Growth Dynamics in the Context of Pediatric Sports Injuries and Overuse Ernst B. Zwick, MD, PD1

Robert Kocher, MD2

1 Department of Pediatric Orthopedic, Private Practice, Graz, Austria 2 Private Practice, Judenburg, Austria

Address for correspondence Ernst B. Zwick, MD, PD, Petrifelderstrasse 13, 8042 Graz, Austria (e-mail: offi[email protected]).



► youth sports ► growth velocity ► injury

The onset and timing of the growth of children and adolescents occurs with considerable variability in cohorts of the same chronological age. The musculoskeletal system changes in proportion over time, and lever-arm changes, altered individual flexibility, and strength lead to age-specific injury patterns in youth sports. In sports, juniors are commonly grouped according to their chronological age. Early- and late-maturing children and adolescents might therefore not routinely be trained in relation to their biology. This not only represents a risk for overuse and injury but might limit their development in sports. To obtain information about the biological age of children is challenging. Numerous methods have been studied and validated. However, the implementation of these methods on a large scale is still to come. This report provides a brief overview of growth dynamics in relation to youth sports injuries and describes a few challenges for the future.

Youth interest in sports participation has increased over the past 15 years. Along with this increase, sports injuries are on the rise in the pediatric population.1 A major proportion of all injuries in children and adolescents are sports related.2–4 The National SAFE KIDS Campaign reported that  3.5 million children experience an injury by participating in recreational activities or sports every year.5 Of all sports-related injuries, chronic injuries and overuse represent up to 54% in youth sports.6,7 The group of young athletes between the ages of 10 and 14 appear to be especially prone to injury and overuse.8–10 Risk factors for sports injuries are commonly divided into intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors such as training load, competition load, and equipment, and intrinsic factors like psychological factors, previous injury, or a previous history of physical conditioning are equally important in the context of youth sports injuries. However, because this article focuses on the growth dynamics of children and adolescents in the context of sports injuries, growth-related factors are discussed predominantly.

Issue Theme Sports Injuries and Imaging in Children; Guest Editor, Erich Sorantin, MD, PhD

Growth Dynamics in Childhood and Adolescence Growth and development occur at individual rates and are regulated genetically, hormonally, and by environmental and epigenetic factors.11,12 When evaluating growth progression, height and body mass increase markedly in the preadolescent and adolescent years. Girls reach their peak height velocity (PHV) at  12 years of age, boys at 14 years on average.13,14 Gains in total height are composed of increases in the length of different body parts growing at different speeds. Looking at changes in stature or total height, it is important to note that the maximum growth speed of the legs occurs before maximum increases in sitting height.15 Foot size reaches maximum growth velocity for girls and boys even 1.8 and 2.3 years before PHV, respectively.16 Adding to this complexity, the timing of PHV underlies secular trends and can vary considerably in collectives of healthy children.17,18 Skeletal growth dynamics are related to chronological age (CA), but an early

Copyright © 2014 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1055/s-0034-1389263. ISSN 1089-7860.

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Semin Musculoskelet Radiol 2014;18:465–468.

Growth Dynamics in Pediatric Sports Injuries

Zwick, Kocher

or late onset of pubertal growth spurt represents variations of the norm. It was the correlation of longitudinal height velocity data and secondary sex characteristics that led to the convenient definition that children 2 standard deviations above or below the average PHV should be referred to as early or late maturing, respectively.19 Using an age-dependent classification, girls reaching PHV at the age of 11 and boys at the age of 13 would be classified as early maturing. Girls and boys who attain PHV after 13 and 15 years of age, respectively, would be classified as late maturing.14 In various parts of the world, the growth spurts of children and adolescents seem to differ. Comparing published data from various sources, PHV is reported to vary regionally. Depending on the region, the time of maximum growth velocity occurs in girls between the ages of 10.8 and 12.2 and in boys between 13.3 and 14.4 years of age.20–23

Growth-Related Changes of the Skeletal System Bone mineral density (BMD) is lowest before the onset of PHV, and bone strength follows after increases in lean body mass during puberty.24,25 So one might argue that within a certain time window young people have to deal with relatively long lever arms and a low BMD. When long bones reach their fastest rate of growth before PHV and gains in lean body mass precede increases in bone strength, skeletal mechanics might therefore be set up for injury and overuse. Growth cartilage is less resistant to injury than mature bone.26 Because increases in lever-arm length occur while growth plate thickness is on the decline, torsional stresses at the growth plate are less well tolerated. Also, the length of the long bones increases before gains in length of the muscle-tendon complex.27,28 Muscular imbalances might therefore represent a temporal physiologic phenomenon because soft tissue tension and relative strength are factors that stimulate length gains in skeletal muscles.2,29 Joint cartilage stiffens during maturation at rates that currently are unknown in detail.30 Longer lever arms, an increasing lean body mass, and possible muscular imbalances might bear risks when the joint cartilage of junior athletes gets heavily loaded.

