Iatrogenic Traumatic Brain Injury During Tooth Extraction Mark Troxel, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology)

ABSTRACT An 8 yr old spayed female Yorkshire terrier was referred for evaluation of progressive neurological signs after a routine dental prophylaxis with tooth extractions. The patient was circling to the left and blind in the right eye with right hemiparesis. Neurolocalization was to the left forebrain. MRI revealed a linear tract extending from the caudal oropharynx, through the left retrobulbar space and frontal lobe, into the left parietal lobe. A small skull fracture was identified in the frontal bone through which the linear tract passed. Those findings were consistent with iatrogenic trauma from slippage of a dental elevator during extraction of tooth 210. The dog was treated empirically with clindamycin. The patient regained most of its normal neurological function within the first 4 mo after the initial injury. Although still not normal, the dog has a good quality of life. Traumatic brain injury is a rarely reported complication of extraction. Care must be taken while performing dental cleaning and tooth extraction, especially of the maxillary premolar and molar teeth to avoid iatrogenic damage to surrounding structures. (J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2015; 51:114– 118. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-6094)


of progressive neurological signs following a dental cleaning and

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common disorder in veterinary

extraction of several teeth. The referring veterinarian performed a

medicine, most often the result of the patient being hit by a motor

routine dental cleaning and extracted several teeth 2 days prior to

vehicle. Other forms of TBI resulting from penetrating gunshot

admission to MVRH. While extracting tooth 210, the dental

wounds or bite wounds are also somewhat common. Iatrogenic

elevator slipped and the veterinarian thought it entered only the left

orbital penetration is a relatively common complication of tooth

retrobulbar space. The dog had a slow recovery from anesthesia and


extraction. However, iatrogenic TBI during dental procedures

scleral hemorrhage was noted. The patient was discharged that

rarely has been reported. In one case, a patient developed a

evening to the owner with instructions to give meloxicam (0.1 mg/

retrobulbar and intracranial abscess following tooth extraction and

kg per os [PO] q 24 hr) and clindamycin (6.9 mg/kg PO q 12 hr).


subsequently died 48 hr after the procedure. This case report

The dog’s clinical signs progressed the evening of discharge to

describes the MRI findings and successful treatment of a dog that

agitation, vocalizing, and difficulty standing and walking. Several

suffered iatrogenic TBI during extraction of tooth 210 when a

hours later, the dog was unable to stand or walk, was falling to the

dental elevator slipped.

right, and appeared to be blind in the right eye.

Case Report

Physical examination revealed mild tachycardia (150 beats/min),

An 8 yr old spayed female Yorkshire terrier was referred to

mild tachypnea (50 breaths/min), mild erythema in the vicinity of

Massachusetts Veterinary Referral Hospital (MVRH) for evaluation

teeth 209 and 210, a 1 cm 3 3–4 mm bruise on the left upper eyelid,

From the Massachusetts Veterinary Referral Hospital, Woburn, MA.

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; IM, intramuscular; MVRH, Massachusetts

The dog was taken to a local emergency clinic for evaluation.

Correspondence: (M.T.) [email protected]

Veterinary Referral Hospital; OD, oculus dexter; OS, oculus sinister; OU, oculus uterque; PO, per os; T1WI, T1-weighted image; T2WI, T2-weighted image; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TE, echo time; TR, repetition time



Q 2015 by American Animal Hospital Association

Iatrogenic Traumatic Brain Injury During Tooth Extraction

and severe scleral hemorrhage with exophthalmos oculus sinister

inversion recovery (TR, 7000 msec; TE, 90 msec), transverse

(OS). Neurological examination revealed an absent menace

T2*HEMO images (TR, 605 msec; TE, 23 msec), and precontrast

response oculus dexter (OD) and slow to absent pupillary light

transverse T1-weighted images (T1WI; TR, 602 msec; TE, 18 msec).

reflex oculus uterque (OU). The remainder of the neurological

IV contrast agentf (0.1 mmol/kg IV) was administered and

exam was reportedly normal. Intraocular pressures were normal

transverse (TR, 602 msec; TE, 18 msec), sagittal (TR, 412 msec;

(17–26 mm Hg OU) and fluorescein staining was negative. The dog

TE, 18 msec), and dorsal (TR, 400 msec; TE, 18 msec) postcontrast

was prescribed buprenorphine (0.018 mg/kg IV q 8 hr) for pain

T1WI images were obtained.

management. Mannitol (1 g/kg IV) was administered at the time of

The MRI (Figure 1) showed a linear tract on T2WI

admission to reduce intracranial pressure and was repeated twice

(parasagittal) extending caudodorsally from the left orbit, through

more at 4 hr intervals. Ten hours after admission, the dog was still

a skull fracture into the brain, ending in the left parietal lobe that

ataxic, but would trot for a short period of time. By 13 hr after

was consistent with intracranial penetration of the dental elevator.

admission, the dog’s ability to walk had improved significantly and

On transverse images, the tract was hyperintense and relatively well

she was falling only when changing directions suddenly. At that

defined on T2WI and poorly defined on T1WI. There was a

point in time, the emergency veterinarian started IV fluids (0.9%

hyperintense region at the dorsal extent of the tract on T2WI that

Na chloride at 7 mL/hr) for dehydration. The dog was discharged a

was hypointense on T1WI, suggestive of fluid accumulation. On

few hours later. At discharge, the dog was able to walk without

transverse T2*HEMO images, there was hypointensity in the

assistance, but was circling to the left.

ventral portion of the tract that was consistent with hemorrhage.

