Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans Antonis A. Zorpas a,⇑, Katia Lasaridi b,1, Irene Voukkali c, Pantelitsa Loizia c, Christina Chroni b,1 a

Cyprus Open University, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, Environmental Conservation and Management, P.O. Box 12794, 2252 Latsia, Nicosia, Cyprus Harokopio University, Department of Geography, 70 El. Venizelou, 176 71 Athens, Kallithea, Greece c Institute of Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development, ENVITECH LTD, Department of Research and Development, P.O. Box 34073, 5309, Cyprus2 b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 6 July 2014 Accepted 22 January 2015 Available online xxxx Keywords: Compositional analysis Waste prevention Waste management Household waste

a b s t r a c t Waste management planning requires reliable data regarding waste generation, affecting factors on waste generation and forecasts of waste quantities based on facts. In order to decrease the environmental impacts of waste management the choice of prevention plan as well as the treatment method must be based on the features of the waste that are produced in a specific area. Factors such as culture, economic development, climate, and energy sources have an impact on waste composition; composition influences the need of collecting waste more or less frequently of waste collection and disposition. The research question was to discover the main barriers concerning the compositional analysis in Insular Communities under warm climate conditions and the findings from this study enabled the main contents of a waste management plan to be established. These included advice to residents on waste minimisation, liaison with stakeholders and the expansion of kerbside recycling schemes. Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Waste management planning needs reliable data concerning waste generation, influencing factors on waste generation and forecasts of waste quantities based on evidences. Information about related influencing factors is vital for estimating the consequences of changes in general conditions (e.g. economic system, demography, domestic heating systems), policy measures (Mazzanti and Zoboli, 2008) or waste management measures (e.g. increasing the rate of home composting) on upcoming waste quantities (Zorpas and Lasaridi, 2013). Thus forecast models should include multiple factors and predictions according to social and economic changes (Purcell and Magette, 2009; Chung, 2010). Municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems are becoming more complex in many countries as well as in insular communities with the move from landfill-based to resource recovery-based solutions, following the setting of international and national targets, to divert waste from landfill and to increase recycling and recovery rates. Local authorities need waste compositional information at the local level to plan, organize, develop, ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +357 99532025; fax: +357 22411600. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.A. Zorpas), [email protected] (K. Lasaridi), [email protected] (P. Loizia). 1 Tel.: +30 210 9549164. 2 http://www.envitech.org.

implement and observe waste management schemes that will facilitate them to meet their contribution to the National targets (Burnley, 2007; Zorpas and Lasaridi, 2013). The total amount of municipal solid waste has been continuously increasing for the last 30 years and the problem of the disposal or management of those wastes are more difficult in small islands due to the limited space. In 2008 (Eurostat, 2011), the total waste generation in the EU-27 was up to 2.62 billion t. This was slightly lower than in the years 2004 and 2006 where the EU-27 total amounted to 2.68 billion t and 2.73 billion t respectively. In 2008, 98 million t or 3.7% of the generated total were classified as hazardous waste. This means that per capita in 2008 each EU citizen produced on average about 5.2 t of waste, of which 196 kg were hazardous, while during the year 2012 this amount increased from 2 to 10% per capital (Eurostat, 2011; Zorpas et al., 2012a). Small Countries (which are islands) like Cyprus and Malta and other small islands in Mediterranean like Sicily, Crete etc, wastes are continual increase as those destinations are the main tourist resorts in Tourist Industry (Zorpas et al., 2012a; EEA, 2013). Also they present similarities as they have urban, mountainous, rural and purely tourist regions. Sicily for example landfilled 93% of its generated municipal waste (EEA, 2013) while Cyprus up to 90% until now (ENVITECH, 2013). Although the total quantities of wastes are sufficient for the development of a central waste to energy plant, due to the absence of specific strategic policy, wastes are proceeded for landfill. On the other hand, building incineration plants may not be economically

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030 0956-053X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030


