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AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES Volume 6, Number 8, 1990 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers

Full-Length Recombinant CD4 and Recombinant gpl20 Inhibit Fusion Between HIV Infected Macrophages and Uninfected CD4-Expressing T-Lymphoblastoid Cells S.M.




and M.S.


ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus- (HIV) infected monocyte-macrophages may contribute to the pathogenesis of HIV-associated immune deficiency and dysfunction by acting as a target and potential reservoir for the virus in vivo, and by functioning abnormally following infection. We have shown that HIV-infected macrophages fuse with uninfected CD4-expressing lymphoid cells in vitro; this may provide an additional mechanism for CD4 lymphocyte depletion in vivo. We report here the inhibition of syncytium formation between HIV-infected macrophages and uninfected CD4-expressing T-lymphoid cells by monoclonal antibody S3.5, directed against an epitope of CD4 involved in binding HIV gpl20, by a recombinant protein that comprises the full-length extracellular domain of the CD4 molecule, and by recombinant full-length HIV envelope glycoprotein, gpl20. These results indicate that both molecules (gpl20 and CD4) are critical to the fusion process, and suggest that gpl20 is expressed on the surface of HIV-infected monocyte-macrophages.


THE increasing

system, and the investigators have found functional impairment HIV infection, including altered phagocytosis, chemotaxis, and cytokine production.1113 HIV-infected lym-





(AIDS) remains incompletely understood, with evidence that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)


infection of CD4-expressing lymphocytes alone is insufficient to explain all of the abnormal immune phenomena. There is an increase in virus production, as detected by plasma viremia and serum p24 antigen production, which occurs when the CD4 lymphocyte number is significantly depleted. ' 2 The role played by HIV-infected macrophages requires further elucidation, although these cells have been implicated in the development of the immune deficiency and dysfunction associated with HIV infection. Monocyte-macrophages express the CD4 molecule on their surface3,4 and can be infected with HIV in vitro and in vivo.4-9 HIV infection of CD4-expressing lymphocytes results in rapid formation of syncytia with subsequent cell death.10 There is much less cytopathology associated with HIV infection of monocyte-macrophages in vitro, and infected cells survive for at least several months with continuing virion production,4 suggesting that these cells provide a reservoir of the virus in vivo. The macrophage occupies a central position within the immune

phoid cells can fuse with other CD4-expressing lymphoid cells form giant syncytia resulting in cellular death in vitro.10 We have found that HIV-infected macrophages fuse with uninfected CD4-expressing cells, thus providing an additional mechanism for CD4 lymphocyte depletion in vivo.14 This report addresses the ability of several proteins to inhibit this in vitro fusion process, including a monoclonal antibody directed against CD4, a recombinant protein representing the full-length extracellular to

domain of the CD4 molecule, recombinant soluble CD4 (rsCD4), and recombinant protein representing the full-length, glycosylated HIV envelope glycoprotein gpl20.


Preparation of monocytes Monocytes were isolated from the buffy coats of HIV seronegative blood donors (provided by Stanford Blood Bank, Palo Alto, CA, and Red Cross Blood Bank, South Melbourne,

Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research, Fairfield Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. 2San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA 94110.





Table 1. Neutralization of HIV-DV Infectfvity by Recombinant Soluble CD4



Supernatant p24 antigen (pglml)

Additive NIL

62960 3976 72130 4070 904100 17165

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% Inhibition 93.7 94.4 98.0

Macrophages were infected with HIV-DV at a multiplicity of approximately one, and cultured in the presence or absence of 20 aglml of rsCD4 for 10 days. HIV p24 antigen in culture supernatants was assessed by Abbott electron immunoassay.

as previously described.4 Briefly, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected by Ficoll-hypaque (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Carlton, Victoria, Australia) gradient centrifugation, washed, and purified by glass adherence in the presence of 20% fetal calf serum (Flow Laboratories, North Ryde, NSW, Australia) in calcium- and magnesium-free phosphate-buffered saline (Flow Laboratories). Adherent monocytes were gently scraped from the petri dishes using a disposable cell scraper (Costar, Cambridge, MA), washed, and suspended in RPMI1640,10% human AB 4- serum (Gibco, Glen Waverly, Victoria, Australia) 50 p.g/ml gentamicin and 2 mM glutamine (Flow Laboratories, Irvine, Scotland). Monocytes were distributed to


perfluoralkoxy (similar to Teflon) jars (Savillex, Minnetonka, MN)

at a concentration of 1 X

106 cells/ml. Media


changed weekly. HIV


Monocyte-macrophages were infected at a multiplicity of infection of approximately one as previously described4 using a stock of HIV-DV strain for all infections. This isolate infected both monocyte-macrophages and T-lymphoblastoid cells equally well. Virus stocks were prepared in the CD4-expressing T-lymphoma cell line, VB (kindly provided by Dr. J. Lifson, GeneLabs, Redwood City, CA). Stocks of HIV were stored in small volumes at -70°C, and thawed immediately prior to use (Table 1).

