Published Ahead of Print on January 27, 2016 as 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002401

GPi vs STN deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease Three-year follow-up

Vincent J.J. Odekerken, MD* Judith A. Boel, MSc* Ben A. Schmand, PhD Rob J. de Haan, PhD M. Figee, MD, PhD Pepijn van den Munckhof, MD, PhD P. Richard Schuurman, MD, PhD Rob M.A. de Bie, MD, PhD For the NSTAPS study group

Correspondence to Dr. Odekerken: [email protected]


Objective: To compare motor symptoms, cognition, mood, and behavior 3 years after deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus pars interna (GPi) and subthalamic nucleus (STN) in advanced Parkinson disease (PD).

Methods: Patients with PD eligible for DBS were randomized to bilateral GPi DBS and bilateral STN DBS (1:1). The primary outcome measures were (1) improvement in motor symptoms in off-drug phase measured with the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and (2) a composite score for cognitive, mood, and behavioral effects, and inability to complete follow-up at 36 months after surgery. Results: Of the 128 patients enrolled, 90 were able to complete the 3-year follow-up. We found significantly more improvement of motor symptoms after STN DBS (median [interquartile range (IQR)] at 3 years, GPi 33 [23–41], STN 28 [20–36], p 5 0.04). No between-group differences were observed on the composite score (GPi 83%, STN 86%). Secondary outcomes showed larger improvement in off-drug functioning in the AMC Linear Disability Scale score after STN DBS (mean 6 SD, GPi 65.2 6 20.1, STN 72.6 6 18.0, p 5 0.05). Medication was reduced more after STN DBS (median levodopa equivalent dose [IQR] at 3 years, GPi 1,060 [657–1,860], STN 605 [411–875], p , 0.001). No differences in adverse effects were recorded, apart from more reoperations to a different target after GPi DBS (GPi n 5 8, STN n 5 1).

Conclusions: Off-drug phase motor symptoms and functioning improve more after STN DBS than after GPi DBS. No between-group differences were observed on a composite score for cognition, mood, and behavior, and the inability to participate in follow-up.

Classification of evidence: This study provides Class II evidence that STN DBS provides more offphase motor improvement than GPi DBS, but with a similar risk for cognitive, mood, and behavioral complications. Neurology® 2016;86:1–7 GLOSSARY ADL 5 activities of daily living; ALDS 5 Academic Medical Center Linear Disability Score; CDRS 5 Clinical Dyskinesia Rating Scale; DBS 5 deep brain stimulation; GPi 5 globus pallidus pars interna; IQR 5 interquartile range; MDRS 5 Mattis Dementia Rating scale; ME 5 Motor Examination; NSTAPS 5 Netherlands Subthalamic and Pallidal Stimulation; PD 5 Parkinson disease; PDQL 5 Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire; PDSS 5 Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale; S&E 5 Schwab & England score; STN 5 subthalamic nucleus; UPDRS 5 Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.

Patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD) are often hindered by unpredictable fluctuations between mobility with dyskinesias (the on-drug phase) and immobility (the off-drug phase).1,2 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus pars interna (GPi) and subthalamic nucleus (STN) are both treatment options for levodopa-responsive symptoms in advanced PD. Two previous randomized trials reported a similar improvement after GPi DBS and STN DBS.3,4 Due to concerns about the effects of STN DBS on cognition, mood, and behavior, GPi DBS became a more attractive option.5 These concerns are primarily based on case reports and trials that suggest that STN DBS is associated with cognitive, Supplemental data at *These authors contributed equally to this work. From the Department of Neurology (V.J.J.O., J.A.B., R.M.A.d.B.), Department of Medical Psychology (B.A.S.), Clinical Research Unit (R.J.d.H.), Department of Psychiatry (M.F.), and Department of Neurosurgery (P.v.d.M., P.R.S.), Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; and Department of Psychology (J.A.B., B.A.S.), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Coinvestigators are listed on the Neurology® Web site at Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article. © 2016 American Academy of Neurology