The patient was re-evaluated the following morning by its

There also was an area of hypointensity in each lateral ventricle,

regular veterinarian who then referred the patient to MVRH.

suggestive of intraventricular hemorrhage. The linear tract was

Physical examination revealed a normal heart rate (124 beats/min)

observed to pass through the left lateral ventricle on transverse

and respiratory rate (40 breaths/min). The dog had a bruised upper

images at the level of the thalamus, explaining the likely source of

eyelid OD, severe episcleral hemorrhage OS, a small ventral

intraventricular hemorrhage. Following administration of the IV

episcleral hemorrhage OD, and pain opening the mouth.

contrast agent, there was mild blushing contrast enhancement

Neurological examination revealed that the dog was ambulatory

along the tract. There was also a moderate amount of T2-weighted

with circling to the left and occasional falling to the right, right

hyperintense signal in the surrounding brain parenchyma that was

hemiparesis, and mild to moderate proprioceptive ataxia in all four

isointense on T1WI but that did not contrast enhance, suggestive of

limbs. There was no menace response OD, and the patient did not

cerebral edema.

track cotton balls thrown in the right visual field. The remainder of

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was performed and a mild

the cranial nerve examination was within normal limits. Absent

mixed-cell pleocytosis was identified. The nucleated cell count was

conscious proprioception and hopping were noted in the right

6 cells/lL (reference range, ,5 cells/lL; differential cytology: 58%

pelvic limb with delayed conscious proprioception and hopping in

nondegenerate neutrophils, 35% small to medium lymphocytes,

the right thoracic limb. Postural reactions on the left side and the

and 7% large mononuclear cells). Cytology also demonstrated the

remainder of the neurological examination were within normal

presence of red blood cells within large mononuclear cells

limits. Neuroanatomical localization was to the left forebrain

(erythrophagocytosis), suggestive of hemorrhage prior to CSF

(cerebral hemisphere/thalamus). Screening blood tests were normal


other than elevated lactate (2.5 mmol/L; reference range, 0.3–1.8

The patient recovered normally following MRI and CSF

mmol/L). In-house prothrombin time and activated partial

sampling and was discharged the same day with clindamycing (10

thromboplastin time were within normal limits.

mg/kg PO q 12 hr). CSF aerobic and anaerobic bacterial cultures

On day 2, MRI of the head was performed using a 1.5 tesla a


were negative, but the clindamycin was continued because CSF

magnet . The dog was premedicated with morphine (0.3 mg/kg

bacterial culture can be negative even in the face of histologically

intramuscular [IM]) and dexmedetomidinec (0.01 mg/kg IM).

confirmed bacterial meningoencephalitis.


General anesthesia was induced with propofol (5 mg/kg IV),

One month after the initial MRI, the patient was re-examined

administered to effect to allow endotracheal intubation, and

at MVRH for a follow-up MRI. The owner reported that the dog

maintained with isofluranee. A routine MRI scan of the head was

was less ataxic and had started to use stairs again but still appeared

performed, including sagittal (repetition time [TR], 2900 msec;

blind in the right eye. The neurological exam was improved but still

echo time [TE], 120 msec) and transverse T2-weighted images

not normal. The patient was able to walk a straight line without

(T2WI; TR, 3000 msec; TE, 100 msec), transverse fluid-attenuated

falling but still had absent postural reactions in the right limbs and



FIGURE 1 MRI images obtained 2 days after iatrogenic traumatic brain injury during tooth extraction. Parasagittal T2-weighted (A) and

postcontrast T1-weighted (B) images show a linear tract extending from a fracture in the frontal bone (arrow), through the frontal lobe, and ending in the parietal lobe. Transverse T2-weighted (C) images at the level of the caudate nuclei show an indistinct intra-axial hyperintense tract through the brain parenchyma with surrounding cerebral edema of the left caudate nucleus and internal capsules. Transverse T2*HEMO images (D) show an area of marked hypointensity in the ventral frontal lobe consistent with hemorrhage. There is also an area of hypointensity in the left lateral ventricle consistent with intraventricular hemorrhage secondary to puncture of the left lateral ventricle (not shown). absent vision OD. Neurolocalization of the lesion was still to the

other than continued mild postural reaction deficits in the right

left forebrain. Repeat MRI showed continued presence of the linear

thoracic and pelvic limbs. MRI at that time showed continued

tract through the brain as described above, but the cerebral edema

presence of traumatic brain injury, but the lesion was smaller than

was significantly reduced. The clindamycin was discontinued and

at the time of original injury (Figure 2).

