Embrace essay writing as a holistic process Written assignments allow you to demonstrate knowledge related to your course as well as the ability to organise and analyse ideas. You may have written traditional essays in the past but nursing assignments might include unfamiliar styles such as reports, critical or reflective accounts and care plans. Regardless of the task, you should view it as a process during which you can ask for advice from your tutors. There are no barriers to success if you are organised and approach your work with a positive attitude. Here are five tips: 1. Read the guidelines and assessment criteria provided by your tutors and decide how you want to answer the question. If you are unsure, seek advice early. Although some background reading can help you to focus, you


Keys to successful academic writing include being organised from day one, and planning your approach

Quick tips on writing essays Areas to check:  The structure of your assignment.  Grammar, tenses, punctuation and spelling.  Accuracy of references.  Formality – the use of terms such as ‘vomiting’ rather than ‘throwing up’, for example.  Repetition of words or ideas.  Waffle.

need a rough plan to channel your reading in the right direction. 2. Take notes to help you write in your own words and use headings to structure your assignment. Avoid copying chunks of text as this can lead to allegations of plagiarism. Keep your writing clear and concise and take on board comments you received on previous assignments. 3. Attract the reader with an introduction that provides a map outlining how you are answering the question. This should be referred to in your conclusion. 4. To ensure your work flows logically, plan each paragraph. Write a sentence with the main theme and present the key ideas as bullet points. Make sure these ideas form an argument. Do not be surprised if writing up takes longer than you anticipated. 5. Allow time to show a plan or draft to your tutor and to edit your work. Successful academic writers seek advice if needed, learn from feedback, view the process holistically and enjoy it NS Claire Emery is senior lecturer in academic skills at Kingston University and St George’s University of London

GETTING TO GRIPS WITH MONEY MANAGEMENT Students receiving their first bursary and loan payments need to consider money management strategies that will keep them in credit and out of debt (see resources). Here are some tips to keep in mind: Budget Budget for everything, including indulgences like travel. Keep a close record of how much you spend. Keep Keep only the minimum number of credit cards and consider closing any clothing or store accounts to remove the temptation to buy

on credit. Make sure you pay off as much as you can every month. If you do fall into debt, build an inventory of all your debt, including student loans and credit cards. Start repayment with the smallest loan amounts to get them paid off or those with the highest interest rates. Talk to your bank to find out if you can consolidate your loans. Being a nurse has its own stresses and being in debt does not have to be one of them. Creating a balance between paying off your debt, having enough

money for your needs and saving can lead to financial freedom. In short, keys to achieving this include budgeting, commitment to saving, controlling your credit, staying out of debt and paying debt off quickly. Nicola Davies is a work psychologist and writer Resources Student funding information Advice forum RCN nursing students

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