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


mood, and behavioral side effects.2,3,6–8 One randomized trial showed similar effects of GPi and STN DBS on motor symptoms but a faster decline of Mattis Dementia Rating scale (MDRS) scores 3 years after STN DBS.9 In contrast to these studies, the 12-month results of our multicenter randomized trial (Netherlands Subthalamic and Pallidal Stimulation [NSTAPS]) found a larger improvement of motor symptoms and functioning in off-drug phase after STN DBS compared to GPi DBS.2 Moreover, we found no differences between GPi DBS and STN DBS for cognition, mood, and behavior.2 The study objective is to compare the 3-year outcome of GPi DBS and STN DBS regarding motor function and cognitive, mood, and behavioral effects. Classification of evidence. This study provides Class II

evidence comparing GPi DBS and STN DBS for offdrug phase motor symptoms and cognitive, mood, and behavioral complications. METHODS Patients. The study design of the NSTAPS trial has been reported previously.2 In brief, 5 participating centers in the Netherlands enrolled a total of 128 patients between January 2007 and March 2011. Patients were included in the study if they were aged 18 years or older, had idiopathic PD, and, despite optimal pharmacologic treatment, experienced at least one of the following symptoms: severe response fluctuations, bradykinesia, dyskinesias, or painful dystonias.2 Exclusion criteria consisted of Hoehn and Yahr10 stage 5 at the best moment of the day, previous stereotactic surgery, an MDRS score of 120 or lower (out of 144),11 active psychosis, or contraindications for the neurosurgical procedure.

Standard protocol approvals, registrations, and patient consents. The medical ethics committee of each of the participating centers approved the study protocol and patients provided written informed consent for the additional follow-up after 3 years. The trial is registered with (ISRCTN85542074).

Procedures. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either GPi DBS or STN DBS (1:1 ratio), applying a minimization procedure according to drug use (levodopa equivalent dose ,1,000 mg vs $1,000 mg) and treatment center. This technique was used to minimize imbalance within distributions of treatment numbers within the various values of each individual possible prognostic factor.12,13 Patients as well as assessors were blinded for treatment allocation. A nonblinded neurologist saw the patient regularly at the outpatient clinic to adjust DBS settings and PD medication, based on the clinical response of the patient and according to each center’s individual protocol.2 Surgery was performed according to each center’s standard protocol. The final position of the electrode was determined on the basis of MRI, macroelectrode stimulation, and, in 3 of 5 centers, microelectrode recordings.2

Outcome measures. In line with the 12-month outcome assessments, the 3-year outcomes were registered during standardized off- and on-drug phases.2 The off-drug phase was defined as the condition of the patient after withholding PD 2

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medication for 12 hours overnight.2 The on-drug phase was the condition 1 hour after a suprathreshold levodopa dose.2 The doses at follow-up were identical to the individual baseline doses. PD drugs were converted into levodopa equivalent doses for analysis.14 The 12-month and 3-year outcomes were assessed with the stimulators turned on. The 2 primary outcomes were (1) the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Motor Examination (ME) in off-drug phase and (2) the number of patients with a negative composite score of cognitive, mood, and behavioral effects, and inability to participate in follow-up.2,15 For the 3-year composite score of cognitive, mood, and behavioral effects, the following items were assessed: (1) a significant worsening on 2 or more out of 5 cognitive tests based on the reliable change index16; (2) the loss of professional activity/work/ job; (3) the loss of an important relationship (e.g., marriage); (4) psychosis, depression, or anxiety for a period of 3 months or longer as defined by the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview psychiatric evaluation17; or (5) missing the 3-year follow-up assessments (e.g., inability to participate, death).2 If the patient fulfilled at least one of these items, the outcome on the composite score was considered negative.2 To assess part (1) of the composite score, the following cognitive tests were administered: Stroop Color-Word Test, Trail-Making Test A and B, letter and number sequencing, letter fluency and category fluency, and the Dutch version of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test.2,18–22 Subsequent secondary outcome measures were used. In off-drug phase, the following scales were recorded at baseline and follow-up: UPDRS-ME15 sumscore of items 27–30 (arising from chair, posture, gait, postural stability), Clinical Dyskinesia Rating Scale (CDRS),23 Academic Medical Center Linear Disability Score (ALDS), UPDRS activities of daily living section (ADL),15 and the Schwab & England score (S&E).2,24 The same scales were also recorded in the ondrug phase. In addition, the Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale (PDSS)25 and the Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQL)26 were recorded in the on-drug phase.2 We also registered medication, DBS settings, self-report off/ondrug phase diaries, and adverse events.

