Review Article J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851

Published online: February 17, 2015

Genomic Looping: A Key Principle of Chromatin Organization Ramon A. van der Valk a Jocelyne Vreede b Frédéric Crémazy a Remus T. Dame a a Leiden Institute of Chemistry and Cell Observatory, Leiden University, Leiden, and b Computational Chemistry, van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Key Words Bacterial chromatin · Archaeal chromatin · Nucleoid · DNA looping · H-NS protein

tion of these diverse, yet difficult-to-study, structures. DNA looping is universal and a conserved mechanism of genome organization throughout all domains of life. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel

© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel 1464–1801/15/0246–0344$39.50/0 E-Mail [email protected]


The effective volume occupied by the genomes of all forms of life far exceeds that of the cells in which they are contained. Therefore, all organisms have developed mechanisms for compactly folding and functionally organizing their genetic material. Eukaryotic Chromatin Eukaryotic cells contain distinct cellular domains called organelles with specific functions in the cell. Perhaps the most complex organelle is the nucleus, containing the genetic material. The genomic DNA in the nucleus of human somatic cells – with a length of more than 6 billion (6 × 109) bp – is compacted three orders of magnitude. To functionally organize DNA, cells express dedicated architectural proteins. The structural organization imposed by these proteins also impacts the expression of the genes, providing an additional mechanism of gene R.T. Dame Leiden Institute of Chemistry and Cell Observatory NL–2333 CC Leiden (The Netherlands) E-Mail rtdame @

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Abstract The effective volume occupied by the genomes of all forms of life far exceeds that of the cells in which they are contained. Therefore, all organisms have developed mechanisms for compactly folding and functionally organizing their genetic material. Through recent advances in fluorescent microscopy and 3C-based technologies, we finally have a first glimpse into the complex mechanisms governing the 3-D folding of genomes. A key feature of genome organization in all domains of life is the formation of DNA loops. Here, we describe the main players in DNA organization with a focus on DNA-bridging proteins. Specifically, we discuss the properties of the bacterial DNA-bridging protein H-NS. Via two different modes of binding to DNA, this protein is a key driver of bacterial genome organization and provides a link between 3-D organization and transcription regulation. Importantly, H-NS function is modulated in response to environmental cues, which are translated into adapted gene expression patterns. We delve into the mechanisms underlying DNA looping and explore the complex and subtle modula-

proven very insightful. Using this approach, the previously inferred role of CTCF in genomic loop formation could be proven directly [Handoko et al., 2011]. Initial observations of large-scale chromosomal organization were made by fluorescence microscopy [Cremer and Cremer, 2010]. With the advent of 3C-based techniques [de Laat and Dekker, 2012], it is now possible to directly probe the in vivo interaction frequencies between segments along the genome (the formation of loops). These techniques have revealed the importance of genomic loop formation on both local scales and global scales in relation to gene expression and genomic organization. On the global scale, eukaryotic genomes are organized into topological domains (topologically associating domains, TADs) [Dixon et al., 2012; Hou et al., 2012; Nora et al., 2012; Sexton et al., 2012]. These domains are characterized by frequent interactions between loci within a domain and the absence of interactions amongst one another [Dixon et al., 2012]. A key role in delineating the boundaries of these domains is attributed to CTCF, which is enriched at the boundaries and essential in the segregation of TADs [Seitan et al., 2013; Sofueva et al., 2013; Zuin et al., 2014]. In addition to dedicated architectural proteins, other factors, such as DNA supercoiling and macromolecular crowding, also play roles in genome organization. The formation of plectonemic supercoils in DNA (wrapping of DNA duplexes around each other) alters its effective volume. Macromolecular crowding due to the large concentration of macromolecules in the cytoplasm has similar effects. Moreover, there is synergy between the architectural proteins, DNA topology and crowding. Many architectural proteins are capable of constraining DNA supercoils as their affinity for DNA is sensitive to both DNA topology and crowding. These factors are beyond the scope of this article; they are however extensively covered in other review articles [Cunha et al., 2001; Dame, 2005; de Vries, 2010; Dorman, 2006; Marenduzzo et al., 2006; Zimmerman and Murphy, 1996].

Genomic Looping

J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851

Bacterial Chromatin Despite the absence of a dedicated organelle in prokaryotes, bacteria and archaea also compact and organize their genetic material within a confined part of the cell, the nucleoid. Conventional light and electron microscopy reveal that the nucleoid is distinct from the surrounding cytoplasm because of differences in their refractive index and electron density, respectively. Deconvolution of epifluorescence microscopy images of fluorescently labeled nucleoids in Escherichia coli reveals the existence of ultrastructure: in G1 (with ori and ter regions – where 345

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regulation on top of that provided by conventional transcription factors. An illustrious example of a protein involved in shaping the eukaryotic genome is the histone. In the textbook view, hetero-octameric histones interact with 147 bp of DNA along its circumference to form a nucleosome [Luger et al., 1997]. DNA with arrays of nucleosomes (often referred to as ‘beads-on-a-string’ or the 10-nm fiber) is capable of forming a helical structure, likely mediated by nucleosome-nucleosome interactions: the 30-nm fiber. Although this structure readily forms in vitro under idealized conditions on well-defined substrates, its occurrence in vivo is the subject of debate [Fussner et al., 2012]. These nucleosomal fibers are further organized in loops, spanning large distances along the genome. Such loops are either transient due to thermal motion of the nucleosomal fiber or are mediated/stabilized by specific proteins [Hagstrom and Meyer, 2003; Merkenschlager and Odom, 2013; Phillips and Corces, 2009; Thadani et al., 2012]. The formation of loops has a moderate contribution to genome conformation, yet its primarily role is to impose functional organization. The occurrence of transient random contacts is related to the intrinsic flexibility of the fiber: a flexible fiber exhibits higher internal contact frequencies than a stiff fiber. In recent years, evidence has been accumulating for the existence of specific proteins involved in loop formation. In eukaryotic interphase chromosomes, the best-characterized looping proteins are the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein cohesin and the CCCTCbinding factor (CTCF). Cohesin mediates intersegmental DNA-DNA contacts (bridges) in cis or in trans by encircling two chromatin fibers. These ring-like proteins play specific roles in regulating genes by connecting regulatory elements (which can be located thousands of base pairs away) with their target genes [Hadjur et al., 2009]. The CTCF protein contains several zinc finger DNAbinding motifs, allowing it to bind several DNA molecules in tandem [Ohlsson et al., 2001], yet no direct evidence has been found for the formation of CTCF-mediated bridges independent of interacting factors. Instead, genome-wide studies reveal binding of cohesin at CTCFbinding sites suggesting that CTCF recruits cohesin (among other proteins) to form DNA loops [Hadjur et al., 2009]. These sites have been implied in the formation of specific genomic loops based on correlation analysis of genome-wide binding patterns and interaction frequencies along the genome [Hadjur et al., 2009]. Although the conventional 3C approaches are unbiased, enriching the cross-linked material using antibodies – biasing the detection of interactions mediated by specific proteins – has


