The Laryngoscope C 2015 The American Laryngological, V

Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

Histopathology of Idiopathic Lateral Skull Base Defects Aaron K. Remenschneider, MD, MPH; Elliott D. Kozin, MD; Hugh Curtin, MD; Felipe Santos, MD Objectives/Hypothesis: The objective of this study was to utilize techniques of otopathology to gain insight into the pathogenesis, sites of origin, and associated findings in idiopathic lateral skull base defects. Study Design: Histopathologic analysis of temporal bones from an otopathology repository. Methods: Specimens from a human temporal bone repository were investigated for clinical or otopathologic evidence of occult bony dehiscence indicating communication between the subarachnoid space and air cells of the temporal bone. Specimens were examined by light microscopy, organized by fistula site, and histopathologically described. Premortem patient demographics and clinical history was reviewed. Results: Specimens from 52 individuals met inclusion criteria. Three distinct fistula pathways were determined: transdural, labyrinthine, and perilabyrinthine. Transdural fistulae occur most commonly as the result of arachnoid granulations along the middle or posterior fossa dura (n 5 30) and are frequently incidental findings in specimens of older individuals (median age at death: 81 years). Labyrinthine fistulae (n 5 10) were noted with cochlear malformations when modiolar atresia permits cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow into a common intracochlear scala and oval window perilymphatic fistula results. Perilabyrinthine fistulae (n 5 7) were observed through three congenitally unfused tracts: the tympanomeningeal fissure, the petromastoid canal, or an extension of the subarachnoid space into the fallopian canal. Conclusions: Idiopathic lateral skull base defects occur in three distinct anatomic locations with consistent histopathologic findings. In the absence of clear radiographic localization, patient age and associated cochlear defects may assist in the determination of the site of CSF leak. These data have implications for surgical approaches of CSF fistula repair. Key Words: Cerebrospinal fluid leak, temporal bone pathology, arachnoid granulation, encephalocele, Mondini, scala communis, tympanomeningeal fissure, patent fallopian canal, petromastoid canal. Level of Evidence: NA Laryngoscope, 125:1798–1806, 2015

INTRODUCTION In contrast to acquired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks of the temporal bone, spontaneous CSF leaks are infrequently encountered and not well understood.1 CSF egress into the ear may arise from a defect in the middle or posterior fossa dura adjacent a bony dehiscence anywhere along the petrous pyramid. Active CSF leaks may be clinically obvious, presenting with a middle ear effusion, conductive hearing loss, and otorhinnorhea.2 In contrast, occult fistulae/defects may present with minimal signs and symptoms that only become apparent following a secondary intracranial complication, such as otogenic meningitis or seizure.3,4 Determining the etiology and location of lateral skull base fistulae is critical as it influences clinical deci-

From the Department of Otolaryngology (A.K.R., E.D.K., F.S.) and Department of Radiology H.C., Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Massachusetts; and the Department of Otology and Laryngology (A.K.R., E.D.K., H.C., F.S.), Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication April 6, 2015. Presented orally at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting, Coronado, California, U.S.A., January 22–24, 2015. The authors have no funding, financial relationships, or conflicts of interest to disclose. Send correspondence to Felipe Santos, MD, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114. E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1002/lary.25366

Laryngoscope 125: August 2015


sion making, including the need for surgical repair. A detailed clinical history is of primary value as certain comorbid conditions, such as obesity, can provide significant insight into the etiology of the fistula.1,5–9 Although a thorough head, neck, otologic, and neurologic examination is necessary, such investigations frequently do not provide additional localizing information. Laboratory tests, such as b-2 transferrin, have a high specificity for CSF,10 but may not be readily obtainable and will not indicate the site of defect. Imaging studies including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and high-resolution computed tomography (CT) have sensitivities for localizing CSF leaks between 50% and 90%7,11,12; however, studies suggest that the sensitivity drops with decreasing defect size.12 Thus, if the fistulae are small, imaging may not readily provide information regarding the site of origin. As current diagnostic modalities may not consistently provide information as to the location of CSF leaks, knowledge of common sites for CSF fistulae of the temporal bone, especially in occult cases, is critical. In 1985, Neely first grouped clinical cases of spontaneous CSF effusion by the site of egress, based on their proximity to the otic capsule.13 Further refinement of this classification into transdural, labyrinthine, and perilabyrinthine fistulae greatly facilitates the understanding of their etiology, their stereotyped clinical features, their risk to the patient, and the appropriate method of surgical repair.