Quantitation of HIV infection HIV infection was quantitated by immunofluorescent staining

using HIV p24 monoclonal antibody (Olympus, Lake Success, NY); an irrelevant monoclonal antibody of same class and isotype, the mouse myeloma protein MOPC21 (Litton Bionetics, MD) served as the control. The proportion of infected cells was quantitated by flow cytometry (FACSStar Plus, Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, CA). Infection was confirmed by assaying culture supernatants for HIV p24 antigen using the

Abbott HIVAg-1 enzyme immunoassay and p24 antigen quantitation panel (Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL).

Fusion inhibition assays

Varying concentrations of monoclonal antibody directed against CD4 *S3.5, kindly provided by Dr. E. Engelman,

Stanford Blood Bank) were incubated with uninfected VB cells for 30 minutes at 37°C. These cells were then incubated with infected macrophages at a ration of 1:1, following restoration of the original concentration of anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody, at 37°C for 48 h in Labtek slide chambers. Cells were examined under phase contrast microscopy (Olympus CK2). Syncytia were scored in one of 20 low-power fields for each culture, with multinucleated giant cells being defined as having four or more nuclei contained within a common membrane. Experiments were performed in parallel in which VB cells were incubated with an irrelevant monoclonal antibody of same class and isotype prior to addition of infected macrophages. Further controls consisted of H9 cells chronically infected with HIVHTLV-HIB (HXB, kindly provided by Dr. R. Gallo) cultured with uninfected VB cells as a positive control, and uninfected macrophages incubated with uninfected VB cells as a negative control. Recombinant soluble CD4 (rsCD4) (kindly provided by Dr. R. Sweet, Smith Kline/Beecham, King of Prussia, PA) was incubated with HIV-infected macrophages in varying concentrations for 30 min at 37°C. These cells were then mixed with uninfected VB cells, the original concentration of rCD4 was restored, and experimental protocol was performed as above. Controls to which no protein was added were included. Recombinant full-length gp 120 (rgp 120) prepared in a Drosophila cell line (kindly provided by Dr. C. deBouck, Smith Kline/Beecham, King of Prussia, PA) was incubated at varying concentrations with uninfected VB cells for 30 min at 37CC. Cells were then incubated with HIV-infected macrophages, and the original concentration of rgp 120 was restored. The fusion assay was performed as outlined above. Recombinant protein


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representing the N terminal one third of HIV gpl20 (kindly HIV infection provided by Dr. C. deBouck, Smith Kline/Beecham) was HIV-infected macrophage cultures were assayed for HIV p24 included as an additional control. antigen expression by immunocytofluorography 9-14 days after infection. Cultures in which greater than 25% of macrophages Electron microscopy expressed HIV p24 were used in fusion experiments. HIV p24 expression of cultures used were in the range 26-74% Representative samples were selected for electron micros- antigen (mean 39%). copy. First, 2 x 106 cells were fixed with 2% glutaraldehyde/ 0.1 M Sorensen phosphate buffer, pH 7.3 for 2 h at 4°C. Following overnight rinsing in buffer, cells were further treated Inhibition offusion by S3.5 with 1 % osmium tetroxide in Sorensen buffer for 1 h at 4°C prior S3.5 is a monoclonal antibody directed against an epitope of to embedding in LX112 resin (Ladd Research Industries, BurlCD4 shown to be essential for fusion between HIV-infected and ington, VT). Specimens were examined using a Philips EM301 uninfected CD4-expressing lymphocytes.13 S3.5 inhibited fuelectron microscope. sion between HIV-infected macrophages and uninfected lymphoid cells in a dose-dependent fashion (Fig. 1), with 20 u-g/ml RESULTS

Purity of monocyte-macrophage cultures Using LeuM3 and LeuM5 monoclonal antibodies for immunofluorescent staining and flow cytometric analysis, as well as phagocytosis of Candida albicans, the purity of macrophage cultures was in the range 85-95%. Antibodies containing T lymphocytes (representing less than 5% of the cultures) were removed by treatment with OKT3 and complement.

% Inhibition of 100

resulting in > 99% inhibition. MOPC21, an irrelevant monoclonal antibody of same class and isotype used at the same concentration, did not inhibit fusion. No toxicity was observed with either antibody (Fig. 2).


offusion by recombinant gpllO

Full-length rgpl20 inhibited fusion in a dose-dependent man(Fig. 3), with 10 u.g/ml resulting in complete inhibition of fusion, with no effect on cell viability as assessed by Trypan blue ner

syncytltim formation









recombinant soluble CD4


FIG. 1. Inhibition of syncytium formation between HIV-infected macrophages and uninfected CD4-expressing lymphoblastoid cells by rsCD4. Controls were cultures to which no recombinant protein was added. Mean percentage inhibition is given for a minimum of four experiments.