J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851

cel and Burgi, 1972]. To date, it is unclear which proteins are involved in the formation of such loops in vivo. However, there are several candidate proteins capable of forming intersegmental bridges in vitro: H-NS, FIS and bacterial SMC proteins [Cui et al., 2008; Dame et al., 2006, 2000; Petrushenko et al., 2010; Skoko et al., 2006]. The H-NS and FIS proteins were shown to be involved in domain formation in vivo [Hardy and Cozzarelli, 2005]. Although all these proteins are capable of fulfilling a role in topological domain formation via looping, their involvement has yet to be proven. However, in the case of H-NS the genome-wide distribution of H-NS-bound regions and their spacing quantitatively agrees with estimates of topological domain size [Noom et al., 2007]. The simplest model based on these data would be that the two replichores are each organized in a series of adjacently stacked loops stabilized at their base by binding of H-NS [Noom et al., 2007]. The role of FIS and the SMC proteins in chromosome organization is covered extensively in other recent review articles [Dorman, 2013; Wang et al., 2013a]. At small length scales, architectural proteins shape the local conformation of the bacterial genome. Many of these proteins (HU, IHF, FIS) operate by bending of the DNA duplex [Pan et al., 1996; Swinger and Rice, 2004; van Noort et al., 2004], resulting in an effective reduction of the volume occupied. HU binds nonspecifically, whereas its homologue IHF and the FIS protein recognize specific target sites. The expression levels and DNA-binding affinity of the latter two are sufficiently high [Ali Azam et al., 1999; Ishihama et al., 2014] that binding to other nonspecific sites along the genome is frequent. Although the genome-wide architectural effects of these proteins are not fully understood, the global architectural role of HU in C. crescentus has been elegantly demonstrated in vivo by systematic measurement of physical distance between pairs of fluorescent markers along the genome [Dame et al., 2011b; Hong and McAdams, 2011]. Moreover, in the same organism it was shown that the internal contact frequencies inside CIDs are higher in the presence of HU than in its absence, indicating that HU effectively compacts these domains [Le et al., 2013]. Archaeal Chromatin Archaea phenotypically closely resemble bacteria. Archaea were originally identified in extreme environments such as high temperatures and extreme pH [Pikuta et al., 2007]. However, evidence is accumulating that archaea are more abundant and widespread than confined to these extreme environments. For instance, archaeal organisms have been recently identified in the van der Valk /Vreede /Crémazy /Dame  




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replication initiates and terminates – localized at midcell) the nucleoid has the shape of a helical ellipsoid [Fisher et al., 2013; Hadizadeh Yazdi et al., 2012]. A similar model was proposed for the Caulobacter crescentus nucleoid based on the genome-wide interaction frequencies obtained from a 3C-based study [Umbarger et al., 2011]. In this organism, the left and right chromosomal arms are extended between the ori and ter regions, which are polarly localized (rather than at mid-cell as in E. coli) and helically folded around one another. The interpretation in terms of overall structure of similar data for the E. coli genome [Cagliero et al., 2013] is far from trivial. In fact, a superficial interpretation might suggest that only the ori and ter regions are structured. However, the E. coli genome is generally present in multiple copies due to the presence of multiple replication forks. Because of this, the structure of the E. coli chromosome is not uniquely defined for a given state of the cell cycle. Moreover, it lacks the longitudinal symmetry of the C. crescentus chromosome in which the ori is fixed at the distant pole. The E. coli chromosome is organized in distinct structural domains (macrodomains) of roughly 1 Mb in size. Two of these domains are localized around the ori and ter regions [Boccard et al., 2005; Espéli and Boccard, 2006; Niki et al., 2000; Valens et al., 2004]. In addition to these two domains, an additional ‘structured’ macrodomain was identified on each chromosomal arm (the left and right macrodomains). Finally, two ‘less-structured’ macrodomains (again one on each arm) were identified [Valens et al., 2004]. It is unclear how the boundaries of macrodomains are established in E. coli. However, it is evident that several (architectural) proteins are specifically restricted to binding in certain macrodomains [Dame et al., 2011a]. A second genome-wide 3C-based study of C. crescentus revealed the existence of discrete domains along the genome (chromosomal interaction domains or CIDs) [Le et al., 2013]. Twenty-three of such domains were identified ranging in length from several tens to several hundreds of kilobase pairs. These domains are conceptually similar to the TADs described in eukaryotes, although the nature of the boundaries appears different [Dixon et al., 2012; Le et al., 2013]. In fact, based on experiments using transcription inhibitors, a key role in maintaining CID boundaries was attributed to transcription of highly active genes [Le et al., 2013]. In terms of size, these domains fall in between macrodomains and the smaller microdomains described in E. coli. Microdomains, in the order of 10 kb in size, have been described as topologically closed domains [Deng et al., 2005; Hardy and Cozzarelli, 2005] established via loop formation [Postow et al., 2004; Wor-