A.A. Zorpas et al. / Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

efficient and waste reduction strategies may not be very effective for small islands according to Chen et al. (2005). Furthermore, significant weaknesses according to Santamarta et al. (2014) of the waste management system in insular communities are based on infrastructure and lack of local recycling programs. As far as the household level is concerned (Eder et al., 1983; Dennison et al. 1996a,b; Bandara et al., 2007; Benitez et al., 2008) it is easier to identify valuable quantitative and qualitative information regarding the standard of living and the cost living. Studies at the national or centralized level (Bogner et al., 1993; Daskalopoulos et al., 1998; Mazzanti and Zoboli, 2008) or the analysis of time series of a single region (Chung, 2010) discover general correlations, such as the interface between MSW and gross domestic product (Bogner et al., 1993; Daskalopoulos et al., 1998) and could be interesting at a high political level. Nevertheless, they cannot be used for precise planning (waste prevention or waste management or zero waste approach) at lower regional levels, since no information is provided for the spatial distribution which is considered equally essential, as the gross quantity of waste, concerning waste management planning (Purcell and Magette, 2009). Furthermore, compositional analysis technique is used to estimate in detail the nature, scale and origin of food waste with survey work on household attitudes, claimed behavior and sociodemographics (WRAP, 2008; Zorpas and Lasaridi, 2013). When using this approach, it is a good practice to verify the data using separately collected data on MSW generation, treatment and disposal, especially in cases where they are based largely on modelling. This method is only more accurate than the approaches given above if countries have good quality, detailed data on each end point, and have verified the information (IPCC, 2006; Zorpas and Lasaridi, 2013). Waste composition is one of the main factors influencing emissions from solid waste treatment, as different waste types contain different amount of degradable organic carbon and fossil carbon. Waste compositions, as well as the classifications used to collect data on waste composition in MSW vary widely in different regions and countries (IPCC, 2006; Zorpas and Lasaridi, 2013), as well as is influenced by many factors, such as level of economic development, cultural norms, geographic location, energy sources, and climate (Lebersorger and Beigl 2011) This paper focuses on the waste compositional analysis from insular communities in the Easter Region of Cyprus. Through the waste compositional analysis (WCA) is estimated how the management plan is being affected and how the cost of living affects the waste production. Hence the data will be used for the development of the new zero waste approaches that Municipality Councils wants to implement.

2. Materials and methods 2.1. Model region Municipality of Paralimni is based on the Eastern Region of Cyprus (Map 1) and According to the last inventory studied which was carried out by the Cyprus Statistical Services on November 2011 the permanent population are 18,601. However, as the Municipality consists of the main economical lungs of the island due to the fact that in this area there are the largest hotel resorts the permanent population increases during the tourist period (April–October) from 45,000 to 75,000. There is no any major waste consuming industries in the project area, and according to the available development plants the situation will remain the same in the future. 115 Hotels and apartments are presented according to the Cyprus Tourist Organization (2010), almost 6000 houses (on which the 70% belong to the more Urban Area (inland), 5 petrol stations and more than 12 cars cleaning services,

