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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1991.53:179-200. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Tasmania on 11/30/14. For personal use only.

PROTO-ONCOGENES, AND PLASTICITY OF THE CARDIAC PHENOTYPE Thomas G. Parke� and Michael D. Schneider} ,2 IMolecular Cardiology Unit, Departments of I Medicine , 2Cell Biology, and


Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,




fibroblast growth factors, transforming growth factors, heart, myocardium, gene expression

INTRODUCTION The inability of cardiac muscle cells to replicate in adult myocardium con­ founds recovery from ischemic injury and contrasts with the excessive growth of vascular smooth muscle in atherosclerotic lesions. Growth of cardiac myocytes by cell enlargement, however, is one outcome of pressure and volume overload, which encompasses not only inc�eased RNA; protein, cell volume and mass, but also plasticity of gene expression. Consequently, cardiac hypertrophy presents a challenging phenomenon to molecular geneti­ cists, to explicate transducing mechanisms that couple mechanical load to long-term changes in cardiac function and structure. Recent advances toward understanding trophic signals in the heart and remaining enigmas constitute the subject of this review. An ensemble of cardiac gene products exists, more extensive than recognized previously, which is coordinately regulated during experimental hypertrophy and myocar­ dial disease. Whether such genetic responses signify a purely adaptive re­ sponse or, instead, a shared regulatory program is controversial. Molecular signals that might initiate growth and alter gene expression after hemodynam­ ic stress have been identified. Induction of nuclear oncogenes during cardiac 179

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hypertrophy has suggested functional homology between mechanisms for growth factor signaling and transduction events initiated by mechanical stress. Cardiac myocytes, in addition, are targets for the action of peptide growth factors found in myocardium, thus suggesting an autocrine or paracrine model . of the hypertrophic process (84).


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Hypertrophy Recapitulates Ontogeny Development of the embryonic heart and maturation after birth entail not only the neonatal loss of cardiac myocytes' proliferative capacity, but also sequen­ tial changes in expression of cardiac-specific genes (50, 78, 102). The canonical transitions involve isoforms of contractile proteins, which often result from selective transcription within multigene families; for other genes, alternative mRNA splicing is the basis for diversity (7). In rodent models, constriction of the aorta increases cardiac mass together with gene expression characteristic of the embryonic heart. The decreased myosin ATPase activity in overloaded myocardium (1) is now comprehended as a transition in synthe­ sis from adult (aa, VI) to fetal (/3/3, V3) myosin heavy chains (MHC), whose actin-activated properties differ intrinsically (40, 106). Transcripts that en­ code a-actin itself are increased selectively for the skeletal muscle isoform (aSkA), which is associated with fetal myocardium (105). Also reactivated is the /3-tropomyosin (41) gene, which is transcribed in the developing ventricle and ordinarily supplanted by alternate isoproteins. Thus, an ensemble of fetal contractile protein genes is re-expressed after increased load and contributes to novel sarcomeres, whose functional properties may differ (78). The resurgence of fetal protein isoforms during cardiac hypertrophy may be more generalized, as illustrated for enzymes of myocardial metabolism [up­ regulation of non-muscle subunits of creatine kinase (38) and lactate de­ hydrogenase (30), and (re-induction of the embryonic a3 isoform of the sarcolemmal Na+/K+ ATPase (138)]. Analogously, after pressure overload, inhibition of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) slow/cardiac Ca2+ ATPase (54) and up-regulation of the secreted peptide, atrial natriuretic factor [ANF (41)], each restore the abundance of these transcripts found in embryonic hearts. Abnormal ultrastructure and electrophysiology also have been interpreted as fetal cardiac properties (63, 122). Re-induction of /3MHC in the ventricle also is common to diverse forms of cardiac hypertrophy-spontaneously hypertensive rats (37), compensatory growth after myocardial infarction (94), and Syrian hamster cardiomyopathy (43). Other embryonic transcripts including atrial myosin light chain-l (MLC1), ANF, and aSkA persist in this hereditary myopathy (48). Thus the generic response of fetal cardiac gene expression is not provoked exclusively by acute load. In contrast, {3MHC does not appear in cardiac hypertrophy



elicited by isometric exercise or thyroid hormone (120). Thus the underlying pathophysiology is likely to influence the specific subsets of cardiac genes, which are modulated, in addition to factors such as age or severity and duration of stress (121).