Genomic Looping

Impact of Architectural Proteins

Modulation of Genome Structure Because of their complex nature, it comes as no surprise that prokaryotic genomes are organized dynamically and change as a function of cell cycle or growth conditions [Ali Azam et al., 1999; Ishihama et al., 2014]. In eukaryotes, histone proteins are posttranslationally modified, directly affecting their architectural properties or recruiting machinery promoting chromatin remodeling [Jenuwein and Allis, 2001]. Contrary to common belief, posttranslational modifications are ubiquitous in bacteria [Cain et al., 2014], yet there is no evidence for posttranslational modifications of the proteins involved in chromatin organization. Rather, in E. coli the expression levels of many nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs; or subunits of heteromeric NAPs) vary according to growth phase and temperature [Ali Azam et al., 1999; Ishihama et al., 2014]. As different NAPs exhibit different architectural properties, their relative and absolute concentrations will have direct effects on genome folding. Moreover, NAPs often exhibit synergistic or antagonistic activities in relation to their roles in transcription regulation [Browning et al., 2000; van Ulsen et al., 1997], which might be extrapolated to scales relevant to global genome organization [Dame, 2005]. In that case, the structural output of the joint action of NAPs is altered if their relative expression levels are changed. Although these types of mechanisms have not been described in archaea, expression levels of different NAPs are certainly dependent on cell cycle and growth conditions [Wurtzel et al., 2010]. Differences in expression ratios contribute to the functionality of the Alba proteins: the Alba1 and Alba 2 proteins are ∼65% homologous, yet differ in a crucial phenylalanine residue at the dimer-dimer interaction interface [Jelinska et al., 2010]. The absence of this residue in Alba2 reduces the cooperativity in binding of Alba1/Alba2 heterodimers to DNA [Jelinska et al., 2005, 2010; Laurens et al., 2012] compared to Alba1 homodimers. In contrast with bacteria, posttranslational modification of NAPs is common in archaea. Indeed – with the exception of histones – the proteins involved in chromatin organization are extensively modified [Eichler and Adams, 2005]. A notable example is the Alba protein in which a lysine group positioned at the DNA-binding interface can be acetylated, leading to reduced DNA-binding affinity [Bell et al., 2002; Wardleworth et al., 2002]. However, in most cases it is not directly obvious how the posttranslational modifications affect protein functionality, as their DNA-binding affinity itself is often not disturbed. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851


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human intestinal microbiome [Eckburg et al., 2005] and have been implied in various human diseases and disorders [Conway de Macario and Macario, 2009; Eckburg et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2013b]. The potential relevance to health has increased the interest in these relatively simple yet fascinating organisms, exhibiting a curious blend of bacterial and eukaryotic features. Much of the machinery (RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase, etc.) is more closely related to their counterparts in eukaryotes rather than those in bacteria [Reeve, 2003; Werner, 2007], whereas proteins implied in genome organization and transcription regulation are mostly reminiscent of those of bacteria [Driessen and Dame, 2011]. Information on the global organization of archaeal chromatin in vivo is lacking, although many of the proteins likely involved have long been identified [Driessen and Dame, 2011]. In discussing these proteins it is important to distinguish the two main archaeal branches: Euryarchaea and Crenarchaea. Euryarchaea express homologues of the eukaryotic histone H3 and H4 proteins [Sandman et al., 1990]. These proteins assemble on DNA into tetrameric nucleosomes in vitro on SELEX-optimized binding sites [Marc et al., 2002]. In vivo information on the multimeric state of the protein on DNA derived from classical MNase digestion confirms the existence of tetramers [Ammar et al., 2012; Maruyama et al., 2013; Nalabothula et al., 2013], and in addition suggests that the unit building block is a dimer [Maruyama et al., 2013]. This implies that also hexamers, octamers and other multimeric forms are present, setting them apart from eukaryotic histones that are known to form either tetrameric or octameric nucleosomes [Talbert and Henikoff, 2012]. Crenarchaea do not express histones. Instead, they express proteins that are functionally analogous to the HU, IHF and FIS proteins found in bacteria. Proteins, such as Sul7 and Cren7 bind and deform DNA [Baumann et al., 1994; Guo et al., 2008], resulting in compaction [Driessen et al., 2013]. To date, it is unclear whether the archaeal genome is organized into DNA loops in vivo. It is tempting to speculate that it is, as archaeal and bacterial organisms exhibit similar mechanisms of DNA compaction. In addition to SMC proteins, which are conserved throughout all domains of life, most archaea express Alba (acetylation lowers DNA-binding affinity) proteins. This protein was suggested already many years ago to mediate DNA-DNA bridges [Lurz et al., 1986], but only recently was this property appreciated as a mechanism to regulate genome folding [Driessen and Dame, 2011; Driessen et al., submitted; Laurens et al., 2012; Luijsterburg et al., 2008].

DNA Looping by H-NS in Bacteria

H-NS Functions Revealed through Genome-Wide Analysis Several genome-wide H-NS binding studies have been reported for E. coli and Salmonella Typhimurium using ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq analysis [Grainger et al., 2006; Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Lucchini et al., 2006; Myers et al., 2013; Navarre et al., 2006; Oshima et al., 2006]. The obtained genomic binding profiles for H-NS are remarkably similar considering the wide variety of experimental conditions tested [Kahramanoglou et al., 2011]. Binding of H-NS occurs in about 250–450 discrete regions spread across the genome, covering 15–17% of its length [Grainger et al., 2006; Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Noom et al., 2007; Oshima et al., 2006]. On average, H-NS-binding regions are 1.6–2 kb in length [Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Noom et al., 2007] with few extending up to or beyond 6 kb. Considering that H-NS binds DNA as a dimer that occupies a length of ∼25–30 bp, a typical H-NSbound region of 2 kb should contain roughly 60–80 adjacent H-NS dimers. The H-NS-binding motif (discussed later in this review) is highly enriched in H-NS-binding regions, which are characterized by higher than average AT content [Kahramanoglou et al., 2011]. It has been generally accepted that the H-NS expression level does not change significantly during the exponential phase of growth, but decreases significantly at late stationary phase [Azam and Ishihama, 1999]. However, a 348