approximately 20 machinist’s craftsmanship, small industries like bakeries, confectioneries, car wash, food suppliers, supermarkets, schools (5 primary, 2 secondary has the ability to guest almost 2500 students), clinical laboratories, 2 private clinics and 1 public hospital, football fields and athletic activities, chicken farms (approximately 30,000 chicken/y), 2 big laundries, 1 concrete plant, 1 waste water treatment plant, and some small industrial activities which don’t produce liquid waste consist the main activities of the Municipality (Zorpas et al., 2011; Zorpas et al., 2012a; Zorpas et al., 2013; Zorpas, 2013). 2.2. Municipality waste data According to Zorpas et al. (2012b) the current waste management plan (for the Municipality) consists of the collection of the mix waste (door by door) twice a week and their transmission in the Koshis Municipal Waste Treatment Plant (KMWTP) which is about 65 km from the Municipality of Paralimni traveling to the Capita Town. The KWMTP was constructed as a BOT (Build Operation and Transferred) plan. According to the Ministry of Interior Affairs KWMTP, for a period of 10 years, will be run under a private commercial company. The total amount of mix waste according to 2011 data was 15,100 t, at the end of 2012 was up to 16,250 t and at the end of 2013 was 16,865 t. The recycle materials are collected from Green Dot Cyprus (GDC) twice a month and the total amount for the year 2011 were 962,615 kg, for the year 2012 were 1,032,256 kg and at the end of 2013 were 107,590 kg. There is a zero charge policy from GDC for the collection of PMD and glass. However, there is specific charge for the paper which includes the collection and the rent of the recyclable brown bins. The Municipality pays 65% of the total cost while the rest is covered by GDC. Per tone of waste paper the total amount is up to € 166.63. The total cost (gate fee of KWMTP, which cover only processing and disposal) for the year 2011 was up to 1.47 m €, for the year 2012 was up 1.59 m € while at the end of 2013 was up to 1.62 m €. Those amounts were paid to the KMWTP directly from each Municipality that is participated in the system and the Municipalities charge directly their citizens. According to the Clauses 84Z, of the National Law N(I) 111/1985, any Local Authority is authorised to charge waste fees according to the follow principle: (i) for houses (regardless of square meters) maximum 171 €/year, (ii) for shops, stores, coffee shops and similar up to 855 €/year, (iii) for restaurants, bars, tourist apartments up to 6848 €/year, (iv) for Hotels up to 17,100 €/year and (v) for industries, private hospitals or other manors not included above fees up to 13,680 €/year. KMWTP charge 54.8 €/t for the mix waste (household), 46.8 €/t for the green waste, 80.80 €/t for the recyclable waste and 100.80 €/t for the rest of the waste streams (like furniture, equipment etc). During 2006, Ministry of Interior Affairs Develop a Strategic Plan for a Green Point Network (GPN) in Cyprus. The plan focuses on the recycle waste in the whole island and for the collection of several special wastes (like furniture, WEEE, equipment’s etc.). According to this plan, Municipality of Paralimni has two GPN which until now have never been established. The reasons are due to economic crisis and due to the fact that the one is very close to a sensitive NATURA 2000 (CY3000005) area and the Impact assessment study hasn’t finished yet. 2.3. Waste compositional analysis Until the end of 2011 there wasn’t any compositional analysis of the Municipality. The waste characterization study was carried out for a period of summer (2 weeks during August, 2012), autumn (2 weeks October and November of the year 2012), winter

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030

A.A. Zorpas et al. / Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx


Map 1. Municipality of Paralimni view.

(2 weeks during December 2012 and January 2013) and spring 2013 (2 weeks during April and May). A total amount of 80–100 household plastic packs were collected sampling every day, doorby-door covering all the main urban area of the Municipality, but not the tourist area. It is very important to note, that, the tourist area from the urban area has up to 10 km distance. For the composition analysis, the household waste was separated into 12 several main categories and several sub-categories as presented in Table 1. Those categories includes PMD, Plastic film, plastics non-recyclable, aluminum packages, Papers, class, toilet papers, Food Waste (category A), Food Waste (category B), products that can be composted (mainly green and yard waste), stationery and others. The compositional analysis was undertaken according to the standard EN 14899:2005. PMD waste stream is packaging made of plastic or metal and drinks cartons which are used for recycling purposes to make new packaging for hazardous products, plastic bags etc. Food Waste are divide in two main categories; A and B. Category A consists mainly of the unavoidable food waste while category B consists of the avoidable food waste. Also, it is important to know that toiled paper is not accepted to

disposed of to sewer, according to the policy of the existing sewage treatment plant. In undertaking this work, the following phases have been carried also out: (i) purposed best practices for waste minimization; (ii) waste generation in the municipality; (iii) cost benefit analysis for the implemented waste management plan, (iv) development of a waste management plan based on real data. An effective WCA programe must be based on waste samples that are representative of the target area as a whole (usually a whole local authority), be sufficient to take account of variation in waste arising’s whilst also being affordable within the project budget.

3. Result and discussions 3.1. Compositional analysis The annual per capita production of waste in Cyprus is estimated at 468 kg for residential areas and 670 kg for tourist areas, while the total waste is estimated at the end of 2012 up to

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030


A.A. Zorpas et al. / Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 1 Waste compositional analysis categories. Main categories

Sup categories

PMD Plastic film (nylon) Plastics non-recyclable Aluminum Paper Class Toilet-kitchen papers Food waste (A) Food waste (B whole, ready to eat)

Plastic bottles/pots, metal packages, tetra pack (like milk, juices) Straws, yogurts plastics, butter pots Aluminum papers, tins/cans Package, newspapers, magazines, stationery offices, advertised Bottles, others