Statistical analysis. Analyses were based on the intention-totreat principle. An additional per-protocol analysis (excluding patients who were reoperated to a different target) was performed for the primary outcome measures due to crossover surgery during follow-up. We used a linear mixed model for repeated measures for statistical analysis of the first primary outcome (UPDRS-ME in off-drug) as well as for the secondary outcome measures (off-drug phase CDRS, ALDS, UPDRSADL, and S&E, and on-drug phase UPDRS-ME, CDRS, ALDS, UPDRS-ADL, S&E, PDSS, and PDQL). First, normal distribution of the outcome variables was investigated. Statistical analyses were then performed on appropriately transformed data (square root or log transformations) in case of non-normal distribution of the data. The first mixed models included group (GPi DBS vs STN DBS), time (baseline, 12 months, and 3 years), and interaction between these two, as well as the stratifying variables treatment center and drug dosage as fixed variables. Dependency of repeated measures was taken into account by including a random intercept for each patient. Maximum likelihood was used as the estimation method. Because the stratifying variables treatment center and drug dosage were nonsignificant in the model, we also built mixed models with only group, time, and interaction between group and time. This resulted in a better model fit, assessed using Akaike Information Criteria. Therefore, the final mixed model

February 23, 2016

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

included group, time, and interaction between these 2 as fixed variables, while leaving the random intercept and estimation method unchanged. Assumptions of linear mixed model analyses were analyzed by investigating the residual vs predicted values, as well as the residuals of the outcome variables. The second primary outcome (a negative composite score) was evaluated using x2 tests. Adverse events were compared using x2 with Yates correction or Fisher exact test when appropriate. DBS settings were only reported descriptively. The significance level was set at 0.05 (2-sided test). Statistical analyses were performed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software (release v. Graphs illustrating the fitted values resulting from the mixed models were produced using the R open statistical package (release v.3.0.3).

Adverse events. The neurologist at the treatment center (aware of treatment allocation) examined the patients and registered the adverse events up to 12 months.2 The 3-year follow-up registration of adverse events was performed by a blinded assessor. Adverse events were assessed using structured questionnaires. RESULTS A total of 128 patients were randomized to GPi DBS (65 patients) or STN DBS (63 patients) between January 2007 and March 2011 (figure 1).2

Figure 1

Enrollment and follow-up

The baseline demographic and clinical characteristics were balanced (table 1). Assessment of the primary outcomes was available in 90 patients (GPi 47, STN 43) after 3 years. The reasons for loss to follow-up were as follows: participation too strenuous (n 5 22), patient cannot be reached (n 5 3), deceased (n 5 8), and not available (n 5 5). The following baseline parameters were compared between patients who were lost or not lost to followup: operation type (GPi vs STN), treatment center, MDRS score, age at disease onset, disease duration, and UPDRS-ME score in off-drug phase. The patients who were lost to follow-up were not different at baseline, except for mean disease duration (lost to follow-up 9.4 years vs not lost to follow-up 12.0 years, p 5 0.02). Eight patients were reoperated from bilateral GPi DBS to bilateral STN DBS. In one patient with bilateral STN DBS, the right electrode was changed to GPi DBS. Primary outcome measures. Results are summarized in