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follow-up study on NAP expression levels in E. coli showed that the number of H-NS molecules per genome copy decreases at the onset of the early-exponential growth phase [Ishihama et al., 2014]. Considering that the expression level of H-NS is in the order of several tens of thousands molecules per cell, most of the H-NS dimers are DNA bound rather than free in the cytoplasm. The number and length of the detected binding regions increase as cells progress from rapid growth to stationary phase [Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Noom et al., 2007]. This increase is most evident in the ter domain. The number of genome copies decreases when cells enter slow growth. This will increase the pool of free H-NS molecules available for DNA binding, resulting in lateral extension of existing H-NS-bound regions [Vora et al., 2009]. Interestingly, the length of H-NS-binding regions can differ notably between different data sets. This suggests that – in addition to stochastic effects – the spreading of H-NS is modulated by other factors such as environmental conditions or interplay with other NAPs [Bouffartigues et al., 2007; Browning et al., 2000; van Ulsen et al., 1997]. It is important to keep in mind that the length of the H-NS-binding regions can also differ between individual cells, due to extrinsic noise; thus, it is difficult to accurately capture their size and distribution when averaging over a population. Although H-NS-bound patches are fairly equally distributed along the genome, H-NS binding is enriched at macrodomain boundaries. These regions also strongly overlap with transcriptionally silent extended protein occupancy domains that were identified by analyzing the generic protein coverage along the E. coli genome [Vora et al., 2009; Zarei et al., 2013]. These observations suggest a link between the function of H-NS as a transcriptional regulator and the formation of boundaries insulating topological domains as it was proposed for the CIDs described in C. crescentus [Le et al., 2013]. Considering the ability of H-NS to bridge DNA duplexes, the distribution of binding regions across the genome suggests that H-NS might be key to the formation of DNA loops along the genome and for the maintenance of boundaries between topological domains that shape the nucleoid (fig.  1). However, direct evidence of such a genome-wide activity is still missing. In the genome-wide binding profiles, two classes of HNS-bound regions can be distinguished based on their location in relation to coding regions of the potential target genes [Grainger et al., 2006; Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Oshima et al., 2006; Ueda et al., 2013]. The first class corresponds to H-NS-binding regions localized in the upvan der Valk /Vreede /Crémazy /Dame  




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Genome Structure Modulates Transcription Many NAPs have been implied in global gene regulation following environmental cues. This results in coordinated up- or downregulation of large numbers of (often functionally related) genes. One well-studied NAP known to regulate several genes based on environmental cues is H-NS. H-NS is an abundant and versatile nucleoid-structuring protein that is conserved among Gram-negative bacteria. Apart from its preeminent role in genome folding, H-NS also functions as a pleiotropic transcription factor that regulates the transcription of about 8% of the E. coli genes, mainly by repressing their expression [Dorman, 2004]. H-NS is a global determinant of bacterial fitness and adaptation to environmental stress in response to stimuli such as pH, osmolarity, temperature or growth phase. Recent advances in genomics, biophysics and structural biology are starting to shed light on the function of H-NS as a sculptor of the 3-D structure of the genome.


Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of a bacterial cell. The folded bacterial genome consists of a plethora of DNA loops of various sizes. These can be subdivided into large DNA loops (A) and small DNA loops (B). Loops are stabilized/formed by DNA bridging proteins. Large DNA loops are primarily implied in global DNA organization. Small DNA loops might be specifically involved in the regulation of specific genes. In B, some DNA-bending proteins are also shown to illustrate the interplay between DNA-organizing proteins. DNA-bending proteins help form and stabilize DNA loops by increasing the flexibility of the DNA and facilitating the formation of DNA bridges.

stream regulatory region of genes, whereas the second class covers the coding sequence (sometimes extending across a whole operon). Several mechanisms for H-NSmediated gene regulation have been reported based on in vitro and in vivo experiments on defined target genes, and these in vivo genome-wide binding patterns may be able to corroborate some of these models. Promoter-Specific Binding A quarter of the total number of H-NS-binding regions is located in operon-upstream intergenic regions, which represent only 8% of the genome [Grainger et al., 2006; Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Oshima et al., 2006]. Kahramanoglou et al. [2011] identified 597 operons, where H-NS associates to their promoter regions. Indeed, 65% of these operons display a significant change in mRNA levels when wild-type and Δhns strains are compared. Generally, these regions are less than 1 kb in size and correlate positively with RNAP-binding signals [Grainger et al., 2006; Oshima et al., 2006]. However, intergenic H-NS-binding regions often extend into a part of the coding sequence. A close inspection of the H-NSGenomic Looping

binding profiles on the promoters of the known H-NS targets proU and bgl reveals the presence of two majors peaks: one in the intergenic region upstream of the promoter and a second extending into the 5′ coding region (fig. 2a, b). These signals correlate to some extent with the position of the regulatory elements that were previously determined for the proU and bgl promoters in in vitro experiments. In both cases, effective repression relies on the interaction between two AT-rich high-affinity binding elements: an upstream repressive element (URE) located in the promoter region and a downstream repressive element (DRE) in the 5′ coding region [Bouffartigues et al., 2007; Dole et al., 2004; Rimsky et al., 2001]. These elements contain high-affinity binding motifs that likely serve as nucleation sites to attract additional H-NS molecules on the adjacent lower-affinity sites through cooperative binding yielding an extended nucleoprotein complex [Bouffartigues et al., 2007; Lang et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2010; Rimsky et al., 2001]. In the case of the proU operon, binding of H-NS on the high-affinity sites and lateral extension depend on temperature and DNA superhelicity [Bouffartigues et al., 2007]. Surprisingly, whereas the first peak detected using ChIP-seq aligns with the position of the URE identified using DNA footprint assays, the second appears to be shifted inward the coding region of proV. The situation is opposite for bgl, with the DRE coinciding almost perfectly with the intragenic peak, whereas the URE falls in a region devoid of H-NS. Both ChIPseq-binding regions appear to be wider than the regions determined in vitro. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that ChIP-seq yields snapshots of specific protein-DNA interactions as they occur in living cells, at physiological concentrations of H-NS, levels of supercoiling and macromolecular crowding. Moreover, there might be effects of other DNA-binding proteins. Both URE and DRE display a high level of cooperativity, since elimination of the URE strongly impairs repression induced by the DRE [Nagarajavel et al., 2007]. Synergistic repression via these two elements can be envisioned as a looping mechanism involving a cis-interaction between these two elements via H-NS-mediated bridging (fig. 1, box B) [Bouffartigues et al., 2007]. The mechanistic aspects of these binding modes are explained in detail in a later section. The most straightforward consequence of the formation of such a loop is to impede transcription initiation, either by occluding RNAP from the promoter as described for proU and bgl [Nagarajavel et al., 2007], or to trap RNAP at the promoter as shown for the hdeAB and rrnB genes [Dame et al., 2002; Schroder and Wagner, 2000; Shin et al., 2005]. Moreover, these regulatory eleJ Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851


