Correspondence I










Follicular keratosis of the chin

To the Editor." In their article Kanzaki et al. report two cases of a peculiar disorder that they presume to be a new entity (J AM ACAD DERMATOL 1992;26:134-5). This clinical picture was reported byme, initiallyiu 1977, J and then in other communications: the Fifteenth International Congress of Dermatology in Mexico in 19772; the Seventy-eighth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dermatological Association in 19793; and in an article ha the

Journal of Dermatology.4 I suggested the term traumatic anserinefolliculosis: traumatic because it is produced by prolonged friction and pressure, anserine because of the goose skin appearance, and folliculosis because the location is essentially follicular. The article published in the Journal of Dermatology reported 11 case.s.4 From then on, many other cases have been seen by me. The localization varies; therefore the title of the article by Kanzaki et al., which limits the disease to the chin, does not appear exact. In my patients, atopy was a frequent, but not a necessary, characteristic of this dermatosis. Atopy was present in 7 of 11 cases that I reported. Dr. Kanzaki and his colleagues call attention to traumatic anserine folliculosis that may be overlooked or misdiagnosed as keratosis pilaris or follicularis.

Professor Antar Padilha-Gonqalves Professor Emeritus of Dermatology Universidade do Rio de Janeiro Run Sorocaba, 464/308 Botafogo 22271 Rio de Janeiro, R J, Brazil REFERENCES 1. Padilha-GonpalvesA. Foliculose anserina traumatica. An Bras Derrnatol 1977;51:273-4. 2. Padilha-GonpalvesA. Folliculosistraumatica anserina. Dermatology. Proceedingsof the XV International Congress of Dermatology, Mexico, Oct 16-22, 1977. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1979:827-9. 3. Padilha-Gon~alvesA. Traumatic anserine folliculosis.Program Abstracts, 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dermatological Association, April 11-13, 1979, p 33. 4. Padilha-Gon~alves S. Traumatic anserine follieulosis. J Dermatol (Tokyo) 1979;6:365-9.

Follicular keratosis of the chin

To the Editor: We have read with great interest the brief communication of Kanzaki et al. on follicular keratosis of the chin (J AM ACAD DERMATOL 1992;26:134-5). The authors mention that this phenomenon has not been described in the English language literature thus far. 1032



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We refer to a case report we published in 1985 concernhag two brothers with keratotic papular lesions on the chin. l Our attention was drawn to this phenomenon after an oral presentation of Mehta. 2 The histopathologic examination of our patients was similar to the patients of Kanzaki et al., and we believe that probably the conditions are identical. Further questioning of our patients revealed that no atopy was present in either them or their family, but the condition might have been induced by the habit of the children watching television while lying on their stomachs and rubbing their chins on the carpet. The condition cleared spontaneously. We encounter this condition frequently; our impression is that it is common.

Sarah Brenner, MD Renate Brandsen, MD Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center Tel Aviv, Israel REFERENCES 1. Brenner S, Ilie B. Familial keratotic papular lesions on the chin. Int J Dermatol 1985;5:320-l. 2. Mehta UR. Keratotie papular lesions on the chin in young females. In: Abstracts of the Joint Meeting of the 10th European Annual Meeting of the Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research and the 4th International Dermatopathology Colloquium, Berlin, June 1983:39-40.


To the Editor." I appreciate the interest in our report shown by Drs. Padilha-Gonqalves, Brenner, and Brandsen. The skin condition described by us is apparently identical to that reported by them, although our case was not familial, as reported by Brenner and Ilie. I performed a computer-assisted literature survey to find similar or identical skin conditions previously reported before the manuscript was written. Unfortunately, I could not find any. In addition, I presented the cases at a Japanese Dermatological Society meeting in Fukui in 1990. Many dermatologists knew this skin condition, but no one knew that previous cases had been reported. I regret that I could not find the reports of Drs. PadilhaGon~alves, Brenner, and Ilie. I feel relieved knowing that our patient's skin condition is not restricted to Brazilian, Jewish, or Japanese children but can be observed in children worldwide. Tamotsu KanzakL MD, PhD Department of Dermatology Nagoya City University Medical School Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku Nagoya 467, Japan

Follicular keratosis of the chin.

Correspondence I Ill Illllll Illl IIllll II Illllll Illl IIllll II Follicular keratosis of the chin To the Editor." In their article Kanzak...
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