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Plasticity of Adult Human Myocardium Whether comparable transitions have equivalent significance in humans has been questioned, since J3MHC predominates even in normal adult human ventricles (126) and aSkA expression may be inconsistent (107). Despite apparent counter-examples, the human myocardium, in fact, can modulate differentiated gene expression (Table 1). For instance, aMHC is principally expressed in human atrial muscle, but is also expressed at low abundance in an unexpectedly large proportion of ventricular myocytes, which decreases during pressure-overload hypertrophy (4a; cf 27). Conversely, J3HMC, associated with embryonic, but not adult atria, is re-expressed in valvular disease in proportion to the atrial diameter (70). Novel ventricular isoforms of J3MHC reportedly exist in human cardiomyopathy (126) and hypertensive baboons (34). Linkage analysis mapping a gene for familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy to chromosome 14q1 is provocative, since the a and J3 MHC genes have been localized to 14q11. 2-q13 (44). Structural mutations of cardiac MHC genes have been identified in two pedigrees with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and changes in the proportion of a vs J3 MHC are postulated as a basis for the variable phenotype in this form of hypertrophy (140). That cardiac muscle responds locally to load is indicated by the appearance of ventricular MLC1 in the right atrium during pulmonary hypertension, but in the left atrium during mitral valve regurgitation (58). Conversely, atrial MLC1 is re-expressed in the hypertrophied human ventricle (35). Finally, as in rodent models, the ANF (98) and SR Ca2+ ATPase (71) genes are induced and repressed, respectively, in end-stage heart failure. Thus plasticity of gene expression in post-mitotic cardiac muscle provides a potential mechanism, both in animals and humans, for load or other trophic signals to produce long-term changes in myocardial performance, in contrast to beat-to-beat fluctuations caused by altered fiber length and short-term biochemical control of excitation-contraction coupling (50, 78).

Adaptation vs Atavism During pressure overload hypertrophy, the diminished actin-activated ATPase activity of J3MHC decreases the maximum velocity of shortening in unloaded muscle fibers (106), and the lower energetic cost of developed work is proposed to be advantageous during high oxygen demand (50, 78). Thus J3MHC is paradigmatic for adaptive plasticity in cardiac muscle. By contrast, functional consequences of an a-actin isoform switch are not substantiated by

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Table 1

Cardiac myocytes possess a continuum of responses to peptide growth factors, resembling fetal gene expression activated by a hemodynamic load Rodent ventricleb•c

Human atriumb•c

Human ventricleb•c Overload








or failure






++ +

++ +






























t t �

+ ++






a-Actin Cardiac












aFGF, bFGF, TGF 131



t i i

-, t � t t �






t �


+++ +


Ca2+ ATPase

NE, norepinephrine; T3, thyroid l' , up-regulation; �,down-regulation;"", little or no change with trophic signals or myocardial disease. C (+, + +, + + +) relative or (-) absent expression in nonna! myocardium. For brevity the sequence of gene


aFGF, acidic fibroblast growth factor; bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor;

hormone; TGF,8!, type ,81 transfonning growth factor.


d n.a., not available or inconclusive.

eF. M. Black,

L. H.

Michael, R. Roberts, M. D. Schneider, unpublished results.

induction during cardiac myogenesis is omitted (cf.




Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1991.53:179-200. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Tasmania on 11/30/14. For personal use only.

current in vitro assays, and over-expression of aSkA in Balb/C mice, which results from an upstream mutation in the a-cardiac actin (aCaA) gene, fails to provoke discernible abnormalities in cardiac structure orl physiology (25). Paradoxically, while down-regulation of the SR Ca2+ ATPase is likely to be consequential, the resultant increase in intracellular calcium might augment systolic function, but impair myocardial relaxation. Thus cardiac load elicits a set of genetic responses whose outcome can be advantageous, indifferent, or maladaptive (50) and might reflect shared regulation, not adaptation, in common (78, 102).

Initiating Signals The relative absence of hypertrophy in the right heart following aortic con­ striction and selective growth of right ventricular myocytes after pulmonary artery banding (66) suggest that circulating factors are unlikely to initiate hypertrophy in these forms of pressure overload. The potential role of local autocrine or paracrine mechanisms in the left ventricle remains open to question. Cardiac myocytes in cell culture have provided one means to overcome variables confounding in vivo studies and to identify regulators of cardiac growth and function. Adrenergic agonists, thyroid hormone, and angiotensin II each induce cardiac growth, yet differentially modulate cardiac-specific gene transcription (41, 49, 112). For example, thyroid hor­ mone exerts pivotal and reciprocal control over a and f3 MHC (29), whereas norepinephrine selectively provokes aSkA (4; cf 130, 133). The fact that perturbations induced by load are local argues for a contribu­ tion from mechanical stress itself (66). A passive stretch of cardiac myocytes on distensible membranes can induce protein synthesis (53), {3MHC (45), and aSkA (I. Komuro, Y. Yazaki, personal communication), as seen with pres­ sure overload in vivo (41). Certain models permit components of hypertrophy to be dissociated from load per se. Cardiac hypertrophy precedes hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (24), and f3-adrenergic blocking agents suppress the increase in cardiac mass, yet permit replacement of a by f3MHC (37). After aortic constriction, normalization of left ventricle wall stress by increasing wall thickness does not extinguish f3MHC, yet aSkA transcript levels subside (l00). Thus signals alternative to load itself might potentiate or sustain hypertrophy and the fetal phenotype, possibly through local autocrine and paracrine mechanisms.