Remenschneider et al.: Histopathology of Lateral Skull Base Defects

TABLE I. Transdural Defects. Patient Age at No. Death, yr




Clinically Apparent Leak During Life

Relevant Clinical History



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



Normal hearing



Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa



Paget’s disease, diabetes

3 4

74 90

Multiple arachnoid granulations Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa Middle fossa

Bilateral Left

No No

Malignant mesothelioma Mild to moderate hearing loss



Multiple arachnoid granulations

Middle fossa



Cerebral hemorrhage

6 7

87 79

Multiple meningoencephaloceles Middle fossa Multiple arachnoid granulations Posterior fossa

Right Bilateral

Yes No

Died of otitic meningitis Unknown history



Multiple arachnoid granulations

Posterior fossa



Cerebral hemorrhage

9 10

92 77

Single arachnoid granulation Multiple arachnoid granulations

Posterior fossa Posterior fossa

Left Right

Unclear Yes

Fluctuating hearing loss Mild otitic meningitis



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



Died of otitic meningitis

12 13

85 13

Single arachnoid granulation Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa Middle fossa

Right Bilateral

No Yes

Mondini dysplasia Tuberous sclerosis



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



Died of otitic meningitis

15 16

92 91

Single arachnoid granulation Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa Posterior fossa

Left Left

No No

Fluctuating hearing loss Fluctuating hearing loss



Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa



Fluctuating hearing loss



Multiple arachnoid granulations

Middle and posterior fossae





Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa



Progressive hearing loss consistent with strial atrophy No otologic problems



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



Otosclerosis with dead ear after stapedectomy



Bony defects, no arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



Superior canal dehiscence

22 23

68 94

Single arachnoid granulation Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa Middle fossa

Right Right

No No

Bilateral SNHL Unknown history



Single arachnoid granulation

Petrous apex along superior petrosal sinus in both middle and posterior fossae

Bilaterally No

CSF contacts the fat of the petrous apex marrow



Single arachnoid granulation

Petrous apex along superior petrosal sinus in both middle and posterior fossae)

Bilaterally No

CSF contacts the fat of the petrous apex marrow



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



Bilateral Meniere’s

27 28

63 55

Single arachnoid granulation Single arachnoid granulation

Right Left

No No

Pituitary dwarfism and severe SNHL Progressive bilateral hearing loss



Single arachnoid granulation

Posterior fossa Lateral to the internal carotid (middle fossa) Posterior fossa

Bilaterally Yes

Died of otitic meningitis



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa



No otologic history



Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa




Single arachnoid granulation

Middle fossa


Possible left Possible right

Late onset ipsilateral serous otitis media with tube placement Terminal acute otitis media with incus erosion



Single meningoencephalocele

Posterior fossa



Right vestibular schwannoma, untreated



Single meningoencephalocele

Posterior fossa



Endolymphatic hydrops in right ear



Single meningoencephalocele

Middle fossa



Repaired defect transmastoid with cartilage at age 65 years with good effect

CSF 5 cerebrospinal fluid; SNHL 5 sensorineural hearing loss.

Laryngoscope 125: August 2015

Remenschneider et al.: Histopathology of Lateral Skull Base Defects


Although recent studies have reviewed patient presentation and surgical repair of occult CSF leaks,2,7–9,14,15 few have investigated the temporal bone histopathologic findings and correlated them with premortem clinical history. We aimed to analyze cases of idiopathic transdural, labyrinthine, and perilabyrinthine skull base defects from a large temporal bone repository. By utilizing the techniques of otopathology, we hoped to gain better insight into the pathogenesis, site of origin, and associated defects of the temporal bone and lateral skull base.


Fig. 1. Coronal diagram showing various routes of cerebrospinal fluid fistula through the temporal bone. (1) Middle fossa transdural. (2) Labyrinthine via internal auditory canal (IAC) and oval window. (3) Patent tympanomeningeal fissure. (4) Widened fallopian canal. (5) petromastoid canal. Adapted with permission from Phelps.4 CochAq 5 cochlear aqueduct; EAC 5 external auditory canal; ET 5eustachian tube; JB 5 jugular bulb.