table 2. Intention-to-treat analysis showed more improvement of the off-drug phase UPDRS-ME score after 3 years in the STN group (median [interquartile range (IQR)], GPi 33 [23–41], STN 28 [20–36], p 5 0.04, figure e-1a on the Neurology® Web site at At 3 years there was no between-group difference in the composite score for cognitive, mood, or behavioral effects, and missing 3-year follow-up assessments (GPi n 5 39 [83%], STN n 5 37 [86%], p 5 0.69). Per protocol analysis showed similar results, indicating more improvement of the UPDRS-ME score off-drug phase after STN DBS at 3 years (median [IQR], GPi 33 [21.5–41], STN 28 [20–36], p 5 0.04). Per protocol analysis of the composite score showed no difference between the groups (GPi n 5 32 [80%], STN n 5 37 [86%], p 5 0.46). Secondary outcome measures. Results are summarized

in table e-1. No between-group differences at 3 years were detected on the UPDRS sumscore of items 27–30, CDRS, UPDRS-ADL, or S&E in the off-drug phase. The off-drug phase improvement in functioning on the ALDS tended to be higher in the STN group at 3 years (GPi 65.2 6 20.1, STN 72.6 6 18.0, p 5 0.05). In the on-drug phase, no between-group differences were detected on the UPDRS-ME, PDSS, ALDS, UPDRS-ADL, S&E, or PDQL. The CDRS in on-drug improved more after GPi DBS at 3 years (GPi 2.2 6 2.7, STN 3.3 6 4.1, p 5 0.02). Medication, DBS settings, and diaries. The median levoNumber of patients included in analysis based on completed motor examinations. DBS 5 deep brain stimulation; GPi 5 globus pallidus pars interna; ITT 5 intention-to-treat; STN 5 subthalamic nucleus.

dopa equivalent dose was 1,060 mg (657–1,860) in the GPi group and 605 mg (411–875) in the STN group (p , 0.001). For DBS settings, the GPi group Neurology 86

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ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Table 1

were seen in the diaries on time spent in different drug states (table e-1, figure e-1).

Baseline characteristics

Age, y, mean 6 SD

GPi DBS (n 5 65)

STN DBS (n 5 63)

59.1 6 7.8

60.9 6 7.6

Age at onset of PD, y, mean 6 SD

48.5 6 7.6

48.6 6 9.4

Male, n (%)

44 (68)

44 (70)

Duration of PD, y, mean 6 SD

10.8 6 4.2

12.0 6 5.3

Duration of use of medication for PD, y, mean 6 SD

9.0 6 3.9

9.5 6 5.6

Hours per day spent in on-drug phase,a h, mean 6 SD

6.5 6 3.6

6.3 6 4.4

On-drug phase Hoehn & Yahr stage, median (range)

2.5 (0–4)

2.5 (0–4)


Levodopa equivalent dose ‡1,000 mg/d, n (%)

43 (69)

43 (68)

Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (range 0–144), mean 6 SD

138.7 6 4.0

138.1 6 5.1

Abbreviations: DBS 5 deep brain stimulation; GPi 5 globus pallidus pars interna; PD 5 Parkinson disease; STN 5 subthalamic nucleus. a Calculated using a 3-day diary. b Levodopa equivalent dose 5 regular levodopa dose 3 1 1 slow release levodopa 3 0.75 1 bromocriptine 3 10 1 apomorphine 3 10 1 ropinirole 3 20 1 pergolide 3 100 1 pramipexole 3 100 1 (regular levodopa dose 1 [slow release levodopa 3 0.75]) 3 0.2 if taking entacapone.

used a mean amplitude of 3.0 6 0.6 V and the STN group 2.8 6 0.6 V at 36 months. The settings for frequency were similar for both groups (GPi 134 6 22 Hz, STN 138 6 18 Hz), whereas pulse width was slightly larger in the GPi group (GPi 70 6 17 ms, STN 63 6 11 ms). No between-group differences