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Fig. 2. H-NS binding signal intensity for different genes regulated by H-NS in E. coli. a, b Genes bound by H-NS in their promoter and 5′ coding sequence illustrated by the proU and bgl locus. c Intragenic H-NS-binding regions extending across multiple genes illustrated by hsdS. d, e Genes regulated by interplay between H-NS, FIS and IHF illustrated by dps and csg. ChIP-seq H-NSbinding peaks taken from Kahramanoglou et al. [2011] are represented, the thick arrows indicate gene positions along the linear chromosome and flags are transcription start sites. Highlighted

rectangles represent H-NS-binding regions identified in vitro [Bouffartigues et al., 2007; Ogasawara et al., 2010]; high-affinity binding sites determined by DNA footprint [Bouffartigues et al., 2007] assays are indicated by a line superimposed on the ChIP-seq binding peaks. Binding sites determined by DNA footprint assays for FIS and IHF are indicated by boxes along the linear chromosome, whereas binding regions detected by ChIP-seq [Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Prieto et al., 2012] are indicated by bars parallel to the chromosome.

ments might also be (transiently) associated with other distant genomic regions in line with the ability of H-NS to bridge DNA segments in vitro (fig. 1, box A) [Dame et al., 2000]. Such bridging might be the structural basis for the clustering of H-NS repressed genes as observed in vivo [Wang et al., 2011]. Long regions of DNA not bound by H-NS might emanate from such clusters in the form of large genomic loops.

mediate repression during the elongation phase of transcription by acting as a roadblock. However, when the power of a transcribing RNA polymerase is compared with the stability of a region bound and bridged by H-NS in vitro, one would expect that the H-NS roadblock is not sufficiently stable to bring transcription to a halt [Dame et al., 2006]. As lateral filaments are expected to be at most as stable as bridged complexes, they are also not likely to halt transcription. A possible consequence of H-NS binding is that a pause in transcription is induced and that such a pause has a regulatory role [Larson et al., 2014]. A completely new perspective on intragenic binding of H-NS was the finding that these loci often correspond to

Intragenic-Specific Binding A second class of H-NS-binding regions extends across the coding sequence of genes (fig. 2c) [Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Ueda et al., 2013]. At these sites, H-NS might 350

J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851

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Structural Determinants of H-NS Function The remarkably versatile roles and complex functionality of H-NS find their basis in the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein. Although a structure of the full-length protein is still lacking, different structural elements of H-NS have been identified and structurally characterized. The H-NS protein consists of three functional domains, an N-terminal dimerization domain (site 1), a second dimerization domain (site 2) and a C-terminal DNA-binding domain (DBD; fig. 3d). The site 1 dimerization domain contains three helices, with helix 3 forming a coiled coil motif. In this motif, hydrophobic side chains, predominantly leucine residues, form the interaction interface. Hydrophobic residues in the two N-terminal helices also contribute to the stability of the dimerization interface. Two conformations have been found for site 1 [Bloch et al., 2003], which differ in the orientation of the helices in the coiled coil, which is parallel [Esposito et al., 2002] or anti-parallel [Bloch et al., 2003]. Both configurations might be functionally relevant in the light of the reported H-NS-mediated response to changes in osmolarity in vivo [Vreede and Dame, 2012]. A study using molecular dynamics simulations showed that the antiparallel configuration is insensitive to changes in ion concentration, whereas the parallel configuration is stable only in the Genomic Looping

presence of high levels of monovalent salt [Vreede and Dame, 2012]. Four out of five structures of the N-terminal part of H-NS exhibit the anti-parallel conformation, while the parallel conformation is observed only once [Ali et al., 2013; Arold et al., 2010; Bloch et al., 2003; Cerdan et al., 2003; Esposito et al., 2002]. The models shown in this review are based on the anti-parallel structure. The second dimerization domain (site 2) contains two helices, which interact in an anti-parallel orientation with the other dimer. The dimerization interface contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions, as highlighted in figure 3a. For instance, Arg54 of one monomer forms a salt bridge with Glu74 of its dimerization partner. Tyr61 forms hydrophobic contacts with Leu65 and a hydrogen bond with the backbone carbonyl group of Met64. Site 2 has fewer contacts compared to site 1, and therefore it is considered as a secondary dimerization interface, mediating dimer-dimer contacts. For the C-terminal DBD, several structures have been resolved, all in absence of DNA [Gordon et al., 2011]. These structures reveal a globular α/βfold with the conserved QGR motif, responsible for DNA binding, in a loop [Gordon et al., 2011]. In vitro experiments on specific H-NS-regulated regions revealed that H-NS preferentially binds a short 10-bp AT-rich motif: tCGATAAATT [Lang et al., 2007]. This motif might serve as a nucleation site for H-NS binding that facilitates recruitment of additional H-NS molecules to adjacent sites [Bouffartigues et al., 2007]. A shorter version of the motif is indeed observed throughout all H-NS-binding regions detected by ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip experiments [Grainger et al., 2006; Kahramanoglou et al., 2011]. H-NS as a minor groove-binding protein [Gordon et al., 2011] might recognize AT-rich DNA through its narrower minor groove compared to that of GC-rich DNA. The H-NS linker region, connecting site 2 and the DBD (residues 83–96), is unstructured. This region influences the DNA sequence specificity of H-NS [Fernandez-de-Alba et al., 2013]. Theoretical modeling and simulations have shown that the rigidity of the linker region strongly affects the ability of H-NS to form DNA bridges [Joyeux and Vreede, 2013; Wiggins et al., 2009]. Using the structural information currently available, we constructed a model of an H-NS multimer, with dimerization occurring at both site 1 and site 2 (fig.  3a). H-NS exhibits different modes of binding to DNA: lateral filament formation coinciding with DNA stiffening [Amit et al., 2003] and bridge formation between separate DNA segments by binding in trans [Dame et al., 2006]. H-NS has been proposed to bridge DNA segments through the two DBD found in H-NS dimers. A similar argument would hold for larger multimers J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851


