Letter to the Editor

Nephron I992;61:II9

F Fabrizia S. Di Filippoa G. Erbah G. BacchinP D. MurcellF G. Pontoneroa /W. CrepaldP F Locatellia

Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Hepatic Function in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

Divisione di Nefrologia e Dialisi e Centro Trasfusionale, Ospedale Civile, Lecco, Italia Sir, Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has been recently recognised as an emerging problem in dialysis patients. The develop­ ment [I] of a serological assay to detect antiHCV antibodies has provided an opportunity to expand our knowledge of the epidemiolo­ gy and natural history of this entity. We have studied the prevalence of antiHCV in a population of 177 patients on chron­ ic hemodialysis using an enzyme immunoas­ say (HCV antibody ELISA test system. Ortho Diagnostics) based on the HCV C-100 anti­ gen, and all assays were run in duplicate. We have correlated the results with age, time on hemodialysis, number of transfused and polytransfused patients and previous kidney transplantations. Moreover. GOT and GPT serum levels, determined by spectrophotome­ try every 3 months, were evaluated in a 15year retrospective study. A value higher than twice the upper reference level was consid­ ered to be significant. Eighteen patients (10%) were anti-HCVpositive: in this group (table I), time on hemo­ dialysis, number of polytransfused patients, and number of previous kidney transplanta­ tions were significantly higher than in the negative group. Most of the patients who were anti-HCV positive had raised transami­ nases, while there was no difference between the two groups regarding persistent (HBs-Agpositive) and previous (anti-HBs- and/or anti-HBc- and/or anli-HBe-positive) HBV in­ fection. Our results show that: (a) the prevalence of anti-HCV positivity in hemodialysis pa­ tients in our Unit is in agreement with other Italian authors [2]: (b) anti-HCV seropositivi-

Table 1. Characteristics of HCV-positive and HCV-negative patients.

Patient characteristics

Anti-HCV positive

Anti-HCV negative

Patients, n Time on HD, months Occasionally transfused Polytransfused

18 108.3 2(11) 7(39)

159 54.2“ 13 (8)b 5 (3)b

3(17) 2(11)

7 (4)b 5 (3)b

0.05 NS

8(44) 12(67)

69 (43 )b 13 (8)b

NS 0.001

Previous kidney transplantations HBs-Ag positive Anti-HBs and/or -HBc an d/or -HBe positive Raised transaminases

" b


0.001 NS 0.001

Figures in parentheses are percentages. HD = Hemodialysis. Student’s test. x: test (Yates with Kimball observation).

ty is strongly correlated with the duration of dialysis and multiple blood transfusions as already reported [3]: (c) 9 (50%) anti-HCVpositive patients had never received transfu­ sions, and several seronegative patients had received between I and 12 transfusions, clear­ ly, there are other modes of transmission: (d) there is no correlation between HCV and HBV infection, in spite of other studies: (e) since some HCV patients are associated with a normal hepatic function, there is the need to test all hemodialysis patients; (0 the presence of most anti-HCV-positive patients with raised transaminases suggests that HCV plays a pathogenetic role in liver disease in hemodialyzed patients.

References 1 Kuo G, Choo QL. Alter H J: An assay for circu­ lating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of human non-A, non-B hepatitis. Science 1989; 244:362-364. 2 Gilli P, Moretti M, Soffritti S, Marchi N, Malacame F, Bedani PL, De Paoli Vitali E, Fiocchi O, Meniai C: Non-A non-B hepatitis and antiHCV antibodies in dialysis patients. Int J Artif Organs 1990:13:737-741. 3 Alonso MC, Novoa D, Romero R, Arcocha V, Sanchez-Guisande D: Antibodies to hepatitis C virus in patients on haemodialysis. Nephron 1991:57:247.

Dr. F. Fabrizi Divisione di N elrologia c Dialisi Ospedale Civile di Lecco via Gbislanzoni 22. 1-22053 Lecco (Italy)

© 1992 S. K arger A G. Basel 0028 -2766/92/ 06II-O1I9S2.75/0

Hepatitis C virus infection and hepatic function in chronic hemodialysis patients.

Letter to the Editor Nephron I992;61:II9 F Fabrizia S. Di Filippoa G. Erbah G. BacchinP D. MurcellF G. Pontoneroa /W. CrepaldP F Locatellia Hepatit...
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