Table 2

Adverse events. Eight patients in the GPi group under-

went STN DBS due to lack of benefit from GPi DBS. In 5 out of these 8 patients, both electrodes were on target. Seven of the 8 patients experienced good results shortly after the first operation, but the clinical benefit gradually deteriorated. One patient from the STN group underwent unilateral GPi DBS due to unilateral lack of benefit from STN DBS (p 5 0.03 for between-group comparison). One case of lead migration was observed in the STN group, which required a second surgery for replacement of the electrode. No other serious events were observed in this period (table 3). DISCUSSION These results of the NSTAPS trial show that the larger improvement of motor symptoms after STN DBS seen after 12 months persists up to 3 years. We found no difference on the composite measure for cognitive, mood, and behavioral adverse effects. Since the publication of the long-term effects of the cooperative Veterans Affairs trial, GPi DBS became a more attractive option due to the similar effect on motor symptoms and the suggestion of worsening cognition after STN DBS.5,9 Leading

Primary outcome measures: Intention-to-treat analyses Baseline

12 Months

36 Months







p Valuea GPi DBS vs STN DBS

UPDRS Motor Examination (range 0–108), off-drug phase

43 (32.5–53)

41 (33.8–55)

33 (21.5–41)

21 (15–32)

33 (23–41)

28 (20–36)


Composite score for cognitive, mood, behavioral adverse effects, and inability to participate ‡1

36 (58)

35 (56)

39 (83)

37 (86)


Baseline n 5 128, 12 months n 5 125, 3 years n 5 90

Parts of composite score Decline on neuropsychological examinationb

17 (22)

22 (35)

32 (68)

36 (84)

Loss of professional activity, work, or job

1 (2)

0 (0)

2 (3)

3 (5)

Loss of an important relationship

11 (17)

5 (8)

8 (12)

7 (11)


4 (6)

4 (7)

5 (8)

3 (5)


7 (11)

11 (18)

2 (3)

4 (6)

9 (14)

6 (10)

4 (6)

2 (3)





Inability to participate

3 (5)

0 (0)

13 (20)

14 (22)


0 (0)

0 (0)

2 (3)

6 (10)

Abbreviations: DBS 5 deep brain stimulation; GPi 5 globus pallidus pars interna; STN 5 subthalamic nucleus; UPDRS 5 Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale. Values are median (interquartile range) or n (%). a Using mixed model analysis or x2 tests at 36 months, when appropriate. The p values reported in the table and text represent the interaction effect between group and time comparing baseline to 3 years. Mean or median outcome values in text and tables were based on the original data since backtransformation resulted in nonmatching values. b Decline on neuropsychological examination is defined as a significant worsening on 3 out of 12 (12 months) or 2 out of 5 (36 months) cognitive tests based on the reliable change index. c Psychosis, depression, or anxiety for a period of 3 months or longer. d Defined as not having completed the UPDRS Motor Examination at 36 months. 4

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Table 3

Adverse events No. between 0 and 12 months

No. between 1 and 3 years

GPi DBS (n 5 65)

STN DBS (n 5 63)

GPi DBS (n 5 47)

STN DBS (n 5 43)

p Valuesa

Cerebral infarction or haemorrhage





Reoperation to other target due to lack of effectb











Implantation site infection





Facial palsy





Dysphasia or dysarthria
















Apraxia of eyelid opening





Oculomotor disturbance






Sensory disturbance






Balance disorder












Emotional lability




























Abbreviations: DBS 5 deep brain stimulation; GPi 5 globus pallidus pars interna; STN 5 subthalamic nucleus. a Comparing adverse effects between 12 and 3 years; x2 with Yates correction or Fisher exact test when appropriate. b Eight patients were converted from bilateral GPi DBS to bilateral STN DBS. One patient was converted from bilateral STN DBS to unilateral (left-sided) STN and unilateral (right-sided) GPi DBS. c Serious other complications were 1 lead migration (STN).

