Biochimica ct Biopl5"sica Acta. 1136(1992) 151)-154 z: 1992_Elsexier Science Publishers B.V. All rights rcscr.'¢d 0167-4889/92/S05.00


Guanine nucleotides stimulate carboxyl methylation of kidney

cytosolic proteins Denis Gingras and Richard


Lahoratoire de Membranologic .ttoldculaire. I ~ r t t T n e n t dr" chinue-biochimie. Unit c~iL.: du Qta~occ A ,*.fon/r~a/Momr~al. Q u ~ c ICanada~ and Groupe de Recht'rche en Transport Mt~zbranaire. Unire~ti de Montreal. Montrial Quf,bec ¢Cana~a)

(Recei~.cd4 [X-cember 1991) (Revis4.'dmanuscript reoeixetl20 March Iq92_1

K~y words: Protein cztrbo:q;tnlcll'q,'lllalasferas¢:Guanine nudeotid¢

We studied the effect of guanine nucleotides on the carbo~l methyla:ion catabzed by class ii protein carbox~/lmethyltransferases tPCMT). Additioo of guanosine 5°-O4y-thiohriphosphate (GTPyS) promoted a time- and concentration-dependent enhancemcnt of protein mctbylatio.~ ia tnc cytosolic fraction isolated from kidney cortex. GTPyS affected the kinetics of the methylation reaction, as reflected by alterations of both apparent K~ and V ~ of the metl~'ltransfetase. This effect was specific for guanine nucleotides and was completely abolished by addition of S-adenosyl-t_-homocysteine, a well-known inh~itor of methyltransferasc--catalyzed reactions. No GTP~,S stimulation of melh~,°.~t~ was found in q,losolic extracts from any of the other tissues studied, including brain, testis, spleen, and liver, nor in brush-border membranes isolated from the kidney cortex. The metbylated proteins were highly sensitive to moderately alkaline conditions, suggesting that the methyl esters were formed on t.-isoaspartyl residues and thus mcthylated by a II PCMT. results suggest that class-II-associated protein mcthylation activity from the soluble iraction of the kidney can be regulated by g,,anine nuclcotid,~.

h droduO.iou Protein carboxylmethyhransferases (PCMT) represent a broad group of enzymes that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosyI-L-methionine to a carboxyl group in proteins [1]. In eucar~'otes, two major classes of PCMT have been studied to date. C!ass II PCMT (E.C. methylate a wide variety of proteins and peptides to form extremely base-labile atethyl esters and possess a high :eactivity towards aspartic residues covalently altered by isomerization reactions [2.3]. These unusual properties have led to the hypothesis that these methyltransferases may be involved in the metabolism of d a m a g e d proteins [4.5]. Another class of ir, ethyltransferases (class l i d catalyze the metbylation Cortespondenc~ to: R. I~liveau. D~partement de chimie-biochimie. Uni','ersit6 dy Qu6bec ~ MontrdaL C.P. 8888. Succursalc "A". Mow tribal. Out,bee IDC 3P8. Canada. Abbreviations: AdoMet. S-adenos¥l-i.-mcthionine: AdoHcy. Sadcnosyl-t-homo~'st¢in~: ApplNHh~.adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphnsphatc; BBM. brush-border mcrqbrant:s; G-protein. guanine-nucleotidebinding prolein; GTPyS. guanosin¢ 5"-O4y-thioRriphosphate: GDP~OS. guannsine 5°-O4/~-thiokliphosphate: PCMT. protein carbox~'lmethyltransfe~ase; 16-BAC. benz~'ldimethyl-n-hexadeq,'lammonium chloride.

of the a-cart~'~.~.jl group of C-terminal residues located in a consens::s sequence ( C A A X ) of yeast and mammalian pro:~.ins. The pro!ein substrates of this class include t~c small GTP-binding protein ras [6-8], the nuc:-_ar |amin B [9], the -~- subonit of some trimeric G - p r m e i n s [10L and c G M P phnsphodieslerase [11]. The data obtained so far with these substrates have suggested that metbylation occurs after isoprenylation of a cysteine residue 4 amino acids from the C-terminns and proteolytic removal of the last 3 amino acids [ 12,13]. The nature of the a-carboxyl-terminal-metbylated proteins and the fact that this methylation is in some cases enhanced by guanine nucleotides [14,15], suggest an involvement of this methylation reaction in hormonal transduction. However, no studies have focnsed so far on a similar regulatory role of d a s s - l l catalyzed protein metbylation. In the kidney, the cells lining the proximal tubule are the site of reabsorption of important metabolites filtered by the glomerolns. These cells are characterized by a high degree of asymmetry with segregation of sodium-coupled active-transport systems in the brush-border membrane [16], while hormone receptors and bormone-sensitive adenylyl t3'clases are concentrated at the basolateral pole, in close contact with the circulation [17]. W e have recently reported the pres-

encc of two distinct class !1 PCMT in the kidney cortex, a soluble and a brush-border-membrane-associated PCMT [18]. In the present work, we examined the effects of guanine nucieotides on protein methylation occurring in the cytosolic fraction and in brush-border membranes of the kidney cortex. We demonstrate that guanine nucleotides enhance the activity of the soluble class !1 PCMT.