Age-Specific Risk Factors Intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors in youth sports change with age. Training volume and intensity commonly increases according to training age. Also, injury patterns could be attributed to age-specific changes in body composition. Normal changes in somatic growth could pose an intrinsic risk in adolescent sports. It is documented that sports injuries and overuse show distinct age-related patterns. 31 Avulsion fractures, Osgood-Schlatter disease, distal radius fractures, or osteochondral lesions are typical sports injuries of youth athletes showing age-related incidences ( ►Fig. 1). 32–37 However, there is still a lack of scientific evidence to clarify relations between specific ages and certain types of sports injuries. Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology

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Fig. 1 Growth velocity changes over time represent a typical wavelike shape. The pubertal growth spurt brings about several changes in body composition. Increases in lever-arm lengths of the legs and arms, a relatively low bone mineral density, and changes in strength and flexibility are intrinsic factors for youth sports injuries and overuse. Typical sports injuries of older children are displayed in relation to the pubertal growth sport.

Prevention The prevention of injuries is one of the main motivations for researchers in the field of pediatric sports medicine and sports science.38–43 Although some issues in prevention are sport specific, the vast majority of reports relate to physical fitness aspects. Age-appropriate training and conditioning of junior athletes is one of the biggest challenges for trainers, coaches, and administrators today.44–47 Most youth sports programs worldwide are currently aligned to CA. Although most young athletes are served well by this approach, earlyor late-maturing children and adolescents run the risk of getting overstrained or being underchallenged. It seems obvious that training and conditioning of children and adolescents should be individualized to meet their very individual needs during growth and maturation.

The Biological Age in Youth Sports Historically, the design of training programs for youth athletes was mainly aligned to CA. There is increased concern that this approach constitutes an extrinsic factor in pediatric sports injuries.48 Methods to estimate or determine the biological age of junior athletes are not commonly available today. Skeletal age (SA) determined by the interpretation of radiographs and developmental age (DA), obtained from anthropometric measurements and the assessment of sex characteristics, have not yet been implemented on a large scale in youth sports. Reasons for the limited implementation of SA and DA were described in a recent review by Lloyd et al.48 An approach to estimate the biological age of junior athletes by evaluating individual growth velocity dynamics bases on repeated measurements of stature is currently under investigation.49

Future Challenges in the Field of Youth Sports Injuries Understanding growth dynamics is a prerequisite when dealing with sports injuries in children and adolescents.

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Fig. 2 The rate of change of biological age over time represents an interesting aspect of growth and development. A late-developing child is displayed to catch up with her chronological age. During a time period of 1.5 years, biological age catches up from being 2 years younger than the chronological age at the age of 8 to just 1.2 years younger at the age of 9.5. Catch-up phenomena are one of the reasons for repeated assessments of growth and development at short time intervals (unpublished data from reference49).


11 12


Because of the variability of growth spurt timing, the assessment and tracking of growth is required for each athlete. Any solution to estimate or determine the biological age of junior athletes should therefore be practicable in the youth sports setting. Any measurements required should be simple enough to enable families, coaches, or trainers to perform them regularly. Time intervals between assessments should be kept short to identify the onset of growth changes early. When comparing biological age and chronological age, differences vary over time. A late-maturing child might catch up with his or her CA in quite a short time (►Fig. 2). Training and conditioning of youth athletes should honor their individual biological age. This requires coaches and trainers to group children and adolescents according to their biological age rather than to their CA. Research on youth sports injuries should report findings in relation to the biological age or DA of the cohort studied. Most studies in the field still report on groups of children defined by their CA.

References 1 Gottschalk AW, Andrish JT. Epidemiology of sports injury in 2





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Growth Dynamics in Pediatric Sports Injuries

Growth Dynamics in Pediatric Sports Injuries

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Growth dynamics in the context of pediatric sports injuries and overuse.

The onset and timing of the growth of children and adolescents occurs with considerable variability in cohorts of the same chronological age. The musc...
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