clinicians, however, still debate whether GPi DBS or STN DBS is superior in advanced PD.27 Our findings demonstrate a long-term superior off-drug phase motor improvement after STN DBS without more side effects concerning cognition, mood, and behavior. The STN group off-drug UPDRS-ME score worsens by several points between 1 and 3 years, while the GPi group score is stable. This might to due to a waning effect, regression to the mean, or the reduction of long-acting dopaminergic medication in the STN group. There are insufficient data to support one of these hypotheses. In contrast to the initial 12-month analysis, we chose the UPDRS-ME in the off-drug phase as a primary outcome instead of the time-weighted ALDS due to the loss of follow-up and the incomplete diary data, which has been discussed previously.2 The high rate of negative outcomes on the composite score warrants an explanation. The number of tests in the 3-year neuropsychological examination was reduced from 12 to 5, which makes within-group comparison of the rate of fails over time difficult. Also, failure to participate in the

study and death were added to the composite score, increasing the chance of negative outcome on this endpoint compared to 12 months. The strict composite endpoint was designed for between-group comparison. The secondary endpoint of off-drug phase functioning, as measured with the ALDS, improved more after STN DBS. This is in line with the larger improvement in UPDRS-ME score after STN DBS and confirms its relevance for daily functioning. The fact that this does not translate to better quality of life can be attributed to several factors. First, motor symptoms and functioning in the on-drug phase did not differ between the 2 groups. Quality of life was measured in the on-drug phase and reflects the patients’ perception of quality of life, unrelated to offor on-drug phases. Second, many other factors may influence quality of life that may not improve after DBS, such as mood and cognition.28,29 Dyskinesias were reduced more in the GPi group at 36 months during on-drug standardized assessment. However, this 36-month evaluation is performed with the same amount of levodopa as the patient received at Neurology 86

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baseline. Since STN DBS patients use far less medication 3 years after surgery, this finding is an artefact of the study design and does not per se reflect dyskinesias in daily life. Indeed, the reduction of time with dyskinesias was similar in both groups. Adverse events were observed less frequently between 12 months and 3 years than in the first year after surgery, suggesting long-term safety of the procedure after an initial period of perioperative and postoperative risks.2,4,9,30–34 Especially the incidence of dysarthria and postural instability was lower than we had anticipated. There may be several explanations for this. First, stimulation parameters were only marginally changed after 12 months of follow-up. Second, patients may have gotten used to these symptoms over the years and might not judge them to be surgery-related. Eight out of the 65 patients in the GPi DBS group were reoperated to STN DBS. In 5 of these patients, the electrode position of the initial surgery was considered optimal. The need for reoperations from GPi to STN DBS due to waning effect has been reported. Houeto et al.35 published a case series of successful reoperation to STN DBS after long-term failure of GPi DBS. In 2004, Volkmann et al.36 described 4 patients with good initial response to GPi DBS but waning effect that required conversion to STN DBS. This study has several limitations. Since we anticipated increased loss to follow-up compared to 12 months, one primary outcome was changed to the UPDRS-ME motor score 2 years before the last patient had his last assessment. The patient diaries needed for the initial primary outcome at 12 months after surgery (ALDS weighted for time in off- and on-phase) were frequently not completed fully, which led to a missing score on the weighted ALDS. Furthermore, the UPDRS-ME is also a more frequently used and an internationally recognized primary outcome measure after DBS.3,4,30,32 The sample at 3 years was 70% of the baseline cohort, but the sample size was large enough to detect a difference between 2 groups on the primary motor endpoint. The dropout was lower than in the VA study, which had a similar design and follow-up period.9 The 3-year analyses of the NSTAPS trial show that improvement in motor symptoms persists in the long term after DBS of both targets. Off-drug phase motor symptoms and functioning improve more after STN DBS than after GPi DBS. No between-group differences were observed on a composite score for cognition, mood, and behavior, and the inability to participate in follow-up. Medication was reduced far more after STN DBS and more reoperations were performed after GPi DBS. 6