FIBROBLAST AND TYPE f3 TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTORS Originally characterized through their capacity to elicit proliferative or an­ chorage-independent cell growth, peptide growth factors are multifunctional

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agents that regulate differentiation and function in a lineage and stage-specific fashion (28, 93, 101, 102). Both fibroblast and type f3 transforming growth factors (FGF, TGFf3) are encoded by multigene families, are expressed in normal and abnormal myocardium, and provoke plasticity of cardiac gene expression, which resembles transitions produced in vivo during acute load or end-stage heart failure (Table 1). Basic and acidic FGF, potent mitogens for many cell lineages, have been purified from diverse sources. These peptides share 55% amino acid sequence homology, bind heparin, compete for recep­ tor binding and, overall, have comparable biological effects (28). Like acidic FGF, basic FGF lacks a signal peptide seq uence for secretion, yet accumu­ lates in the extracellular matrix (28). In addition, basic FGF is released from cells after injury (68). Specific actions of acidic and basic FGF are contingent on the target cell, as illustrated by their shared ability to suppress differentia­ tion of skeletal myoblasts (15, 59), yet promote differentiation in neurons (64). Additional members of the FGF family, whose potential expression and function in cardiac muscle are untested, include int-2, hstlKS3, FGF-5, FGF-6, and keratinocyte growth factor (28, 102). Control of growth by TGFf31 is dependent on cell age, cell density, and the presence of other growth factors. Typically, TGFf31 induces transformed growth in agar yet inhibits mitotic growth in monolayer cultures (93). For example, TGFf31 retards endothelial growth induced by FGF (74) and sup­ presses certain EGF-induced genes (16). Interestingly, TGFf31 inhibits type II collagen production by mature chondrocytes, yet induces immature cartilage to differentiate (118). Related peptides include TGFf3s 2 through 5, the decapentaplegic product, bone morphogenic proteins such as BMP2, Miil­ lerian-inhibiting substance, activins and inhibins, and Vgl and Vgr-l, mater­ nally encoded mRNAs found in Xenopus and mouse oocytes, respectively (93, 102). More than 12 new members of the TGFf3 family have been identified, using cDNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (125). The apparent dichotomy between proliferative growth and differentiation in skeletal myocytes, the existence of representative permanent cell lines, and simple procedures for insertion of exogenous regulatory or reporter genes have contributed to the importance of skeletal muscle as a paradigm for the impact of growth factors during myogenesis (101; J. FIorini, D. Ewton, K. Magri, this volume). Basic and acidic FGF are potent mitogens for skeletal myoblasts (15, 59) which, like TGF{31 (10, 67, 80, 110), inhibit muscle­ specific gene expression even in the absence of proliferative growth. Con­ versely, acidic and basic FGF cause differentiation of skeletal muscle pre­ cursor cells in the animal pole of Xenopus embryos, thus substituting for signals normally provided by vegetal pole cells (134). Thus, FGFs exert bifunctional control of differentiation in skeletal muscle, circumscribed by the underlying state of development. In agreement, TGFf31 inhibits differentia­ tion of skeletal myoblasts (10, 67, 80, 110), yet potentiates mesoderm

