Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 92:160–164 DOI 10.1007/s00128-013-1182-5

Fly Ash Addition Affects Microbial Biomass and Carbon Mineralization in Agricultural Soils A. K. Nayak • Anjani Kumar • R. Raja • K. S. Rao • Sangita Mohanty • Mohammad Shahid Rahul Tripathy • B. B. Panda • P. Bhattacharyya

Received: 14 August 2013 / Accepted: 16 December 2013 / Published online: 22 December 2013 Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract The microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and carbon mineralization of fly ash (FA) amended soil at (0 %, 1.25 %, 2.5 %, 5 %, 10 % and 20 % FA; v/v) was investigated under laboratory conditions for 120 days at 60 % soil water-holding capacity and 25 ± 1°C temperature. The results demonstrated that soil respiration and microbial activities were not suppressed up to 2.5 % FA amendment and these activities decreased significantly at 10 % and 20 % FA treatment with respect to control. Application of 10 % and 20 % FA treated soils showed a decreasing trend of soil MBC with time; and the decrease was significant throughout the period of incubation. The study concluded

A. K. Nayak (&)  A. Kumar  R. Raja  K. S. Rao  S. Mohanty  M. Shahid  R. Tripathy  B. B. Panda  P. Bhattacharyya Crop Production Division, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack 753 006, Orissa, India e-mail: [email protected] A. Kumar e-mail: [email protected] R. Raja e-mail: [email protected] K. S. Rao e-mail: [email protected] S. Mohanty e-mail: [email protected] M. Shahid e-mail: [email protected] R. Tripathy e-mail: [email protected] B. B. Panda e-mail: [email protected] P. Bhattacharyya e-mail: [email protected]


that application of FA up to 2.5 % can thus be safely used without affecting the soil biological activity and thereby improve nutrient cycling in agricultural soils. Keywords Fly ash  Cultivated soil  Microbial biomass carbon  Soil respiration

Fly ash, an inorganic by-product of coal combustion, emitted at coal-fired power generating stations has been reported to be a repository of nutrients which helps in reclamation of alkaline and saline soils and also improves soil properties for plant growth (Kesh et al. 2003). However, a number of environmental impacts have been identified that can result from the use of FA as a soil amendment and most of these impacts are associated with trace elements present in FA such as B, Se, Mo, As, Cd, and Ni (Page et al. 1979). Application of acidic FA up to 100 t ha-1 in an agricultural soil had no measurable impact on soil heterotrophic microbial activity as determined by cumulative CO2–C production but application of FA at levels of 400 and 700 t ha-1 inhibited CO2–C production (Arthur et al. 1984). To study microbial activities in soil, carbon mineralisation is a reliable method, which assesses the changes in carbon mineralization rate and has also been used as a criterion for assessing pollutant toxicity (Torstenssen and Stenstorm 1986). During microbial mediated biodegradation of carbonaceous compounds, the altered rate of CO2 evolution from soil indicates changes in ecosystem-level process, specifically carbon cycling. However, this effect on carbon cycling may have ramifications on the mineralization of other plant-essential elements, such as P, N, S, and K contained in the soil. Microbial biomass carbon is the fraction of soil organic matter that is sensitive to management practices and pollution (Powlson

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1994) and considered as an important attribute of soil quality (Doran and Parkin 1994). The soil MBC is used as a predictor of pollutant degradation capacity (Voos and Groffman 1997) and is commonly used to characterize the microbiological status of soil (Nannipieri et al. 1990). MBC is very sensitive to management practices such as nutrient application (Nayak et al. 2012), pesticide application (Kumar et al. 2012) and field management (Perrott et al. 1992). To consider FA as a soil amendment, especially in agricultural soils, its potential impacts on soil microbiological processes need to be evaluated as part of an effort to maintain soil fertility and crop productivity. Our aim in this paper is to study the effect of FA application on soil MBC and Cmin.