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AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Dr. Odekerken: conceptualization of the study, statistical analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting and revision of the manuscript. J.A. Boel: statistical analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting and revision of the manuscript. Dr. Schmand: conceptualization of the study, interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. Dr. Figee: interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. Dr. van den Munckhof: interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. Dr. de Haan: interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. Dr. Schuurman: interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. Dr. de Bie: design and conceptualization of the study, interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. The NSTAPS study group, all authors: revision of the manuscript. The NSTAPS study group, M. Iwan: data collection. The NSTAPS study group, M. Postma: data collection. The NSTAPS study group, M.N. Scholten: data collection.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank K.L. Leenders, D.A. Bosch, and A.H. Zwindermann for participating in the data monitoring and safety committee and Michiel Staal for his contributions to the study.

STUDY FUNDING The NSTAPS study group is supported by a grant from Stichting Parkinson Fonds (Hoofddorp, the Netherlands), Prinses Beatrix Fonds (The Hague, the Netherlands), and Parkinson Vereniging (Bunnik, the Netherlands) (; ISRCTN85542074). The movement disorders department of the Academic Medical Center received an unrestricted fellowship grant from Medtronic.

DISCLOSURE V. Odekerken received financial support for travel and hotel for scientific conferences from Medtronic. J. Boel reports no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. T. van Laar reports speaker fees from Medtronic. M. Staal, A. Mosch, C. Hoffmann, P. Nijssen, T. van Asseldonk, G. Beute, J. van Vugt, and Mathieu Lenders report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. M. Fiorella Contarino received travel support from Medtronic (last in 2005), received speaking fees from Abbvie (October 2013, CME activity) and Medtronic (February 2014, September 2014), and is coinventor on a patent application relevant to deep brain stimulation. M. Iwan, M. Postma, M. Scholten, L. Bour, and P. van den Munckhof report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. G. Geurtsen received grants from the Michael J. Fox Foundation and Parkinson Fonds. B. Schmand is a consultant for the Pearson Assessment at Boom Test Publishers. R. de Haan reports no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. P. Schuurman has received lecture payments from Medtronic. R. de Bie received financial support for travel and hotel for scientific conferences from Medtronic and received research grants from ZonMw, Stichting Parkinson Fonds, Prinses Beatrix Fonds, Parkinson Vereniging, Kinetics Foundation, and GE Health. Go to Neurology. org for full disclosures.

Received July 4, 2015. Accepted in final form October 29, 2015. REFERENCES 1. Vidailhet M. Movement disorders in 2010: Parkinson disease: symptoms and treatments. Nat Rev Neurol 2011;7: 70–72. 2. Odekerken VJ, van Laar T, Staal MJ, et al. Subthalamic nucleus versus globus pallidus bilateral deep brain stimulation for advanced Parkinson’s disease (NSTAPS study): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurol 2013;12:37–44. 3. Anderson VC, Burchiel KJ, Hogarth P, Favre J, Hammerstad JP. Pallidal vs subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol 2005;62:554–560. 4. Follett KA, Weaver FM, Stern M, et al. Pallidal versus subthalamic deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2010;362:2077–2091.

February 23, 2016

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.






10. 11. 12.







19. 20. 21. 22.

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Neurology 86

February 23, 2016

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


GPi vs STN deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease: Three-year follow-up Vincent J.J. Odekerken, Judith A. Boel, Ben A. Schmand, et al. Neurology published online January 27, 2016 DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002401 This information is current as of January 27, 2016

Neurology ® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously since 1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Neurology. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.

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Neurology ® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously since 1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Neurology. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.

GPi vs STN deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease: Three-year follow-up.

To compare motor symptoms, cognition, mood, and behavior 3 years after deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus pars interna (GPi) and subt...
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