Products that can be composted (yard and green waste) Others

Bakery’s, confectionery, dairy-farming, meat, fish, cocked Yogurt, wine, cocking oil, olives, eggs, banana, apples, pears, peaches, pomegranates, grapes, watermelons, oranges, passion fruits, mandarins, potatoes, girasol, tomatoes, lemons, cucumber, carrots, onions, breads, pasta Vegetables, skin fruits, green waste, dust, soil Toys, textile, shoes, medicines, syringe, spays, CDs, kitchen brush, lamps, polystyrene, batteries, chandlery, stones, metals (spoons, knifes, pans, screws), stationery (pen and pencils)

Waste amount (t)










5,00,000 4,00,000


10.56 9.41


3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000


8.00 5.33

6.00 2012











4.00 2.26


Fig. 1. Household waste generation in cyprus from 2001 to 2012.


0.00 Others

Green Waste –Yard Waste

Fruit and Vegetables

Food Waste (B)

Food waste (A)

Toilets and Kitchens papers




Plastics Non-Recyclable

Plastic Film


630000 t (Fig. 1). The MSW is disposed of in landfills, of which 5 are known to be operating currently in Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaka, Paphos, and Paralimni (which closed at the end of 2011). Only 75% of the population of Cyprus is served by those landfills. The other 25% (mainly in residential rural areas) dispose of their waste uncontrolled. In the study area there has not been any compositional waste analysis since now (Ministry of Environment, 2013; ENVITECH, 2013). The total compositional analysis from the study area as described above presented in Fig. 2. In reverse series the analysis consist of more than 26% products that can be composted (green waste, yard waste, fruits vegetables), 20% Food waste (both categories A and B), almost 12% Toilets and Kitchen Papers including sanitary, 10.56% papers, 9.41% PMDs, 4.42% plastic films and 5.33% glasses, 2.26% plastics non-recyclable and 0.84% aluminum. Very worrying is the fact that 5.04% w/w of the total compositional analysis consist foods (of category B) that are safe to be used like whole and high quality fruits, vacuumed and packed foods which has not be expired (like pasta, cans, rise, frozen, cakes etc.). Those foods can be re-used and produce high quality recipes for other days. For example, several fruit can be used to make a homemade marmalade. On the other hand, several left-overs from the food waste of category A (14.85% w/w) can be used also to generate safe food for the next day. For example, (i) with delicatessen, tomatoes, and cheese we can prepare a homemade pizza (ii) with the rest of the cocked chicken we can use it to prepare salad or sandwich, (iii) with the vegetables we can do soups or fresh broth for other foods, etc. An important issue is the fact that 10% of the total wastes are PMD, 11% is papers, 5% is glass and 1% is aluminum, all of them are recyclable. This 26% and the 4% of the other materials can be divided from the household wastes and can be left to the recycle bins. In the Urban Area of the Municipality there are 110 recycle points as the Municipality participates in the Green Dots (GD) program (240 are in the tourist area). GD Cyprus, raise awareness regarding recycling all around Cyprus and at the same time




Fig. 2. Municipal solid waste compositional analysis (average values).

promoting volunteerism. 26% of that waste can be composted as are pure organics which include vegetables, skin fruits, green waste, dust, soil. Amount of 3.5% of the total wastes were pure soil. Evaluating the cost of gate fee in KMWTP in relation of the compositional analysis it is obvious that the avoidable waste (green waste, recyclable materials, pure soil, and mainly food waste categories B) cost up to 1 million € in the Municipality of the total 1.5 million that average pays for a period of 12 months. The total monthly amounts collection, with the target set by the GDC in the study area is presented in Table 2 for the years 2011 and 2012 (Green Dot Yearly Data, 2013). It is obvious from Table 2 that the specific target set by GDC has never reached until now, except the target set up for paper. There are many reasons for this, which includes: lack of public awareness, poor awareness and training session in the schools, absences of meetings and conferences, limited promotion from the local media, limited or none green activities from several organizations that exist in the municipality like scouts and other sociological teams, limited published articles in the municipalities newspaper, difficulties to access recycle points, inefficient collected points, and possible loss from ragmen’s. Table 3 presents the seasonal variation of the compositional analysis. Figs. 3–7 provide further details on waste compositional per waste stream. PMD (Fig. 3) mainly consists of plastics bottles and pots which were equal to 6.05%, ferrous packages which was 1.92% and tetra pack which was 0.90% of the total waste compositional analysis. Package (5.01%), newspapers (0.84%), magazines