the patient was discharged. Three months later, the patient was brought in for another


MRI. Neurologic examination revealed a normal gait and intact

Ophthalmic complications of dental disease are common in dogs

vision in both eyes. The dog still had delayed postural reactions in

and cats because of the proximity of the caudal maxillary teeth and

the right thoracic and pelvic limbs. Neurolocalization was still to

the ventral aspect of the orbit.2 Several cases of iatrogenic injury to

the left forebrain. MRI at that time showed that the tract was

periorbital structures have been reported previously, but to the

smaller than in the previous studies.

author’s knowledge, only one case of intracranial disease following

The patient was evaluated once again 1 yr after the original

tooth extraction has been reported in the veterinary literature.1 In

injury. The neurological examination was within normal limits

that case, computed tomography showed a retrobulbar abscess with




51:2 Mar/Apr 2015

Iatrogenic Traumatic Brain Injury During Tooth Extraction


MRI images obtained 1 yr after iatrogenic traumatic brain injury. The linear tract through the brain is much less obvious on

parasagittal T2-weighted images (A), but residual brain damage is visible on transverse T2-weighted (B), fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; C), and postcontrast T1-weighted (D) images. There is a region of noncontrast-enhancing hypointensity lateral to the left lateral ventricle on the fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and T1-weighted images that is hyperintense on T2-weighted images. This is suggestive of brain necrosis at that location.

extension through the frontal bone into the calvaria with an

and medial pterygoid muscles.1,2 The roots of the maxillary fourth

associated intracranial abscess. The patient died 48 hr following the

premolar and both molar teeth are located within the maxillary

dental procedures despite draining the retrobulbar abscess, IV

bone in close proximity to the orbit.1–3 Periodontal pathology can

fluids, and IV antibioitics.1

weaken the bone, leading to orbital penetration during tooth

Penetration of the orbital floor during tooth extraction is

extraction.3,4 Additionally, the orbits in brachycephalic breeds are

relatively uncommon but can occur due to multifactorial causes,

positioned more rostrally than mesaticephalic and dolichocephalic

including regionally thin bony structures, periodontal pathology,

breeds, increasing the risk of iatrogenic injury to the orbit and


and improper extraction techniques. In dogs and cats, the bony

globe during tooth extraction.2

orbit is incomplete and the ventral aspect of the orbit is comprised

Several recommendations have been reported to reduce the

of soft tissues, including the zygomatic salivary gland, orbital fat,

risk of iatrogenic trauma to surrounding soft-tissue structures.



Dental radiographs ideally should be obtained prior to tooth extraction to help gauge the depth of the roots and to assess periodontal pathology.



Teeth with multiple roots should be


sectioned prior to extraction.1,3,4 The elevator should be applied


with gentle and steady rotational pressure for 10–30 sec at a time


and advanced apically using a slow, twisting action.


Finally, to

help reduce the risk of accidental slippage, it is recommended that

f g

Phillips Gyroscan ACS-NT; Best, The Netherlands Morphine sulfate injection, USP; West-ward, Eatontown, NJ Dexdomitor; Zoetis, Florham Park, NJ. PropoFlo; Abbot, North Chicago, IL Fluriso; Vet One, Boise, ID Magnevist Injection; Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., Wayne, NJ Clintabs; Virbac AH, Inc., Fort Worth, TX,

the elevator be held down the shaft of the instrument and a finger placed near the tip of the elevator to act as a ‘‘stop’’ should the elevator slip.


Conclusion Fortunately, the patient in this case report survived the iatrogenic traumatic brain injury with minimal residual neurological deficits. With attention to detail and proper handling of dental instruments, iatrogenic orbital and brain injury should remain an uncommon occurrence in veterinary medicine.




51:2 Mar/Apr 2015

REFERENCES 1. Smith MM, Smith EM, La Croix N, et al. Orbital penetration associated with tooth extraction. J Vet Dent 2003;20:8–17. 2. Ramsey DT, Marretta SM, Hamor RE, et al. Ophthalmic manifestations and complications of dental disease in dogs and cats. J Amer Anim Hosp Assoc 1996;32:215–24. 3. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Oral surgery. In: Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, eds. Veterinary dentistry: principles and practice. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott-Raven; 1997:236–57. 4. Verstraete FJM. Exodontics. In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of small animal surgery. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders; 2003:2696–709.

Iatrogenic traumatic brain injury during tooth extraction.

An 8 yr old spayed female Yorkshire terrier was referred for evaluation of progressive neurological signs after a routine dental prophylaxis with toot...
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