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sites of spurious transcription (arising from weak promoters) of noncoding and antisense RNAs or due to inefficient Rho-dependent termination [Peters et al., 2012; Purtov et al., 2014; Saxena and Gowrishankar, 2011; Singh and Grainger, 2013]. In agreement with the proposed effect of pausing on transcript elongation, H-NS contributes to the suppression of antisense transcription by binding close to intragenic Rho-binding sites and facilitating Rho termination [Peters et al., 2012]. An alternative explanation is that H-NS inhibits pervasive transcription in the cell, and that spurious ncRNA synthesis can account for the fitness defect observed in Δhns mutants [Singh et al., 2014]. H-NS binding might preclude low-affinity RNAP recruitment on intragenic regions, enhancing transcription initiation at high-affinity canonical promoters [Singh and Grainger, 2013; Singh et al., 2014]. It is not clear whether intragenic silencing and Rho-specific termination rely on lateral filament formation or also involve DNA bridging. Whereas DNA-DNA bridging is not crucial to many of the mechanisms of repression by H-NS, its intrinsic cooperative nature may enhance the stability of repressive complexes, possibly by engaging in spurious and transient interactions with other genomic segments.

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Fig. 3. a Model of E. coli H-NS assembly containing 6 H-NS monomers. To construct a model for a full-length H-NS monomer, we used the structural information available for H-NS, residues 2–83, from S. Typhimurium (PDB code 3NR7 [Arold et al., 2010]) and the NMR structure of the C-terminal domain, residues 91–137 (PDB-code 2L93 [Gordon et al., 2011]). Missing parts of the sequence (residues 1 and 84–90) were modelled as a random coil. The structure of residues 2–83 of S. Typhimurium H-NS also contained information on the dimerization sites. Using these structures as templates, we combined 8 H-NS monomers into a multimer. This structure was relaxed in an energy minimization procedure, employing the conjugate gradient method, with the AMBER03 force field [Duan et al., 2003] using the GROMACS molecular simulation software [Pronk et al., 2013]. Nonbonded interactions were cut off at 1.1 nm, and long-range electrostatics were treated with the particle mesh Ewald method [Darden et al., 1993; Essmann et al., 1995]. Only part of the octamer is displayed, with the dangling monomers cropped from the picture. The struc-

tures of site 1 and site 2 are shown in close-up, with residues involved in dimerization highlighted as stick models. b Models of heterodimers between H-NS and homologous proteins StpA and Hfp. The sequences of H-NS, StpA, Hfp, H-NSB and H-NST were aligned using ClustalW [Larkin et al., 2007]. This sequence alignment, together with the structure of H-NS (residues 2–83, PDB code 3NR7 [Arold et al., 2010]), served as input for a comparative modelling procedure to construct structural models for H-NSStpA and H-NS-Hfp heterodimers using MODELLER version 9.13 [Eswar et al., 2006]. Relevant residues at the dimerization interface are shown as stick models. c The crystal structure of H-NS in complex with Hha (PDB-code 4ICG) [Ali et al., 2013]. d Sequence alignment of H-NS homologues. Highlighted boxes indicate the three functional domains; site 1, site 2, and the DBD. The core residues directly involved in dimerization are highlighted. This alignment was generated with ClustalW2. Residues in italics in the H-NST, Hha, YdgT and Gp5.5 sequences are not aligned.

in which pairs of DBD are present with regular spacing. Based on the notion that long segments of DNA are bridged by large series of adjacent H-NS proteins [Dame et al., 2006] forming bridged regions with a cross-section of a few nanometers [Wiggins et al., 2009], it was thus proposed that such multimeric H-NS assemblies mediate the interactions between two DNA segments [Arold et al.,

2010]. The modes of H-NS binding to DNA might be affected by environmental conditions [Amit et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2010]. Switching between the two binding modes (lateral filament formation and bridging DNA) might be a mechanism to modulate and fine-tune H-NS function at different loci.


J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851

van der Valk /Vreede /Crémazy /Dame  




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The tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein can provide direct clues as to how such modulation may take place and which functional elements of the protein can be targeted. A direct response to salt conditions can be envisioned in relation to electrostatic interactions. As such, the finding that three positively charged residues at positions 41–43 drive repulsion between the individual subunits within a dimer when these charges are not shielded, could be very relevant [Vreede and Dame, 2012]. Such interactions involve protonatable groups that can also be affected by pH changes, altering the protonation states. It is to date unclear and highly speculative whether such mechanisms operate in vivo. On the contrary, evidence is accumulating that interactions between H-NS and protein partners modulate the functional activity of H-NS [Ali et al., 2011, 2013; Leonard et al., 2009; Muller et al., 2010; Ueda et al., 2013; Williamson and Free, 2005]. Evident targets for H-NS-modulating proteins are the two dimerization sites, where binding of a partner could enhance or reduce the stability of subunit interactions. An additional option is to affect DNA binding by reducing or increasing the effective affinity of the H-NS- protein complex for DNA. Nature indeed provides solutions based on this rationale, with partial or full-length homologues, or distinct proteins targeting either one of two dimerization domains and affecting DNA binding [Ali et al., 2011, 2013; Williamson and Free, 2005]. H-NS Function Is Regulated via Protein Partners The functional properties of H-NS can be modulated via direct interaction with protein partners. These H-NSinteracting proteins can be subdivided into two categories: (1) proteins with full or partial homology to the H-NS amino acid sequence and (2) proteins completely unrelated to H-NS. Most Gram-negative bacteria express at least two variants of the H-NS protein; while pathogenic species can express three or more variants of H-NS [Muller et al., 2010; Williamson and Free, 2005]. These variants can be genomically encoded or carried on a plasmid. In this review, we limit ourselves to discussing the genomically encoded H-NS variants. Full-Length H-NS Homologues StpA, Hfp and H-NSB E. coli expresses at least one H-NS homologue, StpA (suppressor of td mutant phenotype A). This protein has a high degree of sequence homology (58%) with H-NS throughout the three different functional domains [Zhang Genomic Looping