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030


A.A. Zorpas et al. / Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx Table 2 PMD, paper and glass amount which are collected from Paralimni municipality from GDC. PMD (kg)

Paper (kg)

Glass (kg)


Target set by GDC



Target set by GDC



Target set by GDC



Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Octob. Nov. Dec. Total

7589 8432 13305 13604 18193 23280 21873 25497 22251 15005 12233 9978 191240

9524 11341 9898 13295 16114 23652 22608 19295 14574 15074 8654 5679 169708

5738 5654 6684 12792 19419 17564 21560 23677 13507 14904 6883 6090 154472

18068 16684 26766 42356 47907 57925 57425 56513 59080 42356 18068 16684 459831

20765 21004 18869 26929 46618 55193 72100 79354 64974 52037 24261 15754 497859

19138 15804 15149 33445 56968 51527 63535 65983 54248 47665 29046 25119 477627

9440 11298 11327 15376 22647 44923 37410 55086 52867 25365 17417 12654 315810

15350 14600 16200 17160 32050 36450 44729 74568 68338 51543 33453 19387 423828

14438 7354 11636 8070 36449 42388 53936 58185 57288 53785 21878 5160 369627

Table 3 Seasonable compositional analysis. Categories

August 2012 (%)

October 2012 (%)

November 2012 (%)

December 2012 (%)

January 2013 (%)

March 2013 (%)

Average (%)

PMD Plastic film Plastics non-recyclable Alumnium Paper Glass Toilets and kitchens papers Food waste (A) Food waste (B) Fruit and vegetables Green waste/yard waste Others

12.55 ± 3.14 5.59 ± 2.56 2.35 ± 1.47 0.83 ± 0.42 11.05 ± 3.45 5.07 ± 1.45 13.19 ± 1.4 18.93 ± 3.9 1.28 ± 1.05 13.65 ± 1.9 7.52 ± 2.19 7.99 ± 3.04

9.5 ± 2.08 4.25 ± 1.99 2.21 ± 0.87 1.14 ± 0.87 8.79 ± 2.48 5.35 ± 1.42 12.31 ± 3.78 15.84 ± 2.14 4.85 ± 1.45 13.56 ± 1.1 14.12 ± 6.09 8.08 ± 1.99

12.05 ± 3.79 4.18 ± 1.42 1.73 ± 0.42 1.05 ± 0.14 11.1 ± 3.01 5.51 ± 1.99 12.68 ± 1.25 15.08 ± 2.36 7.95 ± 1.22 13.57 ± 0.99 8.37 ± 3.30 6.73 ± 2.71

7.53 ± 2.47 3.91 ± 1.08 1.56 ± 0.55 0.71 ± 0.63 9.95 ± 2.22 3.86 ± 0.87 12.25 ± 2.14 12.40 ± 1.87 5.98 ± 1.33 14.33 ± 1.06 19.81 ± 5.14 7.71 ± 3.42

7.1 ± 1.79 2.9 ± 1.75 3.1 ± 1.87 0.66 ± 0.12 6.6 ± 1.48 7.1 ± 1.03 10.6 ± 0.94 14.2 ± 3.02 4.98 ± 0.99 15.1 ± 0.87 21.3 ± 2.36 6.36 ± 2.29

7.75 ± 2.99 5.67 ± 2.46 2.59 ± 0.75 0.65 ± 0.18 15.86 ± 4.61 5.09 ± 0.87 10.33 ± 0.68 12.66 ± 2.65 5.19 ± 1.98 15.86 ± 1.26 7.24 ± 1.19 11.11 ± 1.55

9.41 ± 2.39 4.42 ± 1.06 2.26 ± 0.56 0.84 ± 0.21 10.56 ± 3.09 5.33 ± 1.04 11.89 ± 1.16 14.85 ± 2.40 5.04 ± 2.07 14.35 ± 0.96 13.06 ± 6.34 8.00 ± 1.68

Plastic botles / pots Ferous Packages

10.92 5.94


12.53 16.05 11.60

16.14 17.11

tetra pack

14.21 12.42

10.00 5.00 0.00

December January 2013 March 2013 2012

Fig. 3. PMD waste stream compositional analysis.