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% inhibition oí syncytium formation


s3.5 monoclonal antibody


FIG. 2. Inhibition of syncytium formation between HIV-infected macrophages and uninfected CD4-expressing T-lymphoblastoid cells (VB) by monoclonal antibody S3.5 directed against CD4. Mean percentage inhibition for six experiments is given. Control cultures to which an irrelevant monoclonal antibody of the same class and isotype (MOPC21) was added at 20 u-g/ml showed no inhibition of fusion.

% inhibition 100



1 rgpl20




gpl20 (ug/ml)



FIG. 3. Inhibition of syncytium formation between HIV-infected macrophages and uninfected CD4-expressing T-lymphoblastoid cells (VB) by full-length recombinant gpl20 (rgpl20) and recombinant N terminal gpl20 (rgpl20-N). Controls were cultures to which no recombinant protein was added. The mean percentage inhibition for three experiments is given.



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HP •


FIG. 4.

*TS'' :*


(A) Electron micrograph depicting early fusion between an HIV-infected macrophage and lymphoblastoid cell, showing a region of loss of individual cell membranes ( x 7000). (B) At high magnification HIV can be seen budding from the macrophage surface (x 34,000). (C) The majority of retroviral particles are contained within intracytoplasmic vacuoles (x 15,000).



exclusion method. Fusion was not inhibited by a recombinant protein representing the N-terminal on third of gpl20.

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When cultures showing extensive fusion between uninfected VB cells and HIV-infected macrophages were examined by electron microscopy, fusion of cells with loss of cell membranes separating macrophages and lymphoid cells was observed. Typical retroviral particles were visualized within vesicles within the multinucleated giant cells, and, less commonly, budding from the macrophage surface (Fig. 4).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Nancy McManus, Anne Col vin, and loann Vennari; Patricia Lekas for flow cytometric analyses, and Steven DiTomaso for preparation of the manuscript. This study was supported in part by grants from Grant AI25329 to Dr. John Mills from the U.S. NIH; and Commonwealth of Australia AIDS Research Center, NH&MRC, and the Cancer Research Institute of New York (SC).

REFERENCES AE, Phelan MA, Wells MA, Vujcic LK, Epstein JS, Lane HC, Quinnan GV: Detection of human immunodeficiency virus

1. Wittek

DISCUSSION HIV-infected macrophages can fuse with uninfected CD4expressing lymphoid cells, and this fusion may provide an additional explanation for the inexorable depletion of CD4expressing T lymphocytes in vivo. The demonstration of multinucleated giant cells is unlikely to be due to a phagocytic process, as fusion of cellular membranes can be demonstrated by electron microscopy, and the process can be specifically inhibited by blocking CD4-gpl20 interactions between the two cell populations by recombinant proteins (rCD4 and rgp 120) and a monoclonal antibody directed against the region of CD4 involved in HIV binding (@3.5). This proves that the CD4 molecule and gpl 20 are essential for the fusion process between these cell populations, but does not exclude the possibility of other molecules playing a role in this process. Although multinucleated giant cell formation is commonly

encountered in HIV-infected cultures in vitro, the relevance of this phenomenon in vivo is unclear. Much evidence supports the in vivo relevance of fusion in the pathogenesis of HIV infection. Multinucleated giant cells have been reported in brains1517 and lymph nodes18 of HIV-infected individuals. In patients with HIV-related subacute encephalopathy, histochemical staining indicates that these syncytia are composed of macrophages, and the presence of HIV within these cells has been documented.19 Similar multinucleated giant cells, composed of HIV-infected macrophages, have also been demonstrated within the spinal cords of patients with myelopathy.20 Thus our observations relating to syncytium formation between HIV-infected macrophages and uninfected CD4-expressing lymphoid cells, as well as the demonstration of inhibition of multinucleated giant cell formation by recombinant CD4 and gpl20 proteins are likely to be clinically relevant. There is currently no antiretroviral agent which will eradicate HIV, and the drugs in use clinically (reverse transcriptase inhibitors) are ineffective in chronically infected cells21 and only marginally effective in patients. To improve efficacy we must develop therapy targeted toward other sites in the replicative cycle of HIV. Compounds inhibiting attachment of virus cells and cell-cell fusion such as soluble CD4 are likely to be of most benefit when combined with a compound acting later in the cycle, such as reverse transcriptase inhibitors.




plasma by



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reprint requests to:

Suzanne Crowe

Head, AIDS Research Unit

Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research

Yarra Bend Road

Fairfield, Australia 3078

Full-length recombinant CD4 and recombinant gp120 inhibit fusion between HIV infected macrophages and uninfected CD4-expressing T-lymphoblastoid cells.

Human immunodeficiency virus-(HIV) infected monocyte-macrophages may contribute to the pathogenesis of HIV-associated immune deficiency and dysfunctio...
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