 3 (3)

G6PD (nmol NADPH/min/mg) Km NADP @M) Km G6P (PM)

78.5 f 13.5 (6)* 3.5 f 0.4 (3) 22 + 3 (3)

1) Values are means + SD, the number of experiments are listed in parentheses. 2) GLC, versus GLCJADR: p < 0.0005 by unpaired Student’s t-test.

cross-resistance of GLC,/ADR

to 2-deoxyglucose was observed

only at the highest

concentration used (fig.2D). In both cell lines the combined effect of the doxycycline with adriamycin was additional and not synergistic (table 3). The concentrations doxycycline used in this study had no effect on the adriamycin accumulation in either cell line. Doxycycline had a profound effect on the mitochondriakoded

Cox II mRNA in both

cell lines (fig.3). At 10 pg/ml this transcript was virtually absent. The mitochondrial rRNAs











ollgomycln lnglml I

0 rhodomlne-123









Figure 2. A) Effect of different concentrationsof doxycycline (A), oligomycin (B), rhodamine(C) and 2-deoxyglucose(D) on cell survival of GLC, (0) and GLC,/ADR (0). Values are means of three to four different experiments + SD.



182, No. 2, 1992

Table 3.



Survival after continuous incubation with doxycycline or adriamycin and with a combination of these drugs Doxycycline



Adriamycin (nM)






0 2.5 5.0

100 84 41

90 73 (76)’ 41 (37)

46 33 (39) 1.5(19)

18 11 (15) 7 (7)

Adriamycin Q.JM)


0 2.5 5.0





100 74 41

93 71 (69) 30 (38)


44 32 (33) 14 (18)

(55) 28 (30)

Cells were continuously incubated with doxycycline and adriamycin. Control countings were standardizedto 100 %, and the other cell countings were relative to control. Each result was the average of 3 independent experiments, with a SD of 2-15 %. 1) Numbers in parenthesis, expected results assumingindependent effect of the drugs.

decreased also at 10 pg/ml doxycycline, although to a lesser extent. The nuclear-coded Cox IV mRNA was strongly reduced in GLC4/ADR by 10 pg/ml doxycycline, whereas in the parent line no inhibition at all occurred. Oligomycin had no specific effect on Cox II mRNA

in both cell lines (results not shown).

Northern blot analysis of total RNA GLC4




18 s 16 S





Figure 3. Effect of doxycycline after a 24 h incubation on mitochondrial and nuclear transcripts of rRNAs (A) and cox II and IV (R). E!qualamounts of RNA were present in each lane. Lane 1, control; lane 2, 5pg/ml doxycycline; lane 3, 10 pg/ml doxycycline. Transcripts are indicated as follows: 28s, 18s (cytoplasmicrRNAs); 16s, 12s (mitochondrial rRNAs); cox IV (mRNA for cox IV); cox II (mRNA for cox II). 882


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DISCUSSION In adriamycin-resistant and daunorubicin-resistant cell lines an increased free radical detoxification capacity was found, accompanied by an increased glycolytic rate and changed kinetic properties of G6PD (1,2) or increased G6PD activity (23), respectively. However, in a previous study it was already concluded that increased free radical detoxification did not play a role in the adriamycin resistance of GLC,/ADR in GLC,/ADR

(8). The decrease in glycolytic rate

can be explained by the differences in doubling times between GLC,


GLC4/ADR (21). In GLC4/ADR and in GLC, cells was 55 % and 48% of the cellular ATP production derived from oxidative phosphorylation,

respectively. The increased G6PD

activity and the increased glutathione reductase activity in GLC,/ADR

(8) may indicate an

increased nucleic acid synthesis capacity via ribonucleotide reductase (24,25). This could be related to the increased repair of adriamycin-induced DNA breaks found in GLC,/ADR (V).

Doxycycline inhibits mitochondrial enzyme synthesis leading to a lack of oxidative ATP synthesis and so to proliferation inhibition (26), while oligomycin inhibits the oxidative ATP synthesis directly. We suppose that the oxidative ATP synthesis is of higher importance for GLCdADR


the increased sensitivity of GLC,/ADR

to doxycycline,

chloramphenicol and oligomycin, the increased RCR and the maintenance of cytochrome c oxidase activity at high cell densities as compared to GLC4. GLC,/ADR was slightly crossresistant to rhodamine-123, while MDR cell lines overexpressing the P-glycoprotein were highly cross-resistant to this drug (27). The reduced glycolytic rate of GLC,/ADR


account for its decreased sensitivity to 2-deoxyglucose compared to GLC,. Our study showed for the first time an effect of doxycycline on mitochondrial and nuclear transcript level. The most likely explanation for these effects is that in the presence of doxycycline, RNA and ribosome breakdown in the mitochondria (28) is no longer compensated by RNA synthesis. Possibly, a mitochondrial made protein or peptide is necessary for mitochondrial transcription. The most striking, however, is the difference in effect of doxycycline

on nuclear-coded Cox IV mRNA in GLC4 and GLC,/ADR,

respectively. This result points at a stronger interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial transcriptional activity in GLC4/ADR compared to GLC,. In HeLa cells it was shown that nuclear protein factors recognize homologous elements in the transcriptional regulatory regions of nuclear and mitochondrial genes for the oxidative phosphorylation system (29). In GLC,/ADR a mitochondrially made protein or peptide is possibly indispensible for the forming of correct transcripts of nuclear and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase genes or for the stability of these transcripts, whereas in the parent strain this dependance is lower or absent. 883


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Adriamycin in combination with doxycycline had only an additional effect in GLC, and GLCJADR.

This combination therapy was also effective in rat leukemia (30). The

cross-resistance pattern of GLC,/ADR

(6,7) was similar to that of HOE 15030 resistant BHK

cells showing cross-resistance to adriamycin, etoposide and rhodamine-

(31). Since

mitochondria are the targets of HOE 15030 this suggests, that adriamycin and etoposide may interact with mitochondria. Isolated mitochondrial topoisomerase II can be inhibited by these type of drugs (32). The changed biochemical properties of the mitochondria may, therefore, be involved in the resistance of GLC,/ADR

to adriamycin. An increased mitochondrial

activity has been observed in vinblastine-resistant cells that overexpressed the P-glycoprotein (33). Our results suggest that mitochondria, although their exact relation to resistance is not known, could be an interesting target for circumvention of adriamycin resistance, for instance by doxycycline. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

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C.E. (1986)

Increased sensitivity of an adriamycin-resistant human small cell lung carcinoma cell line to mitochondrial inhibitors.

The energy metabolism of an atypical multidrug resistant human small cell lung carcinoma cell line (GLC4/ADR) was studied. The glycolytic rate was 30%...
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