and Belfort, 1992]. This homology allows StpA to form heterodimers with H-NS at both dimerization sites [Johansson et al., 2001]. StpA negatively regulates its own expression, much like H-NS, but StpA and H-NS also repress each other’s expression [Sonden and Uhlin, 1996; Zhang et al., 1996]. H-NS and StpA have similar properties, exhibiting both DNA bridging [Dame et al., 2005] and DNA stiffening [Lim et al., 2012]. Although these properties have not been systematically investigated under identical experimental conditions, there might be subtle differences in DNA-binding behavior: H-NS cannot bridge two DNA duplexes precoated with H-NS [Dame et al., 2006], while StpA is capable of forming bridges even if both duplexes are precoated by StpA [Lim et al., 2012]. Moreover, the structure of StpA-bridged complexes is different from H-NS-bridged complexes, promoting parallel- rather than antiparallel-oriented DNA duplexes in the bridged complex [Dame et al., 2005]. Despite the high level of similarity, StpA expression only partially complements the Δhns phenotype. Comparison of the genome-wide association profiles reveals that the binding regions of StpA and H-NS overlap, and that StpA loses two thirds of its DNA-binding sites in an hns– strain [Uyar et al., 2009]. Moreover, StpA is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage, except when forming heterodimers with H-NS [Johansson et al., 2001]. These observations suggest that StpA is a co-regulator that is functionally dependent on the presence of H-NS. Because of the high sequence homology, yet functional disparities, it is likely that StpA modulates H-NS function by altering the DNA-binding properties of H-NS. Figure 3b shows homology models of H-NS-StpA dimers, modeled on the structures of site 1 and site 2. The main interactions, including the hydrophobic core in site 1 and the hydrophobic and hydrophilic aspects of site 2 are retained in these dimers. These models suggest that StpA and H-NS can form heterodimers (with altered DNA binding properties) via both dimerization sites of H-NS. Such H-NSStpA heterodimers could be next assembled into heteromultimers. The uropathogenic E. coli strains CFT073 and 536 encode a third H-NS-like protein, called H-NSB and Hfp, respectively [Muller et al., 2010; Williamson and Free, 2005]. These proteins have a similar degree of homology with H-NS as StpA (63%), primarily in the N-terminal dimerization domain. In figure 3b, homology models of H-NS-Hfp dimers are shown for both site 1 and site 2, revealing that the nature of the interaction interface is not much different from that of the H-NS homodimer. Indeed, in vitro experiments show that Hfp can form J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851


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Modulation of H-NS Functionality

‘Partial’ Homologues of H-NS: H-NST and Ler Several proteins that share homology with part of H-NS have been identified that modulate H-NS function through interactions with dimerization site 1 or site 2. An example of a site 1 H-NS homologue is the H-NST protein, found in several enteropathogenic E. coli species [Williamson and Free, 2005]. H-NST was found to relieve H-NS-mediated repression of bacterial virulence genes, such as the LEE operon [Levine et al., 2014]. The H-NST protein is believed to interfere with H-NS function by forming H-NS heterodimers via dimerization site 1 (fig. 3). Because H-NST lacks part of dimerization site 2, it could have a dominant negative effect by impairing H-NS multimerization capacities. In addition to modulation of H-NS multimerization, H-NST is also – unexpectedly – itself capable of binding regulatory regions in the LEE operon, and of competing with H-NS to relieve the repression of this operon [Levine et al., 2014]. Another partial H-NS homologue known to modulate H-NS function is the Ler (locus of enterocyte effacementencoded regulator) protein. The largest degree of homology between H-NS and Ler is localized in the C-terminal DBD of the two proteins. Ler, much like H-NS, can form multimers via its N-terminal dimerization domain [Mellies et al., 2011]. Ler is believed to form rigid filaments along the DNA [Bhat et al., 2014; Mellies et al., 2011; Winardhi et al., 2014]. In addition, it may be capable of forming DNA bridges in vitro on specific sequences [Bhat et al., 2014]. Ler cannot form heterodimers with H-NS due to the differences in site 1, where Ler has two polar residues aligned with hydrophobic interfacial residues in H-NS (Thr16, Gln30). Ler also seems to lack part of dimerization site 2. As Ler antagonizes H-NS-mediated repression of genes, it is classified as a transcriptional activator. Both Ler and H-NS bind the LEE operon, and compete to modulate the expression of the LEE genes. Ler has a higher DNA-binding affinity than H-NS, and when ex-


J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;24:344–359 DOI: 10.1159/000368851