Materials and Methods Soil samples were collected in polythene bags from the surface layer (0–15 cm) from Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, India (85°550 E, 20°250 N; elevation 24 m above mean sea level). Mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures of the area are 39.2 and 22.5°C, respectively, and the mean annual temperature is 27.7°C. The area receives an annual precipitation of about 1,500 mm year-1. It qualifies for the hyperthermic temperature class as the difference between mean summer soil temperature and mean winter soil temperature is more than 5°C. The soil of the farm area has been developed from the deltaic sediments of Mahanadi River in recent times. The detail of the experimental soil and FA used in this experiment is given in Table 1. The soil sample was processed and sieved using a 2 mm sieve; 100 g of processed soil sample was taken in each Schott bottles (500 mL), and a calculated quantity of water was added to bring the soil samples to 60 % of maximum water holding capacity. They were then acclimatized at 25(± 1)°C in the dark for 1 week. FA was collected from the FA-dykes of Aarati Steel Plant, Athagarh, Odisha India. The FA was stabilized at 52°C for 24 h to kill off pathogens and dried at room temperature for 1 week. After the stabilization period, they were ground to pass through a 4 mm sieve to obtain homogeneous samples before mixing with the soil. Calculated amounts of FA @ 0.5 %, 1.25 %, 2.5 %, 5 %, 10 % and 20 %, which corresponds to 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 t ha-1, were applied to 100 g soil in individual Schott bottles. Eight sets of each FA treated soil, along with control were maintained under similar conditions and replicated thrice. The treated soils in Schott bottles were incubated at 60 % water-holding capacity and 25°C temperature. Each bottle contained 0.1 N NaOH in a vial to trap evolved CO2. The vials were removed

161 Table 1 Physico-chemical properties and heavy metal content of the soil and FA used Parameters

Fly ash


2.0–0.02 mm



0.02–0.002 mm



\0.002 mm



Particle size (%)

Bulk density (mg m-3)



pH (1:2 H20)



Electrical conductivity (dSm-1) Total N (%)

0.4 Traces

0.4 0.07

Total P (%)



Total K (%)



Total S (%)



CEC (cmol (P?)/kg)



Organic carbon (g kg-1)
























DTPA extractable metals (mg kg-1)

periodically at 0 (2 h after application), 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 days of incubation for estimation of Cmin. The CO2–C evolved from soil was measured by back titrating the unspent alkali in the vial with standard HCl for estimating potential carbon mineralization (Zibilski 1994). Three subsamples, 10 g each, were taken from the Schott bottle for estimation of MBC. One subsample of soil was fumigated using ethanol-free chloroform (25 mL) placed in a vacuum desiccators (Joergensen 1996). The chloroform was allowed to boil under reduced pressure for 2 min followed by incubation at 25°C for 24 h. The second subsample of soil was kept under similar conditions in the desiccator without chloroform (unfumigated). The third subsample of soil was kept in an oven for estimation of the moisture content. The fumigated and unfumigated soils were extracted separately with 40 mL of 0.5 (M) K2SO4 for 30 min in an oscillating shaker at 200 rpm. An aliquot of the filtered extract (8 mL) was refluxed with 0.4 (N) K2Cr2O7 (2 mL) for 30 min, and the residual dichromate was measured by back titration with 0.04 (N) ferrous ammonium sulfate using ferroin indicator (Vance et al. 1987) to estimate the extracted carbon. MBC was calculated by subtracting the extracted carbon in unfumigated samples from that measured in fumigated samples, and dividing it by a Kc value (extraction efficiency of microbial biomass carbon) of 0.45 (Vance et al. 1987).



Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 92:160–164

Soil and fly ash samples were air dried and homogenized by grinding in a stainless steel grinder and then passed through a 2 mm sieve to analyze heavy metals. Phyto available heavy metals of fly ash and soil was determined following DTPA extraction technique (Lindsay and Norvell 1978) and the metals were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Varian SpectrAA55B). A SAS statistical package was used for one-way ANOVA analysis to compare the means of the different treatments. When significant F values were detected, the differences between individual means were tested (p B 0.05) using the least significant difference (LSD) test. Duncan’s multiple range tests was used to perform the significance differences between the treatment means.

Results and Discussion An important bio-indicator of soil quality is potential microbial activity (Gregorich et al. 1994) which is efficiently measured by carbon mineralization (Gray 1990). It is an important parameter for assessing the side effects of stress like pesticide and FA (Sommerville 1987; Alef 1995) and depends not only on the intensity of the stress but also on the period of exposure of the microbes to the stress. The Cmin values recorded under the present experimentation are shown in Table 2. CO2 evolution in soils treated with 0.5 %–5 % FA, initially increased for 7 days, and then decreased up to 120 days. However, a decreasing trend of CO2 evolution was observed in soils treated with 10 %–20 % FA. Cmin in soils treated with 10 %–20 % FA was significantly lower compared to control throughout the incubation period except on day 0. Whereas, beyond 7 days of incubation period, Cmin in 0.5 %–2.5 % FA treated soils remained statistically at par with control, except at some days of incubation where the treatments showed increasing or decreasing events, which later on was at par with control.