Temporal bone specimens included in this study are a part of the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders’ National Temporal Bone, Hearing and Balance Pathology Resource Registry (The Registry). Specimens evaluated in the current study are all housed at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Massachusetts. The preparation and analysis of the bones have been previously described.16 In brief, the temporal bones were removed at autopsy and immediately fixed in 10% formalin solution. They were decalcified with

Fig. 2. Representative computed tomography scans of lateral skull base defects. Arrows indicate site of leak. (A) Posterior fossa arachnoid granulation. (B) Middle fossa meningoencephalocele. (C) Incomplete partition II, dilated apical cochlea and vestibule. (D) Patent tympanomeningeal fissure. (E) Widened fallopian canal.

Laryngoscope 125: August 2015


Remenschneider et al.: Histopathology of Lateral Skull Base Defects

ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and embedded in celloidin. Serial sectioning was performed in either the axial or vertical plane at a thickness of 20 mm, staining every tenth section with

hematoxylin and eosin. Stained sections were examined under light microscopy by expert otopathologists, with complete histologic and histopathologic features noted. Findings are recorded within The Registry and cataloged by key word. The Registry was queried for specimens that contained evidence of premortem CSF leak or histopathologically determined lateral skull base defects. Search terms utilized included: CSF leak, cerebrospinal fluid leak, CSF fistula, cerebrospinal fluid fistula, arachnoid granulation, Pacchionian body, encephalocele, meningoencephalocele, perilabyrinthine leak, Hyrtl’s fissure, tympanomeningeal fissure, petromastoid canal, patent fallopian canal, and cribose area. Cases were included in the analysis if there was evidence of an idiopathic and not secondarily acquired CSF fistula. Specimens with evidence of a fistula without clinical history of a leak were also included. Furthermore, cases with a documented clinical history of CSF otorrhea, otitic meningitis, or intracranial complications from a CSF leak were similarly included. Cases were excluded if the CSF fistula arose in the setting of chronic otitis media, trauma, cholesteatoma, previous surgery, or if there was another clear acquired cause. Specimens included in this study were organized into three distinct CSF fistula sites: transdural, labyrinthine, and perilabyrinthine. Transdural defects were defined as bony dehiscences with evidence of arachnoid granulation (AG) ingrowth, encephalocele/meningocele/meningoencephalocele, or direct dural contact with air cells from either the middle or posterior fossa. Labyrinthine defects were defined as the appearance of CSF in continuity with the scalae of the inner ear along with oval window abnormalities that could lead to a perilymphatic fistula. Perilabyrinthine defects were defined as congenital bony fistulae surrounding the otic capsule along three routes: a patent tympanomeningeal (Hyrtl’s) fissure, a widened petromastoid canal, or extension of the subarachnoid space into the fallopian canal. Given rarity of these data, each unique case’s features were made primary data for review. The age at death, histopathologic findings, site, laterality, evidence of CSF leak during life, and relevant clinical history were extracted. Descriptive analysis was performed. The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Computed Tomographic (CT) imaging library was searched for cases of lateral skull base defects with clinical CSF leaks. Available representative CT images from each category of fistula site were obtained.

RESULTS Search results revealed a total of 70 unique cases that included one or more terms listed above. Review of each case with application of inclusion and exclusion criteria netted a total of 52 separate cases for review. Clinical cases of occult CSF leak all contained an identifiable histologic defect of the lateral skull base. Of these, 35 were classified as transdural, 10 were labyrinthine, and seven were perilabyrinthine fistulae. The histologic

Fig. 3. (A) Low-power (23) view of a horizontal section along the axis of the internal auditory canal. The medial aspect of the canal at the porus acusticus demonstrates an arachnoid granulation of the posterior cranial fossa dura. (B) High-power (203) view of the arachnoid granulation reveals erosion into a mastoid air cell. (C) Low-power (1.253) view of a vertical section along the middle fossa floor demonstrates a distinct tegmental defect. There is associated glial tissue representing a 0.8-mm meningoencephalocele. This patient died of otitic meningitis.

Laryngoscope 125: August 2015

Remenschneider et al.: Histopathology of Lateral Skull Base Defects


Laryngoscope 125: August 2015


Remenschneider et al.: Histopathology of Lateral Skull Base Defects

Age at Death

0 days

0 days

0 days

0 days

3 days

6 weeks

8 months

2 years

73 years

85 years

Patient No.











