a chemo-immunotherapy schedule o f both. Six of twenty patients (30%) who received DTIC alone d e­ veloped recurrent disease and four (20%) died. Five of 28 patients who received BCG alone developed recur­ rence (18%) and two (7%) died. N o recurrences or deaths occurred in 22 patients who received the com bin­ ation o f DTIC and BCG. The above findings were found to be statistically significant.

Stamps Commemorating Medicine “ Henry D earborn” Physician, Soldier, Civil Servant, Diplomat

Gray Scale Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Meta­ static Melanoma. M. E. Bernardino, and H. M. Gold­ stein. Cancer 42:2529-2533, 197S. The authors performed 108 gray-scale ultrasono­ graphic examinations o f the abdomen and pelvis in 89 patients with malignant melanomas. All of these pa­ tients were suspected from clinical examination of hav­ ing intra-abdominal or pelvic disease. The authors re­ port that the majority o f abdominal m etastases in their patients were in the liver and retroperitoneal space. They reviewed the varied ultrasonographic features of metastatic malignant melanomas and suggest that ul­ trasonography is worthy as an initial screening method in patients with malignant melanomas, considering that this modality is not invasive, can be performed in an outpatient setting, and is relatively inexpensive com ­ pared to computerized tomography and angiography. It is to be noted, however, that at present the smallest masses that can be picked up by ultrasonography are of the order o f 2-3 cm in size.

Effect of Postoperative Wound Infection on the Course of Stage II Melanoma. D. N. Papachristou, and J. G. Fortner. Cancer 43:1106-1 III, 1979. Local innoculation with various microorganisms, e.g., BCG, C. parvum and viruses has been practiced in order to boost the immune potential o f patients with cancer. The role o f postoperative wound infections on the natural history o f stage II malignant melanomas was carried out in a retrospective study o f 2 1 1 patients with malignant melanomas in stage II who had been treated with local excision and axillary or groin dissec­ tions, but no other form o f therapy. The group was divided into 40 patients who had immediate postopera­ tive wound infections at the site o f lymph-node dissec­ tion and the remaining 171 who did not have infections. The groups were otherwise com parable in all other respects. There was a significant decrease in the inci­ dence of local recurrence in the groin and axillary area in the 40 patients with postoperative wound infections. The incidence of distant metastases, survival, and disease-free interval were not influenced. The authors concluded that infection of operative wounds confer­ red only "local protection" from recurrence of malignancy.


e n r y d e a r b o r n was born in 1751 and died in 1829. In that long life o f 78 years, he became a physician, a soldier in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, a member o f Congress, Secretary of War in Jefferson’s administration, and finally Ambassador to Portugal. For Dearborn, around which the city o f Chicago even­ tually grew, was named in his honor. In 1933, in con­ nection with the celebration of the Chicago Century of Progress, the Postal Service issued a 1-cent stamp de­ picting Fort Dearborn. The stamp (Fig. 1) measures 0.75 x 0.87 inches and bears a picture o f the Fort col­ ored dark green on a lighter-green background. The block house o f the old fort appears in the fore­ ground , partially overshadowed below and with a stock­ ade fence extending from each side to the edge o f the stamp. Trees and other buildings of the fort are seen in the background. In each lower corner, in a circular panel, is a solid numeral I. The face o f the stamp is surrounded by a narrow, double-line border.


F I G U R E I.

Dr. Agris is C hief o f Plastic Surgery, Texas Institute o f Rehabilita­ tion & Research, and Instructor in Plastic Surgery, Departm ent of Surgery, Baylor College o f Medicine, Houston, Texas.

J. Derm atol. Surg. Oncol. 5 :9 September 1979


"Henry Dearborn". Physician, soldier, civil servant, diplomat.

a chemo-immunotherapy schedule o f both. Six of twenty patients (30%) who received DTIC alone d e­ veloped recurrent disease and four (20%) died. Five...
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