Tissue Antigem (1978), 12,407-408


Published by Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark No part may be reproduced b y any process without written permission from the author(s)

HLA-Antigens and Hypernephroma B. M. E. K u n t ~ ' ( ~G. ) , D. Schmidt', S. Scholz3 and E. D. Albert3

' lnstitut fiir Blutgerinnungswesen und Transfusionsmedizin der Universitat Diisseldorf, *Urologische Klinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universitat Miinchen and Tissue Typing Labor, Kinderpoliklinik, Universitat Miinchen, Germany

Received for publication 1 6 June, revised, accepted 2 August 1978

Initiated by reports concerning a possible association of familial renal cell carcinoma (Braun et al. 1975) and familial kidney carcinoma (Valleteau et al. 1976) with HLA-antigens, tissue typing for 28 antigens of the HLA loci A and B that used the microlymphocytotoxicity method described by Terasaki & McCIelland (1964) was performed in 4 4 unrelated Caucasian patients with hypernephroma. The diagnosis was based on the histological evaluation of biopsy material in all cases. Threehundred unrelated healthy individuals of the same ethnic origin tested during the HLA-A

Table I and H L A - B antigens in patients with hypernephroma


Patients n=44



B8 817

25.0% O,O%

Controls n=300


x2 = 13.57, P =0.00025 Pcorr = 0.007, relative risk 4.6 13.0% n.s. 9,4% n.s. 6,7%

same period of time served as a control population. As shown in Table 1, an elevated frequency of Aw30/31 in the group of patients with hypernephroma could be observed: 11 out of 44 patients (25%) carried the antigen Aw30/31. In comparison, the frequency of Aw30/31 in the control population was 6.6% (20/300): (with Yates'-correction for discontinuity) = 13.57,P = 0.00025. The P-value corrected for the number of antigens tested was 0.007 and the relative risk 4.6. Fisher's exact test gave P = 0.00055. On the B-locus, an increased frequency of B8, a slight decrease of B7 and a total absence of B17 in the patients were found. However, these deviations are not significant. Retrospectively, it seems worth noting that in two out of the three families with hypernephroma reported by Braun et al. (1975), Aw31 was inherited. The third family carried a haplotype with Aw32, In the family with kidney carcinoma reported by Valleteau et al. (1976) all


supported b y : DGF Al 92/9/10 and SFB 37, Munchen.



four patients carried the haplotype A2B12. In three of these four patients Aw19.2 was found. It may be speculative, but these observations possibly indicate a relationship between Awl 9 split antigens and malignant kidney diseases. At the beginning of our study it was not possible t o split Aw30 and Aw31 exactly. Therefore, these two antigens have been combined in patients and controls. However, the later results have shown that Aw30 might be the antigen concerned. The observation of an elevated frequency of an HLA-antigen of the locus A in a malignant tumor (i.e. Aw30 in hypernephroma) seems t o be of great interest although further studies of larger materials are needed, and are in progress, to establish an HLA-association with increased risk for hy pernep hrom a.

References Braun, W. E., Strimlan, C. V., Negron, A. G., Straffon, K. A,, Zachary, A. A., Bartee, S. L. & Grecek, D. K. (1975) The Association of w17 with familial renal cell carcinoma Tissue Antigens 6, 101-104. Kuntz, B. M. E.. Schmidt, G. D., Scholz, S. & Albert, E. D. (1977) HLA-Antigene in Hypernephrom Patienten 9. Tagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f u r Histokompatibilitatstestung, Ulm/Donau, 1 6 . und 17. Dez. 1977. Terasaki, P. I. & McClelland, J . D. (1964) Microdroplet assay of human serum cytotoxins Nature 204, 998-1000. Valleteau, M., Morin, M. & Hors, J . (1976) Familial multiple cases of kidney carcinoma and A2-Bl2 haplotype. f s t Int. Symp. on HLA and diseases, Abstracts, p. 238, Edition INSERM, Paris (1976). Address : B. M. E. Kuntz lnstitut fur Blutgerinnungswesen und Transfusionsmedizin Universitat Diisseldorf Diisseldorf Germany

HLA-antigens and hypernephroma.

Tissue Antigem (1978), 12,407-408 NEWSLETTER Published by Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark No part may be reproduced b y any process without written...
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