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induction by FGFs (115); the endogenous factor inducing dorsal mesoderm appears to be a TGF/3-related peptide, activin A (69, 116). Finally, in post-mitotic skeletal muscle, FOFs and TOF/3 l fail to modulate muscle­ specific genes,although down-regulation of the corresponding receptors may be the outcome, not the cause, of terminal differentiation (15, 23, 81). Although cardiac and skeletal myocytes share numerous muscle-specific gene products in common (especially in the embryo), particular distinctions suggest the potential for lineage-specific responses to growth factor binding. First, cardiac muscle cells synthesize tissue-specific proteins, even during proliferation (95). After birth, cardiac DNA synthesis is uncoupled from cell division, and subsequent growth occurs by hypertrophy alone (139). While the viral oncogene SV40 T antigen suppresses differentiation in skeletal muscle (21), cardiac myocytes,induced to grow by T antigen in culture, or in transgenic mice, retain a differentiated phenotype (108, L. Field, personal communication). Finally,peptide growth factors are likely to control skeletal muscle differentiation, at least in part, through the abundance or activity of myc-like determination proteins-MyoDl, myogenin, myf-5, and MRF4----­ which have not been detected in cardiac muscle (6,18,19,91,135) and are not thought to regulate gene expression in atrial or ventricular myocytes. Nonetheless, this discrepancy invites speculation that cardiac muscle might contain structural or functional homologues of MyoD1. A structurally un­ related gene, the proto-oncogene c-ski, likewise converts fibroblasts to the myogenic pathway, but is expressed in the developing and adult heart (86).

MYOCARDIAL GROWTH FACTORS Expression and Localization Indirect evidence favoring a functional role for growth factors in the heart has been proof of their expression within the myocardium, development control, and up-regUlation in cardiovascular disease. Acidic and basic FOF have been purified from the heart (11, 89, 99) and are detected in dissociated cardiac myocytes (117). The paucity of basic FGF mRNA in myocardium,as in most tissues (111), contrasts with the abundance of this peptide in cardiac ex­ tracellular matrix (46). Acidic FOF is readily detected in cardiac myocytes, but not in cardiac fibroblasts and, like basic FOF, it accumulates in the extracellular matrix (132). A heart-derived growth factor for endothelial proliferation recently was identified as acidic FGF itself and was localized to cardiac myocytes in cultured myocytes and thin sections (99). Since the yield of acidic FOF in bovine heart was 500 /Lg'kg-1, adult cardiac muscle is one of the richest sources of this growth factor (99). Along with transformed cells and platelets, cardiac muscle also highly expresses TGF/3l , which is found in cardiac myocytes, the endocardial

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cushion, and specialized conduction tissue ( 124). Like basic FGF (46), TGFfil is more highly expressed in the atrium than the ventricle ( 123), in parallel with the capacity for DNA synthesis. Intracellular staining for TGF{3l in cardiac myocytes contrasts with extracellular staining of mesenchymal cells ( 123); however, during human embryogenesis, TGFfi mRNAs may be ex­ pressed preferentially in cardiac valves and the endocardium (26). Although TGFfis I through 5 each are found in the myocardium, variation exists between mammalian and non-mammalian hearts (42, 56, 124). In addition, insulin-like growth factors I and II are both expressed, at least in neonatal myocardium, with IGF-II more abundant than IGF-I (22). The heart may also be the site of production for novel trophic peptides. Unique transcripts of TGF{3 1 are found in murine, rat, and porcine hearts, although their protein products, if any, are unknown ( 123, 124). A potent mitogen with 66% homology to basic FGF also has been identified in mammalian myocar­ dium ( 109). Three neurotrophic molecules are highly expressed in the heart­ nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and neurotrophin-3 (65)-whose effects may not be limited exclusively to neurons (82).

Myocardial Development Regulation of FGFs and TGFf3s during cardiac development holds particular interest in view of the impact of these peptides on skeletal muscle determina­ tion. In embryonic mice, TGFfi l is expressed at high levels in the endocardial cushion and cardiac valves ( 124). TGF/B and Vgr-l also are expressed in mesenchymal cells of the endocardial cushion, 9-10 days post coitum, where­ as B MP2 gene expression is localized to the outer myocardial layer (B. Hogan, personal communication). During chick embryogenesis, basic FGF at first may be restricted to developing myocardial cells and appears sub­ sequently in the extracellular matrix [stages 9 and 15, respectively (85)]. Both basic FGF and TGFfisl-4 decrease in the adult vs neonatal ventricle (46, 124; S. Jakowlew, A. Roberts, personal communication). TGFJ35, investigated thus far only in Xenopus, is abundant in the neurula and tadpole and in adult heart (56). Both IGF-II gene expression and IGF receptor density rapidly decline in rat hearts 3-7 days after birth (22). Human fetal heart expresses high levels of acidic FGF mRNA, whose cellular distribution and temporal control are unknown ( 13). Functional studies provide a more conclusive indication that these growth factors or other diffusible signals might contribute to induction of the cardiac myocyte lineage or other components of the heart. Formation of valve primor­ dia in chick embryos (epithelial-mesenchymal induction) is elicited by TGFJ31 (87) or cardiac extracellular matrix containing FGFs (57). At the onset of gastrulation, excision of underlying endoderm, or injection of a factor inducing dorsal mesoderm, subsequently shown to be activin A, pre­ vents the formation of cardiac muscle itself ( 17). Similarly, medium con-



ditioned by endodermal cells causes the pluripotent embryonal carcinoma, P19, to form spontaneously beating muscle cells, and this induction of mesoderm resembling cardiac muscle is blocked by activin A (128).