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Materials and Meflmds All experiments were performed on adult SpragueDawley male raLs weighing 300-350 g (Charles River). Tissues were homogenized in 5 vols. of 250 mM sucrose-5 mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.5) using a Potter-Elvehjem tissue grinder. The homogenates were centrifuged at l l 0 0 0 0 x g for 60 min and the resulting supernatants used as cytosols. Brush-border membranes from the kidney cortex were isolated by a magnesium precipitation method [19]. The medium used for metbylation reactions contained, in a final volume of 30/zl : 100 mM Hepes-Tris buffer (pH 7.5), 2 p.M (2/zCi) [methyl-3H]S-adenosyi L-rnethionine (69-73 Ci/mmol, Dupont-New England Nuclear) and 100 p.g of proteins. The reaction mixture was incubated at 3TC for 60 rain or the times indicated in the figures. For GTP-dcpcndent methylation, GTP,/S (10 to 200 p.M) was added to the medium. Total incorporation of radioactivity into protein methyl esters was measured with a methanol vapor diffusion assay [20]. Kinetic parameters were determined by non-linear regression analysis of the data using a computer graphics program (Kaleidagraph). Methylated proteins were separated by 16-BAC acid electrophoresis using 7.5% acrylamide gels followed by fluorograpby with i M sodium salicylat¢, as described previously [18]. Control experiments have previously shown that the total amount of radioactivity present in the acidic gel is in the form of basc-scusith'c methyl esters. No significant radioactivity is detected following SDS-PAGE at pH 8.8, the methyl estcrs being hydrolyzed at this alkaline pH [18]~


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Incubationtime(min) Fig. I. Time dependence of endogenouscarboxyl mcthylation of kidney c~o.-,olicproteins.Cytosolicproteins(100 pg) were incubated in 100 mM Hepes/Tris(pH 7.5) with 2 pM [3HlAdoMct(2 ~.Ci) in the absence (Q) or presence of 100 pM App[NH.]p (11). GDP~S (o), GTP',/S(o) or GTP-tS+ 500 pM AdoHcy( A). Methylationwas quantified as described elsewhere[20]. Values are means+_S.D,of three experimentsdone in triplicate. Inset. Initial velocitiesof protein carboxyl mcthylation for contrd (1:3) and GTPTS-trcatcd (e) cytosols. (100 pM) also resulted in a stimulation of the endogenous methylation, but to a smaller extent, while App[NH]p, a non-hydrolysable analog of ATP, was without effect (Fig. 1). Both basal and GTPyS-stimulated methylation activities were almost completely abolished by the addition of 500/zM AdoHcy, a wellknown inhibitor of methyltrausferase-catalyzed reactions. The effect of GTPTS was strongly concentration-dependent. As shown in Fig. 2, addition of GTP~/S to the incubation medium resulted in a progressive stimula-





Time-, concentration-, and AdoMet-dependence GTPyS-stimulated protein methflation


Incubation of the soluble fraction isolated from kidney cortex with the radioactive methyl donor [3H]AdoMet resulted in a time-dependent methylation of endogenous proteins (Fig. i). The addition of 100 lzM GTPyS, a non-hydrolysable analog of GTP, increased markedly both the rate and extent of methylation, with an average 3-fold stimulation of the initial rate of incorporation of labelled methyl groups (33 vs. 10 pmol/mg per h) (Fig. i, inset). Addition of GDP/3S


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Nucleotides (I.tM) Fig Z Concentration depcndcocc and specificity of nuclontides on carboxyl methylation ol kidney-corlex cylosolie proteins. Cytosolic proteins (I00 p.g) were incubated in I00 mM Hepes/Tris (~'H 7.5) with 2 p M [~H]AdoMet (2 pCi) in the presence of increasing concentrations of App[Nll]p ([3), GDP~S (o) or GTPTS (o) for 60 rain at 37*(::. Control value refers to methyhtion measured in the absence of nucleotides (9.8 pmol/mg per h). Means _+S.D. of three experiments done in triplicate are shown.

152 TABLE I Effect of GIPyS on rite etulogou,ui u#uhle PC.'tfT activity of t~ti~nL~ tusues



Preparatton of the soluble e~lraCts rfld determination of I ~ , l T act~.'ilywere I~rformed as ~k'-~'ribet:in "Materials and Methods'. A reprc~cnZatk¢ cxperlmenl :~ilh lrip.t-~:alcdeterminations is sh~rwn.

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15 20 AdoMet (pM)




Fig. 3. Effca of GTI'?S on the AdoMet dependence ot kidno'

Guanine nucleotides stimulate carboxyl methylation of kidney cytosolic proteins.

We studied the effect of guanine nucleotides on the carboxyl methylation catalyzed by class II protein carboxylmethyltransferases (PCMT). Addition of ...
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