30.00 20.00


Green Waste / Yard Waste


November 2012

December 2012

2.93 2.16 0.00










27.36 25.45 19.44





18.64 7.29 5.71




14.51 15.53

17.31 14.17

14.30 11.07

8.21 7.40














Stationery - office









1.19 0.00 0.00

November 2012

0.54 1.72 0.09

October 2012

37.39 45.96 28.54

August 2012



18.79 21.63 16.97

17.23 17.16







(1.96%), stationery (1.91%) and advertising materials (1.31) consist the paper waste stream (Fig. 4). Newspapers presented to be very limited and according to Filistrucchi (2004) less people buy newspapers because of the Internet. During (Fig. 5) August, October and January the residual fruits (2.34% of the total amount), vegetables (2.95% of the total amount) and Green waste (8.14% of the total amount) are presented more often than the other months. This phenomenon could be for the following reasons: (i) during those months they (citizens) usually disbudding their trees that they have in their own house (very common in Insular communities), (ii) during November, December (Christmas Time), March (Easter period) the Orthodox Christians usually don’t eat meat (according to the relation) and they use more vegetables and fruits in their daily foods. For the same reason (ii) the amount of residual meats, milk products are limited (Fig. 6a) during November, December and March. However Meet and Fish counts 1.43% (of the total amount of wastes), Bakery 2.39% (of the total amount of wastes), Candys 1.33% (of the total

35.77 39.49




0.00 August 2012

October 2012

November December 2012 January 2013 2012

Fig. 4. Paper waste stream compositional analysis.

March 2013

August 2012 October 2012

January 2013 March 2013

Fig. 5. Composted waste stream compositional analysis.

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030

A.A. Zorpas et al. / Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 60.00 50.10

Bakery Candies 39.86




12.01 5.34 4.38 1.25 2.09




22.24 15.30 13.15 15.94

12.01 8.35 13.55





Meat / Fish



0.00 August 2012 October 2012

November 2012

December 2012

January 2013 March 2013

Fig. 6a. Food waste (A – whole foods) stream compositional analysis.

3.2. Proposed waste management plan The compositional analyses were carried out in order to provide measurable and quantifying data to the Local Authorities in order to design and implement a new waste prevention and waste management strategy. According to several researches (Jacobsen and Kristoffersen, 2002; IPCC, 2006; M.M.E, 2006; Lyndhurst, 2007; Cox et al., 2010; Zorpas and Lasaridi 2013) waste compositional analysis is important and must be taken before any management plan or policy. Waste composition analysis was undertaken by WRAP (2007) to provide detailed estimates of new and existing home composting households. Also, to investigate the feasibility of quantifying the nature, scale and origin of food waste through a compositional analysis technique whereby waste is collected,


100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Peach Pomegranate Grapes Melon Oranges Mandarin Potatoes Tomatoes Cucumber Carrot Onion Bread / Pasta

August 2012


October 2012 November 2012

October 2012


December 2012

November 2012


January 2013

December 2012


March 2013

January 2013 Pear

60.00 40.00

August 2012

Yogurt Wine / Oil Eggs Banana Apple


amount of wastes), milk products 0.64% (of the total amount of wastes) and cooked food 3.65% (of the total amount of wastes). Very worrying was that during the compositional analysis several whole foods were found (Fig. 6b). Yogurt, Wine/Oil, Eggs, Banana, Apples, Pear, Peach, Pomegranate, Grapes, Melon, Oranges, Mandarin, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Carrot, Onion, Bread/ Pasta was the most preferable for the citizens. Most of them didn’t expire, or were too close to the day that they expire, or the food quality wasn’t for them acceptable. For example, most of the fruit (bananas, apples, melons etc) presented with black dots in their surface, something that for the most consumers are unacceptable (in fact the fruits is acceptable and can be used). Fig. 7 give details regarding the compositional analysis of the other waste streams. Toys, clothes, shoes, are presented more often. Very important was that amount of more than 3.5% of the total waste streams was stones, soil, and debris. This has to do with the local culture on which the people use to clean their yards (typical cleaning procedure). This amount could be avoided by informing the citizens that this does not consist of waste. Comparing the results that we found out with the international data we found similarities and differences. According to the report caring from DETR (2000) which focuses on the Waste Strategy for England and Wales, Paper and card were 33.2%, Kitchen (food waste) and garden waste 20.2%, Glass 9.3%, Textiles 2.1%, plastics 10.2%, Ferrous Metal up to 5.7% while the Non-ferrous 1.6%, Miscellaneous combustible 8.1%, disposable nappies 3.9%, fines 6.8%. The Waste compositional analysis of Wales according to Burnley et al. (2006) presents Green waste 17%, paper and cards 7%, woods 13%, metals 7%, glass 2%, plastics 2%, textiles 3%, hazardous waste 1%, inert waste 18% and Miscellaneous waste 3%. According to Burnley (2007) in terms of composition with the main components the following ranges were presented: Paper and card 23–25%, kitchen and garden waste 35–38%, plastics 8–10%, glass 6–7% and metals 3–5%. According to the waste compositional analysis from Thesalloniki (Poulios and Papachristou, 2005) papers are up