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Cardiac Disease Measurements of increased expression with ischemia, infarction, or mechani­ cal load have helped to establish interest in the possible functional con­ sequences of myocardial growth factors. Chronic ischemia in the pig results in angiogenesis, concurrent with up-regulation of TGF,B in ventricular myocytes, and a precursor of acidic FGF in coronary vessels (89; M. Klags­ brun, P. D' Amore, this volume). Experimental infarction in the rat leads to loss of both TGF,B1 (123) and basic FGF (12) from the infarcted zone, with increased expression in adjacent surviving myocytes. An additional 1. 9 kb TGF,B transcript also appears after infarction in the rat (123), or pig (136), and perhaps appears in dilated cardiomyopathy as well (136). It has been postu­ lated that these peptides aid healing, or angiogenesis, and benefit com­ pensatory hypertrophy (12). Extracts from hypertrophied hearts provoke hypertrophy when infused in vivo, thus substantiating a role for trophic substances produced in response to load (31). Although up-regulation of angiotensinogen follows aortic constriction (61), expression of FGFs and TGF,Bs after a hemodynamic load is uncharacterized. Interestingly, acidic FGF increases five to tenfold in skeletal muscle with exercise conditioning (73). �

CARDIAC MYOCYTES ARE TARGETS FOR THE ACTION OF PEPTIDE GROWTH FACTORS Myocardial Differentiation is Induced by Mitogen Withdrawal Dissociated cardiac myocytes in the absence of hemodynamic forces, innerva­ tion, and circulating hormones have facilitated the identification of molecules that regulate the cardiac phenotype and the dissection of signaling pathways. Historically, one clue was furnished by monolayer cultures in media contain­ ing fetal sera, which revert to a less differentiated phenotype (127). In contrast, serum-free media advance the maturation of neonatal cardiac muscle cells (84, 127) a�d maintain the differentiated properties of adult ventricular myocytes (8). Specific constituents of serum distinct from catacholamines and thyroid hormone induce cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and protein synthesis (112). The response of cardiac myocytes to serum factors is developmentally regulated. Neonatal rat cardiac muscle cells, subjected to serum after mitogen withdrawal for 2, 7, or 15 days, exhibit three sequential phases of ventricular growth capacity: mitosis, DNA synthesis uncoupled from cell division, or suppression of both responses, in parallel with the corresponding loss of



growth in vivo (127). In this model, proliferation is associated with down­ regulation of both striated a-actins, whereas a-skeletal actin is induced by serum in older cultures, as seen in pressure overload hypertrophy. These data leave open to question the identity of serum components, which are trophic for cardiac myocytes and alter phenotypic properties.

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Peptide Growth Factors Induce Fetal Cardiac Genes The authors have established that neonatal rat cardiac myocytes possess a continuum of responses to TGF�l, basic FGF, and acidic FGF (84; Table I ), which contrast with the uniform suppression of muscle-specific genes in skeletal myoblasts or biochemically differentiated myocytes (10, 20, 67, 80, , 101, 1 10). Incubation with TGF�I provokes �MHC and inhibits aMHC, despite the presence of thyroid hormone. Similarly, aSkA is induced, with little or no change in a-cardiac actin. Thus the embryonic isoforms are up-regulated selectively, with essentially identical responses initiated by basic FGF. Both peptides also stimulated ANF and, conversely, inhibited sarcop lasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase expression (83). Thus either alone differentially affected an ensemble of six genes, which corresponds to regula­ tion of each gene seen in vivo with pressure-overload hypertrophy. Despite activities comparable to basic FGF in other cell lineages, acidic FGF produced unexpectedly distinct effects in cardiac muscle. Although the a and � MHC, ANF and SR Ca2+ -ATPase genes responded similarly to acidic and basic FGF, both aSkA and aCaA were suppressed. [Vascular smooth muscle a-actin, perhaps the earliest molecular marker of cardiac myogenesis (97), in contrast, was upregulated by all three peptides.] Differential regula­ tion of both striated a-actins by acidic and basic FGF stands in contrast to their shared effects on five other cardiac genes and establishes a model for FGF control of tissue-specific gene expression with specificity and dis­ crimination unlike that reported in other systems. Counter-regulation of Skeletal a-Actin Transcription in Cardiac Muscle by Two Fibroblast Growth Factors Experiments utilizing transfected actin promoter-reporter genes indicate that aCaA transcription in cardiac muscle is unchanged by basic FGF, yet is suppressed by acidic FGF. By contrast, transcription of the aSkA promoter is counter-regulated by these two peptides-stimulated by basic FGF, but in­ hibited by acidic FGF. For both positive and negative modulation, growth factors thus control sarcomeric a-actin gene expression, at least in part, through transcriptional mechanisms. Recombinant acidic and basic FGF pro­ duced equivalent, dichotomous effects on aSkA transcription, thus verifying that the antithetical actions are intrinsic, not the consequence of contaminants such as other heparin-binding growth factors (83). The proximal 202 nucle­ otides of the chick aSkA promoter were sufficient for counter-regulation by·