Right IP-II, left IP-II

Right IP-II, left IP- II

Right mild IP-II

Right IP-II, left IP-II

Left mild IP-II

Right IP-I, left IP-II

Left IP-II

Right mild IP-II

Right IP-II, left IP-II

Left IP-II

Cochleovestibular Malformation (Sennaroglu)

Both 1.5 turns, scala communis with imcomplete cribose bone

Both 2.0 turn cochlea, scala communis

2.5 turns, scala communis, absent cribose bone

1.0 turns, scala communis; 1.5 turns, scala communis

2.0 turns, scala communis

Common cavity; 1.5 turns, absent cribose bone

2.0 turns

2.0 turns, scala communis with intact cribose bone

Both 1.5 turns, scala communis with incomplete cribose bone

1.5 turns, rudimentary osseous spiral lamina

Cochlear Defect

Both dilated

Both dilated

Both normal

Both membranous

Normal, hypoplastic superior canal

Both dilated

Membranous, absent oval window



Common, dilated



Absent oval window, fixed



Both dilated

Both membranous




Absent oval window

Stapes Footplate

TABLE II. Labyrinthine.

Both enlarged

Both enlarged


Both enlarged


None, enlarged



Both enlarged


Vestibular Aqueduct











Clinically Apparent Leak During Life

Congenitally deaf, sparse records

Moderate hearing loss, died of myocardial infarction

Otopalatodigital syndrome, died of acute respiratory failure

Subacute otitis media and pulmonary consolidation seen at autopsy following septic death

Klippel-Feil syndrome, died of bronchopneumonia

Triplody 69XXY, died of cardiopulmonary failure Hydantoin syndrome (phenytoin toxicity)

Trisomy 13, died of cardiopulmonary failure

Born anencephalic

Trisomy 22, died of cardiopulmonary failure

Relevant Clinical History

TABLE III. Perilabyrinthine. Patient No.

Age at Death



Clinically Apparent Leak During Life

Relevant Clinical History


8 weeks

Widened petromastoid canal confluent with subarcuate cell tract



Died from otogenic meningitis

2 3

11 weeks 2 years

Persistent tympanomeningeal fissure Widened petromastoid canal confluent with subarcuate cell tract

Right Left

Possible Possible


11 years

Persistent tympanomeningeal fissure



Clear effusion right ear Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia, recurrent otitis media with seizures Progressive neurodegenerative disease


13 years

Extension of subarachnoid space into the fallopian canal



Mild meningitis


68 years

Widened petromastoid canal confluent with subarcuate cell tract



Died from otitic meningitis


70 years

Persistent tympanomeningeal fissure



Right vestibular schwannoma removed 22 years prior to death

description and clinical details of these results are featured in Tables I to III. Figure 1 displays identified pathways of CSF egress into the middle ear for each site. Representative CT scans demonstrating the identified routes for CSF leak are displayed in Figure 2. No CT images of a widened petromastoid canal resulting in CSF leak have been previously published or were identified in our imaging library.

subarachnoid space entering the internal canal through a defective fundal cribose area, which results in CSF in the scalae of the inner ear. Defects in the stapes footplate included aplasia, membranous footplate, and ankylosis (congenital stapes fixation). Of the 15 ears in 10 patients with such defects, 5/15 (33%) had membranous footplates, whereas 3/15 (18%) had a thickened footplate with apparent stapes fixation. Representative specimens are displayed in Figure 4.

Transdural Defects The mean age at death of patients in the temporal bone collection with transdural defects was 78 years, and the median was 81 years of age. Thirty of 35 cases (86%) were AGs, whereas 5/35 (14%) demonstrated bony defects without AG or meningoencephaloceles. Of the patients with AGs, 6/30 (20%) had multiple AGs, whereas the remainder had only one AG. Seventeen cases contained defects of the middle fossa floor, and 16 involved the posterior fossa plate; of these, three cases contained bony defects in both locations. Twenty-five of 35 patients (71%) did not have any history of active CSF leak or secondary complications such as otitic meningitis. The other 10 had documented meningitis or a clinical history or exam suggestive of a CSF oto/otorhinorrhea. Five patients (14%) died of otitic meningitis. Representative histopathologic specimens are featured in Figure 3.

Labyrinthine Defects Of the 10 cases of labyrinthine fistula identified in The Registry, all uniformly contained congenital modiolar defects. The classification of cochleovestibular malformation, configuration of the cochlea and vestibule, and the status of the vestibular aqueduct are detailed in Table II. The Sennaroglu classification was applied to each specimen.17 The median age at the time of death was

Histopathology of idiopathic lateral skull base defects.

The objective of this study was to utilize techniques of otopathology to gain insight into the pathogenesis, sites of origin, and associated findings ...
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