to 29.21%, waste that can be composted are up to 26.66%, plastics are presented in 17.90%, glass up to 3.61% and inert waste up to 4%. Almost half of the waste materials generated in Mexico City (Duran Moreno et al. 2013) are organic (49.5%); a portion of them can be treated by biologic technologies to produce biogas or by composting. About 13.16% are plastics with 6.46% low density polyethylene bags as main component; 5.7% is paper and 4% cardboard. Such materials also have recycling potential, along with glass (2.65%), ferrous metals (1.16%), and non-ferrous metals (0.13%). An important amount of sanitary waste is found (10.77%). There are hazardous and special wastes in a low proportion that must be removed from the MSW flow. There are many reasons why the waste streams present variation through the year and especially in insular communities. Poll (2004) and (Burnley, 2007) mentioned that for people living in houses, the overall quantity of waste produced was independent of ethnic origin. For most components in the waste there was also no appreciable variation. Poll (2004) also noted that it appeared that Black communities produced more paper than White and Asian households. The differences according Burnley (2007) to in the minor categories like waste from communal gardens are inconsistent (for example a 28% increase in nappies from houses and a 2% reduction in nappies from flats) and may be due to random variation rather than real seasonal trends. Hence, several islands in Mediterranean consist of the main tourist destinations. According to Zorpas et al. (2014a) hospitality industries often pay little attention to their environmental responsibilities and solid waste is a key concern in the hospitality industry. Typically, a hotel guest can produce 1 kg of waste per day that accumulates to thousands of tonnes of waste annually and many hotel operators have very little interest in reducing, minimized and/or recycling waste, believing that such activities are too expensive and time-consuming. The most widely use tourism development model used in the region is based on seaside summer holidays and attainment of quantitative goals (Zorpas et al., 2008) and this is affecte the production of MSW during summer (Zorpas et al., 2014b).



Milk Products

18.17 15.24 23.11

22.95 11.95 16.90


40.00 30.00




March 2013

Fig. 6b. Food waste (B – whole foods) stream compositional analysis.

Fig. 7. Others waste stream compositional analysis.

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030

A.A. Zorpas et al. / Waste Management xxx (2015) xxx–xxx


Public Awareness Activities 2010 - 2015

State of the art Observation and record 2010-2013

Waste Compositional Analysis 2012-2013

Set up priorities for prevention 2012-2013

Waste Management Licence from the Department of Environment 2012-2013

Waste Prevention Actions 2012-2013 focuses on specific streams (Food waste, green waste, home composting, plastic bag, plastic bottle)

Door by door continual information’s during 2014 regarding the waste prevention plan, home composting etc (almost 4000 houses)

Door By Door collection for specific streams 2016

Implementation of waste compressor, green waste collection, recyclable waste bins in the tourist and urban area during 2014-2015 (Development of green composting system)

Development Pay as you throw during 2016-2017

Development of Pay as You Save strategy 2017-2018

Fig. 8. Municipality waste prevention strategy plan.