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basic and acidic FGF, with no additional contribution from elements further upstream (83), unlike the role of sequences distal to -450 for norepinephrine stimulation of the human aSkA promoter ,(N. Bishopric, personal com­ munication). Positive vs negative control of a gene's transcription by two FGFs has not, to the authors' knowledge, been observed in other models, and warrants further attention to reconcile the basis for contradictory effects. Together these studies underscore the likely importance of lineage-specific differences in growth factor control of cardiac vs skeletal muscle. Distinct effects of acidic vs basic FGF on aSkA transcription may provide insight into the sequential responses to serum seen in neonatal cardiac myocytes after differing intervals of serum withdrawal ( 127). As a whole, the coordinate regulation of an ensemble of genes by peptide growth factors can be described in the context of a fetal cardiac phenotype and gives credence to hypothesized autocrine and paracrine mechanisms during pressure-overload hypertrophy.

Cardiac Myocyte Growth In the cultures of ventricular myocytes described above, acidic FGF, but not basic FGF, increased cell number at 24 hr; basic FGF increased cell protein; and TGF,Bl did not affect cell growth (84). No growth was seen in parallel cultures of cardiac fibroblasts. Thus, ,BMHC and ANF were highly expressed in proliferative cultures. Moreover, since TGF,Bl induced the same set of fetal cardiac genes as basic FGF, plasticity of gene expression can be dissociated from growth. Other laboratories confirm the ability of basic FGF to induce cardiac myocyte hypertrophy ( 114) or proliferation (47), which may be inhibited by TGF,Bl (47). Conversely, IGF-l cooperates with basic FGF to induce proliferation of human fetal cardiac myoblasts (52). Thus results to date in rodent models are likely to have applicability to humans. In mice expressing a v-fps transgene, cardiac hypertrophy and failure are attributed to a paracrine factor from infiltrating monocytes, since v-fps was not transcribed in the ventricular myocytes themselves ( 137). Finally, the hypothesis that paracrine mechanisms might act on cardiac myocytes during hypertrophy receives particular support from the identification of a cardiac fibroblast­ derived growth factor for cardiac muscle cells, distinct from basic and acidic FGF ( 114).

GROWTH FACTOR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION BY CELLULAR ONCOGENES Proto-oncogene Proteins Confer Trophic Signals to the Nucleus Peptide growth factors control cell growth and differentiation through a cascade of proteins encoded by cellular (proto-) oncogenes, reviewed in detail elsewhere ( 131). First identified as counterparts in the normal vertebrate