pressed Ler effectively competes with H-NS on the LEE operon [Winardhi et al., 2014]. Alternative Modulators of H-NS Function Not all proteins known to functionally interact with H-NS are sequence and/or structural homologues. The Hha protein and its paralogue YdgT were first identified as transcriptional regulators of the virulence factor hemolysin in pathogenic E. coli [Godessart et al., 1988]. Copurification experiments revealed that H-NS and Hha interact [Nieto et al., 2002]. Although initial experiments were unable to resolve the stoichiometry between Hha and H-NS heteromers [Garcia et al., 2005], a recent cocrystal structure of Hha and the N-terminal region of H-NS revealed that Hha and H-NS bind in a 1:1 ratio [Ali et al., 2013]. In this structure two individual Hha molecules bind at the dimerization site 1 in an H-NS dimer [Ali et al., 2013]. Although varying accounts of HhaDNA-binding affinity have been reported [Ali et al., 2013; Nieto et al., 2000], Hha is not considered to be a DNAbinding protein in the absence of H-NS. However, by forming hetero-tetramers Hha might be capable of increasing the DNA-binding affinity of H-NS [Ali et al., 2013]. ChIP-chip analysis revealed that the two proteins share more than 70% of their binding sites on the genome (under conditions of Hha overexpression) [Ueda et al., 2013]. This co-localization primarily occurs in long stretches of H-NS detected within coding regions. Of the 134 genes identified as being affected by either Hha or its paralogue YdgT, 98% are regulated by H-NS [Ueda et al., 2013]. The association of Hha with H-NS enhances its ability to bridge DNA and form loops [van der Valk et al., unpubl. results], suggesting a possible mechanism by which Hha affects gene expression on local as well as global scales. H-NS function can also be modulated via multimerization site 2. No proteins endogenous to E. coli with such functionality have been described, but a protein thought to operate in this manner is the viral T7 gene product 5.5 (Gp5.5) [Ali et al., 2011; Studier, 1981; Zhu et al., 2012]. Interestingly, there is very little homology between H-NS and Gp5.5 for both site 1 and site 2 dimerization domains (fig. 3d). Therefore, it is unlikely that Gp5.5 interacts with H-NS and forms heterodimers. Nevertheless, gp5.5 is capable of interacting with dimerization site 2 using tRNA as a cofactor [Ali et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2012]. It is not clear to date whether gp5.5 interferes with binding of H-NS along the genome. However, it has become clear that H-NS interferes with T7 DNA replication, and this inhibition is relieved by the interaction with Gp5.5 [Zhu et al., 2012]. van der Valk /Vreede /Crémazy /Dame  




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heterodimers with H-NS [Muller et al., 2010]. Analogous to H-NS and StpA, Hfp is capable of regulating its own expression and Hfp and H-NS cross-regulate each other’s expression. Hfp expression is growth stage dependent, peaking during the stationary phase [Muller et al., 2010]. Interestingly, StpA and Hfp are expressed under different growth conditions, such that the two proteins are not simultaneously expressed in the cell. This suggests somewhat divergent functionality leading to subtle differences in their H-NS modulatory potential and regulatory role.

Genomic Looping

terplay of NAPs affects genome organization based solely on the current in vivo genomic data. Therefore, it will be important to correlate genome-wide binding profiles of NAPs and gene expression analysis with genome-wide interaction frequencies from 3C technologies. By combining these data with spatial relationships between genomic segments obtained using fluorescence microscopy, this information can be used as constraints for modeling 3-D genome structure and its interplay with gene activity. At the other end of the spectrum, mathematical modeling of polymers incorporating biologically relevant features such as loop formation will provide testable hypotheses that aid in understanding how the architectural properties of NAPs affect the high-order structure of the genome. A crucial issue that needs to be addressed is the fact that information in genomic studies is averaged over the population. In this light, the advent of single- and lowcell sequencing [Shapiro et al., 2013], ChIP [Dahl and Collas, 2009] and chromosome conformation capture [Nagano et al., 2013] paves the way to determining 3-D genome structure in bacteria. The combination of these techniques coupled with structural and mechanistic knowledge acquired for DNA bridging proteins will reveal the sheer scale and complexity of DNA looping found in all domains of life. Acknowledgments Research on the topic of this review is supported by grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (864.08.001, Athena 700.58.802), High Tech Systems and Materials Nano NextNL program 8B, the FOM Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter program ‘Crowd management: The physics of genome processing in complex environments’, and the Human Frontier Science Program (RGP0014/2014). The authors acknowledge Mariliis Tark-Dame for stimulating discussions on genome looping.


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Interplay between H-NS and Other NAPs Although the role of NAPs in high-order chromosome folding in vivo still needs to be firmly established, it is likely that the spatial structure of the genome is orchestrated via interplay between these different proteins. Correlating the genome-wide binding profiles available for H-NS and other NAPs can be informative in understanding this interplay. In addition to H-NS, the genomic binding pattern of several NAPs including FIS and IHF has been investigated using ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip [Grainger et al., 2006; Kahramanoglou et al., 2011; Myers et al., 2013; Prieto et al., 2012; Ueda et al., 2013]. Similar to H-NS, these NAPs bind abundantly across the bacterial genome. The binding regions for FIS and IHF are small compared to the binding regions of H-NS (averaging 2,000 bp in size), reflecting the binding of individual functional proteins rather than extended filaments. Strikingly, most of the genes bound by H-NS are also enriched in FIS and IHF [Grainger et al., 2006; Myers et al., 2013]. It is likely that expression of these genes is in part coordinated by competition between different NAPs (antagonistic effects) or by a combination of their effects on the local DNA structure (synergistic effects) as illustrated in figure 1b. In the absence of physical interactions between different types of NAPs (besides interactions between paralogues), both synergistic and antagonistic effects are attributed to structural interplay [Luijsterburg et al., 2008]. Alignment of the genome-wide binding regions of H-NS, FIS and IHF yields correlations not expected based on in vitro analyses. The expression of dps and that of the csg operon are two examples of regulation involving association of NAPs to the promoter region [Altuvia et al., 1994; Grainger et al., 2008; Ogasawara et al., 2010]. Genome-wide binding profiles obtained during early- and mid-exponential growth phase reveal that only H-NS associates to the dps promoter, whereas FIS and IHF bind in the coding sequence and in the 3′ region of the gene, respectively (fig. 2d). This is surprising as in vitro experiments revealed FIS- and IHF-binding sites at the promoter [Altuvia et al., 1994; Grainger et al., 2008]. Similarly, at the csgD gene only H-NS is found on the promoter during exponential growth and in stationary phase in genomewide binding studies (fig.  2e). This is in apparent disagreement with the antagonistic interplay of these proteins observed in previous in vitro experiments [Ogasawara et al., 2010]. In addition to evident differences in conditions between in vitro and in vivo experiments, these apparent discrepancies might be related to stringency parameters in the algorithms used for processing of raw data. It is thus difficult to extrapolate how the in-


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Genomic looping: a key principle of chromatin organization.

The effective volume occupied by the genomes of all forms of life far exceeds that of the cells in which they are contained. Therefore, all organisms ...
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