Growth Hormone Pretranslationally Regulates the Sexually Dimorphic Expression of the Prolactin Receptor Gene in Rat Liver

John A. Robertson*, Lars-Arne Haldosen, Timothy J. J. Wood, Maureen K. Steed, and Jan-Ake Gustafsson Department of Medical Nutrition Huddinge University Hospital S-141 86 Huddinge, Sweden

The female-specific expression of the rat liver PRL receptor (PRL-R) gene was investigated by Northern analysis of hypophysectomized rats after two alternative human GH treatments that were to mimic either 1) the continuous female-specific or 2) the discontinuous male-specific serum GH patterns. The former (female-specific) pattern was shown to result in a dramatic increase in PRL-R mRNA in both males and females, while the latter (male-specific) pattern failed to evoke this response. A similar inductive effect in hypophysectomized females was shown after continuous administration of bovine GH and was found to constitute an approximately 60-fold increase in PRL-R mRNA levels. This effect by bovine GH, which, unlike the human isoform, is devoid of lactogenic properties, thus indicates the somatogenic origin of the signal resulting in this inductive response. These observations in conjunction with previous data obtained for other GH-regulated nonreceptor genes are interpreted to support the proposal of GH serum patterns being an early signal in a more general mechanism for pretranslational regulation of sex-specific gene expression. In contrast to GH, only a slight elevation of PRL-R mRNA was evoked by the ligand ovine PRL, while coadministration of ovine PRL with bovine GH failed to enhance the mRNA level found with bovine GH alone. The detection of previously unreported PRL-R mRNAs in liver of approximately 3.0, 3.8, and 5 kilobases in addition to the major 2.2-kilobase form was also evident after continuous GH administration. (Molecular Endocrinology 4: 1235-1239, 1990)

Comparisons of the amino acid sequences predicted from the recently available cDNA sequences for the corresponding receptors from various species have shown regions of evolutionary conservation within both the extracellular domain thought to be responsible for ligand binding and the internal domain via which an uncharacterized signal is transmitted to hormone-responsive processes (2-4). This evolutionary conservation indicates common functional domains and may again reflect divergence from an ancestral prototypic gene or exon shuffling (5) between distinct progenitor genes with common functional peptide domains within their corresponding proteins. Both receptors have been shown to constitute subfamilies of isoforms at both the protein level (6-10) and, more recently, the mRNA level. Indeed, multiple cDNAs have recently been isolated for the rat GH receptor (GH-R) (11) and the PRL receptor (PRL-R) (3, 4,12). In addition, use of the 1.6-kilobase (kb) rat liver PRL-R cDNA (to a 2.2-kb message) has detected PRLR mRNAs of different sizes (2.8, 4.0, 6.5, and 10 kb) in rabbit mammary gland (3, 4) as well as certain 0.6-, 2.2-, and 4.0-kb messages occurring in rat ovary, prostate, mammary gland, adrenal, kidney, and testis. However, the presence of only one mRNA (2.2 kb) is reported in liver (3). The PRL-R gene in rat liver is clearly expressed in a sexually dimorphic manner, with males having negligible ligand-specific binding (13-15). Feminization via estrogen treatment of male (or gonadectomized female) rats results in feminine (i.e. elevated) levels of PRL-R protein (7, 15) and mRNA (Ref. 3 and 16, and these authors, unpublished). Analysis of the sexually dimorphic expression of certain genes (for review, see Ref. 17) has been consistent with this essentially being due to the distinct and sexdependent serum GH levels (18). Indeed, mimicking the male secretory pattern via intermittent administration of GH to hypophysectomized female rats caused a complete masculinization of (male-specific) cytochrome P450 16a (P450IIC11) expression (19, 20), while continuous administration of GH to males to mimick the


The genes for GH and PRL are currently thought to have originated from a common ancestral gene (1). 0888-8809/90/1235-1239$02.00/0 Molecular Endocrinology Copyright © 1990 by The Endocrine Society


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female secretory pattern induced the female-specific P450 15/3 (P450I1C12) (21). In the present study we sought to investigate the female-specific expression of PRL-R in rat liver via Northern analysis of RNA from rats with different GH regimens. Data are presented to further support the proposal of GH serum patterns being a more general mechanism by which sexually dimorphic gene expression is regulated at a pretranslational level.