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genome of the transfonning genes of certain retroviruses, proto-oncogene products encompass growth factors, their receptors, coupling proteins, and nuclear transcription factors (131). Numerous cellular oncogenes are ex­ pressed in the heart, though the relative contribution of cardiac myocytes, smooth muscle, endothelium, and mesenchyme is uncertain (76, 113). Func­ tional consequences of each oncogene generally are inferred from simpler, potentially contrasting systems. A receptor for FGFs is encoded by fig [afms-like gene; (60, 96)], and the existence of multiple homologous receptors is likely (90). Like platelet­ derived growth factor receptor isofonns, which distinguish among related ligands (32), the FGF receptor may bind acidic and basic FGF with differing affinity (96). Whether this can account for discordant effects of acidic vs basic FGF in cardiac muscle awaits exploration. In addition, at least one putative receptor for FGFs lacks a tyrosine kinase domain (9). Developmental regula­ tion of growth factor receptor isoforms in the heart could, in principle, contribute to the transition from hyperplastic to hypertrophic growth (cf 23, 81). Few observations have as yet been made of growth factor expression in diseased human myocardium. Recently down-regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor in coronary microvasculature was observed in human cardiomyopathy, which suggests that decreased growth factor receptor abun­ dance might restrict angiogenesis during ventricular enlargement (W. Schap­ er, personal communication). Nuclear Oncogene Proteins in the Myocardium Nuclear oncogene proteins-including c-fos, c-myc, and c-jun-are rapidly induced by growth factors or other trophic stimuli, are thought to couple transmembrane signaling to growth and transcriptional control, and are the focus of explicit attention in the context of cardiac growth and hypertrophy (41, 53, 55, 75, 76, 113, 119, 127). For example, down-regulation of c-myc in the embryonic heart parallels the loss of proliferative capacity (103); N­ and B-myc also are down-regulated during cardiac development (102). Conversely, a hemodynamic load in vivo re-induces c-myc in adult cardiac muscle (75). In cultured ventricular myocytes, however, serum factors induce c-myc both in cells that undergo mitosis and in older cells incapable of cell division (127). Likewise, c-myc elicited by norepinephrine is associated with hypertrophy, not hyperplasia (119). Thus irreversible down-regulation of c-myc cannot account for cardiac myocytes' loss of proliferative potential. Conversely, up-regulation of c-myc precedes divergent responses and does not explain specific effects. In agreement, serum up-regulates the endogenous c-myc gene in post-mitotic skeletal muscle, without altering muscle-specific genes (20), and autonomous expression of c-myc delays, but does not prevent, differentiation of BC3Hl muscle cells (104). Targeting a deregulated c-myc

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gene to the heart in transgenic mice increases cardiac size through myocyte hyperplasia, but neither produces ongoing proliferation after birth, nor im­ mortalizes cardiac myocytes in culture (41a; J. Swain, personal communica­ tion). The c-myc transgene may potentiate other growth signals and augment thyroid hormone, but not isoproterenol (92). Although c-myc possesses a leucine repeat for dimer formation, and oligomers assemble in vitro, it is uncertain whether c-myc functions as a leucine zipper transcription factor like cjos and c-jun (77). Whereas little or no steady-state c-fos expression is seen in the developing myocardium, up-regulation of c-fos in the adult rat heart is triggered by load or diverse agonists and may accompany aging (2, 41, 55). Passive stretch itself induces cjos in cultured cardiac myocytes (53), as well as c-jun (I. Komuro, S. Izumo, personal communication). JunB and junO are both expressed at relatively high basal levels in murine heart, although their response to trophic signals has not been reported (02). In most cell lineages, fos and jun are coinduced by growth factors and phorbol esters, yet some stimuli induce nuclear oncogenes more selectively: membrane depolarization activates cjos andjunB but not c-jun in PCl2 cells (3), and TGF131 preferen­ tially inducesjunB in skeletal muscle (62). In cardiac muscle, al- but not (3-, adrenergic stimulation induces EGR-1, a zinc finger early response gene (39). Preliminary evidence suggests that acidic and basic FGF induce c-fos, c-jun, andjunB in cardiac muscle cells (T. Parker, M. Schneider, unpublished data). Distinct patterns of transcription factor induction could explain the contrasting effects of Cll- and (3-adrenergic agonists, or acidic and basic FGF, on neonatal cardiac myocytes. Nuclear oncogene induction by peptide growth factors, followed by growth and altered gene expression, does not by itself establish a causal relationship. In simpler systems, oncogene expression vectors, anti-sense RNA, and domi­ nant negative mutations of the DNA-binding domain have proven that heterodimers ofJos andjun trans-activate certain serum responsive genes, and that junB can inhibit activation by c-jun (4). Furthermore, it appears likely that the function of these trans-acting nuclear phosphoproteins is regulated by their state of phosphorylation (36). Corresponding tests for the involvement of fos and jun in the control of myocardial gene expression await the application of these technologies to cardiac muscle.

SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS Polypeptide growth factors are synthesized within the myocardium, in part by cardiac myocytes, are regulated during cardiac development, and are induced during myocardial disease. TGF(31 and basic FGF alter the expression of at