sorted, categorised and weighed, which resulted in an analysis protocol is reported (Zorpas and Lasaridi 2013). Waste compositional analysis provides substantial information for the type and the kind of waste produced in one area or in a entire country. Through the waste compositional analysis a proposed WMP in order to minimize the wastes that are dump to landfill for the Municipality may involved (a) The creation of a cookbook which will use the leftovers as raw material to develop national and international recipes. (b) Promoting of home composting using composted bins which will be set on from the Municipality. (c) Public awareness campaign focuses on reduction, reuse and recycling. (d) Training session in the schools. (e) Meetings and conferences with several stakeholders like boy scouts, NGOs, Municipality sociological teams (theatrical, dance, musical). (f) Preparation of waste study for ensuring waste management licence according to the waste framework directive (2008/ 98). (g) A door by door collection of the recyclable materials. (h) Development, promoting and award of the green business, green school, green citizen. A waste prevention programe should not be a mere list of topdown-measures prescribed by the national government but a plan which integrates the interests and concerns of interested and

affected parties (stakeholders) based on a commitment to continue the programe. There are hundreds of potential or existing waste prevention measures, instruments and initiatives which could be integrated into the programe. The main task of the programe, consequently, is to provide a vision and a framework that builds up on existing initiatives and to add the most efficient and effective complementary measures. The strategic plan regarding the waste prevention of the Municipality start from 2010 (Fig. 8). The Public Awareness activities were start since 2010 and will continue until 2015. At least 5–7 activities (campaign) were carried out the last years. After 2015 those activities will continue to inspire and encourage the citizens. The public awareness campaign includes in a yearly base seminars in specific target groups (primary and secondary schools, NGOs, etc), open conferences, Live Links, interviews, spots in local radio station, leaflets, door by door information, abstracts in Local newspapers and local magazines. 3.3. Problems related with the implementation of WMP Generally, several Municipalities have failed to manage solid waste due to financial factors. Also, this is very often in insular tourist areas where hospitality industries often pay little attention to their environmental responsibilities (Zorpas et al., 2014a). The huge expenditure needs to provide the service (Sharholy et al., 2007), the absence of financial support, limited resources, the unwillingness of the users to pay for the service (Sujauddin et al., 2008) and lack of proper use of economic instruments have hampered the delivery of proper waste management services.

Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030


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Sharholy et al. (2008) indicated that the involvement of the private sector is a factor that could improve the efficiency of the system. Waste management is also affected by the aspects or enabling factors that facilitate the performance of the system. They are: technical, environmental, financial, socio-cultural, institutional and legal. Therefore, waste management plans are the sole duty and responsibility of local authorities, and that the public is not expected to contribute (Vidanaarachchi et al., 2006). The operational efficiency of solid waste management depends on the active participation of both the municipal agency and the citizens, therefore, socio cultural aspects mentioned by some scholars include people participating in decision making (Sharholy et al., 2008), community awareness and societal apathy for contributing in solutions (Moghadam et al., 2009). Management deficiencies are often observed in the municipalities. Some researchers that have investigated the institutional factors that affect the system have come to the conclusion that local waste management authorities have a lack of organizational capacities (leadership) and professional knowledge. Besides they concluded that the information available is very scanty from the public domain. The extremely limited information is not complete or is scattered around various agencies concerned, therefore, it is extremely difficult to gain an insight into the complex problem of municipal solid waste management (Seng et al., 2010).

4. Conclusions Uncontrolled disposal of waste results in (i) the contamination of surface and groundwater through leachate; (ii) soil pollution through direct waste contact or contaminated liquid waste percolation; (iii) air pollution through burning of wastes; (iv) spreading of diseases by different vectors like birds, insects, and rodents; (v) inconveniencies caused by bad odours in the landfills, and (vi) uncontrolled release of methane by anaerobic. Waste compositional analysis is one of the leading tools that must be in place before of any WMP progress. Typically the waste generation is influenced by the economy and social impact of the study area. Most of the waste could possibly be separated by households for recycling. Therefore, it will reduce up to 30% the total amount that the Municipality pays to the KMWTP. The proposed target to be the Municipality a Waste Management Authority will lead to a zero waste plan in the nearest feature. With the intention of enhancing the sustainability of the solid waste management, public awareness, expertise, facilities and funding either from government or Non-government Organizations (NGO) that are currently deficient have to be improved immediately. Capacity improvements to the existing solid waste management framework need to be highlighted, particularly in terms of collection and disposal.

Acknowledgements The research was to some extent funded by the LIFE+10 ENV/ GR/622 project ‘‘WASP Tool’’.

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Please cite this article in press as: Zorpas, A.A., et al. Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans. Waste Management (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.030

Household waste compositional analysis variation from insular communities in the framework of waste prevention strategy plans.

Waste management planning requires reliable data regarding waste generation, affecting factors on waste generation and forecasts of waste quantities b...
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