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Preliminary Northern analyses with total RNA and prolonged autoradiography indicated a major effect of GH administration patterns on the levels of PRL-R message (not shown). This effect was confirmed via Northern analysis using poly(A)+ RNA and clearly shows a major effect of GH treatment on expression of the PRL-R gene in rat liver (Fig. 1). The continuous administration of human (h) GH in a female-specific pattern to hypophysectomized male or female rats resulted in a dramatic elevation in the mRNA corresponding to the rat liver isoforms of PRL-R (Fig. 1, compare lanes 1 and 2 with 4, and 5 and 6 with 8). In contradistinction, the intermittent administration of hGH (to mimick the malespecific secretory pattern) to female or male hypophysectomized rats failed to elicit this response (Fig. 1, lanes 3 and 7). Quantification of the signal intensities from this Northern blot after normalization against 0actin is shown in Fig. 2. Certain additional observations regarding these data



Fig. 1. Northern Analysis of Hepatic PRL-R mRNA after Various hGH Treatments Individual lanes represent 2.5 nQ poly(A)+ RNA (see Materials and Methods) obtained from rats with the following treatments: 1) control males, 2) hypophysectomized (HX) males, 3) HX males with intermittent hGH administration, 4) HX males with continuous hGH, 5) control females, 6) HX females, 7) HX females with intermittent hGH, and 8) HX females with continuous hGH treatment. A, The blot probed with PRL-R (exposed for 7 days); B, the same blot reprobed with 0-actin (see Materials and Methods). Intensifier screens were not used for these autoradiograms.


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2 3 4 Fig. 2. Quantification of Northern Signal Intensities from Data in Fig. 1 Signals from male P ) and female (•) mRNA were normalized against /3-actin. Individual treatments are: 1) control, 2) hypophysectomized (HX), 3) HX plus intermittent GH, and 4) HX plus continuous GH. No signals were obtained for lane 1 (male) or lanes 2 and 3 (both males and females); see Results and Discussion.

deserve comment. Firstly, at these autoradiographic exposures, the absence of signals indicates the low levels of PRL-R message in male controls and male or female hypophysectomized animals with or without intermittent GH administration and is in accord with the low levels of PRL-R protein reported (13-15). The lower levels of PRL-R mRNA detected in females after hypophysectomy (Fig. 1, compare lanes 5 and 6) are also in agreement with ligand binding data (22-24) and would indicate that the down-regulated expression of this gene after such treatment also occurs at the pretranslational level. Second, Fig. 2 indicates a lower inductive response (~60%) by continuous GH administration to male hypophysectomized animals compared with the response of their female equivalents. Although a rationale for this is obscure, a similar sex difference in response to a continuous GH pattern has been identified for cytochrome P450 f (P450 11C7; Zaphiropoulos, P., personal communication). Finally, the level of PRL-R

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GH Regulation of PRL-R mRNA


message in superfeminized females (Fig. 1, lane 8, and Fig. 2, lane 4) is almost twice that in untreated female controls, which indicates that this hepatic gene is not maximally expressed in normal females. As no major differences were detected in relative signal intensities for the individuals used in the preliminary study (not shown) compared with data subsequently obtained with RNA from pooled animals (Figs. 1 and 2), poly(A)+ RNA from individual rat livers was used to investigate if an elevation of PRL-R mRNA levels was evoked by identical continuous treatment of hypophysectomized female rats with the bovine (b) isoform of GH which, unlike the human, is devoid of lactogenic effects (25). The positive effect obtained (see Figs. 3 and 4, lanes 1 and 2) thus indicates a somatogenic origin of the signal resulting in this elevation of steady state levels of PRL-R mRNA. These figures also illustrate the barely detectable levels of PRL-R mRNA occurring in the hypophysectomized female rat liver (Fig. 3, lane 1, and see above) and that the elevation via continuous GH treatment is about 60-fold (Fig. 4, lanes 1 and 2). Up-regulation of receptor gene expression via their ligands has been reported for GH, epidermal growth factor, insulin, LH, GnRH, angiotensin-ll, and PRL (26). The data for ovine (o) PRL in Figs. 3 and 4 (compare lanes 1 and 3) may support a weak up-regulatory effect by oPRL and that this occurs, at least partly, pretranslationally. Although a weak inductive effect has also been shown with oPRL in primary hepatocytes (26), this must be interpreted with caution, as oPRL has