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least six cardiac genes, each corresponding to adaptation during hemodynam­ ic stress (84). While comprising an incomplete sample of the cardiac pheno­ type, these genes are representative of the proteins that are co-regulated in experimental cardiac hypertrophy or end-stage heart failure in humans. One interpretation of the available data is that certain intracellular transduction pathways, including nuclear proto-oncogenes, may be utilized in common by load and trophic peptides. Alternatively, specific growth factors formed in the myocardium could themselves play an autocrine or paracrine role in long-term responses to injury or mechanical load. Such a link is suggested by the ability of passive stretch to induce the secreted cytokine, JE, in cardiac myocytes (I. Komuro, S. Izumo, personal communication). Furthermore, differential re­ sponses to specific growth factors, illustrated by the discordant regulation of a-actin genes and cellular growth by basic vs acidic FGF, could account for observed anomalies in the response to pressure overload. For example, #MHC and aSkA transcripts differ in topographic distribution after aortic banding; induction of {3MHC and ANF is bimodal (rising again after 8 days), whereas aSkA is expressed more transiently (40, 100); and ANF induction is relatively consistent in end-stage heart failure, while aSkA varies (40, 100, 107). Conceivably, peptide growth factors in the myocardium could sustain and modulate signals imposed initially by ischemia or mechanical load. A series of intriguing questions remains unanswered, but amenable to experimental investigation. Is the expression or release of myocardial growth factors altered in the myocardium of animals after aortic constriction and, as a consequence of myocardial disease, in humans? Does the temporal and spatial distribution of growth factors correlate with changes in cardiac-specific genes? Can exogenous growth factors affect cardiac myocytes in vivo, as shown thus far only in cell culture, and modify the biological response to load, ischemia, and infarction? The complex and heterogenous control of cardiac-specific genes by growth factors departs from invariant suppression, as found in skeletal muscle cells. Along with counter-regulation of aSkA by acidic vs basic FGF, these observations suggest that cardiac myocytes offer particular advantages for analysis of the molecular events required for growth factor signal transduction. Do multiple receptor isoforms exist for FGFs, does their function differ, and are they regulated independently during cardiac development and disease? Are distinguishable intracellular pathways required for growth factors to regulate cardiac growth vs transcription? As one prece­ dent, in aortic endothelial cells, the mitogenic pathway triggered by basic FGF is dependent on protein kinase C, but control of plasminogen�activator genes by basic FGF is not (88). It has not yet been tested directly whether stimulation of immediate-early response genes, inc!uding fos andjun, is either necessary or sufficient for growth factor effects in cardiac cells, and whether differential induction of these transcription factors can account for the di-

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vergent consequences of acidic vs basic FGF. In addition to the use of electroporation, calcium-phosphate transfection, retroviral vectors, and transgenic mice, the application to cardiac muscle of other gene transfer technologies, including anti-sense oligonucleotides (33) and high-velocity microprojectiles (51), now may be feasible. Ultimately, it becomes critical to identify the specific cis-acting DNA sequences required for growth factor effects, to learn whether these motifs might be shared among cardiac-specific genes, and to understand the respon­ sible trans-acting factors expressed in myocardial cells (e.g. 79). Transfection of aSkA deletion mutants indicates that the cis-acting sequences for tissue­ specific expression in skeletal muscle-including, in particular, the down­ stream CCAAT box associated repeat (CBAR)-are also required in cardiac myocytes (T. Parker, K.-L. Chow, R. Schwartz, M. Schneider, un­ published), and provides a basis for more detailed analysis of putative growth factor response elements. The hypothesis that the downstream CBAR itself could function as a locus for growth factor control has been predicted by its similarity to the serum-response element of c-fos (5, 129), by identification of one actin promoter-binding protein as the c-fos promoter serum response factor (5), and by point mutations that abolish both muscle-specific expres­ sion and serum induction of aSkA in fibroblasts ( 129). A final challenge will be to learn whether peptide growth factors modulate an ensemble of cardiac genes through hierarchical mechanisms equivalent to MyoDI and myogenin. The fact that a single peptide, such as recombinant acidic FGF, is sufficient to co-regulate at least seven cardiac genes heightens the interest in this issue. The possible involvement of MyoD-like proteins in cardiac myogenesis or plasticity of gene expression might be clarified through cDNA amplification, using the polymerase chain reaction (72). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Drs. N. Bishopric, W. Casscells, W. Claycomb, L. Field, B. Hogan, S. Izumo, S. Jakow1ew, L. Kedes, I. Komuro, A. Marks, E. Olson, A. Roberts, K. Schwartz, P. Simpson, M. Sporn, J. Swain, L. T. Williams, R. S. Williams, and Y. Yazaki for discussions of un­ published work; S. Terry for preparation of this manuscript; and R. Roberts for encouragement and support. Supported by grants to M. D. S. from the American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate (85G-223, 87R-179), the National Science Foundation (DCB87-1 1313), and the Nationallnstitutes of Health (ROI-HL3914 1). T. G. P. is a Fellow of the Medical Research Council of Canada and a Fellow of the American Heart Association-Bugher Foundation Center for Molecular Biolo­ gy of the Cardiovascular System. M. D. S. is an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association.



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Growth factors, proto-oncogenes, and plasticity of the cardiac phenotype.

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