This indicates that the FA application at 0.5 %–2.5 % is not high enough to suppress soil microbial activities. Arthur et al. (1984) reported that unweathered, acidic FA applications up to 100 t ha-1 in soil had no measurable impact on soil heterotrophic microbial activity as determined by cumulative CO2–C production, but application of FA at levels of 400 and 700 t ha-1 inhibited CO2–C production. Pati and Sahu (2004) found little or no inhibition of CO2 up to 2.5 % FA amendment but further addition of FA, significantly decreased CO2 evolution and MBC. On the other hand, significant stimulation of CO2 evolution and microbial activities were observed up to 5 % FA amendment when the soils contained earthworms. This may be due to increased microbial activity induced by substrates that are produced by the earthworms. Surridge et al. (2009) has reported that FA addition has a liming effect on the soil leading to increased mobility of calcium and hydroxide ions, ultimately causing an increase in bacterial species richness. However, FA also has a high content of toxic heavy metals (Page et al. 1979) which can hinder normal microbial metabolic processes, when added in the soil at higher concentrations. Several short-term laboratory incubation studies reported that addition of FA at higher rates to different soils inhibited microbial respiration, enzyme activity and soil nitrogen cycling processes such as nitrification and N mineralization (Cerevelli et al. 1986; Wong and Wong 1986; Pichtel 1990; Pichtel and Hayes 1990; Garau et al. 1991). MBC is the fraction of soil organic matter that is sensitive to management practices and pollution (Powlson 1994) and it is a good indicator of soil health since it regulates nutrient cycling and acts as a highly labile source of plant available nutrients (Jenkinson and Ladd 1981). MBC in 0.5 %–5 % FA treated soils increased significantly up to 30 days, thereafter decreased progressively with time (Table 3). Application of 10 % and 20 % FA treated soils showed a decreasing trend of soil MBC with time; and the decrease was significant throughout the period of

Table 2 Carbon mineralization following application of FA Treatment


Carbon mineralization (mg CO2–C kg-1 soil) at different days (d) of incubation 0 day

7 days

15 days

30 days

45 days

60 days

90 days

120 days









10 T (0.5 %)









25 T (1.25 %)









50 T (2.5 %)









100 T (5.0 %)









200 T (10 %)









400 T (20 %)









Means with the same upper case letter are not significantly different in a column on the same day; means with the same lower case letter are not significantly different in a row in same treatment


Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 92:160–164


Table 3 Microbial biomass carbon in soil following application of FA Treatment

Microbial biomass carbon (mg kg-1) in soil at different days of incubation 0 days

7 days

15 days

30 days

45 days

60 days

90 days

120 days










10 T (0.5 %)









25 T (1.25 %)









50 T (2.5 %)









100 T (5.0 %)









200 T (10 %)









400 T (20 %)









Means with the same upper case letter are not significantly different in a column in same day; means with the same lower case letter are not significantly different in a row in same treatment

incubation. MBC was significantly higher in 0.5 %–2.5 % FA treated soils as compared to control up to 60 days except initial period (0 days). However, the soil MBC was significantly lower throughout the period of incubation in 10 %–20 % FA treatment as compare to control. Rippon and Wood (1975) confirmed increased microbial population with FA addition to the release of nutrients from FA with time. However, FA also has a high content of toxic heavy metals (Page et al. 1979) which can hinder normal microbial metabolic processes when added in the soil at higher concentrations. Saffigna et al. (1989) and Wong and Wong (1986) reported that dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass in soil was highest at 10 % FA amendment, since FA amendment at moderate levels provides nutrients to the micro-organisms for carrying out various metabolic activities without any adverse effect. According to Rumpel et al. (1998), when FA was added at higher levels ([ than 10 %), a decline in microbial activity was observed, this could have been due to a decrease in substrate availability associated with accumulation of persistent lignite-derived organic carbon compounds. Schutter and Fuhrmann (2001) indicated that FA amendment may be a benefit more to fungi and gram-negative bacteria than other components of the soil microbial community.

Conclusion Soil heterotrophic microbial populations, as measured by microbial biomass carbon and carbon mineralization is minimally affected by low (upto 2.5 %) levels of FA amendment. But, at high levels of amendment (10 % or 20 %), soil microbial activity is adversely affected. However, laboratory results and field results may differ a lot, as in the field condition many factors could mask or, reduce the potential toxicity of FA. Therefore, before arriving at a general conclusion for the effect of FA on microbial

biomass and carbon mineralization activities of soil microbial populations, further detail studies under field condition would be a more realistic approach. Acknowledgments Financial support provided by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India via the project ‘‘Confidence building and facilitation of large scale use of fly ash as an ameliorant and nutrient source for enhancing rice productivity and soil health’’ for this study is greatly appreciated.

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Fly ash addition affects microbial biomass and carbon mineralization in agricultural soils.

The microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and carbon mineralization of fly ash (FA) amended soil at (0 %, 1.25 %, 2.5 %, 5 %, 10 % and 20 % FA; v/v) was inve...
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