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B Fig. 3. Northern Analysis of Hepatic PRL-R mRNA from Hypophysectomized Female Rats after Continuous Hormonal Treatments Individual lanes represent 7 ^g poly(A)+ RNA from animals (see Materials and Methods) receiving the following treatments: 1) control, 2) bGH, 3) oPRL, and 4) bGH plus oPRL. A, The blot probed with PRL-R (exposed for 2 days); B, the same blot reprobed with /3-actin (see Materials and Methods).

Fig. 4. Quantification of Signal Intensities from Data Corresponding to Fig. 3 Normalization was against /?-actin (see Materials and Methods). Lane numbers correspond to those in Fig. 3. Intensifier screens were not used for these autoradingrams.

been shown to have somatogenic in addition to its classically lactogenic properties (27). In view of evidence for the somatogenic origin of this inductive signal (see above), it seems reasonable to consider the weak inductive effect of oPRL as being a manifestation of its somatogenic properties. It is in this context, therefore, that the noninductive effect of rat PRL (nonsomatogenic) in normal and hypophysectomized male and female rats (24, 28) might provide a more accurate indication of the inductive capacity of this ligand. The coadministration, however, of oPRL and bGH did not appear to enhance PRL-R mRNA levels compared to those found with bGH alone (see Figs. 3 and 4, lanes 2 and 4) and thus does not support the almost doubled specific binding previously reported (26). This discrepancy might implicate posttranslational events that would not be detected by the present analysis. In addition to detection of the 2.2-kb hepatic isoform previously reported (3), the pres^ ice of larger PRL-R mRNA homologs (provisionally 3.0, 3.8, and 5 kb) was apparent after continuous GH treatment (see Fig. 3, lanes 2 and 4). The presence of these low abundance messages in liver has not previously been re^ These in conjunction with the tissue-specific mRNAs

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previously reported (see above) may reflect products from several distinct PRL-R genes or, alternatively, may result from the differential (and tissue-specific) premRNA splicing of a single gene for this receptor. These data are, therefore, in support of previous studies concerning the female-specific GH up-regulation of cytochrome P450 15/3 mRNA (21) and 4-androstene-3,17-dione 5a-reductase enzyme activity (29) as well as the opposite, though complimentary, effect of rat urinary a2-microglobulin (30) or cytochrome P450 16a (21), where constant GH levels extinguished the production of this male-specific protein or mRNA. During the course of this study, a decreased expression of the male-specific cytochrome P450 g (P450 11C13) gene via continuous GH administration was also reported (31). Accordingly, as this receptor and these five distinct (and nonreceptor) genes have now been shown to be similar in their sensitivity to the female-specific pattern of serum GH, the possibility is further strengthened that this pattern is a more general mechanism for regulating female-specific gene expression and occurs at least in part at the pretranslational level.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials [a-32P]dCTP (3000 Ci/mmol), [a-35S]dATP (1000 Ci/mmol), and Multiprime kits were obtained from Amersham (Arlington Heights, IL). Polymerase chain reaction components were purchased from Cetus/Perkin Elmer (Emeryville, CA), Nytran hybridization membranes from Schleicher and Schuell (Keene, NH), and oligo(dT)-cellulose (type 7) from Pharmacia (Piscataway, NJ). Agaroses were obtained from FMC BioProducts (Rockland, ME), cloning vectors and restriction enzymes from Promega (Madison, Wl), T7 DNA polymerase (Sequenase)from U.S. Biochemicals (Cleveland, OH), and poly(A)* RNA size standards from Bethesda Research Laboratories (Gaithersburg, MD). Osmotic minipumps were obtained from Alza Corp. (Palo Alto, CA). Biosynthetic methionyl-somatotropin (hGH, Somatonorm) was a generous gift of AB Kabi (Stockholm, Sweden), and oPRL (NIDDK oPRL 16) and bGH (NIH GH B-14) were obtained from the Hormone Distribution Program, NIDDK, NIH (Bethesda, MD). Animals Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats, hypophysectomized at 42 days of age, and age-matched controls were purchased from Mollegaards Avelslaboratorium (Skensved, Denmark). The completeness of hypophysectomy was determined by monitoring weight gain for 1 week before the initiation of hormone treatment. The animals were maintained under a standard light regimen (0600-1700 h). Hormone Treatments Human GH was administered to hypophysectomized rats either at daily doses of 0.36 fig hormone/g w t d a y (61 /xg/day for females or 70 ^g/day for males) by sc injections every 24 h for 7 days or at the same daily dose by continuous infusion via minipumps for 7 days. Bovine GH and/or oPRL (each at 0.73 fig/g wtday) was administered by minipumps for a total duration of 7 days.

PRL-R cDNA Probe The 5'-most 290 basepairs of the rat liver cDNA sequence (3) were synthesized via the polymerase chain reaction (32) using the two opposed primers: 5' GGT CAA GCG AGC TGG ATT CTA 3' and 5' ATC TCA GGT TTC CCT GGT GGT 3'. This fragment shows no significant homology to the nucleotide sequence reported for rat GH-R (11). The polymerase chain reaction-generated product was excized from a 5% Nuseive GTG agarose gel, subcloned at the Sma\ site in pGEM-7, and introduced into the E. coli strain JM109 via electroporation (33), and authenticity was confirmed by sequencing. For use as a PRL-R-specific radiolabeled probe, this was liberated with EcoRI and AY/ndlll, isolated via the gel system described above, and "in gel" (34) radiolabeled via random priming (35) to a specific activity in excess of 109 cpm/iig DNA. Northern Analysis Preliminary studies (data not shown) with total RNA isolated from individual rat livers and their Northern analysis (see below) used equivalent fluorescent intensities of ribosomal RNA bands per gel lane before transfer to indicate similar amounts of mRNA loaded and to approximate normalization. For subsequent initial studies with hGH, total cellular RNA from rat livers (three animals per group) was isolated as previously described (36), and the poly(A)+ RNA-enriched fraction was prepared by standard methods (37) from bulked and equivalent amounts of total RNA from each animal per group. The corresponding poly(A)+ fraction was electrophoresed in 0.66 M formaldehyde and 1.2% Seakem GTG agarose containing 0.5 fig ethidium bromide/ml and transferred to Nytran by capillary blotting. Hybridizations were performed at high stringency (50% formamide at 42 C), and washes were performed twice in 2 x SSC (20 x SSC = 3 M NaCI, 0.3 M sodium citrate, pH 7.0)-1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 65 C, followed by twice in 0.1% SSC-0.1% SDS at room temperature. Intensifier screens were used unless otherwise indicated. PRL-R signals were normalized against /3-actin by reprobing with /3-actin cDNA after removal of the PRL-R probe in 0.1 % SSC-1 % SDS after removal of the PRL-R probe in 0.1 % SSC-1 % SDS (slow cooling to 60 C from boiling) and confirmation of removed signals by autoradiography before reuse. Northern signals were quantified using a model 301 densitometer (X-rite, Inc., Grandville, Ml). Subsequent studies with oPRL and bGH used poly(A)+ RNA from individual animals for Northern analysis by the method described above. Acknowledgments Received November 16,1989. Revision received May 7,1990. Accepted May 11,1990. Address requests for reprints to: Dr. John Robertson, Department of Medical Nutrition, F60, NOVUM Huddinge University Hospital, S-141 86 Huddinge, Sweden. This work was supported by a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B89-03X-06807-06C). * Recipient of a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council.


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GH Regulation of PRL-R mRNA



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Growth hormone pretranslationally regulates the sexually dimorphic expression of the prolactin receptor gene in rat liver.

The female-specific expression of the rat liver PRL receptor (PRL-R) gene was investigated by Northern analysis of hypophysectomized rats after two al...
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